Abid 2015
Abid 2015
Abid 2015
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PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 22, 084507 (2015)
The plasma particles (viz., electrons, positrons, ions, where j is the spectral index indicating the superthermality
etc., that constitute a space plasma system) interact or collide effects of the plasma species, j1 ¼ j 3=2; bj ¼ Cð1 þ jÞ=
constantly with one another, and move with various veloc- Cðj 1=2Þ, and the symbol C denotes the gamma function.
ities. So due to these collisions, these particles may exchange We note that the Vasyliunas distribution function [defined
their momentum and kinetic energy to attain the thermal by Eq. (2)] reduces to a Maxwellian distribution [defined by
equilibrium. The most common distribution function (known Eq. (1)] for j ! 1.
as Maxwellian distribution function1) of these plasma par- On the other hand, about 20 years ago (in 1995), moti-
ticles depends on the their velocities. The Maxwellian distri- vated by the observations of cavitons (rarefaction of ion
bution function is given by2 number density) with the help of Freja satellite (FS)7 and
! Viking spacecraft (VS),8 Cairns et al.4 introduced another
M nj0 v2j type of nonthermal distribution function (now known as
fj ðvj Þ ¼ 3 exp 2 ; (1)
ð2pÞ2 v3 2vtj Cairns distribution function) for electron species to show the
existence of the cavitons observed by FS7 and VS.8 The
where vj ðnj0 Þ is the speed (number density) of the plasma Cairns distribution function is given by4
species j (j ¼ e stands for electrons, j ¼ p stands for positrons, ! !
j ¼ i stands for ions, etc.); vtj ¼ ðTj =mj Þ1=2 is the thermal nj0 v4j v2j
fjC ðvj Þ ¼ 1þa exp ; (3)
speed of the jth species with Tj being the temperature in units 3
v4tj 2v2tj
a1 ð2pÞ2 v3tj
of energy, and mj being the mass. This type of distribution
function is only applicable to a plasma system, where the
where a indicates the amount of high energetic plasma spe-
plasma species are in thermal equilibrium.
cies in the system under consideration, and a1 ¼ 1 þ 3a. It
There are many space plasma systems, where plasma
should be noted here that the Cairns distribution function
species are not in thermal equilibrium.3–6 On the basis of this
[defined by Eq. (3)] reduces to a Maxwellian one [defined by
point, about 47 years ago (in 1968), Vasyliunas3 examined
the energy spectra of electrons within the plasma sheet, and Eq. (1)] for a ! 0.
introduced an empirical function to model the velocity distri- We, up to now, briefly discussed two types of non-
bution of high energy electrons. This velocity distribution is Maxwellian distribution functions, namely, Vasyliunas distri-
not Maxwellian, but follows a non-Maxwellian distribution bution function [defined by Eq. (2)] and Cairns distribution
(known as j or Vasyliunas distribution3) function [defined by Eq. (3)] that reduce to Maxwellian distri-
bution function for j ! 1 and a ! 0, respectively.
!ð1þjÞ However, there are many space plasma linear and nonlinear
nj0 bj v2j
fjV ðvj Þ ¼ 1þ ; (2) phenomena3–6 which are not precisely explained by these two
3 3
ð2pÞ2 j21 v3tj 2j1 v2tj types of non-Maxwellian distribution function. Therefore, in
this Brief Communication, we attempt to introduce a more
Permanent address: Department of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, general form of non-Maxwellian distribution function which
Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh. has been introduced by the product of Vasyliunas distribution
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084507-2 Abid et al. Phys. Plasmas 22, 084507 (2015)
FIG. 1. The normalized Vasyliunas–Cairns distribution curves for j ¼ 3, FIG. 3. The normalized Vasyliunas–Cairns distribution curves for a ¼
a ¼ 0:3 (solid blue curve), a ¼ 0:6 (dotted black curve), and a ¼ 0:9 0:2; j ¼ 3:6 (solid blue curve), j ¼ 7:0 (dotted black curve), and j ¼ 50
(dashed red curve). (dashed red curve).
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084507-3 Abid et al. Phys. Plasmas 22, 084507 (2015)
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