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DW Admirals Tournament v23.2

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elcome to the 2023 Season Admiral’s Tournament guide. This guide
is intended to help participate in Organised Play for Dystopian Wars.
The Admiral’s Tournament is a great way for clubs and communities
to grow by challenging each other in friendly competition. Admiral’s
Tournament events are designed as one-day or full weekend competitions
that are easy for players of any skill level to participate in. There are a variety
of awards that can be won in the Admiral’s Tournament for all player types,
from those who focus on the gameplay itself to those who enjoy the social and
hobby aspects of Dystopian Wars. These events use 2,000-point Forces unless
specified otherwise by the Event Organizer (EO). and take place over several
games known as Matches. The Admiral’s Tournament encourages participants
to have a great time and perhaps make some new friends along the way.

Warcradle Studios is a trading name of Wayland Games Limited. Dystopian

Wars is a trademark of Wayland Games Limited. Illustrations and Designs
are copyright © 2023 Wayland Games Limited. Printed in the UK.



Players face off in a series of Matches with their list chosen as normal using the rules
found in the latest version of the Dystopian Wars rulebook and their Faction’s Order of
Battle (ORBAT). The version of the rules and ORBAT used is recommended to have been
published on the Dystopian Wars website at least 30 days prior to the Tournament.

 ournament participant minimum: Players must prepare their Force List before the
Four players Tournament and submit them by the date set by the
 uggested Qualifiers: Event Organiser (EO). That Force must be used
(confirmed by the EO) for all Matches of the Tournament. No weapons
swaps, Unit upgrades or other changes may be
 uggested Format: made to the Force List once submitted. The Force
2,000 points on a 48”x72” table List must remain the same for the duration of the
 uggested Time per Match: Tournament. Forces may be below the points limit
Three hours of the Tournament, but may never exceed it.

Prior to each Match the EO will determine which Encounter will be used for the Match. We
recommend the Common Encounters (C1 to C6), the Desperate Encounters (D1 to D6) and
the Perilous Encounters (P1 to P6) found in this event guide. The EO may instead rule that the
Encounter is randomly determined by rolling an Action Die for the column and then another
for the row to obtain the result.

C1: Fog of War D1: Ambush P1: Live to Tell the Tale

C2: Hold at all Costs D2: Dance with the Devil P2: Survey Under Fire

C3: Salvage Rights D3: Escalation P3: The Cyclone

C4: Oil Fields D4: Outpost Assault P4: The Rescue

C5: Rule the Waves D5: Research Station P5: The Big Freeze

C6: The Tempest D6: Sabre Rattle P6: Eye of the Storm


NUMBER OF MATCHES Tournament Point bracket to be the pair

During a Match in the Admiral’s up. EOs should avoid pairing the same
Tournament, a Player gains 5 Tournament players together multiple times during an
Points for a win, 3 for a tie and 1 point for a Admiral’s Tournament if possible.
loss. The Tournament runs until one Player
has more Tournament Points than any OF PLAYERS
other Player at the end of a Match. Once
In the case of an odd number of players,
this condition is met, the Tournament ends
one Player receives a bye each round. A
without additional Matches.
Player who receives a bye does not play in
The number of Players in the Tournament the current round. Instead, he receives 5
determines the maximum number of Tournament Points. In the first round,
Matches usually required to determine a the Event Organiser (EO) randomly
winner, as shown in the following table: determines which Player receives the bye.
In each subsequent round, the EO selects a
PLAYERS ROUNDS Player randomly from those with the lowest
placed Admiral’s point totals. A Player
4 to 8 3-Match Tournament should not receive a bye more than once per
9 to 16 4-Match Tournament
17 to 32 5-Match Tournament Once the Match has ended the EO will
(Two Days) call “dice down” all play should stop
immediately and VPs be recorded as they
33 to 64 6-Match Tournament are during the current state of play. If this
happens resulting in a draw then you may
(Two Days) add the end-of-round VPs as if that Round
of the Encounter had ended normally and
FIRST-MATCH PAIRINGS see if that determines a winner. Otherwise
Randomly determine all of the Player the Match is a draw.
pairings for the first Match. If there is
an odd number of Players, see “Byes & AWARDS
Odd Number of Players” below. Once the
pairings are completed, Players must write Players have a shot at winning three Admiral’s
their opponent’s name on their Player awards during an Admiral’s Tournament:
record sheet in the indicated section. When Victory Laurels (Most Tournament Points),
the Match ends, record the Tournament Gilt Lily (Best-Painted), and Chivalrous
Points (5 for a win, 3 for a tie, 1 for a loss). Favour (Most Sporting). EO’s are free to
add additional prize categories and awards as
SUBSEQUENT PAIRINGS they wish. The aim should be to reward fair
From the second Match onwards, players play and effort.
should be randomly paired against other Only one Player can win each award. While
players that have the same number of it is technically possible for the same Player
Tournament Points to form a Match. If to win all three awards in a single event,
there is an odd number of players with at the discretion of the Event Organizer
the same Tournament Points, randomly (EO), it is acceptable to announce at the
select one player from the next lowest event’s start that a Player can only win one


Admiral’s Tournament Award. When the winner or holding a second blind vote among
EO chooses this option, a Player eligible only the tied entries.
to win more than one award claims one of
them, and the next best Player in the other CHIVALROUS FAVOUR
category wins that award.
Playing tabletop wargames is ultimately
GILT LILY (BEST-PAINTED) about having fun with friends (and foes) as
At the beginning of the event, the EO you destroy each other’s carefully crafted
determines a category for which the Gilt Battlefleets. Good sportsmanship creates
Lily award will be chosen, such as Best an environment of mutual respect and
Single Model, Best Battlefleet or Best Unit. fellowship that ensures both Players have a
It is up to the EO to choose a category that great time during their battle.
will work well for the Players in the event. At the end of the event, the EO should
At the end of the event (or at a suitable point announce the winner of the Chivalrous Favour
decided by the EO) Players should submit award. The winner should be determined
their eligible painted model entries to the using either of the two methods described
EO. There are two ways the winner of the above in the Gilt Lily award section.
Gilt Lily award can be determined: the EO
can choose the winner, or all participants in VICTORY LAURELS
the event can hold a blind vote. When using a
blind vote, the EO must display all submitted Tournament Points are earned throughout
entries to the participants. Participants write the Tournament. Please refer to the
their choice on a piece of paper, keeping it Tournament Structure above to see how
secret from others, and give that paper to Tournament Points are scored. When
the EO. A Player cannot vote for his own the event ends, the Player with the most
submission. The EO counts the votes and Tournament Points wins the Victory Laurels
announces the winner. In the case of a tie, the award. In the unlikely event of a tie, then
EO must break the tie by either choosing the both Players share the Victory Laurels.




PLAYER RESPONSIBILITIES may be official, such as those provided in

(MINIATURES, MODELLING the Gubbins Box or third party but must
AND PAINTING LIST ETC) be recognisable and accurate. They can be
Players attending a Tournament should scrutinised at any point of any Match by
make sure they have access to the following: your opponent or an EO. Tokens should be
1. A copy of their Force List, either used in the Match as necessary to clearly
hardcopy or digital for the Event show which Models or Units are suffering
Organiser (EO) and other Players to conditions, have taken damage etc.
look over if they choose. The Force List 5. Warcradle Studios encourages Players to
must be presented to the EO before the have a fully painted Force on the table.
beginning of the event and may not be Matches with painted armies enhance the
altered once the event begins. experience for all. Although painting is
2. The appropriate latest version of the not required, Players are encouraged to
ORBAT for their Force, published at show off all aspects of the hobby. These
least 30 days before the Event. This may must be official Warcradle miniatures
be hardcopy, printed from the Dystopian though they can be converted with no
Wars website or digital on a mobile more than 1/3rd new parts.
device. If a device runs out of power  Conversions: A Player cannot use a model as
during the event, and there is no other a proxy (stand-in) for another model. Using
way of gaining access to a Player’s list, a converted Cruiser miniature as a Mass 3
etc. the Match ends as if that Player had Flagship would be an example of an illegal
no Models in the Play Area as described conversion. If converted, they must be on the
on page 14 of the Dystopian Wars correct base size, if one is supplied with the
Rulebook. This should be considered a model. Models cannot be converted in such
method of last resort if there is no other a way that any part of the model represents
way to access the ORBAT (borrowing the intellectual property of any party except
them, or a working device from another Warcradle Studios, including copyrighted
Player, for example). logos, symbols, iconic elements, or other
3. A n official deck of Victory and Valour iconography. Paint schemes are not conversions.
cards is required to play the Match. They Any conversions must be clearly pointed out
may be sleeved but may not be otherwise to the opponent before the Match, and the
altered in any way. Players may use copies end result of any conversion must be clearly
as printed from the Dystopian Wars identifiable as the intended model. The golden
website but they must be one copy of each rule of converting models for organised play is
card as intended with no repeats of the simply this: If the EO cannot independently,
same numbered card. easily, and accurately determine which model
4. Any dice, templates, measuring tools and your conversion represents, the model is not
tokens needed to play the Match. These legal for organised play purposes.




LOGISTICS may ask for help in providing these things. It

The EO is responsible for running the event is rare for a single person to have the terrain
as smoothly as possible. This will include for multiple gaming tables.
some preparation ahead of time. The EO
must ensure that they have an appropriate
amount of available tables and terrain as well The EO must ensure that an appropriate
as sufficient gaming space in which to play. In number of Judges are available to adjudicate
preparation for the event, the EO must decide Matches and assist with data entry. This could
upon the event start time, the Match timings, be as little as one; the EO themselves. In most
the finish time, and any potential prize pool. events, the EO will serve as the Head Judge,
The EO must be aware that between Matches however, the EO may also nominate another
they must allow an appropriate length of person to serve as Head Judge. When making
time for data entry, publishing of new Match decisions, Judges should refer to the current
pairings, and the subsequent movement of Dystopian Wars Rulebook and the Dystopian
Players between tables. Wars Errata and FAQ document. If they
cannot come to a decision based on these sources
TERRAIN of information, they should refer the question
Before the Tournament begins it is the EO’s to the Head Judge. If any Player disagrees with
responsibility to arrange the terrain for all a ruling made by a Judge, they may request that
Play Areas used during the Tournament. the Head Judge be brought over to the table.
The EO must endeavour to create balanced The Head Judge’s word is final, however, and
play environments using the Play Area Guide any Player who does not submit to the Head
found in this event guide. Bear in mind, while Judge’s ruling will immediately forfeit the
it is the EOs responsibility to source this, they current Match.



On the following pages are the Encounters Terrain rules outlined at the end of this guide.
used in the 2023 Admiral’s Tournament These additional rules are freely available
2023 Season. These can also be used freely in to be used in Dystopian Wars regardless of
friendly gaming outside of an organised play whether it is part of the Admiral’s Tournament
event. There are some additional rules that or not. Certainly, we make use of them when
are used when playing these Encounters such playing in the Studio, giving us even more
as Fog of War which is detailed below and the depth, excitement and variety to our gaming.



ome Encounters will use the Fog of War rules.
rules This could represent an Encounter that takes
place at night, in a rolling bank of fog or any other weird and wonderful effect that will limit
the visibility of the crews aboard the ships involved in the Encounter.
If an Encounter states that it uses Fog of War (including the Fog of War Common Encounter) then
use the following rules. Alternatively, Players should feel free to use Fog of War in any Encounter.

•F  OG OF WAR – For each attack made, • PROXIMITY – The Fog of War

all Hit and Heavy Hit results initially rolled Rule has no effect on any targetted Unit
in the Action Dice Pool are Cancelled, that is within 5” of an Enemy Unit or has
before any re-rolls or Exploding Hits are Enemy SRS in base contact.
applied (see The Rules p.4).
• THE FOG LIFTS – Unless specified
• BLOOM – If a Target Unit has already otherwise in the Encounter, at the
made a Shooting Attack in this Round, start of each Round the Player with
then they reveal their position by creating initiative rolls a number of Action Dice
a visible Bloom. The Fog of War rule is equal to the Round number. If two or
ignored and normal Line of Sight rules more dice have the same result, once
apply against Initial Targets with a Bloom the dice are rolled, the For of War rules
that Round. Attacks made with the Torpedo cease to be applied for the remainder of
or Bomb Quality do not create a Bloom. the Encounter.



Fleets clash in a heavy bank of fog reducing
visibility and causing chaos.

Divide the Play Area into four quarters as

shown on the deployment map.
Fog of War (see p.8 of this guide)

In the End Phase of each Round, each player Additionally, at the end of the Encounter,
scores 5 VPs for each quarter of the enemy side each player scores 5 VPs for each quarter
of the Play Area that has one or more of their where they have one or more of their Units
Units completely within it, with no enemy in the quarter of the Play Area with no
Models completely within the same quarter. enemy Models in that quarter.



Admirals must fend off a rival Force preventing
them from advancing beyond their position.

Lay the Play Area out as shown on the

deployment map.

At the end of the Encounter, each player
scores 2 VPs for each Unit they have in their
opponent’s deployment zone. If there are no
enemy Models within 10” of that Unit, they
score 3 VPs instead.



A recent battle has left a sizable debris field
scattered across the shallows. There will be
technology, fuel, cargo and other treasures ripe
for the picking just below the surface.

Each player takes 3 small Wreck Markers

(Approx 2” in diameter). Each player
alternately places one of the Wreck
Markers in the green area of the Play Area,
no closer than 6” from another Marker.

OBJECTIVE: value. On a Counter or Heavy Counter score 3

If a Model is within 1” of a Wreck Marker at VPs. On a Hit result or Heavy Hit, the player
the start of its Activation, they can make a gains 5 VPs. On an Exploding Hit result, the
single attempt to search: Roll an Action Die. player gains 10VPs. After Rolling the dice,
On a Blank, the Wreck Marker is nothing of remove the Wreck Marker.



Ownership of the seas are constantly being
contested and the placement of oil platforms is
just as contentious. Such platforms can change
hands many times in a single month and patrols
will regularly encounter enemy fleets attempting
to take control of the valuable fuel sources.

Place two Mass 3 Inactive Platforms (see

Terrain rules p.29) on each of the two
hexagonal points marked on the map.

At the end of each Round, if you have a unit each Round, if you have a unit within 3” of
within 3” of the Oil Platform closest to your the Oil Platform closest to your Opponents
Deployment Zone gain 3 VPs. At the end of Deployment Zone gain 5 VPs.



When two fleets collide on the open seas the victor
is usually the fleet who are able to smash through
the enemy lines to wreak havoc from the rear.

Divide the Play Area into four quarters as

shown on the deployment map.

In the End Phase of each Round, each Additionally, at the end of the Encounter,
player scores 5 VPs for each quarter of the each player scores 10 VPs for each quarter
Play Area that has one or more of their of the Play Area where they have one or
Units completely within it, with no enemy more of their Units in the Opponent’s
Units completely within the same quarter. Deployment Zone.



Two fleets brave a storm in order to race to a
rendezvous in the middle of the Ocean.

Lay the Play Area out as shown on the

deployment map. At the start of the
encounter, the Aetheric Storm is in effect.

At the end of the Encounter score 5 VP for dice. If the result is a Shredded Defences
each Unit that has a Model within 12” of the or Generator Shutdown, apply that against
centre of the Play Area. all Models in that Unit as they are struck
by lightning.
AETHERIC STORM: At the start of every Round the player
While the Aetheric Storm rages, drift is with initiative rolls a number of Action
doubled in the Play Area for all Units. dice equal to the Round number. If two or
Additionally, when a Unit activates within more dice have the same result, the Aetheric
12” of the centre of the Play Area (marked Storm has lifted and the Special Rule no
in green above) roll a Critical Damage longer has an effect on the Encounter.



The inky blackness of the open sea was peaceful,
the only sounds were the low rumble of engines and
the break of waves against ship hulls. These were
supposed to be safe waters but nervousness still
flitted from cabin to cabin. The new moon and
thick cloud cover made people imagine something
out in the darkness, waiting to attack at a moment’s
notice. If they only knew how right they were.
This Encounter assumes a well-orchestrated
attack so neither Player may hold units
in Reserves at the start of the Encounter
unless it is compulsory in their special
rules. (The Rules p.16).

Player A - Deploys into the Red Zone and ACTION RESULT

Player B - Deploys into the Green Zone.
COUNTER The Defender
ASSAULT gains 3 VPs.
DRIVEN BACK No VPs are scored.



When a Unit ‘Launches an Assault’ and you
determine the ‘Assault Resolution’ (both
page 24 of ‘The Rules’) the Assaulting CARNAGE Gain 4 VP
Player Scores VPs based on the result:



This location was vital to the war effort. All
they had to do was stay here. If they could hold
out against the enemy until morning then they
could keep it for the foreseeable future. The dawn
couldn’t come fast enough.

• Follow the Fog of War Rules
(see p.8 of this guide)


This is an unusual Encounter as the two Forces Each Player gains 5 VP at the end of the
need to be as defensive and ‘quiet’ as possible encounter for each Unit that is still composed
because they gain points for Battle Ready Models/ of at least one Battle Ready Model, rounded
Units at the end of the game. Do you go for big down if necessary.
hits to destroy Models or is it not worth exposing
your Units to return fire? Play the scenario out to
see which which tactic works for you.



It didn’t matter how unexpected it was, the
enemy was here now. Reinforcements were on
the way, more meat for the grinder. Orders were
simple; cause maximum destruction. Poseidon
himself would bear witness to this battle.

During Deployment only one third of the

Units in each Force is deployed, as per
normal rules, in each Deployment Zone.
The remainder of each Force MUST be
kept in Reserve.

At the end of each Round, Players score
VPs equal to the total mass of their models
Completely Within the central Green
Objective Zone (see image above).



As the men floated in their lifeboats, discussion
began to turn towards the macabre. Would they be
rescued at all? Their vessels had been sunk by an
aerial battlefleet two nights ago and the fresh water
rations were running low. The enemy had made
the decision not to finish them off, whether a sign of
respect for the fight they had put up or a sentence to
be left in their own aquatic hell, they didn’t know.
A shout went up as someone with a telescope
managed to see the silhouettes of friendly ships on the
horizon. They were saved. From another lifeboat
there was a cry of despair as someone had spotted
enemy ships approaching from another heading.
They were ants being fought over by giants. Those
who had faith prayed that they wouldn’t be crushed
beneath the wakes of those huge ships. OBJECTIVE:
A Unit with at least one of its Models within 4”
of a Wreck Marker may forgo its Shooting Step
Place 3 Wreck Markers along the centre
to instead bring the Wreck aboard. If it does so,
of the Play Area as shown. These could the Controlling Player scores 5 VP. Once the
represent previously sunken vessels, Player has scored, roll an Action Die. On the
scientifically interesting wreckage, or result of a Blank, remove the Wreck Marker.
other valuable debris.
If a Model is the Initial Target of an Attack
while within 4” of a Wreck Marker, roll an
Action Die. On the result of a Blank, the
Wreck Marker is destroyed by the Attack and
removed from play.



Observations showed the independent platform on
the horizon. Orders were to capture, not destroy. It
would be an easy task with this battlefleet. The
commanding officer relaxed in his chair on the
bridge. That is, until a claxon cry blared. The
enemy was spotted on an intercept course. Perhaps
this would not be so easy after all.

Place a Mass 3 Inactive Platform in the

centre of the Play Area. This represents
the ‘Research Station’.

OBJECTIVE: • At the start of the Encounter the Research

During the ‘Check for Victory’ step in the Station is unoccupied and considered to
End Phase of each Round, the Player that have a Citadel of 10.
‘occupies’ the Research Station gains 5 VPs. • Counter
Counter Attack/Driven Back: the Assaulting
Unit suffers from the appropriate consequences
THE STATION: with no other effect to the Research Station.
In the Assault Step, a Unit may Launch an • Havoc/Brutal:
Havoc/Brutal: the Assaulting Player Occupies
Assault against the Research Station with the research Station (place a token or other
the purpose of Occupying it. Follow the marker to signify this). From this point it has a
rules for Launching an Assault with the Citadel of 8, representing their fragile control
following changes: of the Station.
• Catastrophic/Carnage:
Catastrophic/Carnage: the Assaulting Player
Occupies the research Station (place a token
or other marker to signify this). From this
point it has a Citadel of 12, representing their
full control of the Station, battening down
the hatches and defending it with marines.
Once a Player Occupies the Research Station
it is considered to have activated until the
following turn. When Occupied a Player may
Activate it to use its three Heavy Gun Batteries
with a 360° field of fire (for stats see the
ORBATs). No other Actions may be performed
by the Research Station.



There was little in these waters to gain but
victory. Both sides were ready for conflict and were
actively looking for battle. Only a spark was needed
to ignite the encounter into full scale combat.

At the end of the Encounter, each Player scores
2 VP for each enemy Unit completely destroyed
and one Victory point for each enemy Unit that
is completely Crippled.



The roving patrol had hoped for the best but
were prepared for the worst. The crews of
all the ships in the fleet were on tenterhooks,
nervous that current peace would be cracked
asunder. Orders to battle stations rippled
across the fleet, as the enemy began to make
their move. As both sides started to engage,
each quickly assessed that this patch of ocean
was not worth dying over. Better that they
return to base if significantly damaged to make
repairs and retaliate with a more powerful
strike later on. Then the thunder began…

For each Unit that “Successfully Retreats” of the Encounter (see image above). By doing
(see below), the controlling Player scores 5 VP. this they are not considered Destroyed for the
purposes of VPs, contrary to the Dystopian
SPECIAL RULES: Wars rulebook (see Withdrawing p.18). It is
A Player may choose to Retreat a Unit once only considered a “Successful Retreat”, and
the majority of its Models have been Crippled therefore scores VPs if a Model in the Unit
or Destroyed. They do this by moving off the Retreats via part of the table edge that was
Play Area via part of the table edge that was included in their Deployment zone at the start
included in their Deployment zone at the start of the Encounter (see image above).



This particular island chain had been reported as
being uninhabited but the view ahead told a different
story. Smoke rising from metal structures showed
signs of industry and beach outposts suggested that,
wherever now lived here, they were willing to defend
themselves. They could be independent or any of the
Great Powers using a proxy Force to conceal their
hold in the area. A systematic survey of the area
must take place immediately, though that would be
made more difficult with the enemy on their heels.

There should be five areas of Land in the Play SPECIAL RULES:
Area as shown above and a way of marking the A Unit with at least one of its Models within
islands once a Player has ‘Surveyed the Area’. 4” of a terrain piece may forgo its Assault
This might be as simple as using an action die. Step to instead ‘Survey the Area’. If it does
For each island with a ‘Surveyed the Area’ so, the Controlling Player rolls an action
marker, the controlling Player scores 5 VPs. die and consults the following table:



CONTACT Place a ‘Contact’ Token (feel free to use the Hunkered/
Submerged Token) on the Island. Next time someone places a
‘Survey the Area’ Token they instead remove a ‘Contact’ Token.
An island may never have more than one ‘Contact’ Token.

SURVEY The Unit that forgoed its Assault Step receives a Disorder
ONGOING: Token, then the controlling Player has ‘Surveyed the Area’.
Mark it as such for the rest of the game (see above).
Once a Player has successfully ’Surveyed the Area’ another
Player may not attempt it.

SURVEY The controlling Player has ‘Surveyed the Area’. Mark it as

COMPLETED:: such for the rest of the game (see above).



The cyclone was worse than any one had
anticipated. Record winds whipped the sea into a B
chaotic mass of spray. One force has been separated
and the other has found itself between the two
halves. Not only do both sides have to survive the
cyclone, but they have to survive each other too. A

• Player
 layer A will deploy their Force in a strip
4” either side of the centreline. B
• Player B will Deploy in either corner of the
Play Area as above with no more than half
the number of Units in their total Force in
each corner.

Each Player gains 5 VP for every friendly Targets of an Assault Action are considered
Battle Ready Unit in the Play Area at the end to be 2” futher away for the purpose of
of the Encounter, and 3 VP for each friendly launching an Assault.
Crippled Unit at the end of the Encounter. During the Operations Step, when a Unit
would ‘Launch SRS Tokens’ (see The
THE CYCLONE: Rules p.16) they may only be placed in
All Units must also Drift at the end of their Base Contact with a Unit within half the
Activation, even if they do not usually have normal range. The same applies to Special
to Drift. SRS Tokens.



This location held strategic importance to the
region. The platforms that lay ahead criss crossed
the horizon, the closest thing to a landmass
for miles around. If they could be controlled, a
foothold could be gained in the area and the enemy
would have to update their charts. Today, the
marines would be tested like never before.

Place three Mass 3 Platforms as shown in

the map right.


During the End Phase of each Round each For the Platforms used in this Encounter,
Player gains 5 VP if they have a Friendly Unit use the Active Platform rules in the Play
within 5” of a Platform and that there are no Area Guide (on page 29 of this guide).
Enemy units within 5” of that Platform.



The winter had been cruel so far but this latest
turn in the weather had caught both sides
by surprise. Freezing fog banks have reduced
visibility down to almost nothing and before the
crews knew what was happening they were on
top of each other.

During Deployment only one-half of the

Units in each Force are deployed, as per
normal rules, in each Deployment Zone
The remainder of each Force MUST be
kept in Reserve.


For each Opponent’s Destroyed Units, that At the start of each Round, roll an action
Player scores +1 VP. and consult the following table. This is the
weather for the remainder of the round until
it is rolled again at the start of the next turn.


CALM No effect.

THICK Follow the Fog of War Rules on page 8.


SUDDEN If there are less than 5 Icebergs in the Play Area each Player
FREEZE takes turns placing two Mass 2 Iceberg Obstacles. Iceberg
Obstacles may not be placed within 5” or another Model.
These Iceberg Obstacles follow the rules for Moving Terrain
on page 27 and cannot cause damage to Aerial Units.



No one knew why there was such chaos on the seas
at this time. It might have been the remnants of an
unusual storm, perhaps an Enlightened facility in
the area had performed some unnatural experiment.
It didn’t matter now, the enemy were at hand and
must be destroyed. Could some semblance of sense be
made from this chaos?


For each Opponent’s Destroyed Units, that At the start of Round 2, a 12” ‘Storm Zone’
Player scores +1 VP. is marked from each edge of the Play Area.
From now on, each Unit in the Storm Zone
gains a point of Disorder at the start of its
Activation. Also, Drift is doubled for all Aerial
and Skimming Units. At the start of Round 3,
expand the Storm Zone by another 6”.



he Play Area is divided into several distinct categories of Terrain to reflex the
environment that the Encounters take place in. As each Player’s collection of
terrain will vary, it is recommended to discuss before the Encounter what each
type each Terrain feature will be classified as. The size of the Terrain is important too, as
while Mass 1 Terrain is likely about the size of a small ship such as a destroyer or frigate,
Mass 3 might be as long as a battleship or as high as a colossus. The important thing is that
both Players agree before deployment.

Any given 24” x 24” area should contain MOVING TERRAIN: Encounters may feature
enough terrain to at least add up to Mass Terrain that moves. These might be represented
7 if combined. However, you should not by floating Sargasso, iceberg Obstacles jostling
put Terrain in deployment zones unless across the ocean or some esoteric aether-storm.
indicated by the Encounter. During the End Phase, roll an action die for
Important: The entire Play Area is assumed each piece of Moving Terrain. The Terrain
to be Open Water unless agreed otherwise. is moved 5” in the direction of the blank
facing. If the blank facing is either facing up
OPEN WATER: Any open, flat regions of or down on the die then the terrain does not
the Play Area are considered Open Water move that Round. Some Encounters may
and do not impede movement at all. The have additional effects for such facings (such
vast majority of the Play Area will be Open as becoming aerial Terrain if facing upwards
Water (except in particularly challenging or being removed from the Play Area). Such
Encounters). Open Water is Impassable for differences will be detailed in the Encounter.
Models with the Ground Unit Trait (unless
If Moving Terrain comes into base contact
they also have the Amphibious Special Rule).
with a Model or Terrain that has Mass, resolve
DESTROYING TERRAIN: Normally in a Collision unless the Model or Terrain
Dystopian Wars the Terrain cannot be cannot trigger such a Collision. The Terrain
destroyed. Though gun batteries, mortar then continues the rest of its movement unless
shells and death rays will churn up the it collided with Land in which case it stops
ground, boil the sea and cause impressive moving for the remainder of that Round.
pyrotechnics, any Terrain present will still HAZARDOUS TERRAIN: Regardless of any
largely be unaffected. Should an Encounter additional areas designated as Hazardous
require Terrain to be destroyed to complete Terrain in the Encounter, Treacherous Water
an objective, the Encounter will specify and all areas within 1” of Obstacles and Land
how this can be done. are considered Hazardous Terrain to all Units


except those with the Skimming Unit or Aerial Models with the Submerged Unit or Surface
Unit Positional Traits. Units in base contact Unit Position Traits have their Movement cost
with Hazardous Terrain at any point of their double when moving through Treacherous
activation gain a Level of Disorder. A Unit Water. In this manner, every 1” moved counts
may only gain a single Level of Disorder in as 2”. If such Models move over both Open
this manner regardless of how often they come Water and Treacherous Water during the same
into base contact with Hazardous Terrain in Movement Phase, then their movement over
their Activation). Hazardous Terrain can be Open Water is calculated as normal and only
combined with other terrain types to make movement over Treacherous Water counts as
them even more dangerous. Aerial Terrain that double. It is suggested that if only some of a
is made Hazardous causes a Level of Disorder Unit’s Models will pass through Treacherous
to Aerial Units only. Water, then these are moved first to make
maintaining Coherency easier. Treacherous
Water is Impassable for Ground Units (unless
they also have the Amphibious Special Rule).
TREACHEROUS WATER: Some parts of the
Play Area, such as harbours, shallows, coral IMPASSABLE: Some parts of the Play Area
reefs or even a sunken wreck are considered as will be of the Impassable type. This usually
being Treacherous Water. represents terrain that is to be avoided
rather than traversed. If a piece of Terrain
Treacherous Water is Hazardous Terrain. is considered Impassable for Models with a
Furthermore, Models with the Submerged specific Positional Trait then such a Model
Unit or Surface Unit Position Traits have coming into contact with that Terrain
their Movement cost double when moving piece immediately resolves a Collision. See
through Treacherous Water. Collisions & Rams (The Rules p.29)


LAND: This type of Terrain is at least Mass PLATFORMS: These are a special type of
4 and is Impassable for all Models with the Obstacle, and like all Obstacles, the area 1”
Submerged Unit or Surface Unit Position around all Platforms is considered Hazardous
Traits. The Play Area within 1” of Land Terrain.There are two kinds of Platforms
Terrain is considered hazardous to all that are taken as Terrain in Encounters.
Units except those with the Skimming Unit Terrain Platforms are designated as Active or
or Aerial Unit Positional Traits. When Inactive. These should not be confused with
a Model suffers a Collision with Land any platform-like Units included as part of a
Terrain (such as an island) the Active Player Player’s Force. Such Units are detailed fully
immediately rolls a number of Action Dice in the Faction Order of Battle (ORBAT).
equal to the Model’s Mass Attribute. The
Model suffers a Point of Damage for each Inactive Platforms are the simplest to use and
Hit rolled and two points of damage for treated as Mass 2 Obstacles. Larger Platforms
each Heavy Hit or Exploding Hit rolled. are classed as Mass 3 (or even greater), but use
your judgement depending on the size of the
Common Examples of Land include islands miniature used.
(Mass 4 or larger), shores and beachheads.
Active Platforms Active Platforms are
OBSTACLES: These are objects on or just treated as Mass 2 Obstacles (or larger exactly
under the surface that are a danger to Models like Inactive Platforms). Active Platforms
that come into contact with them. Usually, use the following rules, however they may
Obstacles affect all Units except those with have specific rules detailed in an Encounter.
the Aerial Unit or Skimming Unit Positional
Traits. However, if they only affect a specific HOSTILE: Active Platforms are armed
Positional Trait then they will include the and will make a single Shooting Action
Trait in their name, such as Barrage Ballons at the start of the End Phase before SRS
(Aerial Obstacle). The area 1” around Resolution. The Attack is resolved against
Obstacle is considered Hazardous Terrain. the closest Model within 10” Roll a number
Obstacles are categorised by Mass in the of Action Dice equal to the Platform’s Mass
same way as Models. When creating terrain (usually 2). The Target suffers a Point of
pieces to represent such Obstacles, Players Damage for each Hit rolled and two points
should use Models of a similar physical size of damage for each Heavy Hit or Exploding
as a guide to Obstacle Mass. As always, it Hit rolled. Furthermore, as it is an Attack,
is whatever is agreed between Players that the Exploding Hit generates an additional
determines the Mass of Obstacles. die. See Exploding Hit (The Rules pg 3)
When a Model suffers a Collision with an STORM THE PLATFORM: Any Unit
Obstacle it is resolved exactly as though the may Assault an Active Platform. Perform
Model had collided with Land. Furthermore, an Assault as usual. The Platform has a
while Obstacles are a type of Terrain and Defence Action Dice Pool of 10 + its Mass.
cannot normally be destroyed, an Obstacle is If the Assault Outcome has 1 or more Hits,
removed from the Area of Play if it is of the the Platform becomes Inactive. Otherwise
same Mass or smaller than the Model that
treat it as a Driven back result. Terrain does
suffered a Collision with it.
not receive Disorder Levels.
Common Examples of Obstacles include
islands (Mass 3 or less), wreckage, sandbars
and icebergs. Another common type of
Obstacle are Platforms and these have
additional rules detailed below.


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