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Answer Key

Chapter Test A
Multiple Choice
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. a
9. c
10. d
11. b
12. d
13. d
14. c
15. d
Short Answer
16. according to their physical
and structural similarities
17. the bear
18. Each level is included in all
of the more general levels
Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

above it.
19. kingdom, phylum
20. the wolf, fox, dog, and bear
21. Accept either of the
following answers: they
are prokaryotes (or cells
without nuclei); they are
single-celled organisms.
22. Eukarya
23. Protista
24. Plantae and Animalia
25. Both the Linnaean system
and this chart include the
kingdom level. However,
the Linnaean system did
not include domains, and
originally included only
two kingdoms.

Answer Key 1
17 Chapter Test A

The Tree of Life

Multiple Choice
Choose the letter of the best answer. (15 credits)

1. Organisms are named and classified 5. Which of the following uses mutation
based on physical characteristics in rates to measure evolutionary time?
a. evolutionary trees. a. phylogenies
b. Linnaean taxonomy. b. binomial nomenclature
c. cladograms. c. molecular clocks
d. molecular clocks. d. clades

2. Which of the following is the most 6. In the blank cladogram in Figure 17.1,
abundant group of organisms on Earth? what type of information would go on
a. protista c. bacteria
the lines labeled A?
b. plants d. archaea

3. Which of the following lists Linnaean

taxa in the correct order from general to
a. phylum, order, family, genus
b. kingdom, order, class, phylum
c. family, phylum, genus, species FIG. 17.1
d. class, order, species, genus
a. clades
4. In the Linnaean system of classification, b. outgroupings
Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.

which of the following is most c. common ancestors

commonly defined as a group of d. derived characters
organisms that can breed and produce
offspring? 7. In the cladogram in Figure 17.1, what
a. phylum c. genus type of information would go in the area
labeled B?
b. species d. order
a. clades
b. outgroupings
c. common ancestors
d. derived characters

8. In the 1860s, all single-celled organisms

were placed in their own kingdom called
a. Protista. c. Eukarya.
b. Archaea. d. Bacteria.

Assessment Book Chapter Test A 339

McDougal Littell Biology

9. How many domains are there in the most 13. Carl Woese divided the kingdom Monera
The Tree of Life

current tree of life? into the kingdoms Bacteria and


a. six c. three a. Plantae. c. Protista.

b. five d. two b. Fungi. d. Archaea.

10. How many kingdoms are there in the 14. The name Canis lupis is an example of
most current tree of life?
a. a domain and kingdom.
a. two c. three b. one clade.
b. five d. six c. binomial nomenclature.
11. The modern classification system is d. a phylogeny.
mainly based on
15. Which of the following types of
a. mutation rates. evidence is considered the most accurate
b. common ancestry. in classifying organisms, according to
c. physical similarities. the majority of scientists?
d. binomial nomenclature. a. anatomical c. physiological
b. Linnaean d. molecular
12. Figure 17.2 shows one set of genetic
differences between humans and other
animals. By this measure, which listed
species is most related to humans?
Amino Acid Differences Compared with
Human Protein X
Chimpanzee 0
Horse 5
Pig 10
Mouse 15
Rabbit 20

Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.

Frog 22
Turtle 28
FIG. 17.2
a. rabbit c. turtle
b. mouse d. chimpanzee

340 Chapter Test A Assessment Book

McDougal Littell Biology

Short Answer Use the diagram below to answer items 16–20. (5 credits)

The Tree of Life

FIG. 17.3

16. In Linnaean taxonomy, how are organisms classified or grouped?

Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.

17. According to this classification, is the wolf more closely related to the bear or the bat?

18. How does Figure 17.3 illustrate the idea that each level is nested in the level above it?

19. What taxa do the bat and the shark share?

20. What animals shown in Figure 17.3 are in the order Carnivora?

Assessment Book Chapter Test A 341

McDougal Littell Biology

Use the diagram below to answer items 21–25.

The Tree of Life

(5 credits)

FIG. 17.4

Domain Bacteria Archaea Eukarya

Kingdom Bacteria Archaea Fungi

21. What characteristics do the organisms in the domains Bacteria and Archaea share?

22. Into which domain would you place a multicellular organism with a nucleus?

23. What kingdom is missing from the chart?

24. Which kingdoms were considered kingdoms in 1753 as well as today?

25. Compare this chart with Linnaean taxonomy. Name one similarity and one difference.

Copyright © McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Company.

342 Chapter Test A Assessment Book

McDougal Littell Biology

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