Job Interview Questions
Job Interview Questions
Job Interview Questions
My salary expectations for this position are between $.... and $.... I feel this is a fair salary range
given knowledge of the industry, and skills. However, I am willing to negotiate.
To start, I have all the skills and experience listed in the job description, and I'm confident that I can
make an immediate impact on your company. It's not just my background in leading successful
projects for the company, but also my passion for the industry that drives me to succeed. If chosen
for this role, I will continue to deliver high-quality work for the continued success of your
11/ Tell me about a conflict you faced at work and how you dealt with it
in my last job, a conflict happened between two workers of the company ,and because of this, a
production line has stopped .So I first spoke with the concerned people taking into account the
personality of each of them. Then I collected the necessary information to manage the situation by
knowing their arguments. Finally, I identified and clarified the real problem and I unblocked the
I would like to be able to go to my manager if I have an issue or idea and to be able to feel
comfortable in expressing my thoughts. I would also expect my supervisor to be open and honest
with me and to let me know if there is anything I could improve upon or do differently in my work.
In order to reduce stress to a minimum, I organize my work nicely. I prioritize my tasks each day to
know what needs to be done. When a surprise occurs, I reorganize my tasks according to this
Yes I think that a certain amount of pressure is positive and stimulating. Indeed it forces the release
of my untapped reserves of energies and initiatives. I also think that it is essential today to know
how to work under pressure in a changing world .
15/ Do You Prefer Working Alone or in a Group?
I adapt to all circumstances and it depends on the work situation.but there is a synergy in teamwork
which can accomplish a lot of missions more than when working alone.i still enjoy working with
others but I also have no difficulty working independently.
16/ What are the most difficult decisions for you to make?"
In my opinion the dismissal of a collaborator is an act that nobody likes to do. also the decision
seems difficult to me to make when I lack sufficient information. but whatever the situation and the
difficulty, I make the decisions and assume my responsibilities.
My career goal is to look for a stable job in order to root myself and grow within the same company.
Also I am looking for a position that gives me new responsibilities and allows me to continue to use
and develop my skills like this post you have been announced.
In my last job i designed conveyors(Belt Conveyors and screw conveyors) and , metal stairs and
other special systems proposed by the customer.
I saw that the job description says you need somebody who has mechanical design experience.
I’ve spent the past four years working on mechanical systems design, which seems to be the main
focus of this role too. As my last position was in this same industry, so I’m very familiar with the
space. I’m also somebody who is able to take initiative.