Proces Ca001 - en P
Proces Ca001 - en P
Proces Ca001 - en P
Training Curriculum
Distributed Control System
System-level introduction focusing on the major components and how to Design, Configure and Integrate a PlantPax Distributed
Control System.
System-level introduction focusing on the major components and how to troubleshoot a PlantPAx Distributed Control system.
Optional Curriculum
Title Course Duration Description
Studio 5000 Logix Designer is the software used for developing control strategies for the control system and to
configure everything from I/O modules to intelligent motor control devices. Upon completion of this course, you should
be able to troubleshoot a previously operational ControlLogix system and restore normal operation. You will have the
Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 1: opportunity to develop and practice these skills by learning basic concepts and terminology used with ControlLogix
CCP299 4.5 Days
ControlLogix Fundamentals and Troubleshooting system hardware and the Studio 5000 Logix Designer application. You will also learn how to apply a systematic
strategy for diagnosing and troubleshooting problems including, configuration issues, electrical noise, faulty/
malfunctioning field devices, controller I/O, or other hardware issues. All Logix5000™ systems use the same control
engine; therefore, tasks are similar. You will see applicable references for other systems.
Intended to provide you with the skills required to diagnose common problems on a FactoryTalk View SE system.
Practice operating and troubleshooting the system through hands-on exercises. Practice troubleshooting methods
FactoryTalk View SE Maintenance and Troubleshooting CCV206-LD 2 Days
such as alarming, diagnostics logging, data logging, and trending. Learn how to configure communications with a
processor and the functions of redundancy.
This course is designed to provide you with the necessary skills to effectively troubleshoot EtherNet/IP, ControlNet,
NetLinx System Maintenance and Troubleshooting CCP177 4 Days and DeviceNet hardware and software. You will build your skills by using troubleshooting best practices and network
troubleshooting tools in order to safely and efficiently return a network to operation.
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to troubleshoot a previously operational CompactLogix™ system and
restore normal operation. In this course you will learn basic concepts and terminology used with the CompactLogix™
Studio 5000 Logix Designer Level 1:
CCP298 4.5 Days system hardware and Studio 5000 Logix Designer application. You will also practice a systematic strategy for diagnosing
CompactLogix Fundamentals and Troubleshooting
and troubleshooting system problems including, faulty/malfunctioning field devices, hardware issues, electrical noise
and configuration issues.
Advanced Process Control
Title Course Duration Description
9529- Upon completion of this course, the user will be able to interact, use, and maintain their process control projects using
Pavilion8 Basic Model Predictive Control Operations 2 Days
MPCUSRTRN the Pavilion8 MPC system.
Process Safety
Title Course Duration Description
This course provides an overview of AADvance™ hardware, software, and troubleshooting. The course consists of a
mixture of lecture and hands-on lessons.
Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to:
• Understand how AADvance operates as a fail-safe or fault tolerant controller
AADvance Operation Maintenance • Understand the configuration limits of the system
PRST9064LD 2 Days
and Troubleshooting • Navigate the workbench
• Monitor programs
• Lock/force I/O points
• Isolate faults to the module level by interpreting automatic fault indications
• Hot-replace failed modules without disrupting the systems or process
Rockwell Automation provides focused, hands-on training courses for customers to learn the day-to-day
operations of its applications, so our customers can more quickly begin benefiting from the solutions we provide.
Each course is designed to target specific usage and features of the PlantPAx Distributed Control System,
and may not be suitable for all students.
Distributed Control System
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For more information about our Training Services solutions, please visit:
ControlLogix, FactoryTalk, FLEXI/O, Logix 5000, Integrated Architecture System, Kinetix, PowerFlex, RSLinx, RSNetWorx, Studio 5000, and Studio 5000 Logix Designer
are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc. Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.
Publication PROCES-CA001B-EN-P - January 2017 Copyright © 2017 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.
Supersedes PROCES-CA001A-EN-P - January 2013