Emeraude v5.50.01 Update Notes
Emeraude v5.50.01 Update Notes
Emeraude v5.50.01 Update Notes
50 Update Notes
1. Introduction
Emeraude v5.50 is a major release with many important additions. These notes describe the new options, and
together with the online help – will be your entry point to those new functionalities if you are moving from
Emeraude v5.40.
Emeraude v5.50.01 showing Cement, MFC, Thickness, Noise logs, PL profile and 3D Cartesian display
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2. Well Integrity workflow
Most of the options are present in the ribbon. However, some analysis steps are performed from the Explore.
2.3. Settings
The settings of the various Well Integrity services are accessible from a single dialog, containing tabs for MFC,
Noise logs, Cement, Thickness and VDL. From these tabs, the user can define the root mnemonics for the
different arrays, so these are automatically identified at the loading stage. Specific settings for the various types
of logs are available.
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Well Integrity Settings
Upon loading, the normalized arrays are automatically de-normalized. The user can toggle between the two
displays, by right-clicking on the images and selecting ‘Show Normalized’.
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3. Cement evaluation
Emeraude handles sonic, segmented, and ultrasonic cement logs. All the available options are accessible from
the Well Integrity tab.
Casing-Cement analysis
This step of the cement evaluation workflow uses the CBL amplitude or average acoustic impedance. Two levels
are set, either via manual input, or interactively setting the Good and Acceptable levels from the specific track.
The results of this analysis are shown in an automatic plot, showing the Good, Acceptable and Bad cement
levels in three different colors (cyan, brown and red).
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Formation (green) and channeling (light-blue) zones definition
3.2. Results
After completing the Casing-cement analysis, and defining the formation and channeling zones (the latter is
optional), it is possible to compute the final results and show the Overall Isolation analysis.
The Results table shows for the cement-to-casing bond, average impedance, average bond index, presence of
formation and channeling flags, and overall isolation results, for each interval with different characteristics. It
is possible to add a comment for each interval.
Apart from the Results table, an Overall Isolation track is automatically generated, showing the final results as
a traffic light system (green, yellow, and red colors).
Connections removal
The connections between two pipe joints lead to unreliable CBL and impedance measurements. Connections
can be identified using the CCL, CBL or acoustic impedance (See Section 5.).
Ticking the ‘Exclude connections’ tab, the CBL or impedance along the connection is interpolated from the
bottom of the joint above, to the top of the joint below.
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Results per joint
If a Joints definition is associated with a cement array, a Joints table tab will be available from the Results
window. The statistics (minimum, maximum, average and median) are displayed for each pipe joint.
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4. Pipe Thickness evaluation
Emeraude 5.50 handles electromagnetic remote-field eddy current tools (MTT, EMIT, etc.). The workflow starts
from amplitude and phase data from each of the receptors. The processing steps are described in Section 4.1.
Processed thickness data from electromagnetic or ultrasonic tools can be loaded directly. Upon loading, a
number of pipe integrity statistics are computed automatically. These are detailed in Section 4.2.
The conductivity σ and magnetic permeability μ are typically unknown, and are estimated following an in-situ
calibration at multiple frequencies, over the pipe of interest.
Calibration plot
Electromagnetic thickness calibration consists of plotting Phase (ϕ) versus square root of frequency (√𝑓).
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The slope is a function of the permeability-conductivity product (μ* σ) of the metal along the calibration
interval. As this is also a function of the actual pipe thickness, the user must enter this information in the array
properties window.
From the calibration dialog it is possible to enter the slope manually. The user can also select the points for
regression, using different selection options (lasso, horizontal/vertical selection, circle).
If calibration passes are not available, it is possible to enter frequency and phase values for the pipe of interest,
which will be used to compute the necessary calibration parameters.
Thickness calculation
Once the calibration parameters are defined, the thickness is calculated from the measured phase and
frequency, using the equation presented before. An array is automatically generated, which can be used for
computing the pipe’s statistics, as explained in the next section.
Joints identification
Similar to Multifinger Caliper interpretation, the final statistics are typically presented per pipe joint, avoiding
connections as these does not feature the nominal thickness.
In pipe thickness evaluation, connections are identified using the CCL or average thickness.
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Joints identification in thickness measurements
The color scale in the Joints track is based on the maximum penetration level per joint.
Once the joints are defined, the Metal Loss array is automatically created, as done for multifinger caliper and
internal radius.
Thickness 3D display
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Joints table
The Joints table is available from the Thickness Explore and from the Well Integrity ribbon. The table includes
the main thickness statistics (minimum, maximum, average), penetration and metal loss.
Penetration summary
A penetration histogram is available from the Well Integrity tab. It shows the number of pipe joints that fall
within various penetration ranges.
5. Array data
5.1. Load
Various array definitions have been added. Array data loaded from .las or .dlis files can be defined as one of
the following: MFC, Noise, DAS Raw, DAS Fbe, Impedance, Sonic Cement, VDL, Ultrasonic Thickness, Magnetic
Thickness, Internal Radius.
Depending on the array type selection, specific processing options will be launched (i.e. Multifinger caliper
processing, cement evaluation, etc.).
Moreover, from version 5.50 it is possible to load several arrays at once from different LAS files.
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5.2. Properties
From the array’s Properties window, it is possible to associate a CCL to the dataset, to be used for Joints
Similarly, for cylindrical arrays it is possible to associate a relative bearing, to orient the array image.
3D Cartesian display
3D Cylindrical
As shown in Sections 3.3 and 4.2, cement and thickness maps can now be displayed as a 3D cylindrical image.
The navigator allows selecting the depth range to display, as an alternative to displaying one joint at the time.
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User views
The user views can now display arrays. Drag and drop the array from
the browser into the user view. This can be overlaid by one or
multiple curves.
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5.5. Array export
A dedicated Export button in the Explore, to export the array in its current status, to clipboard, .las, .cvs, or
Excel. Export is also possible from the Output ribbon tab, with ‘Export file to folder’ option.
Note that, when exporting MFC or Internal radius, statistics and diameters are automatically exported with the
DAS data can also be loaded from .las, .dlis, .csv formats. In this case, the user must associate the data to the
appropriate array type.
Upon loading, DAS data is treated as array. Versus depth arrays of raw and FBE data are automatically displayed.
Data can be edited (shifted, filtered, etc.) from the Explore.
DAS spectra data can be displayed versus time at different depths from the Explore.
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7. Other improvements and additions
7.1. Histograms
Until now, histograms were restricted to data of a single mnemonic type. From 5.50.01 it is possible to display
data with different mnemonic that share the measurement type and unit. As an example, the image below
shows neutron porosity and total porosity.
The data can also be plotted with standard score normalization. This is, in the horizontal axis the values of the
bins are replaced by:
(𝑿 − 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏)
𝑿′ =
𝑺𝒕𝒅 𝒅𝒆𝒗
The main statistics per bin of the histogram plot are displayed in a dedicated table. These include number of
points, minimum, maximum, mean, median and standard deviation.
Histogram statistics
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7.2. Reporting
Previously, the automatic Emeraude report could only include one custom page. From 5.50.01, up to 50 custom
pages in BMP format can be added. These can be positioned at any place in the report.
The Emeraude report now includes thickness and cement results, as Joints tables and joints summaries
(penetration histogram).
The thickness and cement results can also be pulled from the sample Word report with macros, available in
the installation directory.
Synthetic Sigma Range computes the measured sigma for different values of water saturation (0%, 25%, 50%,
75% and 100%). The user enters the Sigma values for the various components: water, hydrocarbon, matrix,
shale. Porosity and Vshale are taken from curves.
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Synthetic sigma range calculation
7.4. MPT
Emeraude Multiple Probe Tools catalog has been enriched regarding the OpenField FAST tool, with additional
mnemonics (Axial tool), more tool configurations (BCOUx, BCODx, BCEUx, BCEDx), as well as new sand probes
Regarding sand probes and Axial tool, dedicated track templates are available for quality control, as shown
below for the sand probes.
7.5. Various
Statistics per zone
From the Zones dialog, Custom zones dialog or Well details, it is possible to access to Statistics. For the various
zones (reservoir, perforations, calibration, inflow, calculation, etc.), the statistics of a particular unit are
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displayed, ordered by mnemonic or depth range. These include maximum, minimum, mean, median and
standard deviation:
Stations selection is now available in Image Views, as shown below, where only 4 stations out of 6 are displayed
in the last track.
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Match Views can now display stations data range (A in the screenshot above), provided that the corresponding
setting is activated in the Document Display Settings (Views tab, Match views section, active by default):
In addition to the min and max values, Automatic Views now display the station average value (B in the
screenshot above).
8. New Tutorials
[End of document]
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