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Studuino Tutorial Icon

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Icon Programming Environment

[LEDs, Buzzers, Sensors, and Motors]
Published 2014/11/01
Revised 2018/06/28
Version History

Date Content
2016/11/01 First version
2017/01/16 Updated for new Studuino website
2017/04/14 Changed access guide based on new Studuino website
2018/02/01 Revised screenshots for tablet-friendly GUI
2018/06/28 Updated description of Buzzer values

1. Getting Started 1
2. Setup 1
2.1. Installing Studuino Software 1
2.2. Connecting Parts 2
3. Lighting Up LEDs 5
3.1. Lighting Up One LED 5
3.2. Flashing Four LEDs in Order 8
3.3. Using Repeats 11
4. Playing a Buzzer 12
4.1. Playing a Buzzer 12
4.2. Making a Melody 14
5. Using Conditions and Submenus 18
5.1. Using Push-buttons 18
5.2. Using Submenus 22
5.3. Using Touch Sensors 25
5.4. Using Light Sensors 27
5.5. Using Sound Sensors 32
5.6. Using IR Photoreflectors 35
5.7. Using Accelerometers 39
6. Using DC Motors 43
6.1. Getting a DC Motor Moving 43
6.2. Making a Twin-motor Car 45
6.3. DC Motor Calibration 48
7. Using Servomotors 51
7.1. Calibrating Servomotor Angles 51
7.2. Creating a Robotic Arm that Uses Three Servomotors 55

1. Getting Started
This manual explains how to use the following electronic parts in the Icon Programming Environment:

LEDs, Buzzers, Push-button, Light Sensors, IR Photoreflectors, Touch Sensors,

Sound Sensors, Accelerometers, DC Motors, and Servomotors

The information in this manual is subject to revision at any time.

2. Setup
2.1. Installing Studuino Software
Follow the steps below to download the instruction manuals
you’ll need to install your Studuino software.

1) Go to the Studuino website at http://www.artec-kk.co.jp/studuino/en/

2) Mouse over Software and click Studuino.
3) Click the Installing Studuino Software link to download the manual.

2.2. Connecting Parts
① Connecting Sensors, LEDs, and Buzzers
The pictures below show how to plug sensor connecting cables into your Sensors, Buzzers, and
LEDs in order to connect them to your Studuino.
★ Every sensor uses a three-wire cable except for the Accelerometer, which uses a four-wire cable.

The gray wires of your sensor connecting

cables should face towards the center of
the board.

A4 A3 A2 A1
A4 A3 A2 A1

The gray wire should be at the top.

★ Sound Sensors, Light Sensors, and IR Photoreflectors connect to A0 through A7.

★ Touch Sensors, LEDs, and Buzzers connect to A0 through A5.
★ Accelerometers use both A4 and A5 at the same time.
★ Push-buttons A0-A3 can’t be used when a sensor is connected to A0-A3.

Connecting DC Motors
Up to two DC Motors can be connected using connectors M1 and M2.
★ DC Motor connectors can only connect one way.



★ DC Motor connector M1 can't be used at the same time as Servomotor connectors D2 and D4.
★ DC Motor connector M2 can't be used at the same time as Servomotor connectors D7 and D8.

③ Connecting Servomotors
Up to eight Servomotors can be connected to the Servomotor connectors.


The gray wires of your Servomotor cables

should face towards the center of the board.

★ DC Motor connector M1 can't be used at the same time as Servomotor connectors D2 and D4.
★ DC Motor connector M2 can't be used at the same time as Servomotor connectors D7 and D8.

④ Connecting a Battery Box
Plug your Battery Box into the POWER connector.
Sensors, LEDs, Buzzers, and Push-buttons can run on a USB connection, but DC Motors and
Servomotors require power from the Battery Box. You’ll also need a Battery Box in order to
power devices when the USB cable is disconnected.


3. Lighting Up LEDs
3.1. Lighting Up One LED
① Connect an LED to a Sensor/LED/Buzzer connector on your Studuino.
Use connector A0 for the LED.



Make sure the cables are inserted
correctly! The gray wire should be at the

② Set your ports.

Select Edit from the menu, then select Port Settings from the pull down menu to open the
setting dialog box.

Click Click

First, uncheck all the boxes. Then check A0 under Sensor/LED/Buzzer and select LED from the

③ Place an LED Icon.

Drag and drop an LED Icon from the Icon Palette into the first Operation Icon box

in the Program Field.

LED Icon
Drag and drop

Icon Palette

Program Field

Operation Icon

④ Turn the LED switch on.

Click the LED Icon you've just placed. Select ON in the Attribute Field at the

A misplaced icon can be deleted by right-clicking on it and choosing Delete from the context

Deleting Icons
Right click



⑤ Transfer the program
Use a USB cable to connect your Studuino to your PC and click the button to

transfer your program.

The transfer will take a few seconds.
The window you see here will
disappear once it’s finished.


★ Don't disconnect the USB

cable during the transfer!
This can cause the software to

★ See 6. Troubleshooting in the Studuino Programming Environment Manual if you're

having trouble transferring your program.

⑥ Checking the Results

After the data finishes transferring, the LED on the board will turn on automatically.

While the USB cable is connected, You can also power your Studuino
power for the LED is supplied by the PC. using the Battery Box.

3.2. Flashing Four LEDs in Order
① Connect four LEDs to Sensor/LED/Buzzer connectors on your Studuino.
Use connectors A0, A1, A2, and A3 for the LEDs.


LED x 4

A0 A1 A2 A3 Make sure the cables are inserted

correctly! The gray wire should be at
the top.

② Set your ports.

Choose LED for A0, A1, A2, and A3 under Port Settings.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

③ Place an LED Icon.

Place LED Icons in Operation Icon boxes 1 through 8 as shown below.

See ‎3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to place icons.

★ Drag and drop icons you've placed to copy them.

④ Set up the LED Icons as shown below.

NO Switch Connector

1 ON A0

2 OFF A0

3 ON A1

4 OFF A1

5 ON A2

6 OFF A2

7 ON A3

8 OFF A3

The LEDs will not turn on if the program shown above is transferred.
Processes 1 through 8 are run almost instantly, meaning you can’t see your LEDs turn on.

⑤ Insert a Wait Icon.

Insert a Wait Icon between each LED Icon. Use the Wait Icons to make your LEDs stay on
To create an empty Operation Icon box, right-click on an Operation Icon and select Add a column from the

context menu.

Right click


Place a Wait Icon in the new box and set the duration.

Drag and drop

Repeat this process to add a Wait Icon

after each ON LED Icon.


⑥ Now Transfer your program again. Your LEDs should light up in order!

This program makes four LEDs turn on and off in order.

To repeat the program, press the RESET button.

RESET button

3.3. Using Repeats
We’re going to use Repeats and the program from the previous section to make your four
LEDs flash in a loop.
① Place a Start Repeat Icon in the first Repeat Icon box.

Drag and drop

Repeat Icon boxes

② Place an End Repeat Icon in the last box.

A Repeat Settings dialog box appears when you place an End Repeat Icon. The number
of repeats determines how many times the LEDs will turn on.

A misplaced End Repeat Icon can

be deleted by right-clicking on it and
Drag and drop selecting Delete from the context


③ Transfer your program and the LEDs will turn on according to the number
of Repeats that you set.

To clear any program you've created,

select Edit from the menu then click on
Reset Menu.
★ Port Settings will not be reset.

4. Playing a Buzzer
4.1. Playing a Buzzer
① Connect a Buzzer to a Sensor/LED/Buzzer connector on your Studuino.
Use connector A0 for the Buzzer.


Buzzer A0 Make sure the cables are inserted

correctly! The gray wire should be
at the top.

② Set your ports.

Choose Buzzer for A0 under Port Settings.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

③ Place a Buzzer Icon.

Place a Buzzer Icon in the first blank Operation Icon box as shown below.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to place icons.

④ Choose a note.
Choose a note ( ★ ) and how long it plays.



Octave Choose duration

★ Notes in solfège (Do-Re-Mi) correspond to the following standard (C-D-E) notes:

㻯㻏 㻰 㻏 㻲㻏 㻳㻏 㻭㻏
㻰㼛㻏 㻹㼕㻏
䘍 㻲㼍㻏 㻿㼛㻏 㼀㼕㻏

㻯 㻰 㻱 㻲 㻳 㻭 㻮
㻰㼛 㻾㼑 㻹㼕 㻲㼍 㻿㼛㻛㻿㼛㼘 㻸㼍 㼀㼕

⑤ Now transfer your program and see if your Buzzer plays.

See 3.1. Lighting Up One LED to learn how to transfer a program.
After transferring, this program plays a note once for the duration you set.
To repeat the note, press the RESET button.

RESET button

4.2. Making a Melody
Now we're going to create a melody while checking the pitch and duration of each note.

① Follow the same steps you used in the last section, but use Melody Icons instead of a
Buzzer Icon.
Place two Melody Icons in a row in the Operation Icon boxes.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to place icons.

② Choose your notes

Choose octaves and notes (or rests), then click the Add button to add them to the list.



Click Click

To delete a programmed note, click the note to select it and then click the Delete button.


Example: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Each Melody Icon can hold up to eight notes.

1 2

③ Make sure the USB cable is connected before clicking the Test Mode button.


You’re in Test Mode once the

message below disappears
and the Transfer button turns gray.

Test Mode

You can use Test Mode to hear and adjust your melody in real time.
★ Don't disconnect the USB cable while in Test Mode! This can cause the software to crash.

④ Click on a Melody Icon to hear the melody you’ve made.


Select a tempo of 90, 120, or 150

⑤ Click the Test Mode button again to close Test Mode and transfer your program.

Click here to
transfer your
program and play
the melody.

This program plays a set melody once after it’s been transferred. To repeat the melody,
press the RESET button.

RESET button

5. Using Conditions and Submenus
5.1. Using Push-buttons
Here we’ll use the Push-buttons on your Studuino to create a program that plays a melody and
lights up your LEDs.
① Connect a Buzzer and an LED to the Sensor/LED/Buzzer connectors on your Studuino.
Connect the LED to A4 and the Buzzer to A5.

Buzzer Black

Make sure the cables are inserted

correctly! The gray wire should be at
A5 the top.

② Set your ports.

Choose LED for A4 and Buzzer for A5 under Port Settings.
Tick boxes A0-A3 under Buttons.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

③ Place two LED Icons and a Melody Icon.
See ‎3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to place icons.

④ Use the steps from 3.1. Lighting Up One LED and 4.2. Making a Melody to set each
icon's attributes.

1. LED → ON
2. Play melody
3. LED → OFF

⑤ Place a Single Condition Icon in the Condition boxes under each icon.

Drag and drop

⑥ Set each Single Condition Icon.

1. Button 1 (A0) → ON
2. Button 2 (A1) → ON
3. Button 3 (A2) → ON

Drag from yellow to
gray to change from ON
to OFF and vice versa.


⑦ Use and Repeat Icons to make your program loop steps 1 to 3 indefinitely.
See 3.3 Using Repeats to learn how to use Repeat Icons.

Set the number of

Repeats to Repeat

⑧ Now transfer your program and see how it works.

Press A1 to play the melody.

Press A0 to turn the LED on.

Press A2 to turn the LED off.

5.2. Using Submenus
Here we’ll use Submenus and Push-buttons to create a program that makes the LED blink while a
melody plays.
① You’ll need to add Submenu and Single Condition Icons to your program from 5.1.

Drag and drop

Drag and drop

Select A3 Button4
Select ON

② Move the End Repeat Icon to the fourth space.

See 3.3 Using Repeats to learn how to use Repeat Icons.

Set the number of

Repeats to Repeat

③ Click the Submenu 1 tab to show the Submenu.


④ As shown below, place and set icons in the Operation Icon boxes.

1. LED

2. Buzzer

3. Wait

4. LED

5. Buzzer

6. Wait

⑤ Now transfer your program and see how it works.

Hold down A3 and a melody

will play in time with the
blinking LED.

Dual-condition Icons

Placing a Dual-condition Icon allows you to set two conditions for a sensor.

AND: The action will run when both conditions are satisfied.
OR: The action will run when either of the two conditions is satisfied.

5.3. Using Touch Sensors
Now we’re going to make a program that causes the LED to turn on when you press the Touch
① Connect an LED and a Touch Sensor to the Sensor/LED/Buzzer connectors on your
Studuino board.
Use A4 for the LED and A5 for the Touch Sensor.

LED A4 Gray

Make sure the cables are inserted

A5 correctly! The gray wire should be at the
Touch Sensor

② Set your ports.

Choose LED for A4 and Touch Sensor for A5 under Port Settings.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

③ Place LED Icons in the Operation boxes and Single Condition Icons in the

Condition boxes. Set them as shown below.

④ Use Repeat Icons to loop steps 1-2.

See 3.3 Using Repeats to learn how to use Repeat Icons.

Set the number of

repeats to Repeat

⑤ Now transfer your program and see how it works.

The LED will keep flashing as long as the Touch Sensor is pressed.

5.4. Using Light Sensors
Here we’ll use a Light Sensor to create a program that makes the LED turn on when it gets dark.
① Connect an LED and a Light Sensor to the Sensor/Buzzer/LED connectors on your
Studuino board.
Connect the LED to A4 and the Light Sensor to A5.


Light Sensor Make sure the cables are inserted
correctly! The gray wire should be
at the top.

② Set your ports.

Choose LED for A4 and Light Sensor for A5 under Port Settings.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

③ Use the Sensor Viewer to check your sensor’s values.
Choose Run from the menu, then Sensor Viewer. The Sensor Viewer will appear.
Make sure your Studuino is connected to your PC.


It will take a few seconds to open the Sensor Viewer. Click

Sensor Viewer
Check and see how the values of your Light Sensor change depending on the amount
of light.

Shaded by a hand
Under a fluorescent light

Light Sensor value

④ Close the Sensor Viewer once you’ve checked your sensor’s values.


⑤ Place LED Icons in the Operation boxes and Single Condition Icons in the
Condition boxes. Set them as shown below.

⑥ Set a range for your Light Sensor.
Range Setting Description (for a set value)

= The values are equal

< Less than the value

> Greater than the value

|← →| Within the specified range

←||→ Outside the specified range

In the example below, the condition is satisfied when it grows darker and the sensor value
falls below 3.

⑦ Add a condition that turns the LED off when more light is present.

⑧ Use Repeat Icons to loop steps 1-2.
See 3.3 Using Repeats to learn how to use Repeat Icons.

Set the number of Repeats

to Repeat indefinitely

⑨ Now transfer your program and see how it works.

Under a fluorescent light Shaded by a hand

★ Try changing your conditions if your program isn’t working properly!

5.5. Using Sound Sensors
Now we'll make a program that turns on different numbers of LEDs in response to the volume of
a sound.
① Connect four LEDs and a Sound Sensor to the Sensor/Buzzer/LED connectors on your
Connect LEDs to A0-A3 and the Sound Sensor to A4.

LED x 4
A0 A1 A2 A3

Make sure the cables are inserted

correctly! The gray wire should be
at the top.
Sound Sensor

② Set your ports.

Choose LED for A0-A3 and Sound Sensor for A4 under Port Settings
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

③ Open the Sensor Viewer to see your Sound Sensor’s values.
See 5.4 Using Light Sensors to learn how to use the Sensor Viewer.
Check and see how your Sound Sensor’s values change with the volume of the sound.

When it's quiet When the sensor detects sound

Sound Sensor value

④ As shown below, place LED and Single Condition Icons in

their corresponding spaces. After placing the icons, set their attributes.

1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8

⑤ Use Repeat Icons to loop steps 1-8.
See 3.3 Using Repeats to learn how to use Repeat Icons.

Set the number of Repeats

⑥ Transfer the program and check to see if it works. to Repeat indefinitely

The number of LEDs that light up will change depending on the

volume detected by your Sound Sensor.

Quiet ← → Loud

5.6. Using IR Photoreflectors
Now we'll make a program that uses an IR Photoreflector to change the notes your Buzzer plays.
① Connect a Buzzer and an IR Photoreflector to Sensor/LED/Buzzer connectors on your
Connect the Buzzer to A0 and the IR Photoreflector to A1.


Buzzer Black

A1 Make sure the cables are inserted

IR Photoreflector correctly! The gray wire should be at
the top.

② Set your ports.

Choose Buzzer for A0 and IR Photoreflector for A1 under Port Settings.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

③ Open the Sensor Viewer to see your IR Photoreflector’s values.
See 5.4 Using Light Sensors to learn how to use the Sensor Viewer.
Notice how the sensor value changes as the distance between the object and the
IR Photoreflector varies.
Object is near the sensor
Object is far from the sensor

IR Photoreflector

What’s an IR Photoreflector?
An IR Photoreflector works by emitting invisible infrared rays. After hitting an object, the rays are
reflected back toward the source. The sensor then detects the intensity of the reflected rays. More
reflective colors, such as white, cause the sensor value to increase more easily. However, the value
will decrease when an object is too close.
(The sensor will reach its maximum value when placed approximately 6 mm away from an object.)

④ As shown below, place Buzzer and Single Condition Icons in their
corresponding spaces and set their attributes.

⑤ Use Repeat Icons to loop steps 1-8.
See 3.3 Using Repeats to learn how to use Repeat Icons.

Set the number of

Repeats to Repeat

⑥ Now transfer the program to see how it works.


Block is farther → Lower note

Block is closer → Higher note

IR Photoreflector

5.7. Using Accelerometers
Here we’ll make a program that uses light and sound to tell you how far you’ve tilted your
① Connect three LEDs, the Sound Sensor, and the Accelerometer to the Sensor/LED/
Buzzer connectors on your Studuino.
Connect LEDs to A0-A2, the Buzzer to A3, and the Accelerometer to A4-A5.

A0 A1 A2 Black

LED x 3

A3 Make sure the cables are inserted

correctly! The gray wire should be at
the top.

The Accelerometer requires connectors
A4 and A5 because it has four wires.


② Set your ports.

Choose LED for A0-A2, Buzzer for A3, and Accelerometer for A4-A5 under Port Settings.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

③ Open the Sensor Viewer to see the Accelerometer values.
See 5.4 Using Light Sensors to learn how to use the Sensor Viewer.
Set your Accelerometer down at different angles and you’ll see its values change as shown below.

What’s an Accelerometer?
An Accelerometer works by detecting acceleration along its X, Y and Z axes and calculating how
its speed changes over time.


The reason your Accelerometer will show non-zero values even when it’s still is because it’s
detecting something called gravitational acceleration. This property lets it tell how it’s tilted
relative to the surface of the earth.
★ Gravitational acceleration always works in the direction of gravitational force.

④ As shown below, place icons in their corresponding spaces. After placing
the icons, set their attributes.

Look below to see what

2 you’ll need to put here!

Look below to see what

3 you’ll need to put here!

⑤ Use Repeat Icons to loop steps 1-6.
See 3.3 Using Repeats to learn how to use Repeat Icons.

Set the number of

Repeats to Repeat

⑥ Now transfer your program and see how it works.

Add your LEDs, Buzzer, and Accelerometer to the Studuino mount as shown below.


★ Plug it in
right-side up!


The left-hand LED will Tilt it to the right and the Tilt it even more and the right
blink when it’s level. middle LED will blink. LED will blink!

6. Using DC Motors
6.1. Getting a DC Motor Moving
① Plug your DC Motors into your Studuino.
Use connector M1 for the DC Motor.

DC Motor

② Set your ports.

Check DC Motor box M1 under Port Settings.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

③ As shown below, place a DC Motor Icon in the Operation Icon boxes.

Drag and drop

④ Now set your DC Motor.

Set which connector the DC Motor is Set the rotation time in 0.1 second
using. increments (up to 25.5 seconds).

This tells it which direction to Choose from 10 levels of

rotate in. Choose whether your motor
speed for your DC Motor.
brakes or coasts to a stop.

Open up Test Mode when making settings for your DC Motor in order to see how it moves in
real time.
★ See 4.2 Making a Melody to learn more about Test Mode.
★ Make sure your Battery Box is turned on before you check your DC Motor. Your USB cable
doesn’t supply enough power to run motors.

6.2. Making a Twin-motor Car

① Follow the instructions below to assemble your car:

(1) Attach wheels to the DC Motors as shown below.

★ Make a symmetrical pair.

(2) Attach both DC Motors to the bottom of the Studuino mount.

(3) Use blocks to make the rear wheel

(4) Now plug your DC Motors and Battery Box into your Studuino.

M1: Right DC Motor

M2: Left DC Motor

POWER: Battery Box

(5) Secure the Battery Box to the Studuino mount.


② Set your ports.
Check DC Motor boxes M1 and M2 under Port Settings.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

③ Place Motion Icons and open up Test Mode to see how they work.
★ See 3.2 Making a Melody to learn more about Test Mode.
★ Make sure your Battery Box is turned on before you check your DC Motor. Your USB cable
doesn’t supply enough power to run motors.

Motion Icons

Forward Backward
Both (right and left) motors rotate forward Both (right and left) motors rotate backwards

Left turn (F) Left turn (B)

Only the right motor rotates forward Only the right motor rotates backwards

Right turn (F) Right turn (B)

Only the left motor rotates forward Only the left motor rotates backwards

• The right motor turns counterclockwise and the left motor clockwise to rotate right
• The right motor turns clockwise and the left motor counterclockwise to rotate left

④ Select and place Motion Icons to create a program that makes your car reach a goal.

Example: A program that makes the car travel to three specified locations in order.

Programming Tips:
Before transferring the program, use Test Mode to check the proper time, speed, distance,
and angle for each Motion Icon.


⑤ Now transfer your program and see if your car works!

Pressing the RESET button will make the program start over from the beginning.

RESET Button

★ Your car may run differently depending on the type of floor and the strength of your batteries.

6.3. DC Motor Calibration
Every DC Motor is different and each one may rotate at different speeds. If you make a car using
two DC Motors and it veers to the left or right when moving forward, you can fix this issue by
calibrating your DC Motors.

① Plug your DC Motors into your Studuino.

Line up your DC Motors side-by-side to compare how fast each one rotates.

② Set your ports.

Check DC Motor boxes M1 and M2 under Port Settings.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

③ Click Edit in the Menu bar and choose Motor Calibration.

Make sure your Studuino is connected to your PC.


Choose Motor Calibration and you’ll see the window.

Use the DC Motor section at the bottom as shown below.

④ Click the Rotate button and your motors will rotate.

. Click the button to make both of your

motors rotate at maximum speed.


⑤ Use the sliders to adjust the speed of your motors.

. Use the arrows to adjust the faster motor

until both motors are rotating at the
same speed.
Click Stop once you're finished to stop

Use the arrows to adjust the speed

⑥ Click OK to close the dialog box.

. Click OK to apply your new settings.


7. Using Servomotors
7.1. Calibrating Servomotor Angles
Differences between each Servomotor can cause them to have different angles at the same
setting. You’ll need to calibrate your Servomotors in order to make up for this difference.
① Adjusting the Driveshaft Angle
Before you add your Servomotors to your car, using the following method to check if your
driveshaft is connected properly:

Try turning the driveshaft left or right. If the angles are too far off from the default
position, this means that the block portion of the driveshaft has slipped.



Default Position

To prevent the inner gears from getting damaged, the block part is made to turn
freely when a large force is applied to the drive shaft.
Turn the block part by hand in the opposite direction until the drive shaft clicks into
the proper position.

★ Don’t slip your motor on purpose!

This can damage the Servomotor.

★ You can fix small deviations using the

software’s Motor Calibration feature.

② Connect a Servomotor to the Servomotor connector on your Studuino.
We’ll use connector D9 here.
★ Connect the Battery Box, too!

Make sure the cables are inserted correctly! The
gray wire should be toward the center of the

③ Set your ports.

Check Servomotor box D9 under Port Settings.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

④ As shown below, place Servomotor Icon in the Operation Icon Box.

Drag and drop

⑤ Click Edit in the Menu bar and choose Motor Calibration.
Make sure your Studuino is connected to your PC.


Open Motor Calibration and all of your connected Servomotors will be set to 90 degrees.
It will also open the Test Mode window.
★ Connect your Battery Box to your Studuino and turn it on.

The drive shaft and body

should be aligned when at a
90° angle

⑥ This screen is used to fix any Servomotor angles which are not exactly 90°. Enter offset
values until you reach the correct angle.

This motor needs calibration

because the drive shaft and
body aren’t aligned


★ You’ll have to recalibrate your Servomotor if you want use it with a new connector.
You can keep track of any Servomotors you’ve already calibrated by applying a sticker for
that connector.

7.2. Creating a Robotic Arm that Uses Three Servomotors
① Follow the steps from 7.1 Calibrating Servomotor Angles to calibrate your
Servomotors first.
★ You’ll need to use Servomotor connectors D9, D10, and D11.
② Follow the instructions below to assemble your robot:

Part 1

Part 2

★ Add these to Part 1.



Part 3


Building the Arm

(1) Put together parts 1-3 as shown.

Part 2

Part 1
Part 3

(2) Add your Battery Box to your Studuino and plug it into the POWER connector.


(3) Add your arm and plug your Servomotors into the connectors shown.




Make sure it's facing the correct way!

The gray wire should be on the inside.

③ Set your ports.
Check Servomotor boxes D9, D10, and D11 as well as Button boxes A0-A3.
See 3.1 Lighting Up One LED to learn how to open Port Settings.

④ Place and give your icons the settings shown below.

Set the number of Repeats to Repeat indefinitely


⑤ Now transfer the program to see how it works.

A1: Arm bends down

A3: Arm bends A0: Arm bends

to the left to the right

A2: Arm opens

087448 Studuino Icon Programming Environment Guide K0618


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