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Composites Part A 135 (2020) 105912

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Highly thermally conductive polypropylene/graphene composites for T

thermal management
⁎,1 ⁎
Na Songa, , Donglei Caoa,1, Xian Luob, Qi Wanga, Peng Dinga, , Liyi Shia
Research Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Shanghai University, 99 Shangda Road, Shanghai 200444, PR China
State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’ an, Shaanxi 710072, PR China


Keywords: As an indispensable part of electronic devices, efficient thermal management materials can promote heat dis-
PP composites sipation of electronic products quickly, thereby greatly improving their reliability, stability and service life.
Interfacial thermal resistance Here, a simple “in-situ building” approach was developed to fabricate highly thermally conductive poly-
3D graphene network propylene (PP)/graphene composites with three-dimensional graphene framework. Different from conventional
Thermal conductivity
filler modification, a unique matrix functionalization method, inspired by mussel, was carried out to form the
interaction (hydrogen bonding and π-π conjugate) between PP and graphene, which greatly reduced interfacial
thermal resistance. The obtained composite exhibits a quite high through-plane thermal conductivity
(10.93 W·m−1·K−1, almost 55 times higher than that of pure PP), and shows excellent heat dissipation when
used as a thermal management material in LED integration. The composite has the potential application in heat
dissipation of high power and highly integrated electronic devices.

1. Introduction problems: constructing a continuous two-dimensional (2D) or three-

dimensional (3D) thermally conductive network using ice-template
Heat diffusion is important for the efficiency, service life and method [2], chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method [9], hot-pressing
credibility of electronic devices. The rapid development of miniatur- method [10], electrospinning technology [11], layer-by-layer assembly
ized, powerful densified electronic devices makes thermal dissipation a [12] and so on. High-thermal-conductive fillers networks are like the
bigger challenge [1]. Highly thermally conductive polymer-based “highway” for phonon transmission. Consequently, composites with
composites are desired to meet heat dissipation requirement due to enhanced TC several times or even dozens of times were obtained. Yang
their good processability, lightweight, design flexibility, corrosion re- et al. [13] and Lin et al. [10] raised a coating graphite/graphene on PP
sistance, lower processing cost, etc. [2]. However, according to the and hot pressing method to construct interconnected graphene frame-
Debye equation, thermal conductivity (TC) of polymers is too low works in PP-based composites. TC of obtained composites increased
(0.1–0.5 W·m−1·K−1) to meet the application in thermal management 2600% and 665%, respectively. Yet, as is known to all, phonon trans-
because of their quite small phonon mean free path [3]. Adding ther- mits not only along thermally conductive skeletons, but also through
mally conductive fillers to polymers is an efficient way to improve their the matrix and interface between the filler and the matrix. The weak
TC by constructing additional phonon transmission paths [3,4]. Mixing interaction at the interface leads to phonon scattering, which limits the
is one common method for preparing highly thermally conductive further improvement of TC. For non-polarity polymers (such as poly-
polymer composites, including melt blending [5], solution blending [6] propylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE)), improving the interaction with
or in-situ polymerization [7], etc. Before blended with polymers, fillers fillers is a bigger challenge [10].
are often chemically functionalized to promote the uniform dispersion The frequently-used fillers are metal materials (copper, aluminum,
and construct thermally conductive pathways. Paradoxically, in some silver, etc.), inorganic non-metallic materials (boron nitride, alumina,
cases, TC of modifiers may be low [8]. What’s more, sometimes che- silica, etc.), carbon materials (graphite, graphene, carbon nanotubes,
mical functionalization of fillers does not work well owing to the in- etc.) and so on [14–17]. Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nano-
troduction of more defects and decreased intrinsic TC [3]. material composed of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms, appearing honey-
Therefore, researchers raised another way to solve the above comb-like hexagonal lattice structure [18]. Using graphene as the

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: snlxf@shu.edu.cn (N. Song), dingpeng@shu.edu.cn (P. Ding).
These authors contributed equally to this work.

Received 19 February 2020; Received in revised form 16 April 2020; Accepted 18 April 2020
Available online 20 April 2020
1359-835X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Song, et al. Composites Part A 135 (2020) 105912

thermally conductive filler is a hot research topic and has great appli- 2.2. Functionalization of PP particles
cation prospects because of its excellent mechanical properties, high TC
(2000–5300 W·m−1·K−1), super electrical conductivity, etc. [19] A certain amount of PP particles and dopamine hydrochloride were
Polypropylene (PP), one of the most widely used polymers, is chosen as added into Tris-HCl (10 mM, pH 8.5) buffer solution and stirred for 24 h
the matrix for its advantages, such as excellent mechanical properties, at 60 °C. The Mass to volume ratio of dopamine hydrochloride and Tris-
chemical resistance, ease of processing, light weight, low cost and so HCl buffer solution is 1:200 (g:ml). Then PP particles coated by PDA
on. However, TC of PP is only 0.2 W·m−1·K−1. In addition, non-polar were washed with deionized water and ethanol several times. The PP
nature of PP, caused by low electronegativity of methyl and hydrogen functionalized by PDA (PP/PDA) was dried in the oven at 70 °C for 2 h.
atoms on molecular chains, makes it more difficult to prepare highly
thermally conductive PP-based composites [10]. 2.3. Fabrication of PP/PDA/G composites with 3D network
Dopamine (DA) attracts our attention because it can self-polymerize
on almost all types of surfaces and form polydopamine (PDA) layer with A certain amount of G was dispersed in DMF and sonicated for 4 h,
assorted oxygen, nitrogen functional groups and aromatic rings. It is then PP/PDA particles were added to the above dispersion. The mixture
reported that PDA was used as a modifier for thermally conductive was stirred for 4 h for better dispersion and contact. The mixture should
fillers (graphene, boron nitride, etc.) [20–24]. However, thermal con- be put into the oven at 70 °C for 24 h to remove DMF and PP/PDA
ductivity enhancement is limited. Yuan et al. reported epoxy nano- particles coated by G (PP/PDA/G) were obtained. At last, the prepared
composites incorporating a polydopamine-coated thermally conductive PP/PDA/G particles were hot pressed for 30 min at 200 °C, 15 MPa in a
filler – copper nanowires (CuMWs). The authors pointed out a thicker mold with the diameter of 12.7 mm and the thickness of 1.5 mm.
PDA layer coated on CuMWs leads to lower thermal conductivity [23]. Composites with different G content were named PP/PDA/G-n, in
Different from traditional filler modification, we proposed a new stra- which n means volume content of G. As a comparison, PP coated G
tegy–modifying PP matrix by PDA to avoid disadvantages of fillers' directly with different G content (PP/G) were also prepared. For an-
functionalization mentioned above. There are two main advantages to other contrast, M-PP/G composites were obtained using melt mixing
append an additional PDA layer on PP surface. On one hand, The PDA method by twin screw mixer.
layer on PP surface is rich in oxygen, nitrogen functional groups and
aromatic rings, which can interact with graphene through hydrogen 2.4. Characterization
bonding and π-π conjugate. On the other hand, surface-functionalized
PP matrix, instead of graphene, can fully exert the excellent intrinsic Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were acquired on a
properties of graphene. Nicolet380 Fourier infrared spectrometer with potassium bromide
In this work, PP/PDA/graphene composite with enhanced inter- powders. Before tested, samples were dried at 50 °C for 6 h. Field
facial interaction and three-dimensional (3D) thermally conductive emission scanning electron microscope (SEM, HITACHI-S4800) was
graphene network was fabricated via a simple “in-situ building” used to observe the morphology of the samples. Internal cross sections
method. PP particles were coated by PDA layer, which endowed were observed by Micro-CT (skysCan2211, Germany). Precision LCR
abundant polar functional groups of PP surface. Then graphene coated Meter (TH2829A, Tonghui) was used to get electrical resistance. The
on the surface of PP/PDA particles through hydrogen bonding and π-π resistivity (ρ, Ω·m) can be calculated using the formula.
conjugate between PDA layer and graphene. Enhanced interface inter-
ρ = RS/L (1)
action reduces phonon scattering at the interface between PP and
graphene. The constructed interconnected graphene skeleton is con- where R is electrical resistance, S and L are area and thickness of
ductive to phonon transmission. As a result, the through-plane TC of samples, respectively. The three-point bending stress–strain curves
PP/PDA/graphene composite could reach 10.93 W·m−1·K−1, almost 55 were performed at a temperature of 21.7 °C and a humidity of 43.4% on
times higher than that of pure PP and 4 times higher than that of PP/ a universal tensile tester (Instron 5569A), and the samples were hot-
graphene composite. It was also demonstrated that the PP/PDA/gra- pressed into strips with a thickness of 1.5 mm. Density (ρ, g·cm−1) was
phene composite works as a thermal management material. It greatly obtained by a density balance (SARTORIUS, China). Thermal diffusivity
reduced the surface temperature of the LED lamp. Furthermore, flexural (α, mm2·s−1) of fabricated composites was performed on a Netzsch LFA
strength and Young’s modulus of PP/PDA/G composites, tested by 447 Nanoflash at 25 °C. More detail information concerning TC test can
three-point bending method, are much higher than that of PP/G com- be seen in Supporting Information. Every sample was tested six times to
posites owing to the enhanced interaction by PDA. The facilely pro- eliminate test errors. The specific heat (Cp, J·g−1·K−1) was got by DSC
duced composites have a huge application prospect in the heat dis- (TA 250, America). Thermal conductivity (K) was got using the formula
sipation of electronic devices. below:
K= α·Cp ·ρ (2)
2. Experimental Infrared thermal imaging was performed to characterize the thermal
transfer performance of the fabricated composite when it worked as a
2.1. Materials thermal management material. Thermal conductivity enhancement
(TCE) is calculated using the formula below:
Oil-soluble graphene (G) with 5–10 layers, a particle size of
TCE = (K c − K 0)/K 0 ×100% (3)
10–30 µm (Fig. S1, SI) and few surface defects (Fig. S2, SI) was pur-
chased by China Carbon Valley Technology Group Co., Ltd. (China). where Kc is TC of the obtained composites, K0 is TC of pure PP
Polypropylene particles, particles size varying from dozens of microns (0.2 W·m−1·K−1).
to 1.1 mm shown in Fig. S3 (SI), were provided from Renqiu North
China Oilfield Jiujiu Industry and Trade Co. Ltd. (China). N-N di- 3. Results and discussion
methylformamide (DMF) and hydrochloric acid was obtained from Si-
nopharm Chemical Reagent Co.,Ltd. (Shanghai, China). Dopamine (DA) 3.1. Fabrication process and morphology
and 2-Amino-2(hydroxymethyl)-1,3propanediol (tris) hydrochloride
were prepared by Sigma Aldrich. In this study, PP/PDA/G composites were fabricated via a simple
“in-situ building” approach, including two steps: (1) PP particles were
functionalized by DA and coated by graphene; (2) hot-pressing.

N. Song, et al. Composites Part A 135 (2020) 105912

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic illustration of the fabrication process of PP/PDA/G composites. SEM images of surfaces of pure PP (b), PP/PDA (c) and PP/PDA/G (d) particles
and (e) cross section of PP/PDA/G-27.

Fig. 2. SEM images of pure PP (a), PP/PDA (b) and PP/PDA/G (c) particles. The inset schematic (b-c) shows core–shell structure of pure PP and PP/PDA and
particles. (d) Micro-CT image of PP/PDA/G composite. The inset schematic (d) shows segregated structure of the PP/PDA/G composite. Sectional morphology of PP/
PDA/G-27 (e) at 1000 °C in argon atmosphere and partial enlargement (e′). FTIR spectra (g) of comparison of hydroxyl peak positions of PP/PDA/G composites and
PP/G composites and (h) schematic diagram of interaction between PDA and graphene. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article.)

Detailed preparation procedure could be seen at Experimental section were then coated by graphene through π-π conjugate and hydrogen
and Fig. 1(a). After coated by PDA, PP particles’ surface becomes bonding during DMF evaporation process. Hydrogen bonding originates
smooth (Fig. 1(c) and Fig. 2(b)). The crack on PP/PDA surface is caused from oxygen-containing groups on graphene and PDA. The aromatic
by drying in an oven. Polymerization process and polymerization pro- ring on PDA could interact with the six-membered carbon ring on
duct of DA have been studied in many literatures [25,26]. Firstly, 5,6- graphene. Layer-stacked G can be seen in Fig. 1(d).
dihydroxyindole and 5,6-indolequinone are formed after a series of At last, PP/PDA/G composites were obtained after hot-press. Some
oxidation, cyclization and rearrangement in tris-HCl buffer (pH = 8.5). humps and hollows can be seen on the cross-section image of PP/PDA/
Then DA, intermediate products and their tautomers polymerized into G-27 (blue arrows in Fig. 1(e)). These are exposed PP particles or traces
PDA by covalent bonding, π-stacking and electrostatic interaction. after the PP particles are peeled off by brittle fracture. Continuous
Possible molecular structures of PDA can be seen in Fig. S4 (SI). The graphene skeleton is among them (yellow arrows in Fig. 1(e)). To fur-
PDA layer coated on PP particles’ surface contains a lot of oxygen- ther observe the graphene network, we heated PP/PDA/G-27 at 1000 °C
containing groups, nitrogen-containing groups, and six-membered ring in argon atmosphere. Fig. 2(e) shows its sectional morphology. PP
of carbon [26] (Fig. S4, SI). After functionalized by PDA, PP particles particles were completely pyrolyzed after heat treatment, leaving some

N. Song, et al. Composites Part A 135 (2020) 105912

Fig. 3. (a) Thermal conductivity of PP/PDA/G, PP/G and M-PP/G composites with different graphene content. (b) Thermal conductivity enhancement of PP/PDA/G
composites with different graphene content. (c) Schematic illustration of thermally conductive path. (d) Comparison on through-plane TC with reported literatures.
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 4. (a) The tangent process of the experimental data for PP/PDA/G and PP/G composites to obtain Vc. (b) The fitting process of interface thermal resistance using
Foygel nonlinear models. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

holes. Layered graphene sheets can be seen at the edge of the hole functional groups on PDA chains provide the possibility to enhance the
(Fig. 2(e′)). Micro-CT equipment was employed for further proving the interaction between PP and graphene, such as hydrogen bonding, π-π
existence of the graphene network, shown in Fig. 2(d). PP particles, the conjugate and electrostatic attraction [27]. Fourier transform infrared
dark color parts with irregular shape, were segregated by graphene, (FTIR) spectra was carried out to prove the existence of hydrogen
light color parts. These evidences indicate the continuous 3D graphene bonding between PDA and grapheme [12,28], shown in Fig. 2(g) and
network was constructed successfully. Fig. S6 (SI). The peak at approximately 3400 cm−1 is assigned to the
characteristic stretching vibration of hydroxyl groups (eOH). The peak
3.2. Interaction between PDA and graphene of eOH shows a blueshift tendency after the addition of PDA. Fur-
thermore, the strength of the hydrogen bond depends on the content of
Most researchers are committed to the modification of fillers to form the PDA because PDA’s quantity is the least in this system. Thence,
thermally conductive pathway. However, this method is double-edged. hydrogen bonding interaction weakened as PP/PDA particles decrease
On one hand, it can strengthen the interaction between the filler and and graphene content increase. As a result, the blueshift tendency of
the matrix, as well as promote dispersion. On the other hand, it may eOH peak is weakened, shown in Fig. S6(b). The shift of eOH to lower
introduce more surface defects to the filler, thereby decreasing intrinsic frequencies is due to the formation of eOH···OH and eOH···N hydrogen
TC. Herein, we proposed a new strategy–modifying PP matrix through bonding between graphene and PDA. There is also π-π conjugation
the self-polymerization characteristics of dopamine. Abundant between the six-membered carbon ring on graphene and polydopamine

N. Song, et al. Composites Part A 135 (2020) 105912

Fig. 5. Mechanical properties comparation of pure PP, PP/PDA/G and PP/G composites with different graphene content: (a) flexural stress–strain curves; (b) flexural
strength; (c) young’s modulus. (d) Volume resistivity of PP/PDA/G. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)

[29]. Schematic diagram of hydrogen bonding and π-π interaction is PP/PDA (R′2) decreased to 7.5 · 10−9 m2·K·W−1. Detailed calculation
shown in Fig. 2(h). The enhanced interactions can be expected to process can be seen in Fig. 4 and SI. Enhanced interface reduces in-
greatly decrease phonons scattering on the interface. terface thermal resistance by an order of magnitude. Therefore, TC of
PP/PDA/G composites is much higher than that of PP/G composites.
3.3. Thermal conductivity Especially at 27 vol% graphene content, TC of PP/PDA/G composites is
4 times higher than that of PP/G composites. The above evidence shows
Fig. 3(a) shows TC variation of PP/PDA/G composites as a function strong interactions (hydrogen bonding and π-π interaction) can reduce
of graphene volume fraction. With the increase of G content, TC has interfacial scattering of phonon because of the improved adhesion be-
been obviously improved. The through-plane TC can reach tween PP and graphene. The results are consistent with the experi-
10.93 W·m−1·K−1 when graphene content is 27 vol%, almost 55 times mental [33] and simulation results in published literatures. It is inter-
higher than that of pure PP (0.2 W·m−1·K−1) and 4 times higher than esting that the enhanced interaction makes thermal percolation
that of PP/G composites (2.73 W·m−1·K−1) (Fig. 3(a, b)). The enhanced threshold at a lower loading fraction (10.9 vol% vs 11.8 vol%). This
TC is caused by the strengthened interfacial interaction (π-π conjuga- phenomenon may be worth further exploring.
tion and hydrogen bonding). TC of PP/G-27 (PP particles without PDA TC of the composites rises sharply as the graphene content in-
modification) is 3.70 times higher than that of M-PP/G-27 (randomly creases, especially above the TC percolation threshold, because 3D
dispersed graphene). The high TC of PP/PDA/G is due to successful graphene network becomes more complete and interfaces between PP
construction of the three-dimensional graphene network. The schematic and graphene reduce. The efficiency of phonon transmission on the
illustration of thermally conductive path for phonon transmission is filler and interfaces between fillers is much higher than that of on in-
shown in Fig. 3(c). We found both PP/PDA/G and PP/G composites terfaces between matrix and filler. In addition, PP particles with dif-
revealed thermal percolation threshold (Vf) at 10.9 vol% and 11.8 vol ferent particle sizes as the matrix (Fig. S3, SI) are beneficial to achieve
%, respectively (Fig. 4 and SI), consistent with the reported literature dense packing of composite materials and obtain highly thermally
[30]. Below the percolation threshold, PP mediates adjacent graphene conductive composites.
and graphene sheets are not fully attached to each other. Too many Most reported through-plane TC of polymer matrix composites is
interfaces between PP and graphene lead to phonons scattering and below 10 W·m−1·K−1 (Fig. 3(d) and Table S1, SI), whether the substrate
high interfacial thermal resistance (ITR, R′). Even though above the is polar or non-polar [5,6,8,10,13,35–45]. For non-polar polymer sub-
percolation threshold, interfaces between PP and graphene still exist. R′ strates, it is more difficult to prepare highly thermally conductive
between graphene and PP is much higher than R′ between graphene, composites (< 5.5 W·m−1·K−1). To further evaluate the TC, PP/PDA/G
even several orders of magnitude difference [31]. Foygel nonlinear composites was compared with previously reported polymeric compo-
models [32] gives quantitative descriptions of thermal conductivity sites with similar filler contents. The detailed compositions and TC data
through R′ based on the percolation theory. Some reported papers also shown in Fig. 3(d) are listed in Table S1 (SI). Through-plane TC in this
used this model to understand intrinsic factors of improved TC [33,34]. paper (10.93 W·m−1·K−1) is at a quite high level among reported
According to Foygel nonlinear models, R′ between graphene and PP polymeric composites. Some literatures reported higher through-plane
(R′1) was calculated, 3.8 · 10−8 m2·K·W−1. R′ between graphene and TC values than that of ours. For example, Yu et al. [46] developed

N. Song, et al. Composites Part A 135 (2020) 105912

Fig. 6. (a) Demonstration of PP/PDA/G composite as a thermal management material for heat dissipation of a LED lamp; (b) The surface temperature variations of
LED versus time; (c) Comparison of infrared thermal images of LED integrated with PP/PDA/G and pure PP as thermal management materials. (For interpretation of
the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

vertically aligned high-quality graphene hybrid forms through graphi- the stiffness of 3D graphene network is greater than that of PP. PP
tization at 2800 °C and followed impregnated in epoxy. TC of the fab- particles are separated by 3D graphene network, leading to adjacent PP
ricated composite could reach 35.5 W·m−1·K−1 at 19 vol%. However, particles failing to lap together through the winding of the chain. More
energy consumption is large in the preparation process. Here, we are complete graphene framework formed with the increase of graphene.
devoted to reducing ITR between the filler and the matrix through a Conductivity property was also noticed. Fig. 5(d) shows a pot of
simple PP modification to achieve highly thermally conductive non- volume resistance (VR) versus graphene content for PP/PDA/G com-
polar matrix composites. Experimental results showed the matrix- posites. As is known to all, the volume resistivity of PP is 1.6·1014 Ω·m,
functionalization method for improving thermal conductivity is quite an electrically insulating polymer. In this paper, the volume resistivity
obvious. In conclusion, construction of the 3D network and enhanced of PP composites is significantly decreased even only at 2 vol%. The
interfacial interaction simultaneously is a more effective way of pre- great improvement in electrical conductivity is attributed to the suc-
paring high TC composite. cessful construction of the 3D graphene skeleton. VR of PP/PDA/G
composites is less than 106 Ω·m, far below the critical resistance for
3.4. Mechanical properties and volume resistivity electrical insulation (< 1011 Ω·m) as well as having the antistatic
function (< 109 Ω·m). Good electrical conductivity not only expands
Mechanical properties are the basic properties of composites, which the application of PP in the electrical conduction field, but also avoids
is important for the application of thermal management materials. the danger of static electricity.
Flexural stress–strain curves of pure PP, PP/PDA/G and PP/G compo-
sites with different G content can be seen in Fig. 5 and Fig. S7 (SI). The 3.5. Demonstration of PP/PDA/G composites’ application
flexural strength of PP/PDA/G composite can reach 11.34 MPa, which
is almost twice higher than that of PP/G composite at 27 vol% G con- Application in heat diffusion field of the obtained composite was
tent. The flexural strength of PP/G-27 is only 5.64 MPa, which is half of investigated. Much heat is generated during the operation of electronic
that of PP/PDA/G-27. It is suggested that PDA enhances the interaction devices. Efficient thermal diffusion not only enables efficient operation
between PP and graphene by hydrogen bonding and π-π interaction, of electronic devices, but also protects them and extends their service
resulting in more energy consumed in the fracture between graphene life. High through-plane TC endows PP/PDA/G composites potential
sheets and PP particles. Young's modulus of PP/G composites increases application for thermal management. Here, the PP/PDA/G composite is
from 1.70 GPa to 2.29 GPa after the integration of G into the PP matrix. used as a thermal management material for LED’s heat diffusion to
Young's modulus of PP/PDA/G composites is higher than that of PP/G show its excellent thermal management performance. It also can be
composites. Especially at 27 vol%, Young's modulus of PP/PDA/G used for a thermal management material in other electric devices.
composites (5.07 GPa) is 2.2 times higher than that of PP/G composites, Meanwhile, it is not limited in the part of LED components shown
shown in Fig. 5(b). The flexural strength and elongation at break of below. Fig. 6(a) shows the schematic diagram of a LED lamp integrated
composites decreases (Fig. 5a and b). This may be due to the fact that with the PP/PDA/G composite and copper block. The three elements

N. Song, et al. Composites Part A 135 (2020) 105912

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