Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University
Fig. 7.17 Diagonal Line Method for Projecting Views (3 rd angle) Contd.
Step 1: Draw the given pentagon abcde and enclose it by a rectangle 1234 as shown in Fig. 7.27 (a).
Step 2: Make the isometric drawing of the rectangle 1234 as described in fig. 7.26.
Step 3: On the isometric drawing of rectangle locate the points A and B such that 1A = 1a and 1B = 1b.
Step 4: Similarly locate points C, D and E such that 2C = 2c, 3D = 3d and 4E = 4e.
Step 4: Join A, B, C, D, E sequentially; Now ABCDE is the required isometric view in vertical plane as
shown in fig. 7.27 (b). Similarly the fig. 7.27 (c) can be obtained for horizontal plane.
Step 1: Draw the given circle and enclose it by a square 1234 as shown in Fig. 7.28 (a).
Step 2: Make the isometric drawing of the square 1234 that will form a rhombus.
Step 3: Mark the mid-points A, B, C and D of each sides of the rhombus as shown in fig 7.28 (b).
Step 4: Draw longest diagonal 2-4 and join point 3 and A. The line 3-A will intersect the line 2-4 at point
M. Similarly obtain the intersecting point N.
Step 5: With center M and radius MA draw an arc AB. With center N and radius NC draw and arc CD.
Step 6: With center 1 and radius 1-C draw an arc BC. With center 3 and radius 3-D draw an arc AD.
Step 7: The ellipse ABCD is the required isometric drawing of the circle on horizontal plane. Similarly
the isometric views can be obtained on vertical planes as shown in fig. 7.28 (c)
Step -6: Look through the individual views and identify non-existing lines and surfaces. Erase the non-
existing lines. While erasing a line, take the question in mind “why I have drawn this earlier?” If you
erase a line from isometric box, there must be a visible line parallel to that line.
Step -7: Finally, darken the visible lines. Compare the orthographic views with your obtained Isometric
views. Check if any logical line/surface is missing. If not, you are done.
(c) (d)
Fig. 7.28 Steps for Isometric Drawing of Solid Object (Contd.)
1. Draw isometric view from the orthographic views given in figures below:
2. Draw isometric view of a hexagonal prism 30mm sides and 60mm height.
Draw the orthographic
views first. Following
section, complete
the projection. For
projecting the hexagonal
top view on the top face
of isometric box follow
3. Draw isometric view of a cone with base diameter 30mm and axis 50 mm long.
Draw the orthographic views first. Following section, complete the projection. For projecting the circular
top view on the top face of isometric box follow section
1 2
3 4
5 6
11 12
2. Draw orthographic views for the following pictorial views (Assume arbitrary dimension):
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
4. Draw isometric view of a rectangular plane having length of sides as 10 cm and 15 cm when its plane is
(a) horizontal and (b) vertical.
5. Draw isometric view of a square prism with a side of base 5cm and axis 15 cm long when the axis is (a)
vertical and (b) horizontal.
6. Draw isometric view of a cylinder with base diameter 10cm and axis 15 cm long.
7. A pentagonal pyramid of side of base 30mm and height 70mm is resting with its base on horizontal plane.
Draw the isometric drawing of the pyramid.
8. Draw isometric views of
i. A reading table
ii. Sitting chair
iii. Twin seats of university bus.
iv. Laptop computer
v. Wall clock.
vi. Refrigerator.
vii. D-box of HSTU.
viii. A pentagonal pyramid.
ix. A Cylindrical pen holder.
x. An oval shaped paper-weight.
9. Prepare isometric drawing from the given orthographic views. (Use assumed value for missing
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
Review Questions
1. Why have you studied projection?
2. Define projection. Why it is necessary?
3. What do you mean by projection plane, projector and view? Show in a sketch.
4. Classify projection and define the types.
5. What are the possible orthographic views of an object?
6. Are all the orthographic views necessary to describe an object? If not, how will you choose the necessary
7. Describe the glass box method.
8. What do you mean by 1st angle and 3 rd angle projection? Which one is British and which one is American
System? Which one is easier and why?
9. Differentiate between 1st angle and 3rd angle projection.
10. Show the arrangement of views in 1st and 3rd angle projection system.
11. What is the standard symbol of 1st angle/ 3rd angle projection system?
12. Which lines are projected to their actual length?
13. Which lines are not projected to their actual length? How will you obtain projection of such lines?
14. How do you represent a hidden edge in a particular view? Give example.
15. How do you represent a circular/curved edge in a particular view? Give example.
16. How do you represent a hole in orthographic view? Give example.
17. What is the order of precedence of line in orthographic projection?
18. What will you do, if a solid line and a hidden line occur at the same location?
19. What will you do, if a center line and a hidden line occur at the same location?
20. How do you obtain views by diagonal line method?
21. How do you select/ decide spacing between views?
22. What is the standard spacing to be maintained between views?
23. How to control space between views in diagonal line method?
24. What are the advantages of orthographic projection?
25. What are the limitation/disadvantages of orthographic projection?
26. What do you mean by pictorial projection? Classify it.
27. What is the difference between axonometric and oblique projection?
28. What are the different types of axonometric projection? Why they are so named?
29. What is the difference between isometric, diametric and trimetric projection?
30. What is the difference between cabinet and cavalier projection?
31. What do you mean by perspective projection? How does it differ with pictorial projection?
32. Why the object appears to be shortened in perspective projection?
33. Why isometric projection is the most commonly used pictorial projection in engineering drawing?
34. What are the advantages of isometric projection over other types of pictorial projection?
35. In which position of object its front view becomes its isometric view?
36. How the object is rotated to obtain its isometric view?
37. Why are the objects appeared to be shortened in case of isometric projection? What is the percentage of
38. What is isometric scale? How it is constructed?
39. What is the difference between isometric projection and isometric drawing/view? Which one is
advantageous and why?
40. What do you mean by isometric and non-isometric lines? Give examples.
41. How isometric drawing are constructed by box method.
42. Why is it helpful to draw orthographic views before drawing the isometric view of the object?
43. What is the isometric form of a rectangle/ square/ triangle/ circle?
44. In the box method, how will you decide the isometric axis for plotting width, length and height?
45. Draw isometric view of a pen/box/cube/paper weight.
Objectives of studying this chapter are:
Describe the purpose of sectioning in technical drawings
Define cutting plane lines, direction of sight, section lining etc.
Mention and explain the different kinds of sectioning
8.1 Introduction
The conventional method used to draw an object using the multi view or orthographic method of representation is
discussed in Chapter 7. This system is excellent to illustrate various external features. In this method, complicated
interior features are illustrated with hidden lines. These interior features can be shown more clearly by the use of
sectional views.
8.2 Terminology
8.2.1 Sectioning
It is defined as an imaginary cut made through an object to expose the interior or to reveal the shape of a portion.
Sectional View
Fig. 8.1 Sectioning of an Object
Top view
Front View
Step 3
Fig. 8.11 Steps for Construction of Revolved Section
True Section
True Section
Preferred Section
Preferred Section
Fig. 8.14 Sectioning of Object with Odd
Number of Ribs
2. Draw top view and a suitable section for the slider block shown below.
3. Draw top view and a suitable section for the bearing shown below.
4. Draw top view and a suitable section for the bearing container shown below.
Review Questions
1. Why have you studied sectioning?
2. Define section, section line, cutting plane and cutting plane line. How are they represented in drawing?
3. Draw section lining to represent cast iron, steel, concrete and wood.
4. What is common section lining used for any type of materials? How it is aligned?
5. How will you draw section lines if the cutting plane passes two separate element of an object?
6. How will you draw section line if the object is aligned?
7. How will you chose spacing between section lines?
8. What are the different types of section?
9. When and how a full section is obtained?
10. What is the similarity/difference between a full section and an offset section?
11. When does offset section become necessary?
12. When and how a half section is obtained?
13. What are the advantages of a half section over a full section?
14. What is broken-out section? When is it used?
15. When and how a revolved section is obtained?
16. What are the different methods of placing the revolved section? Give example.
17. What is the similarity/difference of removed section and revolved section?
18. Why is a removed section being preferred to a revolved section?
19. What is the special consideration for sectioning a rib, spoke and lug?
1. D.N. Ghose, Civil Engineering Drawing and Design, 1987, 1 st ed., Delhi – CBS publishers and
2. Dr. Amalesh Chandra Mandal, Dr. Md. Quamrul Islam, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, 2007, 1st ed.,
Dhaka – Associate Printing Press.
3. Wuttet Taffesse, Laikemariam Kassa, Lecture Notes on Engineering Drawing, 2005, 1 st ed., Ethiopia
Public Health Training Initiative – Ethiopia Ministry of Education.
4. David L. Goetsch, John A. Nelson, William S. Chalk, Technical Drawing Fundamentals Cad Design,
1986, 2nd ed., New York – Delmar Publishers Inc.
5. R.K. Dhawan, A Textbook of Machine Drawing, 2001, 2nd ed., New Delhi – S. Chand & Company Ltd.
6. M.B. Shah, B.C. Rana, Engineering Drawing, 2009, 2nd ed., New Delhi – Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt.
7. K. Venkata Reddy, Textbook of Engineering Drawing, 2008, 2nd ed., Hyderabad – BS Publications.
8. Gurcharan Sing, Subhash C. Sharma, Civil Engineering Drawing, 2006, 7th ed., Delhi – Standard
Publishers Distributors.
9. Wikipedia
10. Documents, power point presentations and lecture notes freely available over internet.