EE 2021 01 Ghazouani
EE 2021 01 Ghazouani
EE 2021 01 Ghazouani
Tarek Ghazouani (2021). Impact of FDI inflow, crude oil prices, and economic
growth on CO2 emission in Tunisia: Symmetric and asymmetric analysis through
ARDL and NARDL approach. Environmental Economics, 12(1), 1-13.
LICENSE This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
49 3 10
Environmental Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2021 1
Environmental Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2021
ly developing countries, where foreign firms producing polluting goods would seek to locate in those
countries with comparatively weak environmental regulations compared to their countries of origin
with environmental requirements. However, the environmental consequences of FDI flows can be
asymmetric, as the massive of FDI inflows does not necessarily have the same sign and magnitude of
effect as the sudden stop of FDI flows.
As Keynes (1936) states, the trend up-wards of any macroeconomic variable transforms unexpectedly
towards a negative trend, while a falling trend does not have the same abrupt turn towards an up-trend.
Assuming that increased FDI flows generate CO2 emissions through increased energy consumption,
however, it may have the same effect with their decrease. Shahbaz et al. (2014) attribute this impact to
the “ratchet effect” whereby energy consumption increases despite the fall in income caused by sudden
stop in capital flows. In addition, it may be that as a result of sudden reversals in FDI, domestic invest-
ment booms in response to domestic demand, leading in turn to increased energy consumption, which
increases CO2 emissions. In this respect, it is crucial to examine the possible asymmetry of the environ-
mental consequences of FDI flows in order to avoid inappropriate policies recommendations.
Building on the environmental and economic concerns, this study explores the symmetrical and asym-
metrical connection between economic growth and CO2 emissions with the incorporation of crude
oil prices and FDI inflows within the emissions function of the Tunisian economy. From an ecological
view, the crude oil price could indirectly affect energy use and environmental quality via its impact on
these factors. Indeed, two scenarios can occur and this depends on whether the country is a net oil‐ex-
porting or importing economies. According to Sturm et al. (2009), oil-exporting countries will increase
their economic activity as a result of the surge in their income following the rise in the price of crude
oil. Based on this idea, Nwani (2017) indicates that increase economic activity requires more energy
which means additional carbon emissions. However, for oil-importing countries, any drop in crude oil
prices could reduce their incentive to invest in environment-friendly energies and increase their use of
fossil fuel energy, thus contributing to CO2 emissions. Therefore, considered as a semi-exporter coun-
try, Tunisia is characterized by a strong vulnerability of the national economy to the volatility of inter-
national energy prices. Thus, this can change its behavior in terms of energy consumption, which will
ultimately reflect on the environment.
To the best of our knowledge, the symmetric and asymmetric impact of oil crude price along with FDI
inflows on CO2 emissions in Tunisia has not been earlier explored. Aiming to fill this void, this study
conducts an in-depth examination of the impact of economic growth, FDI inflows, and crude oil pric-
es on Tunisia’s CO2 emissions using advanced econometric methods. Firstly, the linear ARDL (Auto-
regressive Distributed Lag) was implemented to investigate the symmetric short- and long-run associa-
tion among candidate variables. While, the non-linear ARDL (NARDL) by Shin et al. (2014) has used
to explore this association asymmetrically, as to assess effects of both positive and negative changes in
FDI inflows and crude oil price on Tunisian’s CO2 emissions, respectively. Finally, the block exogeneity
Wald test has employed to analyze the directional causality among candidate variable.
1. LITERATURE REVIEW Bölük & Mert, 2015; Baek, 2016; Pata, 2018; Usman
et al., 2019; Malik et al., 2020), while other papers
There are a substantial number of empirical inves- do not (Apergis, 2016; Kang et al., 2016; Balsalobre
tigations dealing with the environmental conse- et al., 2015; Adu & Denkyirah, 2019). The contra-
quences of economic growth by analyzing them dictory results given are often explained either
through the EKC assumption (see Shahbaz and by differences in a country’s level of development
Sinha (2019) for a literature survey). However, (Apergis, 2016) or by differences in the additional
among these studies, there are those that support variables included in the emission function model
this EKC assumption (Apergis & Ozturk, 2015; (Amri, 2018). Likewise, In the case of Tunisia, the
Environmental Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2021
validity of the EKC assumption is evenly disputed, ergy use and carbon dioxide emissions in both
as Ben Jebli and Ben Youssef (2015), Farhani and the short and long run. The same findings were
Ozturk (2015), and Amri (2017, 2018) reject the obtained by Agbanike et al. (2019) when explor-
EKC hypothesis. In contrast, Shahbaz et al. (2014), ing this relationship for the Venezuela. Contrarily,
Kwakwa et al. (2018), and Mahmood et al. (2019) other studies have found that rising crude oil pric-
proved the existence of EKC in Tunisian economy. es have a positive influence on the environment
Kwakwa et al. (2018) concluded that the occur- (Mensah et al., 2019; Malik et al., 2020). Here, the
rence of an inverted U-curve depends on sources results found are explained by the fact whether an
of CO2 emissions in Tunisia. oil-exporting or oil-importing economy. For net
oil-importing economies, a drop in crude oil price
Regarding the relationship between FDI inflows means an over-use of energy and this is reflected
and the environment degradation, evidence re- in higher CO2 emissions and the other way round
mains also unclear. Some evidence found that (Vielle & Viguier, 2007). While for oil-exporting
FDI inflows affect positively CO2 emissions (for economies, higher crude oil prices would lead to
instance, Al-Mulali, 2012; Omri et al., 2014; Haug higher incomes, which would increase the energy
& Ucal, 2019; Malik et al., 2020; Essandoh et al., consumption generated by more economic activi-
2020). Closely, this category of studies supports ties, thus causing more CO2 emissions, which in
the famous “pollution haven hypothesis” accord- turn worsens the quality of the environment and
ing to which developing countries suffer more vice versa (Sturm et al., 2009; Nwani, 2017).
from environmental pollution caused by multi-
national companies that transfer high-pollution
industries (Copeland & Taylor, 1994). Conversely, 2. DATA AND METHODOLOGY
other evidence have found that FDI inflows af-
fect negatively CO2 emissions (such as Al-Mulali 2.1. Data and empirical model
& Tang, 2013; Sung et al., 2018; Jiang et al., 2018).
Consequently, this group of studies supports the The data adopted in the present paper is based on
known “pollution halo hypothesis”, which postu- 46 observations for Tunisia spanning the period
lates that multinational companies disseminate 1972–2016. Data includes CO2 emissions as an in-
their clean technologies to host countries through dicator of environmental deterioration expressed
the transfer of innovative technologies. However, in metric tons per-capita, GDP per-capita (in con-
there are also other studies arguing that FDI in- stant 2010 USD), the net inflow of FDI per-capita
flows does not detrimental to the environment (in constant 2010 USD), which were collected from
(Lee, 2013; Chandran & Tang, 2013). Similarly for Word Bank Indicators. In addition, they include
Tunisia, there are mixed results regarding the re- crude oil price (in USD per-barrel), which was ex-
lationship between these two variables, as Hakimi tracted from BP Statistical Review.
and Hamdi (2016) prove a positive impact of FDI
flows on pollution while Abdouli and Hammami To assess the environmental effect of FDI in-
(2016) show an insignificant negative impact. flows, crude oil prices and economic growth in
Tunisia, the following specific model has been
As for the crude oil prices-CO2 emissions nexus, implemented:
although the existence of a few empirical stud-
ies, the evidence also seems varied. Some stud- ln Ct = ( )
β 0 + β1 ( ln GDPt ) + β 2 ln GDPt 2 + (1)
ies reveal that a rise in crude oil prices leads to
+ β3 ( ln FDI t ) + β3 ( ln OIPt ) + µt ,
increase in energy consumption which in turn
causes higher CO2 emission. For instance, Nwani where
(2017) find that the crude oil price, energy con- ln Ct , ln GDPt , ln GDPt , ln FDI t , and ln OIPt
sumption, and other economic performance indi- , are the natural logarithms of CO2 emissions
cators are cointegrated in a long-run relationship per-capita, GDP per-capita, the square term of
with CO2 emissions in the Ecuadorian for the pe- GDP per-capita, FDI per-capita and crude oil pric-
riod 1971–2013. Further, he reveals that the price es, respectively. The square of real GDP per-capita
of crude oil positively and significantly affects en- ( ln GDPt ) is included in equation 1 to implement 3
Environmental Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2021
EKC hypothesis augmented by FDI inflows and of cointegration or not. Afterwards, the long- and
crude oil price. μt and t refer to the residual term short-run estimation will be performed if the
and the year, respectively. cointegration relationship has been confirmed.
The short-run model is presented by equation (3)
2.2. The symmetric analysis below in which the parameter δi reflects the long-
term equilibrium adjustment speed after a short-
To examine the symmetric association among FDI term occurred event.
inflows, crude oil price, economic growth, and
CO2 emissions, the paper apply the Pesaran et ∆ ln Ct =+ α δ i ECM t −1 +
al.’s (2001) cointegration test, namely ARDL test. n m
Before implementing the ARDL model, wheth- + ϕ5 ∆ ln OIPt −i + ε t .
er linear or non-linear, the order of integration i =0
+ ∑ϕ5 ∆ ln OIPt −i + ε t , m
i positive
+ −
∑ −
dynamic, respectively. The existence or not of a captures the long (short)-run and negative
cointegrating relationship is based on the F-test. impact of FDIt and crude OIPt on Ct. As for ARDL
The null hypothesis (β1 = β2 = β3 = β4 = β5 = 0) is model, the bound test is resorted to determine
tested through Wald test based on F-statistics to whether the variables are asymmetrically co-inte-
verify whether there is cointegration or not. The grated or not. In addition, the Wald-test is called
compared F-statistics to the lower and the upper to assess the long (short) run symmetric linkage β
bound critical value would conclude the existence = β + = β – (θ = θ + = θ –) for FDI and OIP. Given the
Environmental Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2021
validation of the non-linear relationship, the short us to apply the ARDL cointegration approach. The
run asymmetric association can be provided via result of the cointegration test presented in Table 2
the dynamic multiplier effect in the following way: shows a F-stat value (10.327) exceeding the critical
value of the upper bound of Narayan (2005) table
ω ln Ct − j at 1% level, which confirm the existence of cointe-
Ds+ = ∑ j =0
, gration among studied variables.
ω ln FDI t+−i
ω ln Ct − j The implementation of co-integration across vari-
Ds− = ∑ j =0
, ables leads us to assess the short and long run im-
ω ln FDI t−−i
(5) pact of GDP, FDI and OIP on carbon emissions
=s 0,1, 2,3, …. (C). Tables 3 and 4 outline that economic growth
....Noting that s → ∞, Ds+ → β 4+ , Ds− → β5− , affects significantly and positively CO2 emissions
in the long run. While, the quadratic term of real
ω ln Ct − j
Ds+ = ∑ j =0
, GDP per capita improve significantly the environ-
ω ln OIPt −+i ment, which leads us to conclude that the invert-
ω ln Ct − j ed U-shaped EKC for Tunisia stands only on long
Ds− = ∑ j =0
, run with a turn point equal to 4,590.126 USD per
ω ln OIPt −−i
capita. The validation of the EKC assumption cor-
=s 0,1, 2,3, …. roborates the findings by Shahbaz et al. (2014) and
...Noting that s → ∞, Ds+ → β 6+ , Ds− → β 7− . Mahmood et al. (2019). The coefficient of ECT(–1)
is statistically significant and negative indicating
3. EMPIRICAL RESULTS that around 56% of the short-term unbalance rec-
tified in the long term.
Table 2. F-Bound test for linear cointegration
ARDL (1,0,0,3,4)
3.1. The symmetric analysis results
Null hypothesis: No levels
F-Bounds Test
Checking the stationarity of the series is a prerequi- relationship
site for deciding which cointegration test to choose. I(0) I(1)
10% 2.2 3.09
Using the ADF and PP tests, the empirical out- F-statistic 10.327
5% 2.52 3.49
come in Table 1 shows that some variables are in-
2.5% 2.82 3.87
tegrated in level, that is I(0) and other after the first k 4
1% 3.29 4.37
difference, that is I(1), while, when using the LS
test which take into account for possible structural
breaks, all variables are integrated in same order, The crude oil price affects CO2 emissions positive-
that is I(1). Therefore, altogether, these results allow ly and significantly at 1% level, as the results show
Note: *, **, *** indicates that value is significant at 1, 5, and 10% threshold, respectively. TB indicates time break. 5
Environmental Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2021
that a 1% increase in the OIP is liable to lead to which pushes countries to subsidy energy con-
an increment of around 0.027% in CO2 emissions sumption. A study conducted by the International
in the Tunisian economy. This positive impact ex- Monetary Fund has shown that the percentage of
erted by crude oil price on CO2 emissions might subsidies for fuel amounted to 13.7% of the state
be explained through two mechanisms. Firstly, budget in 2013. This study also revealed that the
the income generated by crude oil export rev- fuel subsidy policy in Tunisia leads to excessive en-
enues and the tax revenues of the oil companies ergy consumption and a reduction in investment
provide economic conditions that produce more incentives in the field of rationalization of con-
energy consumption. Indeed, considered as semi sumption and renewable energies.
oil-dependent economy, in 2018, Tunisia exported
USD 614 million of crude oil, making it the 50th FDI significantly and negatively affects carbon
largest crude oil exporter in the world (Energy emissions in the long run at the level of 5%, which
Information Administration). In the same year, leads to accept the presence of the halo hypothe-
crude oil was the 5th most exported product in sis. This might explain the contribution of FDI to
Tunisia. The oil revenue average value was 5.38 per the reduction of emissions by the fact that inves-
cent of GDP during the period from 1970 to 2018 tors, when they enter Tunisia, tend to respect en-
(World Bank Indicator, 2019). vironmental regulations and international stand-
ards. In addition, this can suggest that FDI inflow
In addition, and according to the Central Bank of contributes to the transfer of clean technologies
Tunisia report (2017), the tax revenue of oil com- which lead to improve energy efficiency and the
panies constitutes about 40% of total direct taxes, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This find-
thus improving the country total income. In this ing is in accordance with the evidence of Zhang
respect, the rise in crude oil prices contributes to and Zhou (2016) for the Chinese economy.
economic growth in Tunisia, which in turn gener-
ates more economic activity, particularly in ener- Table 3 documents also the diagnostic analy-
gy-intensive sectors. Brini et al. (2017) reveal that sis (lower part), were the Jarque & Bera-test and
a 1% increment in the oil price increases Tunisia’s Breusch & Godfrey L-M-test suggest normali-
economic growth by 1.175%. Secondly, the subsi- ty and absence of serial correlation in the model,
dization of energy consumption encourages more respectively, while the ARCH-test and Breusch-
energy use. The rise in the price of a barrel of oil Pagan-Godfrey heteroscedasticity test accept the
leads to additional costs for economic institutions, alternate hypothesis of heteroscedasticity. In addi-
Table 3. Linear ARDL model long-run results
Dependent variable: Ct
Variable Coefficient St. error T-stat
GDPt 14.806 1.509 9.807*
GDPt2 –0.878 0.095 –9.178*
FDIt –0.029 0.014 –2.023**
OIPt 0.027 0.014 1.870***
C –61.451 5.953 –10.322*
R2 0.9678
Adj-R2 0.963
F-stat 293.300*
Diagnostic analysis
Test F-statistic P-Value
Normal 0.219 0.896
Seial 0.761 0.476
ARCH 0.325 0.571
Hetero 1.396 0.236
CUSUM Stable
Note: *, **, *** indicates that value is significant at 1, 5, and 10% threshold, respectively.
Environmental Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2021
tion, the CUSUM and CUSUMSQ tests presented emissions (Tables 6 and 7). Similarly, the NARDL
in Figure 1, show that the global model is stable model supports the reversed U-curve over the
which reinforces the robustness of our results. long term, as does ARDL model.
Table 6. NARDL model long-run results
3.2. The symmetric analysis results
Dependent variable: Ct
The NARDL-related test findings reported in Variable Coefficient St. error T-stat
Table 5 indicated the existence of long term rela- GDPt 20.453 2.249 9.091*
tionships across the variables. The coefficient of GDPt2 –1.270 0.140 –9.056*
ECT(–1) is statistically significant and negative in- FDIt+ –0.048 0.025 –1.955**
dicating that around 64% of the short‐term short- FDIt- –0.024 0.034 –0.709
OIPt+ 0.251 0.072 3.459*
term unbalance rectified in the long term.
OIPt- –0.057 0.043 –1.757**
Table 5. F-Bound test for non-linear cointegration C –82.058 9.080 –9.037*
R2 0.985
Null hypothesis: No levels Adj-R2 0.978
F-Bound test relationship F-stat 147.854*
Significance I(0) I(1) Diagnostic analysis
F-statistic 6.447
10% 1.99 2.94 Test F-statistic P-Value
5% 2.27 3.28 Normal 0.114 0.944
2.5% 2.55 3.61 Serial 2.164 0.135
k 6
1% 2.88 3.99 ARCH 0.270 0.606
Hetero 0.967 0.503
CUSUM Stable
Regarding the long and short term estimation of CUSUM-SQ Stable
the NARDL model, the results show similarities
Note: *, ** indicates that value is significant at 1 and 5%
with those found in the ARDL methodology with threshold, respectively.
respect the impact of economic growth on carbon
20 1.4
15 1.2
– 10
– 15
– 0.2
– 20 – 0.4
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 7
Environmental Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2021
Note: * and **, *** refer to the significance at 1 and 5% level respectively.
As for the asymmetric FDI-CO2 emissions link- CO2 emissions in the short term besides the long
age, only the positive shocks in FDI (FDI+) cast term, while the negative shock in the partial sum
significant effect as regards carbon emissions of crude oil price (OIP-) is significantly negative,
which suggests that the Halo hypothesis is valid meaning that any decrease in crude OIP decreases
for the Tunisian economy. However, the absence in CO2 emissions in the long-run (Tables 6 and
of an asymmetrical association is verified by the 7). Both the Wald test (Table 8) and the dynam-
Wald test that evaluates the equality between the ic multiplier graph of OIP (Figure 2) support the
coefficients of the two FDI shocks (Table 8), which asymmetrical association, since it is significant
is quite clear in Figure 2 who presents the dynamic long run.
multiplier graph of FDI.
Table 11 presents equally diagnostics analy-
As for the asymmetric crude oil price-CO2 emis- sis output (lower part) and shows no issue of
sions nexus, the positive shock in the partial sum normality, serial correlation, specification, ho-
of crude oil price (OIP+) is significantly positive, moscedasticity, and stability for the studied
meaning that any increase in crude OIP increases model (Figure 2).
Table 8. NARDL Wald test
Short-run Long-run
Exogenous variable
F-stat. Prob. F-stat. Prob.
FDI 2.268 0.143 0.427 0.518
OIP 2.123 0.156 3.997 0.055*
.00 .2
–.04 .1
–.08 .0
–.12 –.1
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
Environmental Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2021
Note: *, **, *** indicates that value is significant at 1, 5, and 10% threshold, respectively.
Note: *, **, *** indicates that value is significant at 1, 5, and 10% threshold, respectively.
Using annual data covering the 1971–2016 period, this study explores the symmetric and asymmetric
association of real GDP per capita, FDI inflow, and crude oil price on CO2 emission of Tunisia. Different
from previous studies on Tunisia, this is the first attempt to examine the individual effect of FDI inflow
and the crude oil price on CO2 emissions, while giving more solid evidence for the EKC hypothesis by
skipping energy use as an explanatory variable that induces a systematic volatility in the coefficients of
the model (Itkonen, 2012). Results from the linear ARDL have suggested a positive effect of crude oil
price as regards CO2 emission in the long term, while the negative and significant component of FDI
inflow validates the pollution Halo hypothesis for Tunisia. Whereas, Results from the NARDL indicate 9
Environmental Economics, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2021
that in the long term, a rise in crude oil price intensifies CO2 emission, while the decrease in oil price
mitigates CO2 emission in Tunisia. Results from causality analysis divulge that there is feedback effect
between economic growth and CO2 emission, while a one-way causal direction ranges from crude oil
price to CO2 emission. Findings from the robustness check (FMOLS and CCR) reinforce the results of
long run ARDL estimates as well as the validity of the EKC hypothesis. Thus, from these findings, some
policy recommendations can be drawn.
The results of this study warrant attention from Tunisian policymakers. A notable policy implication
from the EKC findings is that Tunisia must never back down in its attempts to spur economic expansion,
as the results confirm that country can in fact develop from overall carbon emissions through steady
income growth. From the standpoint of FDI inflows, the negative effect on carbon emissions should en-
courage Tunisia to attract more foreign direct investment. For example, preferential taxes, in addition
to access to the domestic market, could further attract foreign direct investment.
The result of crude oil prices effect is not surprising because of subsidies on fuel prices on the one hand,
and my be also because of the growth in economic activity generated by income from oil export and
tax revenues of oil companies on the other hand. Consequently, Tunisian policy makers should review
its current fuel pricing policies to insure that national fuel prices reflect international market prices
and thereby keeping CO2 emissions under control. Furthermore, it’s interestingly that income from oil
exports and from the taxation of oil companies could be used to develop clean and environmentally
friendly energy sources. The promotion of renewable sources can expand opportunities for cleaner al-
ternatives power and reduce the build-up of greenhouse gases, thus sustains environment.
Conceptualization: Tarek Ghazouani.
Formal analysis: Tarek Ghazouani.
Investigation: Tarek Ghazouani.
Methodology: Tarek Ghazouani.
Visualization: Tarek Ghazouani.
Writing – original draft: Tarek Ghazouani.
Writing – review & editing: Tarek Ghazouani.
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