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Intervention programs can be done to help increase the self-esteem of the students with
the assistance of the Guidance Counseling Office.

Self-esteem is the degree to which students feel satisfied with themselves and feel

valuable and worthy of respect. A belief that one is competent in a certain subject is

known as perceived competence (e.g., math, spelling, peer relationships). For students to

take risks in their learning and to recover from failure or hardship, they need to feel

confident in themselves and sense that they are competent. Students who lack confidence

or have low self-esteem are less likely to believe in their own abilities, which makes them

reluctant to engage in learning or take necessary risks for academic advancement.

According to William (2021) shows that the relationship between stress and self-esteem

is inextricably linked and that self-esteem can affect many areas of life, including

academic and professional success. As a result, the lower a college student’s self-esteem

falls, the worse he or she performs academically.

In this regard, the researchers took the initiative and proposed an intervention

entitled Building Self Esteem: Steps to Feel Better About Yourself which is in line with

the findings of the study and problems encountered by the students. As the study obtained

that most of the students have low self-esteem in terms of social and performance, the

researchers suggested an intervention program consisting of seminars and activities in

order to help students to increase their self-esteem as well as to address the importance of

mental health. Further this program will be completed in 2 days which promotes

engaging activities without the use of technologies among the participants. 

Table 7. Activities

Area of Specific Strategies Person Success

concern Objectives Involved indicators

Self Educate the Healthy Self Esteem For Students, Cultivated

Esteem respondents on Fulfilling Life - This Researchers, about concept
the concept of seminar will focus on Mental Health of self esteem
self-esteem introducing the concept of Advocate,
self-esteem and elaborate Guidance Increased
the causes of lower self- Counselors and awareness of
esteem. It also provides Facilitators the
understanding about the importance of
signs of healthy vs lower caring for
self-esteem in the school self-esteem
environment and effects of
lower self-esteem on the
productivity of students.

Promote It Showtime: This activity Students, Easy to deal

activities to focuses on self esteem of Researchers, with problems
increase the the students wherein Guidance and consider
students of self researchers will present a Counselor and solutions
esteem problem solving activity Facilitators from many
about causes of low self different
esteem which will help perspectives.
participants to develop
creative thinking, critical Develops
reasoning, problem-solving, self-esteem,
and decision-making. It also self-
is powerful for helping awareness,
students acquire planning, and even
listening, speaking, and deeper levels
collaboration skills where of content
every idea has value and all knowledge.
ideas are considered.
Social Educate the The Social and Self Students, Knowledge in
Self- participants on Esteem - This seminar will Researchers, terms of
Esteem the meaning and focus on the concept and Guidance Social Self
idea of social significance of social self- Counselor and esteem.
self-esteem. esteem and elaborate the Facilitators
confidence in one's own
“social” worth that sits at
the intersection of social
media, relationships and
confidence. The way that
social lives affect how
person feel about

Promote Race to the Treasure: This Students, Develop

activities that activity helps the Researchers, positive
can enhance the respondents to develop Guidance interpersonal
students positive interest and build a Counselor and relationships.
thinking, feel relationship among the Facilitators
and belief on participants because it Enhancing
how they involves interaction with ability to cope
perceived by each other, understanding with
other people opinion and solving expectations
together to win the game. In of various
this activity we will be social
having communication and situations and
act responsibly as a team execute
which can improve the effective
social self-esteem of the communicatio
participants. n in social
Perform Educate the This seminar primarily Students, Knowledge in
ance respondents focuses on the concept and Researchers, terms of
Self about the importance of enhancing Guidance Social Self
Esteem concept and performance self-esteem. Counselor and esteem.
significance of This enables participants to Facilitators
performance increase the intellectual Gives
self-esteem ability, school achievement, importance in
self-regulatory abilities, building
self-confidence, efficiency, confidence in
and be motivated in one's
achieving a goal. strengths and
to stop
weaknesses to
strengths in
Promote I am I Wish - This activity Students, Insight and
activities that helps the participant to feel Researchers, realization to
can enhance the good about themselves and Guidance the
ability of their abilities. The Counselor and participants
students respondents complete the Facilitators which
sentence “I Am good at but everyone has
I wish i was good at” which strengths and
gives participants that's what
confidence booster to makes each
discover that people have person
strengths and weaknesses special,
that everybody's not perfect. unique and
Mental Exhibit seminar The Performance and Self Students, Reduced
Health about mental Esteem - This seminar Researchers, Instances of
health focuses on the process of Mental Health Bullying
awareness sharing the experiences and Advocate,
challenges of the students. Guidance Reduced the
Educate the Their initiative to teach Counselors and stigma of
respondents stress management skills, Facilitators mental illness
about mental foster a sense of belonging
health. and community connection Raised
at school lastly is to provide productivity
students with mental health of the
support in the form of a students
school counselor, social
worker, or psychologist
Introduce Students, Educated and
activities that Mental Health Matters: Researchers, increase
can help Creative Bulletin Board. Mental Health awareness of
students to Facilitators will provide Advocate, the student
improve their instruction which will Guidance
mental health, create a bulletin board Counselors and Prioritized
wellbeing and to regarding mental health. Facilitators mental health
raise an Participants provides clear
awareness to directions on their possible Improved
enhance the output. This board contains well being
morale of the cards focusing on ending
youth especially the stigma that surrounds
on smart the issue of mental health.
Activity Matrix

DURATION: This proposed intervention program can be accomplished in span of 2

days. Below is the proposed schedule for the activity.

Proposed Program for Day 1

Table 8. Proposed Program for Day 1

Day 1
Time Allotted Activity

8:00 - 8:30 Admission of Participants

8:30 - 8:40 Opening Prayer and National Anthem
8:40 - 9:50 Opening Remarks
9:50 - 10:00 Introduction of Speaker
10:00 - 11:30 Healthy Self Esteem For Fulfilling Life – seminar that focus on
the concept of self-esteem
11:30 - 12:30 It Showtime – activity that focus on maintaining creative
thinking, critical reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-
making of the student to boost self esteem.
12:30 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:30 The Social and Self Esteem – discussion that focus in the
confidence in one's own “social” worth.
2:30 - 3:00 Race to the Treasure- activity that focus on maintaining
relationship among the participants and their self esteem
3:00 - 3:30 Realization
3:30 - 4:00 Closing of the program
Table 9. Proposed Program for Day 2

Day 2
Time Allotted Activity

8:00 - 8:30 Opening of the Program

8:30 - 9:30 The Performance and Self Esteem - Seminar focuses on the
importance of enhancing performance self-esteem
9:30 - 10:00 Question and Answer
10:00 - 11:30 Race to the Treasure- activity that focus on maintaining
relationship among the participants and their self esteem
11:30 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:00 Sharing Insights
2:00 - 3:00 Mental Health Matters: activities that can help students to be
aware and improve their mental health and wellbeing
3:00 - 3:50 Recognition
3:50 – 4:00 Closing of the program

After accomplishing the intervention program the researchers will assess the

participants which is students if can come up with the ideas regarding self esteem and

how they can increase it and enhance the social and performance self-esteem. Through

the questions, The participants will also be able to answer what they have learned since

the first day of the program and what they have learned from other people and in the end

they will also be able to answer the question How have you changed as a result of this

group, insights, realization and What have been some of the highlights and lowlights.

Through the answer of the participants we will able to find out whether the Building Self

Esteem: Steps to Feel Better About Yourself is successful of its or they need to attend

intervention program again. This activity can be maintained and continued every mental

health month with the help of departments and organizations. This will also serve as a
contribution and a platform where the students can reflect and having realization and

insights about their own learnings throughout the activity they can practice such learnings

to ensure the sustainability of the proposed program.

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