10 Cbse Question 06 Nov
10 Cbse Question 06 Nov
10 Cbse Question 06 Nov
1. A wire of length l, made of material resistivity ρ is cut into two equal parts. The resistivity of the
two parts are equal to
A) 2ρ
B) ρ2
C) ρ
D) 4ρ
2. A battery of 10V carries 20000 C of charge through a resistance of 20 Ω. The work done in 10
second is
A) 2 x 103 J
B) 2 x 105 J
C) 2 x 104 J
D) 2 x 102 J
3. A boy records that 4000 J of work is required to transfer 10 C of charge between two points of a
resistor of 50 Ω. The current passing through it is
A) 2A
B) 4A
C) 8A
D) 16A
4. A fuse wire repeatedly gets burnt when used with a good heater. It is advised to use a fuse wire of
A) More length
B) More radius
C) Less length
D) Less radius
5. A coil in the heater consumes power P on passing current. If it is cut into halves and joined in
parallel, it will consume power
A) P
B) P2
C) 2P
D) 4P
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Q.2 Two statements are given-one labeled Assertion (A) and the other labeled Reason (R). Select the
correct answer to these questions from the codes (a),(b),(c) and (d) as given below.
(5 marks; 1 mark each)
a) Both A and R are true, and R is correct explanation of the assertion.
b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
c) A is true, but R is false.
d) A is false, but R is true
6) Assertion: Heater wire must have high resistance and high melting point.
Reason: If resistance is high, the electric conductivity will be less.
7) Assertion: The connecting wires are made of copper.
Reason: The electrical conductive of copper is high.
8) Assertion: When a wire is stretched to three times of its length, its resistance become 9 times.
Reason: Resistance is directly proportional to length of wire.
9) Assertion: The 200W bulbs glows with more brightness than 100W bulbs
Reason : A 100W bulb has more resistance than a 200W bulb.
10) Assertion: Bending a wire does not affect electrical resistance.
Reason : Resistance of a wire is proportional to resistivity of material.