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ELS LOUNGE 2.involved
Multiple choice
1. Lance is ________ knowledgeable on this subject. 6.resident
a) smartly
b) powerfully 9.manner
c) firmly 10.out
d) highly 12.wounded
2. I need a good explanation of all the costs ________ in buying a new car. 14.distinctive
a) affected 16.business
b) involved 17.conditions
c) concerned
d) implied 20.widespread
3. There was a ________ debate about the Middle East, then they moved to a vote.
a) lively 24.forecast
b) flexible 25.pursuit
c) main 27.called
d) nimble 28.display
4. The doctor told him to lose weight quickly or pay the ________ later in life. 31.resulted
a) fee 32.more
b) fine
c) price 35.signed
d) cost 36.scans
5. Jet lag causes problems with our ________ clock. 39.quest
a) biological 40.exposed
b) botanical 42.pioneers
c) natural 43.generate
d) rhythmical
6. This species of seagull is not a ________ of the island, but will sometimes rest here a while. 47.inflexible
a) neighbour
b) national 50.implied
c) citizen 51.disclosed
d) resident 53.impose
7. Doesn't it ________ you as strange that it's the middle of May and it's snowing? 55.noted
a) hit 57.draw
b) occur 58.optimum
c) strike
d) touch 61.source ...
8. I didn't stay behind because I wanted to, I did so because it was my ________.
a) work
b) duty
c) shift
d) chore

9. What angered me wasn't his resignation but the ________ in which he did it.
a) method
b) manner
c) aspect
d) bearing

10. If you can't make ________ what's written, change the zoom level and it'll become clearer.
a) for
b) off
c) up
d) out

11. There's a ________ range of issues that we need to discuss as soon as possible.
a) far
b) ample
c) wide
d) high

12. Despite being ________ in the battle, the solider fought on and was awarded a medal for bravery.
a) enraged
b) wounded
c) flawed
d) bruised

13. The rain will ________ for most of the morning, but we are expecting a brighter afternoon.
a) persist
b) insist
c) resist
d) consist

14. In the mating season, the male of the species calls out with a ________ gu-gu sound.
a) separate
b) distinctive
c) contrasting
d) individual

15. Marie Curie, one of the best-known ________ in working with radiation, died in 1934.
a) debutants
b) revolutionaries
c) pioneers
d) rebels

16. Deep sea oil exploration is a dirty and dangerous ________.

a) affair
b) situation
c) case
d) business

17. Much of the neighbourhood was demolished in the 1940s when living ________ had deteriorated.
a) situations
b) conditions
c) circumstances
d) states

18. Scientists are yet to understand the full nutritional ________ of the humble olive.
a) favours
b) helps
c) goods
d) benefits

19. You can come and ________ us performing this operation, if you want.
a) discover
b) gaze
c) observe
d) look

20. Bears used to be very ________ in this part of the country, but nobody has seen one for ten years.
a) sparse
b) broad
c) thorough
d) widespread

21. Ben was ________ to the court for jury duty, but took a doctor's note with him and was excused.
a) pulled
b) assembled
c) summoned
d) requested

22. The police ________ four states in pursuit of the bank robber.
a) crossed
b) journeyed
c) chased
d) travelled

24. After three years of ________, the country's economy is finally looking a lot healthier.
a) letdown
b) demise
c) overdraft
d) recession

25. We altered our final ________ of yearly profits due to more accurate advertising and marketing costs.
a) forecast
b) expectancy
c) expectation
d) wishes

26. Two wolves ran through the forest in ________ of a deer.

a) following
b) chase
c) hunting
d) pursuit

27. The economy touches every ________ of our lives.

a) piece
b) field
c) division
d) aspect

28. Like most safety features, the air bag is very rarely used but when ________ upon, must operate perfectly.
a) called
b) required
c) pulled
d) requested

29. The cup will remain here at the clubhouse for a month on ________ before being sent to the museum.
a) display
b) parade
c) exposition
d) stage

30. Jed ran the whole ________ after his father died and left him the company.
a) industry
b) affair
c) work
d) business
31. The garden is a paradise for flowers in particular. We have seventeen ________ of roses.
a) varieties
b) breeds
c) families
d) mutations

32. The terrible weather ________ in severe traffic delays and the closure of the airport.
a) resulted
b) concluded
c) met
d) ended

33. "What is ________," Clarissa said, "I feel I'm being ignored."
a) extra
b) more
c) else
d) plus

34. Thomas graduated with a specialist degree in the ________ of criminology.

a) aspect
b) field
c) sector
d) division

35. Lasers can measure distances with incredible ________.

a) care
b) precision
c) adjustment
d) attention

36. My two cousins were so excited at the start of the war, they ran downtown and ________ up immediately.
a) wrote
b) signed
c) drew
d) brought

37. This machine ________ the user's eye and can confirm identity.
a) regards
b) gazes
c) scans
d) views

38. The inquiry into the accident will be ________ by Malcolm Jones, a former army general.
a) overseen
b) overlooked
c) overdrawn
d) overpowered

39. Though Carla's remarks seem insulting, if you see them in ________, they're actually quite innocent.
a) situation
b) context
c) relation
d) background

40. Even early in the city's life, the ________ for knowledge led to the founding of a university.
a) quest
b) pursuit
c) gathering
d) chase

41. The three teenagers spent a cold night on the ________ mountain before rescuers arrived.
a) exposed
b) displayed
c) overlooked
d) revealed

42. Politicians have been arguing about the reasons for the ________ in the number of unemployed.
a) decline
b) descent
c) recession
d) weakening

43. Charles Lindbergh was one of the early ________ in powered flight and crossed the Atlantic in 1927.
a) inventors
b) pioneers
c) chiefs
d) creators

44. We used advertising to ________ interest in the product and then educated people on how to use it.
a) introduce
b) adopt
c) breed
d) generate

45. It never ________ to me that Mike and Cherie's marriage was in any trouble.
a) reveal
b) occurred
c) concerned
d) struck

46. All attempts to reach Darren at home on his phone ________ with failure.
a) met
b) finished
c) put
d) resulted

47. Any problems ________ from the new contract are not my concern. I warned against signing it.
a) producing
b) arising
c) deriving
d) arriving

48. The director was accused of being ________ in the way he ran the company.
a) inflexible
b) inevitable
c) infallible
d) inflatable

49. In the tough economic climate, the company GTV has ________ by over 40%.
a) sunk
b) belittled
c) reduced
d) shrunk

50. Modern conditions such as diabetes and alcohol abuse has caused life ________ to fall in some countries.
a) expectancy
b) expectation
c) prediction
d) forecast

51. The words of his resignation letter ________ he was unhappy with several of his former colleagues.
a) signified
b) implied
c) involved
d) inferred

52. Thomas never ________ the negative role he had in taking over the company
a) located
b) disclosed
c) exposed
d) uncovered
53. Dr Hartson is an animal expert, but I don't believe the ________ of his expertise is as wide as you think.
a) scope
b) width
c) scale
d) weight

54. We understand it's late and we don't mean to ________, but we have some important questions for you.
a) inconvenience
b) impose
c) interrupt
d) interfere

55. On arriving at the theatre, the Queen was presented with a large ________ of tulips by a young girl.
a) gathering
b) bouquet
c) bunch
d) clump

56. The suspect's complaints about his treatment by police were ________ and he was taken into custody.
a) noted
b) viewed
c) mentioned
d) remarked

57. "We will surely ________ our problems if we work together on a solution."
a) sink
b) weaken
c) lessen
d) concentrate

58. We paid the lawyer to ________ up a totally new will, one which left the three boys much better off.
a) draw
b) bring
c) sign
d) make

59. The ________ time for making decisions is lunchtime.

a) fine
b) optimum
c) peak
d) maximum

60. The elderly patient was considered too ________ to survive an operation.
a) tenuous
b) brittle
c) frail
d) insane

61. Last Sunday, the highest temperature in ________ history was registered.
a) marked
b) accounted
c) noted
d) recorded

62. Milk is an important ________ of calcium and vitamin D and is an important part of any diet.
a) source
b) ancestor
c) base
d) root

63. The customs officer was suspicious and called the man over to ________ his luggage more closely.
a) inspect
b) view
c) gaze at
d) glimpse

64. Are these old plates of ________ importance or can I put them into storage?
a) main
b) lively
c) vital
d) urgent

65. The humble bee, so often ________ for granted, plays a key role in agriculture.
a) taken
b) collected
c) given
d) put

66. Singers take care of their voice to guarantee ________ performance.

a) high
b) summit
c) optimum
d) prime

67. Even if you can't quit smoking, you should do your best to at least ________ down a bit.
a) cut
b) break
c) push
d) make

68. The charity dance raised $5000 and the hospital was able to buy a new heart ________.
a) scanner
b) scope
c) sight
d) viewer

69. It is often only through long experiments of trial and ________ that scientific progress is made.
a) failure
b) error
c) mistake
d) fault

70. The working day in the factory is divided into day and night ________.
a) works
b) duties
c) shifts
d) labours

71. The job is tough, lonely and yes, on ________, even depressing.
a) time
b) moment
c) times
d) occasion

72. The shopping centre was built surrounded by a vast ________ of concrete for parking.
a) scope
b) field
c) extent
d) range

73. Every person in this room has ________ an important part in the success of the company.
a) played
b) added
c) made
d) put

74. The little girl ________ until hospital staff finally showed her to her father's room.
a) urged
b) insisted
c) consisted
d) resisted
75. The murderer worked in a cemetery and had no problems in ________ of the body.
a) scrapping
b) disposing
c) throwing
d) dumping

76. Two local journalists were criticised for the part they ________ in spreading the malicious gossip.
a) played
b) wrote
c) done
d) pushed

77. Charlie almost got to the end of the speech before he was ________ by a drunk guest.
a) interrupted
b) invaded
c) intersected
d) interfered

78. Doctors say antibiotic usefulness ________ from patient to patient.

a) alters
b) varies
c) ranges
d) modifies

79. Despite past good performances, the actor was fired when the studio decided he had become a ________.
a) responsibility
b) weight
c) flaw
d) liability

80. Police ________ that the boy missing since Tuesday night is in danger.
a) predict
b) care
c) wonder
d) fear

81. As a ________ of course, we delete all email records after three years.
a) duty
b) matter
c) principle
d) way

82. The tribes on these islands carry out a strange hunting ________ at the beginning of summer every year.
a) method
b) manner
c) ritual
d) process

83. We have to walk down three flights of stairs just to get rid of our rubbish. What an ________!
a) inconvenience
b) anxiety
c) interference
d) imposition

84. Sharon had broken many regulations at work and finally paid the ________ by losing her job.
a) cost
b) fee
c) fine
d) price

85. You've been ________ from the competition because we've discovered you cheated.
a) lost
b) failed
c) eliminated
d) beaten

86. Even the tiniest ________ in a rocket can lead to a catastrophic failure at launch.
a) inaccuracy
b) fault
c) misdeed
d) hindrance

87. I met a woman in town who was talking to people about homeless teenagers and asking for ________.
a) grants
b) donations
c) pocket money
d) aid

88. There's a very unusual ________ for this movie: a prison for badly behaved dogs!
a) background
b) location
c) setting
d) context

89. Though we always turn right here, I often ________ what's down the other road.
a) wonder
b) insist
c) fear
d) care

90. Two ferries ________ today in the main harbour, but there were no injuries.
a) hit
b) smashed
c) collided
d) crashed

91. The red squirrel, once ________ throughout Britain, is now restricted to the north.
a) usual
b) common
c) frequent
d) crowded

92. In many countries, specially trained dogs are used to ________ hidden drugs.
a) define
b) disclose
c) search
d) locate

93. Once you ________ the border, you are subject to the laws of another country.
a) travel
b) break
c) cross
d) land

94. The film last year helped to ________ interest in 1920s fashion and even ways of speaking.
a) rectify
b) repair
c) revive
d) recover

95. We have decided to ________ the Premium 2000 computer security system. It's too old now.
a) reject
b) veto
c) discard
d) throw away

96. It was the child's history teacher that first realised she was being ________ at home.
a) declined
b) neglected
c) abandoned
d) deserted
97. Police told everyone to stay at home until the ________ of thieves had been captured.
a) crew
b) range
c) band
d) bunch

98. Hal's parents apologised for their treatment of him and said they wanted to ________ the situation.
a) revive
b) refuse
c) repudiate
d) rectify

99. A truck that was carrying food ________ fell into the river, but the driver managed to escape.
a) goods
b) aids
c) benefits
d) productions

100. You simply must invite Carol to the party. She's always the life and ________ of any evening.
a) light
b) blood
c) soul
d) flesh

101. I'm tired and in pain and what's ________, I didn't even want to come here.
a) else
b) wrong
c) different
d) more

102. Sadness is an ________ part of the bereavement process.

a) uneasy
b) inevitable
c) infallible
d) indebted

103. If you read Anna's comments in ________, you'll see there wasn't anything wrong with them.
a) place
b) context
c) position
d) mind

104. Much of South America was ________ when diseases were introduced by arriving Europeans.
a) enraged
b) ravaged
c) savaged
d) engaged

105. This chain of mountains ________ its name from an ancient tribe that lived in the area.
a) produces
b) derives
c) collects
d) puts

106. Scientists have ________ a strange phenomenon in the atmosphere of Mars.

a) observed
b) inspected
c) watched
d) regarded

107. I owe my sisters a huge ________ of gratitude for the way they've helped me out in recent years.
a) bill
b) debt
c) claim
d) liability

108. Before we ________ under way, are there any questions you would like to ask me?
a) get
b) make
c) begin
d) come

109. She cried all through what was supposed to be a ________ film about rabbits.
a) sarcastic
b) dreary
c) light-hearted
d) graceful

110. I ________ believe him to be innocent of the crime.

a) steadily
b) powerfully
c) highly
d) firmly

111. After her computer was struck by a virus, she was unable to retrieve the accountant ________ she needed.
a) cabinets
b) files
c) ranks
d) portfolios

112. An ________ military base in the desert is the setting for Al Abner's latest sci-fi novel.
a) neglected
b) dumped
c) abandoned
d) unfilled

113. I don't like it when newsreaders start giving their ________ opinions about the news. That's not their job.
a) substantial
b) subjugated
c) subversive
d) subjective

114. The Jersey is probably one of the most well-known ________ of cow in the world.
a) makes
b) brands
c) breeds
d) classes

115. Can you detect the ________ taste of peach in that red wine?
a) low
b) subtle
c) thin
d) frail

116. Lack of vital vitamins and minerals can lead to a wide ________ of illnesses and conditions.
a) expanse
b) range
c) band
d) span

117. Due to the fact you weren't listening, you understood ________ nothing of what I said.
a) closely
b) virtually
c) justly
d) fairly

118. The rules and regulations were explained many times, but he has failed to ________ them.
a) assimilate
b) comprehend
c) know
d) envision
119. "I risked life and ________ to save you and look at how ungrateful you are!" Charles shouted.
a) limb
b) flesh
c) being
d) soul

120. Do you even ________ that you're whistling? It's really disturbing me.
a) observe
b) feel
c) notice
d) detect

121. Though the report is good, I don't think you do enough to ________ the goals of it at the beginning.
a) define
b) gather
c) interpret
d) adopt

122. Disaster ________ on the fairground ride when one of the children released the safety bar.
a) struck
b) hit
c) knocked
d) arrived

123. Pesticides have meant that many butterflies ________ to this area are no longer found.
a) native
b) located
c) occupied
d) marked

124. The sacked teacher returned to the school and made ________ with computer equipment worth thousands.
a) up
b) off
c) for
d) out

125. Even though the accused didn't ________ out his threat, the victim was left terrified.
a) gone
b) make
c) succeed
d) carry

126. "It is only through the generous ________ given to me by this college that I'm able to continue my work."
a) fines
b) scholarships
c) grants
d) fees

127. Great care must be taken with fireworks and similar devices that can ________ injury.
a) bring up
b) begin
c) cause
d) generate

128. The Dollar-Euro exchange rate has ________ a lot throughout the year.
a) fluctuated
b) wavered
c) altered
d) ranged

129. Many animals are endangered because humans have ________ their usual habitat.
a) impinged
b) invaded
c) interfered
d) infected

130. Despite being such a ________ visitor to Paris, Sam never bored of exploring it.
a) frequent
b) common
c) typical
d) usual

131. When choosing for this role, don't ________ the talents of Brian, one of the best actors in the academy.
a) oversee
b) overvalue
c) overrate
d) overlook

132. The taste is wrong. Add some more salt to it. That might ________ the trick.
a) have
b) play
c) do
d) make

133. The director promised a broad and ________ review to get to the bottom of why the scandal happened.
a) abrasive
b) profound
c) thorough
d) severe

134. Engineers made a tiny ________ to the fuel pump and the mission continued.
a) tuning
b) altercation
c) adjustment
d) balancing

135. At ________ like this, I like to remember my grandfather and how he used to play that old violin.
a) occasion
b) situations
c) moments
d) period

136. If you ________ out this task successfully, it will help us enormously.
a) make
b) perform
c) set
d) carry

137. Large black ________ of clouds moved over the area and before long, the rain had started.
a) bunches
b) bands
c) gangs
d) groups


1. None of the phones were left when we got to the shop.


______________________________ the shop, all the phones had been sold.

2. I didn't know it was Carl until he took off his hat.


Only ______________________________ his hat did I recognise Carl.

3. Don't waste your time asking Bryan to come with us.


It's ______________________________ to come with us.

4. Perhaps John heard the story from Pippa.


Pippa might ______________________________ story.

5. Until they fire me as manager here, I'll run the company my way.


______________________________ the boss, I'll run the company my way.

6. The school's management are investigating allegations of teacher brutality.


Allegations of teacher brutality ______________________________ the school's management.

7. It's not possible that you saw Mary last night, she was with us!


You ______________________________ last night, she was with us!

8. The beach was fun even though it was too cold.


______________________________ too cold, the beach was fun

1. by the time we got to

2. when he took off

3. not worth asking Bryan

4. have told John the

5. as long as I'm

6. are being looked into by

7. can't have seen Mary

8. despite the fact that it was

9. 1. Many delegates stole pens from the conference room.


A lot of ______________________________ the conference room by delegates.

10. 2. Immediately after Bess arrived home, the phone rang.


No ______________________________ home than the phone rang.

11. 3. If his expensive divorce hadn't happened, Bill would still be a rich man.


If it ______________________________, Bill would still be a rich man.

12. 4. "You won't get lost along the country lanes if you always have the map open."


He told them they wouldn't get lost ______________________________ had the map open.

13. 5. My brother has great ideas all the time.


My brother always ______________________________ ideas.

14. 6. If that passing woman hadn't arrived, we would have been completely lost.


Had it ______________________________, we would have got completely lost.

15. 7. If I lose this job, nobody will let me forget it.


I'll ______________________________ if I lose this job.

16. 8. They'll have to cancel the show if the audience doesn't increase.


A continued low audience for the show ______________________________ cancellation.

17. pens were stolen from

18. sooner had Bess arrived

19. hadn't been for his expensive divorce

20. as long as they

21. comes up with great

22. not been for that passing woman

23. never live it down

24. will mean its

25. 1. A phone call was the first we heard about them withdrawing from the concert.


The first we heard about ______________________________ of the concert was a phone call.

26. 2. We need to run or the train will leave before we get there.


Unless we run, the train ______________________________ we get there.

27. 3. "You really must stay for dessert," Kate's brother said to him.


Kate's brother ______________________________ for dessert.

28. 4. "A massage would do you a lot of good," Jake told Amy.


"You ______________________________ a massage," Jake told Amy.

29. 5. Even if it's very far, they want to go to Paris for a weekend break.


Far ______________________________, they want to go to Paris for a weekend break.

30. 6. The town's population surrendered as soon as the enemy arrived.


No sooner had the enemy arrived ______________________________ surrendered.

31. 7. This building stands a very good chance of being closed as unsafe by the council.


It's ______________________________ will be closed by council due to being unsafe.

32. 8. Another student stole Carol's watch from the classroom.


Carol ______________________________ by another student from the classroom.

33. them pulling out

34. will have left by the time

35. insisted on him staying

36. would really benefit from

37. though it may be

38. than the town's population

39. highly likely that this building

40. had her watch stolen

41. 1. I'm just about to give up this diet because it's not working at all.


I'm ______________________________ this diet up because it's not working at all.

42. 2. Please do those photocopies whenever you have the time.


Please do those photocopies if ______________________________ the time.

43. 3. If you really want to spend the whole night studying, there's nothing I can do.


If you ______________________________ the whole night, there's nothing I can do.

44. 4. The match will be postponed if it keeps raining.


Further rain ______________________________ postponement of the match.

45. 5. "I can't stand what his assistant said about me," said Barbara.


Barbara ______________________________ the assistant said about her.

46. 6. "Ian took the money, not his brother Dylan," Susan said.


According to Susan, ______________________________ took the money, not Dylan.

47. 7. The shop was closed for a week while they decorated it.


While it ______________________________, the shop was closed for a week.

48. 8. If Phil is having so many problems at school, maybe some private tuition would help him.


Maybe Phil would ______________________________ tuition if he's having so many problems at school.

49. on the point of giving

50. you happen to have

51. insist on studying

52. will mean the

53. objected to what

54. it was Ian who

55. was being done up

56. benefit from some private

57. 1. They'll blame the failure of the festival on the weather.


The failure of the festival ______________________________ the weather.

58. 2. When people speak down to my sister, she hates it.


My sister hates ______________________________ to like that

59. 3. I know it's dangerous, but I love hang gliding.


Dangerous ______________________________, I love hang gliding.

60. 4. I'd prefer you not to stay out so late.


I'd ______________________________ stay out so late.

61. 5. I don't think it's important how fast we drive, we're going to be late.


We're going to be late ______________________________ drive.

62. 6. We paid someone to fix the roof for us last summer.


Last summer, we ______________________________.

63. 7. You should have spoken to Meg sooner.


If ______________________________ to Meg sooner.

64. 8. "You played your music too loud last night," Jan said to Ben angrily.


Jan ______________________________ his music too loud the previous night.

65. will be put down to

66. being spoken down

67. though it may be

68. rather you didn't

69. no matter how fast we

70. had the roof fixed

71. only you'd spoken

72. accused Ben of playing

73. 1. It was very windy, but we really enjoyed the picnic.


We really enjoyed the picnic ______________________________ was very windy.

74. 2. I couldn't believe it when Jackie came back to work.


I ______________________________ the speed of Jackie's return to work.

75. 3. It's very probable that this dog will win the competition.


It's ______________________________ will win the competition.

76. 4. Mary didn't seem to be at all scared when she drove the motorbike.


Mary showed ______________________________ own safety when she drove the motorbike.

77. 5. Jane said it was Sarah's fault that the dinner party was a disaster.


Jane ______________________________ Sarah for the disastrous dinner party.

78. 6. Even when I did very badly, my teacher always gave me encouragement.


______________________________ I did, my teacher always gave me encouragement.

79. 7. Hannah was preparing to send an email to Richard when she saw his email.


Hannah was ______________________________ Richard an email when she saw his email.

80. 8. "It's not a good idea to invest in that company," Philip told John.


Philip ______________________________ in that company.

81. despite the fact that it was

82. was taken aback by

83. highly likely that this dog

84. a disregard for her

85. placed the blame on

86. no matter how badly

87. on the point of sending

88. advised John against investing

89. 1. "The manager broke the computer", Tina said.


Tina said ______________________________ the computer.

90. 2. The flawed diamond was much cheaper than the perfect one.


The perfect diamond cost ______________________________ flawed one.

91. 3. "I'd like to know who thought of that horrible name for the new company."


Who ______________________________ name for the new company?

92. 4. Someone was driving the car very erratically, the police confirmed.


The police confirmed that the car ______________________________ erratically.

93. 5. "I really should have studied more for the exam," Jed thought.


"If ______________________________ for the exam," Jed thought.

94. 6. Any time you see Clara, ask her about her husband.


If ______________________________ Clara, ask her about her husband.

95. 7. The major revealed everything about the old scandal after he left office.


Only after leaving office ______________________________ everything about the old scandal.

96. 8. Some have said that the government is ignoring the problem of inflation.


The government ______________________________ the problem of inflation.

97. it was the manager who broke

98. a lot more than the

99. came up with that horrible

100. was being driven very

101. only I'd studied more

102. you happen to see

103. did the mayor reveal

104. has been accused of ignoring

105. 1. John said he almost never went out on a Wednesday night.


"______________________________ out on a Wednesday night," John said.

106. 2. Megan apologised to Harry for saying he was a coward.


Megan ______________________________ she said about Harry being a coward.

107. 3. I don't think Mika hitting your car was an accident.


I think Mika ______________________________.

108. 4. "It's not the overtime I resent, it's the pay freeze," said Trevor.


Trevor ______________________________ pay freeze than the overtime.

109. 5. "Don't tell Chris too much or you'll regret it," Sally told June.


Sally ______________________________ too much to Chris.

110. 6. You're not ever allowed in this laboratory.


At ______________________________ permitted to be in this laboratory.

111. 7. Don't ever open this door.


______________________________ should you open this door.

112. 8. Daniel regretted speaking so rudely to his landlord


Daniel ______________________________ politely to his landlord.

113. rarely do I go

114. took back what

115. hit your car on purpose

116. objected more to the

117. advised June against saying

118. no time are you

119. on no account

120. wished he had spoken more

121. 1. If your sister didn't work so hard, your family would starve!


Were it ______________________________ working so hard, your family would starve.

122. 2. Margaret told her daughter never to touch the vase.


"Under ______________________________ this vase to be touched," Margaret told her daughter.

123. 3. We get on well with both of Jack's parents.


We ______________________________ with both of Jack's parents.

124. 4. If we could choose, we'd prefer to go to Paris.


We'd ______________________________ Paris if given the choice.

125. 5. "Have you considered the cost of this project?" Elena asked.


Elena wanted to know if they had taken ______________________________ of the project.

126. 6. "You might have to drive a lot in this job," Greg said to Kathy.


Greg told Kathy that the job ______________________________ of driving.

127. 7. The airline never said anything about having overbooked the plane.


At ______________________________ tell us they had overbooked the plane.

128. 8. If you left the bank at 3pm, it's possible you saw the thief.


You may ______________________________ you were in the bank at 3pm.

129. not for your sister

130. no circumstances is

131. are on good terms

132. rather go to

133. into account the cost

134. might involve a lot

135. no time did the airline

136. have seen the thief if

open cloze

1. It was the sale ________ my first car that gave me enough money to go travelling for the first time.

2. I can't ask for help from anyone in my family. You know what they're ________.

3. Available flavours include ________ only the usual strawberry and chocolate, but also peach.

4. A collision ________ two satellites has filled the sky with debris.

5. Jane has so many cats, ________ only those she has rescued, but ones that friends have given her.

6. The reason they are called daily requirements is that we need to consume an amount of them ________


7. "Tess Of The D'Urbervilles" is probably the novel for ________ Thomas Hardy is best known.

8. A hippopotamus can be just ________ dangerous as a lion.

9. of

10. like

11. not
12. between

13. not

14. every/each

15. which

16. as

17. There are several very interesting ingredients we can add to this cake. ________ of them is nutmeg and

another is vanilla.

18. We discussed who would give money for the gift for about ten minutes and ________ the end, Cyril just

grabbed the bill and paid.

19. ________ from yourself, do you know anyone else who'd be willing to volunteer?

20. Brunei, a tiny ________ very wealthy state, lies in Asia.

21. My mother warned my brother that dinner would be at 6pm and ________ this, he was eating doughnuts

half an hour before!

22. It looks ________ though the new employee is going to be late on his first day.

23. ________ the work you do for the government, what else do you do for a living?

24. We loved the house, but couldn't contact the agent and that's ________ is the most frustrating thing.

25. one

26. in

27. apart

28. yet/but

29. despite

30. as

31. besides
32. what

33. It's something of a mystery how ancient bridge builders succeeded ________ spanning this wide river.

34. Are you sure you want to go on holiday to that part of the world, considering all the problems ________

are right now?

35. Life hasn't been found on any planet in the solar system, ________ from our own.

36. The city of Istanbul in Turkey was known ________ Constantinople until the early 20th century.

37. In ________ to a company car and large annual bonuses, we are also offering help in finding a new house.

38. The difficulty with ________ he managed to speak showed how upset he was.

39. I love Lebanese food but what's the country itself ________? Tell me about the weather, for example.

40. ________ deep is that river? Do you think we'll need a boat to cross it?

41. in

42. there

43. apart

44. as

45. addition

46. which

47. like

48. how

49. Job losses at this factory were all ________ to the fact that the economy did so badly last year.

50. Football, or soccer ________ it's generally known in the US, can truly be called a global sport.

51. These are rubies and these ones are sapphires. ________ stones as these are very valuable.

52. I can't believe the ease with ________ he convinced her to go!

53. Looking at these figures, it should ________ obvious that the company isn't doing well.
54. The high tackle in rugby is a serious offence for ________ the player is usually punished.

55. She continued dancing on the table, seemingly unaware or uncaring about what she looked ________.

56. Many animals, foxes and wolves ________ them, hunt at night and therefore have good vision.

57. due

58. as

59. such

60. which

61. be

62. which

63. like

64. among

65. The first night's talk will touch on topics ________ as ornithology and global warming.

66. You're ________ from perfect, Jon. Only last year, you lost those files, remember?

67. The lack of authority from higher levels in the company is ________ of the problems the review will look


68. I used to understand how to work this phone but I no ________ do! Can you help me?

69. I went to bed very late and slept terribly, ________ the result that I feel awful today.

70. ________ your poor record of turning up on time, we want to extend your contract because we like your


71. An increase in tourism ________ 17% helped the country recover from recession.

72. Jenkins is ________ more a marketing expert than my grandfather. He's a fraud!

73. such

74. far
75. one

76. longer

77. with

78. despite

79. of

80. no

81. What this soldier did was ________ and beyond his expected duties. He'll be awarded a medal.

82. We've had ________ distinguished guests as Roosevelt and Churchill dining here.

83. ________ of the main reasons we are getting out of the Australian market is due to tougher government


84. Despite forty people losing their jobs, the company merger was a success in ________ other way.

85. We offer free delivery on all products and, in ________, five years of guarantee.

86. What do you need in ________ to complete your work in time?

87. Look at this sequence ________ numbers and tell me what the next one is.

88. If you succeed ________ increasing your sales by at least 10% this year, you'll get a raise.

89. above

90. such

91. one

92. every

93. addition

94. order

95. of

96. in
97. In response to the question, Mary said that as ________ as she knew, the house was empty.

98. I knew there were rabbits in the park, but I've never seen that ________ of them here before.

99. I need the name of the person ________ car is parked right in front of mine. He's completely blocking me!

100. Go down to the building site quickly. There appears to ________ been a bad accident.

101. We've now discovered you were the person who broke the door and in that ________, we cannot be held


102. This is a great book, ________ only for those that are geology experts, but also for keen amateurs like


103. I don't like ________ type of spice, but pepper in particular, I can't stand.

104. I've read ________ single book you can see in this room. I think I read three books a week.

105. far

106. many

107. whose

108. have

109. case

110. not

111. any

112. every

113. An argument started in the boardroom when one man was asked what he objected ________ about the

new plan.

114. ________ of the reasons for the high absentee rate was an outbreak of flu.

115. The security system works ________ taking a photo of every employee as they enter the building.
116. With everything provided here in the hotel, ________ is no need for any tourists to even leave and visit

the town.

117. I'd love to indulge ________ a bit of hill walking this summer. Where do you want to go?

118. ________ being a high quality restaurant, it's also cheap, which is why we come back again and again.

119. There are no clean shirts at ________ in your wardrobe. What are you going to wear?

120. The woman got very angry and shouted at her son that he had to go to school, ________ or not he wanted


121. to

122. one

123. by

124. there

125. in

126. besides

127. all

128. whether

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1. Margaret was very upset after the dinner last night and that was all ________ to your rudeness.

2. You will get full insurance for this holiday, ________ you pay now or at the time of departure.

3. It wasn't me who said the director had quit, that was the story ________ to Mark, who knows him very


4. Carlton's face froze. "It ________ already be too late," he said and he looked away.

5. The mining industry may ________ spoiling the beautiful coastal landscape in this area.

6. Tehran and Baghdad, found in Iran and Iraq respectively, are ________ the oldest cities in the world.
7. Laurence Olivier, or Larry ________ he was affectionately called, is considered one of the best ever actors.

8. The Prime Minister said he didn't want longer prison sentences but he objected ________ prisoners being

released too early.

9. due

10. whether

11. according

12. may/might

13. be

14. among

15. as

16. to

17. I couldn't tell you the exact distance to Manchester, but it's well ________ ten miles.

18. ________ time I see you, you've got a big smile on your face and look so happy.

19. My boss is just ________ likely to get to the office at midday as nine o'clock.

20. ________ having more trees than Moor Park, Wilson Park is also much larger.

21. The climbers made such an effort to reach the summit, ________ to find the pub on the summit was

already closed.

22. I don't understand ________ that bird manages to carry so much food in its mouth. It's amazing!

23. I didn't understand the physics lecture at ________. What am I going to do for the exam?

24. The politician resigned following a series ________ disasters which led to his reputation being destroyed.

25. over

26. every

27. as
28. besides

29. only

30. how

31. all

32. of

33. ________ to your mother, the party has been cancelled because the catering company went bankrupt.

34. Jenny has ________ or no aptitude for marketing. We need to move her to another department.

35. I'm very hungry. On the ________ hand, I just want to get home.

36. Tell me about your childhood again, Margaret. I want to indulge ________ some old fashioned nostalgia!

37. Do ________ of you in this room know a Mr. Dobson?

38. This tiny little island was discovered, ________ many were in the 18th century, by the British navy.

39. The people ________ I really admire are those that have built something successful by themselves.

40. I asked in the bookshop about 'Falconry Monthly' magazine and they told me it's ________ longer


41. according

42. little

43. other

44. in

45. any

46. as

47. who/that

48. no

49. As ________ as seventy workers will be made redundant in a company merger.

50. The cake collapsed because the heat in the oven wasn't consistent. In ________ words, someone opened

the door!

51. ________ order to find you on our customer database, you'll have to tell me your full name and date of


52. I'm always on ________ lookout for bargain antiques to add to my collection.

53. Why are you eating in here on your ________? Is everyone else working?

54. There are some things I don't like about the new logo, but on the ________, it's fine.

55. The security system was shown to be ________ from foolproof when the boss's nine-year-old son guessed

the password.

56. He hasn't answered one of our questions truthfully so ________ bother?

57. many

58. other

59. in

60. the

61. own

62. whole

63. far

64. why

65. Martha was involved in a collision ________ a truck.

66. This house is such a mess? ________ bother tidying up when it's just the same two days later?

67. The fridge wasn't working well and when I smelled the milk, it had obviously ________ off.

68. Do you know if it's ________ the law to have your dog off the lead in this park?

69. The new teacher wasn't sure ________ strict she needed to be with the troublesome student.
70. Michael Copeland has said he no ________ wants to be considered for the role of town mayor.

71. That dog comes and smells my feet ________ single time I come into the house.

72. Don't speak to anyone else during the test. I want you to do this completely on your ________.

73. with

74. why

75. gone

76. against

77. how

78. longer

79. every

80. own

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1. The heaters are broken. They produce ________ or no warmth and the room is freezing!

2. The bright petals of the flower attract bees, ________, of course is very important for its life cycle.

3. From what I remember, your uncle Jerry was a good student at college, ________ was your father, of


4. Even ________ they'd met twice before, neither of them recognised the other.

5. "Do you realise ________ harmful all that air freshener spray is?" Miranda asked angrily.

6. That dog ________ be small, but it's a vicious thing!

7. In ________ to apply for this discount, you will need a printed coupon. Do you have it?

8. The manager continued recording his employees' conversations, despite knowing it was ________ the


9. little
10. which

11. as

12. though

13. how

14. may/might

15. order

16. against

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1. My Aunt Beth is a wonderful person, a person ________ inspires respect for how she lives her life.

2. Were you ________ fault for the accident or was someone else to blame?

3. Moisture in the atmosphere will build up in the afternoon, ________ the result that we expect some


4. The tennis champion, ________ victory came after four hours of hard work, was presented with the


5. ________ refusing to apologise to the victim, you've shown how little you care about what you did.

6. ________ makes me so angry is that he knew he couldn't come and never told us.

7. ________ only did you ignore me, you also lied about me to your parents.

8. After you arrive at the station and after ________ bought your tickets, go straight to platform 7 for the


9. who/that

10. at

11. with

12. whose
13. by

14. what

15. not

16. having

17. All of us miss Jack terribly. He's left ________ a big hole in our lives.

18. Bill seems to ________ caught a nasty cold. He's been off work for three days.

19. Prague has seen an increase ________ the number of tourists since 1993.

20. Despite ________ no obvious experience for the job, the boss's son was made head of marketing.

21. Most birds can fly. Some, on the ________ hand, live their entire lives on the ground.

22. I told you not to write an e-mail to the suppliers, ________ you did it anyway!

23. As ________ as I like potatoes, I don't want to eat them every day!

24. Can you give any insight ________ why half the students are missing today?

25. such

26. have

27. in

28. having

29. other

30. but/yet

31. much

32. into


1. Many people often make a ________ between London and New York

2. This book ________ as a series of lectures about shipwrecks, which were given two decades ago.


3. There are power stations across Europe that use the ________ rise and fall of the ocean tides.


4. If you weren't so ________ of Ben, he'd be happier to spend time with you.


5. Don't you find it ________ how Jeremy always comes to work looking so untidy?


6. Doctors say a glass of warm milk before bedtime can result in a more ________ night's sleep.


7. Tim-Berners Lee has received many awards as the ________ of the world wide web.


8. On the final day, we visited the ________ Victoria Falls and then flew home.


1. comparison

2. originated

3. daily

4. critical

5. intriguing

6. restful

7. inventor

8. majestic

9. 1. The ________ recommended intake of Vitamin C varies from country to country.

10. 2. When shopping online, many people make use of price ________ websites.


11. 3. The book, like the movie, tracks the anxiety and ________ pains of a teenager in 1970s Germany.


12. 4. This wine has a very fruity flavour to it and a ________ after-taste. I really like it.


13. 5. I've lost all ________ for this concert, I'm finding it boring. Can we go?


14. 6. The opening of this new restaurant should satisfy the ________ of local Indonesian food fans.


15. 7. You don't respond well to positive ________, which is only made to help you.


16. 8. ________ as it may seem, mammoths were alive only five thousand years ago.


17. daily

18. comparison

19. growing

20. pleasant

21. enthusiasm

22. sophistication

23. criticism

24. incredible

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1. Large spiders, ________ from South East Asia, are now being seen in the local countryside.


2. Collecting garden gnomes might seem an unusual ________, but many people do it.

3. Professor Watkins wasn't only an ________ to me, but to thousands of others lucky enough to have met him.


4. For someone so young, Carl is a very literate and ________ young man.


5. The new year ________ in this area of the country involve dancing and a drink made from melons.


6. The ________ of the Rubik's Cube peaked in the early 1980s.


7. This musician's work is very ________ and difficult to understand. Many people say it's just noise.


8. Tom ________ told us he wasn't coming, then he turns up with two guests! I'm furious with him.


1. originally

2. activity

3. inspiration

4. eloquent

5. celebrations

6. popularity

7. conceptual

8. initially

9. 1. Though expensive, the ________ tour we took in Jerusalem was worth every penny.


10. 2. ________, local police are saying the people they see sleeping on the streets have mental issues.

11. 3. The Lavet Institute fights against ________ in movies and literature.


12. 4. David Baron's latest crime thriller ends with an ________ final chapter that keeps you guessing.


13. 5. The true ________ of spoken language remain an area of fierce debate.


14. 6. The two families fell out after Mr Dawson said Caroline wouldn't be a ________ wife for his son.


15. 7. It is the bride's father who has ________ paid for a wedding.


16. 8. I had a ________ night's sleep. My back was hurting and the storm outside made such a noise.


17. guided

18. increasingly

19. censorship

20. intriguing

21. origins

22. suitable

23. traditionally

24. restless

25. 1. The Age Of Enlightenment was one of great inventions and revolutionary ________.


26. 2. The judge was forced to acquit, saying the evidence was wholly ________.


27. 3. The ________ of the opening of the new bridge continued until nearly midnight.


28. 4. Harry Stevens is the man most often credited as being the ________ of the hot dog.

29. 5. Can you think of one ________ reason why I should give you your job back?


30. 6. That the Vikings had horns in their helmets is a common ________.


31. 7. Local officials were surprised at the scale of the ________ against plans for a local casino.


32. 8. I agree with the sentiments so ________ expressed in David's wonderful speech.


33. discoveries

34. inconclusive

35. celebration

36. creator

37. solitary

38. misconception

39. outcry

40. eloquently

41. 1. It was quite recently that human ________ was first captured on camera.


42. 2. It was my uncle Clive that provided me with advice and sound ________ when I was young.


43. 3. The author has a stilted and ________ style, which I found tough to enjoy.


44. 4. Local planners admit they ________ the number of tourists that would come for the festival.


45. 5. As is ________ the case when I go to a restaurant, I ate too much and spent a fortune!


46. 6. It's a hot day today, so take the ________ of using sun cream and drinking plenty of water.

47. 7. Whatever ________ are drawn from these results, you can't deny it was a groundbreaking experiment.


48. 8. Mr Hansard was elected President after a ________ election result.


49. conception

50. guidance

51. dated

52. underestimated

53. invariably

54. precaution

55. conclusions

56. disputed

57. 1. In ________ with an ancient tradition, dinner will be served on blue china.


58. 2. It's ________ rare to see large sharks in the Mediterranean Sea.


59. 3. The royal wedding finished with a ________ 8-course meal in the evening.


60. 4. Scientists used a simple beetle as the ________ for their invention of a water-collecting bottle for hot



61. 5. A group of powerful ________ invested in the new company and made a fortune.


62. 6. Helen Weldon has been totally ________ an a historian after it was shown she invented quotations.


63. 7. In your ________, how much money do we need to save in order to buy the house?

64. 8. Parking in the city centre can be a major ________ due to the narrow streets.


65. keeping

66. incredibly

67. majestic

68. inspiration

69. financiers

70. discredited

71. estimation

72. inconvenience

73. 1. Holidays where people carry out voluntary charity work are becoming ________ popular.


74. 2. This morning's explosion at a chemical plant resulted in one ________ and four injuries.


75. 3. We stopped at the church for thirty minutes to pay our ________ to a local writer who had died.


76. 4. I think a toy gun is a totally ________ toy for a four-year old.


77. 5. Colin acted with ________ restraint, despite how angry he must have been feeling.


78. 6. The ________ of this new department will help the company face the next ten years more effectively.


79. 7. The summer school organised many ________ for us to do. We were never bored.


80. 8. The mayor was forced to resign after the ________ at his ill-considered remarks.


81. increasingly

82. fatality
83. respects

84. unsuitable

85. admirable

86. creation

87. activities

88. outcry

89. 1. Educational TV programmes like this are very ________ for young children.


90. 2. Ben insisted on his articles being ________ by editors and left when his boss said that was impossible.


91. 3. I am looking for a ________ jeweller who will be able to appraise this watch and tell me how much it's



92. 4. Jan Welbech was a reputable physicist until his main two theories were completely ________.


93. 5. The shark's ________ is somewhat unfair as fatal attacks are extremely rare.


94. 6. I read a story with the title 'A Strange ________ At Talbot Bridge', which was about a train-riding ghost.


95. 7. I went on a diet that ________ only fresh and organic food and I could only drink water.


96. 8. The comedian joked about a plane crash and some in the audience thought he was being ________.


97. stimulating

98. unmodified

99. reputable

100. disproven
101. notoriety

102. occurrence

103. incorporated

104. disrespectful

105. 1. Despite injuring his leg near the start of the race, Larry managed to finish a very ________ fourth.


106. 2. Rory always has plenty of money, but I've never been sure what he actually does for a ________.


107. 3. What ________ do you take in the workplace to prevent accidents?


108. 4. The bomb caused ________ damage to the older buildings in the town and had to be demolished.


109. 5. The road was ________ closed due to a spilled load of children's toys that created havoc.


110. 6. Though a talented doctor, she found that most skills were not ________ when she began working as a



111. 7. This new design of the radio ________ all the best features of our previous model.


112. 8. Maggie is always displaying great ________ to those less fortunate than her.


113. creditable

114. living

115. precautions

116. extensive

117. temporarily

118. transferable
119. incorporates

120. generosity

121. 1. Harrison Ford wasn't the ________ choice to play Han Solo in the Star Wars movies.


122. 2. There will be a total solar eclipse at 2.14pm today. Such ________ are very rare.


123. 3. Even short bursts of physical activity are believed to be very ________ to health.


124. 4. The ________ of the town react negatively to crowds of tourists filling the roads and beaches each year.


125. 5. Police are investigating the strange ________ in street robberies in the west of town.


126. 6. Leyton city council have started towing all badly parked cars in what is a very ________ move.


127. 7. Conclusive proof that the Earth orbited the Sun was a great ________.


128. 8. Being so close to the Atlantic, the weather in Ireland is often both changeable and very ________.


129. original

130. occurrences

131. beneficial

132. inhabitants

133. growth

134. unpopular

135. discovery

136. unpredictable

137. 1. The arrival of the summer tourists is very ________ for the local economy.

138. 2. Graham rushed to sell his house before the end of the ________ year.


139. 3. If you are over twenty-one years of age, you'll be able to see the ________ version of the book.


140. 4. The final draft of the treaty included a few minor ________ to keep everyone happy.


141. 5. If you approached your studies as ________ as your spare time activities, you'd be going to Cambridge!


142. 6. The tiger is a very efficient ________ hunter, living most of its life alone.


143. 7. The detective concluded that it was ________ for the suspect to have made the journey so quickly.


144. 8. Few can match the ________ of Jack The Ripper, a 19th century London murderer.


145. beneficial

146. financial

147. uncensored

148. modifications

149. enthusiastically

150. solitary

151. inconceivable

152. notoriety

153. 1. When Jack Lobato was an ________ gangster, local politicians would come to meet with him weekly.


154. 2. Local legend says the land is protected by a giant tiger, but few believe in these old ________ any


155. 3. This boxer is the ________ champion of the world after this sixth victory.


156. 4. I stretched and stretched, but simply didn't have the ________ to reach the shelf.


157. 5. Deborah was ________ furious when she heard the comments that had been made about her.


158. 6. Barry is only four years old and will be ________ by both his parents for the audition.


159. 7. After hearing his heartbreaking story, we were filled with ________ for him.


160. 8. The hotel was harshly ________ for refusing to give refunds and the bad publicity harmed it.


161. influential

162. traditions

163. undisputed

164. height

165. predictably

166. accompanied

167. admiration

168. criticised

169. 1. This letter is just to let you know how much we appreciated the ________ of the donation that you



170. 2. Though he'd read ________ on the subject of ancient Egypt, he couldnt answer a single question.


171. 3. Would it be ________ for you if I asked you to pay by credit card?

172. 4. Young people often have a creative and ________ side to them that they lose as they grow.


173. 5. The hit TV series 'Friends' was ________ called 'Six Of One'.


174. 6. You've made a lot of wild accusations against Betsy, but is any of it ________?


175. 7. ________ children are not permitted to enter the shop without an adult.


176. 8. Caffeine and other similar ________ shouldn't be taken shortly before going to bed.


177. generosity

178. extensively

179. inconvenient

180. inventive

181. originally

182. provable

183. unaccompanied

184. stimulants

185. 1. Shy children can ________ completely from social contact at school and this only worsens the problem.


186. 2. Who were the most ________ figures in your childhood apart from your immediate family?


187. 3. Malaria is a serious disease, made ________ to humans by mosquitoes.


188. 4. I find Charlie's ________ to talk down to people absolutely infuriating.


189. 5. Despite the number of vehicles involved in the accident, police say there were no ________.

190. 6. The fraud team looked into every financial ________ made by the bank since 2007.


191. 7. The teacher was concerned about the ________ smell in the laboratory and told the students to leave.


192. 8. Gunpowder was ________ used in celebrations, not warfare.


193. withdraw

194. influential

195. transferable

196. tendency

197. fatalities

198. transaction

199. unpleasant

200. initially

201. 1. As the disease became more ________ in the region, a medical emergency was announced.


202. 2. The wren's Latin name, which means 'cave dweller', comes from its ________ to seek out dark places.


203. 3. The earthquake was so destructive that local maps needed to be ________.


204. 4. Once the scientists were sure the islands were ________, they disembarked and began their studies.


205. 5. You can pay funds into this account but that money will not be ________ for at least a year.


206. 6. The diplomat, as he ________ is, was humble and polite in the face of unfair criticism.


207. 7. After the accident, the police officer asked if anyone required ________ attention.

208. 8. At the ________ of his powers, Alfred Hitchcock was producing a hit movie every year in Hollywood.


209. widespread

210. tendency

211. updated

212. uninhabited

213. withdrawable

214. invariably

215. medical

216. height

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