Anaphy Reviewer
Anaphy Reviewer
Anaphy Reviewer
The skin is
an important site of transport.
WATER RESISTANCE - Skin acts as a
The largest body system includes the skin & water-resistant barrier so essential nutrients
accessory structures (hair, nails, & aren’t washed out of the body.
sebaceous & sweat glands. It covers an
area measuring 10 3/4 to 21 ½ sq. ft.& HYPODERMIS - Is loose connective tissue
accounts for about 15% of bodyweight. that attaches the skin to underlying tissue,
about ½ of the body’s fat is stored.
SKIN - is the outer covering of the body. It is
the largest organ of the integumentary EPIDERMIS - The outer thinner portion
system made of multiple layers of epithelial which is composed of epithelial tissue.
tissues and guards the underlying muscles,
KERATINOCYTE - Produces the protein
bones, ligaments, and internal organs.
keratin that helps waterproof and protect the
PROTECTION – An anatomical barrier from skin and underlying tissues. It is the major
pathogens and damage between the epidermal cell.
internal and external environment in bodily MELANOCYTE - produces the pigment
melanin – a brown – black pigment that
SENSATION – Contains a variety of nerve contributes to skin color and absorbs UV
endings that react to heat and cold, touch, light from the sun.
pressure, vibration, and tissue energy. LANGERHAN CELL - Interacts with WBC’s
called t-cell in immune responses and are
HEAT REGULATION – The skin contains easily damaged by UV radiation.
blood greater than its requirements which
allow control of heat loss by radiation, MERKEL CELL - Located on the deepest
convection, conduction, and evaporation. layer of epidermis (Stratum Basale). It
Dilated blood increase perfusion & heat loss contacts the ending of a sensory neuron
while constricted vessels greatly reduce and is thought to function in the sensation of
blood flow in the skin and conserve heat. touch.
Epidermis Layers - Dead skin cells are
see our skin and can assess our physical
state and attractiveness. STRATUM CORNEUM