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Hydrocarbons Work Sheet

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1.  CH3 2 CHCH  CHCH2 CH  CHCHCH3

1) 2, 8 dimethyldeca-3,6-diene 2) 4,8 dimethyl deca- 3, 6-diene
3) 2,4 dimethyl deca- 3, 6-diene 4) 3,9 dimethyldeca-4,7-diene

2. H 2 C  CH  HC  CH 2  C  CH  HC  CH 2
CH 3
1) 5-methylocta-1,3,5,7- tetraene 2) 4-methylocta-1,3,5,7- tetraene
3) 4-butenylocta-1,3- diene 4) octa-1, 5- diene
3. CH 2  C  CH 2 CH 2 CH3 2
1) 2- Propyl pent - 1- ene 2) 2- propyl pent - 2 - ene
3) 2- propyl pent - 3 - ene 4) 3 - propyl pent-1 -ene
| | |
CH3  CH  C  CH  CH2  CH  CH3
1) 5 - ethyl -2, 6- dimethyl dec - 4 - ene
2) 3 - ethyl- 5, 6- dimethyl dec - 4 - ene
3) 2 - ethyl- 5, 6 -dimethyl dec - 4 - ene
4) 5 - ethyl- 2, 5- dimethyl dec - 4 - ene
5. The number of sigma    and pi    bonds in the following structure are

 CH3 2 CH  CH  CH  CH2  CH  CH  CH  CH3

1)  bonds -33  bonds -2
2)  bonds -22  bonds -2
3)  bonds - 42  bonds - 2
4)  bonds -40  bonds - 3
6. The alkene that exhibits geometrical isomerism is
1) propene 2)2-methyl propene
3)2-butene 3)2-methyl-2-butene
7. When ethanol vapours are passed over alumina heated at 3500C, the main product obtained is
1) C2H6 2) C2H4 3) C2H2 4) C2H5OC2H5
8. Dehydrohalogenation of ethyl chloride in presence of alc. KOH produces the following
1) HC  CH  KCl  H 2O
2) CH 4  KCl  H 2O
3) CH 2  CH 2  KCl  H 2O
4) C 2 H 4  HCl
9. Ethylene is prepared by
1) Dehalogenation of chloroform
2) Pyrolysis of ethane at 450 0 C
3)Dehydration of methanol with Al2O 3 / 3500 C
4) Methyl chloride on reduction
10. In the following reaction, A and B respectively are, A  
 C 2 H 5 Br 
1) C2 H 4 and alcoholic KOH /  2) C 2 H 5Cl and aqueous KOH / 
3) C 2 H 5OH and aq KOH /  4) C2 H 2 and Br2
11. Z  isomer 
 2  butene 
 E  isomer . x, y respectively are
1) Na / NH 3 liq  and Pd / BaSO4  H 2
2) Ni /1400 C and Pd / BaSO4  H 2
3) Ni /1400C and Na / NH 3 liq 

4) Pd / BaSO4  H 2 and Na / NH 3 aq 
12. Consider the following reactions :
X  HCl 
Anh AlCl3
 C2 H 5Cl 
Aq . KOH
 Y .Y can be converted to X on heating with
1) Al2O3, 350ºC 2) Cu, 300ºC
3) Ca(OH)2+CaOCl2, 60ºC 4) NaOH/I2, 60ºC

13. C H 3  C H 2 C l alcoholic
 KO H
 A Br/ C C
 B Zn
2 4
 C
/ alcohol

C is
1) Acetylene 2) Ethylene 3) Ethane 4) Methane


14. Statement - I :The boiling point of cis-1,2-dichloroethene is higher than corresponding trans-isomer.
Statement - II : The dipole moment of cis-1,2-dichloroethene is higher than trans isomer.
1) S - I & II are correct, S - II is correct explanation of S - I
2) S - I & II are correct, S - II is not correct explanation of S - I
3) S - I is true , but S - II is false
4) S - I is false , but S - II is true
15. Statement - I :Acidic character of ethane, ethene and ethyne are in the order
CH  CH  CH 2  CH 2  CH 3  CH 3
Statement - II : Higher the s-character in hybridization of carbon atom, more is the acidic nature of H
atom joined to it.
1) S - I & II are correct, S - II is correct explanation of S - I
2) S - I & II are correct, S - II is not correct explanation of S - I
3) S - I is true , but S - II is false
4) S - I is false , but S - II is true
16. Statement - I : Alkenes participate in addition reactions
Statement - II : Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons
1) S - I & II are correct, S - II is correct explanation of S - I
2) S - I & II are correct, S - II is not correct explanation of S - I
3) S - I is true , but S - II is false
4) S - I is false , but S - II is true
17. Which among the following alkenes will be most reactive during hydrogenation reaction

CH 3 CH 3
| |
1) CH 3  CH  CH 2 2)
CH 3  C  C  CH 3

CH 3
C  CH 2
3) H 2C  CH 2 4)
H 3C

18. Arrange the following hydrogen halides in order of their decreasing reactivity with propene.
1) HCl  HBr  HI 2) HBr  HI  HCl
3) HI  HBr  HCl 4) HCl > HI > HBrs
19. The peroxide effect involves
1) Ionic mechanism 2) Free – radical mechanism
3) Heterolytic fimion of double bond 4) Hemolytic fission of double bond
20. In which of the following will Kharasch effect operate?
1) CH3-CH2-CH=CH2+HCl 2) CH3-CH2-CH=CH2+HBr
3) CH3-CH=CH-CH3+HBr 4) CH3-CH2-CH=CH2+HI
21. Anti Markownikoff addition of HBr is not observed in
1) Propene 2) Butene - 1 3) Butene-2 4) Pentene - 2
22. IUPAC names of the products obtained by addition of HBr to hex - 1 - ene in the absence of peroxide
and in the presence of peroxide respectively are
1) 2 - bromohexane, 1 - bromo hexane 2) 2 - bromo hexane, 3 - bromo hexane
3) 1 - bromo hexane, 3 - bromo hexane 4) 1 - bromo hexane 4 - bromo hexane
23. Which of the following compounds will give in the presence of peroxide a product different from that
obtained in the absence of peroxide?
1) 1-butene 2) 2-butene,HCl 3) 1-butene,HBr 4) 2-butene,HBr
24. Statement - I : The addition of Br2 to 1-butene gives two optical isomers.
Statement - II : The product contains one asymmetric carbon.
1) S - I & II are correct, S - II is correct explanation of S - I
2) S - I & II are correct, S - II is not correct explanation of S - I
3) S - I is true , but S - II is false
4) S - I is false , but S - II is true
25. Statement - I : Addition of bromine to trans-but-2-ene yields meso-2,3-dibromo butane.
Statement - II : Bromine addition to an alkene is an electrophilic addition.
1) S - I & II are correct, S - II is correct explanation of S - I
2) S - I & II are correct, S - II is not correct explanation of S - I
3) S - I is true , but S - II is false
4) S - I is false , but S - II is true
26. Which of the following alkene on acid catalysed hydration form 2-methyl propan-2 ol
1) (CH3)2CH = CH2 2) CH3 CH = CH2
3) CH3 CH = CH CH3 4) CH3 CH2 CH = CH2
27. Which of the following hydration is always anti–markovnikoff addition of water
to an alkene?
1) Hydroboration – oxidation
2) Oxy mercuration–demercuration
3) Oxo process
4) Acidic hydration
28. Conditions used for the formation of ethylene glycol from ethylene
1) bromine water 2) cold alkaline KMnO4 3)dil H2SO4, 60oC 4)Ag / 2000C
29. The olefin which on ozonolysis gives CH 3CH 2 CHO and CH 3CHO is
1) 1 - butene 2) 2- butene 3) 1 - pentene 4) 2 - pentene
30. Two moles of formaldehyde can be obtained by the following
1) Ozonolysis of acetylene and followed by hydrolysis
2) Ozonolysis of ethylene and followed by hydrolysis
3) Ozonolysis of propene and hydrolysis
4) Ozonolysis of 2-butene and hydrolysis
31. 2-methylpent-2-ene on ozonolysis will give
1) only propanal 2) propanal and ethanal
3) propanone - 2 and ethanal 4) propanone - 2 and propanal
32. In the following squence of reactions the compound A is
A HBr
B   C 
alc KOH
  CH 3CHO  HCHO
O3 , Zn / H 2 O

1) Ethylene 2) Acetic acid 3) Propene 4) 1-Butene

33. An alkene gives two moles of HCHO, one mole of CO2 and one mole of CH 3COCHO on
ozonolysis. The structureof alkene is
CH 3
1) CH 2  C  CH  CH 2  CH 3 2) |
CH 2  CH  CH  CH  CH 2

CH 2  C  C  CH 3 CH 3
| |
3) 4)
CH 3 CH 2  C  C  CH  CH 2
34. A single compound of the structure

Is obtainable from ozonolysis of which of the folloiwng cyclic compounds?

1) 2) 3) 4)

35. Ethylene gives epoxy ethane on oxidation with

1) KMnO 4 / OH  2) K 2 Cr2 O7 / H  3) Ag2O/2000C 4) H2SO4 / 1700C
36. What are X and Y in the reaction C2 H 4  H 2 SO4 
80 C
 X 
H 2O

1) C2 H 6 , C2 H 5OH 2) C2 H 4 , C2 H 5 SH
3) C2 H 5OSO3 H , C2 H 5OH 4) C2 H 4 , C2 H 5OH
37. C2H5Cl Alcoholic
  A dil
H  B
2SO4 / H2O .Here A and B are
1) C 2 H 5OH, C 2 H 4 2) C2H4, C2H5OH 3) C3H8, C2H5OH 4) C2H2+C2H5OH

38. Which of the following decolourises bromine water and does not give white precipitate with AgNO3?
1) C6H6 2) C2H2 3) C2H4 4) C2H6

39. CH 2  CH 2 
A 
B 
 C then `C' is
Dry ether

1) CH 3  CH 2  Cl 2) CH 3  CH 2  MgCl 3) CH 4 4) CH 3  CH 3
40. An alkene on vigorous oxidation with KMnO4 solution produces only acetic acid. The alkene is
1) CH 3  CH 2  CH  CH 2 2) CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3
3)  CH 3 2 C  CH 2 4) CH 3CH  CH 2

41. C2 H 6 
 0
A S B . Here ‘B’ is
2 Cl 2

1000 C

1) (C2 H 5 ) 2 S 2) (C2 H 4Cl) 2 S 3) (CH 3Cl) 2 S 4) (CH 3 )3 S

CH 3 COOK  A   B  C . Here ‘C’ is
Electrolysis Alkaline
42. 10000 C KMnO4

1) CH 3COOH 2) CH 2 OH  CH 2 OH

H2 / Pd BaSO4
43. CH  CH   A 
Cl2 / H2O
 B. ’B’ is

1) C2 H 4Cl2 2) C2 H 4Cl 3) Cl  CH 2CH 2OH 4) CHCl3


Cl2  H 2 O
C  CH 2  
44. Major product:
CH 3

Ph OH Ph Cl

1) 2)
CH 3 CH 2Cl CH 3 CH 2  OH

Ph CH 2  Cl Ph CH 2  OH

3) 4)
CH 3 Cl CH 3 H

45. CH Br  CH Br 
Zn , 
 A 
H 2 / Ni
 Here 'C' is
2 2
B 
HNO3 / 450 C
1) CH3NO2 2) C2H5NO2
3) C2H5– O – N = O 4) CH3 – O – N = O
H2 / Pd BaSO4
46. HC  CH  A  
B 
C. Here ‘C’ is
Quinoline AlCl3 Dry ether

1) C 2 H 6 2) C 4 H10 3) C 2 H5Cl 4) C3H 7Cl


1) 2)

3) 4)

48. Column-I Column-II

A) hydroboration- p) converts but-1-ene to oxidation butan-2-ol
B) oxymercuration- demercuration q) converts but-1-ene to butan-1-ol
C) Lindlars catalyst r) Converts alkyne to cis alkene
D) Metal in liquid ammonia s) Converts alkyne to trans alkene
1) A  q, B  p, C  r, D  s 2) A  p, B  q, C  r, D  s
3) A  q, B  p, C  s, D  r 4) A  p, B  q, C  s, D  r
1. 1 2. 2 3. 1 4. 1 5. 1 6. 3 7. 2 8. 3 9. 2 10. 1

11. 1 12. 1 13. 2 14. 1 15. 1 16. 1 17. 3 18. 3 19. 2 20. 2

21. 3 22. 1 23. 3 24. 1 25. 2 26. 1 27. 1 28. 2 29. 4 30. 2

31. 4 32. 3 33. 4 34. 3 35. 3 36. 3 37. 2 38. 3 39. 4 40. 2

41. 2 42. 2 43. 3 44. 1 45. 2 46. 2 47. 1 48. 1

CH 3

1. IUPAC name of the compound H 5C2  C||  CH 2  CH  OH

CH 2

1) 2-ethyl-4-hydroxypent-1-ene 2) 2-ethyl-pent-1-en-4ol
3) 4-ethyl-pent-4-en-2-ol 4) 4-ethyl-2-hydroxypent-4-ene
2. Consider the following compound. H 2 C1  C2 H  C3 H  C4 H 2 carbon- carbon bond
length between C2 and C3 will be.
0 0 0
1) 1.54 A 2) 1.3 A 3) Less than 1.54 and greater than 1.33 A0 4) 1.21 A
3. Which of the following molecules has longest C=C bond?
1) CH 2  C  CH 2 2) CH 3  CH  CH 2

| CH 3  C  CH 2
CH3  C  CH  CH2 |
3) |
CH 3

4. The number of structural isomers(open chain) possible for C5 H10 are

1) 6 2) 4 3) 5 4) 3
5. Planar molecule among the following is
1) CH 2  CH 2 2) CH 3  CH 3 3) CH  C  CH 3 4) Cyclohexane
6. Which of the following shows geometrical isomerism


1) BrCH=C=C=CHBr 2)

3) BrCH  C  C  C Br2 4) CH 2  C  C  CHBr

7. Dehydrating agent and dehydro halogenating agents among the following are respectively.
1) Conc H 2 SO 4 , Al 2 O3 2) Al2O3 , conc H2SO4
3) conc. H2SO4, Alc. KOH 4) Alc KOH,conc H2SO4
8. 1,2 dibromo ethane on heating in presence of zinc gives the following
1) Ethane 2) Ethylene 3) Acetylene 4) Methane
9. The reaction conditions used for converting 1,2-dibromoethane to ethylene are
1) Zn , alcohol,  2) KOH, alcohol , 
3) KOH, water,  4) NaCl , alcohol, 
10. Arrange the following alkyl halides in decreasing order of their rates of   elimination on reaction
with alcoholic KOH.

CH 3  C  CH 2 Br
A) B) CH 3  CH 2  Br C) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  Br
CH 3

1) A>B>C 2) C > B > A 3) B>C>A 4) A>C>B

11. Which of the following is the major product when 1-butanol is heated with concentrated H 2 SO4
1) 1-butene 2) Cis-2-butene 3) Trans-2-butene 4) All of the above


12. The order of reactivity of the alkenes,
(CH 3 )2 C  CH 2 ; CH 3CH  CH 2 ; CH 2  CH 2
When subjected to acid catalyzed hydrogenation is


13 .Decreasing order of heat of hydrogenation?

1) I > III > II 2) II > I >III 3) III > I > II 4) II > III > I
14. Which of the following will react fastest with H 2 under catalytic hydrogenation?


1) 2)


3) 4)
15. Which of the following alkenes yield(s) 3-bromo-3-methylpentane as the major product
upon addition of HBr?

1) I and II only 2) III only 3) I, II, and III only 4) all of them
16. Which of the following is most reactive in its reaction with C2H4?
1) HI 2) H C l 3) HBr 4) all are have equal reactivity
17. Which is formed by the addition of halogen to alkenes
1) vic-dihalide 2) Gem - dihalide 3) Propane 4) Propene
18. The addition of HBr to an alkene in the presence of peroxide is the example
1) Electrophillic addition reaction 2) Nucleophillic addition reaction
3) Free radical addition reaction 4)The formation of carbocation as an intermediate
19. In which of the following markonikov rule is not applicable

1) CH 3  C  CH 2 
 HCl
2) CCl3  CH  CH 2 

CH 3

3) CH 3  CH  CH 2 
dil . H SO
 4
4) CH 3  CH 2  CH  CH 2 

20. Find reactivity order of following for hydration:
p) CH 3  CH  CH 2 Q) CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3
CH 3  C  CH 2
CH 3  CH  CH  CH 2
| |
R) S)
CH 3 CH 3

1) P  Q  R  S 2) R  P  Q  S 3) R  Q  P  S 4) P  S  Q  R
21. Ethylene chloro hydrin is the product of following reaction.
1) CH 2  CH 2  HOCl 2) CH 2  CH 2  H 2
3) CH 2  CH 2  Cl 2 4) CH 2  CH 2  HOBr
22. Which one of the following compounds decolourises cold alkaline potassium permanganate solution?
1) C2 H 6 2) C2 H 5Cl 3) C2 H 4 4) C2 H 5OCH 3
23 CH 3  CH  CH 2  HBr  ? . The major product formed is
1) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  Br 2) CH 3  CHBr  CH 3
3) CH 2 Br  CH  CH 2 4) CH 2  C  CH 2
24. Orlon is the polymerised product of-------
1) CH2 = CHCl 2) CH2 = CH - O - CO - CH3
3) CH2 = CH - CN 4) CH2 = CH - CH = CH2
25. Di (2-chloroethyl) sulphide is known as
1) Lewisite 2) Mustard gas 3) Phosgene 4) Chloretone
26. The stable intermediate formed during the addition of HCl to propene in the presence of peroxide is
   
1) CH 3 C HCH 2Cl 2) H 3C  CH  CH 3 3) CH 3CH 2 C H 2 4) H 3C  CH 2  CH 2

27. One of the products obtained by the ozonolysis of RCH  CR 1 R 2 ?

1) R 1CH 2 CH 2 R 2 2) R 2 CO 3) R 1COR 2 4) R1CHO

x  major 

28. CH3  CH  CH2 Incorrect statement among the following is

HBr /  C6 H5CO2 O2
y  major 

1) X is isopropyl bromide, Y is n-propyl bromide

2) X and Y are position isomers
3) Formation of X is electrophilic addition
4) Formation of Y is electrophilic addition
29. The following alkene on ozonolysis give a mixture of ketones only

1) CH 3  CH  CH  CH 3 2) CH 3  C  CH  CH 2
CH 3

CH 3

3) C 4)All the above

CH 3

30. An alkene having molecular formula C9 H18 on ozonolysis gives 2,2-dimethylpropanal

and 2-butanone. The alkene is:
31. The reaction of propene with HOCl proceeds via the addition of
1) H  in the first step 2) Cl  in the first step

3) OH  in the first step 4) Cl  and OH  in a single step

32. A compound C4 H 8 decolourises KMnO4 solution.The number of possible structures of this compound
1)3 2)4 3)5 4)6
33. Propene reacts with Br2 to give 1,2-dibromopropane. The anti-addition takes plaes due the formation
of intermediate:


1) CH 3  CH  CH 2 2) H 3C  CH  CH 2

3) H 3C  CH  CH 2  Br 4) All of these Br

34. H 3C  CH  CH 2  HBr 

 Pr oduct , the intermediate of reaction is:
 
1) CH 3  C H  CH 3 2) CH 3  CH 2  C H 2

 
3) CH 3  C H  CH 3 4) CH 3  CH 2  C H 2

CH 3

Hg OAC  , D O
35. C  CH 2  2
NaBD4 ,  OH
 Major product :

CH 3

CH 3 CH 2  D CH 3 CH 3 CH 3 CH 2  D CH 3 CH 2  D

1) 2) 3) 4)
CH 3 OH CH 3 OH CH 3 D CH 3 OD
1. 3 2. 1 3. 4 4. 3 5. 1 6. 1 7. 3 8. 2 9. 1 10. 4

11. 3 12. 3 13. 1 14. 1 15. 4 16. 1 17. 1 18. 3 19. 2 20. 2

21. 1 22. 3 23. 2 24. 3 25. 2 26. 2 27. 3 28. 4 29. 3 30. 1

31. 2 32. 3 33. 2 34. 1 35. 4

1.The correct IUPAC name of the given structure

(a) 2-methylbut-1-yne (b) 1-methylbut-3-yne

(c) 2-methylbut-3-yne (d) 3-methylbut-1-yne
2. How many isomers are possible for C6 H10?
(a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 5
3 Total number of σ and π-bonds present in ethyne are
(a) 4 and 3 respectively (b) 3 and 2 respectively
(c) 2 and 3 respectively (d) 1 and 2 respectively
4.The correct statement regarding Ethyne is
(a) Linear molecule
(b) bond strength is more than ethene and ethane
(c) electron cloud is cylindrically symmetrical about internucler axis between two
carbon atoms
(d) all of these

5. Consider the following reaction, Here X refers to

(a) ethene (b) ethyne (c) methyne (d) None of these


Here, A refers to
7.Incorrect statement among the following
a)First three members of alkynes are gases, the next eight are liquids and the higher
ones are solids.
b)All alkynes are coloured
c) Ethyene has characteristic odour.
d) none of these
8. Which one is the correct order of acidity?

9) correct statement is/ are

a) Majority of the reactions of alkynes are the examples of electrophilic addition.
b) The addition product formed depends upon stability of vinylic cation.
c) Addition in unsymmetrical alkynes takes place according to Markovnikov rule
d) all of these

11 Which of the following reaction will yield 2,2-dibromopropane?

12. Predict the correct intermediate and product in the following reaction.

13. The polymer polythene is represented as

14. In the following reaction,




17. Which of the following statement is correct?
(a) Aromatic hydrocarbons are polar molecules
(b) Aromatic hydrocarbons are coloured liquids
(c) Aromatic hydrocarbons are immiscible with water
(d) Aromatic hydrocarbons are immiscible with organic solvent
18. X-ray diffraction study of benzene reveals that

I. it is a planar molecule.
II. C— C bond lengths are of the same order which is intermediate between C— C
single bond and C- C double bond.
III. benzene is reluctant towards the addition reaction under normal conditions
IV. it explains the unusual behaviour of benzene. Which of the above statements
are true?
(a) I, II and III (b) II, III and IV (c) I, III and V (d) All of these
19. Any ring system will be ‘aromatic’ in nature if it possesses

I. planarity.
II. II. complete delocalisation of the π-electrons in the ring.
III. III. it follows Huckel rule. Choose the correct option.
(a) Both I and II (b) Both II and III (c) Both I and III (d) All of these
20.The number of SP2 hybrid orbitals in a molecule of benzene is

21.which of the following compound is not aromatic



23. For an electrophilic substitution reaction, the presence of a halogen atom in the
benzene ring
(a) deactivates the ring by inductive effect
(b) deactivates the ring by resonance

(c) increases the charge density at ortho position relative to para-position by


(d) directs the incoming electrophile to meta -position by increasing the charge
density relative to ortho and para -position
24. In an electrophilic substitution reaction of nitrobenzene, the presence of nitro
(a) activates the ring by resonance effect
(b) activates the ring by inductive effect
(c) decreases the charge density at ortho and para -position of the ring relative to meta
-position by resonance
(d) increases the charge density at meta -position relative to the ortho and para -
positions of the ring by resonance
25. Consider the reaction given below.

26. Acetophenone (C 6H5COCH3 ) is prepared from reaction of benzene (C 6H6 ) with A

in the presence of anhyd. AlCl3. Here, A refers to
(a) CH3 COCH3 (b) CH3 CHO
(c) CH3 CH2 CHO (d) CH 3COCl
27. Benzene on treatment with excess of chlorine in the presence of anhydrous AlCl 3
can be chlorinated to
I. C 6Cl6
II. C 6H6Cl6
III. C 6H5Cl

Choose the incorrect statement.

(a) Only I (b) Both I and III (c) II and III (d) All of these
28. Which of the following carbocations is expected to be most stable?
29. Consider the reaction given below.

30. When benzene is heated in air, it burns with sooty flame producing X and Y , as
shown in the given reaction C6H6 + 15/2 O2 X + Y

31. Which of the following set of functional groups is meta-directing?

32. Correct order of electrophilic substitution reaction is

33. Assertion (A) In the electrophilic substitution of aryl halides, the incoming
electrophile gets attached to the meta position.
Reason (R) Aryl halides are moderately deactivating.
(a) Both A and R are correct; R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are correct; R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct; R is incorrect
(d) R is correct; A is incorrect

34. Which of the following are the correct IUPAC names of the given structures?

(a) 1,2-benzanthracene and 3-methylcholanthrene respectively

(b) 1,2-benzanthracene and 3-ethylcholanthroctane respectively
(c) 1,2-benzenenapthalate and 2-methylcholanthrace respectively
(d) 1,2-benzenenaphthalene and 1,2-methylcholanthrane respectively

n I and
n II

1) 4 2) 1 3) 2 4) 4 5) 2 6) 3 7) 2 8) 2 9) 2 10) 4

11) 2 12) 4 13) 1 14) 1 15) 1 16) 3 17) 3 18) 4 19) 4 20) 1

21) 2 22) 1 23) 1 24) 3 25) 3 26) 4 27) 3 28) 1 29) 3 30) 2

31) 2 32) 3 33) 1 34) 1 35) 1


1. The common name and IUPAC name of

(a) dimethylacetylene and but-2-yne
(b) ethylacetylene and but-1-yne
(c) acetylene and but-2-yne
(d) methylacetylene and but-2-yne
2. The geometry of ethyne molecule is
(a) linear (b) trigonal planar (c) tetrahedral (d) bent
3. Hydrogen atoms of ethyne attached to triply bonded carbon atom are acidic in
nature due to
(a) maximum percentage of s-character of sp hybrid orbital
(b) highest electronegativity of sp-orbital than sp 2 and sp 3 -orbitals
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above


5. What are A and B in following reaction?

6) Incorrect statement is /are

a)Alkynes are insoluble in water, but soluble in organic solvents.

b) densities increase regularly with increase in molecular mass.
c) All alkynes are heavier than water.
d) weakly polar in nature

8. When CH3 — C ≡ CH reacts with one mole of HBr then product obtained is
(a) bromoethene
(b) dibromopropane
(c) 2-bromopropene
(d) 1-bromopropane

9. The major product of the following reaction is


11. Which of the following molecules on warming with mercuric sulphate and dil
sulphuric acid at 333 K form acetone?
(a) Propyne (b) Ethyne (c) Acetylene (d) Both (b) and (c)

12 Which of the following order is correct regarding acidic character of hydrocarbons

given below?

13. Assertion (A) 1-hexyne is converted to cis-1-hexene by Lindlar’s catalyst.

Reason (R) 1-hexyne is converted to n-hexane by the reduction with hydrogen gas in
the presence of Pd/Ni.
(a) Both A and R are correct; R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are correct; R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct; R is incorrect
(d) R is correct; A is incorrect

14.Matching (acetylene properties)

List-1 List-2

A) bond energy P) 180o

B) bondangle Q) good conducter
C) mixing with oxygen R) 823 kj/mole
D) liner polymer S) used for welding purpose

(a) A-R B-P C-S D-Q (b) A-R B-S C-P D-Q

(c) A-R B-P C-Q D-S (d) A-S B-P C-R D-Q

15. Arrange the following carbanions in order of their decreasing stability.

16.The IUPAC name of

(a) 1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (b) 2-Chloro-1,5-dinitrobenzene

(c) 4-Chloro-1,3-dinitrobenzne (d) none of these

17. How many isomers of 1,2-dibromobenzene are possible according to Kekule?

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

18. Which reaction confirms the presence of three double bonds in benzene?
(a) Oxidation reaction
(b) Hydrolysis reaction
(c) Triozonolysis reaction
(d) Addition reaction

19. Which one of these is incorrect for benzene?

(a) It forms only one type of monosubstituted product
(b) There are three C -C single bonds and three C- C double bonds
(c) The heat of hydrogenation of benzene is less than the theoretical value
(d) The bond-angle between the C- C bond is 120°
20. Which of the following statements are correct regarding structure of benzene?
I. All the six carbons in benzene are sp2 -hybridised.
II. sp 2 -hybridised orbital of carbon combines with another sp2 -hybridised
orbital of carbon to give C- C sigma bonds.
III. C—H σ-bond is obtained by lateral overlapping of sp2 -hybridised orbital of C
and1s-orbital of H-atom.
Choose the correct statements.
(a) I, II and III are correct
(b) I and II are correct
(c) I and III are correct
(d) II and III are correct

21. Four structures are given in options (a) to (d). Examine them and select the one
that is not aromatic

22. Assertion (A) The compound cyclooctatetraene has the following structural
It is cyclic and has conjugated 8π-electron system but it is not an aromatic compound.
Reason (R) (4 n +2 ) π -electron rule does not hold good and ring is not planar
(a) Both A and R are correct; R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are correct; R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is correct; R is incorrect
(d) R is correct; A is incorrect
23) Incorrect statement is /are

a)Aromatic hydrocarbons are non- polar molecules

b) are usually colourless liquids or solids with a characteristic aroma.
c) Aromatic hydrocarbons are miscible with water but immiscible with organic solvents

d) They burn with sooty flame

24. On passing vapours of phenol over heated zinc, dust it gets reduced to
(a) Toluene (b) aniline (c) benzene (d) phenol
25. Consider the reaction given below.

26. Consider the following statements :

I. The —OH group present in phenol is ortho and para-directing.

II. Directive influence of a functional group in monosubstituted benzene depends
on the nature of the substituent already present in the benzene ring.
III. The — OH group activates the benzene ring for the attack by an electrophile.
IV. Groups such as—NH2 ,—NH R, —NHCOCH3 , — OCH3 , — CH3 ,— C2 H5
etc, are examples of activating groups.
Select the correct option.
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) II, III and IV (d) All of these

27. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding nitration of aromatic

I. The rate of nitration of benzene decreases at 323-333 K.
II. II. The rate of nitration of toluene is greater than that of benzene.
III. III. The rate of nitration of chlorobenzene is greater than that of benzene.
IV. IV. Nitration is an electrophilic substitution reaction.
Choose the incorrect statement.
(a) Only I (b) Both I and III (c) II and IV (d) All of these

28. What products are formed when the following compound is treated with Br2 in the
presence of FeBr3 ?

29. In the reaction,

30. Neopentyl chloride reacts with benzene in the presence of a Lewis acid AlCl 3 to

31. During nitration of benzene, the attacking electrophile is

a) NO3 − (b) NO2 − (c) NO2 + (d) HNO3

32. BHC is obtained by addition of X moles of Cl2 with C6H6 in the presence of
UV/500 K. The value of X is
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d)8

33 .Which of the following deactivates the benzene ring towards electrophilic

substitution and is o p/ directing?
(a) -Cl (b) - OCH3 (c) -CHO (d) All of these
34. In nitrobenzene, the X attacks on comparatively electron rich meta-position
resulting in Y substitution. Here, X and Y refer to
(a) electrophile, meta (b) nucleophile, meta
(c) deactivating group, para (d) activating group, meta

35. Three moles of glyoxal are obtained by the ozonolysis, followed by

hydrolysis(in presence of Zn) of
(a) C 2H2 (b) C 6H6 (c) C 2H4 (d) CH4

36. The correct order of reactivity towards the electrophilic substitution of the
compounds toluene (I), benzene (II) and meta di nitrobenzene (III) is
1) III > II > I 2) II > III > I 3) I < II > III 4) I > II > III

37. O-xylene reacts with ozone to form

1) Dimethyl glyoxal + Glyoxal 2) Dimethyl glyoxal + Methylglyoxal
3) Glyoxal + Methylglyoxal 4) Dimethyl glyoxal + Methylglyoxal + Glyoxal

38. Polynuclear hydrocarbons are formed by an incomplete process of organic

materials. This process is termed as
(a) addition (b) combustion (c) elimination (d) substitution
39. The correct structure of 1,2,5,6-dibenzanthracene is

40. Match the following reactants in Column I with the corresponding reaction
products in Column II and choose the correct option from the codes given below

1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 3 5) 2 6) 3 7) 2 8) 3 9) 4 10) 2

11) 4 12) 3 13) 2 14) 1 15) 2 16) 1 17) 2 18)3 19) 2 20) 2

21) 4 22) 1 23) 3 24) 3 25) 1 26) 1 27) 2 28) 3 29) 1 30) 2

31) 3 32) 3 33) 1 34) 1 35)2 36) 4 37) 4 38) 2 39) 2 40) 1

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