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Subsea Drilling Systems

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Subsea Drilling Systems

Reliable, cost-effective solutions
for offshore drilling...
FMC Technologies Subsea Drilling Systems lead the industry with reliable and
cost-effective drilling solutions which meet customer demands for Standard,
Slimbore and High Capacity drilling applications in water depths from a few
hundred feet to more than 10,000 feet. The FMC subsea wellhead family of
systems can be configured for a multitude of scenarios, reducing installation
time and improving cost effectiveness over competitive designs.

For all your drilling needs contact FMC Technologies.


UWD-15 Subsea Wellhead Systems
FMC’s UWD-15 subsea wellhead systems have continuously met customer needs
since their introduction in 1991. Today’s UWD-15 family advances this long tradition
of excellence in a complete range of high pressure and deepwater applications.

Standard Rigid Lock Stack Down Large Bore

Modular, Stackable Design Specialized Tools Reduce Trips,

Rated for working pressures up to 15,000 psi, Installation Time
FMC offers UWD-15 subsea wellhead systems The benefits of FMC’s modular subsea
for a complete range of shallow and deepwater wellhead design extend to its industry
drilling and production scenarios, including leading running tools. UWD-15 systems
standard, shallow water flow, large bore and use fewer running and test tools than any
rigidized/preloaded operations. These modular competitive subsea drilling system. These
designs and multi-task running tools enable multi-function tools provide options for
many of the same components to be used running and retrieving components either
across the UWD-15 family. individually or in combination with other
components, enabling fast, accurate and
reliable UWD-15 system installation.

18-3/4” Wellhead Running Tool

Standard UWD-15 System
Designed for drilling and production applications
up to 15,000 psi working pressure, the Standard
UWD-15 System features a world-
proven weight- set, metal-to-metal
seal design. The Standard
System is designed for applications
in water depths ranging from a few
hundred feet to 6,000 feet.
Systems are available with annulus
monitoring capabilities and can be
supplied with a drill-cutting
Stackable Casing Hangers
injection system.
Metal-to-Metal Seals

Rigid Lock Stack Down System

The FMC UWD-15 Rigid Lock Stack Down (RLSD) The FMC Large Bore 2M (LB-2M) Wellhead System
System is ideal for drilling through formations is an extension of the UWD-15 Large Bore Wellhead
where unconsolidated shallow water flow exists and System. The LB-2M System features casing hangers
an additional casing string is needed to isolate the and running tools designed to carry additional
zone. The RLSD allows for the addition of a 26” casing load at the systems working pressure. The 16”
casing string without changing standard drilling submudline casing hanger, with a two million
procedures or components required for running pounds (2M lbs.) high capacity
subsequent casing strings. A Rigid Lock Seal Assem- hanger system has a 10,000 psi
bly (RLSA) installed between the 36” and 20” casing working pressure rating. The
strings contains any shallow water flow that may be 2M lbs. high capacity 13-5/8”
present. The RLSD preloaded system handles the casing hanger lands inside the
higher bending, fatigue and torsional loads gener- high pressure housing and is
ated by TLP, Spar, DP drill ship and DP semi-sub- rated for 15,000 psi working
mersible applications. The RLSD system, with or pressure.
without a 26” conductor, is recommended for water
depths up to 10,000 feet. The LB-2M high pressure
wellhead housing utilizes the
Large Bore Wellhead System same internal profile as the
Standard Large Bore system.
The FMC Large Bore Wellhead System (LBWS) is Super Flowby Drill
This allows FMC to continue to Ahead Tool
an extension of the Rigid Lock Stack Down (RLSD) use the same field proven
System product line, with additional provision to casing hanger and seal technol-
run two casing strings (18” and 16”) which are ogy that is used throughout the UWD-15 Subsea
suspended submudline. The LBWS includes addi- Wellhead family. The fully qualified UWD-15
tional trip-saving tools, such as single trip tools for multi-function running tools and bit run/retrieve
the submudline equipment and bore protectors that wear bushings are fully compatible with the LB-2M
are run and retrieved with the drill string, which system.
save the operator additional trips.

UWD-10 Subsea Wellhead Systems
FMC Technologies presents the UWD-10 Slimbore System, with smaller bore diam-
eters for slender well designs. The UWD-10 system is based on the same world-proven
technology as the UWD-15 systems. The Slimbore wellhead allows the use of reduced
diameter riser systems for drilling and production applications. This makes it possible
for early generation drilling vessels to drill in deeper water and floating production
facilities can increase the quantity of production risers tied back to the host platform.

13-5/8” Slimbore 14-3/4” Slimbore 16-3/4” Slimbore

Modular, Stackable Design

The UWD-10 Subsea Wellhead System is designed service and are available with 16-3/4”, 14-3/4” and
for a complete range of drilling and production 13-5/8” nominal bore diameters. Each system has a
scenarios in shallow or deepwater with subsea or rigidizing mechanism to provide enhanced fatigue
surface BOPs. Designed for drilling and production resistance. The modular design enable use of many
applications, Slimbore Systems are suitable for H2S of the same open water tools that are used across
both the UWD-20 and UWD-15 product families.

Specialized Tools Save 14-3/4” Slimbore System
Trips, Time and Money The 14-3/4” Slimbore System is designed
Based on the design of the industry- to use standard UWD-15 RLSD System
leading UWD-15 running tools, UWD-10 components whenever possible. This
Slimbore Systems continue the tradition decreases the operator’s cost while
of providing multi-function running and increasing system reliability and equip-
test tools, plus bit installable/retrievable ment availability. The RLSA is installed
wear bushings and bore protectors. The between the 36” and 20” casing to
UWD-10 tools provide the option of contain shallow water flow and create
running and retrieving components preload for improved fatigue life of the
either individually or in combination, system. The high pressure wellhead
resulting in less required tools than any housing has two active landing shoulders
competitive slimbore subsea drilling for casing hangers inside the housing, as
system. well as a 13-3/8” submudline casing hang-
14” Single er and receptacle.
Trip Tool

16-3/4” Slimbore System Active Load

The 16-3/4” Slimbore System Shoulder and Seal
with the 11-3/4”
features a passive load shoulder Hanger
in the high pressure wellhead for
landing and stacking the casing
hangers. This system builds on
the field-proven designs of
FMC’s weight-set metal-to-metal
seal assembly and integral rigid
lock mechanism. The integral 11-3/4” Casing Hanger
for the 14-3/4”
rigid lock mechanism creates Slimbore system
preload between the low
pressure and high pressure
wellhead housings. This preload
provides improved fatigue life,
allowing for 13-5/8” Slimbore System
higher bending
and torsional The 13-5/8” UWD–10 Slimbore
loads generated System is uniquely designed to
Integral Rigid Lock
by TLP, Spar, DP and Stackable accommodate slender well designs
Hanger and production with vertical subsea
drill ship and DP
semi-submersible trees, allowing the slimbore tubing
applications. hanger to be installed in the well-
head, and alleviating the require-
ment for a tubing head. The high
pressure wellhead housing can be
configured with either two casing
hangers landing in the wellhead or
one casing hanger with one tubing
hanger inside the housing.

Integral Rigid Lock High Tubing Hanger

Pressure Housing Profile

UWD-HC Subsea Wellhead Systems
FMC’s High Capacity Subsea Wellhead Systems are engineered to meet the increas-
ing capacities and pressures in the subsea drilling environment. The FMC UWD-HC
family is based on the field proven UWD-15 wellhead systems including the use of
fewer running and test tools. FMC’s high capacity tools are designed to handle higher
capacities while performing multi-functions.

• 4M lbs. Wellhead String Capacity

• 20K Rated Wellhead
• Temperature Rating 350oF
• 30” or 27” H4 Mandrel
• Super Heavy Duty Rigid Lock
Seal Assembly (SHD RLSA)

HC-20 System

HC-20 HC-15
The FMC 20,000 psi High Capacity Wellhead Incorporating the same features as the HC-20
System (HC-20) has advanced the traditions of system, the HC-15 Systems including the Super
excellence by integrating performance features of Heavy Duty Rigid Lock Mechanism, low pressure
the field proven UWD-15 wellhead family such as housing designed for 42” or 38” conductor pipe,
the modular design and weight-set, metal-to-metal intermediate open water
seal design. The HC-20 system has an improved casing strings of 32” or 30” and
wellhead housing design providing for additional 28” or 26”, and the same
casing strings and increased capabilities in high- metal-to-metal seal assemblies
pressure and deepwater applications. and submudline equipment.

FMC’s HC-20 wellhead has an However, the high pressure

increased casing string capacity wellhead housing incorporates
of 4M lbs. with each active shoulder the more commonly found
capable of handling 2M lbs. plus the connection profile, the H4,
maximum BOP pressure test load. instead of the Super Heavy
This extensive capacity permits our Duty H4 connection. The
customers to drill deeper wells with wellhead is rated to a 4M lbs.
longer and heavier casing strings. string capacity with a 15,000
This innovative HC wellhead sys- psi operating pressure.
tem, with a 20,000 psi working
pressure, allows the 42” x 22”
annulus to be completely cemented
back to the mudline providing a
stronger structural foundation. The
design of the HC-20 system also
allows the 16” casing hanger to
be landed submudline or in the 1st
hanger position in the wellhead.

The HC-20 System includes the

Super Heavy Duty Rigid Lock Seal
High Capacity First
Assembly which rigidizes the low Hanger Position Active
pressure housing to the high pres- Load Shoulder
sure housing to create a 2.5M lbs.
High Capacity preloaded system. This capacity
Interface with grants a higher fatigue and torsional
Open Water resistance to handle the loads
Casing Strings
generated by TLP, SPAR, DP drill
ships and DP semi-submersible
vessels in deepwater applications.

SHD Rigid Lock Seal

Assembly Interface
with Low and High
Pressure Housing


Specialty Tools
For Increased Installation Efficiency
Rotary Table Adapter Bushing Nested Wear Bushing
(RTAB) • Three part bit retrievable 13” Wear
• The Rotary Table Adapter Bushing runs on 10-1/2” stabilizer.
Bushing (RTAB) is • Centralize drill string during
designed to hang-off a drilling operation to promote wear
Rigid Lock or Large Bore on replaceable upper body.
Wellhead and 22”/20” • Outer bushing can be either left in
casing string in the or removed from the wellhead
Rotary Table to make-up during each trip out of wellhead.
the Cam Tool and RLSA
Running Tool after • Inner bushing is pulled each trip
running the inner string. out of wellhead.

• Top of wellhead is low • Spring loaded tool can be used as

enough to promote a safe secondary means of running and
working environment retrieving the nested wellhead.
that allows the inner
string to be made up with
the iron roughneck.
Open Water Casing
Nested Wear
• Sets in 49-1/2” Rotary Rotary Table Hanger Measurement Bushing

Table Master Bushing

Adapter Bushing
Tool, Lockdown Bushing
(LDB) and LDB Running
18” & 16” Hang Off Plate and Retrieval Tool
• 18” & 16” Casing Hanger Hang Off Plate • Designed for running in open
(CHHOP) is designed to hang-off LB water from a work boat to reduce
Submudline hangers in the rotary so the installation cost.
Single Trip Tool can be • Increases accuracy of measuring
removed to run inner the hanger position within the
string. wellhead.
• The recessed 18”/16” • Utilizes a ROV to install, the
hanger promotes an measurement tool and read digital
safe working environ- outputs from sensors.
ment to run the inner
• ROV locks the LDB to the wellhead
by stroking an energizing mandrel
• CHHOP is rated to 1M to engage the load ring to the high
lbs.; the CHHOP used pressure housing.
in conjuction with the
• Tests metal-to-metal seal on LDB.
LB-2M 16” hanger is
rated to 2M lbs.

15K LDB Running

18” & 16” Hang Off Plate and Retrieval Tool

UWD-10 System Comparison
UWD-10 16-3/4” UWD-10 14-3/4” UWD-10 13-5/8”
Casing 36” x 28”/26” x 20” x 13-3/8” x 36” x 16” x 10-3/4” x 8-5/8” or
Size 36”/30” x 20” x 13-3/8” thru 7” 11-3/4” tubing hanger
• 10K PSI rated wellhead • 10K PSI rated wellhead • Identical features with the 16 ¾”
slimbore wellhead system except:
• 3.5M casing weight and pressure • 27” OD H4 mandrel profile
load capacity with passive load connection • 2 stackable casing hangers on
shoulders passive load shoulders
• 2.45M lbs casing weight and
• 27” OD H4 mandrel profile pressure load capacity with each • Wellhead casing weight and
connection independent active load shoulder pressure load capacity is 3.2M

when configured with two casing

• Metal-to-Metal annulus seal • 13-3/8” submudline hanger
assemblies in the wellhead • Isolation of the 36” x 20” annulus
• Optional configuration of one
• Integral Rigid Lock System with shallow water flow packoff
casing hanger and one tubing
rigidizes high pressure housing • Additional optional 28”/26” casing hanger landing in the wellhead.
to the 30” conductor housing with string
1.5 M lbs. preload • Wellhead casing weight and
• RLSA rigidizes the high pressure pressure load capacity is 3.1M when
housing to the 36” conductor configured with one casing hanger
housing with 2.0 M lbs. preload and one tubing hanger.

Wellbore of 13 5/8” that the tubing

Wellbore of 16 ¾” that can be used Wellbore of 14 ¾” that can be used
hanger will be installed in the
with a surface or subsea BOP in deepwater tiebacks

UWD-15 & UWD-HC System Comparison

UWD-15 Standard UWD-15 Rigid Lock UWD-15 Large Bore HC-20
42/38” x 32”/30” x 28”/26” x
Casing 36”/30” x 20” x 16” x 36” x 28”/26” x 20” x 16” x 36” x 28”/26” x 22” x 18” x
22” x 18” x 16” x 13-5/8”
Size 13-5/8” thru 7” 13-5/8” thru 7” 16” x 13-5/8” thru 7”
thru 7”
• 15K PSI rated wellhead • Identical features with the • Identical features with the • 4M wellhead string
Standard wellhead Rigid Lock wellhead capacity with two
• 7.1M casing weight and
system except: system except: independent active load
pressure load capacity
with passive load • Isolation of the 36” x 20” • Active load should for
shoulders annulus with shallow 13-5/8” hanger allows for • 20K wellhead pressure
water flow packoff additional 18” submudline rating
• 27” H4 mandrel profile
connection • Additional optional • 30” OD Super Heavy Duty
28”/26” casing string • Independent 18” and 16” H4 Connector
• Metal-to-Metal annulus
submudline hangers
seal assemblies can be • RLSA rigidizes the high • 16” hanger run submud-

used in the wellhead pressure housing to the • Increased hanger capacity line or in the wellhead
36” conductor housing in 16” hanger (6.5K PSI
• 16” submudline casing • 32”/30” open water casing
with 2.0 M lbs. preload pressure rating, 1M string
hanger (5K PSI pressure string
capacity )
rating, 550K lbs. string • Submudline 16” casing
capacity) • Increased hanger capacity hanger (10K PSI pressure
in 13-5/8” hanger (1.5M
• 13-5/8” casing hanger rating, 2M string
string capacity)
(15K PSI pressure rating, capacity)
1M lbs. string capacity) • LB-2M wellhead system • 16” or 13-5/8” casing
allows 2M string capacity hanger in wellhead (20K
for 16 and 13-5/8” hanger PSI pressure rating, 2M
string capacity

Wells located in deep- Wells located in deepwater Wells that are ultra deep,
water with dynamically that require an additional high pressure, and high
Wells located in a few 100
positioned vessels, shallow casing string (18”); extra temperature that require
feet to 6000 feet of water
water flow concerns, or a casing string capacity in additional casing string
tie-back the 16” and 13-5/8” capacity

FMC Technologies
1777 Gears Road
Houston, TX 77067
281 591 4000

www.fmctechnologies.com/subseadrilling ©Copyright 2008, FMC Technologies, Inc.

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