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However, many of the stirred-tank reactors have benefits of the tubular flow

reactors. These include isolation of intermediates, automatic control, and low

labor costs .

2. Heat Effects

Most reactors used in industrial operations run isothermally. For adiabatic

operation, principles of thermodynamics are combined with reactor design
equations to predict conversion with changing temperature. Rates of reaction
normally increase with temperature, but chemical equilibrium must be checked to
determine ultimate levels of conversion. The search for an optimum isothermal
temperature is common for series or parallel reactions, since the rate constants
change differently for each reaction. Special operating conditions must be
considered for any highly endothermic or exothermic reaction.

3. Design for Multiple Reactors

Common design problems encountered in industrial operations include size

comparisons for single reactors, multiple reactor systems, and recycle reactors.

a. Size Comparisons of Single Isothermal Flow Reactors. The rate of

reaction of a CSTR is always fixed by the outlet concentrations. Since the rate is
constant (first- or second-order, etc.), a large volume is required to provide
enough time for high conversion. In general, a plug flow reactor is much more
efficient and requires less volume than a stirred-tank reactor to achieve the same
level of conversion. In a plug flow reactor, the rate changes down the length of
the reactor due to changes in reactant concentrations. High initial rates prevail in
the front of the reactor with decreasing rates near the end. The overall integration
of these rates is much higher than the fixed rate in a CSTR of equal volume. For
complex kinetics such as autocatalytic reactions, where the concentrations of both
reactants and products increase the forward rate of reaction, stirred-tank reactors
are preferred and require less volume. Under most common kinetics, a series of
three or four stirred-tank reactors of equal volume in series approaches the
performance of a plug flow reactor.

b. Reactors in Series and Parallel.

i. PLUG FLOW REACTORS. Plug flow reactors are unique in the sense that
operation in parallel or series give the same conversion if the space time is held
constant. This implies, for example, that if a 20-m reactor of fixed diameter is
required to achieve a given conversion, the same conversion and capacity can be
achieved by running ten 2-m reactors in series or ten 2-m reactors in parallel. The
split of the feed in the parallel case must be one tenth of the total to keep the same
space time. In industrial applications the geometry chosen is a function of cost of
construction, ease of operation, and pressure drop. Parallel operation is normally
preferred to keep the pressure drop at a minimum.
reactors behave somewhat differently from plug flow reactors. Operation of
CSTRs in parallel, assuming equal space time per reactor, gives the same
conversion as a single reactor but increases the throughput or capacity
proportional to the number of reactors.
This is not the case for multiple CSTRs in series. CSTRs operated in series
approach plug flow and therefore give much higher levels of throughput for the
same conversion. When we have two reactors of unequal size in series, highest
conversion is achieved by keeping the intermediate concentration as high as
possible. This implies putting the small CSTR before the large CSTR.

c. Plug Flow and Stirred Tank Reactors in Series. When two reactors, a plug
flow and a stirred tank are operated in series, which one should go first for
maximum conversion? To solve this problem the intermediate conversion is
calculated, the outlet conversions are determined, and the best arrangement
chosen. Keeping the intermediate conversion as high as possible results in the
maximum conversion. Concentration levels in the feed do not affect the results of
this analysis as long as we have equal molar feed.

4. Recycle Reactors

In a recycle reactor, part of the exit stream is recycled back to the inlet of the
reactor. For a stirred-tank reactor, recycle has no effect on conversion, since we
are essentially just mixing a mixed reactor. For a plug flow reactor, the effect of
recycle is to approach the performance of a CSTR. This is advantageous for
certain applications such as autocatalytic reactions and multiple reaction
situations where we have a PFR but really require a CSTR.

IV. Special Reactor Configurations

Additional reactors exist that are either completely or partially based on the five
primary reactor types discussed in Section II. They receive special attention due
to specific applications and/or unique mass transfer characteristics.


DESCRIPTION. The autoclave reactor is a small cylindrical reactor, built to

withstand high pressures, used to evaluate the kinetics of hightemperature, high-
pressure reactions and the production of small quantities of specialty chemicals.
The reactor is typically packed with a supported catalyst, and reactant is added by
injection. Pressure in the system is elevated by increasing the temperature of the
autoclave. Additional pressure, if needed, can be obtained with the injection of
additional gaseous reactant or an inert.
CLASSIFICATION. The autoclave is usually a heterogeneous batch reactor
mainly used for high-pressure kinetic studies. The autoclave is typically a solid
catalyzed gas-liquid reaction system.

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