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NGL Elt Look Sel Onesheeter

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National Geographic Learning Programs for Young Learners and

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

At National Geographic Learning we create English programs that are inspiring, real, and relevant.
We believe that learning is a way of living, and that students learn their world by experiencing
it through the stories, ideas, photography, and video in our materials.

Our programs develop the skills needed to be confident in the classroom,

and to navigate the world as a lifelong learner.

Because we teach English — and we teach the world.

To develop active global citizens, National Geographic Learning programs help young learners
to confidently apply social and emotional skills in English through materials that feature global
content, inspiring National Geographic Explorers, values instruction, and hands-on projects.

Look empowers students

by providing a variety
of contexts to practice
the key Social Emotional
Learning competencies
of self-awareness, self-
management, responsible
relationship skills, and
social awareness.

Look embraces the idea

that children have an
enormous appetite
for learning about
the world.

Look taps into this curiosity

by providing a window
into a fascinating world of
real-life stories from diverse
places and cultures. These
real-life stories enhance the
child’s learning experience
and give authentic
opportunities to practice
and develop SEL skills.
Here are some examples of how Look offers various opportunities through activities that help young learners develop their
social emotional skills:

Self-Awareness (About Me) and Relationship Skills

Self-Management (Taking Care of Myself) (Working Together)
Look promotes self- Look promotes
awareness and self- relationship skills
management skills by focusing on
by helping students skills related
develop their sense to mediation,
of self, recognize their collaboration, and
strengths and areas communicating
for improvement, effectively,
confidently express promoting
their ideas, and intercultural
understand their competency,
emotions, thoughts, giving students
and values. Look chances to
also promotes cooperate and
student agency and work with teams to
autonomy, as well as solve issues, and
skills for self-discipline giving students
and self-motivation. the skills to resolve

Making Decisions Social Awareness

(Responsible Decision-Making) (The World Around Me)

Look promotes responsible decision-making skills by Look promotes social awareness skills by giving students
fostering curiosity and open-mindedness, teaching opportunities to understand and empathize with the
skills for identifying solutions to personal and social perspectives of people from diverse backgrounds,
problems, asking students to evaluate the benefits and cultures, and contexts, promoting the ability to understand
consequences of actions, and giving students the skills to other perspectives, and giving students the skills to
make ethical and caring choices about their own behavior. recognize situational demands and opportunities.

“National Geographic”, “National Geographic Society” and the Yellow Border Design
are registered trademarks of the National Geographic Society ® Marcas Registradas

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