Mitochondrial Ca2+ Concentrations in Live Cells
Mitochondrial Ca2+ Concentrations in Live Cells
Mitochondrial Ca2+ Concentrations in Live Cells
A general cellular response to extracellular stimulus is ryanodine receptor (RyR1) or by Ca2+- or IP3-induced
the rise in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) Ca2+ release, depending on the cell type and tissue.
leading to intracellular Ca2+ signaling which plays a These pathways elevate the resting [Ca2+]c concentra-
key role in multiple cellular processes, including gene tion from ~100 nM to a level that varies vastly from
expression, differentiation, bioenergetics regulation, report to report (Table 1). Unlike other cellular second
contraction, exocytosis, neurotransmission, and cell messengers, the Ca2+ can neither be created nor
death [1]. The multiple pathway can lead to this destroyed; Ca2+ can only be transported, released, or
[Ca2+]c increase, including the Ca2+ entry from the bound. Due to the importance of the [Ca2+]c increases
extracellular medium though the plasma membrane in controlling cell functions, levels of [Ca2+]c need to
calcium channels and Ca2+ release from the intracellu- be tightly regulated. During a Ca2+ transient, mito-
lar Ca2+ stores like the endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic retic- chondria can uptake Ca2+ from the cytosol to modu-
ulum (ER/SR). The release of Ca2+ from the ER/SR late the spatiotemporal profiles of [Ca2+]c mainly via
can be mediated by depolarization–initiated mechani- the mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex (MCUC)
cal coupling of L-type Ca channels with the type 1 or through other alternative pathways [2,3]. However,
AM, acetoxymethyl; CaM, calmodulin; CyP, cyclophilin; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; FP, fluorescent proteins; FRET, fostering resonance
energy transfer; GECI, genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators; GFP, green fluorescent protein; MCUC, mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex;
mPTP, mitochondrial permeability transition pore; OGDH, 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase; PDH, pyruvate dehydrogenase; PDHP, pyruvate
dehydrogenase phosphatase; PTP, permeability transition pore; SR, sarcoplasmic reticulum.
the increase in the mitochondrial Ca2+-free concentra- inside the mitochondrial matrix upon stimulation in
tion ([Ca2+]m) is involved not only in controlling the live cells. It is possible that mitochondria from differ-
cytosolic Ca2+ signal but also in regulating mitochon- ent cell types may reach significantly different [Ca2+]m,
drial functions, such as energy metabolism [4]. Cellular due to their own biochemical and physical properties
activities are expected to change upon stimulation, a (including localization and/or relation with other cellu-
process that demands energy. Mitochondria utilize the lar organelles). However, under a given identical cir-
increase in [Ca2+]m to enhance ATP production and cumstance, different methods applied should report
subsequently the energy generation [5]. and confirm the same [Ca2+]m in the same cell type. In
Because of its physiological and pathological rele- this review, we summarize the importance of knowing
vance, mitochondrial Ca2+ dynamics have been studied absolute values of [Ca2+]m and most used methods to
intensively in the last decades. Methods to measure achieve the measurements; and we compile most of the
changes in [Ca2+]m have substantially evolved in recent calibrated [Ca2+]m values reported in the literature. We
years. These methods are essentially classified into two also point out the discrepancies between these values
major groups: fluorescent dyes and genetically encoded and what may underlie these differences. Areas for
Ca2+ indicators (GECIs). GECIs can be subdivided future research are also proposed.
into fluorescent or bioluminescent probes. Ideally, all
of these methods are suitable to accurately report
Mitochondrial Ca2+ and bioenergetics
[Ca2+]m values, independent of the cell type or the
stimulus, however each has its own advantages and Mitochondria are the main ATP producers through
disadvantages, and different methods are preferred to oxidative phosphorylation in eukaryotic cells. The
measure [Ca2+]m depending on the cell type, stimulus, reactions of the Krebs cycle and the utilization of the
or even on the equipment used to perform the mea- resulting reducing power by oxidative phosphorylation
surements. So, despite the advances in the number of generates up to 32–36 ATP molecules, whereas gly-
tools available for quantifying [Ca2+]m, discrepancies colytic metabolism generates only 2. These reactions
persist in the absolute values that can be reached are regulated by [Ca2+]m in a mechanism designed to
ensure that the ATP synthesis is coupled with the shown that high ADP/ATP ratios decrease not only
energy demand of the cell [6]. the Km of the OGDH complex for the substrate, but
Due to the great capacity of mitochondria to uptake also the K0.5 for the Ca2+ [21]. It seems reasonable to
Ca2+, it was thought that these organelles were essential think that under sudden high workload conditions, the
reservoirs of mobilizable intracellular Ca2+ ions [7]. high ADP/ATP mitochondrial ratios and [Ca2+]m
Nevertheless, several independent studies from the increases over the same time scale [22,23] stimulate a
1980s [8–10] showed that total [Ca2+]m was low under reduced power supply for oxidative phosphorylation
basal conditions, but increases in [Ca2+]c in response to by increasing the activity of the OGDH.
extrinsic agents were mirrored by increases of [Ca2+]m
[11,12]. The higher [Ca2+]m in response to increases of
NAD+-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD-ICDH)
[Ca2+]c would lead to the activation of oxidative meta-
bolism and result in an increased supply of reducing NAD-ICDH is a hetero-octamer of 29 (2a,b,c) sub-
equivalents to drive respiratory chain activity and ATP units which catalyzed the oxidation of isocitrate to 2-
synthesis. Export of mitochondrial ATP in exchange for ketoglutarate and CO2 [24,25]. This enzyme, located
ADP will be anticipated to meet the higher ATP exclusively in the mitochondria in mammalian cells, is
demand to fuel energy-requiring processes in the cyto- a key regulatory enzyme in the TCA cycle. Calcium is
sol, such as ion pumping and contraction [13]. one of the main cofactors of the NAD-ICDH. Impor-
tantly, the presence of ADP, isocitrate, and Mg2+ are
required for Ca2+ to bind and regulate NAD-ICDH
Mitochondrial enzymes modulated by [Ca2+]m activity. The stoichiometry of Ca2+ binding to the
Pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase (PDHP) enzyme is 1 Ca2+ per tetramer (2a,b,c) [11]. After
binding to Ca2+ in the presence of ADP, the NAD-
The pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is a 50 MDa multi- ICDH Km decreased 8-fold in mitochondrial
enzyme complex that catalyzes the irreversible reaction extracts with a K0.5 for Ca2+ of 5.4 lM [21,26,27]. In
of pyruvate, CoA, and NAD to obtain acetyl-CoA, the same direction, it has been observed that the K0.5
NADH2, and CO2. The product, acetyl-CoA then enters for Ca2+ decreased from 43 to 5 lM by increasing
into the citrate cycle or fatty acid synthesis. The regula- ADP/ATP ratios, in toluene-permeabilized mitochon-
tion of the PDH complex activity is achieved via end- dria [21]. The higher K0.5 of the NAD-ICDH com-
product inhibition and reversible inhibitory phosphory- pared to the other intramitochondrial dehydrogenases
lation by a PDH kinase [14,15]. A Mg2+/Ca2+-dependent (PDHP and OGDH) together with the thigh regulation
PDH phosphatase, in turn, dephosphorylates and reac- of its activity depending on the ADP/ATP ratio might
tivates PDH. It has been described that Ca2+ activates reflect here again how [Ca2+]m mediates the fine-tuning
the PDH phosphatase in heart mitochondrial extracts of the oxidative metabolism on these organelles in
with K0.5 of 0.7 lM [16,17]. Therefore, [Ca2+]m regulates response to the different energy demands [12].
the activity of the PDH complex, a rate-limiting step for
pyruvate oxidation to acetyl CoA that in turn is
reflected in the rate of ATP synthesis in mammalian F1–FO ATP synthase
tissues [6,18]. This molecular motor couples the ATP turnover with
H+ translocation through the inner mitochondrial
membrane. Therefore, the F1–FO ATP synthase utilizes
2-Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (OGDH)
the electrochemical proton gradient generated by the
The OGDH is a sizeable multi–subunit complex, which mitochondrial electron transport chain to synthesize
is similar to the PDH complex, consists of multiple ATP from ADP+Pi. In tissues with high energy
copies of three different subunits (E1/E2/E3). The requirements like the myocardium, ATP synthesis has
complex catalyzes the multiple step reaction that trans- to match ATP consumption according to energy
forms the 2-oxoglutarate to succinyl-CoA, Co2 and demands. It has been demonstrated by others that the
NADH [19]. From the many cofactors involved in the regulation of the ATP production rate by the F1–FO
regulation of the OGDH complex, it has been found ATP synthase might be independent from changes in
that Ca2+ and adenine nucleotides are important mod- mitochondrial membrane potential (Dwm) or rate of O2
ulators that directly bind to the complex, most likely consumption [28,29], being the enzyme the direct
to the E1 subunit [20] with a described K0.5 of potential target of this regulation. The F1–F0 ATP
1 lM in mitochondrial extracts and of 0.2 lM in synthase activity regulation by Ca2+ fluxes might
permeabilized mitochondria. Additionally, it has been explain the stabilizing of ATP production during
established cell lines to primary cultures. The loading need to be expressed by the cell’s own machinery,
conditions must be optimized for each fluorescent dye, meaning that the plasmid encoding for the probe needs
enabling high spatiotemporal resolution for imaging to be delivered within the cell. Many cell lines do not
experiments. Most of them show a high Ca2+ affinity present difficulties with transfection protocols, however
that goes from 0.1 to 1 lM and a few show Ca2+ affin- others require different techniques, such as infection or
ity at a low micromolar range (< 30 lM) and excep- electroporation. After the probe internalization, at
tionally at a micromolar range of > 30 lM. Despite of least 24–48 h of probe expression is required prior to
their versatility and easy handling, they also have the experimental procedure. The waiting time for the
strong disadvantages. Even with the AM technique, expression of the probe is not a problem in the cell
they are difficult to target and confine in the mito- line, nevertheless, it becomes critical when working
chondrial matrix. Incomplete AM ester hydrolysis, with primary cells. Some of the primary cultures, like
extracellular AM ester hydrolysis, and leakage are cardiomyocytes, are difficult to maintain without
common problems related to these fluorescence dyes. major structural changes for the time frame required
The most concerning issue is that the dye, still local- for the probe’s expression. Alternative approaches
ized in the cytosol, causes a strong signal contamina- exist to achieve expression of GECIs in primary cul-
tion. Some strategies can be used to optimize the tures. Especially in rodent models, adenovirus or
mitochondrial compartmentalization. The cold load- adeno-associated virus can be injected into the live ani-
ing–warm incubation protocol [61] can help to reduce mal to make the primary cell culture express the probe
the artifactual cytosolic signal, and so can manganese by the time the cell is isolated. Another disadvantage
treatment [62], cobalt treatment [63], and membrane of GECIs is that, unlike with fluorescent dyes, the
permeabilization [64]. Despite the number of fluores- probe may be not present in every cell, a factor that
cent dyes, Fura2-FF AM and Rhod-2 AM are the can limit single cell imaging experiments. Two major
default selections to measure [Ca2+]m. The Fura2-FF is types of GECIs have been developed, one type based
a ratiometric dye excited at 340/380 nm, with an emis- on bioluminescent proteins and another type based on
sion peak at 510 nm. Thanks to its ratiometric condi- fluorescent proteins. Further individual characteristics
tion, artifacts created during the acquisition can be and functional details will be provided in the following
avoided so that more reliable Ca2+ measurements can sections.
be obtained. According to the manufacturer, the Kd
of Fura2-FF is 5 lM, however, in vivo studies deter-
Bioluminescent based GECIs
mined the Kd is approximately 4 lM [65]. The Rhod-2
has a very high Ca2+ affinity (Kd = 570 nM), but some The aequorin was the first organelle-targeted engi-
of his family members have lower affinity like Rhod- neered Ca2+ indicator [67]. It was used for the first
FF Kd = 19 lM or the extreme low Ca2+ affinity time during the 1960s and 1970s [68], and it is the
Rhod-5N with Kd = 350 lM. Previous studies have most widely used bioluminescent Ca2+ probe.
reported that Rhod family members are toxic for the Aequorin emits light in a Ca2+-dependent reaction
cells when loaded at higher concentrations than 2 lM where the cofactor coelenterazine is oxidized, releasing
and suggest that Rhod-2 is unable to respond to two CO2 and a single photon (470 nm) per aequorin mole-
or more [Ca2+]m repetitive increases [66]. cule. Using a calibration curve, the amount of light
emitted can be easily transferred to [Ca2+]. The native
aequorin possesses 3 Ca2+ binding sites and a high
Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs)
Ca2+ affinity. This native version can only measure
Unlike the fluorescent dyes, GECIs are protein-like with reliability [Ca2+] between 0.1 and 5 lM. Single
probes that can be easily targeted to different orga- point mutations were introduced in the first and sec-
nelles by including a target sequence before the probe ond Ca2+-binding sites, reducing its Ca2+ affinity by 10
sequence. Another general advantage of the GECIs is times (disabling only the second-binding site) or by
that the sequence of their Ca2+-bound domain can be 100 times (disabling both the first and second Ca2+-
modified to reduce or adjust the probe affinity for binding sites) [69]. The three aequorin variants
Ca2+. This feature has allowed the generation of (wtAEQ, mutAEQ, and 2mutAEQ) in combination
GECIs that cover a wide range of [Ca2+], from the low with different types of coelenterazine allow the mea-
nM to high mM, making them suitable to perform surement of [Ca2+] from 0.1 lM to > 1 mM. Because of
[Ca2+] measurements in every cell organelle, including the bioluminescent nature of the aequorin, excitation
the largest intracellular Ca2+ store, the ER/SR. The illumination is not required; therefore, there are no
most significant disadvantage of GECIs is that they autofluorescence or phototoxicity artefacts. However,
the bioluminescent enzymatic reaction is irreversible in development of single-fluorescence Ca2+ sensors (Peri-
the experimental period, so the aequorin is “con- cams, Camgaroos, GCaMPs, Cepias, and GECOs), the
sumed”. This “consumption” was a problem when the implementation of circulated permuted FP to enhance
aequorin was exposed to high [Ca2+], because it could FRET-based indicators, and the remodeling the CaM-
lead to miscalculation of the real [Ca2+] values, how- M13 interface (Dcpv family) or the replacing of the
ever this problem was solved with the low Ca2+ affinity CaM as a Ca2+ sensor for troponin C (TN-indicators
version of aequorin. The main disadvantage to family) [81–87]. Most of the GECIs use the CaM-M13
aequorin is that the amount of light emitted is extre- as Ca2+ binding site, but two fluorescent GECIs, the
mely low, and the experiments should be performed GFP-aequorin (GA) and the GFP and apo-aequorin
most of the times in a cell population. On the other (GAP), bind the Ca2+ to the aequorin [88,89]. The
hand, working with cell populations eliminates the probes here work as a BRET system, where the pho-
cell-to-cell variability. Measurements of [Ca2+]m can be tons emitted by aequorin are transferred to the GFP,
performed in individual cells expressing aequorin, and as in jellyfish. Due to the massive list of fluorescence
although the spatial resolution is very poor, the results GECIs, detailed features of most of them have already
are reliable due to its precise intracellular location [70]. been compiled in recent reviews [75,90–92].
The three aequorin variants mentioned above have Fluorescent GECIs have some significant advantages
been targeted to mitochondria, although the most fre- over bioluminescent. The Ca2+ dynamics can be visual-
quently used is the mutAEQ in combination with the ized with high resolution at the subcellular level due to
coelenterazine n. All the mitochondrial-targeted their high fluorescence emission compared to the extre-
aequorins have been calibrated and report absolute mely low emission of photons by the bioluminescent
[Ca2+]m values. Although aequorin is the most com- probes. Another benefit over the bioluminescent
monly used bioluminescent Ca2+ probe, other chemilu- probes is that the fluorescent reaction is reversible and
minescent Ca2+ sensors are worth mentioning, does not require any cofactors. Despite recent
including obelin [71], mitrocomin, photina [72], and improvements in fluorescent GECIs, the Ca2+ affinity
clytin [73]. The recent advances in genetic engineering in most of them is relatively high. Only a few display a
allowed the generation of other bioluminescent Ca2+ Kd in the 1–10 lM range and even fewer > 10 lM.
indicators, such as the RLuc8-based indicator BRAC Many fluorescent GECIs from diverse families have
[73], and the Split RLuc8-based Nano-Lantern [74]. been targeted to mitochondria and found to report
Further details about these bioluminescent Ca2+ indi- reliable [Ca2+]m dynamics. Nevertheless, most of them
cators were described in a review [75]. have not been calibrated to absolute [Ca2+]m values.
upon histamine (100 lM) stimulation. The maximum calibration curve, relating known [Ca2+] with normal-
[Ca2+]m reached was also measured upon ER Ca2+ leak ized Rhod-5N fluorescence intensity. The calibration
(using the addition of thapsigargin to inhibit the was done in the presence of FCCP, and the minimum
SERCA pump) and during the capacitative Ca2+ entry. fluorescent value was taken with 0.5 mM EGTA pre-
The values obtained were 0.4 and 1 lM, respectively. sent and the maximum fluorescence with [Ca2+]
These authors showed that even with prolonged stimu- 10 mM. The Kd reported in vivo for Rhod-5N in the
lation (20 min) with histamine, [Ca2+]m barely reached described conditions was 470 lM.
3 lM. It is worth mentioning that the mitochondrial In 2009, Andrienko et al. [96] used the high Ca2+
Rhod-2 fluorescent did not decrease significantly after affinity dye Fura-2 (10 lM) and Rhod-2 (concentration
2 min following the maximum mitochondrial Ca2+ not specified) to measure [Ca2+]m in permeabilized
peak. The Rhod-2 signal was reduced to resting levels adult rat cardiomyocytes. Spontaneous SR Ca2+
25 min after the mitochondrial peak, pointing to the release events occurring at regular frequency were used
possibility that Rhod-2 cannot follow the mitochon- as mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake stimulus. According to
drial Ca2+ dynamics properly. A mitochondrial calibra- the calibrated Fura-2 signals, [Ca2+]m increased to
tion curve is also reported in the manuscript, showing 110 nM after 8 waves and to 216 nM after 20 waves.
a Kd of 1.3 lM for the Rhod-2. To obtain the mini- The calibrated Rhod-2 signals were inferred from the
mum Rhod-2 fluorescence, 4 mM of EGTA was obtained Fura-2 data. Therefore, the authors con-
applied and a 10 lM Ca2+ pulse was used to reach the cluded that the largest [Ca2+]m rise during SR release
maximum Rhod-2 fluorescence. was 10 nM, with the average rise in the 2–4 nM range.
In 2002, Pitter et al. [94] also used Rhod-2 (2 lM) to The Fura-2 calibration was done using Ca2+-free solu-
measure [Ca2+]m in permeabilized glomerulosa cells tion and Ca2+ 50–100 lM for minimum and maximum
and in an INS-1/EK-3 cell line. The authors increased fluorescence, respectively; then the Grynkiewicz cali-
the [Ca2+]c progressively from 60 to 740 nM to deter- bration equation was used (no Kd was reported).
mine mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. The calibrated In 2001, Csordas & Hajnoczky [65] utilized RBL-
[Ca2+]m values were always similar to or even smaller 2H3 mucosal mast cells loaded with Fura-FF (5 lM)
than the [Ca2+]c added, despite a large electrochemical to measure mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake evoked by IP3-
gradient favoring mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation. mediated ER Ca2+ release. The Kd obtained by a Ca2+
This work used the calibration equation [Ca2+] = Kd calibration kit (Calcium calibration kit2&3, molecular
(F Fmin)/(Fmax F) [58]. The basal fluorescence emis- probes) was 4 lM, a similar value reported by others
sion of the buffer with no Ca2+ added (no Ca2+ chela- [97]. The imaging studies performed showed that in
tor present either) was considered as the minimum these conditions, [Ca2+]m reached 10–20 lM.
fluorescence. To obtain the maximum fluorescence, In the same year, Arnaudeau et al.[98] used three
500 lM Ca2+ was added to the buffer (in the presence different variants of the fluorescent GECI Camaleon
of ionomycin and the uncoupler FCCP). A Kd value to measure [Ca2+]m in intact HeLa cells. The following
of 490 nM was reported for Rhod-2 and then used in Kd variants were reported: YC2mit 1.26 lM, YC3.1mit
the equation. 3.98 lM, and YC4.1 104 lM. These Kd values were
In 2012, De la Fuente et al.[95] used the extremely determined by applying increasing [Ca2+] from 1 nM to
low Ca2+ affinity dye Rhod-5N to measure [Ca2+]m in 10 mM (1 lM thapsigargin, 1 lM ionomycin, and 1 lM
intact HeLa cells. The stimulus used was histamine CCCP were present in the calibration buffer). The
(100 lM) and histamine plus the MCUC activator Hela cells were stimulated with histamine 50 lM, and
Kaempferol. The [Ca2+]m values registered in individ- the [Ca2+]m peak as wells as the % of saturated pixels
ual cells (with histamine only) ranged from 10 to were recorded. The study showed that [Ca2+]m
40 lM, and the average of multiple cells was 30 lM. increased as the Ca2+ affinity of the probe decreased.
When the histamine was applied together with kaemp- The Ca2+ values were 3.19 lM for YC2mit, 49.4 lM
ferol, the average values were higher, reaching levels for YC3.1mit, and 106 lM for YC4.1mit. The satu-
around 80 lM. Since the spatial resolution of the fluo- rated pixels were 24.8%, 17.8%, and 3.19% respec-
rescent dyes is high enough, [Ca2+]m values were also tively, pointing to the fact that a low Kd affinity of
quantified in subcellular mitochondrial regions. The the probe is critical to correctly and accurately mea-
calibrated Rhod-5N signal showed values close to sure [Ca2+]m values.
120 lM, ~34 times higher than the value obtained by In 2012, Lu et al. [99] performed imaging experi-
Collings et al., in those mitochondria surrounding the ments in intact adult rabbit cardiomyocytes, using the
nucleus. Instead of using the Grynkiewicz calibration fluorescent GECI Mitycam (inverse Pericam). At the
equation, De la Fuente et al. created an intracellular end of every experiment, the Mitycam was calibrated
in situ with low and high Ca2+ (concentrations not spec- intensity would be extremely low even when changes
ified) to obtain the [Ca2+]m values. The results showed a in [Ca2+] are still high. This phenomenon could lead to
gradient of Ca2+ within an individual mitochondrion misinterpretation of the data since a nonsaturated fluo-
with higher [Ca2+]m in the Z-lines (next to the SR Ca2+ rescence signal does not necessarily translate to a cor-
releasing sites) than in M-lines. The reported [Ca2+]m rectly calibrated [Ca2+]. According to Arnaudeau et al.
were 37 nM in the Z-lines versus 26 nM in the M-lines. [98], higher [Ca2+]m values occurred when a lower
These values are higher but not significantly different Ca2+-affinity probe was used. Note that in this work
from the ones obtained previously by the same group none of the YC Camaleon signals were saturated at
using Fura-2 and Rhod-2 [96]. the [Ca2+]m peak. However, the variant with the lowest
In 2017, Wust et al. [100] delivered the GECI Kd resulted in the measurement of the highest [Ca2+]m.
4mtD3cpv Camaleon (MitoCam) into adult rat car- The kinetics of the probes can also lead to different
diomyocytes by viral infection to estimate [Ca2+]m. detecting signals, a factor that is especially critical for
Upon electrical stimulation (0.1–4 Hz), the [Ca2+]m a rapid Ca2+ change, such as in beating cardiac muscle
values ranged from 300 to 800 nM while in the pres- cells. If the probes are slower in picking up the real-
ence of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger inhibitor CGP-37157, time Ca2+ changes, then the signals will be distorted.
the values vary from 580 to 1125 nM. The manuscript Another source of discrepancy is the probe calibration
shows a MitoCam calibration where the Kd (470 nM) performed by the different groups. Because calibration
was applied to a modified Grynkiewicz equation [86]. protocols are not standardized, every group carries out
Lastly, multiple publications in several cell types can their own calibrations, leading to slight variations
be found where the bioluminescent GECI aequorin among them. One of the primary cause of discrepan-
was used as a mitochondrial Ca2+ probe. The calibra- cies is that the Fmax and Fmin used for the Grynkie-
tion of the different aequorins was performed as wicz equation are not always obtained under the same
described by De la Fuente et al. [69]. Several Ca2+ conditions. For the Fmin, some groups only omit the
concentrations were added in the presence of thapsi- Ca2+ from the medium while others add the Ca2+
gargin, ionomycin, oligomycin, and FCCP to obtain chelator EGTA in different concentrations to avoid
the calibration curve values. Ca2+ 10 mM addition any Ca2+ contamination. For the Fmax, a similar situ-
achieved the release of the total luminescence. The cal- ation is faced. While some groups apply a [Ca2+]
ibrated [Ca2+]m values from the aequorin and coelen- believed to saturate the probe, others go further and
terazine combinations differ significantly depending on apply [Ca2+] in the 10 mM range to ensure the full sat-
the cell type used for the measurements. As such, the uration. Another possible explanation resides in the
reported values of [Ca2+]m range from 1 lM in car- nature of the cells by themselves. The published data
diomyocytes to 600 lM in bovine chromaffin cells suggest quite a stable rise in the [Ca2+]c values
[101]. A list of reported [Ca2+]m using aequorins, (~ 1 lM) independently on the cell type, so the cytoso-
including further details on the cell type, the stimulus, lic Ca2+ is not a probable source of inconsistency. The
and the [Ca2+]m reached, can be found in Table 1. high [Ca2+]c microdomains have not been as exten-
sively studied as the global cytosolic Ca2+ signal [102].
Nevertheless, it does not appear to be the source of
Possible explanations for the
the variability either [103]. On the other hand, mito-
discrepancies in [Ca2+]m reported
chondria from diverse cell types may uptake Ca2+ in a
Despite many new tools and efforts to measure the different manner. The total amount of MCUC
[Ca2+]m accurately, there is still no consensus about expressed in that particular cell type or the proximity
the absolute values of [Ca2+] reached in the mitochon- between mitochondria and the Ca2+ source may affect
drial matrix during physiological stimulation, even in the mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake capabilities substan-
cases where the same cell types with the same stimulus tially [104]. Here is where the expression and the speci-
were used. The discrepancies may result from a variety fic localization of the MCUC within the cell becomes
of factors. One of the most critical is the Kd of the critical, as does the concept of mitochondrial
probe for Ca2+. If the Kd is too low for the range of ‘‘contactology’’ with other organelles, especially with
[Ca2+]m changes, then the dye will be saturated or close the main intracellular Ca2+ reservoir, the ER/SR [105].
to the saturation; conversely, if the Kd is too high, Another controversial point that may affect the
then the changes may not be detected. This is because reported-free [Ca2+]m is the role of the mitochondrial
most of the probes follow a sigmoidal saturation Pi and its capacity to buffer and form Ca2+ phosphate
curve, meaning that, when the Ca2+ levels start to devi- precipitates [106]. It has been shown that the presence
ate from Kd significantly, changes in the fluorescence of phosphate facilitates the mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake
leading to 10–30 times more Ca2+ accumulation [107]. reached upon physiological stimulation as well as the
However, this large Ca2+ mitochondrial load is simul- mitochondrial Ca2+ dynamics in the different cell
taneously buffered by Pi having as a consequence types. As mentioned, mitochondria from different cell
mitochondrial morphological changes and Ca2+ precipi- types may uptake Ca2+ in a quite variable range of
tation [69]. While specific studies suggest that free concentrations. It is not possible to cover the full
[Ca2+]m higher than 2 lM sufficiently generates calcium range of [Ca2+] changes (from < 10 nM to > 1 mM)
phosphate precipitates [107], others claim that at least with only one “ideal” sensor. The decision of which
1.5 mM Ca2+ is required to form the same precipitates one is better depends on all factors described above
[69]. These values align with the reported data on the and the cell type where the [Ca2+]m will be measured.
solubility of the product of [HPO42 ]•[Ca2+] [108]. Addi- When its expression is feasible, we would recommend
tionally, the same study showed that the presence of 1 the use of fluorescent GECIs due to its specific orga-
or 3 mM phosphate precludes [Ca2+]m to reach higher nelle targeting. Among these, the ratiometric ones are
concentrations because of the above-mentioned Ca2+ preferred over the single-wavelength to ensure the
buffering capacity of the phosphate. A third study also interference of experimental artifacts. Accurate knowl-
showed that the presence of Pi reduced by almost 50% edge in these Ca2+ values will resolve current discrep-
the [Ca2+]m reached (from an original value of 50 lM in ancies in the amount of [Ca2+]m required to control
the absence of Pi) [109]. The role of the Pi as a mito- essential cellular processes, including energy produc-
chondrial Ca2+ buffer as well as the still under debate tion and mPTP opening, and even to prevent the for-
calcium-free/bound ratio [107,110,111] creates an extre- mation of calcium phosphate precipitates.
mely complex scenario where accurate and precise mea-
surement of [Ca2+]m is critical. Lastly, we cannot forget Acknowledgements
that all Ca2+ sensors are Ca2+ buffers due to their Ca2+-
We thank Jennifer Wilson for English editing to this
binding capability. Therefore, for the sensors with a
manuscript. This study was supported by: NIH/NHLBI
lower quantum yield, the higher loading concentrations
(HL122124, HL093671, HL137266, HL137426,
could alter the original Ca2+ signals at some degree.
However, it is hard to find studies reporting, discussing
or making a comparison between the buffering capaci-
ties among the Ca2+ sensors [112].
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