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South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (SBPDCL)

2nd Floor, Vidyut Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna – 800 021

No. 386 Patna, dated: 13.12.2019



1. South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited (SBPDCL), hereby gives notice to
all stakeholders and general public that it has filed the petition for True-up for FY
2018-19, Annual Performance Review (APR) for FY 2019-20 and determination of
Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR) for FY 2020-21 and retail supply tariff for FY
2020-21, before the Hon’ble Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission under BERC
(Multi Year Distribution Tariff) Regulations, 2015 and BERC (Multi Year Distribution
Tariff) Regulations 2018. The petition has been taken on record by the Hon’ble
Commission as Case No. 31 of 2019.

2. Abridged form of the Tariff Petition referred to at Para 1 above are indicated below:

Summary of the Tariff Petition

(Rs. Crore)
FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Now Approved Approved Revised
Approved Estimates
Sl. claimed in MYT in MYT Projections
Particulars in Review in for
No in True Order Order for
T. O dated APR for
up for FY dated dated ARR for
25.02.2019 FY
2018-19 25.02.2019 25.02.2019 FY 2020-21
1 No. of consumers 5993778 5400462 6563577 6149016 7169127 6335457
2 Connected Load (KW) 9746254 8690528 11076313 9714069 12572783 10147035
3 Sales (MU) 12536.62 10586.32 14467 12156 16312 14045
Intra-state Transmission
4 3.92% 4.61% 3.92% 3.92% 3.92% 3.92%
Loss (%)
5 Distribution loss (%) 22.00% 32.29% 15% 29.29% 15 % 20 %
Energy required at state
6 16728.34 16389 17714.93 17892 19973.83 18272
Trans. periphery (MU)
7 Capital Expenditure 3309.37 3028.35 2967.62 4522.47 1208.51 1245.92
8 Capitalisation 4642.04 1801.23 3794.09 2300 1574.49 2050
9 Power Purchase Cost 6295.63 6710 6745.25 7001 7943.06 6876
Transmission including
10 1356.37 1292.00 1149.94 1757 1661.34 2016
SLDC charges
11 REC Purchase 58.26 101 120.97 41
12 O&M expenses
i) Employee Cost 404.39 434.00 462.22 452.00 528.21 471
ii) R&M Expenses 119.56 116.00 212.62 183.00 275.57 215
iii) A&G Expenses 73.60 111.00 136.70 115.00 148.37 118
Share of holding
13 10.71 19.00 10.75 21.00 10.78 23.00
company expenses
14 Depreciation 159.90 141.00 236.05 203.00 272.41 224
Interest on loan & other
15 311.23 303.00 496.21 391.00 582.20 490
finance charges
Interest on working
16 19.47 29.00 13.66 23.00 22.91 8.00

FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Now Approved Approved Revised
Approved Estimates
Sl. claimed in MYT in MYT Projections
Particulars in Review in for
No in True Order Order for
T. O dated APR for
up for FY dated dated ARR for
25.02.2019 FY
2018-19 25.02.2019 25.02.2019 FY 2020-21
17 Return on Equity 236.71 175.00 470.59 225.00 560.43 277.00
Interest on security
18 33.62 32.00 42.58 32.00 48.74 35.00
Contingency Reserve (if
19 31.68 0.00 54.89 0.00 73.86
Deposit for RPO
20 10.00*
Total Revenue
21 9052.96 9373.00 10089.72 10504.00 12248.85 10794.00
22 Less: Non-tariff income 307.83 397.00 359.70 492 377.01 1311.00
Aggregate Revenue
23 8745.13 8977.00 9730.02 10013.00 11871.84 9483.00
Less: Revenue including
24 9273.04 7333.00 8493.00 9805.00
25 Capital Grant/subsidy 710.00
Add: Trued up revenue
26 gap of earlier year -0.18 -0.18
including carrying cost
27 -528.09 933.00 1519.00 -322.00
Add: Trued up revenue
28 933.00
gap of FY 2018-19
Revenue gap /
29 933.00
Add: Carrying cost on
30 revenue gap of FY 18- 196.00
31 Gap/(Surplus) 933.00 1519.00 808.00
* Corrected and revised to 0.00 vide additional information submitted by petitioner on 06.12.2019.

3. Tariff Rates Existing and Proposed by Discoms for Retail Sale of Electricity for
FY 2020-21
BERC Approved Tariff- FY 2019-20 Proposed Tariff- FY 2020-21 (Excluding Govt.
Sl. (Excluding Govt. Subsidy) Subsidy)
No Energ
Fixed y Unit Fixed Unit
Units Units Charg
charge Charg s charge s
Domestic Per Connection
Per Connection
Kutir Jyoti - 350 Per 0.00 kWh 425 0.00 kWh
Per Month
Unmetered Month
Per Connection Per Connection
Kutir Jyoti - 10 6.15 kWh 12 6.15 kWh
Per Month Per Month
Metered (0-50)
DS-I (Rural) - Per Connection Per Connection
500 0.00 kWh 608 0.00 kWh
Unmetered Per Month Per Month
DS-I (Rural) –
2 First 50 Units 20 Per kW Per Month 6.15 kWh 24 Per kW Per Month 6.15 kWh
51 - 100 Units 20 Per kW Per Month 6.40 kWh 24 Per kW Per Month 6.40 kWh
101 -200 Units 20 Per kW Per Month 6.70 kWh 24 Per kW Per Month 6.70 kWh
Above 200
20 Per kW Per Month 7.05 kWh 24 Per kW Per Month 7.05 kWh
DS-II (Urban-
1-100 U/Month 40 Per kW Per Month 6.15 kWh 49 Per kW Per Month 6.15 kWh
101 - 200
3 40 Per kW Per Month 6.95 kWh 49 Per kW Per Month 6.95 kWh
201 -300
40 Per kW Per Month 7.80 kWh 49 Per kW Per Month 7.80 kWh
above 300
40 Per kW Per Month 8.60 kWh 49 Per kW Per Month 8.60 kWh

BERC Approved Tariff- FY 2019-20 Proposed Tariff- FY 2020-21 (Excluding Govt.
Sl. (Excluding Govt. Subsidy) Subsidy)
No Energ
Fixed y Unit Fixed Unit
Units Units Charg
charge Charg s charge s
(Supply at 11 40 Per kW Per Month 7.50 kWh 49 Per kW Per Month 7.50 kWh
kV)- (Optional)
4 1-100 U/Month 30 Per kW Per Month 6.40 kWh 36 Per kW Per Month 6.40 kWh
101 - 200
30 Per kW Per Month 6.95 kWh 36 Per kW Per Month 6.95 kWh
above 200
30 Per kW Per Month 7.50 kWh 36 Per kW Per Month 7.50 kWh
Based) Per Connection Per Connection
100 6.40 kWh 122 6.40 kWh
Contract Per Month Per Month
5 Demand < 0.5
Demand > 0.5
First 100 Units 180 Per kW Per Month 6.40 kWh 219 Per kW Per Month 6.40 kWh
101 - 200 Units 180 Per kW Per Month 6.95 kWh 219 Per kW Per Month 6.95 kWh
Above 200
180 Per kW Per Month 7.50 kWh 219 Per kW Per Month 7.50 kWh
IAS-I (Pvt kWh
Tubewell) - 800 Per HP per month 0.00 kWh 972 Per HP per month 0.00
IAS-I (Pvt kWh
6 Tubewell) – 30 Per HP per month 5.60 kWh 36 Per HP per month 5.60
IAS-II (State kWh
Tubewell) – 200 Per HP per month 6.65 kWh 243 Per HP per month 6.65
LTIS-I Per kVA Per kVA
(Contract Per kVA Per kVA Month h
144 6.50 175 6.50
Demand < 19 Month h
(Contract Per kVA Per kVA Month h
180 6.50 219 6.50
Demand 19-74 Month h
Public Service
Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA
& Connections 315 8.05 383 8.05
8 Month h Month h
Har Ghar Nal 40 Per HP per month 6.75 kWh 49 Per HP per month 6.75 kWh
Street Light
Services SS- 50 Per kW Per Month 7.50 kWh 61 Per kW Per Month 7.50 kWh
Street Light
Services SS- 3,750 Per kW Per Month 0.00 kWh 4,556 Per kW Per Month 0.00 kWh
Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA
HTS-I (11 kV) 300 6.65 365 6.65
Month h Month h
HTS-II (33 Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA
300 6.60 365 6.60
kV) Month h Month h
HTS-III (132 Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA
10 300 6.55 365 6.55
kV) Month h Month h
HTS-IV (220 Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA
300 6.50 365 6.50
kV) Month h Month h
HTSS (33 / 11 Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA
700 4.15 851 4.15
kV) Month h Month h
Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA Per kVA
11 RTS (132 kV) 280 6.80 340 6.80
Month h Month h

4. Changes proposed by Discoms in Monthly Meter Rent

Sl. Particulars Existing Proposed
No Rent (Rs. / Rent (Rs.
Month) / Month)

Sl. Particulars Existing Proposed
No Rent (Rs. / Rent (Rs.
Month) / Month)
1 Kutir Jyoti (KJ) 20 10
11 KV HTS – I
2 Meter at low voltage 500 1900
Meter at 11 KV 1000 1900
Smart / Prepaid Programmable Meters (GPRS BASED)
3 Single Phase 50 90
Three Phase 100 120
LT Prepaid Meters
4 Single Phase 50 80
Three Phase 100 110

5. Changes Proposed by Discoms in Terms & Conditions of LT & HT Tariff

Delayed payment Surcharge:
Proposed to be increased to 1.5 percent per month or part thereof from existing 1.25 percent
or part thereof,

Contract Demand for billing under Domestic Tariff

 The contract demand of those consumers for the monthly billing purpose in the premises
who have opted for demand based tariff, the recorded demand or the contract demand,
whichever is higher, shall be considered.

 Subject to the minimum load of 1 kW, the fraction of the load below 500 W shall be
rounded to its nearest lower level of whole number and 500 W and above shall be
rounded to its nearest higher level of whole number, as specified in the Bihar Electricity
Supply Code, 2007.

Exceeding Contract Demand for HT Tariff

 If the actual recorded demand of a consumer exceeds 110% consecutively for three
months Licensee may issue a notice and inform the consumer to get additional contract
demand sanctioned or to limit their drawal as per their contract. Otherwise Licensee will
take action as per provisions of the Act/Rules/Regulations.

 In case the consumer do not respond to the notice within 30 days of issue of notice, to
get additional demand sanctioned or limit their drawal as per the contract, the Distribution
Licensee may revise and enhance the contracted demand of the consumer to the extent of
highest demand in the past three months of the violation.

6. Copies of the Tariff Petition and subsequent filing of additional information referred to
at para-1 above are available in the office of the Chief Engineer (Commercial),

SBPDCL, 2nd Floor, Vidyut Bhawan-I, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Patna and also in the
offices of all Electric Supply Areas viz PESU Area Patna, Magadh Electric Supply
Area Gaya, Bhagalpur Electric Supply Area Bhagalpur, Central electric Supply Area
Patna and at offices of all Electric Supply Circles. Copy of the complete Tariff
Petition is available at official website of the petitioner i.e www.sbpdcl.in and at
Commission’s website www.berc.co.in.

7. Interested persons may obtain copy of the Tariff Petition from either of the
offices referred at Para 6 above on payment of Rs 500 for each copy of complete
petition. However to inspect and peruse the said Tariff Petition and take note thereof
during office hours at any of the said offices person need not pay any charge.

8. Objections / Suggestions, if any, on the said Tariff Petition with supporting

materials may be filed separately with the Secretary, Bihar Electricity Regulatory
Commission, Ground Floor, Vidyut Bhawan – II, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg,
Patna – 800021 in person or through registered post as so to reach him on or
before 15.01.2020. A copy of the same shall be served on to the Chief Engineer

(Commercial), SBPDCL, 2nd Floor, Vidyut Bhawan-I, Patna – 800021 and

proof of serving the same must be enclosed with the filing made to the Secretary, Bihar
Electricity Regulatory Commission.
9. The Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission shall conduct public hearings on the
dates and places as per schedule below:

Place Date Time Venue
1. Bhagalpur 12.02.2020 11.00 Meeting hall of Divisional
A.M Commissioner, Bhagalpur
2. Gaya 18.01.2020 11.00 Meeting Hall of Collectorate, Gaya
3. Patna 14.02.2020 10.30 Commission's Court Room,
A.M Vidyut Bhawan-II, Bailey Road, Patna

Place: Patna for South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited

Date: 13.12.2019 Chief Engineer (Commercial)
2nd Floor, Vidyut Bhawan-I, Patna – 800 021

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