HerosOfTheEast 2010) PlayersPack
HerosOfTheEast 2010) PlayersPack
HerosOfTheEast 2010) PlayersPack
I’d like to quickly thank Nigel for coming up with this successful format
and I hope I do it justice down here in Melbourne.
This tournament is a chance for you all to play the models you normally
don’t get to use. So I encourage everyone to bring the Dragon’s and Ent’s
because there is going to be a lot of carnage. ”
Tournament Organiser
The Details
Croydon Uniting Church Hall, Tallent Street, Croydon.
(Melways Ref: map 50 K2)
10th of July 2010
12:00pm – First Round Start
2:00pm – Lunch
2:30pm – Resume Games
5:30pm – Pack Up
5:45pm – Awards
As this is a Heroes and Monsters tournament Games should be quick and snappy and
is why we have not allocated round times. Instead we will try to complete as many
rounds as physically possible.
Entry fee to the Tournament will be $15 per person.
Heroes of the East Players Pack
Force Restrictions:
We will be using the scenarios listed in Legions of Middle Earth and as
such each player must bring a copy to the tournament.
The scenarios will be randomly selected at the start of each Round.
In addition all games will take place on a 3 foot by 3 foot board and will
last a maximum of 10 turns regardless of the scenario you are playing.
Heroes of the East Players Pack
At the start of each round a Score card will be placed on your table. At
the end of the game fill out the card accordingly and hand it to the
Tournament Organiser (TO).
Game Scores:
Win Loss
Major Victory 10 2
Minor Victory 8 4
Draw 5 5
Bonus +1 for killing your opponent‟s Most
expensive model.
Sportsmanship will not be apart of the general scoring of the tournament,
however players that decided to break rules and make the experience less
enjoyable for others will suffer a minus penalty to their score at
tournament Organisers discretion.
Serious offences will result in disqualification and will be asked to leave
the premises. No refunds will be given.
Players will score 1 point for each of the following:
The Army is painted.
The Army has been based.
The Army list has been displayed clearly and is easy to read.
Please note it is a club policy that all models must be at least undercoated. Any
models that are placed on the table unpainted or not undercoated will be immediately
removed from the table.
Heroes of the East Players Pack
Heroes of the East Players Pack
The Showdown:
At the completion of the last round (after player‟s score have been tallied)
the two highest ranked players will play one final round at the end of the
tournament. The scenario that will be played will be „Take the High
Ground‟. However the winner will be determined by the player that has
most number of points on the hill at the end of 10 turns not by the
number figures.
The winner of this round will be declared the overall winner of the
There are five awards up for grabs at the end of the day:
Overall Winner
Runner Up
Best Painted Hero
Most Epic Moment
Biggest Beat down
Heroes of the East Players Pack
Eg. The Spider Queen and Lurtz charge and beat Gandalf in a fight. The Spider Queen causes 3
wounds and the Lurtz causes 2. Gandalf saves 3 wounds through fate. The total number of wounds
scored is still 5.
Later Aragorn (with the Sword), Legolas and Gimli trap and beat Lurtz in a fight. Gimli rolls first and
scores 2 wounds; Lurtz fails his fate roll and dies. However the player continues to roll for Legolas and
Aragorn. Legolas scores another wound and Aragorn scores and further 4 (remember Lurtz is trapped).
Giving a grand total of 7 wounds against Lurtz, which would be the new record.
In Closing:
Hopefully this player‟s pack has provided you with all the information
you need. Players that E-mail me their lists before the tournament will
receive bonus points (it will save time on the day).
If you have any questions, please contact me (Travis):
E-mail warhammer13@eftel.net.au
Phone 0402 161 165
WargamerAU Account „Tackitis‟
I hope you will enjoy this event. Please remember this tournament is
designed for you to meet some new people and play some fun games.
Hope to see you on the 10th of July.
Happy gaming,
Travis (TO)