Dynamic Effects of Network Exposure On Equity Markets: Mardi Dungey Moses Kangogo Vladimir Volkov
Dynamic Effects of Network Exposure On Equity Markets: Mardi Dungey Moses Kangogo Vladimir Volkov
Dynamic Effects of Network Exposure On Equity Markets: Mardi Dungey Moses Kangogo Vladimir Volkov
We investigate the contribution of network exposure to both shock transmission and
absorption. Our data sample comprises 45 economies for the period 1998–2018 to
which we apply spatial econometric estimation technique. Our empirical findings
show that both network intensity and interconnectedness in the financial system
have impact on increasing network exposure. We also demonstrate how to estimate
network intensity in the financial system. Our results indicate that an increased net-
work intensity parameter is associated to period when the financial system is under
stress. The results show high exposure of the financial system to vulnerabilities. The
results suggest the changing market conditions increase the exposures to the finan-
cial system. Thus, effective ways to monitor the financial system should be imple-
mented by the policy makers to reduce the chances of financial instabilities.
1 Introduction
The occurrence of the 2007–2009 global financial crisis still raises concerns to pol-
icy makers, regulators and academic researchers. The focus has been to find ways
and mechanisms to develop measures to predict distress in financial institution so as
Mardi Dungey passed away just after we completed the draft of this paper.
The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article. The authors are grateful for comments from participants at INFINITI Conference on
International Finance 2018 held at University of Sydney, particularly Samuel Vigne.
* Moses Kangogo
Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 84, Hobart,
TAS 7001, Australia
570 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
to limit further destabilization of the global economy. Until recently, there has been
growing research focusing on how to predict systemic risks to minimize the recur-
rence of financial crises, while the importance of understanding how network expo-
sure contributes to the spread of financial distress in the financial system has been
largely underestimated. Motivated with increasing uncertainty of the stability of the
financial markets, this paper aims at investigating the effect of network exposure to
common factors.
With the advances in both technology and globalization in recent years, there has
been an increase in size, complexity, interconnectedness and concentration of the
financial system. These factors combined make the financial system more vulner-
able to a collapse. To ensure stability in the entire financial system, it is important to
study how the global financial system is interconnected. In a nutshell, interconnect-
edness (the key source of systemic risk) helps to assess systemic risk and financial
stability (Billio et al., 2010; Cai et al., 2014). To enable effective monitoring condi-
tions, there is need to quantify and measure these financial linkages.
This paper focuses on identifying the effect of interconnectedness in the finan-
cial system. This is achieved through examining the cross-border financial linkages
using real data. The paper aims to identify the impact of interconnectedness in either
absorbing or spreading risks in the financial system. It focuses on the cross-border
exposure, aiming at identifying the role played by interconnectedness in propagat-
ing shocks across countries, in the period of 1999–2018. The sample period covers
different crisis periods which include the global financial crisis of 2007–2009, the
European sovereign debt crisis of 2010 and the Chinese stock market crash of 2015.
Different approaches have been used to measure financial networks, systemic
risks and interconnectedness. Recent studies on measuring systemic risk show that
it was not only the size of the institution that led to the distress in the financial sys-
tem but also the interconnectedness between institutions (Billio et al., 2012; Dungey
et al., 2012).1 Contagion rapidly spread the crisis through financial linkages, lead-
ing to severe disruption of financial stability in both the United States and glob-
ally. The recent financial crisis emphasized the importance of using interconnected-
ness (defined as a set of relationships and interactions among the financial markets
participants) as a proxy in measuring systemic risk. Hautsch et al. (2014) note that
both size and interconnectedness of financial institutions determine its systemic
Although currently there is ongoing research focusing on the interconnectedness
of institutions (Diebold & Yilmaz, 2009, 2012, 2013; Glasserman and Young, 2015;
Tonzer, 2015), there is still need to understand whether an increase of financial link-
ages affect the stability (either weakening or strengthening) of the financial system
and the impact of financial interconnectedness to both common factors and conta-
gion. It is also important to assess the resilient nature of financial networks to shocks
(both exogenous and endogenous).
Different studies have extended the variance decomposition model proposed
by Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) to measure connectedness in across different mar-
kets. For example, Giudici et al. (2021) provide a methodology to build a minimum
Interconnectedness address the Too Interconnected To Fail (TITF) paradigm.
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572 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
network intensity parameter. Section 7 outlines the implications of our results, and
Section 8 concludes.
2 Literature review
Recent studies have shown that a major contributor to the transmission of shocks
during crisis such as the GFC (2007–2009) was not only the institution size, but
also the institution interconnectedness. Different interpretations of interconnected-
ness have resulted in the development of various measurement methods. All these
measures aim to assess the role and impact of interconnectedness during financial
Recent findings indicate that interconnectedness acts as a channel through which
shocks and losses spread to other financial institutions (Glasserman & Young, 2015,
2016). Other findings show that interconnectedness acts as a ‘double edge’ by being
able to absorb shocks up to certain point and also transmitting them to the financial
system after a given threshold is reached (Acemoglu et al., 2015; Cohen-Cole et al.,
2012; Gai & Kapadia, 2010; Tonzer, 2015). Gai and Kapadia (2010) suggested that
an increase in connectivity may lower the chance of contagion, but conditional on
a default by a given node, an increase in interconnectedness may trigger defaults to
other nodes, making the financial system more sensitive to defaults.
With increasing growth in the cross-border financial activities, interconnect-
edness poses threats to the financial system via increased vulnerability to shocks
spreading globally. Minoiu and Sharma (2014) supported the fact that a high degree
of interconnectedness triggered the breakdown of financial system during the
2007–2009 GFC. This implies that the more interconnected an institution, the higher
the likelihood of risk amplification to the entire system threatening the stability of
the economy.
Markose et al. (2012) referred to institutions that are ‘too interconnected’ as
‘super-spreaders’ of shocks in the financial system. This means that interconnected-
ness of financial institutions tends to spread shocks extensively across links, caus-
ing instability in the financial system. Gai and Kapadia (2010) showed that degree
of interconnectedness has an impact on contagion by acting as a channel through
which contagion spreads and shocks amplify. Greater interconnectedness aids in
lowering the likelihood of contagion but increases shocks transmission when the
financial system experiences difficulties.2 Using spatial modeling, Tonzer (2015)
assessed whether cross-border linkages have any impact on the stability of inter-
connected institutions. Though interconnectedness is beneficial in stable conditions,
Tonzer (2015) showed that interconnection of financial institution to foreign entities
provided a channel for propagating shocks when the system experienced difficulties.
Assessing interconnectedness in financial institutions could serve as an early
warning indicator for distress in financial systems. Econometric measures based on
Granger causality and principal components analysis proposed by Billio et al. (2012)
See Acemoglu et al. (2015), Gai and Kapadia (2010) and Glasserman and Young (2015) for more
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 573
574 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
have a negative effect on financial stability. For instance, Battiston and Caldarelli
(2013) demonstrated that although individual institutions benefit from increased
interlinkages, this could be a channel through which contagion and distress spread
to the entire financial system. Battiston et al. (2012) found that an increase in finan-
cial interconnections increased credit exposure which increases systemic risk. Amini
et al. (2016) argued that institutions with more interconnections contribute more to
financial instability. Further, Acemoglu et al. (2015) stated that more interconnec-
tions can make the financial system more fragile due to increased shock propaga-
tion when shocks are either large or coincidental. These findings are supported by
Markose et al. (2012), who referred to institutions that are ‘too interconnected’ as
‘super-spreaders’ of shocks. Minoiu and Reyes (2013) analyzed the global banking
network using 184 countries and reported that connectivity in the banking network
tends to increase particularly when the market is under stress. This aligns with the
findings of Glasserman and Young (2015), which asserted that interconnectedness
among different markets were key contributors to the GFC of 2007–2009. Yellen
(2013) regarded interconnectedness as a financial stability concern after the occur-
rence of the global crisis while Sun and Chan-Lau (2017) argued that interconnect-
edness was the source of systemic risk.
The third strand of literature shows that specific institutions or markets play a key
role in spreading shocks in the network. For instance, by investigating the patterns
of international trade and financial integration, Schiavo et al. (2010) demonstrated a
cause of the global crisis was shocks spreading from advanced economies to other
markets, leading to network-wide distress. Kubelec and Sá (2012) found the US and
UK to be the key players in the global financial network, with high interconnections
compared to the rest of the world.
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 575
allows for effective absorption of shocks rather than their amplification them to the
entire system (Affinito & Pozzolo, 2017). Restricting network intensity parameters
may improve stability leading to a more robust financial system (Gofman, 2017).
In addition, since estimation of network intensity depends on the connection
matrix, the structure of the connection matrix will have an impact on the estimation
of network intensity. Let d ∈ [d, d] be the degree of network connectivity, where d
and d are the minimum and maximum degree of connectivity respectively; then, a
robust-yet-fragile network is associated with degree of connectivity close to d . The
network is robust in the sense that the risk-sharing and diversification are higher
in the absence of large shocks and fragile when large shocks hit the network. High
connectivity with shocks hitting the financial system imply more shocks being
propagated in the network causing a fragile financial system (Glasserman & Young,
Consider a full or complete network with equivalent row-normalized weighted
connection matrix, an example represented as:
576 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
See González-Páramo (2010) for more details on the benefit of financial integration in the global finan-
cial system.
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 577
rit − 𝔼 [rit ] = S−1 (𝛽M ritM + 𝛽HML ritHML + 𝛽SMB ritSMB + 𝜂it ) (4)
578 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
The spatial matrix S in Eq. (4) captures the contemporaneous relations associated
with interconnections between different assets, while 𝜂t is the structural idiosyn-
cratic risk at time t.
Our aim is to construct a structural model that contains contemporaneous rela-
tionships driven by links across assets, and systematic and idiosyncratic shocks.
Thus, the spatial matrix S can be parametrized as S = In − 𝜌W , where In is n × n
identity matrix, |𝜌| < 1 is the spatial dependence parameter (network intensity
parameter) indicating the strength of the network exposure. It monitors the network
impact while W represents relationships across assets.4
Equation (4) into a spatial autoregressive framework (SAR) as:
(In − 𝜌W)(rit − 𝔼 [rt ]) = 𝛽M ritM + 𝛽HML ritHML + 𝛽SMB ritSMB + 𝜂it (5)
rit − 𝔼 [rit ] = (In − 𝜌W)−1 (𝛽M ritM + 𝛽HML ritHML + 𝛽SMB ritSMB + 𝜂it ) (6)
If we let 𝛽M ritM + 𝛽HML ritHML + 𝛽SMB ritSMB = Z , using a geometric series expansion to
the first degree,5 the above model can be represented as:
rit − 𝔼 [rit ] = Z + 𝜂it + 𝜌j W j Z + 𝜌j W j 𝜂it
⏟⏟⏟ ⏟⏟ ⏟ j=1 j=1 (7)
i ii ⏟⏞⏞⏟⏞⏞⏟ ⏟⏞⏞⏞⏟⏞⏞⏞⏟
iii iv
Equation (7) captures the impact of exposures (both structural and network expo-
sures) of both systematic and idiosyncratic shocks. Therefore, we conclude that both
idiosyncratic and systematic components are influenced by the presence of intercon-
nections across assets/institutions.
The empirical analysis of this paper uses different datasets. We use daily return con-
structed from daily equity market indices obtained from Thompson Reuter’s Data-
stream. We also used the liability, market value and 90 days treasury bill (T-Bill)
See Anselin (1988) for more details on spatial econometrics. For simplicity, we refer to 𝜌 as the net-
work intensity parameter.
By geometric expansion, we have (In − 𝜌W)−1 = In + 𝜌W + 𝜌2 W 2 + ..., where 𝜌W represent the influ-
ence of neighbors on each unit while 𝜌2 W 2 second neighborhood influences each unit and so on.
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 579
rates data. Other datasets that include foreign exchange (FX), interest rate (IR),
S&P 500 volatility index—US (VIX), Euro STOXX 50 volatility index—Europe
(VSTOXX) and trade were also considered in the second part of the analysis.
We chose our sample of markets based on the availability of: (i) closing values,
(ii) closing hours, and (iii) changes in closing prices, listed by region in Table 1. Our
analysis of equity return spillovers is based on local currencies to avoid blurring
the extent of market co-movements with fluctuations in the foreign exchange market
(Mink, 2015).
The daily return (rt ) for all markets are calculated as the log differences of the
total daily equity market indices of a given economy at time t. This can be expressed
rt = ln(Pt ∕Pt−1 ) × 100 (8)
where rt is the return at time t, Pt is the closing stock price of a given financial insti-
tution at time t, Pt−1 is the lagged price and ln is the natural logarithm.
We study 42 stock markets in three categories: developed, emerging, and frontier.
We extended the previous research that primarily focused on a few developed or
emerging markets (e.g. the G7 [Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and
the US] stock markets investigated by Apostolakis and Papadopoulos (2014), the 10
developed and 11 emerging markets in Asia studied by Yarovaya et al. (2016), and
Asian markets examined by Narayan et al. (2014) and did not consider all possible
interconnectedness across different stock markets).
Table 2 presents the descriptive statistic of the daily returns for each market.
The mean returns are positive for all economies with standard deviation ranging
from 0.0096 to 0.0237. The kurtosis results suggest that the daily return would be
‘peaked’ and have ‘fat-tailed’ distribution. Unit root tests revealed the usual charac-
teristics of stationary returns in each series. The analysis was conducted using de-
meaned returns (as the mean is usually extremely close to 0 and, as we are focused
on variance decompositions, this assumption is innocuous). Analysis of the com-
plete network, consisting of 42 nodes, formed the initial benchmark for the study.
To construct our network, we used the data with its recorded local closing
time date. The choice of time-zone treatment can have dramatic effects; no sin-
gle choice is dominant due to the complications of wanting to test for two-way
causality. Other researchers have used the dates as provided with the data (Wang
et al., 2018), averaged data over consecutive days (Forbes & Rigobon, 2002) or
used time-matched data series (Kleimeier et al., 2008). Although the last of these
is arguably the most appropriate, it is difficult to obtain these data for the mar-
kets examined here and to control for problems associated with out-of-local trad-
ing time liquidity effects (most markets have different price-impact effects dur-
ing local and non-local trading). The averaging procedure used by Forbes and
Rigobon (2002) introduced a moving average bias into the problem, and, with
Granger-causality testing, created additional problems with the performance of
the statistic. Further, it is debated whether the use of lagged or non-lagged sam-
ples introduces or reduces noise in the process. Sensitivity analysis to different
choices of date-lagging produced important differences; the most pronounced of
580 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Table 1 List of country-specific stock indices and their corresponding Thomson Reuters Datastream
Country code Country name Stock index Datastream code
BE Belgium BEL 20 BGBEL20
ES Spain IBEX 35 IBEX35I
US United States S&P 500 COMPOSITE S&PCOMP
AU Australia S&P/ASX 200 ASX200I
NZ New Zealand S&P/NZX 50 NZ50CAP
PK Pakistan KARACHI SE 100 PKSE100
KR South Korea KOREA SE KOSPI 200 KOR200I
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 581
Table 1 (continued)
Country code Country name Stock index Datastream code
these is that when the US data are lagged, there is virtually no evidence of trans-
mission from the US to Asia, which seems at odds with our understanding of
international financial markets and the transmission of shocks. Consequently, this
chapter uses the convention of actual day dating in its analysis.
We first examine the evolution of the unweighted and weighted networks over
the sample period and augmented this analysis with scenarios based on alterna-
tive clustering of markets, as per the Asian Development Bank member countries
and the role of regional groupings, including the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN) with other regions across the globe.
The sample period considered is January 1999–December 2017 because our
focus is to observe the dynamics of the network exposure in the twenty-first cen-
tury. By taking advantage of the long horizon with a large number of observations
(4956), we subdivided the sample into four phases, as represented in Table 3:
Phase 1 is the pre-crisis (1 January 1999–14 September 2008) period, Phase 2 is
the GFC (15 September 2008–31 March 2010) period, Phase 3 is the European
debt crisis (EDC) (1 October 2010–21 November 2013) and phase three is the
most recent period (22 November 2014–29 December 2017). We followed Dun-
gey et al. (2015) and Dungey and Renault (2018) when choosing these dates.
We use the BIS database to obtain liabilities data to construct the weighting
matrix. The BIS bilateral locational banking statistics provided a comprehensive
cross-border data set of international banking transactions. This included aggre-
gate international cross-border claims and liabilities of a set of both reporting and
non-reporting countries. We use cross-border liabilities of reporting countries,
measured on a quarterly basis from 1999Q1–2017Q4 to construct the connection
matrix. The weighting matrix is obtained using the combined Granger causality and
DY approach (see Chowdhury et al., 2019). Each country is represented by direct
liability towards all the other countries in all financial sectors (central banks, banks,
non-bank financial institutions and non-financial sectors). We consider 42 (mature
and emerging markets) countries in our sample (see Table 4), for which the data
were complete and reliable. We also use different specifications of the connection
matrix in our empirical analysis. Particularly, we randomly generated sparse (fewer
interconnections) and denser (more interconnections) matrices for the markets in our
Sparse connection matrix will be used to investigate the effect of network exposures with decreased
interconnectedness while denser connection matrix will be used to investigate the effect of network expo-
sure with increased interconnectedness.
582 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 583
Table 2 (continued)
Country Mean Min Max Std. dev Kurtosis Skewness ADF test No. obs.
ZA 0.0005 − 0.1278 0.0816 0.0118 9.5149 − 0.4721 − 69.8633** 5739
EG 0.0007 − 0.1552 0.1385 0.0162 10.0429 0.0050 − 68.2147** 5739
The sample period is January 1995–December 2016. The augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) statistic tests
for unit root
**Statistical significance at a 5% level
Fig. 1 Average liability for the countries included in this study: 1999Q1-2017Q4.
The source of the data is BIS database with our own plotting
584 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
The period covered in the sample is 1 January 1999–31 December 2017. All coefficients are at a 5% level
of significance
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 585
586 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
rmt = 𝜔it ∗ rit (9)
where 𝜔it is the ratio of country’s i market value to the total market value of the
entire market m in time t and n is the total number of countries.
The beta and residual estimates for each market were obtained by running the
regression for each market index in the sample using Eq. (1).
Following Bali and Cakici (2008), we estimated country-specific idiosyncratic
volatility as the standard deviation of the residuals of each individual country given
IVOLit = var(𝜀it ) (10)
The beta estimate for each country was estimated by running separate regressions.
Table 4 displays the structural betas for individual countries in our sample. We esti-
mated betas using Eq. (1) for all phases categorized in Table 3. Our results clearly
show that beta coefficients are different in all phases. In most countries, the struc-
tural betas were lower in the pre-crisis period, while increased in the GFC with the
exception of some emerging markets (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,
Sri Lanka and Egypt) in which estimates decreased during the global financial crisis
period. The structural betas remain high in Phase 3, associated with the European
debt crisis. Country-specific betas changed with the introduction of many factors.
For instance, using Fama–French three-factor model might result in different esti-
mates. Since our focus was the effect of network exposure on structural betas, we
did not focus on discussing each country’s specific betas.
Using beta coefficients obtained from the regression model, we investigated how
they changed with the increase in network exposure. First, we examined the effect of
the connection matrix (W) on the structural beta. Figure 2a displays how the struc-
tural beta (𝛽̄i ) changed with the interaction of the connection matrix, given by:
𝛽i∗ = 𝛽̄i + W 𝛽̄i (11)
where 𝛽i∗ is the new (augmented) beta obtained from the interaction with the connec-
tion matrix while 𝛽̄i is the country-specific structural beta. The results show that the
structural beta changes with the interaction with the connection matrix. The connec-
tion matrix is based on liability linkages obtained using the combined Granger cau-
sality and DY measure (Chowdhury et al., 2019). This suggests that the increased
interconnection between various market participants leads to change in the structural
beta of a given country. The results also revealed the role of the weighting matrix in
spreading shocks in a financial system. For example, the connection matrix increased
the values of structural betas by more than 50% for countries whose beta values
were small. Countries with low betas included Greece, Philippines and Poland. The
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 587
Fig. 2 Structural betas for all the phases under different scenarios. The figures exhibit how the struc-
tural beta for all phases changed under different scenarios. We used country’ abbreviations from BIS.
a Displays changes in betas with and without the presence of the connection matrix. This was obtained
by multiplying the betas with the corresponding liability weighted matrix. b Shows how betas changed
using sparse weighting matrix. c Shows how betas changed across different network intensity parameters.
d Shows the effect of network exposure on betas. The period covered in the sample is 1 January 1999–31
December 2017
size of the augmented betas varied depending on the strength of the connections a
country has with others. In Fig. 2a, we noted that beta values of countries (includ-
ing Denmark, Greece, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and the Philippines) tend to be 0 but are
greatly influenced by the weighting matrix. The beta values increased depending on
the level of shock one country receives from others. These results depict the role of
interconnections in spreading risk. This observation is consistent with Glasserman
and Young (2016), who showed that countries with high connectivity tend to suffer
more when shocks hit the financial system.
For countries (including Greece, Sri Lanka and the Philippines) with lower beta
estimates due to stronger links with other countries, we observed that the structural
beta was amplified. This implies that these countries are strongly affected by other
countries, leading to amplification of shocks.
588 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
where 𝛽i∗∗ is the new beta obtained from the interaction with the different network
intensity parameters.
Figure 2c shows how structural betas changed across the different network inten-
sity parameters (we assumed network intensity parameters to take quartiles values
[i.e. 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75]). It is clear from these that structural betas tend to increase
across different network intensity parameters. This is an indicator that as the network
intensity increases, the level of risk in the financial system also tends to increase.
Unlike the connection matrix, whose effect is severe to all countries with stronger
connections including countries whose beta values are small, the network inten-
sity parameters have more influence on the countries whose beta values are large.
Countries with small values of beta (Greece, Sri Lanka and the Philippines) are
less affected by network intensity parameters. Conversely, countries with high beta
estimates (e.g. South Korea) are more affected by larger network intensity param-
eters. This explains the role of network intensity parameters in spreading and reduc-
ing shocks. Our finding indicates that network intensity parameters have a greater
impact in spreading risk than absorbing it.
Next, we investigated the effects of network exposure on structural betas. This
involved combining the connection matrix and network intensity parameters. This is
because both coefficients have a great impact on betas. We used the following equa-
tion to gauge the role of network exposure on structural betas:
𝛽i∗∗∗ = 𝛽̄i + 𝜌W 𝛽̄i (13)
where 𝛽i∗∗∗ is the new beta obtained from the interaction with the changing network
Figure 2d shows how the structural betas change across the changing network
exposure. These results show that both the weighting matrix and the network inten-
sity parameters have effects on the structural beta.
We can define sparse matrix as a connection matrix with few interconnected institutions/assets.
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Fig. 3 Change in structural betas due to network exposures. The figure reports contribution of connection matrix, network intensity parameters and network exposures on
structural betas. Blue represents % change of betas due to the connection matrix, orange due to network intensity coefficient and yellow due to the network exposures. The
period covered in the sample is 1 January 1999–31 December 2017
590 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
To obtain a clear insight into how structural beta changed, we calculated the per-
centage change in betas in 𝛽i∗, 𝛽i∗∗ and 𝛽i∗∗∗. Figure 3 summarizes the contribution
of connection matrix, network intensity parameters and network exposure to struc-
tural betas. The height of the bar represents the percentage change of betas. These
results revealed stronger connections between markets increase network exposure.
This is consistent with Silva et al. (2016) who found that high connectivity trig-
gers a greater probability of default in the financial system. It also shows that net-
work intensity parameter has an amplifying effect on shocks. It is clear from the bar
size that both the weighing matrix and the network intensity parameters have differ-
ent effects. Although the contribution of the connection matrix is similar, it varies
depending on the strength and number of the connections. Thus, our main finding
from Fig. 3 is that both network intensity parameters and connection matrix are key
ingredients in either increasing or decreasing network exposure.
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 591
592 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Fig. 4 Network exposures on systematic and idiosyncratic shocks in the entire period. The figure reports both the structural and network contribution to systematic risk
and idiosyncratic volatilities for entire period. The period covered in the sample is 1 January 1999–31 December 2017
594 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Fig. 5 Network exposures on systematic and idiosyncratic shocks in all the phases. The figures show
the contribution of network exposure to both systematic and idiosyncratic volatility in each phase. The
period covered in the sample is 1 January 1999–31 December 2017
more vulnerable to shocks and benefited more from diversification. If the network
intensity parameter is decreased from 0.5 to 0.25, there will be a decrease in shock
spreading and a reduced diversification effect. These results are consistent with
recent studies that showed that the presence of interconnection increases vulnerabil-
ity in the financial system while also helping to diversify risks.8 The results also
indicate that network exposure had greater impact in Phases 2, 3 and 4 than Phase
1. This is attributable to the GFC in Phase 2, EDC in Phase 3 and Chinese market
crash in Phase 4.
We also investigated the effect of network connectivity on the structural model.
For our case, we used a sparse matrix to determine whether a decrease in network
connectivity increased or decreased network exposure. We randomly generated the
sparse matrix. As shown in Fig. 6, fewer interconnections in the financial system led
to a reduction in the size of the bars. This suggests that having fewer interconnec-
tions reduces the magnitude of the spread of absorption of shocks .
See Acemoglu et al. (2015), Tonzer (2015) and Gai and Kapadia (2010).
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 595
Fig. 6 Effect of network exposures with decreased interconnectedness. The figures show how the con-
tribution of network exposure to both systematic and idiosyncratic volatility changed with reduced inter-
connections between markets. This involved using a sparse weighting matrix. The period covered in the
sample is 1 January 1999–31 December 2017
We also used dense matrix to determine its effect on the structural model. Fig-
ure 7 shows the contribution of using denser weighting matrix in all sample peri-
ods. This weighting matrix was based on trade linkages. Trade linkages are denser
because countries are more interlinked through bilateral trade. This figure shows
that more interconnection in the financial system increases the systematic risk and
reduces the idiosyncratic component. This implies that using a denser weighting
matrix increases the network exposure and amplify shocks as well as diversify some
shocks. Overall, our approach shows that an increase in network exposure signifi-
cantly increases systematic shocks through risk spreading, and reduces idiosyncratic
risk through diversification. Further, these results signify that a large degree of con-
nectivity does not necessarily dampen risk exposure, but amplifies shocks in the
financial system. This is consistent with Amini et al. (2016), who affirmed that an
increase in network connection may lead to systemic instability.
Fig. 7 Effect of network exposures with increased interconnectedness. The figure shows how the contribution of network exposure to both systematic and idiosyncratic
volatility changed with increased interconnections between markets. This involved using a denser connection matrix. The period covered in the sample is 1 January 1999–
31 December 2017
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 597
The next question to address is the estimation of the network intensity parameter
(𝜌), which captures the strength of the network exposure. This coefficient is also
important, as it plays a key role in monitoring network exposure (Sect. 4). Differ-
ent estimation methods have been proposed to estimate network intensity parameter,
including ordinary least squares (OLS), maximum likelihood estimation (MLE),
method of moments (MoM), two-stage least squares (2SLS) and the generalized
method of moments (GMM).
Therefore, the OLS estimate is biased since the second term in Eq. (17) does not
equal 0, E(̂p) ≠ p. To show that the OLS estimate is inconsistent, Anselin (1988)
demonstrated that the probability limit (plim) for the term y′ W ′ 𝜀 is not 0 except in
598 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
trivial cases when 𝜀 = 0.9 Since the OLS estimate is biased and inconsistent, we had
to consider alternatives to estimate the network intensity parameter.
We first consider the MLE method because of its simplicity. According to LeSage
and Pace (2009), the MLE for 𝜌 requires identification of the value of the SAR coef-
ficient that maximizes the likelihood function, given by:
{ }
1 1 �
L(𝜎 2 ;𝜀) = exp − (y − 𝜌Wy) (y − 𝜌Wy)
2Π𝜎 2(n∕2) 2𝜎 2
{ } (18)
1 1 �
L(y|𝜌, 𝜎 2 ) = (J)exp − (y − 𝜌Wy) (y − 𝜌Wy)
2Π𝜎 2(n∕2) 2𝜎 2
The Jacobian function can be obtained through the differentiation of Eq. (15) with
respect to the dependent variable y yielding:
J= = |In − 𝜌W| (19)
where In is n × n identity matrix. Substituting Eq. (19) for Eq. (18) gives:
{ }
1 1
L(y|𝜌, 𝜎 2 ) = |In − 𝜌W|exp − (y − 𝜌Wy) �
(y − 𝜌Wy) (20)
2Π𝜎 2(n∕2) 2𝜎 2
Lee (2002) asserts that deriving the eigenvalue (𝜆) of the connection matrix W sim-
plifies the computation problem. The natural logarithm of Eq. (20) is:
n 1
ln L = − ln(2Π𝜎 2 ) + ln |In − 𝜌W| − 2 (y − 𝜌Wy)� (y − 𝜌Wy)
2 2𝜎
n n 1
= − ln(2Π) − ln(𝜎 2 ) + ln |In − 𝜌W| − 2 (y − 𝜌Wy)� (y − 𝜌Wy)
2 2 2𝜎
The natural logarithm can be further restructured by eliminating the residual param-
eter, 𝜎 2. This is achieved by substituting with the error term, given by:
𝜎̂ 2 = (y − 𝜌Wy)� (y − 𝜌Wy) (22)
This yields to:
n n
ln L = − ln(2Π) − ln(y − 𝜌Wy)� (y − 𝜌Wy) + ln |In − 𝜌W| (23)
2 2
The parameter space of 𝜌 requires that the determinants of In − 𝜌W to be strictly
positive. A univariate optimization problem can be used to maximize the above
expression with respect to 𝜌. This implies that the optimal search of 𝜌 estimates take
feasible values within the range:
1∕𝜆min < 𝜌 > 1∕𝜆max (24)
Anselin (1988) shows that plimN −1 (y� W � 𝜀) = plimN −1 𝜀� W(I − pW)−1 𝜀.
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 599
where 𝜆min is the minimum eigenvalue of the standardized matrix W while 𝜆max is the
largest eigenvalue of the same matrix.
Equation (14) can be extended to investigate how network intensity changes
with the presence of exogenous variables. The mixed-SAR model (see LeSage &
Pace, 2009) can be written as:
y = 𝜌Wy + 𝛽X + 𝜀
𝜀 ∼ N(0, 𝜎 2 In )
Equation (26) clearly shows the effect of the weighting matrix in spreading shocks
from one entity to the other until it diminishes leading to a steady-state.
Equation (25) can also be written in a more compact way as:
(I − 𝜌W)y = 𝛽X + 𝜀 (27)
which provides a structure to the contemporaneous relationship based on the spatial
proximity in association with the SAR model. Thus, the model includes contempo-
raneous relationships, driven by interconnections across different assets (markets),
exogenous regressors and asset (market) specific shocks. Equation (27) is conveni-
ently expressed in compact because our focus is to estimate the network intensity
parameter, 𝜌 which captures the endogenous effect of network exposure.
The general idea is to first construct a univariate optimization problem for the
parameter 𝜌 . Following Anselin (1988) and LeSage and Pace (2009), this is done
by maximizing the full likelihood function of the dependent variable with respect
to the unknown parameters. This is given by:
{ }
1 1
L(y|𝜌, 𝛽, 𝜎 2 ) = |I − 𝜌W|exp − (y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)�
(y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)
2Π𝜎 2(n∕2) n 2𝜎 2
The natural logarithm function in Eq. (28) can be specified as:
n 1
ln L = − ln(2Π𝜎 2 ) + ln |In − 𝜌W| − 2 e� e
2 2𝜎
n n 1
= − ln(2Π) − ln(𝜎 2 ) + ln |In − 𝜌W| − 2 e� e
2 2 2𝜎
600 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
e = (y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)
𝜌 ∈ (min(𝜔)−1 , max(𝜔)−1 )
where 𝜔 is the eigenvalue constructed from matrix W. The value of 𝜌 is assumed to
be bounded between 0 and 1. Next, we estimate each parameter in Eq. (29). This is
done by solving the first-order derivatives of Eq. (29) with respect to the individual
( )
𝜕ln(L) 𝜕 2𝜎 2
(y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)� (y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)
𝜕𝛽 𝜕𝛽
( )
𝜕 1
(y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)� (y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽) (30)
2𝜎 2
0 = 2 (X � (y − 𝜌Wy) − X � X𝛽)
𝛽 = (X � X)−1 X � (In − 𝜌W)y
𝜕𝜎 2 ( )
n 2 ) + 1 (y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)� (y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)
𝜕ln(L) 𝜕 − 2
ln(𝜎 2𝜎 2
𝜕𝜎 𝜕𝜎 2
0=− 2 +
n 1
(y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)� (y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽) (33)
2𝜎 2(𝜎 2 )2
0 = −n + 2 (y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)� (y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)
(y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)� (y − 𝜌Wy − X𝛽)
𝜎2 =
Thus, the estimate of 𝜎 2 is given by:
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 601
which can be estimated by OLS. Thus, Eq. (32) can be rewritten as:
The error term from Eq. (35) can be given by: ê 0 = y − X 𝛿̂0 and ê d = Wy − X 𝛿̂d .
Substituting to 𝜎 2 yields
(e0 − 𝜌ed )� (e0 − 𝜌ed )
𝜎2 = (37)
Using the results of 𝛽 and 𝜎 2, Eq. (29) becomes:
( (e − 𝜌e )� (e − 𝜌e ) )
n n 0 d 0 d
ln L = − ln(2Π) − ln
2 2 n
+ ln |In − 𝜌W| −
2( )
n n n
= − ln(2Π) − ln (e0 − 𝜌ed )� (e0 − 𝜌ed ) − ln(n)
2 2 2
+ ln |In − 𝜌W| −
which can be written as:
( )
= c − ln (e0 − 𝜌ed )� (e0 − 𝜌ed ) + ln |In − 𝜌W|
n n 1 (38)
c = − ln(2Π) − ln(n) −
2 2 2
Thus, to obtain the estimates of 𝜌, we need to simplify the log-likelihood with
respect to the scalar 𝜌 and optimize the following equation:
� �
⎛c − n ln (e0 − 𝜌1 ed )� (e0 − 𝜌1 ed ) + ln �In − 𝜌1 W�⎞
⎛f (𝜌1 )⎞ ⎜ 2 � � ⎟
⎜f (𝜌n )⎟ ⎜c − n ln (e0 − 𝜌2 ed )� (e0 − 𝜌2 ed ) + ln �In − 𝜌2 W�⎟
⎜ ⋮ ⎟=⎜ 2 ⎟ (39)
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ � ⋮ � ⎟
⎝ f (𝜌r ) ⎠ ⎜ ⎟
⎝ c − 2 ln (e0 − 𝜌r ed ) (e0 − 𝜌r ed ) + ln �In − 𝜌r W� ⎠
n �
602 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
The static SAR model specified in Eq. (25) can be further extended to a dynamic
SAR. This allows estimation of a time-varying network intensity parameter ( 𝜌t ).
This is useful in understanding how the spatial parameter changes over time. As
pointed out by Blasques et al. (2016), time-varying network intensity parameters
indicate how the spillover changes over time. We considered the case when we
have constant volatility.
A time-varying SAR model with constant disturbances is defined as:
yt = 𝜌t Wyt + 𝛽Xt + 𝜀t
𝜀t ∼ N(0, Σ), t = 1, 2, … , T
n n ∑ T
ln Lct = − ln(2Π) − ln(Σ) + ln |In − 𝜌t W| − e�t Σ−1 et
2 2 t=1
et = (yt − 𝜌t Wyt − Xt 𝛽)
𝜌t ∈ (min(𝜔)−1 , max(𝜔)−1 )
𝜀t ∼ N(0, Σt ), t = 1, 2, … , T
Σt ∼ diag(𝜎12 , 𝜎22 , ⋯ , 𝜎t2 )
n n ∑ T
ln Lvt = − ln(2Π) − ln(Σt ) + ln |In − 𝜌t W| − e�t Σ−1
t et
2 2 t=1
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 603
Whole sample 0.5072 (0.0043) 0.4727 (0.0059) 0.6134 (0.0142) 0.5495 (0.0099) 0.5110 (0.0091)
Advanced 0.5292 (0.0042) 0.5014 (0.0059) 0.5919 (0.0144) 0.5664 (0.0097) 0.5378 (0.0089)
Emerging 0.3125 (0.0040) 0.2804 (0.0054) 0.4232 (0.0147) 0.3379 (0.0095) 0.3236 (0.0084)
Europe 0.5281 (0.0043) 0.5018 (0.0059) 0.6196 (0.0147) 0.5651 (0.0099) 0.5232 (0.0092)
All America 0.3497 (0.0040) 0.3327 (0.0056) 0.4447 (0.0149) 0.3758 (0.0098) 0.3321 (0.0081)
Asia 0.3515 (0.0041) 0.3132 (0.0055) 0.4466 (0.0148) 0.4068 (0.0097) 0.3569 (0.0084)
The table reports the estimated network intensity and their robust standard errors in parentheses for the
static SAR model. The period covered in the sample is 1 January 1999–31 December 2017
et = (yt − 𝜌t Wyt − Xt 𝛽)
𝜌t ∈ (min(𝜔)−1 , max(𝜔)−1 )
6 Empirical analysis
We use the MLE method to estimate the values of 𝜌. MLE is preferred over OLS
because of the limitations of OLS as discussed in Sect. 5.1. Despite the known limi-
tations of OLS in estimating 𝜌, Elhorst (2010) stated that the OLS estimate of 𝜌
could serve as a guide of the expected true value. The initial OLS estimate of 𝜌 for
our data was 0.5327. Therefore, it is expected that the optimal value of the estimate
of 𝜌 will be within this range. Next, we estimate 𝜌 using the MLE and allow the
search to be within the range 1∕𝜆min– 1∕𝜆max . The y vector is the average return of
each country in our sample over the entire sample period, while we constrained W
to lie within the interval {0,1} through the process of row standardization; using the
row-normalized contiguity matrix of weights ensures that each row of the matrix
sums to unity. The row-normalized matrix represents the portion of total liability
that the source country/institution shares among its target nodes.
By estimating static network intensity parameter using a pure SAR model
(Eq. 21), we ensure consistency with the extant spatial literature (Asgharian et al.,
2013; Fernandez, 2011). The static network intensity parameter (which captures the
endogenous effect of network exposure) is estimated at each phase. We begin the
estimation by excluding additional explanatory variables. Table 6 contains the static
network intensity estimates with their corresponding standard errors in parentheses.
The estimate for the whole sample was 0.5072 with a small standard error of 0.0043.
This is close enough to the estimate obtained using OLS (0.5327) and represents the
potential impact of the parameter on the entire network. Comparing estimates in the
different phases, the network intensity parameter was higher in Phase 2 (0.6134).
From Fig. 8, we observed a more than 30% increase in the estimate from Phase 1
604 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Fig. 8 Change in network intensity estimates in subsequent phases. The figure reports the percentage
change of network intensity estimates in the subsequent phases. The entire period covered in the sample
is 1 January 1999–31 December 2017
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 605
Fig. 9 Network intensity estimates for the entire period. The figures display the network effect for the
whole sample period without regressors. The light areas are the 95% confident intervals with the hori-
zontal line representing average estimate in the whole period. Figure 9a presents the dynamic estimates
obtained with an assumption of constant (𝜌 = 0.5) initial value while Fig. 9b displays the estimates
obtained using changing initial value (it follows 𝜌t = 0.5 + 0.4 ∗ cos(2𝜋t∕200)). Figure 9c presents net-
work intensity estimates using sparse matrix. The period covered in the sample is 1 January 1999–31
December 2017
exposures.10 Our findings are also similar to those of Cao et al. (2017), who found
that cross-border linkages tend to increase during crises. This could be a signal of
greater propagation of shock when institutions are under distress.
To capture the dynamics of the network intensity parameter, we conduct an esti-
mation using a 251-day (one-year horizon) rolling window. We investigate how
network intensity changed over time. A one-year period is assumed to be adequate
to capture any significant change in economies. Before estimating the param-
eter, it would be interesting to determine if the estimates differed using a con-
stant initial value of 𝜌 and a changing initial value of 𝜌 at each point in time (the
initial value will be used as the starting values in search of the real values in our
Tonzer (2015) argues that the foreign exposure during the GFC increased in the banking sector, lead-
ing to risk spreading through the interconnected links in the financial system.
606 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
These results imply that network intensity tends to increase during times of stress,
which could be associated with an increase in interconnectedness in the financial
system (Geraci & Gnabo, 2018). Additionally, the results indicate financial conta-
gion inthe financial system (Hung, 2021). These findings are supported by Blasques
et al. (2016), who related high network intensity to increased spillover in the finan-
cial system. These findings are similar to Cao et al. (2017), who reported that cross-
border linkages tend to increase during crisis periods. Conversely, larger network
intensity—especially during times of stress—are associated with increased cross-
border lending, which results in transmission of stronger shocks between markets.
See Appendix A.4 for more details on the patterns of the network intensity parameter.
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 607
Previous research by Tonzer (2015) and Sun and Chan-Lau (2017) supports this rea-
soning. They found that foreign exposures play a significant role in spreading risk.
This implies that countries are exposed more to more risks due to large exposure
from trading partners. The high network intensity across markets signifies the strong
exposure of a shock to the entire financial system (Forbes & Rigobon, 2002).
To check Hypothesis 2, we use an alternative sparse matrix to estimate network
intensity parameter. The sparse matrix provides us with an idea of how the degree
of interconnection in a financial system affects estimation of network intensity
parameter. We use a randomly generated sparse network matrix with the exception
of main diagonal taking zeros. Figure 9c shows the dynamic estimates of the net-
work intensity parameter obtained using sparse matrix with 95% confidence inter-
vals. From this figure, we observe that network intensity estimates shift downwards
when sparse weighting matrix is used. The dynamics of network intensity in Fig. 9c
differ from those in Fig. 9a. The results also indicate that interconnectedness among
financial markets changes the patterns of network intensity over time. A more stable
economy with higher network connectivity would be beneficial in shock absorption,
leading to a more resilient financial system. The converse is also true. Further, these
results imply that as the degree of connectivity increases (decreases), then network
intensity parameter shifts upwards (downwards). As a result, the degree of intercon-
nection plays a key role in the estimation of network intensity parameters. These
findings are consistent with previous studies. For instance, Silva et al. (2016) found
that shocks spread from highly interconnected networks, leading to financial distress
in the entire financial system. This is also supported by Amini et al. (2016), who
showed that financial market with larger connections is associated with spreading
shocks in the network, leading to financial instability. As Minoiu and Reyes (2013)
described the financial network as volatile, we expect this to have an impact on the
estimation of network intensity parameters.
To obtain a clearer picture of the evolution of network intensity, we obtain the
values of the estimates at each phase. Figure 10 displays the dynamic network
intensity coefficients at each phase. From these, we draw a similar conclusion those
drawn from the static estimates. On average, these estimates are lower in Phase
1 than in other phases, and increase in Phase 2. The network intensity parameter
remains higher in Phase 3 (after the crisis and during the EDC). This suggests that
network intensity tends to be higher when the market is under stress. Blasques et al.
(2016), who used European CDS data, arrived at a similar conclusion.
Next, we investigate the marginal effects of the explanatory variables on the esti-
mation of network intensity (Eq. 28). The beta coefficient of the model represents
the exogenous exposure to the common factors, while the network intensity param-
eter captures the endogenous effect of the network exposure in the model. All these
external regressors are country-specific. They include volatility index, FX and IR.
Volatility index captures the change in risk appetite, which gauges the overall mar-
ket sentiment. It is measured using the implied volatility of the world index. We
608 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Fig. 10 Network intensity estimates in different phases. The plots display the network effect for the
whole sample period in each phase. The light areas are the 95% confident intervals while the horizontal
line is the is the average estimate in the entire period. The period covered in the sample is 1 January
1999–31 December 2017
considered implied volatilities of two major stock indices, VIX and VSTOXX,
because of the unavailability of individual country data.
Figure 11 shows the trend of the implied volatility of these stock indices. We use
these two major implied volatility indices to investigate the impact on network inten-
sity estimation. It can be observed in Fig. 11 that the implied volatility depicts simi-
lar patterns. For example, during the GFC of 2007–2009, the two indices reached
their peak over the whole period. We also observe a comparable shift in the mag-
nitude of volatility at different points in time. High spikes in the implied volatility
were associated with periods when financial markets were under stress. For instance,
the spikes in 2002 are associated with the dot-com bubble, those in 2003 are associ-
ated with war in Iraq (Degiannakis et al., 2018), 2007–2009 spikes were associated
with the GFC, 2010 spikes with the EDC, 2013 with the rapid fall of prices of gold
and 2015 with turbulence in the Chinese stock market.
The country-specific regressors include IR and FX. Local market returns measure
the growth of the economy of any country; this measures the stability of a country’s
economic outlook. IR affects the cost of borrowing; higher IRs are associated with
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 609
Fig. 11 Volatility estimates. The figures display the implied volatilities for VIX and VSTOXX indices
during the entire period. The period covered in the sample is 1 January 1999–31 December 2017
610 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Liability matrix
Est. Par. 0.5149 0.5117 0.5166 0.1055 0.1933 0.0978
(0.0042) (0.0042) (0.0042) (0.0027) (0.0039) (0.0025)
Trade matrix
Est. Par. 0.5698 0.5669 0.5718 0.1781 0.2000 0.1617
(0.0041) (0.0042) (0.0041) (0.0038) (0.0040) (0.0036)
The table reports the comparison in network intensity parameter with and without regressors. These esti-
mates are obtained using a dynamic SAR model and they represent the mean values of the whole sample
period. The estimates represent the average value of the estimate in the whole sample period. Base are
the estimates obtained without including external regressors, All regr. are estimates obtained with inclu-
sion of all other regressors, excluding the VSTOXX index. The other estimates are based on individual
This is an approximately 62% change (decrease) in the estimate when all addi-
tional regressors are included in the estimation. Therefore, the presence of explan-
atory variables has a discernible effect on the estimation of the network intensity
parameter. This suggests that each additional regressors may have either positive or
negative effects on the estimation. We observe that the introduction of each variable
separately has an effect on network intensity estimate.
Although there is no significant difference between the network intensity
estimates with and without inclusion of IR and FX, it is worth discussing their
impact on the estimation. IRs across countries may fluctuate due to the FX.
Higher IR fluctuations may have a greater impact on network intensity estimates.
This is because increases in IR volatility increases uncertainty, which create a
channel through which shocks can spread in financial markets (Edwards et al.,
1998). This may lead to an increase or decrease in network intensity parameter.
Our results reveal that the IR fluctuations lead to decrease in network intensity
of 0.6%. FX rates differ from country to country, and this may affect the borrow-
ing rates of each country (Bruno & Shin, 2014). A more volatile exchange rate
increases currency risk premium, and thereby effecting financial market co-move-
ments (Asgharian et al., 2013). This suggests that FX may have a greater impact
on estimation. From the static results, we observe that, on average, the volatility
in exchange rate leads to an increase in network intensity parameter of 0.3%.
Volatility (the amount of uncertainty regarding change in each stock market
index) has a greater impact on network intensity estimation. As displayed in
Fig. 11, fluctuations in the implied volatility index, especially during periods of
stress, cause shifts in network intensity. High fluctuations in volatility result, on
average, in a decrease in network intensity parameter by approximately 80% in the
case of VIX and 81% for VSTOXX. Both VIX and VSTOXX have almost simi-
lar effects on network intensity parameter. Based on these results, we conclude
that implied volatility has a major impact on the estimation of the network inten-
sity parameter and would have discernible effects on the financial system. This is
supported by Antonakakis et al. (2013), who showed that implied volatility, for
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 611
Fig. 12 Network intensity estimates with and without regressors. The figures display network effect for
the entire sample period with the addition of external regressors. The horizontal line is the average esti-
mate in the entire period. a Displays network intensity estimates without external regressors. b–d display
network intensity estimates with IR, VIX and FX respectively being the external regressors. e displays
network intensity estimates with all external regressors
instance VIX, dampens returns, which could result in lower network estimates.
Therefore, among the external regressors, the volatility of stock market index has
a greater impact on the estimation of the network intensity parameter, resulting in
a 62% decrease in the estimate.
Figure 12 shows dynamic network intensity parameter, including and excluding
explanatory regressors. The estimates were obtained using the dynamic SAR model
specification using a 251 rolling window size.
Figure 12a displays a time-varying trend of estimate without the external regres-
sors. The horizontal line represents the average estimate of the whole sample period.
Figure 12a–d display similar patterns, while Fig. 12c and e show varying patterns.
This is because while the IR and FX fluctuations either increased or decreased
estimates, implied volatility (we used VIX as a proxy of implied volatility since
VSTOXX provided almost identical results) of stock index had discernible effect on
the estimation of network intensity parameter. Higher volatility changes the trend
612 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
of network intensity estimates. These effects are clearly observed during the global
crisis, for which the trends of Fig. 12a and c of Fig. 12 differ.
Although we can observe a similar trend in Fig. 12 (which excluded the explana-
tory variables), reduction of the estimated values (previously presented in Table 7)
can be observed. The estimates fluctuate between 0.3 and 0.75. This led to the same
conclusion as previously discussed. The spikes in the estimates are associated with
periods when the market was under stress. This is in line with Hypothesis 1. For
example, the spike before 2002 is associated with the dot-com bubble, 2007–2009
with the GFC, post-2010 with the European debt crisis and 2015 with the Chinese
market crash.
We now introduce additional regressors to support Hypothesis 3. Our preliminary
findings showed that external factors (integration measures) have an effect on esti-
mation. This may suggest that the financial market is highly integrated in terms of
cross-border activities.
As stated in Hypothesis 2, increased interconnectedness between different mar-
kets results in increased network intensity estimates. Let us relate the horizontal
line (mean value) to the period of financial system stability (robust network inten-
sity estimate) while periods when there are spikes above the line correspond when
the financial system is under stress (fragile network intensity estimate). Figure 12
depicts a robust-yet-fragile network intensity estimate. A robust-yet-fragile network
would diversify small shocks, while propagating large shocks to the entire financial
system, leading to distress (Acemoglu et al., 2015; Gai & Kapadia, 2010; Tonzer,
2015). Although the network intensity was robust-yet-fragile between 2002 and 2006
(as shown in Fig. 12), the financial system benefited from risk-sharing effect. During
the GFC, shocks were amplified in the financial system, causing financial instability.
Most countries in our sample are developed economies.
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 613
614 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
resilient during and after the GFC. Thus, developed markets played a significant
role in propagating shocks to the entire financial system. This is a clear indication
that policy makers should be more concerned when network intensity estimates are
greater for developed markets.
Although emerging markets have lower network intensity estimates, they may
also have the greatest influence in propagating shocks. We observed that emerging
markets had having greater spikes especially when the market was under stress. This
finding shows that emerging markets are not immune during the GFC. This suggests
that emerging markets serve as hubs through which shocks from developed econo-
mies spread to the entire financial system. Aizenman et al. (2016a) also found that
emerging markets were also exposed to external shocks during the GFC, especially
to shocks originating in developed markets. These findings indicate that emerging
markets increasingly play a role in the world economy by engaging in cross-border
relationships with developed and emerging economies (Bekaert & Harvey, 2017).
In terms of integration, we observe that developed economies with high network
intensity have more cross-border activities, making the estimate higher than those
of emerging markets. These results suggest that developed economies that are more
stable benefit from higher network intensity. However, in the presence of shocks,
these economies might have a great impact on financial stability. These findings are
similar to those of Chevallier et al. (2018), who showed that developed markets play
a dominant role in propagating shocks to the entire system while emerging markets
are becoming more integrated with other markets. This means they can transmit
shocks to other economies. These results are also supported by Schiavo et al. (2010),
who found that developed economies tend to be more integrated and more clustered,
resulting in larger estimates of network intensity parameters.
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 615
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
market fluctuated above the mean, while other regions, they fluctuated above and
below the mean.
All America and Europe produced different patterns, suggesting that the two
regions have different exposures. This could be due to different banking systems
across regions, making cross-border banks from large countries (mostly the US)
pose the ‘too big to fail’ problem. Propagation of shocks led to financial disloca-
tion and tensions especially in the Euro areas (Belke & Gros, 2016). Additionally,
network exposure for the US and Europe would differ because the equity returns
of these markets react differently to shocks. Previous literature has shown that the
US had problems in banking and sovereign debt, thereby establishing a diabolical
loop (Chan-Lau et al., 2015; Dufrénot & Keddad, 2014).
For all America, we observe that network intensity estimates were higher at
the beginning of the sample period and continued to decline until 2007, when the
estimate fluctuate upwards. There were spikes in mid-2008, implying that propa-
gation strength increased suddenly. The estimates fluctuated at around 0.4 before
increasing to 0.6 in 2014. The presence of Latin American countries (Argentina,
Brazil, Chile and Mexico) affected network intensity estimates. These emerging
markets exhibited higher fluctuations in return over time.
For Europe, the opposite was true. Network intensity estimates were lower at
the beginning of the sample period and then increased. Before 2012, there were
spikes (the propagation strengths are higher) in network intensity estimates. They
are associated with the onset of the EDC in 2010 (Mink & De Haan, 2013). The
estimates then fluctuated in an increasing trend in 2012. This suggests that Euro-
pean markets became more interconnected, increasing their exposures in the
financial system.
The propagation strength was higher during crisis periods and remained higher
during the sovereign debt crisis. This could indicate a larger impact of shock propa-
gation, especially when a shock hits the financial system.
Conversely, the Asian region depicted a different pattern from other regions.
There was a spike in 2002, and it remained higher until 2003 before dropping then
fluctuates again. The estimate declined at the beginning of the crisis period before
spiking in 2007. Thereafter, there is a declining trend of network intensity until hit
its lowest point in 2014. The estimate remained low after 2013. These results are
similar to the static estimates in Table 6. These results are consistent to those of Gui-
marães-Filho and Hong (2016) ,who argued that Asian markets are more exposed to
shocks from other region, thereby increasing their exposure during crises.
Overall, the results from the regional network intensity show that exposures are
high especially during crisis periods. This suggests that the fragility of the financial
system tends to increase during time of stress (Sun & Chan-Lau, 2017). This leads
to financial instability.
Our findings indicate the possibility that regional network intensity estimates
have an implication for policies that affect economic growth and stability. A high
network intensity estimate may imply higher propagation effects from shocks to
the financial system, leading to financial instability (Sun & Chan-Lau, 2017). This
aligns with Tonzer (2015), who showed that regional integration might be beneficial
618 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
From our empirical results, we highlight why the network intensity estimate is
important, especially to the financial system. We do so in an attempt to answer the
questions posed below.
7.1 Do high network intensity estimates signify spillover in the financial system?
The changing nature of network intensity parameters raises the question of whether
high or low network intensity estimates are associated with return spillover in the
markets. Transmission of shocks across the financial system through different chan-
nels is known to cause financial distress. This transmission of shocks can be a result
of many factors, not limited to the increasing growth of cross-border activities in the
financial system.
With increasing cross-border activities over recent years, there has been a ten-
dency for increased exposures throughout the financial system. This is depicted from
our results, in which we observed that the network exposure tends to increase when
the financial system is under stress. This can signify a spillover in the financial sys-
tem. Moreover, increasing interactions between different markets imply high expo-
sure to these markets in terms of risk, thereby posing a threat to the stability of the
financial system. Network intensity is also affected by financial integration through
cross-border flows. This in itself creates a channel of increasing spillovers in the
financial system.
In general, network intensity parameters capture the strength of exposure, which
relates to spillovers. We conclude, based on our results, that network intensity
evolves over time and during important events. When network intensity is high, it
implies that spillover is increasing in the financial system. It is worth noting that
with increasing cross-border financial activities, financial institutions have become
more interconnected. This has resulted in high exposure of the financial system to
shocks. These results confirm that a high network intensity parameter is associated
with high interconnectedness in the financial system.
Ever changing market conditions have led to greater complexity in the financial sec-
tor. Recent studies have revealed increased co-movements of cross-border activities.
This means that with favorable market conditions the financial market has become
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 619
more integrated. A natural question to ask is whether the different market conditions
increase the chance of vulnerability in the financial sector.
For example, FX volatility may have a positive influence on network intensity
estimate. This is reflected in our results, in which we observed high network inten-
sity corresponding to periods of high volatility in FX rates.
Implied volatility used to capture overall market riskiness is expected to have a
positive influence on network intensity estimates. With increasing uncertainty in the
market, financial sectors are at a higher risk of failure. Our results show the consid-
erable impact of implied volatility on network intensity estimates. All this suggests
that with changing market conditions, there is an increased possibility of high net-
work intensity, and thus, a possibility of stress in the financial system.
8 Conclusion
This paper investigates the dynamics of the network intensity parameter that moni-
tors network exposure. To be specific, this paper produces two empirical findings on
how network exposure contribute to increasing vulnerability in the financial system.
We examine the impact of network exposure on common factors. Our findings show
that both the network intensity coefficient and interconnectedness increase exposure
to common factors.
We also extended our work to estimate a dynamic network intensity parameter
to determine whether a high network intensity is associated with period of extreme
events. Our findings suggest that a high network intensity coefficient is associated
with extreme events that are related to period of distress in the financial system. The
size of the network intensity coefficient serves as an indicator of stress events and
could be useful in monitoring the financial system, ultimately promoting financial
These findings highlight the importance of network exposure by showing the
extent to which financial systems are exposed to shocks from existing linkages.
Overall, the results suggest the changing market conditions increases the exposures
to the financial system. Caution must be taken to monitor these exposures in order to
reduce the transmission impact of these shocks.
These findings have important policy implications. Caution must be taken to
monitor these exposures in order to reduce the transmission impact of these shocks.
Improving regulations of the financial system can help reduce the adverse effects of
network exposures in the financial system.
620 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 621
◂ Fig. 16 Network intensity estimates based on trade and liability matrix. The figures compare the network
effect using both liability and trade connection matrices for the whole sample period
Figure 16a depicts the role of the weighting matrix in estimating the network inten-
sity parameter. The horizontal line is the mean value of the estimate obtained using
both trade and liability weighting matrix in the whole sample. These results reveal
that the trade weighting matrix contributed to the upwards shift of the weighting
622 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
matrix from 0.5149 to 0.5698. This also implies that the mean value of the estimate
is 0.5698 using trade weight matrix and 0.5149 when the liability weighting matrix
is used.
The connection matrix play an important role in the estimation of the network
intensity parameter. From Fig. 16a, it is clear that although the weighting matrix
results in estimates with almost similar trends, their sizes differ in both cases. The
network intensity estimates based on trade weights were higher than those obtained
using the liability weighting matrix. This suggests that shocks through trade link-
ages would be more sensitive to the economy compared to those from liability
linkages. This supports the fact that the strength of trade linkages increase due to
bilateral trade among different markets. The patterns of network intensity estimate
also differed at different points in time. For example, the network intensity obtained
using trade weights increased before the dot-com bubbles, while network intensity
estimated using liability data decreased.
Although we used the dynamic MLE approach to estimate the network intensity
parameter, we also explored a state-space approach. A state-space model describes
the dynamics of a latent state and how the data relate to this state. A general SAR
model can be represented in a state-space form with observation and state evolution
respectively as:
Observation equation:
yt = C𝜌t Wyt + DXt + vt , vt ∼ N(0, Vt ) (44)
State equation:
pt = c1 + Apt−1 + BXt−1 + wt−1 , wt−1 ∼ N(0, Wt−1 ) and t = 1, 2, … , T
where At , Bt and Dt are the input variables and Ct is the state loading matrix. vt and
wt are measurement and state space process errors respectively, Xt is the exogenous
variables. The observation equation can be expressed in matrix form as
[ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
Xt 0 0 Xt 0
Dt Ct 𝜌t Wyt
vt (46)
Figure 17 shows the network intensity estimates obtained using a Kalman filter.
These estimates support our previous findings in Fig. 9a, which showed that the
network intensity remained higher during periods of stress. This explains the high
exposure of financial markets during difficult times. Caution is required to correctly
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 623
monitor markets during periods of stress, which correspond with increased fragility
in the financial system (Sun & Chan-Lau, 2017).
We simulate 4956 daily data (the estimate choice is based on the number of sample
size in our analysis) using different specifications of the spatial coefficient. These
patterns are similar to Brownlees and Engle (2016) and follow:
• constant: 𝜌t = 0.5
• sine: 𝜌t == 0.5 + 0.4 ∗ cos(2 ∗ pi ∗ k∕200)
• fast sine: 𝜌t = 0.5 + 0.4 ∗ cos(2 ∗ pi ∗ k∕20)
• step: 𝜌t = 0.9 − 0.5 ∗ (k > 500)
All these specifications give different patterns of the network intensity parameter.
Using these different specifications will help to investigate whether the initial val-
ues of the network intensity parameter matter in the estimation. Figure 18 shows
these forms of network intensity parameters. The results show that network intensity
parameters have different forms of changes. The constant shows a constant trend,
Sine shows exhibit gradual change, and the fast sine has rapid change while step
changes in different steps.
624 Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629
Eurasian Economic Review (2022) 12:569–629 625
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