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Indian J Phys



Nonlinear periodic structures in a magnetized plasma with Cairns

distributed electrons
M Khalid1,2*, M Khan2, A Rahman2 and F Hadi3
Department of Physics, Government Post Graduate College Mardan, Mardan 23200, Pakistan
Department of Physics, Islamia College Peshawar (Public Sector University), Peshawar 25120, Pakistan
Department of Applied Physical and Material Sciences, University of Swat, Swat 19200, Pakistan

Received: 27 August 2020 / Accepted: 05 April 2021

Abstract: The electrostatic ion acoustic (IA) nonlinear periodic (cnoidal) waves are studied in a magnetized plasma
comprising of cold ions and Cairns distributed electrons. By employing reductive perturbation technique (RPT), the
nonlinear Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) and modified KdV (mKdV) equations are derived, and their cnoidal wave (CW)
solutions are obtained. For a given set of plasma parameters, the present model supports both compressive and rarefactive
nonlinear periodic structures. In the present work, the effects of plasma parameters like nonthermality of electrons (b) and
obliqueness (lz ) are investigated. It is found that increasing values of b and lz lead to enhancement (reduction) in amplitude
of IA compressive (rarefactive) nonlinear periodic structures. Our present study has some relevance to the CW structures
observed in magnetosphere via POLAR and FAST spacecrafts.

Keywords: Cnoidal waves; KdV equation; mKdV equation; Cairns distribution

1. Introduction de Vries derived the KdV equation, which is used to

describe the solitary waves [19–22] and at appropriate
Power law like velocity distribution functions exhibiting boundary conditions, the periodic solution of the KdV
enhanced high-energy tails are often observed in various equation is used to describe the CW [9, 13, 15] . Nonlinear
space and astrophysical environments. In 1995, motivated periodic waves can be expressed in terms of square of the
by the observations of cavitons (rarefaction of ion number Jacobian elliptic cosine function for different moduli m
density) with the help of Freja satellite and Viking space- (where m measures the nonlinearity) (0\m  1) and thus
craft, Cairns et al. [1] introduced an alternative nonthermal named as cnoidal waves (CWs). One extreme limit, i.e.,
distribution function for electron species to investigate for m ! 1 turns the CWs into the solitary wave (SW) while
electrostatic solitary structures with density depressions the other extreme limit, i.e., m ! 0 shifts this wave into a
observed in space. The Maxwellian distributed electrons sinusoidal wave. Recently, Liu et al. experimentally
were unable to explain this behavior. In contrast to the observed the CW structures in multicomponent plasma
power law like distribution, the Cairns distribution has [23], and showed that the dust number density waveforms
wings, superimposed on a Maxwellian-like low-energy are well fitted to the amplitude of nonlinear CW solution.
component. Cairns distribution has been employed in so Gurevich and Stenflo [24] predicted that in the defocusing
many papers, few are cited here, e.g., see Refs. [2–4]. region of the ionospheric plasma, nonlinear periodic waves
The investigation of nonlinear periodic waves [5–18] in like dnoidal waves are generated when a powerful radio
unmagnetized or magnetized plasma and in other disper- wave beam moves through it. Kauschke and Schlüter
sive media has achieved a great deal of attention owing to noticed that the nonlinear periodic signals detected at the
their applications in diverse areas of physics including the edge of plasma in their experiment can be explained in a
nonlinear ion transport phenomena. In 1895, Korteweg and befitting manner through the CWs [25]. It was firstly due to
Konno et al. [26] who investigated theoretically the IACW
solution of the KdV equation in electron-ion (EI) plasma.
Yadav et al. [27] extended the earlier works and used the
*Corresponding author, E-mail: mkhalid_khan@yahoo.com

Ó 2021 IACS
M Khalid et al.

reductive perturbation approach to investigate IA nonlinear 4r

where b is a constant, defined as b ¼ 1þ3r and r is the
periodic waves in a magnetized plasma involving warm population of nonthermal electrons. When b is zero, then
adiabatic ions and two temperature electron species. Yadav from Eq. (3) Cairns distribution approaches to Maxwellian
and Sayal [28] studied obliquely propagating nonlinear distribution.
DACWs in a magnetized dusty plasma with variable dust The Poisson’s equation for given system is
charge. It was observed that obliqueness and other plasma
parameters have a significant influence on the amplitude of r2 / ¼ 4peðne  nÞ. ð4Þ
negative potential DACWs. Chawla and Mishra [29] dis-
Thus, the set of equations governing the ion dynamics in
cussed IACWs in EPI plasma and studied the influence of
magnetized plasma in normalized form can be described as
different plasma parameters on the properties of IACWs.
They have taken the ions to be dynamic and cold while the
inertialess electrons and positrons are assumed to follow on o o  o
þ ðnvx Þ þ nvy þ ðnvz Þ ¼ 0, ð5Þ
the Boltzmann distribution. Saini and Sethi studied the ot ox oy oz
dust-ion-acoustic (DIA) CWs in unmagnetized plasma with  
ovx o o o o/
two temperature superthermal electrons [30]. To the best of þ vx þ vy þ vz vx ¼  þ Xvy , ð6Þ
ot ox oy oz ox
our knowledge, the nonlinear periodic waves in magnetized  
EI plasma with Cairns distributed electrons has not yet ovy o o o o/
þ vx þ vy þ vz vy ¼   Xvx , ð7Þ
been explored. Thus, we search for the propagation of ot ox oy oz oy
nonlinear periodic waves in a magnetized plasma com-  
ovz o o o o/
posed of cold ions and Cairns distributed electrons. þ vx þ vy þ vz vz ¼  , ð8Þ
ot ox oy oz oz
The plan of the paper is as follows. In Sect. 2, we pre-
sent the basic set of equations. In Sect. 3, we derive the in normalized form, the Poisson’s equation is
KdV equation. The CW solution of the KdV equation is
o2 / o2 / o2 /  
discussed in Sect. 4. The effect of variations of different 2
þ 2 þ 2 ¼ 1  b/ þ b/2 e/  n, ð9Þ
parameters on the properties of the CW is discussed in ox oy oz
Sect. 5. The mKdV equation and its periodic wave solu- here n is the ion number density scaled by its equilibrium
tions are discussed, respectively, in Sects. 6 and 7. Our value n0 , v is the ion fluid velocity scaled by IA speed
main conclusions are summarized in Sect. 8.
Cs ¼ Tme and / ¼ e/ Te is the normalized electrostatic wave
potential. The space variable (x) and time variable (t) are
2. Basic equations scaled by xCpis and x1
pi ¼
4pn0 e2 , respectively. vx ; vy ; vz
are the components of ion velocity along x, y and z axes,
We consider a collisionless two component magnetized
respectively. Xi ¼ eB
mc is the ion gyrofrequency and
plasma consisting of cold ions and nonthermal electrons. Xi
We assume that the plasma is immersed in a constant X ¼ xpi :
external magnetic field B ¼ B0 z^. The set of equations
governing the behavior of IA waves may be described by
the following set of fluid equations; 3. Derivation of KdV equation
þ r  n!v ¼ 0, ð1Þ To derive the KdV equation, we are using the RPT, we
define the new stretching of coordinates,
o!v Ze Ze !   
þ ð!
v  rÞ!
v ¼ Eþ v  B0 z^ . ð2Þ v ¼ e1=2 lx x þ ly y þ lz z  kt and s ¼ e3=2 t, ð10Þ
ot m mc
In the above equations, m, e, Z, n denote the mass of ion, where k is the phase velocity of the wave to be determined
electron charge, ionic charge state and ion density, later. lx ; ly and lz are the direction cosines along x, y and z
respectively. axes, respectively, such that l2x þ l2y þ l2z ¼ 1.
The electrons follow Cairns distribution [1] and is given Now we expand the field quantities in the following
by, form:
"    2 #  
e/ e/ e/
ne ¼ ne0 1  b þb exp , ð3Þ
Te Te Te
Nonlinear periodic structures in a magnetized plasma

n ¼ 1 þ en1 þ e2 n2 þ e3 n3 þ   , on1 on2

/ ¼ e/1 þ e2 /2 þ e3 /3 þ   , os ov
ovx2 ovy2 oðn1 vz1 Þ
vx ¼ e3=2 vx1 þ e2 vx2 þ e5=2 vx3 þ   , ð11Þ þ lx þ ly þ lz ð18Þ
ov ov ov
3=2 2 5=2
vy ¼ e vy1 þ e vy2 þ e vy3 þ   , ovz2
2 3 þ lz ¼ 0,
vz ¼ evz1 þ e vz2 þ e vz3 þ   , ov

Using Eqs. (10) and (11) in Eqs. (5) to (9), we get the ovz1 ovz2
following set of equations in the lowest order of e: os ov
ovz1 o/
lz l2z þ lz vz1 ¼ lz 2 ,
n1 ¼ vz1 ¼ /1 , ð12Þ ov ov
k 2
lz Xvy2 ¼ k , ð20Þ
vz1 ¼ /1 þ C1 ðsÞ, ð13Þ ov
where C1 ðsÞ is integration constant and is function of s Xvx2 ¼ k , ð21Þ
/21 o2 /1
lx o/1 n2 ¼ ð1  bÞ/2 þ  , ð22Þ
vy1 ¼ , ð14Þ 2 ov2
X ov
ly o/1 solving Eqs. (12–22), we obtain the KdV equation as:
vx1 ¼  , ð15Þ
X ov o/ o/ o/ o3 /
þ a/ þ C 1 lz þ b 3 ¼ 0, ð23Þ
n1 ¼ ð1  bÞ/1 . ð16Þ os ov ov ov

Comparing Eqs. (12) and (16), we obtained the expression with nonlinear coefficient a and dispersion coefficient b,
for phase velocity as follows; respectively, given as,
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi lz  
1 a¼ 3=2
2 þ 3b2  6b , ð24Þ
k ¼ lz , ð17Þ 2ð 1  b Þ
lz 1  l2z
from Eq. (17) it is clear that phase velocity k is a function b¼ þ1 , ð25Þ
2ð1  bÞ3=2 X2
of direction cosine lz and nonthermality parameter b as
shown in Fig. 1. in Eq. (23) /1 is replaced by /. In the limiting case when
Consider the next higher-order terms of e, lz ! 1, the expressions for a and b reduce to the unmag-
netized case as obtained by Rahman et al. [4]. At this stage,
the special case of a plasma with Boltzmann electrons, as
treated in the literature [26], is obtained at b ¼ 0 and
lz ! 1, i.e., a ¼ 1, and b ¼ 1=2.

4. CW solution

In order to find the nonlinear solution of Eq. (23), let us

define a travelling wave transformation of the form g ¼
v  v0 s where v0 is the velocity of the nonlinear structure
in comoving frame. Using this transformation Eq. (23)
takes the form,
d/ d/ d3 /
ðv0  C1 lz Þ þ a/ þ b 3 ¼ 0, ð26Þ
dg dg dg
integrating twice Eq. (26), we obtain the following

Fig. 1 Variation of k versus b and lz

M Khalid et al.

  5. Numerical study
1 d/ 2
þV ð/Þ ¼ 0, ð27Þ
2 dg
The nonlinear coefficient a and dispersion coefficient b of
the Sagdeev potential V ð/Þ is defined as KdV equation depend on various physical parameters (viz.
a 3 u 1 b; lz ). Since nonlinear coefficient a is positive as well as
V ð/Þ ¼ /  /2 þ q/  E2 , ð28Þ negative, it suggests that both compressive and rarefactive
6b 2b 2
nonlinear structures are observed in the present plasma
where we define u ¼ v0  C1 lz , q and 12 E2 are the constant configuration. To study the main characteristics of non-
of integration. q and E are the charge density and electric linear periodic waves, we have calculated the real zeros
field, respectively, when the potential / vanishes. (w1 , w2 and w3 ) of Sagdeev potential V ð/Þ with the help of
The nonlinear CW solution of Eq. (27) is given as nonzero finite integration constants (i.e., in term of q and
[4, 27]; E). It is clear from Fig. 2(a) that Sagdeev potential V ð/Þ is
/ðgÞ ¼ w2 þ ðw1  w2 Þcn2 ðRg; mÞ, ð29Þ

where w1 ; w2 and w3 are three real numbers and cn is the (a)

Jacobian elliptic function. The modulus m and R in terms
of w1 ; w2 and w3 are defined as:
w2  w1
m¼ , ð30Þ
w3  w1
R¼ ðw  w3 Þ. ð31Þ
12b 1
The velocity of nonlinear periodic wave in terms of w1 ; w2
and w3 is
a (b)
u ¼ ðw1 þ w2 þ w3 Þ, ð32Þ
the real numbers w1 ; w2 and w3 are ordered in such a way
that w1 [ w2  w3 for nonlinear positive potential
structures and w1 \w2  w3 for nonlinear negative
potential structures, the amplitude wcn and wavelength k0
of the IACWs may be defined as:
wcn ¼ w1  w2 , ð33Þ

3b (c)
k0 ¼ 4 KðmÞ, ð34Þ
aðw1  w2 Þ

where K(m) is the complete elliptical integral of the first

kind. Now when q ¼ 0 and E ¼ 0, then w2 ¼ w3 ¼ 0, so
m ! 1, the CW solution may approach to SW solution.
Thus when m ! 1, the Jacobi elliptical function transforms
to secant hyperbolic function. Therefore, Eq. (29) takes the
/ðgÞ ¼ w0 sec h2 , ð35Þ
where the amplitude and width of IASW are defined,
respectively, as w0 ¼ 3u
a and w ¼
u. Fig. 2 Variation of (a) Vð/Þ versus / , (b) phase curves and (c) /
versus g of IACWs for different values of b, with lz ¼ 0:95; u ¼ 0:3,
X ¼ 0:3; q ¼ 0:02 and E ¼ 0:04. The orange solid curve with
b ¼ 0:24, q ¼ 0 and E ¼ 0 is for SW
Nonlinear periodic structures in a magnetized plasma




Fig. 3 Variation of (a) Vð/Þ versus /, (b) phase curves and (c) /
versus g of IACWs for different values of b, with lz ¼ 0:95; u ¼ 0:3,
X ¼ 0:3; q ¼ 0:02 and E ¼ 0:04. The orange solid curve with Fig. 4 Variation of (a) Vð/Þ versus /, (b) phase curves and (c) /
b ¼ 0:52, q ¼ 0 and E ¼ 0 is for SW versus g of IACWs for different values of lz , with b ¼ 0:25; u ¼ 0:3,
X ¼ 0:3; q ¼ 0:02; and E ¼ 0:04. The orange solid curve with
lz ¼ 0:95, q ¼ 0 and E ¼ 0 is for SW
always zero at / ¼ 0 for SW. On the other hand in case of
CW at / ¼ 0 the Sagdeev potential V ð/Þ nonzero. The
for CWs. However, the Sagdeev potential V ð/Þ with q ¼
Sagdeev potential illustrates that the particle oscillates to
0; E ¼ 0 becomes zero at / ¼ 0 for SW and is represented
and fro periodically between w1 and w2 , which is the
by orange solid curve. Figure 2(b) illustrates the com-
important behavior of nonlinear periodic CW structure.
pressive phase plots d/=dg versus / for the same set of
Figure 2(a) depicts the variation of V ð/Þ versus / for
parameters used in Fig. 2(a). The phase plots of IACWs
different values of nonthermality parameter b and for fixed
(bounded inner curves) and SW separatrix (outer orange
values of other parameters for positive potential nonlinear
solid curve) for positive potential are shown in Fig. 2(b). It
structures. It is noted that V ð/Þ 6¼ 0; at / ¼ 0; for IACWs
is seen from Fig. 2(b) that the amplitude and width of the
and are represented by dashed, dotted and dotdashed
IACWs are increased with increasing b. Since nonlinear
curves, respectively, with increasing values of nonther-
effect is reduced with increase in b, which makes the
mality parameter b. It is observed that with increasing
nonlinearity coefficient a smaller and as a result the
values of b, the amplitude of Sagdeev potential increases
M Khalid et al.

(a) (a)


Fig. 6 (a) Phase curve, (b) / versus g of IA nonlinear structures for

(c) b ¼ bc , with v0 ¼ 0:3, lz ¼ 0:95, X ¼ 0:3 and E ¼ 0:04 for CW,
while E ¼ 0 for SW

the amplitude of rarefactive IACWs decreases as b is

increased as shown in figure. The effect of b on IACWs is
consistent with the result of Refs. [4, 32].
We look for the effect caused by the obliqueness as
manifested via lz (¼ cos h). Since we study the electrostatic
IA nonlinear periodic waves, thus we take lower values of
obliqueness angle h or higher values of lz . Note that larger
Fig. 5 Variation of (a) Vð/Þ versus /, (b) phase curves and (c) /
values of propagation angle h invalidate the assumption of
versus g of IACWs for different values of lz , with b ¼ 0:5; u ¼ 0:3, waves being electrostatic in nature (for detail see Ref.
X ¼ 0:3; q ¼ 0:02 and E ¼ 0:04. The orange solid curve with [31]). Figure 4(a) depicts the variation of Sagdeev potential
lz ¼ 0:95, q ¼ 0 and E ¼ 0 is for SW V ð/Þ against / for different values of obliqueness lz and
for fixed values of all other parameters for positive
amplitude of nonlinear structures increases. Figure 2(c) potential nonlinear structures. It is seen that the amplitude
shows the variation of pulse profile of IACWs for different of Sagdeev potential is enhanced with increasing values of
values of b. The amplitude of compressive IACWs lz . In the same fashion, similar effect is observed in phase
increases with increasing values of b. In similar manner, plots of Fig. 4(b), the corresponding CW solution / versus
the variation of Sagdeev potential V ð/Þ versus / for dif- g are shown in Fig. 4(c). It is clearly seen that higher
ferent values of b and keeping fixed values of other values of lz lead to larger amplitude positive potential
parameters for negative potential are shown in Fig. 3(a). In IACWs. The influence of the varying values of lz on the
this case, both amplitude and width of negative potential characteristics of Sagdeev potential, phase plane plots and
nonlinear periodic structures decrease with increasing pulse profile is described in Fig. 5(a-c) for negative
values of b, the corresponding phase plots with same potential nonlinear periodic structures. The increase in
parameters are shown in Fig. 3(b). Figure 3(c) illustrates obliqueness lz causes a decrease in the amplitude of the
the variation of CW solution / versus space coordinate g, negative potential nonlinear periodic structures as shown in
Fig. 5.
Nonlinear periodic structures in a magnetized plasma

6. Derivation of mKdV equation The nonlinear CW solution of Eq. (40) is given as

[4, 27];
It has been pointed out that the KdV equation fails at pffiffiffiffiffi
/ðgÞ ¼  d1 cnðRg; m1 Þ, ð42Þ
a ¼ 0. For example, in our considered plasma model, we
notice that at a critical value of b ¼ bc ¼ 0:423, a vanishes here cn is the Jacobian elliptic function. The modulus m1
[see Eq. (24)]. To investigate the IACWs in such a situa- and R are defined as
tion, we take into account the higher-order nonlinearity and
derive the mKdV equation. In this context, we again use m21 ¼ , ð43Þ
the RPT and introduce the modified stretching of coordi- d1  d2
nates as: ,
  R¼ ð d1  d2 Þ , ð44Þ
v ¼ e lx x þ ly y þ lz z  kt and s ¼ e3 t, ð36Þ 6b

The dependent variables are expanded as: When E ¼ 0, then d2 ¼ 0, so m1 ! 1, the CW solution
may approach to mKdV SW solution. Therefore, we obtain
n ¼ 1 þ en1 þ e2 n2 þ e3 n3 þ   , rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi 
6v0 v0
/ ¼ e/1 þ e2 /2 þ e3 /3 þ   , / ð gÞ ¼  sec h g . ð45Þ
, b
vx ¼ e2 vx1 þ e3 vx2 þ e4 vx3 þ   , ð37Þ
2 3 4 The appearance of both signs in Eq. (45) represents the
vy ¼ e vy1 þ e vy2 þ e vy3 þ   ,
occurrence of both types of solitons (compressive and
vz ¼ evz1 þ e2 vz2 þ e3 vz3 þ   , rarefactive). It is clearly seen from Eq. (45) that
compressive and rarefactive mKdV solitons can coexist
substituting (37) and (36) into Eqs. (5) to (9), we get the
in the present plasma configuration. The experimental
same equations in the lowest order of e as in the KdV
confirmation of the coexistence of both types solitons in a
derivation. In the next highest order of e, with the first- and
plasma with negative ions has been studied in Ref. [33].
second-order solutions, the next higher-order equations
The phase curves have been plotted in Fig. 6a for critical
result the mKdV equation as:
case. When E ¼ 0, then the continuous phase curve
o/ o/ o3 / reduces to two symmetric contours resulting in the
þ ,/2 þ b 3 ¼ 0, ð38Þ
os ov ov formation of rarefactive and compressive mKdV solitons.
However, for E 6¼ 0, the phase curve is repeated on the
where same path and the mKdV CWs are formed.
lz   The most interesting result is that, in critical case, the
,¼ 4  12b þ 9b2  3b3 , ð39Þ
2ð1  bÞ 3=2 mKdV equation (38) admits a combination of both com-
pressive and rarefactive nonlinear structures (see Fig. 6b).
again in Eq. (38) /1  /.

8. Conclusions
7. CW solution of mKdV equation
The electrostatic IA nonlinear periodic (cnoidal) waves are
To find the steady-state solution of Eq. (38), we assume studied in a magnetized plasma comprising of cold ions
g ¼ v  v0 s where v0 is the velocity of the nonlinear and Cairns distributed electrons. Using RPT, KdV and
structure in comoving frame. Using this transformation into mKdV equations have been derived, and their CW solu-
Eq. (38) and integrating twice, we obtain the following tions are obtained. The important results are summarized as
equation, follows:
  Both compressive and rarefactive nonlinear periodic
1 d/ 2
þV ð/Þ ¼ 0, ð40Þ structures are observed on the basis of the variation of
2 dg
nonthermality parameter b and obliqueness lz . Increase in
where the Sagdeev potential V ð/Þ is given by: nonthermality parameter b results that the amplitude of IA
, 4 v0 2 1 2 nonlinear compressive (rarefactive) periodic waves
V ð/Þ ¼ /  /  E , ð41Þ increases (decreases). While in case of obliqueness lz , the
12b 2b 2
amplitude of nonlinear compressive (rarefactive) periodic
where 12 E2 is the constant of integration, E is the electric structures is enhanced (suppressed) with increasing values
field, when the potential / vanishes. of lz . For zero charge density q and electric field E, the
periodic structures are ceased to exist and appear in the
M Khalid et al.

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