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Est NSD Dabrela

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Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-

Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri Road upto Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0
(MDR 157)

Estimated cost Rs. 5600.00 Lacs



Name of Work : Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-

Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri Road upto Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0
(MDR 157)


Admn. & Fin. Sanction : dk;kZy; eq[; vfHk;Urk ,oa vfrfjDr lfpo] lkoZtfud fuekZ.k foHkkx jktLFkku
t;iqj ds i= Øekad F 7 (176)/ A&F/Sec II/ 2023-24/D-4176 fnukad 10-
03-2023 jkf'k :i;s 56-00 djksM+

Necessity : This road is an important link connecting Nasirabad-Dabrela-

Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri upto Distt Border. Due to this the
traffic over this road is increase considerbally. As per the present traffic
data 1809 commercial vehicle per day is plying. Due to this present
carriageway 3.75 mtr and road crust becomes insufficient to carry the
load and resulting failure of road crust and cross drainage works.
Considering the present CVPD 1809 and CBR on 6%, road
required to be widen and strengthen throughtout the length. After
Strentening and Renewal construction of this road will faciliate the
villagers on route smooth riding quality and accident free

Specifications : The Following Specifications have been adopted

(A) : Strengtening and Widening

(a) 150 mm thick in 1.50 mtr wide GSB on Shoulder and Crushed
Stone GSB 300 mm thick on based in Widen Portion

(b) 150 mm thick WMM in 7.0m width in badly damaged portion

(b) 60 mm Dense Bitumen Macadam by VG-30

(c) 30 mm BC by VG-30 in 7 mtr width

(B) CC Pavement

(a) DLC 100 mm thick over 150 mm thick GSB

(b) 300 mm thick CC M-30 I

© Adequate Road Furniture

© CD Work :

(a) P.C.C. 1:4:8 mix with stone aggregate 40 mm hand broken


(b) Random rubble masonry in CM 1:3

© P.C.C. grade M-15 in superstructure upto 4.5 mtr. from ground


(d) R.C.C. grade M20 upto 5 metre height

(e) TMT Steel reinforcement

Material and Labour : All materials are locally available and Skilled/Unskilled labour is locally

Agency : The work shall be got executed after inviting competitive tenders.

B.S.R. : The estimate is based on BSR (Road) w.e.f. December 2022 of PWD
Circle Ajmer

Estimated Cost : The Estimated Cost of this estimate comes to Rs. 5600.00 Lacs

Project Director
RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Name of Work : Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-

Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri Road upto Distt Border Km 0/0 to
56/0 (MDR 157)



Part "A" Road Work 336274308.00

Part "B" CC Pavement work 127845255.00

Part "C" Road Furniture 6524129.00

Part "D" Protection Wall 3629496.00

Part "E" CD Work

(i) One Row Box Culvert [2.0 x 2.0 m] 3892188.00
(ii) Two Row Box Culvert [2.0 x 2.0 m] 6422671.00
(iii) One Row Box Culvert [1.0 x 1.0 m] 2548025.00
(iv) Two Row Box Culvert [1.25 x 1.25 m] 2304105.00
(iv) Three Row Box Culvert (1.25 x 1.25 m ) 1216537.00
(v) Hume Pipe Culvert 7874189.00

Utility Shiffting LS 2700000.00

TOTAL : 501230903.00

Add QC & Contingency Charges 2½% 12530773.00

TOTAL : 513761676.00

Add for Agency Charges @ 9% 46238551.00

TOTAL AMOUNT (Rs.) : 560000227.00

Say Rs. 5600.00 Lacs

Project Officer Project Director D.G.M.

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Ajmer
Name of Work : Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri upto
Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)



Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
1 Clearing and grubbing road land
including uprooting rank vegetation,
grass, bush, shrubs, saplings and
trees of girth upto 300mm, removal
of stumps, disposal of
unserviceable material and
stacking of serviceable material
upto 1000 m from road boundry as
per MoRTH Specification : 201 By
Mechanical Means In area of
thorny jungle

2 x 56.000 x 1000 x 3.50 x -------- = 39.20 Hect

39.20 Hect

39.20 @ 14080.00 P.Hect 551936.00

2 Construction of embankment with

approved material obtained from
borrow pits with a lift upto 1.5 m,
transporting to site, spreading,
grading to required slope and
compacting to meet requirement of
Tables 300.1 and 300.2 as per
Technical Specification Clause
301.5 with lead 500mtr to 1000 mtr
3.00 + 4.00
2 x 45.05 x 1000 x ----------------------x 0.70 = 220745.00 Cum

220745.00 @ 121.00 P.Cum 26710145.00

3 Earth work in excavation including

stacking/ disposal of surplus earth
with all lifts and lead upto 1000
meters exclusive of compensation
of earth (MoRTH specification
Clause 301 to 305). In hard soil
mixed with kankar,boulders etc.
above 20% mechanically using
bulldozer, F.E. loader and carriage
upto 1 km by tipper/dumper.

Ch 0/00 to 22/00

Widening ( 5.50 to 7.0 mtr)

2/050 to 8/800 (6.75 Km) 2 x 6.75 x 1000 x 2.000 x 0.25 = 6750.00 Cum

10/250 to 14/400 2 x 4.15 x 1000 x 2.000 x 0.25 = 4150.00 Cum

Widening : Ch 16/200 to 21/800 2 x 5.60 x 1000 x 2.500 x 0.25 = 7000.00 Cum

Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount

Ch 22/00 to 47/00

Widening (3.75 to 7.00 mtr) 2 x 19.10 x 1000 x 2.000 x 0.25 = 19100.00 Cum

Ch 47/00 to 56/00

Widening (3.75 to 7.00 mtr) 2 x 9.00 x 1000 x 2.000 x 0.25 = 9000.00 Cum

46000.00 Cum

46000.00 @ 49.50 P.Cum 2277000.00

4 4.3 Providing, laying, spreading and

compacting specified graded sand,
gravel as per Table 400-1,400-2 or
any other coarse material as per
design mix, as per CBR in sub
base course including premixing
the material at OMC in mechanical
mixer(Pug mill), carriage of mixed
material spreading in uniform layers
with motor grader, F.E loader on a
prepared base and compacting
with vibratory roller to achieve
desired density (as per I.S.2720)
including all material, labour,
machinery, lighting, guarding,
barricading and maintenance of
diversion complete.[MoRTH
specification : Clause 401] by
mechanical means with all lead.

For Berms
2 x 56.00 x 1000 x 1.50 x 0.150 = 25200.00 Cum
25200.00 Cum

25200.00 @ 624.00 P.Cum 15724800.00

5 4.4 Providing, laying, spreading and

compacting specified graded
crushed stone in sub-base course
including premixing the material at
OMC in mechanical mixer (Pug
mill), carriage of mixed material,
laying in uniform layers with motor
grader, F.E.loader on a prepared
surface and compacting with
vibratory compactor to achieve the
desired density including all
material, labour, machinery, lighting
barricading and maintenance of
diversion complete.[MoRTH
specification Clause 401] with all

Ch 0/00 to 22/00

2/050 to 8/800 (6.75 Km) 2 x 6.95 x 1000 x 1.000 x 0.20 = 2780.00 Cum
Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
10/250 to 14/400 2 x 4.35 x 1000 x 1.000 x 0.20 = 1740.00 Cum

Widening : Ch 16/200 to 21/800 2 x 5.60 x 1000 x 2.500 x 0.20 = 5600.00 Cum

Ch 22/00 to 47/00 .

Widening (3.75 to 7.00 mtr) 2 x 19.10 x 1000 x 1.625 x 0.20 = 12415.00 Cum

Ch 47/00 to 56/00

Widening (3.75 to 7.00 mtr) 2 x 9.00 x 1000 x 1.625 x 0.20 = 5850.00 Cum

28385.00 Cum

28385.00 @ 975.00 P.Cum 27675375.00

6 5.3 Providing, laying, spreading and

compacting crushed graded stone
aggregate of as per table 400-10
and 400-11 to Wet Mix Macadam
specification including premixing
the material with water to OMC in
mechnical mixer as per approved
design mix, carriage of mixed
material by Tipper to site, laying in
uniform layers with motor
grader/F.E. Loader/paver finisher in
sub base / base course on a well
prepared under base and
compacting with vibratory roller to
achieve the desired density
including lighting, guarding,
barricading and maintance of
diversion etc. (MoRTH specification
: Clause 406) by mechanical
means with all lead
45.050 x 1000 x 7.000 x 0.15 = 47302.50 Cum

47302.50 @ 1144.00 P.Cum 54114060.00

7 2.8.1 Scarifying, including picking up

scarified material and stacking of
old serviceable material with in a
lead of 100 metres [MoRTH
specification: Clause 501]. Top
bituminous surface of surface
dressing or premix carpet with all
lift and lead upto 1000m for
reusable materials.

Ch 0/00 to 22/00
4.15 x 1000 x 5.000 = 20750.00 Sqm

5.60 x 1000 x 2.500 = 14000.00 Sqm

1.05 x 1000 x 7.00 = 7350.00 Sqm

Ch 22/00 to 47/00
19.10 x 1000 x 3.750 = 71625.00 Sqm

Ch 47/00 to 56/00
8.00 x 1000 x 3.750 = 30000.00 Sqm

143725.00 Sqm
143725.00 @ 15.00 P.Sqm 2155875.00
Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount

8 6.4 Providing and applying primer coat

over prepared surface or granular
base with bitumen emulsion as per
IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s
specifications @ 8.5 kg /10 sqm
with a self propelled or towed
bitumen pressure sprayer equipped
for spraying the material uniformly
at specified rates and temperatures
including cleaning of road surface
as per MoRTH specification CIause-
45.05 x 1000 x 7.000 = 315350.00 Sqm

315350.00 @ 31.90 P.Sqm 10059665.00

9 6.6 Providing and applying tack coat

with bitumen VG-10 on the
prepared surface including cleaning
as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s
specifications @ 3.0 kg /10sqm
with a self propelled or towed
bitumen pressure sprayer equipped
for spraying the material uniformly
at specified rates and temperatures
as per MoRTH specification

45.05 x 1000 x 7.000 = 315350.00 Sqm

315350.00 Sqm

315350.00 @ 13.20 P.Sqm 4162620.00

10 6.12.1 Providing and laying Dense Bituminous
Macadam on prepared surface with specified
graded crushed aggregates as per table 510
and design mix for base/binder course
including loading of material with F.E loader,
heating of binder (including cost of
antistripping compound wherever required)
aggregate and filler in hot mix plant 40-60
TPH transporting the mixed material by
tippers and laying with sensor paver finisher
as per clause 507.3.5 to the required level
and grade, rolling by self propelled power
rollers and vibratory rollers or pneumatic
tyred roller 150-250KN. TP=0.7MPa to
achieve the desired density (approved by the
department) but excluding cost of primer/tack
coat. [MoRTH Specification : Clause
507,112] with 4.50 % Bitumen with all lead
with bitumen grade VG 30

45.05 x 1000 x 7.000 x 0.060 = 18921.00 Cum

18921.00 Cum

18921.00 @ 6129.00 P.Cum 115966809.00

Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
11 6.13.1 Providing and laying bituminous concrete
as per design mix on prepared surface with
specified graded stone as per table 500 - 18
for wearing course including loading of
aggregate with F.E. Loader and hot mixing of
binder (including cost of anti-stripping
compound, wherever required) and 3%
cement filler with aggregates in hot mix plant
40-60 TPH Transporting the mix material
with tipper to paver and laying with sensor
paver finisher (as per clause 507.3.5) to
the required level, grades and rolling with
vibratory compactor and pneumatic tyred
roller 150 - 250 KN, TP = 0.7 MPa, to
achieve the desired density (approved by
the department) excluding cost of primer/tack
coat (MoRTH Specification : Clause -
509,112) with all lead 30-45 mm compacted
thickness with 6% binder grading - 2 with all
lead of mix material With straight run bitumen
grade VG 30

1 x 45.05 x 1000 x 7.000 x 0.030 = 9460.50 Cum

9460.50 Cum

9460.50 @ 8126.00 P.Cum 76876023.00

Total : 336274308.00

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Name of Work : Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri upto

Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)

PART "B" : CC Pavement

Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount

1 2.7 Dismantling upto 1.5m in foundation

and/or 1.5m above ground level including
T&P and scaffolding wherever
necessary, sorting the dismantled
material, disposal of unserviceable
material, and stacking serviceable
material within a lead of 1000m.
[MoRTH Specification clause 202]
Cement Concrete plain 1:3:6 mix.

Ch 0/00 to 22/0

Ch 8/800 to 10/250 950 x 3.75 x 0.10 = 356.25 Cum

Ch 14/400 to 16/200 800 x 3.75 x 0.15 = 450.00 Cum

Ch 22/00 to 47/0 3.70 x 1000 x 3.75 x 0.10 = 1387.50 Cum

2193.75 Cum

2193.75 @ 506.00 P.Cum 1110038.00

2 4.4 Providing, laying, spreading and
compacting specified graded crushed
stone in sub-base course including
premixing the material at OMC in
mechanical mixer (Pug mill), carriage of
mixed material, laying in uniform layers
with motor grader, F.E.loader on a
prepared surface and compacting with
vibratory compactor to achieve the
desired density including all material,
labour, machinery, lighting barricading
and maintenance of diversion
complete.[MoRTH specification Clause
401] with all lead

Ch 0/00 to 22/0

1/200 to 1/300 (100 mtr), 1/350 to 2/050 (300 mtr),

8/800 to 10/250 [1450 (500 + 950) mtr], 14/400 to
16/200 (600+400+800 mtr) , 21/800 to 22/000 (200
mtr) 2.45 x 1000 x 7.00 x 0.15 = 2572.50 Cum

Ch 8/800 to 10/250 : widen Portion (7.00 - 5.50 mtr) 500 x 1.50 x 0.15 = 112.50 Cum

Ch 14/400 to 16/200 : widen Portion (7.00 - 5.50 mtr 600 x 1.50 x 0.15 = 135.00 Cum

Ch 14/400 to 16/200 : widen Portion (7.00 - 3.75

mtr) 400 x 3.25 x 0.15 = 195.00 Cum

Ch 22/00 to 47/0

Ch 22/00 to 22/600, 29/800 to 31/500,

34/100 to 35/800, 38/00 to 38/500,
40/200 to 40/700, 44/100 to 45/00 = Total
5.90 Km 5.90 x 1000 x 7.00 x 0.15 = 6195.00 Cum

Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount

Ch 47/00 to 56/0 1.00 x 1000 x 7.00 x 0.15 = 1050.00 Cum

10260.00 Cum

10260.00 @ 975.00 P.Cum 10003500.00

3 9.1 Construction of dry lean cement concrete

sub- base over a prepared sub - grade
with coarse and fine aggregate
conforming to IS : 383, the size of
coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm,
aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15
: 1, aggregate gradation after blending to
be as per Table 600 -1, cement content
not to be less than 150 Kg/Cum,
optimum moisture content to be
determined during trial length
construction, concrete strength not to be
less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a
batching plant as per mix design,
transported to site, laid with a hydrostatic
paver with electronic sensor, compacting
with 8 -10 tonne vibratory roller, finishing
and curing complete as per MoRTH
specification clause 601.

Ch 0/00 to 22/0

1/200 to 1/300 (100 mtr), 1/350 to 2/050 (300 mtr),

8/800 to 10/250 [1450 (500 + 950) mtr], 14/400 to
16/200 (600+400+800 mtr) , 21/800 to 22/000 (200
mtr) 2.45 x 1000 x 7.00 x 0.10 = 1715.00 Cum

Ch 8/800 to 10/250 : widen Portion (7.00 - 5.50 mtr) 500 x 1.50 x 0.10 = 75.00 Cum

Ch 14/400 to 16/200 : widen Portion (7.00 - 5.50 mtr 600 x 1.50 x 0.10 = 90.00 Cum

Ch 14/400 to 16/200 : widen Portion (7.00 - 3.75

mtr) 400 x 3.25 x 0.10 = 130.00 Cum

Ch 22/00 to 47/0 5.90 x 1000 x 7.00 x 0.10 = 4130.00 Cum

Ch 47/00 to 56/0 1.00 x 1000 x 7.00 x 0.10 = 700.00 Cum

6840.00 Cum

6840.00 @ 2389.20 P.Cum 16342128.00


Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
4 9.3 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel
jointed, plain cement concrete pavement
M-30, over a prepared sub-base with 43
grade cement @ 400 Kg per cum,
coarse and fine aggregate conforming to
IS: 383, maximum size of coarse
aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed
in a batching and mixing plant as per
approved mix design, transported to site,
laid with a fixed form or slip form paver,
spread, compacted and finished in a
continuous operation including provision
of contraction, expansion, construction
and longitudinal joints, joint filler,
separation membrance, sealant primer,
joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar,
tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing
compound, finishing to lines and grades
as per drawing complete as per MoRTH
specification clause 602.

Ch 0/00 to 22/0

Ch 0/00 to 0/150 (150 mtr), 1/200 to 1/300 (100

mtr), 1/350 to 2/050 (700 mtr), 8/900 to 10/150
(1450 mtr), 14/500 to 16/000 (1500 mtr), 21/800 to
22/00 (300 mtr) 4.05 x 1000 x 7.00 x 0.30 = 8505.00 Cum

Ch 22/00 to 47/0 5.90 x 1000 x 7.00 x 0.30 = 12390.00 Cum

Ch 47/00 to 56/0 1.00 x 1000 x 7.00 x 0.30 = 2100.00 Cum

22995.00 Cum

22995.00 @ 4343.90 P.Cum 99887981.00

5 7.10 Providing, laying & fixing in position RCC
spun or hume pipes ISI marked with
proper jointing in required slope packed
in the gasket of hume or spun yarn and
neatly finished with rich grout of cement
moratar 1:3 or having flexible rubber ring
joint made with prefectly air and water
tight including testing of joints as per
MoRTH Specfication : Clause : 1000 &
2900 NP - 3

(a) 300 mm dia

246 x 2.50 = 615.00 Mtr

615.00 @ 623.00 P.Mtr 383145.00

(b) 600 mm dia

39 x 2.50 = 97.50 Mtr

97.50 @ 1215.00 P.Mtr 118463.00


Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Name of Work : Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri

upto Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)



Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount

1 8.1 S & F in position precast R.C.C. stone

(M-15 mix) of standard IRC design
including finishing in cement sand
mortar 1:3, painting with enamel paint,
printing letters and numerals etc.
complete (MoRTH specifications clause
: 800)

(a) 8.1.2 Ordinary km stone = 47 Nos

47 @ 1313.40 Each 61730.00

(b) 8.1.3 200 m stone = 224 Nos

224 @ 388.30 Each 86979.00

© 8.1.1 5th km stone = 10 Nos

10 @ 2215.40 Each 22154.00

2 8.10 Supply of cautionary / warning sign

board 90cm equilateral triangle made
out of 2.0 mm thick aluminum sheet
face to be fully covered by white/blue
high intensity grade retro reflective
sheeting with Red / white symbol, cut
out or screen printed background with
epoxy paint complete confirming to
MoRTH specifications clause. 801 with
angle iron post 65 x 65 x 6 mm. 3 mtr.
long = 50 Nos

50 @ 5252.50 Each 262625.00

3 11.12 Providing and laying of hot applied

thermo plastic compound inclusive of
type-1 reflectorising glass beads as per
table 800.3, 800.4 applied in uniform
thickness of at least 2.5 mm and spread
uniformlywith reflectorising glass beads
type-2 in addition @ 250 gm/scm with a
road marking machine as per IRC : 35
complete with traffic diversion
arrangement as per MoRTH
specification clause 803.4.

Ch 0/00 to 22/0

Edge Marking on cruves 2 x 22 x 1000 x 0.10 x 20% = 880.00 Sqm

Center Line 22 x 1000 x 0.10 x 1/3 = 733.33 Sqm

Zebra Crossing 20 x 7 1.00 x 0.50 = 70.00 Sqm

Ch 22/00 to 47/0

Edge Marking on cruves 2 x 25 x 1000 x 0.15 x 20% = 1500.00 Sqm


Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount

Center Line 25 x 1000 x 0.10 x 1/3 = 833.33 Sqm

Zebra Crossing 20 x 15 1.00 x 0.50 = 150.00 Sqm

Ch 47/00 to 56/0

Edge Marking on cruves 2x9 x 1000 x 0.15 x 20% = 540.00 Sqm

Center Line 9 x 1000 x 0.10 x 1/3 = 300.00 Sqm

Zebra Crossing 10 x 15 1.00 x 0.50 = 75.00 Sqm

5081.67 Sqm

5081.67 @ 567.00 P.Sqm 2881305.00

4 8.30 Supply of direction and place
identification sign boards made out of
2mm thick MS sheet framed to angle
iron 40 x 40 x 5mm and 2 vertical posts
of angle iron 65 x 65 x 6mm, 4.60m long
with hold fasts including excavation and
fixing with CC 1:4:8 (30 x 30 x 60cm)
and transportation with painting with
superior grade enamel paint of
approved quality including lettering and
figuring etc. complete as per IRC
standard size 160 x 180cm (project
board) = 45 Nos

45 @ 8646.00 Each 389070.00

5 8.16 Supply of Village Name Board size 600

x 900 mm made out of 1.25mm thick
M.S. sheet duly framed with 30 mm
ODMS tube tightened with M.S. flat 12 x
3 mm fixed on two posts of size 40 mm
ODMS tube 3m long whole board is
processed in blue/white stoving enamel
paint and white / red machine cut
reflective sheet complete in all respect
posts duly painted with black/white
synthetic enamel.
= 34 Nos

34 @ 2867.70 Each 97502.00

6 11.43 Supplying of Cat’s Eye made of
aluminium alloy size 75x100x22 mm
having 21 biconvex lenses embedded in
circular disk of ABS plastic on Each
side. Class A = 1680 Nos

1680 @ 330.00 Each 554400.00


Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
7 P& F Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana logo
for roads funded by State road fund
having M.S. Definition plate of 1.6mm
thickness frame to steel hollow dsection
of 75mm x 75mm, 2.5m long stove
enamelled paint with hold fast including
paint logo as per approved design and
colours. The logo shall be made out of
1.6mm thick circular plate fix on
1200mm x 150mm rectangular steel
base plate 1.6mm thick, the base of
circular shall be plain at the junction of
base plate. The size of definition plate
shall be 1500x600mm and embedding
the posts by M-15 mix C.C. block
300x300x600 mm including lettering /
writing and painting etc. complete in all
= 6 Nos

6 @ 9449.00 Each 56694.00

8 8.9 Supply of Mandatory / Regulatory retro

reflective sign boards 60 cm dia made
out of 2.0mm thick aluminium sheet face
to be fully covered by white/ blue high
intensity grade retro reflective sheeting
with Red/white symbol, cut out or screen
printed back ground with epoxy paint,
complete confirming to MoRTH
specifications CIause. 801 with angle
iron post 65 x 65 x 6mm 3Mtr. long.
= 150 Nos

150 @ 5115.0 Each = 767250.00

9 Supplying, hoisting and fixing in position

overhead sign with a corrosion resistant
2mm thick aluminium alloy sheet with
heigh intensity grade retro-reflective
sheeting of encapsulated lens exclusive
lettering, border and signs type with
vertical and lateral clearance installed
over a designed support system of
aluminium alloy or galvonised steel
trestles and trusses of sections and type
as per structual design requirements
and approved plans. As per MoRTH
specifications : Clause 801 & 802. Truss
and vertical support

2 x 4500 = 9000 Kg
9.000 M.T
9.00 @ 64900.00 P.M.T = 584100.00

Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
10 Supplying, hoisting and fixing in position
overhead sign with a corrosion resistant
2mm thick aluminium alloy sheet with
heigh intensity grade retro-reflective
sheeting of encapsulated lens exclusive
lettering, border and signs type with
vertical and lateral clearance installed
over a designed support system of
aluminium alloy or galvonised steel
trestles and trusses of sections and type
as per structual design requirements
and approved plans. As per MoRTH
specifications : Clause 801 & 802.
Aluminium alloy plate fixed with heigh
intensity grade sheeting.

2 x 2 x 20.00 x 1.200 = 96.00 Sqm

96.00 @ 7920.00 P.Sqm = 760320.00


Total 6524129.00

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Name of Work : Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri upto

Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)

PART "D" : Protection Work

N Item Measurement Qty. Amount
1 Earth work in excavation for
(a foundation of structure complete
) with all lift, dewatering, shoring and
shuttering etc. including refilling of
trenches in 250 mm layers,
ramming, watering and disposal of
surplus earth with all lifts and lead
upto 1000 meters exclusive of
compensation of earth as per
MoRTH specification Clause 301 to
305 In ordinary soil Depth upto 3

Ch 1/750 to 2/050 2 x 130 = 50 mtr

Ch 13/500 to 14/400 2 x 95 = 50 mtr

Ch 16/900 2 x 80 = 50 mtr

Ch 18/400 2 x 100 = 50 mtr

Ch 21/700 2 x 50 = 50 mtr

250 mtr

1 x 250.0 x 3.00 x 1.50 = 1125.00 Cum

Drain 2 x 300.00 x 0.90 x 0.90 = 486.00 Cum

1611.00 Cum

1611.00 @ 192.50 P.Cum 310118.00

2 Providing and laying mechanically

mixed and vibrated Cement
Concrete in foundation upto a depth
of 1.5 metres below ground level
and 1.50 metres above Ground/Bed
level as per MoRTH Specification :
Clause 1000 & 1700 P.C.C. 1:4:8
mix with stone aggregate 40 mm
hand broken aggregate.
1 x 250.0 x 2.75 x 0.15 = 103.13 Cum

Drain 2 x 300.00 x 0.75 x 0.15 = 67.50 Cum

170.63 Cum

170.63 @ 2698.30 P.Cum 460397.00


N Item Measurement Qty. Amount
3 Providing and laying stone masonry
work in cement mortar 1:3 with
mechanical mixer for foundation (any
level) complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical specification
as per MoRTH Specification :
Section 1000,1400 Random rubble
masonry ( 1.50 + 0.50 )
1 x 250.0 x ------------------------------
x 2.50 = 625.00 Cum

625.00 @ 3301.10 P.Cum 2063188.00

4 Providing A.C pipe Weep holes
150mm dia in Masonry/Plain
Concrete/.Reinforced Concrete
abutment, wing wall/return wall
complete as per drawing and
technical specfication as per MoRTH
Specification Clause 2205 1 x 250 x 1.00 (av) = 250.00 Mtr

250.00 @ 187.00 P.Mtr 46750.00

5 Providing and laying Plain cement
concrete mix with stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size mechnically
mixed and vibrated in foundation
up to a depth of 1.50 metres
below ground level and/or 1.50
metres above ground/bed level as
per MoRTH specification : clause
1000 & 1700. with all lead P.C.C.
grade M-15 in superstructure upto
4.5 mtr. from ground level
1 x 250.0 x 0.50 x 0.075 = 9.38 Cum

9.38 @ 3579.40 P.Cum 33557.00

6 Providing and laying Cement
concrete for plain/reinforced
concrete in open foundation as per
drawing and technical specification
as per MoRTH Specification :
Section 1500, 1700 & 2100 including
form work at any level. R.C.C. grade
M20 upto 5 metre height

Drain 2x 2 x 300.0 x 0.90 x 0.15 = 162.00 Cum

162.00 @ 4282.00 P.Cum 693684.00

7 Steel reinforecemnt in substructure
complete as per MoRTH
Specification : Section 1600 TMT
Steel reinforcement 162.0 x 7850 x 0.20% = 2543.40 Kg
or 0.254 M.T

Say 0.25 MT

0.25 @ 85720.00 P.M.T 21802.00

TOTAL : 3629496.00

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Name of Work :Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri upto

Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)

PART "E" : C.D. Works : One Row Box Culvert [2.0 x 2.0 m]
N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No

1 Earthwork in excavation in
foundation trenches etc. not
exceeding 2 metres depth
including dressing of bottom
and sides of trenches, stacking
the excavated soil 3m. Clear
from the edge of excavation
and subsequent filling around
hume pipes/masonry in 15cm
layers with compaction
including disposal of all surplus
soil as directed within a lead of
1000 metres.[MoRTH
Specification : Clause
301,304]. Ordinary Soil

Under Box 3 x 1 x 14.00 x 3.00 x 1.00 = 126.00 Cum

Head Wall 3 x 2 x 11.00 x 3.00 x 1.50 = 297.00 Cum

Total 423.00 Cum

423.00 @ 192.50 P.Cum 81428.00

2 7.1.3 Providing and laying
mechanically mixed and
vibrated Cement Concrete in
foundation upto a depth of 1.5
metres below ground level and
1.50 metres above
Ground/Bed level as per
MoRTH Specification : Clause
1000 & 1700 P.C.C. 1:3:6 mix
with crushed stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size.

Under Box 3 x 2 x 13.00 x 2.75 x 0.30 = 64.35 Cum

Head Wall 3 x 2 x 10.00 x 2.75 x 0.15 = 24.75 Cum

Total 89.10 Cum

89.10 @ 3230.70 P.Cum 287855.00


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No
3 7.4 Providing and laying stone
masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble

2.50 + 0.50
Outer Wall 3 x 2 x 10.00 x ----------------------- x 4.50 = 405.000 Cum

0.40 + 1.6
Deduction : Box 3 x 1 x 2 x --------------------- x 2.50 x 2.50 = -37.500 Cum

367.500 Cum

Say 367.50 Cum

367.50 @ 3301.10 P.Cum 1213154.00

4 7.4 Providing and laying stone

masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble
masonry Add extra for stone
masonry in superstructure

Parapet 3 x 2 x 10.00 x 0.50 x 0.45 = 13.500 Cum

13.50 @ 3451.10 P.Cum 46590.00

5 Providing and laying Plain

cement concrete mix with
stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size mechnically
mixed and vibrated in
foundation up to a depth of
1.50 metres below ground
level and/or 1.50 metres
above ground/bed level as per
MoRTH specification : clause
1000 & 1700. with all lead
P.C.C. grade M-15 in
superstructure upto 4.5 mtr.
from ground level
Coping : Parapet 3 x 2 x 10.00 x 0.50 x 0.075 = 2.250 Cum
2.250 Cum
2.25 @ 3579.40 P.Cum 8054.00

N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No

6 Raised and cut pointing on

stone work in CM 1:2 (1
cement : 2 sand)

Head Wall 3 x 2 x 10.00 x 5.00 = 300.000 Sqm

Deduction for Box 3 x 1 x 2 x 2.50 x 2.50 = -37.500 Sqm

262.500 Sqm

Say 262.500 Sqm

262.50 @ 111.10 P.Sqm 29164.00

7 Plaster on new surface on

walls in cement sand mortar
1:6 including racking of joint
etc. complete fine finish : 25
mm thick
Parapet Wall 3 x 2 x 2 x 10.00 x 0.45 = 54.000 Sqm

Ends 3 x 2 x 2 x 0.45 x 0.50 = 2.700 Sqm

3 x 1 x 2 x 10.00 x 0.50 = 30.000 Sqm

86.700 Sqm

Say 86.70 Sqm

86.70 @ 211.00 P.Sqm 18294.00

8 Providing A.C pipe Weep holes
150mm dia in Masonry/Plain
Concrete/.Reinforced Concrete
abutment, wing wall/return wall
complete as per drawing and
technical specfication as per
MoRTH Specification Clause
3 x 3 x 2 x 10.00 = 180.000 Mtr

180.00 @ 187.00 P.Mtr 33660.00

9 Providing and laying Precast reinforced

cement concrete Box culvert section of
M-40 grade designed for 'AA' class
loading as per IRC specifications
including to effect of impact, EQ etc.
complete on form base of 200mm thick
lean concrete of M-10 grade with
aggregate of size 40mm nominal of
following internal size the work includes
required safety measures construction
of drain for diversion of flowing water
cost of design of RCC Precast Box and
its proof checking from IIT/MNIT Jaipur
complete in all respect as per
specifications Size 2.00 M x 2.00 M

3 x 1 x 13.00 = 39.000 Mtr

39.00 @ 54601.00 P.Mtr 2129439.00


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No
10 Providing and laying pitching
on slopes laid over prepared
filter media as per drawing and
technical specifications Clause
1302 Stone/Boulder
3 x 2 x 10.00 x 3.00 x 0.15 = 27.000 Cum

27.00 @ 1650.00 P.Cum 44550.00

Total Part F :- 3892188.0

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Name of Work :Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri upto

Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)

PART "E" : C.D. Works : Two Row Box Culvert [2.0 x 2.0 m]
N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No

1 Earthwork in excavation in
foundation trenches etc. not
exceeding 2 metres depth
including dressing of bottom
and sides of trenches, stacking
the excavated soil 3m. Clear
from the edge of excavation
and subsequent filling around
hume pipes/masonry in 15cm
layers with compaction
including disposal of all surplus
soil as directed within a lead of
1000 metres.[MoRTH
Specification : Clause
301,304]. Ordinary Soil

Under Box 3 x 2 x 14.00 x 3.00 x 1.00 = 252.00 Cum

Head Wall 3 x 2 x 14.00 x 3.00 x 1.50 = 378.00 Cum

Total 630.00 Cum

630.00 @ 192.50 P.Cum 121275.00

2 7.1.3 Providing and laying
mechanically mixed and
vibrated Cement Concrete in
foundation upto a depth of 1.5
metres below ground level and
1.50 metres above
Ground/Bed level as per
MoRTH Specification : Clause
1000 & 1700 P.C.C. 1:3:6 mix
with crushed stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size.

Under Box 3 x 2 x 13.00 x 2.75 x 0.30 = 64.35 Cum

Head Wall 3 x 2 x 13.00 x 2.75 x 0.15 = 32.18 Cum

Total 96.53 Cum

96.53 @ 3230.70 P.Cum 311843.00


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No
3 7.4 Providing and laying stone
masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble

2.50 + 0.50
Outer Wall 3 x 2 x 13.00 x ----------------------- x 4.50 = 526.500 Cum

0.40 + 1.6
Deduction : Box 3 x 2 x 2 x --------------------- x 2.50 x 2.50 = -75.000 Cum

451.500 Cum

Say 451.50 Cum

451.50 @ 3301.10 P.Cum 1490447.00

4 7.4 Providing and laying stone

masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble
masonry Add extra for stone
masonry in superstructure

Parapet 3 x 2 x 13.00 x 0.50 x 0.45 = 17.550 Cum

17.55 @ 3451.10 P.Cum 60567.00

5 Providing and laying Plain

cement concrete mix with
stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size mechnically
mixed and vibrated in
foundation up to a depth of
1.50 metres below ground
level and/or 1.50 metres
above ground/bed level as per
MoRTH specification : clause
1000 & 1700. with all lead
P.C.C. grade M-15 in
superstructure upto 4.5 mtr.
from ground level

Coping : Parapet 3 x 2 x 13.00 x 0.50 x 0.075 = 2.925 Cum

2.925 Cum

N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No

2.93 @ 3579.40 P.Cum 10470.00

6 Raised and cut pointing on

stone work in CM 1:2 (1
cement : 2 sand)

Head Wall 3 x 2 x 13.00 x 5.00 = 390.000 Sqm

Deduction for Box 3 x 2 x 2 x 2.50 x 2.50 = -75.000 Sqm

315.000 Sqm

Say 315.000 Sqm

315.00 @ 111.10 P.Sqm 34997.00

7 Plaster on new surface on

walls in cement sand mortar
1:6 including racking of joint
etc. complete fine finish : 25
mm thick
Parapet Wall 3 x 2 x 2 x 13.00 x 0.45 = 70.200 Sqm

Ends 3 x 2 x 2 x 0.45 x 0.50 = 2.700 Sqm

3 x 1 x 2 x 13.00 x 0.50 = 39.000 Sqm

111.900 Sqm

Say 111.90 Sqm

111.90 @ 211.00 P.Sqm 23611.00

8 Providing A.C pipe Weep holes
150mm dia in Masonry/Plain
Concrete/.Reinforced Concrete
abutment, wing wall/return wall
complete as per drawing and
technical specfication as per
MoRTH Specification Clause
3 x 3 x 2 x 13.00 = 234.000 Mtr

234.00 @ 187.00 P.Mtr 43758.00


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No
9 Providing and laying Precast
reinforced cement concrete
Box culvert section of M-40
grade designed for 'AA' class
loading as per IRC
specifications including to
effect of impact, EQ etc.
complete on form base of
200mm thick lean concrete of
M-10 grade with aggregate of
size 40mm nominal of following
internal size the work includes
required safety measures
construction of drain for
diversion of flowing water cost
of design of RCC Precast Box
and its proof checking from
IIT/MNIT Jaipur complete in all
respect as per specifications
Size 2.00 M x 2.00 M
3 x 2 x 13.00 = 78.000 Mtr

78.00 @ 54601.00 P.Mtr 4258878.00

10 Providing and laying pitching

on slopes laid over prepared
filter media as per drawing and
technical specifications Clause
1302 Stone/Boulder
3 x 2 x 15.00 x 3.00 x 0.15 = 40.500 Cum

40.50 @ 1650.00 P.Cum 66825.00

Total Part F :- 6422671.0

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Name of Work :Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri upto

Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)

PART "E" : C.D. Works : One Row Box Culvert [1.0 x 1.0 m]
N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No

1 Earthwork in excavation in
foundation trenches etc. not
exceeding 2 metres depth
including dressing of bottom
and sides of trenches, stacking
the excavated soil 3m. Clear
from the edge of excavation
and subsequent filling around
hume pipes/masonry in 15cm
layers with compaction
including disposal of all surplus
soil as directed within a lead of
1000 metres.[MoRTH
Specification : Clause
301,304]. Ordinary Soil

Under Box 9 x 1 x 14.00 x 2.00 x 0.50 = 126.00 Cum

Head Wall 9 x 2 x 6.00 x 1.75 x 0.50 = 94.50 Cum

Total 220.50 Cum

220.50 @ 192.50 P.Cum 42446.00

2 7.1.3 Providing and laying
mechanically mixed and
vibrated Cement Concrete in
foundation upto a depth of 1.5
metres below ground level and
1.50 metres above
Ground/Bed level as per
MoRTH Specification : Clause
1000 & 1700 P.C.C. 1:3:6 mix
with crushed stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size.

Under Box 9 x 1 x 13.00 x 1.50 x 0.30 = 52.65 Cum

Head Wall 9 x 2 x 5.00 x 1.50 x 0.15 = 20.25 Cum

Total 72.90 Cum

72.90 @ 3230.70 P.Cum 235518.00


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No
3 7.4 Providing and laying stone
masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble

1.20 + 0.50
Outer Wall 9 x 1 x 5.00 x ----------------------- x 2.50 = 95.625 Cum

0.60 + 1.4
Deduction : Box 9 x 2 x 2 x --------------------- x 1.50 x 1.50 = -81.000 Cum

14.625 Cum

Say 14.63 Cum

14.63 @ 3301.10 P.Cum 48279.00

4 7.4 Providing and laying stone

masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble
masonry Add extra for stone
masonry in superstructure

Parapet 9 x 2 x 5.00 x 0.50 x 0.45 = 20.250 Cum

20.25 @ 3451.10 P.Cum 69885.00

5 Providing and laying Plain

cement concrete mix with
stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size mechnically
mixed and vibrated in
foundation up to a depth of
1.50 metres below ground
level and/or 1.50 metres
above ground/bed level as per
MoRTH specification : clause
1000 & 1700. with all lead
P.C.C. grade M-15 in
superstructure upto 4.5 mtr.
from ground level

Coping : Parapet 9 x 2 x 5.00 x 0.50 x 0.075 = 3.375 Cum

3.375 Cum

N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No

3.38 @ 3579.40 P.Cum 12080.00

6 Raised and cut pointing on

stone work in CM 1:2 (1
cement : 2 sand)

Head Wall 9 x 2 x 5.00 x 2.50 = 225.000 Sqm

Deduction for Box 9 x 1 x 2 x 1.50 x 1.50 = -40.500 Sqm

184.500 Sqm

Say 184.500 Sqm

184.50 @ 111.10 P.Sqm 20498.00

7 Plaster on new surface on

walls in cement sand mortar
1:6 including racking of joint
etc. complete fine finish : 25
mm thick
Parapet Wall 9 x 2 x 2 x 5.00 x 0.45 = 81.000 Sqm

Ends 9 x 2 x 2 x 0.45 x 0.50 = 8.100 Sqm

9 x 1 x 2 x 5.00 x 0.50 = 45.000 Sqm

134.100 Sqm

Say 134.10 Sqm

134.10 @ 211.00 P.Sqm 28295.00

8 Providing A.C pipe Weep holes
150mm dia in Masonry/Plain
Concrete/.Reinforced Concrete
abutment, wing wall/return wall
complete as per drawing and
technical specfication as per
MoRTH Specification Clause
9 x 2 x 5.00 = 90.000 Mtr

90.00 @ 187.00 P.Mtr 16830.00


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No
9 Providing and laying Precast
reinforced cement concrete
Box culvert section of M-40
grade designed for 'AA' class
loading as per IRC
specifications including to
effect of impact, EQ etc.
complete on form base of
200mm thick lean concrete of
M-10 grade with aggregate of
size 40mm nominal of following
internal size the work includes
required safety measures
construction of drain for
diversion of flowing water cost
of design of RCC Precast Box
and its proof checking from
IIT/MNIT Jaipur complete in all
respect as per specifications
Size 1.0 M x 1.0 M
9 x 1 x 13.00 = 117.000 Mtr

117.00 @ 17157.00 P.Mtr 2007369.00

10 Providing and laying pitching

on slopes laid over prepared
filter media as per drawing and
technical specifications Clause
1302 Stone/Boulder
9 x 2 x 5.00 x 3.00 x 0.15 = 40.500 Cum

40.50 @ 1650.00 P.Cum 66825.00

Total Part F :- 2548025.0

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Name of Work :Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri upto

Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)

PART "E" : C.D. Works : Two Row Box Culvert (1.25 x 1.25 m )
N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No

1 Earthwork in excavation in
foundation trenches etc. not
exceeding 2 metres depth
including dressing of bottom
and sides of trenches, stacking
the excavated soil 3m. Clear
from the edge of excavation
and subsequent filling around
hume pipes/masonry in 15cm
layers with compaction
including disposal of all surplus
soil as directed within a lead of
1000 metres.[MoRTH
Specification : Clause
301,304]. Ordinary Soil

Under Box 3 x 2 x 14.00 x 2.00 x 0.50 = 84.00 Cum

Head Wall 3 x 2 x 9.00 x 1.75 x 1.50 = 141.75 Cum

Total 225.75 Cum

225.75 @ 192.50 P.Cum 43457.00

2 7.1.3 Providing and laying
mechanically mixed and
vibrated Cement Concrete in
foundation upto a depth of 1.5
metres below ground level and
1.50 metres above
Ground/Bed level as per
MoRTH Specification : Clause
1000 & 1700 P.C.C. 1:3:6 mix
with crushed stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size.

Under Box 3 x 2 x 13.00 x 1.75 x 0.30 = 40.95 Cum

Head Wall 3 x 2 x 8.00 x 1.50 x 0.15 = 10.80 Cum

Total 51.75 Cum

51.75 @ 3230.70 P.Cum 167189.00


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No
3 7.4 Providing and laying stone
masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble

1.20 + 0.50
Outer Wall 3 x 2 x 8.00 x ----------------------- x 2.50 = 102.000 Cum

0.60 + 1.4
Deduction : Box 3 x 2 x 2 x --------------------- x 1.50 x 1.50 = -27.000 Cum

75.000 Cum

Say 75.00 Cum

75.00 @ 3301.10 P.Cum 247583.00

4 7.4 Providing and laying stone

masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble
masonry Add extra for stone
masonry in superstructure

Parapet 3 x 2 x 8.00 x 0.50 x 0.45 = 10.800 Cum

10.80 @ 3451.10 P.Cum 37272.00

5 Providing and laying Plain

cement concrete mix with
stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size mechnically
mixed and vibrated in
foundation up to a depth of
1.50 metres below ground
level and/or 1.50 metres
above ground/bed level as per
MoRTH specification : clause
1000 & 1700. with all lead
P.C.C. grade M-15 in
superstructure upto 4.5 mtr.
from ground level
Coping : Parapet 3 x 2 x 8.00 x 0.50 x 0.075 = 1.800 Cum
1.800 Cum

1.80 @ 3579.40 P.Cum 6443.00


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No

6 Raised and cut pointing on

stone work in CM 1:2 (1
cement : 2 sand)

Head Wall 3 x 2 x 8.00 x 2.50 = 120.000 Sqm

Deduction for Box 3 x 2 x 2 x 1.50 x 1.50 = -27.000 Sqm

93.000 Sqm

Say 93.000 Sqm

93.00 @ 111.10 P.Sqm 10332.00

7 Plaster on new surface on

walls in cement sand mortar
1:6 including racking of joint
etc. complete fine finish : 25
mm thick
Parapet Wall 3 x 2 x 2 x 8.00 x 0.45 = 43.200 Sqm

Ends 3 x 2 x 2 x 0.45 x 0.50 = 2.700 Sqm

3 x 1 x 2 x 8.00 x 0.50 = 24.000 Sqm

69.900 Sqm

Say 69.90 Sqm

69.90 @ 211.00 P.Sqm 14749.00

8 Providing A.C pipe Weep holes
150mm dia in Masonry/Plain
Concrete/.Reinforced Concrete
abutment, wing wall/return wall
complete as per drawing and
technical specfication as per
MoRTH Specification Clause
3 x 2 x 16.00 = 96.000 Mtr

96.00 @ 187.00 P.Mtr 17952.00

9 Providing and laying Precast reinforced
cement concrete Box culvert section of
M-40 grade designed for 'AA' class
loading as per IRC specifications
including to effect of impact, EQ etc.
complete on form base of 200mm thick
lean concrete of M-10 grade with
aggregate of size 40mm nominal of
following internal size the work includes
required safety measures construction
of drain for diversion of flowing water
cost of design of RCC Precast Box and
its proof checking from IIT/MNIT Jaipur
complete in all respect as per
specifications Size 1.25 M x 1.25 M

3 x 2 x 13.00 = 78.000 Mtr

78.00 @ 22096.00 P.Mtr 1723488.00


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No
10 Providing and laying pitching
on slopes laid over prepared
filter media as per drawing and
technical specifications Clause
1302 Stone/Boulder
3 x 2 x 8.00 x 3.00 x 0.15 = 21.600 Cum

21.60 @ 1650.00 P.Cum 35640.00

Total Part F :- 2304105.0

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Name of Work :Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri upto

Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)

PART "E" : C.D. Works : Three Row Box Culvert (1.25 x 1.25 m )
N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No

1 Earthwork in excavation in
foundation trenches etc. not
exceeding 2 metres depth
including dressing of bottom
and sides of trenches, stacking
the excavated soil 3m. Clear
from the edge of excavation
and subsequent filling around
hume pipes/masonry in 15cm
layers with compaction
including disposal of all surplus
soil as directed within a lead of
1000 metres.[MoRTH
Specification : Clause
301,304]. Ordinary Soil

Under Box 1 x 3 x 14.00 x 2.00 x 0.50 = 42.00 Cum

Head Wall 1 x 2 x 16.00 x 1.75 x 1.50 = 84.00 Cum

Total 126.00 Cum

126.00 @ 192.50 P.Cum 24255.00

2 7.1.3 Providing and laying
mechanically mixed and
vibrated Cement Concrete in
foundation upto a depth of 1.5
metres below ground level and
1.50 metres above
Ground/Bed level as per
MoRTH Specification : Clause
1000 & 1700 P.C.C. 1:3:6 mix
with crushed stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size.

Under Box 1 x 3 x 13.00 x 1.75 x 0.30 = 20.48 Cum

Head Wall 1 x 2 x 15.00 x 1.50 x 0.15 = 6.75 Cum

Total 27.23 Cum

27.23 @ 3230.70 P.Cum 87956.00


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No
3 7.4 Providing and laying stone
masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble

1.20 + 0.50
Head Wall 1 x 2 x 15.00 x ----------------------- x 2.50 = 63.750 Cum

0.60 + 1.4
Deduction : Box 1 x 2 x 3 x --------------------- x 1.50 x 1.50 = -13.500 Cum

50.250 Cum

Say 50.25 Cum

50.25 @ 3301.10 P.Cum 165880.00

4 7.4 Providing and laying stone

masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble
masonry Add extra for stone
masonry in superstructure

Parapet 1 x 2 x 15.00 x 0.50 x 0.45 = 6.750 Cum

6.75 @ 3451.10 P.Cum 23295.00

5 Providing and laying Plain

cement concrete mix with
stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size mechnically
mixed and vibrated in
foundation up to a depth of
1.50 metres below ground
level and/or 1.50 metres
above ground/bed level as per
MoRTH specification : clause
1000 & 1700. with all lead
P.C.C. grade M-15 in
superstructure upto 4.5 mtr.
from ground level

Coping : Parapet 1 x 2 x 15.00 x 0.50 x 0.075 = 1.125 Cum


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No
1.125 Cum

1.13 @ 3579.40 P.Cum 4027.00

6 Raised and cut pointing on

stone work in CM 1:2 (1
cement : 2 sand)

Head Wall 1 x 2 x 15.00 x 2.50 = 75.000 Sqm

Deduction for Box 1 x 3 x 2 x 1.50 x 1.50 = -13.500 Sqm

61.500 Sqm

Say 61.500 Sqm

61.50 @ 111.10 P.Sqm 6833.00

7 Plaster on new surface on

walls in cement sand mortar
1:6 including racking of joint
etc. complete fine finish : 25
mm thick
Parapet Wall 1 x 2 x 2 x 15.00 x 0.45 = 27.000 Sqm

Ends 1 x 2 x 2 x 0.45 x 0.50 = 0.900 Sqm

1 x 1 x 2 x 15.00 x 0.50 = 15.000 Sqm

42.900 Sqm

Say 42.90 Sqm

42.90 @ 211.00 P.Sqm 9052.00

8 Providing A.C pipe Weep holes
150mm dia in Masonry/Plain
Concrete/.Reinforced Concrete
abutment, wing wall/return wall
complete as per drawing and
technical specfication as per
MoRTH Specification Clause
1 x 2 x 30.00 = 60.000 Mtr

60.00 @ 187.00 P.Mtr 11220.00


N Item Item Measurement Qty. Amount
o No
9 Providing and laying Precast
reinforced cement concrete
Box culvert section of M-40
grade designed for 'AA' class
loading as per IRC
specifications including to
effect of impact, EQ etc.
complete on form base of
200mm thick lean concrete of
M-10 grade with aggregate of
size 40mm nominal of following
internal size the work includes
required safety measures
construction of drain for
diversion of flowing water cost
of design of RCC Precast Box
and its proof checking from
IIT/MNIT Jaipur complete in all
respect as per specifications
Size 1.25 M x 1.25 M
1 x 3 x 13.00 = 39.000 Mtr

39.00 @ 22096.00 P.Mtr 861744.00

10 Providing and laying pitching

on slopes laid over prepared
filter media as per drawing and
technical specifications Clause
1302 Stone/Boulder
1 x 2 x 15.00 x 3.00 x 0.15 = 13.500 Cum

13.50 @ 1650.00 P.Cum 22275.00

Total Part F :- 1216537.0

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Name of Work : Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri upto

Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)

PART "D" : C.D. Works : Hume Pipe Culvert


N Item Measurement Qty. Amount

1 Earth work in excavation for

structures as per drawing and
technical specifications Clause
305.1 including setting out,
construction of shoring and
bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious material
and disposal upto a lead of 50
m, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling in
trenches with excavated
suitable material. Ordinary soil
Upto 3 m depth

HPC 2 x 1000 mm dia 8 x 2 x 12.50 x 1.40 x 0.50 = 140.000 Cum

Side wall 8 x 2 x 8.00 x 1.75 x 1.00 = 224.000 Cum

HPC 1 x 1000 mm dia 12 x 1 x 12.50 x 1.40 x 0.50 = 105.000 Cum

Side wall 12 x 2 x 5.00 x 1.75 x 1.00 = 210.000 Cum

HPC 3 x 1000 mm dia 3 x 3 x 12.50 x 1.40 x 0.50 = 78.750 Cum

Side wall 3 x 2 x 12.00 x 1.75 x 1.00 = 126.000 Cum

HPC 6 x 1000 mm dia 1 x 6 x 12.50 x 1.40 x 0.50 = 52.500 Cum

Side wall 1 x 2 x 15.00 x 1.75 x 1.00 = 52.500 Cum

988.750 Cum

Say 988.75 Cum

988.75 @ 115.00 P.Cum 113706.00

2 Providing and laying

mechanically mixed and
vibrated Cement Concrete in
foundation upto a depth of 1.5
metres below ground level and
1.50 metres above
Ground/Bed level as per
MoRTH Specification : Clause
1000 & 1700 P.C.C. 1:3:6 mix
with crushed stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size.

HPC 2 x 1000 mm dia 8 x 2 x 12.50 x 1.40 x 0.15 = 42.000 Cum

Side wall 8 x 2 x 8.00 x 1.75 x 0.15 = 33.600 Cum


N Item Measurement Qty. Amount
HPC 1 x 1000 mm dia 12 x 1 x 12.50 x 1.40 x 0.15 = 31.500 Cum

Side wall 12 x 2 x 5.00 x 1.75 x 0.15 = 31.500 Cum

HPC 3 x 1000 mm dia 3 x 3 x 12.50 x 1.40 x 0.15 = 23.625 Cum

Side wall 3 x 2 x 12.00 x 1.75 x 0.15 = 18.900 Cum

HPC 6 x 1000 mm dia 1 x 6 x 12.50 x 1.40 x 0.15 = 15.750 Cum

Side wall 1 x 2 x 15.00 x 1.75 x 0.15 = 7.875 Cum

Haunching 43 x 12.50 x 1.50 x 1.50 = 1209.375 Cum

Deduction for Pipes :

1000 mm dia 43 x ---------- ( 1.23 )2 12.50 = -638.349 Cum
775.776 Cum

Say 776.00 Cum

776.00 @ 3230.70 P.Cum 2507023.00

3 Providing and laying stone

masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble

0.50 + 1.50
HPC 2 x 1000 mm dia 8 x 2 x 8.00 x ----------------------- x 2.50 = 320.000 Cum

0.50 + 1.50
HPC 1 x 1000 mm dia 12 x 2 x 5.00 x ----------------------- x 2.50 = 300.000 Cum

0.50 + 1.50
HPC 3 x 1000 mm dia 3 x 2 x 12.00 x ----------------------- x 2.53 = 182.160 Cum

0.50 + 1.50
HPC 6 x 1000 mm dia 1 x 2 x 15.00 x ----------------------- x 2.53 = 75.900 Cum
878.060 Cum

Deduction for Pipes :

3.14 0.40 + 1.6
1000 mm dia 43 x 2 x ---------- ( 1.23 )2 --------------------- = -102.136 Cum
4 2
775.924 Cum

Say 776.00 Cum

776.00 @ 3301.10 P.Cum 2561654.00


N Item Measurement Qty. Amount
4 Providing and laying stone
masonry work in cement
mortar 1:3 with mechanical
mixer for foundation (any level)
complete including all
scaffolding etc. but excluding
pointing and plastering as per
drawing and technical
specification as per MoRTH
Specification : Section
1000,1400 Random rubble
masonry Add extra for stone
masonry in superstructure

HPC 2 x 1000 mm dia 8 x 2 x 8.00 x 0.50 x 0.45 = 28.800 Cum

HPC 1 x 1000 mm dia 12 x 2 x 5.00 x 0.50 x 0.45 = 27.000 Cum

HPC 3 x 1000 mm dia 3 x 2 x 12.00 x 0.50 x 0.45 = 16.200 Cum

HPC 6 x 1000 mm dia 1 x 2 x 15.00 x 0.50 x 0.45 = 6.750 Cum

78.750 Cum

Say 79.00 Cum

79.00 @ 3451.10 P.Cum 272637.00

5 Providing and laying Plain

cement concrete mix with
stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size mechnically
mixed and vibrated in
foundation up to a depth of
1.50 metres below ground
level and/or 1.50 metres
above ground/bed level as per
MoRTH specification : clause
1000 & 1700. with all lead
P.C.C. grade M-15 in
superstructure upto 4.5 mtr.
from ground level

HPC 2 x 1000 mm dia 8 x 2 x 8.00 x 0.50 x 0.075 = 4.800 Cum

HPC 1 x 1000 mm dia 12 x 2 x 5.00 x 0.50 x 0.075 = 4.500 Cum

HPC 3 x 1000 mm dia 3 x 2 x 12.00 x 0.50 x 0.075 = 2.700 Cum

HPC 6 x 1000 mm dia 1 x 2 x 15.00 x 0.50 x 0.075 = 1.125 Cum

13.125 Cum

Say 13.120 Cum

13.12 @ 3579.40 P.Cum 46962.00

6 Providing Cement plaster
12mm thick in cement mortar
1:3 at all levels as per MoRTH
Specfication: Clause:1000 &

Parapet :

N Item Measurement Qty. Amount
HPC 2 x 1000 mm dia 8 x 4 x 8.00 x 0.45 = 115.200 Sqm

HPC 1 x 1000 mm dia 12 x 4 x 5.00 x 0.45 = 108.000 Sqm

HPC 3 x 1000 mm dia 3 x 4 x 12.00 x 0.45 = 64.800 Sqm

HPC 6 x 1000 mm dia 1 x 4 x 15.00 x 0.45 = 27.000 Sqm

Ends : 24 x 4 x 0.50 x 0.45 = 21.600 Sqm

336.600 Sqm

Say 337.000 Sqm

337.00 @ 137.50 P.Sqm 46338.00

7 Raised and cut pointing on
stone work in CM 1:2 (1
cement : 2 sand)

HPC 2 x 1000 mm dia 8 x 2 x 8.00 x 2.50 = 320.000 Sqm

HPC 1 x 1000 mm dia 12 x 2 x 5.00 x 2.50 = 300.000 Sqm

HPC 3 x 1000 mm dia 3 x 2 x 12.00 x 2.50 = 180.000 Sqm

HPC 6 x 1000 mm dia 1 x 2 x 15.00 x 2.50 = 75.000 Sqm

875.000 Sqm

875.00 @ 111.10 P.Sqm 97213.00

8 Providing, laying & fixing in
position RCC spun or hume
pipes ISI marked with proper
jointing in required slope
packed in the gasket of hume
or spun yarn and neatly
finished with rich grout of
cement moratar 1:3 or having
flexible rubber ring joint made
with prefectly air and water
tight including testing of joints
as per MoRTH Specfication :
Clause : 1000 & 2900 1000
mm dia
HPC 2 x 1000 mm dia 8 X 2 x 12.50 = 200.000 Mtr

HPC 1 x 1000 mm dia 12 X 1 x 12.50 = 150.000 Mtr

HPC 3 x 1000 mm dia 3 X 3 x 12.50 = 112.500 Mtr

HPC 6 x 1000 mm dia 1 X 6 x 12.50 = 75.000 Mtr

537.500 Mtr

537.50 @ 3901.00 P.Mtr 2096788.00


N Item Measurement Qty. Amount
9 Dismantling upto 1.5m in
foundation and/or 1.5m above
ground level including T&P and
scaffolding wherever
necessary, sorting the
dismantled material, disposal
of unserviceable material, and
stacking serviceable material
within a lead of 1000m.
[MoRTH Specification clause
202] Dismantling stone
masonry Rubble stone
masonry in cement mortar
2 x 18 x 10.00 x 1.500 x 1.50 = 810.000 Cum

810.00 @ 162.80 P.Cum 131868.00


Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri Road upto Distt Border Km 0/0 to
56/0 (MDR 157)

10.0 m

7.0 m
1.5 mtr 1.5 mtr

GSB 150 mm

Proposed 100 mm DLC over 150mm GSB

Proposed 300 mm CC M-30


Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri Road upto Distt Border
Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)

12.0 m
7.00 m

4% 2% 2%


(for Berms)
Proposed 150 mm thick GSB 300 mm Hoda
Existing 300 mm thick Crust
Proposed 150 mm thick WMM

Proposed 60 mm DBM & 30 mm BC

Proposed 60 mm DBM & 30 mm BC


Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer


Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri Road

upto Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)


1 Flexural strength of Concrete Pavement .= 35.0 Kg/Sqcm For M-30 conc

2 Effective Modulus of Subgrade reaction .= 8.0 Kg/Sqcm
3 Elastic Modulus of Conc. .= 3x105 Kg/Sqcm
4 Poison's ratio .= 0.15
5 Coefficient of Thermal expansion .= 3x10-6 Per oc
6 Tyre Pressure .= 8.0 Kg/Sqcm
7 Rate of Traffic Increase .= 0.08
8 Spacing of Contraction Joints .= 450 CM
9 Width of Slab .= 350 CM


Present traffic .= 1809 CVPD

Design life .= 20 Years
Rate of traffic increase .= 0.08

365 x P x{( 1 + r )n -1 )}
Cumulative repetition in 20years© --------------------------------------------------

365 x 1187 x { ( 1 + 0.075 )20 -1 )}


= 18761970 Commercial Vehicle

Design traffic
.= 25% of total repetition of Commercial Vehicles

.= 4690493 Commercial Vehicle

Assuming that mid point of axle load class represens the group
The total repetitions of the single axle/ :-
Single Axles Tandem Axles
tandem axle loads are as follows
Load in T Expected Load in T Expected
20 28143 36 14071
18 70357 32 14071
16 225144 28 28143
14 506573 24 84429
12 1031908 20 70357
10 1092885 16 23452
less than 9 1407148 less than 16 93810

Trial Thickness .= 20 CM
Effective Modulus of Subgrade reaction .= 8.0 Kg/Sqcm

Design Period .= 20 Years

Flexural strength of Concrete Pavement .= 34.0 Kg/Sqcm
Load facter safety .= 1.20

Axle Axle Stress Stress Expected fatigue Fatigu

Load Load Kg/Sqcm Raio(S Repitition Life (N)* e Life
x1.20 from R) s Cons
Chart umed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
20 24.00 18.36 0.54 28143 166000 0.30
18 21.6 17.68 0.52 70357 17700 0.39
16 19.2 19.98 0.59 225144 infinity 0.0
14 16.8 17.64 0.52 506573 infinity 0.0
36 43.2 19.38 0.57 14071 infinity 0.0
* As per IRC 58-2002 Table No. 6 Page No 15

Cumulative Fatique Life Consume = 0.69 which is less than 1 so, desigen is safe from
fatique considration



1 Temp stress in the edge region Ste .=

2 Elastic Modulus of Conc. E .= 3x105 Kg/Sqcm

Max. temp.Difference during day between t 0

3 .= 12 c
top &bottom of the slab
Coefficient of thermal expansionof cement
4 .= 10x10-6 Per oc
5 Bradbury's coefficient C .=
(As per Bradbury's chart)
Values of L/l and B/l
Spacing between conecutive contraction L
6 .= 450 CM
7 Spacing between longitudinal joints B .= 350 CM

Radius of relative stiffness l = 4 E x H3

12 ( 1 - m2 ) K

4 300000 x 15625
= ---------------------------------------------------------
12 ( 1 - 0.023 ) 8

= 49952046.04

= 84.06 Cm

Poissons Ratio .= 0.15

Thickness of Concrete slab h .= 25 CM

Modulus of subgrade reaction K .= 8 Kg/SqCM

L .= 450
----- --------- = 5.35
l 84.1

Det.value from Chart C .= 0.79

Edge warping stress .= CEaT


0.79 x 3.0 x105 x 10x10-6 x 12

= --------------------------------------------------------------

= 14.2 Kg/Sqcm

Total Temp.stress Sum of warping which is less than 34, the flexural strength. So
= 32.58
stress&Highest axle load stress the pavement thickness 30 cm safe

Value of Total Temp stress is less than 34



3P a 2 v
Corner stress .= --------- 1 - -----------
h2 l


P S P v
Radius of area of Contract of wheel a = 0.8521 x ------- + ------- ----------------------
qxp p 0.5227 x q

Where : P = 8000 Kg (98 percentile axle load of 16 tonne)

Hence wheel load = 8 Tonne

S = C/C distance between two tyre

q = Tyre pressure = 8 Kg/cm2



8000 31 8000 v
a = 0.8521 x ------- + ------- ----------------------
8xp p 0.5227 x 8

= 26.5 cm

3 x 8000 26.51 2
Corner stress .= --------- x 1- -----------
252 84.06

3 x 8000
--------- x 1 - 0.379

= 23.9 Kg/cm2

The Corner stress is less than the flexural strength o the concrete, i.e. 23.85 kg/cm 2 and the pavement
thickness of 20 cm assumed is safe


Design Parameters

Design Wheel load = 8000 Kg

Percentage of load transfer, h = 25 Cm

Joint width, Z = 2 Cm

Radius of relative stiffness, l = 84.1 Cm

Permissible bearing stress in concree in =

calculated as under
( 10.16 - b ) fck
Fb = ---------------------------------------

fck : Characteristic compressive strength of = 300 Kg/cm2

concree cube (15 cm) after 28 days curing for M-30
concrete grade

b : diameter of the dowel bar = 2.5 cm

( 10.16 - 2.50 )
Fb = ---------------------------------------
x 300

= 241 Kg/cm2

Assumed spacing between the dowel bars =

25 Cm

First dowel bar is placed at a distance = 15 Cm from the pavement edge

Assumed length of the dowel bar = 50 Cm

No. of Dowel bars = 5

Assuming that the load transferred by the

first dowel is Pt and assuming the the load
on dowel bar at a distance of 1 from the
first dowel to be zero, the total load
trasferred by dowel bar system
84.06 - 25 84.06 - 50
= ( 1 + -------------------- + --------------------
84.06 84.06

84.06 - 75
+ --------------------
= 4.00 Pt

8000 x 0.4
Load carried by the outer dowel bar, Pt = ---------------------

= 800 Kg

Check for Bearing stress

Moment of Inertia of Dowel = pb4/64

= 3.14 x( 2.5 )4

= 1.92

Relative stiffness of dowel bar embedded

b = 4 kb / 4 EI
in concrete
41500 x 2.5
4 x 2 x 106 x 1.917

= 0.286

Bearing stress in dowel bar = ( Pt x K) x ( 2+ bz)

( 4b3EI)

( 800 x 41500 x { 2 + ( 0.286 x 2 )}

( 4 x ( 0.286 )3 x 2 x 10 6 1.92

= 85390400

= 238 Kg/cm2 which is less than 241 Kg/cm2

Hence, the dowel bar spacing and diameter assumed are safe


Design Parameters :
Slab Thickness : 25 cm
Lane width, b : 3.5 m
Coefficient of friction, f : 1.5
Density of concrete, Kg/m3 : 2400
Allowable tensile stress in plain bars, :
Kg/cm2 (As per IRC-21-2000)
Allowable tensile stress in deformed bars, :
Kg/cm2 (As per IRC: 21-2000)
Allowable bond stress for plain tie bars, :
Allowable bond stress for deformed tie :
bars, kg/cm2
Diameter of tie bar, d : 12 mm

1 Spacing and length of the plain bar As = ---------
3.5 x 1.5 x 0.25 x 2400
= -------------------------------------------------------------
= 2.520 cm2/m
Assuming a diameter of tie bar of 12 mm, the
1.22 x p
cross sectional area
A = ---------------------
= 1.13 Sq.cm
Perimeter of tie bar, P = p d

= 3.77 cm
Spacing of tie bars = A/As
= 100 x ---------------

= 44.8 cm

Provided at a spacing of 45 cm c/c

2 x S x A
Length of tie bar, L = ----------------------------------
B x P
2 x 1250 x 1.13
17.5 x 3.77
= 42.8 cm
length 42.82 + 10.0 + 5.0 = 57.82 cm say 58 cm

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

1 1.075
2 1.075
3 1.075
4 1.075
5 1.075
6 1.075
7 1.075
8 1.075
9 1.075
10 1.075
11 1.075
12 1.075
13 1.075
14 1.075
15 1.075
16 1.075
17 1.075
18 1.075
19 1.075
20 1.075



Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri Road upto

Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)

Design of Flexible Pavement

( As per IRC:81-2001 )
1 Design Datas :-
(i) P = Number of commercial vehicles per day at last count in Oct. 2009
(a) Light Motor Vehicles = 373
(b) Bus = 746
(c) Trucks = 154
(d) Agriculture Tractor Trailor unit (out of 560 vehicles 50% considerd laden) = 64
(e) Multiaxled Vehicles, Truck Trailors Combination etc. = 472
Total Commercial Vehicles Per Day = 1809 CVPD
(ii) r = Annual growth rate of Commercial traffic (as per IRC:37-2001 para = 7.50
Number of years between the last count of traffic and the year of completion
(iii) x = = 1 Year
of construction
(iv) n = Design life in Years ( as per IRC:37-2001 para for State Highways) = 15 Years
(v) F = Vehicle Damage Factor (as per IRC:37-2001 para for traffic volume > 1500) = 3.50
(vi) D = Lane Distribution Factor (as per IRC:37-2001 para for Two lane carriageway ) = 0.75
(vii) A = Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of CVPD
A= P (1 + r)x = 1809 (1 + 0.075)1 = 1945 CVPD
(viii) CBR Value of the Sub Grade = 6.00 %
2 Design traffic ( N ) :-
365 x [( 1+r )n - 1 ]
N = x A x D x F
365 x [( 1+0.075)15 - 1 ]
N = x 1945 x 0.75 x 3.50 = 26.36 msa

3 Crust thickness of existing road :-

(i) One Layer of GSB = 150 mm
(ii) Two Layers of Gr - II = 150 mm
(iii) B.M. = 50 mm
(iv) S.D.B.C. = 25 mm

Total Existing Crust = 375 mm

4 Design of Flexible Pavement :-

Proposed Crust for Strengthening of carriageway :-

(In the light of IRC:81-2001, Pavement Design Catalogue for CBR 6% & Traffic 52.23 msa)

(ii) WMM = 150 mm

(iii) DBM = 60 mm
(iv) BC = 30 mm

Total Crust Proposed for Strengthening of road = 240 mm

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer


9.962119112 60586.22
Date From 04.04.22 / 6.0 AM :MDR 57
To 10.04.22 / 6.0 AM Kilometerage of count station :
Place of count Station :
Pin code of count station : District Ajmer
State Rajasthan
From To Car/ Jeep (Two Light Buses Two Axle Multi Axle Agricultural Cycle/ Bullock Other vehicles Remarks
Taxi/ Van Wheelers) commercial Truck/ Truck/ Tractor/ Cycle Cart/ other
Three Moter vehicles Tanker Truck with Trailer Rickshaw/ animal
Wheelers cycle, Mini Truck Trailer/ other drawn
Schooters Tanker Human vehicles
etc) powered
Date hour Date hour 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
04.04.22 6 A.M 05.04.22 6 A.M. 630 310 420 630 160 650 90 0 0 1

05.04.22 6 A.M 06.04.22 6 A.M. 520 370 390 480 150 620 75 1 0 1

06.04.22 6 A.M 07.04.22 6 A.M. 560 360 320 850 120 435 40 1 1 0

07.04.22 6 A.M 08.04.22 6 A.M. 550 380 360 970 140 387 60 0 1 1

08.04.22 6 A.M 09.04.22 6 A.M. 535 370 370 780 170 315 70 0 0 0

Total CVPD
09.04.22 6 A.M 10.04.22 6 A.M. 575 390 380 750 180 380 50 1 1 1

10.04.22 6 A.M 11.04.22 6 A.M. 560 380 370 760 160 520 65 0 0 0
Total for the week 3930 2560 2610 5220 1080 3307 450 3 3 4
Average Daily Traffic 561 366 373 746 154 472 64 0 0 1

Total PCU

PCU 561 183 559.5 2238 462 2124 192 0 0 8

Peak hours on 07.04.2022 61 63 12 20 69 18 37 2 1 1

Day Thursday
at 16.0 hrs to 17.0 hrs

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Existing Damaged Road


Nasira 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr 5.50 mtr
width 3.75 mtr
NH 79

bad width width width width width width width width width width width width width width width

0/00 1/00 2/00 3/00 4/00 5/00 6/00 7/00 8/00 9/00 10/00 11/00 12/00 13/00 14/00 15/00 16/00 17/00 18/00 19/00 20/00 21/00 22/00
1/300 Sanod Ramsar Devliya

Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged 3.75 mtr
Damaged BT Damaged BT

22/00 23/00 24/00 25/00 26/00 27/00 28/00 29/00 30/00 31/00 32/00 33/00 34/00 35/00 36/00 37/00 38/00 39/00 40/00 41/00 42/00 43/00 44/00 45/00 46/00 47/00

Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged 3.75

47/00 48/00 49/00 50/00 51/00 52/00 53/00 54/00 55/00 56/00

NH 79

Nasira Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged
7.0 mtr

0/00 1/00 2/00 3/00 4/00 5/00 6/00 7/00 8/00 9/00 10/00 11/00 12/00 13/00 14/00 15/00 16/00 17/00 18/00 19/00 20/00 21/00 22/00

Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged Damaged 7.0 mtr
Damaged BT Damaged BT

22/00 23/00 24/00 25/00 26/00 27/00 28/00 29/00 30/00 31/00 32/00 33/00 34/00 35/00 36/00 37/00 38/00 39/00 40/00 41/00 42/00 43/00 44/00 45/00 46/00 47/00

Damaged Damaged Damaged 7.0

BT BT BT mtr

47/00 48/00 49/00 50/00 51/00 52/00 53/00 54/00 55/00 56/00
Project Officer Project Director
RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri Road upto Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)


Km 0 /00 1 /00 2 /00 3 /00 4 /00 5 /00 6 /00 7 /00 8 /00 9 /00 10 /00 11 /00 12 /00 13 /00 14 /00 15 /00 16 /00 17 /00

C/W : 3.75 MTR

1 Crust thickness in mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
2 CBR (if available) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
3 Year of Construction 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992
4 Year of Last Renewal 2017-18 2017-18 20-21 20-21 20-21 20-21 20-21 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 20-21 20-21 20-21 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13
20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM
5 Type of Treatment pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc +
Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat

6 CD Works Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Carriage way Width 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m
8 Formation Width 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m
Town/ Village
9 Block Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar
10 MLA Constituency Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad
Traffic Station
13 PCU Per Day 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328
14 Commercial Veh. Per Day (CVPD) 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809
14 Proposed in Other Scheme - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri Road upto Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)


Km 17 /00 18 /00 19 /00 20 /00 21 /00 22 /00 23 /00 24 /00 25 /00 26 /00 27 /00 28 /00 29 /00 30 /00 31 /00 32 /00 33 /00 34 /00

C/W : 3.75 MTR

1 Crust thickness in mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
2 CBR (if available) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
3 Year of Construction 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992
4 Year of Last Renewal 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2020-21 2020-21 2020-21 2020-21 2020-21 2020-21 2020-21 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13
20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM
5 Type of Treatment pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc +
Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat

6 CD Works Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Carriage way Width 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m
8 Formation Width 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m
Town/ Village
9 Block Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Shrinagar Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain
10 MLA Constituency Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Nasirabad Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh
Traffic Station
13 PCU Per Day 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328
14 Commercial Veh. Per Day (CVPD) 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809
15 Proposed in Other Scheme - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri Road upto Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)


Km 34 /00 35 /00 36 /00 37 /00 38 /00 39 /00 40 /00 41 /00 42 /00 43 /00 44 /00 45 /00 46 /00 47 /00 48 /00 49 /00 50 /00 51 /00

C/W : 3.75 MTR

1 Crust thickness in mm 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
2 CBR (if available) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
3 Year of Construction 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992
4 Year of Last Renewal 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13 2012-13
20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM
5 Type of Treatment pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc +
Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat

6 CD Works Location - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Carriage way Width 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m
8 Formation Width 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m
Town/ Village
9 Block Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Arain Kekri Kekri Kekri Kekri
10 MLA Constituency Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kishangarh Kekri Kekri Kekri Kekri
Traffic Station
13 PCU Per Day 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328
14 Commercial Veh. Per Day (CVPD) 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809
15 Proposed in Other Scheme - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

Strengthening & Widening work for Nasirabad-Dabrela-Borada-Manoharpura-Harpura-Kotri Road upto Distt Border Km 0/0 to 56/0 (MDR 157)


Km 51 /00 52 /00 53 /00 54 /00 55 /00 56 /00


C/W : 3.75MTR

1 Crust thickness in mm 300 300 300 300 300 300
2 CBR (if available) 6 6 6 6 6 6
3 Year of Construction 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992
4 Year of Las Renewal 2012-13 2012-13 2016-17 2016-17 2016-17 2016-17
20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM 20 MM
5 Type of Treatment pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc + pmc +
Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat Seal Coat

6 CD Works Location - - - - - -
7 Carriage way Width 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m 3.75 m
8 Formation Width 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m
Town/ Village
9 Block Kekri Kekri Kekri Kekri Kekri Kekri
10 MLA Constituency Kekri Kekri Kekri Kekri Kekri Kekri
Traffic Station
13 PCU Per Day 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328 6328
14 Commercial Veh. Per Day (CVPD) 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809 1809
14 Proposed in Other Scheme - - - - - -

Project Officer Project Director

RSRDC Unit Ajmer RSRDC Unit Ajmer

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