Lecture15 Isometric Projection
Lecture15 Isometric Projection
Lecture15 Isometric Projection
The axonometric
projection is
produced by
multiple parallel
lines of sight
perpendicular to
the plane of
projection, with
the observer at
infinity and the
object rotated
about an axis to
produce a
pictorial view
Axonometric projection - is a parallel projection technique
used to create a pictorial drawing of an object by rotating the
object on an axis relative to a projection or picture plane.
The lengths of the projected lines are equal to the cosine of 35° 16’, or
0.81647 times the true length. In other words, the projected lengths are
approximately 82% of the true lengths.
Non-isometric lines
include inclined and
oblique lines and can
not be measured
directly. Instead they
must be created by
locating two end points.
Figure A is an isometric
drawing of a cube. The three
faces of the isometric cube are
isometric planes, because they
are parallel to the isometric
surfaces formed by any two
Figure A: Isometric planes
adjacent isometric axes.
relative to isometric axes
In isometric drawings,
hidden lines are omitted
unless they are absolutely
necessary to completely
describe the object. Most
isometric drawings will not
have hidden lines.
However, if an isometric
viewpoint cannot be found
that clearly depicts all the
major features, hidden lines
may be used.
Centerlines are drawn only for showing symmetry or for
dimensioning. Normally, centerlines are not shown, because
many isometric drawings are used to communicate to non-
technical people and not for engineering purposes.
As per the Standards:
Dimension lines,
extension lines, and lines
being dimensioned shall
lie in the same plane.
height (H), and depth (D) of the object, such that the object
will be totally enclosed in a box.
Locate details on the isometric planes.
Darken all visible lines, and eliminate hidden lines unless
absolutely necessary to describe the object.
Sketch from an actual object
1. Positioning object.
2. Select isometric axis.
3. Sketch enclosing box.
4. Add details.
5. Darken visible lines.
Note In isometric sketch/drawing), hidden lines are omitted unless they are
absolutely necessary to completely describe the object.Sketch from an actual