DSM 2020 r1 2 RN
DSM 2020 r1 2 RN
DSM 2020 r1 2 RN
Rev. A
January 2022
• Revision history
• Product description
• Resolved issues
• Known issues
• Limitations
• Environmental and system requirements
• Installation and upgrade considerations
• Where to get help
Revision history
Table 1. Document revision history
Revision Date Description
A January 2022 Fix for Log4j security vulnerability CVE-2021-44228
Product description
This release of Storage Manager supports the following Storage Center models:
● SCv2000 Series
● SCv3000 Series
● SC4020
● SC5020
● SC5020F
● SC7020
● SC7020F
● SC8000
● SC9000
Resolved issues
The following high severity issue is resolved in this release:
Known issues
The following high severity issues remain unresolved in this release:
Table 3. Known issues in Storage Manager 2020 R1.2 (continued)
Issue Functional area Description Workaround/Resolution
changes the netmask and gateway IP
addresses to invalid values.
DSM-16593 Miscellaneous Applying SNMP setting to other Storage Enable SNMP on the Storage Center
Centers without SNMP enabled fails before applying any settings.
without displaying an error.
DSM-23693 PS Series Group Storage Manager displays a PS Series Remove the PS Series group from Storage
Management group as inactive after a controller failover Manager and then add it back.
on the PS Series group.
DSM-13871 PS Series Group When an online Thin Import of a boot Online Thin Import is not supported with
Management volume is performed from a PS Series boot volumes.
group to a Storage Center, the server
is unable to boot from the volume after
mapping it to the server.
DSM-9294 Replications and When creating multiple replications or If a creation operation fails, do not use
Live Volumes Live Volumes simultaneously, correcting the wizard to correct the configuration
a configuration error and resuming the error and continue. Instead, exit and restart
process can create duplicate replications or the wizard, and then resume creating
Live Volumes. replications or Live Volumes from the point
of failure.
ENHTKR-90 Replications and When importing a volume, Storage None
Live Volumes Manager does not allow you to select 0 as
the LUN number.
DSM-30033 Storage Creating a server using the Create Server Create the server manually using the
Management from VMware vSphere or vCenter wizard Create Server dialog box.
fails if the host contains adapters that are
not VMware software iSCSI adapters.
DSM-28354 Storage Storage Manager might not display View information for those volumes in the
Management information for some Hyper-V virtual Storage view.
machine volumes that are monitored with
the Server Agent in the Servers view.
DSM-28295 Storage After reinstalling the Server Agent, it might Register the server in the Storage Manager
Management fail to register the server with Storage Client.
DSM-20038 Storage During initial setup of Storage Center, the Wait for the controllers to power on,
Management Discover and Configure Storage Centers reconnect to the Storage Center, and
wizard might close while updating the then launch the Discover and Configure
Storage Center. You cannot open the Uninitialized Storage Centers wizard.
Discover and Configure Storage Centers
wizard to complete the setup until the
controllers finish restarting.
DSM-13200 Storage Storage Manager does not delete a Refresh the Storage Manager Client.
Management Snapshot Profile until a refresh if the
Snapshot Profile was deleted without the
recycle bin and was assigned to a volume.
DSM-11762 Storage When creating a volume using the Server Remove the unsupported characters from
Management Agent, Storage Manager might show a the label of the volume.
warning that the label contains illegal
characters if another volume on the
Storage Center contains unsupported
DSM-9428 Storage Creating a server cluster using the Create None
Management Server from vSphere or vCenter wizard
creates server cluster Storage Center
objects for each node in the server cluster.
Table 3. Known issues in Storage Manager 2020 R1.2 (continued)
Issue Functional area Description Workaround/Resolution
DSM-9390 Storage Creating an RDM for a VM hosted on an Manually promote the volume to the ESXi
Management ESXi or vSphere host maps the volume to server cluster mappings, then rescan for
the server in the cluster instead of the hosts on the vCenter server.
cluster object.
DSM-47431 Storage Manager The Discover and Configure Uninitialized ● Open the wizard by clicking the
Client Storage Centers wizard does not open Discover and Configure Uninitialized
when the Discover and Configure Storage Centers link on the second
Uninitialized Storage Centers clicking the launch screen of the Storage Manager
link on the initial launch screen of a Client.
Storage Manager Client that it is installed NOTE: The second login screen has
on Windows Server 2012 R2. a black background.
NOTE: The initial launch screen has a ● Open the wizard by clicking the
white background. Discover and Configure Uninitialized
Storage Centers link after connecting
the Storage Manager Client to a Data
DSM-47433 Storage Manager If the Storage Manager Client is not Connect the Storage Manager Client to a
Client connected to a Data Collector, using Data Collector and then use the Discover
the Discover and Configure Uninitialized and Configure Uninitialized Storage
Storage Centers wizard to discover Centers wizard to discover uninitialized
uninitialized Storage Centers might result Storage Centers.
in an Administrator rights error message.
This issue occurs even when you are
logged in as a user with Administrator
DSM-47392 Storage Manager The Create Server dialog box, Create Use Unisphere Central to perform the
Client Server Cluster dialog box, and operations.
Preferences tab in the Edit Storage
Center Settings dialog box might not
display properly in the Linux version of the
Storage Manager Client.
DSM-36674 Storage Manager When an SCv3000 Series storage system None
Client contains both an iSCSI I/O card and a
mezzanine card, the deployment wizard
only shows the cabling diagram for the
iSCSI I/O card.
DSM-36577 Storage Manager When the Storage Manager Client and Do not set a time zone value for the Data
Client Data Collector are in different time zones, Collector UTC setting.
the timestamps are different.
DSM-36253 Storage Manager When creating a server, the Operating None
Client System information dialog box shows the
Maximum Path Count as zero instead of
32 or unlimited.
DSM-31931 Storage Manager If a system has multiple disk folders, View the threshold data in the Thresholds
Client the Storage Alert Threshold field on the Alerts view.
Summary tab displays the data for the last
disk folder in the list.
DSM-28859 Storage Manager The welcome screen for the Storage Set the Color Depth of the Windows
Client Manager Client on Red Hat Linux Remote Desktop Connection to True Color
Enterprise is blank when the Color (24 bit) or High Color (16 bit).
Depth of the Windows Remote Desktop
Connection is set to Highest Quality (32
DSM-26168 Storage Manager The Storage Manager Client displays the Delete volumes and volume folders
Client delete option when volumes and volume separately.
folders are selected. However, the Storage
Table 3. Known issues in Storage Manager 2020 R1.2 (continued)
Issue Functional area Description Workaround/Resolution
Manager Client does not support deleting
volumes and volume folders in one action.
DSM-14009 Storage Manager Refreshing the Storage Manager Client Restart the Storage Manager Client.
Client does not clear the red dot indicator from
the Storage Center node.
DSM-9577 Storage Manager The front-end SAS card for an SCv2000 Record the SAS WWN information before
Client series controller does not provide WWN installing it in an ESXi hosts.
information to ESXi host.
DSM-9477 Storage Manager The Storage Manager Client might Verify that the restart completes before
Client report that a restart in sequence has continuing.
completed even though the restart has not
DSM-7908 Storage Manager The I/O Usage report that is exported Open the report using a text editor such as
Client in XML format does not display all the Notepad.
information for the French output when
opened in a web browser.
SCOS-12316 Storage Manager The Storage Manager Client displays multi- Do not enable multi-VLAN tagging on
Client VLAN tagging options for I/O cards that do QLogic cards that do not support it.
not support multi-VLAN tagging.
DSM-41119 Storage Manager Database errors might occur if a Data Use an external database instead of an
Data Collector Collector uses an internal flat file database internal flat file database for the Data
and manages a Storage Center with Collector.
multiple disk folders. CAUTION: Internal flat file
databases are not recommended
for Data Collectors in production
DSM-37868 Storage Manager If a Storage Center with an expired Change the password on the Storage
Data Collector password disconnects from the Data Center by directly connecting to it using
Collector, the Storage Center cannot be the Storage Manager Client or Unisphere.
reconnected to the Data Collector.
DSM-42715 Storage SRM generates the following error None
Replication message when two separate volumes use
Adapter (SRA) the same LUN number mapped to different
hosts and are both are configured for
DSM-43060 Storage Site Recovery Manager (SRM) might 1. Stop the Remote Data Collector.
Replication generate the following error message 2. Restart the Primary Data Collector.
Adapter (SRA) when a recovery or reprotect operation is 3. Start the Remote Data Collector.
DSM-28137 Storage SRM planned failovers with Live Volumes Enable vMotion. The Storage Replication
Replication fail when vMotion is not enabled in the Adapter (SRA) with Stretched Storage and
Adapter (SRA) environment. Live Volumes requires vMotion.
Table 3. Known issues in Storage Manager 2020 R1.2 (continued)
Issue Functional area Description Workaround/Resolution
DSM-18751 Storage The installation wizard for the Storage Uninstall the previous version of the
Replication Replication Adapter (SRA) allows you to Storage Replication Adapter (SRA), and
Adapter (SRA) begin updating from an older version of then install the new version.
SRA. Updating from previous versions of
the SRA is not supported.
DSM-47422 SupportAssist On new installations of Storage Manager Uninstall Storage Manager Data Collector
and Updating Data Collector 2020 R1, an "Unable to 2020 R1, install Storage Manager Data
connect to external website using proxy Collector 2019 R1, configure the proxy
settings specified" error might occur server, and update to Storage Manager
when a proxy server is configured for Data Collector 2020 R1.
DSM-36088 SupportAssist Occasionally, when starting a non-service The system automatically resolves the
and Updating affecting update for a Storage Center connectivity issue.
through the Data Collector, Storage
Manager loses connectivity with the
Storage Center.
DSM-45590 Unisphere Customers might experience issues Use the Storage Manager Client connected
displaying graphs on the Performance tab to the Data Collector to display
in Unisphere Central. Performance graphs.
DSM-42195 Unisphere Exporting monitoring data to PDF Use the Storage Manager Client connected
for multiple Storage Centers might to the Data Collector to export monitoring
cause Unisphere Central to become data to PDF.
nonresponsive until the export is
DSM-39691 Unisphere The following error message might be Refresh the browser to reload the
displayed in the Unisphere web interface Unisphere web page and continue
while performing the initial setup and the Storage Center initial setup and
configuration of a Storage Center: configuration.
DSM-38756 Unisphere When a Storage Center contains over Use the Storage Manager Client to view
50 expansion enclosures, the Unisphere hardware information for large systems.
Hardware view displays a server error.
DSM-36355 Unisphere Some views in Unisphere might fail to load Use the Storage Manager Client to view
and display an error message for storage information for storage systems with many
systems with many expansion enclosures. expansion enclosures.
DSM-36253 Unisphere When creating a server, the Operating None
System information dialog box shows the
Maximum Path Count as zero instead of
32 or unlimited.
DSM-35454 Unisphere When an action is applied to more than 128 None
objects, the action may fail.
DSM-34120 Unisphere Unable to create an empty disk folder on a None
hot spare system that has available disks.
DSM-33384 Unisphere Using Internet Explorer to view large Use a different web browser such as
numbers LDAP users might cause the user Chrome or Firefox.
interface to become unresponsive.
DSM-32169 Unisphere The Performance view may be cut off Use a different web browser such as
when using Internet Explorer. Chrome or Firefox.
DSM-16373 Unisphere Unisphere Central does not show the Use the Storage Manager Client to change
progress of a Data Collector data source the data source of a Data Collector.
Table 3. Known issues in Storage Manager 2020 R1.2 (continued)
Issue Functional area Description Workaround/Resolution
DSM-35011 User Cannot configure an OpenLDAP directory None
Management server for a Storage Center using Storage
Manager or Unisphere.
DSM-24536 User Attempting to use the characters < or > in Do no use these characters in User and
Management User and User Group settings might result User Group settings.
in an error.
DSM-15445 User Adding Storage Manager to Active Use the user principal name (UPN) to add
Management Directory fails when you use the Storage Manager to an Active Directory
distinguished name (DN) of a user. realm.
DSM-12329 User When a user is unlocked, the status of the Refresh the Storage Manager Client.
Management user might not change immediately.
DSM-44104 VMware Frequently migrating virtual machines None
from one vVol datastore to another
vVol datastore might result in orphaned
DSM-16656 VMware If you select the Auto Manage Virtual To remove these deleted VMs from Dell
Machines On Storage Centers option Storage Manager, right-click the VM and
during the initial Dell Storage Manager then delete it.
registration of a vCenter server, all the
discovered ESXi hosts along with their
VMs are rendered within the Servers tree
of the Storage panel. If any of these VMs
are later deleted from vCenter, they remain
in the Dell Storage Manager view.
DSM-16248 VMware On rare occasions, selecting Update Despite the vCenter appearing to be
information in the Dell Storage online and able to accept connections, the
Manager Server view results in the vCenter must be restarted to reestablish
error java.net.SocketException: proper connectivity between Dell Storage
Unexpected end of file from Manager and vCenter.
DSM-15879 VMware The Host Setup wizard for VMware does Although the option exists in the Storage
not allow you to select an HBA on an ESXi tab to create from vCenter server, the
host that contains adapters that are not preferred and more reliable method is to
VMware software iSCSI adapters. When use the Dell Storage Manager Server tab.
establishing an integrated environment Select the Server folder and then Register
with Dell Storage Manager and VMware, Server > Add VMware vCenter Server.
there are multiple options available for you Then, select Auto Manage Storage
to import the VMware known inventory Centers to populate the Storage Center.
into Dell Storage Manager for enhanced
management benefits. You can choose to
add hosts individually, or by creating and
registering from a vCenter server.
DSM-15803 VMware On rare occasions, when a vVol VM Contact technical support to handle the
is migrated from one vVol datastore to removal of the VM.
another, a config or data vVol might
become orphaned on the original datastore.
This vVol counts against the total vVol
scale and takes up unnecessary space.
DSM-15302 VMware If you attempt to delete a datastore which Click the Update Information button in the
is populated (not empty) using the Storage top-level menu.
Manager Client, an error occurs. A false
indicator of connectivity is represented by
a red X on the vCenter server.
Table 3. Known issues in Storage Manager 2020 R1.2 (continued)
Issue Functional area Description Workaround/Resolution
DSM-15000 VMware A vVol VM snapshot with quiesce guest Install the VMware Tools without the VSS
file-system option fails. feature. For more information, see VMware
Knowledge Base article number 2069952.
DSM-14997 VMware When using sDRS with vVols, vCenter Review the recommendations from
incorrectly recommends migrating the VM vCenter before taking action.
when both vVols are on the same Storage
DSM-14891 VMware A fast clone VM shows history with the VM None
from which it was created. Hence the data
vVols of this clone VM inherit the settings
of the data vVols of the original VM.
This shared history also has the following
● Changing the Data Reduction profiles
for a storage container might cause
future fast cloned VMs to be created
with mismatched Data Reduction
profiles for the config and data vVols.
● If a user applies a VM Storage Policy
to the original VM, the same changes
apply to the data vVols of the fast
clone VM and conversely.
DSM-14806 VMware Migrate or Clone operations on virtual 1. Check if the vVol datastore (storage
machines with snapshots might fail if container) is nearing capacity.
not enough space is available in the 2. Increase the size of the vVol datastore
vVol datastore hosting the VM. The to sufficiently accommodate the
temporary space overhead that is required overhead and then retry the operation.
by these operations depends on the size
of the individual disks and the number of
snapshots of the VM.
DSM-14570 VMware If you attempt to register the VASA Ignore the error message, and register
Provider with a DSM user with Reporter VASA Provider with a Storage Manager
privilege, it fails as expected. However, Data Collector user with Administrator
an incorrect error message Username privilege.
or password is incorrect is
reported. The correct error should be
user with Reporter privilege is
not allowed to register VASA
DSM-14149 VMware If you try to apply a new VM Storage Reapply the new storage policy after
Policy while Storage vMotion of a VM is in Storage vMotion has completed.
progress, the compliance status of the VM
goes to Out of Date.
DSM-13316 VMware After increasing the storage container size Unmount and then remount the datastore.
in Dell Storage Manager, the vCenter user
interface shows the datastore with the
new size. However, it still displays an
error for insufficient space when it tries to
create a VM.
DSM-13042 VMware On rare occasions, if vVol operations Removal of the vVols is not a user-
(cloning and snapshots) are occurring on level corrective option. Contact technical
multiple VMs concurrently using scripting support for assistance. Avoid running
that results in the eventual deletion of concurrent vVol operations using scripting.
vVols, an attempt to delete a vVol VM Instead, script either sequential operations
might result in vVols not being deleted. or operations with interjected delays.
This scenario results in inefficient space
Table 3. Known issues in Storage Manager 2020 R1.2 (continued)
Issue Functional area Description Workaround/Resolution
consumption and reduction in total vVols
available for future use.
DSM-12732 VMware It is possible to create a storage container, None
and a subsequent vVol datastore using
it, of a logical size that exceeds the
physical capacity of the storage array.
The capacity values that are displayed in
vCenter for an oversubscribing container
reflect the correct free or total physical
capacity values instead of the logical
storage container values.
DSM-11417 VMware When high availability (HA) is configured, No workarounds are available when
vVols are migrated from the active host the data network goes down, but the
to the standby host when management management network stays up. However,
network access to the active host is lost. if the management network to the active
This situation is similar to VMFS, and is the host goes down, failover is triggered,
expected behavior. However, if only the regardless of the state of the data
data network goes down, VMFS datastores network .
migrate to the standby host, but vVols do
not fail over. VMCP is not supported with
The following limitations exist in this release:
Environmental and system requirements
This section describes the environmental and system requirements in this release.
The following table lists products that are compatible with Storage Manager:
The following table lists the Storage Manager Data Collector requirements:
NOTE: For best results, install the Data Collector on a Windows Server VM using a traditional volume source from shared
storage. Do not use a vVol for the Windows Server VM on which the Data Collector is installed.
Table 8. Storage Manager Virtual Appliance Requirements (continued)
Component Requirement
CPU 64-bit (x64) microprocessor with two or more cores
NOTE: The Data Collector requires a microprocessor with four cores for environments that have
100,000 or more Active Directory members or groups.
The following table lists the Storage Manager Server Agent requirements:
Notes, cautions, and warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.
CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
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