Bte2601 Assignment 04
Bte2601 Assignment 04
Bte2601 Assignment 04
Finally, project-based learning prepares students for the real world by simulating
real-world scenarios and challenges. It helps students develop important career
skills like research, problem-solving, and communication, which are crucial for
success in their future endeavors.
1.3) An entrepreneur refers to someone who creates and operates their own
business venture with the aim of generating profit. They take financial risks to
build, scale, and grow a business idea. An entrepreneurial person, on the other
hand, may not necessarily start their own business, but they possess the traits
and characteristics of an entrepreneur such as creativity, innovation, risk-taking,
resilience, and adaptability. They have a mindset of constantly seeking out new
opportunities and solutions to problems and can apply these skills in various
settings such as corporate or non-profit organizations. Essentially, an
entrepreneur is a type of entrepreneurial person who has taken the step to start
and run their own business.
1.4) 1. Creativity and Innovation: Entrepreneurial people are often known for
their ability to think outside the box and come up with unique ideas and
solutions. They are constantly seeking innovation and finding new ways to
approach challenges.
2. Risk-taking and Initiative: Entrepreneurs are not afraid to take risks and step
out of their comfort zone. They have a proactive mindset and are willing to seize
opportunities when they arise. They are self-starters who take initiative and have
a strong sense of determination and perseverance.
3. Vision and Passion: Entrepreneurial individuals have a clear vision of what they
want to achieve and are passionate about their goals. They are driven by their
passion and believe in their ideas, which helps them stay motivated even in the
face of challenges. They have a strong sense of purpose and are committed to
creating a positive impact through their ventures.
QUESTION 2: The lesson plan is based on the crucial topic of bullying. Explain
what the following principles mean according to the topic of bullying.
Social interaction, purpose, enjoyment, curiosity, enabling iteration, actively
engaging and learners’ autonomy.
Principle What does this Why is this In your What skills
principle important? chosen and
mean? lesson, what competencies
specific would you
activity/ies expect to see
would you if this
do to principle is
activate this being
principle? practiced well
in your
Social This principle Social Group Students
interaction emphasizes the interaction is Discussions: actively
importance of important in Divide the participating
promoting the context of students in group
collaboration bullying into small discussions,
and because it groups and sharing their
communication allows assign them experiences
among individuals to specific and
learners. It develop aspects of perspectives
encourages empathy, bullying to on bullying,
students to understanding, discuss. and
interact with and respect for Encourage collaborate
their peers, others. By them to with their
share ideas, engaging in share their peers to find
and learn from social thoughts, solutions.
each other. interactions, experiences,
individuals can and ideas
learn to with each
recognize and other. This
address promotes
bullying social
behaviors, as interaction
well as develop and allows
positive students to
relationships actively
with their engage with
peers. Social the topic.
interaction also
for individuals
to practice
resolution, and
skills, which
are essential in
preventing and
Purpose This principle Having a clear Role- Students
focuses on purpose is Playing: understanding
ensuring that important in Organize a the purpose
learning the context of role-playing of the lesson
activities have bullying activity and its
clear objectives because it where relevance to
and relevance helps students can their lives,
to the individuals act out recognizing
students' lives. understand the different the
It helps impact of their scenarios importance of
students actions and related to addressing
understand the make informed bullying. This bullying, and
purpose choices. When activity not demonstrating
behind their individuals only a sense of
learning and understand the promotes responsibility
motivates purpose of social towards
them to their behavior, interaction creating a safe
engage actively they are more but also and inclusive
in the lesson. likely to allows environment.
consider the students to
consequences understand
and potential different
harm caused perspectives
by bullying. By and develop
promoting a empathy.
sense of
educators can
individuals to
reflect on their
actions and
develop a
sense of
creating a safe
and inclusive
Enjoyment This principle Promoting Creative Students
recognizes the enjoyment in Projects: showing
significance of the context of Assign enthusiasm
creating a bullying is students a and interest in
positive and important creative the topic of
enjoyable because it project, such bullying,
learning helps as creating a actively
environment. individuals poster, engaging in
When students develop writing a activities, and
find learning positive poem, or finding
enjoyable, they attitudes making a enjoyment in
are more likely towards social short film, learning about
to be interactions that strategies to
motivated, and empathy. addresses prevent and
participate When the issue of address
actively, and individuals bullying. This bullying.
retain enjoy their activity gives
information interactions students a
better. with others, sense of
they are more purpose and
likely to engage allows them
in pro-social to express
behaviors and their ideas
develop and
positive emotions in
relationships. an enjoyable
By creating way.
educators can
foster a
positive and
reducing the
likelihood of
Curiosity This principle Curiosity is Case Students
encourages important in Studies: demonstrating
teachers to the context of Provide a natural
foster students' bullying students curiosity
natural because it with real-life about
curiosity and encourages case studies bullying,
desire to individuals to or stories asking
explore. By seek related to questions,
designing knowledge and bullying. Ask seeking
lessons that understanding them to additional
spark curiosity, about different analyze the information,
teachers can perspectives situations, and showing a
engage and identify the desire to
students' experiences. underlying understand
interests and By promoting causes, and the underlying
promote a curiosity, propose causes and
deeper educators can solutions. effects of
understanding help This activity bullying.
of the topic. individuals stimulates
develop curiosity and
empathy and encourages
respect for students to
others, as well think
as challenge critically.
and biases that
may contribute
to bullying
Curiosity also
fosters a sense
of open-
and willingness
to learn, which
are essential in
creating a safe
and inclusive
Enable This principle Enabling Reflection Students
iteration emphasizes the iteration is Journals: being given
importance of important in Ask students opportunities
providing the context of to maintain to reflect on
opportunities bullying a reflection their own
for students to because it journal experiences
revise and allows throughout with bullying,
improve their individuals to the lesson analyze
work. It learn from plan. In this different
encourages a their mistakes journal, they scenarios, and
growth and make can record engage in
mindset and positive their iterative
helps students changes. By thoughts, problem-
develop their providing questions, solving
critical thinking opportunities and insights processes to
and problem- for reflection about develop
solving skills and feedback, bullying. This effective
educators can activity strategies for
help enables preventing
individuals iteration as and
understand the students can
impact of their revisit their addressing
actions and previous bullying.
develop entries,
strategies to reflect on
prevent and their
address learning, and
bullying make
incidents. connections
Enabling between
iteration also different
promotes a concepts.
individuals to
for their
behavior and
actively work
creating a safe
and inclusive
Actively This principle Actively Debates: Students
engaging suggests that engaging in the Organize a actively
students learn context of debate on participating
best when they bullying is controversial in various
are actively important topics activities
involved in the because it related to related to
learning promotes a bullying, bullying, such
process. It sense of such as the as role-
involves using responsibility effectiveness playing, case
various and ownership of different studies,
strategies such over one's anti-bullying debates, and
as hands-on actions. By strategies or group
activities, actively the role of projects,
discussions, engaging in bystanders. where they
and group discussions, This activity can apply
work to activities, and actively their
promote active interventions engages knowledge
engagement related to students and and skills in
and deeper bullying, encourages real-life
learning. individuals can them to situations.
develop a develop
deeper their own
understanding arguments
of the issue and defend
and their role their
in preventing positions.
and addressing
it. Actively
engaging also
individuals to
speak up
against bullying
behaviors and
support those
who may be
Learner This principle Learners' Choice- Students
autonomy recognizes the autonomy is based taking
importance of important in Activities: ownership of
giving students the context of Provide their learning
some control bullying students by setting
over their because it with a range goals, making
learning. It empowers of options choices, and
involves individuals to for activities taking
providing take ownership related to responsibility
choices, of their bullying. for their
encouraging learning and Allow them actions in
self-reflection, behavior. By to choose relation to
and fostering promoting the activities bullying
independent learners' that interest prevention.
thinking skills. autonomy, them the They should
Learners' educators can most. This be
autonomy encourage promotes encouraged to
helps students individuals to learners' express their
take ownership make informed autonomy opinions,
of their choices, and make
learning and develop critical increases informed
develop thinking skills, their decisions, and
lifelong and take motivation actively
learning skills. responsibility to actively contribute to
for their engage with creating a
actions. the topic. positive and
Learners' respectful
autonomy also classroom
fosters a sense environment.
of agency and
individuals to
contribute to
creating a safe
and inclusive
by standing up
against bullying
and promoting
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2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone else’s
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acknowledgement and include a complete reference list.
3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own.
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of submitting
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