Canal Systems
Canal Systems
Canal Systems
In all these
expressions for
A, P, and R, the
Wetted perimeter, value of θ is in
Hydraulic radius,
Triangular Section
• For given Q, n, S, A, and R expressed in terms of h for
known Q, the Manning’s equation will yield, for triangular
section, an explicit relation for h as:
------ (3)
• Similarly, for trapezoidal section, Fig. 2,
In all these
expressions for
A, P, and R, the
value of θ is in
--------- (4)
Suitable side slopes for channels excavated through different types of
Example 1. A lined canal (n= 0.015) laid at a slope of 1 in
1600 is required to carry a discharge of 25 m3/s. The side
slopes of the canal are to be kept at 1.25 H: 1 V. Determine the
depth of flow.
• h = 2.57.
Since the two values of the velocities are matching, the depth
of flow can be taken as equal to 2.25 m and the width of
trapezoidal channel = 13.31 m.
Example 2. Design an irrigation channel by Kennedy’s theory
to carry a discharge of 5 cumecs. Take m = 1.0, N = 0.0225,
and B/h ratio = 4.40.
0.64 = 1+23∗0.0225/ 0.93
∗ 0.93 ∗ 𝑆
S = 2.288*10-4
Try the values of S greater than this value,
For, S = 2.30*10-4,
h = 1.26 m, B = 5.54 m, S = 2.3*10-4
Drawbacks in Kennedy’s theory
1. Kennedy did not give any equation for S or the B/h ratio,
without which it is not possible to obtain a unique design.
- -------- (6)
• Hydraulic radius equation
From equation (2) and (3),
-------- (7)
---------- (9)
On substituting the value of R from either Eq. (7) or Eq. (8), in
Eq. (9), one obtains,
---------- (10)
• Solution:
P = 4.75 𝑄 = 26.02 m
𝑄 1/3
R = 0.48 =1.49 m
S=3∗ 10−4 𝑄11/6 = 1.702*10-4
2/3 1/3
U = 10.8𝑅 𝑆 = 0.781 m/s
• P = B + ( 5)h = 26.02 m
So, B = 26.02 - 2.24h
And A = Bh+ h2/2 = PR= 26.02 × 1.49 = 38.77 m2
h = 13.28 or 1.68 m
• Solution:
𝑓1 = 1.76 𝑑 = 2.49.
5/3 1/6
𝑆 = 0.003𝑓1 𝑄 = 7.15*10-4
• The computed slope is much large than the available ground
slope of 1.5×10–4 which is to be adopted as the channel bed
slope. Therefore, the median size of sediment which the
channel would be able to carry can be determined by
computing the new value of f1 for S = 1.5×10–4 and the given
discharge and then obtaining the value of d for this value of
f1 using Eq. 1.
• Thus,
• So, d = 0.30 mm
• Therefore, the material coarser than 0.30 mm will have to be
removed for the efficient functioning of the channel.
• The hydraulic radius of this channel R is obtained from Eq.
(7) : R = 1.783 m
• From Eq. (6): P = 33.59 m
• Assuming final side slope of the channel as 0.5H:
1V(generally observed field value),
• B + ( 5)h = 33.59
• A = Bh + h2/2 = PR = 59.89 m2
• So,
• h = 17.32 m or 1.99 m
• Obviously, h = 1.99 m as the other root of h would result in
too narrow a channel section.
∴ B = 33.59 – 2.24(1.99) = 29.13 m.
Lacey’s general flow equation
• Equation (4) is Lacey’s flow equation applicable to only
regime channels. Lacey also gave a general flow equation
which is applicable to both regime and non-regime channel.
𝑈= 𝑅 3/4 𝑆 1/2 ------- (11)
• Where, Na is Lacey’s absolute rugosity coefficient.
--------- (4)
Table 1. Critical shear stress and the values of τbl for curved channels
Example 1. Design a trapezoidal channel (side slopes
2H: 1V) to carry 25 m3/s of clear water with
following data:
a) slope equal to 10–4
b) side slopes 2H: 1V
c) channel bed and banks comprise gravel (angle of
repose = 31°) of size 3.0 mm.
d) permissible tractive stress of 2.185 N/m2
• So,
Since this value of Q is less than the given value, another value
of B/h, say, 20.0 is assumed. Using Fig. 1, it will be seen that h
= 1.27 m.
• This value of Q is only slightly greater than the desired value
25.00 m3/s.
• Hence, B = 25.4 m and h = 1.27 m. The trial calculations can
be done in a tabular form as shown below:
Design Channel- IS:7112-1973
• Get the critical tractive force value using Shield, White
Shield equation
𝜏𝐶 = 0.98𝑑
White equation
𝜏𝐶 = 0.786𝑑 KN/m2
• Select bed slope S.
• Calculate R value using 𝜏𝐶 = 𝜏 = 𝜌𝑔𝑅𝑆
• Calculate U using Manning’s equation.
• Find area A =Q/U.