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Refresher 2 (MDSP)

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1. What is the tensile load if a ½" x 4" x 12' allowable stress is 15000 psi and a factor of
steel tie rod experience an 80°F temperature safety of 2 is to be used.
decrease from no stress temperature? A. 7.0 mm
A. 31200 lb (C) B. 0.24 inch
B. 23000 lb (C) C. 0.54 inch
C. 42400 lb (C) D. 6.2 cm
D. 23400 lb (C)
8. Calculate the torque needed for a 2.0-m
2. Compute the force that is required to punch diameter flywheel of mass of 350 kg if it is
a 3/4 inch hole in the 3/8-inch thick plate. accelerated at 120 per minute in one second.
Note: Plate's has ultimate shearing strength A. 2.2 kN-m
of 50,000 psi. B. 36.65 kN-m
A. 45,000 lb C. 4.3 kN-m
B. 20,045 kg D. 13.2 kN-m
C. 44,500 kg
D. 34,500 lb 9. Heating to some 100°F above the
transformation range with subsequent
3. The process of forming metal parts by the cooling to below that range in still air at
use of dies after the metal is heated to its room temperature to produce uniform
plastic range. structure of the metal.
A. rolling A. Annealing
B. turning B. Normalizing
C. forging C. Hardening
D. casting D. Tempering

4. The total weight of a steel plate's size 3/4" x 10. Calculate the elongation of a steel bar
3' x 20 ft is supporting a load of 15,000 lbs if its cross-
A. 1838 kg sectional area is ½ square inch and a length
B. 1698 lbs of 10 ft.
C. 8.2 kN A. 1.2 in
D. 1.848 tons B. 0.12 ft
C. 0.304 cm
5. A manganese steel containing approximately D. 2.54 mm
0.20% carbon.
A. SAE 1320 11. If the cross-sectional areal of a column is
B. SAE 2340 144 sq ft and the compressive stress cannot
C. SAE 1230 exceed 200 lbf/ft², compute the maximum
D. SAE 4230 load that can be applied on the column.
A. 20 kips
6. The limiting stress for a threaded bolt B. 28.8 kips
material at 12-mm root diameter is 400 Mpa. C. 22 kips
Calculate the maximum load that can be D. 30 kips
safely supported by the bolt.
A. 45.2kN 12. What is the decrease in height of a steel
B. 39.6 kN member if the tensile design load is 31.14
C. 44.7 kN kN. Assume a safety factor of 5 based on an
D. 38.2 kN ultimate strength of 60,000 psi.
7. Determine the minimum mean diameter of a A. 0.9872 in.
taper pin for use to fix a lever to a shaft if it B. 21.89 mm
transmits a max torque of 700 in-lbs. The C. 0.7566 in.
shaft diameter is 50.8 mm and the material D. 0.8618 cm
bolt from turning in the wood when the nut
13. A 76.2 mm diameter shafting of SAE 1040 is tightened.
grade cold rolled, having a yield point of 50 A. U-bolt
ksi and with a 4 x 4 x 5 inches key. Compute B. Eye bolt
the minimum yield point in the key in order C. Carriage bolt
to transmit the torque of the shaft. The factor D. Stud bolt
of safety to used is 2 and Sys=0.5Sy.
A. 39.120 ksi 19. Compute the cutting speed in fpm of a
B. 42.130 ksi workpiece with 50.8 mm diameter and
C. 279.20 ksi running at 100 rpm?
D. 47.120 ksi A. 72
B. 102
14. The ability of metal to be deformed C. 62
considerably without rupture. D. 52
A. Ductility
B. Malleability 20. A steel specimen is subjected to a tensile
C. plasticity force F of 400 kips. If the poison ratio
D. elasticity is 0.29, calculate the dilatation considering
that the modulus of elasticity E, is given to
15. Calculate torsional deflection in degrees of a be 2.8 x 10(raised to 7) psi, find the
110 mm diameter shaft material that is 1.4 m dilatation if the specimen radius is 10
long subjected to a twisting moment of inches.
3x10^ 6 N-mm. A. 6.5 x 10 -5 in
A. 0.2 B. 7.65 x 10 -5 in
B. 0.36 C. 7.65 x 10 - 4 in.
C. 0.20 D. 65 in
D. 0.27
16. The specimen for material testing is a cube 21. A multiple disk clutch with maximum
with measured edges 50 mm each. When 25 permissible pressure of 320 kPa, a
Mpa pressure was applied to the sample then coefficient of friction is 0.25 and operating
change in volume was observed. Calculate force of 1.5 kN. Calculate the inside
decrease in volume if Bulk modulus of the diameter of the contact surfaces if the
material is given to be 125 GPa. outside diameter is given to be 120 mm.
A. 25 mm³ A. 92 mm
B. 15 mm³ B. 86 mm
C. 30 mm³ C. 82 mm
D. 40 mm³ D. 70 mm

17. Compute the angle required in degrees, for 22. The number of teeth per inch of pitch
the road to be slanted to prevent an diameter and which gives some indications
automobile travelling at 25 m/s from tending of the size of the gear teeth.
to slip. The radius of curvature is 200 m. A. Module
A. 21 B. diametral pitch
B. 14 C. pitch circle
C. 18 D. circular pitch
D. 16
23. A liquid bucket of height 1.2 m, half-full is
18. A type of bolt intended for use in bolting to be rotated in the vertical plane. What
wooden parts together or wood to metal. It minimum angular velocity in radian/sec is
has a short portion of shank just underneath needed to keep the liquid no spilling out if
a round head, which is designed to keep the the rotating arm is 1.2 meters?
A. 2.26 29. The total permissible variation in the size of
B. 25.6 a dimension; the difference between the
C. 3.10 limits of size.
D. 2.86 A. Allowance
B. Variance
24. The angle made by the helix of the thread (in C. tolerance
a straight thread) at the pitch diameter with a D. interface
plane perpendicular to the axis called:
A. angle of thread 30. What is the approximate load in kN on a 2.5
B. truncation cm diameter, 3.937 ft long steel shaft if its
C. lead angle maximum elongation exceeds 1 mm.
D. lead A. 85
B. 1251
25. A motor-pulley system lifts 1000 kg load to C. 103
a height of 10 m in about 15 seconds. What D. 93
is the efficiency of the system if 10-hp
motor is used to drive the pulley? 31. An elevator weighing 2000 lbs. is moving
A. 85% vertically upward with an acceleration of 3
B. 95% ft/sec². A man standing in said elevator
C. 88% weighs 180 lbs. Compute the tension in the
D. 92%
supporting cable under this condition.
26. The operation of cooling a heated piece of A. 2180 lbs
work rapidly by dipping it in water, brine or B. 10.43 kN
oil. C. 1820 lbs
A. quenching D. 2366 kg
B. normalizing
C. tempering 32. An elevator weighing 2000 lbs. is moving
D. annealing vertically upward with an acceleration of 1.5
ft/sec². Compute the work exerted against
27. A link has a load factor of 0.8 the surface the gravity if the constant frictional force of
factor of 0.8; the surface factor is 0.92 and
10 lbs exists on the elevator system as it
the endurance strength is 28 ksi. Compute
the alternating stress of the link if it is travelled a total distance of 100 ft.
subjected to a reversing load. Assume a A. 20,000 ft-lb
factor of safety of 3. B. 19,900 ft-lb
A. 8150 C. 1000 ft-lb
B. 10920 D. 201,000 ft-lb
C. 9,333
D. 7260 33. The process of checking or producing
checkers on the surface of a piece by rolling
28. Compute the speed a satellite must have to checkered depressions into the surface.
orbit the earth at an elevation of 100 km. A. knurling
Earth's radius is at 6400 km. Assume no B. breading
change of gravity with the elevation. C. hemming
A. 6320 m/s. D. embossing
B. 7120 m/s
C. 8740 m/s 34. A copper column of annular cross section
D. 7920 m/s has an outer diameter of 15 ft and is
subjected to a force of 45 kips. The
allowable compressive stress is 300 lb/f. B. 4
What should be the wall thickness? C. 3
A. 3 D. 25
B. 3.52
C. 4.59 40. A horizontal beam 16 ft long is subjected to
D. 5.03 a load of 500 lb located to its center. The
dimension of the beam is 2 x 4 inches
35. High strength steel band saw, 20 mm wide respectively, and its unit weight is 100 lb/ft.
and 0.8 mm thick runs over the pulley 600 Compute its flexural stress.
mm in diameter. Compute the minimum A. 80.62 Mpa
B. 79.5 MPa
diameter of pulleys can be used without
C.15, 677.2 lb/in2
exceeding the flexural stress of 400 MPa. D. 2,307.45 kg/sq.cm
A. 400 mm
B. 200 mm 41. Given the modulus of elasticity (E=207
C. 300 mm GPa) and Poisson's ratio (μ=0.28). Calculate
D.100 mm the modulus of elasticity(G).
A. 83.5 Gpa
36. Compute the elongation of an aluminum bar B. 81.4 Gpa
1.2 m long that is subjected to a tensile C. 80.8 Gpa
stress of 175 Mpa. Note: Modulus of D. 82.9 Gpa
Elasticity of Aluminum is 70 Gpa
42. A railroad track is laid at a temperature of
A. 4.0 mm.
10°F with gaps of 0.01 feet between the
B. 3.0 mm
ends of the rails. The rails are 33 feet long.
C. 5.2 mm
If they are prevented from buckling, what
D. 7.1 mm
stress will result from a temperature of
37. Steel balls for ball bearings are
A. 10,000 psi
manufactured by:
B. 9,450 psi
A. Turning
C. 8,530~psi
B. Casting
D. 10409 psi
C. rolling
D. cold heading
43. A tensile stress of 7000 psi is developed in
38. The power needed to lift a 6000-lb load by
the straight shank of a ½ in diameter bolt
means of a hoist is 50 hp. The lifting is done
that is used to secure two pieces of wood. If
using a cable that is wrapped around a drum
there are washers employed at both the head
rotating at 30 rpm. What is the diameter of
and nut, what is the approximate area of the
the drum?
washers considering that the allowable.
A. 40 in
bearing stress in the wood is 95 psi?
B. 28 in.
A.12.2 sq. in.
C. 37 in.
B. 14.5sq. in
D. 35 in.
C. 11.7~sq,in
D. 10.1 sq. in
39. The pitch radii of two gears A and B used to
connect two shafts are 5 inches and 25
44. Joining metal by means of high current at
inches respectively. What is the speed
low voltage. During the passage of current,
reduction factor if shaft A rotates 600 rpm
pressure by the electrodes produces a forge
and is subjected to a twisting moment of
1200 inch-pound?
A. spot welding
A. 5
B. steam welding
C. resistance welding 50. A hoist with a 120-hp engine is capable of
D. gas welding lifting a 17,000 load to a height of 25 ft in
30 seconds. Calculate the efficiency of this
45. A tensile stress of 8 ksi and a shear stress of machine.
4 ksi are induced in a brittle material whose A. 21.48%
working strength in straight tension is 10000 B. 23.44%
psi what is the maximum tensile stress? C. 35.42%
A. 6000 psi D. 40.23%
B. 4590psi
C. 9656 psi 51. A tensile stress of 6 ksi and a shear stress of
D. 5048 psi 4 ksi are induced in a brittle material whose
working strength in straight tension is 10ksi
46. A 1.0-m long shaft is being tapered at 6 mm what is the maximum tensile stress?
per meter over a length of 500 mm at one A. 6000 psi
end. Calculate the bigger diameter if the B. 11400 psi
minimum diameter is 87 mm. C. 8000 psi
A. 82 mm D. 9656 psi
B. 90 mm
C. 70 mm 52. A steel railroad rails 10 m long are laid with
D. 65 mm clearance of 3 mm at a temperature of 15
degC. Calculate at what temperature will the
47. A steel bar 24 in. in length is to withstand a rails just touch if there were no initial
tensile impact load caused by a weight of clearance?
100 lb having a velocity on impact of 140 A. 40.64°C
fpm. Find the stress in the bar if the diameter B. 23.45°C
is 1 ½ in. C. 34.56°C
A. 12 ksi D. 45.43°C
B. 11 ksi
C. 10,000 psi 53. A steel bar, initially free of stress, is held
D. 15 N between rigid supports. Calculate the stress
in the bar if the temperature drops 110
48. If the critical load for the valve push for an degreesF.
overhead valve engine is 380 lbs, calculate A. 147.85 Mpa
the steel valve engine diameter if its length B. 213.57 Mpa
is 1 ft? C. 54,350 psi
A. 1/4 in D. 25.54 ksi
B. 1/32 in
C. 1/12 in 54. A hand tool used to measure engine crank
D. 1/8 in web deflections.
A. distortion gage
49. Two masses of 100 kg are suspended by B. line center gage
wires that are five mm in diameter. One wire C. feeler gage
is of aluminum and the other is of steel. The D. deflection gage
wires are ten meters long. How much lower
will the mass held by the aluminum wire be? 55. During inspection, gaps of 0.012 ft were
A. 4.37 mm pound between the ends of the rails of the
B. 2.37 mm railroad track laid at a temperature of 15°F.
C. 4.87 mm During possible expansion the rails must be
D. 4.54 mm prevented from buckling. Compute the
resulting stress at 110 deg ˚F if the original
length of the rails is 35 ft.
A. 7350 psi B. 77 mm
B. 7720 psi C. 4.54 inch
C. 8205 psi D. 7.45 inch
D. 8228 psi
61. A 1-in. diameter circular shaft is subjected
56. A rigidly built-in cantilever has cross- to a shearing stress that is not to exceed
section of 1/2 in deep, 3/8inches wide, and is 55.143 Mpa, Calculate the maximum
loaded 1 foot from the support. Determine allowable torque.
the bending stress in the beam assuming that A. 140.50 ft-lb
a load of 8 lb is applied gradually. B. 1570 in-lb.
A. 6150 psi C. 167.65 ft-lb
B. 3245 psi D. 1430 in-lb
C. 1560 psi
D. 5430 psi 62. The process of working metals by the
application of sudden blows or by steady
57. An elevator weighing 2000 lbs. is moving pressure.
vertically upward with an acceleration of 1.5 A. Welding
ft/sec^ 2 . If there are 210,317.2 ft-lb of B. forging
work that is within the elevator system, C. extrusion
compute the distance travelled by the D. swaging
elevator considering that the friction is said
to be constant at 10 lbs. 63. An 8-in long steel has a cross-section area of
A. 2,000 ft 0.25 in.² After a load of 5 kips has been
B. 19,900 ft-lb applied the length is found to be 8.0065 in.
C. 100 ft What is the unit deformation induced?
D. 201,000 ft-lb A. 0.00081
B. 0.4100
58. A material that can wear away a substance C. 0.00041
softer than itself. D. 0.8100
A. abrasive
B. tungsten 64. What minimum distance can a truck side on
C. corrosive a horizontal asphalt road if it is travelling 25
D. alloy m/s? The coefficient of sliding friction
between asphalt and rubber tire is at 0.6, the
59. A tensile stress of 8000 psi and a shear stress weight of the truck is 8500 kg.
of 6000 psi are induced in a brittle material A. 44.9
whose working strength in straight tension is B. 58.5
10000 psi what is the maximum tensile C. 53.2
stress? D. 63.8
A. 8 000 psi
B. 11 400 psi 65. Find the pressure required to punch a hole,
C. 11 211 psi 2.0-inch diameter, through a 1/4 inch thick
D. 10 876 psi steel?
A. 40 tons
60. As short cylindrical cast-iron post supports a B. 25 tons
compressive load of 15 tons. Compressive C. 20 tons
stress is equal to 85 ksi and the factor of D. 80 tons
safety of 12. Compute the post diameter if
the slenderness ratio is to be neglected and it 66. The mass of a flywheel is 175 kg and its
is also assume that there is no buckling. radius of gyration is 380 mm. Find the
A. 59 mm
torque required to attain a speed of 500 rpm 72. A machine tool in which an abrasive wheel
from rest in 30 seconds. is used as a cutting tool to obtain a very
A. 40.46 N-m smooth finish.
B. 35.66 N-m A. Broaching Machine
C. 44.12 N-m B. Tool Grinder
D. 38.48 N-m C. Planer
D. Milling Machine
67. Height of tooth above pitch circle or the
radial distance between pitch circle and top 73. A 6 inches pulley is fastened to a 1 1/4-in
land of the tooth. shaft by a set screw. If a net tangential force
A. top root of 75 lb is applied to the surface of the
B. addendum pulley, what is the holding force when the
C. land load is steady and Factor of safety (N=3) ?
D. hunting tooth A. 2054 lbf
B. 1080 lbf
68. What load P which cause a total deformation C. 2056 lbf
of 0.036 inch of a steel rack which has a D. 1456 lbf
cross-sectional area of 4 sq. inches and a 74. A kind of gear used to transmit motion from
length of 6 ft. one shaft to another shaft at an angle to the
A. 55 kips first.
B. 40 kips A. worm gear
C. 60 kips B. helical gear
D. 50 kips C. bevel gear
D. spur gear
69. A tie-bar of rectangular section 150 mm
broad by 25 mm thick is subjected to a pull 75. A horizontal shaft of 1-in. in diameter
of 300kN applied at 5 mm off the center of rotates at 500 rpm in a sleeve-type bearing.
the thickness of the section. Calculate the The coefficient of friction is 0.15. If the
maximum stress induced at the outer skin. reaction between the shaft and the bearing is
A. 167 MPa 800 lbs, compute the horsepower lost in the
B. 175 MPa bearing.
C. 156 MPa A. 0.48
D. 176 MPa B. 0.54
C. 0.78
70. A machine tool used to machine flat D. 0.43
A. shaper 76. A circle coinciding with a tangent to the
B. Grinder bottom of the tooth spaces.
C. planer A. pitch circle.
D. Lathe B. base circle
C. root circle
71. Given the modulus of elasticity 30 x 10 D. outside circle
(raised to 6) psi (steel)and Poisson's ratio of
0.28 calculate the shear modulus of 77. A flywheel weighing 2031.75 kg has a
elasticity. radius of gyration of 3 feet. If there is a
A. 11.7 x 10 (raised to 6) psi driving torque of 800 lb-ft and a resisting
B. 10.45 x 10 (raised to 6) psi torque of 220 lb-ft, calculate the time
C. 12.45 x 10(raised to 6) psi required to increase its speed from 40 rpm to
D. 9.45 x (raised to 5 ) psi 80 rpm.
A. 10.92 s
B. 9.04 s
C. 22.5 s 83. The process of working metals by the
D. 3.45 s application of sudden blows or by a steady
78. The maximum steam pressure of 120 psi is A. Trimming
occurring in a 1-ft diameter cast iron steam B. forging
engine cylinder. Assuming a varying load C. welding
condition (with a factor of safety of 8), D. lancing
calculate the thickness of the cylinder wall if
its ultimate stress is 20 ksi. 84. A keyed sprocket deliver a torque of 778.8
A.0.36 in N-m thru the shaft of 54 mm OD. The key
B.0.29 in thickness is 1. 5875 cm and the width is 1.11
C. 13.54 mm cm. Compute the length of the same key.
D. 7.45 cm The permissible stress value of 60 MPa for
shear and 90 MPa for tension.
79. A flanged bolt coupling has ten (10) steel A. 39.12 cm.
25.4 mm diameter bolts evenly tighten B. 4.82 cm.
around a 415 mm bolt circle. Determine the C. 52.22 cm
torque capacity of the connection if the D. 4.32 cm
allowable shearing stress in the bolt is 50
MN/m2 85. A property of material which relates the
A. 59.95 KN-m lateral strains to the longitudinal strain.
B. 52.6 KN-m A. Rigidity
C. 46.15 KN-m B. Poisson's ratio
D. 43.8 KN-m C. Elasticity
D. Deflection
80. A 6.098 m steel line shaft has bending action
of pulleys. What power in hp can the shaft 86. Find the pressure required to punch a hole,
deliver at a speed of 360 rpm. Consider that 1.75-inch dimeter, through a 1/4 inch thick
the torsional deflection will not exceed 0.08 brass?
deg. per ft length. A. 28.4 tons
A. 2600 B. 35 tons
B. 1200 C. 40 tons
C. 1250 D. 22.5 tons
D. 900
87. A steel has a BHN = 300. What is its
81. A welding operation in which a non-ferrous approximate ultimate strength in ksi?
filler metal melts at a temperature below that A. 300 ksi
of the metal joined but is heated above B. 75 ksi
450°C. C. 150 ksi
A. arc welding D. 200 ksi
B. spot welding.
C. brazing 88. The maximum stress induced in a material
D. butt welding when subjected to alternating or repeated
loading without causing failure.
82. Compute the polar section modulus of a A. elastic limit
solid shaft with a diameter of 4 inches. B. rupture strength
A. 209.5 cm³ C. proportional limit
B. 205.9 cm³ D. endurance limit
C. 209.5 cm4
D. 205.9 cm4 89. Compute the diameter of a solid shaft
transmitting 75 Hp at 1800 rpm. The nature
of the load and the type of service is such D. 22.2 ft
that the allowable Ss based on pure torsion
is 6000 psi. 95. What load in N must be applied to a 25 mm
A.1 7/8” round steel bar 2.5 m long to stretch the bar
B.2 1/16” 1.3 mm?
C. 1 5/16” A. 42 000 N
D. 31/8” B. 53 000 N
C. 52 840 N
90. A coating material used to produce D. 60 000 N
galvanized iron.
A. Zirconium 96. What is the decrease in height of a steel
B. Aluminum member if the tensile design load is 7 kips?
C. zinc Note: Assume a safety factor of 5 based on
D. chromium an ultimate strength of 60 ksi.
A. 0.9872 in.
91. A hollow iron pipe to be designed as a B. 0.4322 in.
column has an outside diameter of 240 mm C. 0.7566 in
and is subjected to a force of 80 KN. Find D. 0.8618 in.
the pipe thickness if the compressive stress
is limited to 16 MPa. 97. The maximum stress to which a material can
A. 5.85 mm be subjected without a trace of any
B. 7.85 mm permanent set remaining upon a complete
C. 6.85 mm withdrawal of the stress.
D. 8.85 mm A. ultimate limit
B. endurance limit
92. A uniform beam 12 meters long is fixed at C. proportional limit
one end. It has a uniform weight of 50 kg/m D. elastic limit
along its length. A load of 20 kgs. is
suspended on the beam 8 m from the free 98. Determine the Poisson's ratio of a material
end. The moment at the fixed end is: whose modulus of elasticity is 200 GPa and
A. 1760 kg - m whose modulus of rigidity is 80 GPa.
B. 60 kg - m A. 0.33
C. 0.0 kg - m B. 0.38
D. 4800 kg – m C. 0.25
93. Ratio of pitch diameter to the number of D. 0.22
teeth 99. A body weighing 1.5 lb hangs at the end of
A. diametral pitch the spring and is slightly displaced and
B. contact ratio released. What is the approximate frequency
C. module of vibration given the spring constant of 20
D. helical overlap lb/ft.
A. 4.66 Hz
94. Two barges, one weighing 10 tons, the other B. 3.29 Hz
weighing 20 tons are connected by a cable in C. 1.45 Hz
quiet water. Initially the barges are at rest D. 3.45 Hz
100 feet apart. The cable is reeled in until 100. A machining operation whereby the tool
the barges are 50 feet apart. If the friction is reciprocates and the feed is stationary is
negligible, calculate the distance moved by called:
the 10 ton barge. A. Shaping
A. 33.3 ft B. Planning
B. 55.5 ft C. reaming
C. 44.4 ft D. turning

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