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Void Collapse Simulation Hs Udaykumar

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Vol. 22, No. 5, September–October 2006

Simulation of Void Collapse in an Energetic Material, Part 1:

Inert Case
L. Tran∗
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California 93943
H. S. Udaykumar†
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242

An Eulerian, sharp-interface, fixed Cartesian grid method is applied to study hot-spot formation in an energetic
material (HMX) subject to shock loading. The mass, momentum, and energy equations are solved along with evo-
lution equations for deviatoric stresses and equivalent plastic strain. Pressure is obtained from the Mie–Grüneisen
equation of state. The material is modeled as a viscoplastic solid. High-order accurate essentially-nonoscillatory
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(ENO) shock-capturing schemes along with a particle-level set technique are used to evolve sharp immersed
boundaries. The details of void collapse under shock loading and the resulting conversion of mechanical energy
into localized regions of high thermal energy (hot spots) in the solid material are analyzed. Insights into the precise
mechanisms of initiation sensitivity as a result of hot-spot formation in porous energetic materials are obtained.

I. Introduction For small Reynolds numbers the void collapse can be considered to
be in the viscous regime, whereas for large Reynolds numbers the
I NITIATION of an energetic material or high explosive can oc-
cur when an impulse delivered to the material evolves into a
self-sustaining detonation wave. Wave growth towards detonation
collapse is in the hydrodynamic regime. Instead of a length scale one
can also view the preceding characterization in terms of timescales
depends on the formation of local regions of elevated thermal en- so that the characteristic time of collapse of a void is
ergy or hot spots, where local temperatures can be much higher than
tμ = 4μs /(Ps − PY ) (4)
the bulk temperature expected from shock heating. When sufficient
thermal energy is generated locally, ignition occurs, and subsequent
whereas the characteristic passage time for a shock is
chemical energy release results in progressive shock strengthening
until detonation conditions are achieved. This concept was first pro- t p = δ0 /Us (5)
posed by Bowden and Yoffe.1 One site where such energy focusing
(hot spots) can occur is at a void in the material. where Us is the shock velocity.
Porosities or voids in heterogeneous explosives offer potential By the preceding criterion if the shock passage time is short com-
sites for the initiation of detonations. Khasainov et al.2 have char- pared to the void collapse time, the void-collapse mechanism can
acterized the different regimes of initiation of detonation through be considered to be in the viscous regime.
the void-collapse mechanism. Assuming that in a solid high explo- A number of mechanisms for the formation of hot spots at cav-
sive (HE), voids collapse when the shock strength exceeds the yield ities have been proposed over the years. The applicability of these
strength of the material mechanisms depends on the strength of the imposed shock that ini-
tiates the explosion, and the regimes of operation can be identified
Ps > (2Y /3) ln(1/φ) = PY (1)
roughly by the preceding criterion. Also, several mechanisms can
where Ps , PY , Y , and φ are the shock strength, critical shock play a role in a given hot-spot formation regime, depending on the
strength, yield strength of the material, and porosity of the mate- pore size, shock strength, reactive characteristics of the material,
rial. A typical value for the critical shock strength PY in an HE etc. The mechanisms in approximate order of importance to HE
is 0.1–0.3 GPa. The mode of collapse depends on several parame- initiation can be listed as follows:
ters, such as the initial pore size, material viscosity, and the shock 1) Viscoplastic: When a solid material undergoes viscoplastic
pressure. Khasainov et al. define a critical pore size: deformation, the temperature rise is caused by the conversion of
 viscoplastic work into heat. Significant heating can occur as a result
δc = 8.4μs ρs (Ps − PY ) (2) of cavity collapse in very small cavities of less than 1 μm and in very
short times of less than a microsecond.2 Thus, this regime dominates
where δc , μs , ρs are the critical pore size for viscous flow, solid- in the lower-Reynolds-number regimes of void collapse as charac-
phase viscosity, and solid-phase density, respectively. Based on the terized by Eq. (3). The viscoplastic work in deforming the void is
initial pore size δ0 of a particular pore, a Reynolds number is defined transformed to heat in a layer at the surface of the void. The extent
for the void such that of this layer is critical to the initiation mechanism. If the layer is
  too thin and the thermal energy is conducted away too rapidly from
Re = δ0 /δc = 2δ0 ρ Ps μs (3) this layer before ignition of the reactive solid material can result,
the explosion cannot be sustained. If the layer is too thick and the
Received 31 August 2004; revision received 18 November 2005; accepted energy deposited is too diffuse, the temperature rise is not sufficient
for publication 18 November 2005. Copyright  c 2006 by the American to cause initiation. Thus, smaller pores might not be effective sites
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. Copies of initiation because the heated layer surrounding them is very thin.
of this paper may be made for personal or internal use, on condition that the
In fact, the lower the shock pressure, the larger must be the pores
copier pay the $10.00 per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.,
222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; include the code 0748-4658/06 that are responsible for ignition.
$10.00 in correspondence with the CCC. 2) Hydrodynamic: When a high-explosive material is shock-
∗ Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Physics. loaded, as the shock wave propagates through a porous solid, the
† Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial deformation occurs sequentially in the following modes: elastic,
Engineering. elastoplastic, and totally plastic. If the wave amplitude far exceeds

the yield strength, the lower surface (i.e., the one facing the im- included in the mixture formulation as interphase exchange terms
pinging shock) of the void deforms, forming a high-speed jet of for mass, momentum, and energy exchange. Gonthier11 has taken
material that impacts against the upper surface. This jet or hydro- a more micromechanical approach and analyzed the contact me-
dynamic impact produces high impact pressures and temperatures chanics of ordered spherical grains in order to analyze the effect of
as a result of the conversion of kinetic energy to heat, and this localized inelastic deformation and intergranular friction on the for-
pressure buildup is amplified by convergence effects during cavity mation of hot spots. These works have attempted to characterize the
collapse.3 In this mechanism, heating is produced by compression meso- and macroscale signatures of localized events arising from
of the solid-phase material. This mechanism therefore corresponds the dynamics of microscale heterogeneities embedded in a typical
to the high-Reynolds-number regime according to the definition in granular HE. Recently, Gonthier and Jogi12 have employed their
Eq. (3). micromodel in a multiscale analysis of shock heating of a granular
3) Compression of gas in cavities: As the voids collapse, the explosive. The grain scale response is embedded within a bulk scale
entrapped gas within them is compressed to high temperature and system of equations as a subgrid model.
pressure. The temperature can reach a value high enough to initiate Analyses of the response of individual voids to external load-
ignition. This mechanism can be dominant under conditions when ing have been performed in various limited settings by many re-
the compression rate is relatively low and the voids are of the or- searchers. Using a hollow sphere model, Khasainov et al.2 discussed
der of a millimeter or larger.4,5 An alternate role is attributed to the the formation of hot spots by the ductile collapse of spherical cavi-
gaseous-phase reaction in the viscous regime of collapse. The reac- ties, assuming an instantaneous rise in pressure and ignoring melt-
tion starts in the gas phase as the viscous dissipation of the plastic ing. In their work, the heating was exclusively a result of viscoplastic
work during deformation causes the heating of the material. After work. They found that significant heating can occur for very small
the reaction has been initiated in the vicinity of the pores, it propa- cavities and in very short times. In a similar problem, but with
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gates as a surface burning wave into the solid. The surface burning a rate-independent stress, Carroll and Holt13 found that very high
deposits gaseous reaction products into the void, which increases temperatures can be produced by plastic work in the vicinity of col-
the gaseous pressure. Under suitable conditions, this gaseous pres- lapsing cavities, but cavity size had no effect on the temperature.
sure will eventually exceed the solid-phase pressure and cause a Using the same hollow sphere configuration, Kang et al.5 included
reversal of the plastic flow around the pore. This accelerates the thermal processes such as finite-rate chemical effects, and heat ex-
surface burning and generates a secondary compression wave. This change between the pore gas and the surrounding material. Two
compression wave then interacts with the primary shock wave to gas-phase chemical reaction mechanisms were examined, that is,
enhance it. a single-step reaction and multiple-step reactions, along with vari-
Shear banding: When a high-explosive material is shocked, shear able yield strength and viscosity. Viscoplastic heating was found to
bands could form in the vicinity of collapsing cavities. Analysis6 be an effective mechanism for shock initiation of porous, energetic
indicated that both pressure and shear rate are important parameters materials.
controlling the temperature. A shear banding mechanism for hot- Using a hollow cylinder, shear banding was considered by
spot formation could provide the large ignited surface area that is Powers14 to predict ignition. The model considered was transient,
believed to be necessary to explain shock initiation. one-dimensional, and included effects of thermal diffusion, plas-
Thus, the formation of hot spots at voids in a HE can involve sev- tic work, exothermic reaction with one-step irreversible Arrhenius
eral mechanisms, depending on the regime determined by the pore kinetics, and a power-law constitutive model for shear stress. The
size, shock strength, and material characteristics. In all cases, the model predicted reactive shear localization after an induction time
possibility of initiation hinges on the balance (or lack thereof) be- of approximately 5 μs.
tween thermal energy-producing mechanisms (viscoplastic work, The constituent properties of HMX were discussed by Menikoff
kinetic energy, chemical reaction, gaseous compression, viscous and Sewell.15 They analyzed available experimental and theoreti-
shear) and the rate at which the energy is transported away by heat cal physical parameters of HMX. These properties are needed for
conduction without establishment of a feedback to detonation. computations with mesoscale models. At grain level, an explosive
is crystalline and, by its very nature, anisotropic. They found that
II. Models of Hot-Spot Formation this has an effect on the dissipative mechanisms leading to the for-
Most of the theories for impact ignition require the formation of mation and evolution of hot spots. Three-dimensional mesoscale
hot spots, as the impact energy has generally been considered to be models have often involved an idealized material structure. Typ-
insufficient to heat the bulk material to the ignition temperature. It is ically, HMX crystals are modeled as regularly stacked spheres. A
also well known that porosity is an important parameter determining method for importing the actual microstructure of HMX material di-
the sensitivity of explosives to shock waves and that cavities in an rectly into a finite element calculation was developed by Benson and
explosive act as sites where hot spots can occur. The burn rates of het- Conley.16 In these mesoscale simulations, it was found that viscosity
erogeneous HEs subject to external loading such as impact/shocks spreads out the shock front, reduces the temperature extremes, and
display enhanced sensitivity to pressure when compared to laminar suppresses particle-scale jetting. In a three-dimensional, idealized
deflagration in such materials. Whereas in the latter case linear de- mesoscale calculation using the CTH code,17 Baer et al.18 simu-
pendency on pressure is the norm, for heterogeneous explosives en lated the processes of consolidation, deformation, and reaction of
route to detonation induced by external loading, quadratic pressure shocked porous explosive consisting of discrete HMX crystals. They
dependency is observed.7 Such enhanced pressure dependency re- showed that rapid deformation occurs at material contact points and
flects the initiation of the combustion process at voids present in the localization of energy produces hot spots as a result of shock focus-
porous explosive, which, upon collapse under applied compressive ing and plastic work near grain boundaries. They found that hot spots
loads, lead to localized hot spots in the material.8 The dependency are strongly influenced by multiple HMX crystal interactions and
on pressure is particularly relevant in shock- or impact-induced that the initiation and reaction of shocked heterogeneous materials
detonation of porous HE. Thus, models that analyze and predict involve states distinctly different from single jump state descrip-
the behavior of HE at the large-scale employ pressure-dependent, tions. In the HMX propellant, localized melting occurs, and two
typically empirical, reaction-rate expressions. To move from em- very distinct phases, a solid layer and a rubbery-viscous (“melt”)
piricism to true understanding and predictive capabilities, in recent layer, are formed during high strain-rate impact. Ignition occurs in
years, microscale (dynamics of a single void such as by Frey7 ) and the rubbery-viscous phase.
mesoscale (dynamics of a material with distributed porosity such Modeling of the microscale rather than the mesoscale response
as by Menikoff and Kober9 ) models of detonation initiation of HE of a heterogeneous explosive in the presence of voids remains a
have been developed. Powers10 has modeled the granular material challenging task. The collapse of a void under the effects of an
using a continuum mixture theory to capture the heterogeneities imposed shock loading involves several complex physical phenom-
in the explosive, with the microscale mechanisms modeled using ena, including nonlinear stress wave propagation, evolution of a
subgrid models. The interactions that occur at the microscale are free surface of the void, topological changes as the void collapses

and disappears, and change of phase and reactive mechanics in the The spin tensor and the strain-rate tensor are given by
solid and gas phases. In this paper, a numerical method developed in
Udaykumar et al.19 and Tran and Udaykumar20 is applied to study i j = 12 (vi, j − v j,i ) (9)
the microscale response of a void in a shocked energetic material.
The numerical method has been thoroughly validated, and the void Di j = 12 (vi, j + v j,i ) (10)
surface is tracked as a sharp entity in the method. Appropriate jump p
conditions are applied at the surface of the void. This paper examines where Di j = Diej + Di j is the strain-rate tensor composed of the
the energetics of void collapse in the absence of chemical reactions. elastic strain rate Diej and the plastic strain rate Di j and vi is a
The objectives of the paper are as follows: velocity component. The notation vi, j denotes the spatial derivative
1) The first is to solve the difficult moving boundary problem of of the velocity field.
void collapse under shock loading using an Eulerian, sharp-interface The deviatoric strain rate is
technique. D̄i j = Di j − 13 Dkk δi j (11)
2) The second is to include the leading-order mechanisms, that
is, inertia and elastoplastic deformation to understand their inter- The plastic strain rate follows the relationships:
action in void collapse and thermal energy localization. The focus  
therefore is on the mechanism of energy deposition and the con- tr Di j = 0 (12)
tribution of viscoplastic work and kinetic energy to thermal energy
localization. For this reason, thermal diffusion is not included in the p
Di j = Ni j (13)
energy equation as a transport mechanism for heat. Furthermore,

for the pore sizes considered and the shock conditions applied the where Ni j = si j / (skl skl ) is the unit outward normal to the yield
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pore collapse times are in the range of nanoseconds. Although not surface and  a positive consistency parameter.
shown explicitly in this paper, inclusion of thermal diffusion had a The effective stress and effective plastic strain rate are given by
negligible effect on the thermal transport over the short period of
void collapse encountered in the cases presented herein. 3
Se2 ≡ tr (si j s ji ) (14)
3) The final objective is to examine the effects of void size and 2
shape in the extent of energy localization.  2
In keeping with the preceding objectives, physical mechanisms d p 2  p p
that are either incompletely characterized or that play secondary ε̄ = tr Di j Di j (15)
dt 3
roles in the collapse and energy deposition process are not included
in the model. Therefore, the present model provides focused treat- The overall pressure in a solid can be expressed as a sum of two
ment of interplay between inertia and plastic work in the void col- terms, the pressure caused by the thermal excitation of atoms/
lapse problem. A more complete and “predictive” model of void molecules and the pressure resulting from the attractive/repulsive
collapse will need to include effects such as variation of thermal forces between them. For the present work, because of the high
and mechanical properties of the material under pressure and tem- strain-rate, large deformation problem of concern, we utilize the
perature, effects of phase change in the material, both in the bulk as Mie–Grüneisen on equation of state (e.o.s). If ec and pc denote re-
well as the free surface of the void, and unresolved physics, such spectively the “cold” (at 0 K) energy and pressure, the incomplete,
as shear band formation, material fracture, and grain-boundary ef- temperature-independent formulation of the Mie–Grüneisen e.o.s.
fects. Clearly, the complications entailed by these mechanisms delay is
the feasibility of a “predictive” model. As an extension of the inert
model presented in this paper, part 2 in Tran and Udaykumar’s21 p(e, V ) ∼ (V ){[e − ec (V )]/V } + pc (V ) = (e/V ) + f (V )
paper includes chemical heat release in the solid and gas phases and
gas–solid interaction effects in the simulation of void collapse.
where, by definition,
e = E/ρ − u 2 /2 (17)
III. Formulation of the Problem
A. Constitutive Relations V = 1/ρ (18)
The equations governing the material deformation appropriate for
high-strain-rate applications can be formulated by assuming that the and the Grüneisen parameter is defined as
volumetric or dilatational response is governed by an equation of  
state while the shear or deviatoric response obeys a conventional ∂p 0 ρ0
=V = (19)
flow theory of plasticity. The system of equations describing the ∂e V
material deformation in Lagrangian form can be written as follows.
The stress in the material is expressed as the sum of the dilatational where ρ0 is the density of the unstressed material.
and deviatoric parts: The expression for f (V ) in Eq. (16), to accommodate for negative
pressure (tension) and preserve positive sound speed squared, is
σi j = si j − pδi j (6) ⎧
⎪ ρ0 c02 ϕ

⎨ (1 − sϕ)2 1 − 2V (V0 − V ) if V ≤ V0
Here σi j is the Cauchy stress tensor, si j its deviatoric part, and the f (V ) =  
hydrostatic pressure p taken to be positive in compression. ⎪
⎪ 1 1
⎩c02 − if V > V0 (20)
The rate of change of deviatoric stress is given by V V0
  where ϕ = 1 − V /V0 . The choice in Eq. (20) is required because
si j = 2G D̄i j − Di j
p for low energy and low pressure (as in a rarefaction) roundoff and
approximation errors can result in negative values of c02 because
dsi j f  changes sign. To correct this, and following the approach of
si j = + sik k j − ik sk j (8) Miller and Puckett22 and Arienti et al.,23 the e.o.s. is extended with
a pseudo-elastic-solid e.o.s.
The sound speed is given by
where G is the shear modulus, si j the Jaumann derivative of si j ,
D̄i j the deviatoric strain rate, Di j the plastic strain rate, and i j the
∂p p ∂p p
spin tensor. The Jaumann derivative is used to ensure material frame c02 = + = e + f  (V ) + (21)
∂ρ ρ2 ∂e ρ
indifference with respect to rotation. e

B. Governing Equations for Axisymmetric Deformation where U is the velocity vector. The eigenvalues of the equation sys-
With the preceding constitutive laws to describe material behav- tem (23), without the source terms included, were found to be real
ior, the equations governing axisymmetric deformation and flow of for the range of parameters, that is, material properties and impact
the material can be written in an Eulerian framework (with x denot- velocities of interest in this work. Analysis of the conditions under
ing the radial coordinate and y the axial coordinate) as a system of which the system is expected to be hyperbolic has been performed
conservation laws using the primitive variables as in earlier work by the present authors. For a one-dimensional for-
mulation, the eigenvalues are20
∂Q ∂ F(Q) ∂G(Q)
+ + = S(Q) (22) λ1 = λ2 = λ3 = u (26a)
∂t ∂x ∂y
where the vector of conserved variables (Q) and the convective flux λ4 = c0 + u (26b)
vectors F(Q) and G(Q) are
⎧ ρ ⎫ ⎧ ρu ⎫ ⎧ ρv ⎫ λ5 = c0 − u (26c)

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ ρu ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ρu 2 + p⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ρuv ⎪
⎪ The sound speed depends on the particular equation of state cho-

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ p⎪
⎪ sen for the pressure and is given next for the case of the Mie–
⎨ ρv ⎬ ⎨ ρuv ⎬ ⎨ ρv +
⎬ Grüneisen equation of state. Note that for the set of calculations
Q= E F(Q) = u[E + p] G(Q) = v[E + p] performed in this paper, the system is inertia dominated, and a

⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪

⎪ ρsx x ⎪

⎪ ρusx x ⎪

⎪ ρvsx x ⎪

⎪ Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) criterion was used to obtain stable

⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪
⎪ρs yy ⎪⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎪ calculations. In the calculations shown, this criterion sufficed, and

⎩ ⎪
⎭ ⎩ ρus yy
⎪ ⎪
⎭ ⎩ ρvs yy
⎪ ⎪

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treating the source terms explicitly did not occasion numerical diffi-
ρsx y ρusx y ρvsx y culties. However, an investigation of the overall system to ascertain
(23) hyperbolicity for a wider range of parameter space will be necessary
to extend the present method.
The preceding equations, written in conservative form, include the
The present system of equations is first solved using the
evolution of the deviatoric stresses. The dilatational part of the stress
essentially-nonoscillatory (ENO) numerical scheme24,25 as will be
is obtained from an equation of state as given in Eq. (16). The source
described in a subsequent section. The radial return algorithm is then
vector that appears in Eq. (22) is of the form:
applied to bring the stress state back to the yield surface if the stress
⎧ ρu ⎫ state falls outside of it. Equation (25) for the effective plastic strain

⎪ − ⎪

⎪ x ⎪
⎪ is solved separately using a simple second-order upwind scheme.

⎪ ⎪
2 ⎪
⎪ ∂s
⎪ xx ∂s s + s + s ρu ⎪

⎪ +
xx yy xy
− ⎪
⎪ IV. Numerical Method

⎪ ∂x ∂y x x ⎪ ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ The system of hyperbolic conservation laws given in Eq. (22)
⎨ ∂sx y ∂s yy sx y ρuv ⎬ needs to be solved in a stable and accurate manner in the presence
S(Q) = + + −
⎪ ∂x ∂y x x ⎪ of moving boundaries embedded on the fixed Cartesian mesh. To

⎪ ⎪

⎪ SE ⎪

capture the nonlinear wave propagation phenomena that arise in the

⎪ ⎪
⎪ high-speed impact situations of interest, a shock-capturing scheme

⎪ Ssx x ⎪

⎪ ⎪
⎪ is required. We apply a second order in space ENO scheme and a

⎪ Ss ⎪

⎩ yy ⎪

third-order TVD Runge–Kutta time stepping to solve the preceding
Ssx y system of equations. Detailed description of the numerical method,
interface tracking, treatment of boundary conditions, contact algo-
where rithm, and validation is given in previous papers.19,20 The method
u(E + p) (usx x + vs yy ) ∂ has been extensively validated for problems involving high strain-
SE = − + + (usx x + vs yy ) rate deformation in the presence of severely deforming interfaces
x x ∂x between multiple materials.
A schematic of a typical case studied is shown in Fig. 1. The ax-
∂ isymmetric void is placed in the center of the computation domain,
+ (usx y + vs yy ) (24a)
∂y and various loading conditions are applied on the lower surface
For the deviatoric stress equations, the source terms are as follows: of the domain, that is, in the solid material. A condensed-phase,
  HMX (cyclo-tetramethylene-tetranitramine, C4 H8 N8 O8 ) energetic
∂u ∂v ∂u material is considered in this study. HMX is a commonly used en-
Ssx x = sx x + + 2x y sx y + 2G − (24b)
∂x ∂y ∂x ergetic crystal in heterogeneous propellants and explosives, and its
physical properties are fairly well characterized.9,15,26 The thermal
  diffusivity, κ = 4 × 10−10 kJ/m · μs · K, viscosity, η = 310 Poise for
∂u ∂v ∂v
Ss yy = s yy + + 2 yx sx y + 2G − (24c) temperature below melting, 0.14 Poise above melting, specific heat,
∂x ∂y ∂y C V = 1000 J/kg · K, material yield strength, Y = 0.26 GPa below
  melting, 0 above melting, room temperature, T0 = 300 K.
∂u ∂v Conley27 has shown that the effect of compression on the melting
Ssx y = sx y + + x x sx y + x y s yy − x y sx x −  yy sx y
∂x ∂y point of the energetic material is very important in order to correctly
  represent the dynamics of void collapse. The phase transitions in the
1 ∂u ∂v shocked material result in a softening of the material, and when the
+ 2G + (24d) solid finally transitions to liquid phase the material loses strength,
2 ∂y ∂x
and therefore the yield stress is set to zero in the liquid phase. The
where melting temperature of the shocked explosive is modeled as a func-
  tion of volume change. This relationship is estimated based on the
1 ∂u u ∂v Kraut–Kennedy28 relation as follows:
= + +
3 ∂x x ∂y
Tm = Tm0 [1 + a(V /V0 )] (27)
The equation for evolution of the plastic strain in Eulerian frame is
 where a = 2( − 13 ) and Tm0 is the melting temperature at ambient
∂ ε̄ p 2  p p condition, V0 is the initial specific volume, and V is the change in
+ U · ∇ ε̄ p = tr Di j Di j (25) specific volume.
∂t 3

Table 1 HMX material properties15,27 V. Results

A. Inert Void Collapse in an HMX Crystal
Parameter Value
The methodology developed in Udaykumar et al.19 and Tran and
ρ,kg/m3 1900 Udaykumar20 is applied in this chapter to study the collapse of a
C, J/kg-K 1000 void is a material that is subjected to shock loading. Here the fo-
Tm , K 520 cus is on identifying the important mechanisms in the collapse of
s 2.38
Y , GPa 0.26
a void without consideration of chemical reactions in the solid and
G, GPa 10.0 gas phases. We also confine attention to the solid-phase deformation
1.1 behavior and the rise in temperature of the solid phase caused by
C0 , m/s 2650 shock-induced compression and plastic deformation. The physics of
κ, W/m-K 0.4 collapse of voids in the absence of chemical reactions is only par-
M, Poise 310 T < Tm tially relevant to energetic materials. However, deferring chemistry
0.14 T ≥ Tm to that discussed in Tran and Udaykumar21 allows for isolation of
purely mechanical effects during void collapse and its result, which
is the creation of high-temperature localized zones or hot spots.

B. Grid-Independence Study
To establish the framework for further calculations, grid indepen-
dence of solutions is assessed for a typical test case for a void of
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10 μm diam. The loading velocity is 500 m/s. This is the particle

velocity that is supplied to the lower boundary of the computa-
tional domain, causing a compression wave to propagate upward
to the void. Four mesh sizes are considered: 50 × 100, 100 × 200,
150 × 300, and 200 × 400. The effect of grid size on the tempera-
ture field produced by the void collapse is shown in Fig. 2. As seen
in the figures, the maximum temperatures achieved are higher for
the finer meshes. For the under-resolved mesh (50 × 100), the max-
imum temperature reached as well as the time when the significant
rise in temperature occurs is inaccurate. For higher mesh resolution,
the maximum temperatures as well as the time are comparable. For
the 150 × 300 mesh, a grid-independent solution can be considered
to have been reached. Similar conclusions can be  arrived at from the
a) plots of the ratio between total internal energy [ (ρe)
 dV integrated
over the whole domain] and total kinetic energy [ ( 12 ρv 2 ) dV inte-
grated over the computational domain] vs time (Fig. 3). Notice that
the instant (in time) where the major changes in regimes (changes in
the slopes) occur are comparable for the 150 × 300 and 200 × 400
meshes. All calculations presented next are therefore carried out
using a 150 × 300 mesh.

C. Spherical Void Collapse in an Elastoviscoplastic HMX Material

A spherical void with a radius of 5 μ, within a HMX material,
undergoes axisymmetric deformation as a result of a propagating
shock created by imposing a particle velocity at the bottom bound-
ary. A schematic of the problem is shown in Fig. 1a. To remove the

Fig. 1 Illustrations of the computational setup: a) idealized spherical
void and b) idealized triangular void.

The parameters for the equation of state for the material as well
as other material properties are given in Table 1.
Characteristic timescales (void collapse and shock passage) are
estimated as follows. The shock velocity u s is calculated, and the
characteristic shock passage time for a void of radius r is

t p = 2r /u s (28)

The characteristic time of void collapse is calculated as the dif-

ference between the total time taken for the complete collapse of
the void and the time for the shock to travel a distance d before
contacting the void. Referring to Fig. 1,

tμ = tt − d/u s (29) Fig. 2 Elastoviscoplastic, grid-refinement study with initial loading ve-
locity of 500 m/s and initial void radius of 5 μm. Plot of maximum
where tt is the total collapse time. temperature vs time.
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Fig. 5 Evolution of void collapse process for elastoviscoplastic, initial

Fig. 3 Elastoviscoplastic, grid-refinement study with initial loading ve- loading velocity of 500 m/s, 5-μm radius.
locity of 500 m/s and initial void radius of 5 μm. Plot of the ratio between
total internal energy and total kinetic energy vs time.
cause the resulting pressure rise from the shock wave passage is
lower than the yield strength of the material. The temperature rises
by only a few degrees as a result of the passing shock wave and
deformation of the lower surface of the void. Figure 5 shows the
void collapse evolution, jetting of the void lower surface, and the
eventual complete collapse of the void for a higher loading condi-
tion, corresponding to an impact velocity of 500 m/s. In this case the
energy of the shock wave itself causes a temperature rise of 30 K in
the material (Fig. 6b). As the lower void surface caves in under the
strength of the oncoming shock, a jetting phenomenon is observed.
The lower surface of the void is traveling at high velocity in this
case leading to the formation of a protrusion or jet. The plastic work
done in deforming the void yields local temperature increases of
over 250 K even before the jet impacts the top surface (Fig. 6f).
Because of the large jetting velocity of the lower surface, the impact
of the fast-moving lower surface with upper surface (Figs. 6c–6f)
of the void causes a spherical shock wave that forms at the impact
location and travels outward. The maximum temperature is over
1000 K, much higher than the rise caused by plastic work done on
the void.
At still higher loading velocity of 2000 m/s, a true hydrodynamic
mode can be discerned. While the lower surface forms a high-
velocity jet, the upper surface does not move in this case as shown in
the void shape evolution in Fig. 7. Upon collapse of the void, a sec-
Fig. 4 Evolution of void collapse process for elastoviscoplastic, initial
loading velocity of 50 m/s, 5-μm radius. ondary shock wave that is even stronger than the initial impact shock
emanates from the point of collapse. This secondary shock is seen
to interact with and intensify the initial shock wave (Figs. 8e–8h).
rise time from the already fairly extensive list of control parame- This reinforcement of the impinging shock wave by pure mechani-
ters, the shock profile in the following cases is assumed to have zero cal collapse of a void can have important consequences on the loads
rise time. The impulsive velocity supplied at the bottom boundary imposed on a void that is downstream of the void in question. Once
seeks to simulate the effect of impact at the bottom surface of the the shock interacts with the lower void surface, plastic deformation
energetic material (Fig. 1). The material response is modeled us- occurs quickly, which raises the temperature to around 1200 K even
ing an elastoviscoplastic model, with constants shown in Table 1. before the hydrodynamic impact (see Fig. 9). The final maximum
The wave moves through the solid and is transmitted out through temperature rises to about 2700 K (Fig. 9).
the upper boundary. The right boundary is subjected to symmetry The contribution of the rise in temperature as a result of the differ-
conditions, whereas the left boundary is the axis of symmetry. The ent modes of energy deposition can be gathered from Fig. 9a. This
simulation is carried out for three different initial velocities: 50, plot shows the maximum temperature achieved for different load-
500, and 2000 m/s, using a 150 × 300 mesh. Void collapse can oc- ing strengths for a fixed void radius of 5 μm. For very low shock
cur in different modes depending on the strength of the impinging strength (the 50-m/s case), the temperature rise is limited to a few
shock. As the shock strength increases, the void collapse goes from degrees Kelvin. For moderate shock strength (the 500-m/s case), the
a nearly spherical viscoplastic mode to a hydrodynamic mode where temperature rise in the bulk caused by shock passage alone is 150 K,
the lower surface of the void forms a jet, which impacts on the upper plastic deformation at the void surface further increases the temper-
surface at high velocity. This transition is studied in the following ature by 250 K, and hydrodynamic impact caused by void collapse
computations. leads to a spike in temperature of about 700 K. For the highest shock
Figure 4 shows the evolution of the void shape as this weak shock strength studied (the 2000-m/s case), shock passage alone gives rise
passes over it. The deformation of the void is weak in this case be- to about 800 K temperature rise in the bulk of the material, plastic
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a) b) c)

d) e) f)

g) h)
Fig. 6 Elastoviscoplastic, initial loading velocity of 500 m/s, 5-μm radius: a) pressure at 3.5 ns, b) temperature at 3.5 ns, c) pressure at 7.5 ns,
d) temperature at 7.5 ns, e) pressure at 9.5 ns, f) temperature at 9.5 ns, g) pressure at 10.4 ns, and h) temperature at 10.4 ns.

process. For higher loading condition, for example 2000 m/s, the
second stage, namely, the plastic work becomes insignificant in the
energy deposition process. Only two regimes are evident, namely,
the increase in kinetic energy caused by the deformation of the void
and resulting jet formation and the hot spot caused by jet impact. In
fact, for this high-velocity case, because the plastic work does not
appear to contribute to the energy localization at all, this case can
be considered to be purely “hydrodynamic.”
The effect of the void radius on temperature rise is shown in
Fig. 10a for a loading velocity of 500 m/s. For void radius below
2 μ the temperature rises steeply with increasing radius of the void.
This temperature rise is predominantly caused by the viscoplastic
work done in deforming the void. The maximum temperature rise
as a result of viscoplastic deformation occurs for a void of around
2.0-μm radius. For larger sized voids the contribution of the vis-
coplastic work to the temperature rise decreases. On the other hand,
the temperature rise as a result of hydrodynamic impact increases
for void radii larger than 2 μ. The net effect is that there is overall a
weak rise in the temperature at the hot spot for the larger radius voids.
The oscillations in temperature observed at the end of the collapse
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process for the larger void sizes are caused by squeezing and col-
lapse of the smaller voids that are formed after the impact of the jet
Fig. 7 Evolution of void collapse process for elastoviscoplastic, initial formed by the lower void surface. This figure indicates there exists a
loading velocity of 2000 m/s, 5-μm radius. critical void radius where the temperature rise from hydrodynamic
impact (because of the jetting velocity) becomes only weakly de-
deformation of the void surface leads to a rise of 100 K in the tem- pendent on void radius. It also clearly indicates that there is a direct
perature, and hydrodynamic impact at void collapse contributes to correlation between the jet formation (and its kinetic energy) and
a 1500 K rise in the temperature at the collapse site. In general, for the local temperature rises that can lead to hot-spot formation. For
lower initial applied loadings the temperature rise caused by plastic smaller voids the collapse time is low, and the jet velocity is unable
work is more significant. As the loading increases, the void collapse to reach high values before the entire void collapses. For voids that
time is shortened, and plastic work loses its dominance to the hy- are large enough (this being a function of the impact velocity), the
drodynamic jet impact mode of energy localization. Thus, for the collapse time is long enough for the lower surface to be accelerated
highest loading considered (i.e., for the 200-m/s case) the temper- to a state where the material strength is inconsequential and the jet
ature rise to plastic work is a small fraction of the rise caused by velocity saturates.
hydrodynamic impact. Figure 10b shows the energy deposition behavior as a function
Another perspective can be gained by considering the variation of time for various void radii with loading velocity of 500 m/s. For
of the energy deposition process (Fig. 9b). To investigate the ef- smaller void radii (0.5 and 1.0 μm), the initial shock passes through
fectiveness of conversion of energy as a result of void collapse, without much energy being extracted for plastic deformation of the
the ratio of the total internal energy [ (ρe) dV integrated over the void. For void radius of up to 5 μm, two regimes are observed, the
whole domain] to the kinetic energy [ ( 12 ρv 2 ) dV integrated over acceleration (increase in kinetic energy) and the hydrodynamic im-
the computational domain] as a function of time for various impact pact stages. For this intermediate-sized void the collapse time is too
velocities is plotted in Fig. 9b. For each of the computed impact low for the plastic work to play a major role in the energy localiza-
velocities, the initial part of the curve with zero slope represents the tion process. For higher void radii, a small region where viscoplastic
rise in the energy state during the time taken by the shock to reach the work also contributes to the heating of the void is observed. How-
void. Once the shock wave contacts the void lower surface, there ever, the predominant mode leading to internal energy rise is the
is rise in kinetic energy caused by void deformation as indicated hydrodynamic impact of the lower void surface on the upper void
by the negative slope. In general, we see that there are three dis- surface.
tinct stages which define the void collapse process. In the first, the
conversion of the energy of the shock to kinetic energy caused by D. Triangular Void Collapse Results in an
acceleration of material on the lower surface of the void occurs (the Elastoviscoplastic MHX Material
negative slope region). However once the material starts to acceler- To assess the effect of void shape on the hot-spot energies, we
ate plastic deformation ensues, and the material begins to resist the study triangular voids and compare their behavior with spherical
deformation (the low positive slope region). The plastic work then voids. Two different orientations of a triangular void (Fig. 1b) are
dissipates as heat and raises the internal energy of the material. In the considered, one with the apex pointing away from the incoming
final stage the lower void surface impacts on the upper surface, and shock (TUP) and the other with the apex pointing toward the incom-
the void closes, leading to conversion of the excess kinetic energy ing shock (TDOWN), both with initial loading velocity of 500 m/s.
of the lower surface into thermal energy (the abrupt rise region). For the TUP case shown in Figs. 11a, it is observed that there is
With increasing impact velocities there is a gradual transition in the no jetting along the axis of symmetry. However, there is jetting and
relative significance of the three distinct phases in the energy depo- void closure that occurs around the bottom corner of the triangle.
sition process. For a loading velocity of 50 m/s, for which the shock Although the jetting is small because jetting velocities do not have
strength marginally exceeds the material yield strength, only the first the time to build up, the rise in temperature is significant. This clo-
two stages in the void collapse process exist. In this case the kinetic sure of the bottom corner occurs repeatedly as the void collapses as
energy first rises above the internal energy because the lower surface shown in the evolution of the void shape in Fig. 11a. These small
of the void accelerates and the void deforms. However, the plastic collapsing pores could probably play an important part in the rise in
deformation results in increase of the thermal energy because of internal energy. It is not possible to fully resolve such events within
work done in deforming the material. The void does not completely the present mesh limitations however, and no firm quantitative con-
collapse, and therefore the final stage of impact does not exist. For clusions can be made regarding their role.
the 200-m/s loading conditions, one can begin to see the three dif- The case with apex pointing toward the incoming shock
ferent stages, namely, acceleration, plastic work raising the internal (TDOWN) is shown in Fig. 11b. At the time of 5.5 ns (see Figs. 12a),
energy, and hydrodynamic impact. The jetting regime is clearly the the temperature rise in this case is only around 400 K because of
most effective way to raise the internal energy of the void-collapse plastic work alone, whereas for the TUP case the value is around
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a) b) c)

d) e) f)

g) h)
Fig. 8 Elastoviscoplastic, initial loading velocity of 2000 m/s, 5 μm radius: a) pressure at 3.0 ns, b) temperature at 3.0 ns, c) pressure at 5.0 ns, and
d) temperature at 5.0 ns.
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a) b)
Fig. 9 Void collapse behavior for various loading conditions, elastoviscoplastic case, 5-μm radius void: a) maximum temperature vs time and b) ratio
of total internal energy to total kinetic energy vs time.

a) b)
Fig. 10 Void collapse behavior for various loading conditions, elastoviscoplastic case, 5-μm radius void, 500 m/s loading velocity: a) maximum
temperature in the domain vs time and b) ratio of total internal energy to total kinetic energy vs time.

800 K. The much larger temperature rise of the TUP configuration distinguish three different energy regimes, although the regime in
compared to that of TDOWN is caused by small jetting and impact which plastic work is converted to internal energy is cut short by
that occurs almost continuously in the void-collapse process around the hydrodynamic impact regime. For the TDOWN case, the regime
the corner of the triangle. As the TDOWN void continues to deform, in which kinetic energy dominates is clear and lasts over much of
jetting is clearly observed along the axis of symmetry (Fig. 11b), the collapsing time. Towards the end, a weak hydrodynamic impact
eventually impacting the upper void surface. At the completion of is shown by a modest (compared to spherical void case) rise in the
the void-collapse process, the maximum temperature rise is around internal energy. For the TUP case, although there appears to be a
1500 K, compared with the TUP case where it is 2600 K. continuous series of small jets impacting the upper void surface, the
The orientation of the void with respect to the incoming shock rise in internal energy is still small compared to that in the kinetic
clearly has an impact on the intensity of hot-spot formation. In- energy during the initial phase of the collapse. The second regime
tuitively, one would think that the TDOWN case would be more in which conversion of plastic work to heat is significant is shown
efficient in focusing shock energy into a hot spot because of the in the positive slope part of the curve for that case. Towards the
presence of the low-strength sharp edge facing the oncoming shock, end of the collapse process, there is no clear hydrodynamic regime.
but the calculated results show otherwise. A series of small jets and However, the conversion to internal energy is more effective com-
pinching of the corner appears to be more effective in raising the pared to the other two geometries caused by the series of small jets
thermal energy than a larger single jet. that impact at the corner of the collapsing void. Thus, the precise
Figure 12b compares the effectiveness of energy conversion for balance of energy contributions in the collapse of a void in an inert
the three different voids: spherical, TUP, and TDOWN, for an ini- material depends quite significantly on the shape of the collapsing
tial loading velocity of 500 m/s. For the spherical void, one can void and its orientation with respect to the impinging shock.
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a) b)
Fig. 11 Evolution of void collapse in the elastoviscoplastic case, initial loading velocity of 500 m/s: a) triangular void up and b) triangular void

a) b)
Fig. 12 Results of void collapse in the elastoviscoplastic case, loading velocity of 500 m/s: a) maximum temperature vs time for three different void
shapes and b) ratio of total internal energy to total kinetic energy vs time for the different shapes.

VI. Conclusions There are three distinct phases in the void-collapse process: ac-
A numerical technique developed for the simulation of high- celeration of the lower void surface (an increase in kinetic energy),
strain-rate, large deformation calculations involving multimaterial an increase in internal energy caused by plastic work, and hydrody-
interactions was applied to study the collapse of voids in a material namic impact. The hydrodynamic jetting regime is the most effective
with the mechanical properties corresponding to HMX. The effect way to raise the internal energy.
of imposing a shock loading on an axisymmetric void was studied The rise in temperature approaches an asymptotic value for void
to investigate whether there are clearly discernible regimes where radius higher than 2.0–3.0 μm. This indicates there indeed exists
the collapse of a void and the accompanying energy localization a critical void radius beyond which the effect of size on the void
are caused by viscous and hydrodynamic effects. Based on these collapse process becomes weak. However below this critical radius
calculations the following conclusions were drawn: void size does have a strong effect on energy localization. Void
The temperature rise caused by plastic work in deforming the shape and its orientation with respect to the incoming shock have an
void is larger compared to the rise as a result of the dissipation impact on the intensity of hot-spot formation. For triangular voids,
of kinetic energy of the passing shock wave. The largest tempera- a series of small jets and pinching of the corner appears to be more
ture rise is caused by the hydrodynamic impact of the jet. The void effective in raising the thermal energy than a larger single jet.
collapse and hot-spot formation events (at any impact velocity) in In Tran and Udaykumar21 we consider the effects of the gas phase
every case consist of a mixture of viscoplastic and hydrodynamic ef- on the mechanics of void collapse. The chemical reactions that occur
fects. No clear Reynolds-number regimes were found as postulated in the condensed and gas phases are also included in the model to
by one-dimensional spherically symmetric analyses conducted by simulate the collapse of the void, energy localization, and the effects
Khasainov and other authors. of these on the reaction initiation at the void location.

Acknowledgments 14 Powers, J. M., “Thermal Explosion Theory for Shear Localizing En-

The work presented here was supported by grants to H. S. ergetic Solids,” Combustion Theory and Modeling, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1999,
pp. 103–122.
Udaykumar from the Computational Mechanics Branch at Air Force 15 Menikoff, R., and Sewell, T. D., “Constituent Properties of HMX
Research Laboratory–MNAC, Eglin, Florida (Project Manager: Joel Needed for Meso-Scale Simulations,” Combustion Theory and Modeling,
Stewart) and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research Computa- Vol. 6, No. 1, Feb. 2002, pp. 103–125.
tional Mathematics program (Project Manager: Fariba Fahroo). 16 Benson, D. J., and Conley, P., “Eulerian Finite-Element Simulations of
Experimentally Acquired HMX Microstructures,” Modeling and Simulation
in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1999, pp. 333–354.
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