An Internet of Things Sensor Array For Spatially A
An Internet of Things Sensor Array For Spatially A
An Internet of Things Sensor Array For Spatially A
An Internet of Things Sensor Array for Spatially and
Temporally Resolved Indoor Climate Measurements
Alexander Rusch * and Thomas Rösgen
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the need for infection risk analysis and assess-
ment of ventilation systems in indoor environments based on air quality criteria. In this context,
simulations and direct measurements of CO2 concentrations as a proxy for exhaled air can help to
shed light on potential aerosol pathways. While the former typically lack accurate boundary condi-
tions as well as spatially and temporally resolved validation data, currently existing measurement
systems often probe rooms in non-ideal, single locations. Addressing both of these issues, a large and
flexible wireless array of 50 embedded sensor units is presented that provides indoor climate metrics
with configurable spatial and temporal resolutions at a sensor response time of 20 s. Augmented by
an anchorless self-localization capability, three-dimensional air quality maps are reconstructed up to
a mean 3D Euclidean error of 0.21 m. Driven by resolution, ease of use, and fault tolerance require-
ments, the system has proven itself in day-to-day use at ETH Zurich, where topologically differing
auditoria (at-grade, sloped) were investigated under real occupancy conditions. The corresponding
results indicate significant spatial and temporal variations in the indoor climate rendering large
sensor arrays essential for accurate room assessments. Even in well-ventilated auditoria, cleanout
time constants exceeded 30 min.
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; CO2 measurement; airborne transmission; indoor climate sensing;
Citation: Rusch, A.; Rösgen, T. An internet of things; wireless sensor array; ultra-wideband ranging
Internet of Things Sensor Array for
Spatially and Temporally Resolved
Indoor Climate Measurements.
Sensors 2022, 22, 4377. https:// 1. Introduction
The challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted the need for
Academic Editor: further development of disease-spreading models, in this case, specifically for airborne
Michalis Michaelides virus transmission via aerosol transport.
Received: 10 May 2022
Considering indoor scenarios, in particular, the employment of detailed computa-
Accepted: 6 June 2022
tional fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations [1–3], simpler zonal [4–6], or even multizone
Published: 9 June 2022
simulations [7–11] appears feasible and may help to solve some of the specific ventilation
issues. The capture of turbulent flow features at the full resolution scale, however, remains
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
a limiting feature, and some degree of physical approximation is usually required [12].
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
This, in turn, generates a need for code calibration and adaptation to the scenario under
published maps and institutional affil-
investigation. For complex settings including forced ventilation, simulations and theoretical
models show large discrepancies [4,13] such that experimental measurements present an
attractive and necessary tool for validation.
Local CO2 concentrations are directly linked to human exhalation and serve as a
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
marker for the transport of aerosols with a viral load [14,15]. Especially indoors, infection
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. risks can be estimated from measurements of CO2 concentrations at inhalation height [16].
This article is an open access article Numerous indoor air quality (IAQ) measurement systems already exist and typically
distributed under the terms and use nondispersive infrared (NDIR) sensors. The presented work also utilizes that very
conditions of the Creative Commons sensor technology due to a trade-off between accuracy on the one hand and availability,
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// as well as unit price, on the other hand. It must be noted, though, that recent advance- ments in gas sensor technology promise further improvements in terms of sensitivity and
4.0/). selectivity [17,18].
Most indoor climate sensing systems focus on “smart monitoring” [19,20] in the context
of multi-room settings [20–28], e.g., they provide room-specific air quality warnings [29]
via webserver/smartphone or ventilation control systems. These internet of things (IoT)
devices not only enable the direct monitoring and control of IAQ on an individual smart
home basis [30,31] but present a means of generating extensive cloud datasets that are
analyzed to understand and optimize air flow paths and, ultimately, improve living [32]
and working [33] conditions at a generalized scale. Such big data approaches, for example,
utilize cloud processing to extract insights about air quality by applying machine learning
techniques [32,33].
Existing indoor sensor networks are typically not aware of their mesh topology such
that data are only visualized and inspected on a per-node basis, and manual mapping of
sensor locations to the respective sampled datasets is necessary [26–29,34–36]. Furthermore,
rooms are frequently only sampled in a single [21,24] or very few locations [22,35] instead
of resolving entire rooms spatio-temporally with high resolution. Therefore, such systems
are insufficient to capture the spatio-temporal complexity of natural and forced convective
indoor flows. Furthermore, the respective measurement devices are often mounted in
locations not representative of inhalation such as directly to a wall or ceiling. However,
CO2 spreading in large rooms is inhomogeneous, inherently unsteady, and can feature sig-
nificant stratification [16], which renders single-point measurements in non-ideal locations
inadequate to assess infection risks [37]. Furthermore, the effectiveness of countermeasures
and ventilation systems can only be evaluated from measurements that capture both spatial
and temporal trends with high resolution.
To address these issues, in the scope of this work, a large and scalable 50-unit sensor
array has been developed that provides spatially and temporally resolved room climate
measurements in typical indoor environments, for example, seminar rooms and larger
lecture halls with or without active ventilation. The system is designed for temporary
deployment as a high-resolution measurement instrument rather than being permanently
installed as part of smart building infrastructure. The battery-powered wireless measure-
ment units can be flexibly distributed in a target room and placed at inhalation height.
Besides the local CO2 concentration, temperature, relative humidity, and barometric pres-
sure are measured. Despite being developed during the COVID-19 pandemic, the sensor
array addresses the much wider topic of general indoor air quality measurement and
assurance [20–27,29,34,38].
For large rooms and arbitrary sensor unit placement, reconstructing the 3D locations
of all 50 sensor units manually is non-trivial, tedious, and error-prone. To bypass this
problem, the sensor nodes are augmented with an anchorless ultra-wideband (UWB)
ranging capability. Fused with an accurate height profile determination from calibrated
barometric pressure readings, the sensor mesh topology is reconstructed with a mean
Euclidean 3D position error of 0.21 m.
In the following, the design considerations, technical implementation, and measure-
ment results for the 50-node IoT sensor array are described. The system was deployed
during the COVID-19 pandemic to dynamically monitor the room climate and CO2 concen-
trations in various auditoria at ETH Zurich. Therefore, the presented results correspond to
measurements under real occupancy conditions. The data indicate that, in particular, the
time constants of the changes in the room climate have to be considered carefully.
The developed indoor sensor network is the first to use anchorless UWB ranging fused
with barometric sensing for network topology awareness enabling the reconstruction of 3D
indoor climate maps. Existing non-location-aware sensor networks visualize the data of the
sensor nodes in the form of individual graphs. For large networks, this is impractical and
does not allow for the easy detection of multi-scale spatio-temporal trends. In contrast, the
proposed sensor network enables the creation of 3D evolution maps that provide intuitive
insights into large datasets even for rooms with complicated topologies. Furthermore, a
novel indirect approach for calibrating the CO2 sensors of all measurement nodes via a
single reference unit is implemented. This work is further distinguished from most other
Sensors 2022, 22, 4377 3 of 23
indoor climate sensor networks by its size, the use of fully customized commercial sensing
nodes, and the employed IoT approach that does not stream any data to the internet/into
a third-party cloud but gathers and processes the information using only a local network
and a fully (physically and virtually) operator-controlled server backend. To the best
of the authors’ knowledge, no such large, flexible, robust, and location- as well as data
privacy-aware IAQ sensing array has previously been reported.
2.1. Resolution
The requirements on resolution include the spatial, temporal, and signal domains.
It was considered sufficient to place sensing nodes at approximately 2 m distance for
“high-resolution” measurements, comparable to typical values for social distancing. With a
target size of the array of 50 nodes, this enables a regular coverage of around 200 m2 .
Similarly, a temporal resolution of one sample per two minutes and node was con-
sidered useful. This figure relates to the need for also recording concentration changes
during the room emptying phase where the effectiveness of the ventilation system is of
particular interest.
Finally, the sensitivity of the individual nodes should be sufficient to detect—at least
locally—the CO2 emissions of a single person. Assuming a production per person of
approximately 0.7 g/min and a local “observation volume” of 10 m3 , this translates into
a value of 57 ppm/min. This figure has to be compared to the noise level and temporal
stability of the actual CO2 sensors employed in the sensing nodes.
As will be detailed later, the sensing node functionality was extended to include a spa-
tial ranging capability to automate the process of reconstructing the sensor node placement.
Again, the resolution of the UWB ranging modules and the additional barometric height
sensing was chosen to be better than 1 m for accurate position measurements.
Figure 1. All 50 assembled sensor nodes with the reference unit in front.
Figure 1. All 50 assembled sensor nodes with the reference unit in front.
2.3.2. Measurement NodeNode Design
The nodes are based on a modular design, using highly integrated commercial-off-the-
The nodes are based on a modular design, using highly integrated commercial-off-
shelf (COTS) components. A bus system using the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) and Serial Pe-
the-shelf (COTS) components. A bus system using the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2 C) and
ripheral Interface (SPI) protocols was chosen to connect the individual sensors, enabling fast
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocols was chosen to connect the individual sensors,
assembly of the components without the need for dedicated interconnect circuitry. The bus
enabling fast assembly of the components without the need for dedicated interconnect
architecture also allows for the later addition of further environmental sensing components
circuitry. The bus architecture also allows for the later addition of further environmental
such as particle size analyzers or volatile organic compound (VOC) detectors [19].
sensing components such as particle size analyzers or volatile organic compound (VOC)
The key components integrated in a single node are, at present:
detectors [19].
The key components integrated in a single node are, at present:
1. A master microcontroller with WiFi transceiver (Espressif Systems ESP32/WROOM32).
2. A CO2 , temperature, and humidity sensor (Sensirion SCD30).
3. A high-precision barometric pressure sensor (Bosch BMP390).
Sensors 2022, 22, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 23
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Block
Block diagram
diagram of
of the
the node
node hardware.
specificationsofofthe two
the main
two sensor
main components
sensor componentsSCD30 and and
SCD30 BMP390 are detailed
BMP390 are de-
in Table 1. The respective data are extracted from [39–41]. For further specifications, refer
tailed in Table 1. The respective data are extracted from [39–41]. For further specifications,
to these references.
refer to these references.
Table 1. Sensor specifications.
Table 1. Sensor specifications.
Response Time Time Temperature
Response Temperature
Component Measurement
Range Accuracy
Accuracy Repeatability
Repeatability (τ63% ) Stability
(τ63%) Stability
1 ◦C
SCD30—CO2 2 400–10,000 ppmppm
400–10,000 +/−(30 ppm ppm
+/−(30 + 3% )M.V. 1) +/−10 ppm
+ 3% M.V. +/−10 ppm 20 s 20 s +/− 2.5 ppm/
+/−2.5 ppm/°C
SCD30—rH 0–100% +/−3% +/−0.1% 8s N.A.
SCD30—rH 0–100% ◦ +/−3%
◦ +/−0.1% 8s N.A.2
◦C +/−(0.4 C + 0.023 C * (M.V.
SCD30—T1 1 −40–70
−40–70 °C +/−(0.4 °C1 —25 ◦ C))°C * (M.V. 1—25+/
+ 0.023 −0.1 ◦ C+/−0.1 °C
°C)) 10 s 10 s N.A. 2
N.A. 2
BMP390—pabsabs 300–1250
300–1250 hPahPa +/−50+/−50 +/−3 Pa
Pa (abs.);
Pa (abs.); +/−3 Pa (rel.) N.A. 2 N.A. 2
(rel.) N.A. 2 N.A. 2 +/−+/−0.6
0.6 Pa/Pa/°C
BMP390—T −40–85 ◦C ◦C
+/−0.5+/−0.5 N.A. 2 N.A. 2 N.A. 2 N.A. 2
2 2 −40–85 °C °C N.A. 2 N.A. 2
11 Measured
Measuredvalue. 2 Not
value. 2 Not applicable/not
applicable/not available.
All sensors
sensors are,
are, in
in principle,
of rapid
rapid data
data acquisition.
acquisition. In
In the
the interest
interest of
of power
conservation, though, the nodes operate currently at a (reconfigurable) sampling rate of
though, the nodes operate currently at a (reconfigurable) sampling rate of one
sample every two minutes. The data from each sampling sweep (CO2 concentration, relative
sample every two minutes. The data from each sampling sweep (CO2 concentration, relative
humidity, barometric pressure, temperatures T1 and T2 ) are packaged into a message and
humidity, barometric pressure, temperatures T1 and T2) are packaged into a message and
transmitted to the data server via WiFi using the MQTT protocol (see Section 2.4.1).
transmitted to the data server via WiFi using the MQTT protocol (see Section 2.4.1).
The ranging module is activated and read out only at the beginning of a measure-
The ranging module is activated and read out only at the beginning of a measurement
ment cycle since the nodes’ position is assumed to remain unchanged during the subse-
cycle since the nodes’ position is assumed to remain unchanged during the subsequent meas-
quent measurements. This assumption is not valid during the pressure sensor calibration
urements. This assumption is not valid during the pressure sensor calibration setup, though,
setup, though, where all nodes are temporarily moved to the same height level (refer to
where all nodes are temporarily moved to the same height level (refer to Section 2.5.2).
Section 2.5.2).
2.4. Software
2.4. Software Implementation
The measurementnodes’nodes’ firmware
firmware waswas designed
designed withwith special
special emphasis
emphasis on uni-
on uniformity
formity such that all units run the same software differing only by a node-specific
such that all units run the same software differing only by a node-specific identifier (ID). identi-
fier (ID). At the same time, the software enables the independent operation of
the same time, the software enables the independent operation of all nodes. This facilitatesall nodes.
the facilitates the flexible
addition addition
or removal or removal
of sensor nodesofused
in anodes used in acampaign
measurement measurement
eases and eases
the future theof
process future
up theofarray.
scaling up the array.
Figure 3 provides a simplified functional overview of the program structure of the
measurement nodes. Details regarding the different functionalities of the software will be
discussed in the subsequent sections.
Sensors 2022, 22, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 23
Sensors 2022, 22, 4377 Figure 3 provides a simplified functional overview of the program structure 6ofof the
measurement nodes. Details regarding the different functionalities of the software will be
discussed in the subsequent sections.
Yes Initial No
Configure SCD30,
BMP390 & DWM3000
React to management
commands (if any)
Disable watchdog
Figure Programsequence
MQTTwas waschosen
chosenasasthe thenetwork
transmitdata datafrom
units to the server backend and to implement management functionalities for sensor
to the server backend and to implement management functionalities for the ar-
the sensor
ray. MQTT
array. MQTT adheres to a to
adheres strict client–server,
a strict client–server,publish–subscribe
publish–subscribe paradigm
all network
all net-
work passes through
traffic passes the server,
through whichwhich
the server, is called the broker
is called in MQTT
the broker terms.
in MQTT Messages
terms. are
published underunder
are published so-called topics,topics,
so-called to which MQTTMQTT
to which clients can subscribe.
clients The broker
can subscribe. The routes
incoming information
routes incoming to all clients
information to allthat have
clients subscribed
that to the corresponding
have subscribed topic under
to the corresponding topic
which a message is published. However, the broker itself remains
under which a message is published. However, the broker itself remains passive and can- passive and cannot
publish any messages
not publish by itself.
any messages by In the specific
itself. setup atsetup
In the specific hand,atthe measurement
hand, units, as units,
the measurement well
asasthe reference unit, act as MQTT clients, while the server backend acts
well as the reference unit, act as MQTT clients, while the server backend acts both as both as the MQTT
broker and client
the MQTT brokeratand
the same
client time.
at theAs such,
same the As
time. server
thean MQTT
server broker
runs software
an MQTT as
well as a concurrent
software as well as adaemon
concurrentthat daemon
connectsthat to the local host
connects as an
to the MQTT
local host asclient, receives
an MQTT all
nodes’ measurement data, and logs them in a database. Upon startup
receives all nodes’ measurement data, and logs them in a database. Upon startup of the of the sensor array,
the broker
sensor relays
array, thea broker
MQTT message MQTT
a retained containing the reference
message containing unit’s
thecalibration data
reference unit’s
all sensordata
nodes as they come online. A multitude of MQTT
to all sensor nodes as they come online. A multitude of MQTT messagemessage topics allows
topics(including the server
allows clients backend)
(including to selectively
the server backend)gather and process:
to selectively gather and process:
1. Reference unit measurement data (“calibration values”).
2. Sensor unit ranging data.
3. Sensor unit measurement data.
Sensors 2022, 22, 4377 7 of 23
2.4.2. Startup/Initialization
As indicated in Figure 3, the sensor nodes operate in two distinct modes: Startup/initialization
mode and sampling mode. During the startup of the sensor array, each node performs three tasks:
1. Configuring the SCD30, BMP390, and DWM3000 sensor modules.
2. Receiving the calibration values from the reference unit and calibrating the CO2 sensor
accordingly (refer to Section 2.5.1).
3. Performing UWB-based ranging with all other nodes that can be reached and sending
the ranging information to the database backend.
In addition, during initialization, the sensor nodes may receive management com-
mands and act upon them. For instance, the operator can remotely instruct nodes in the
IoT array to restart.
Before entering deep sleep at the end of a measurement cycle, a timeout of the real-time
clock (RTC) is registered as a wakeup source. This causes the RTC controller and the ultra-
low-power (ULP) coprocessor to remain up and running as the ESP32 enters sleep mode.
In this state, the ESP32 draws a current of only 0.2 mA. Upon timeout of the RTC timer, the
ESP32 is woken via hardware interrupt from the ULP coprocessor and starts up normally
just as it would during initial powering—with one crucial exception: Before going into deep
sleep, a binary flag is set in the RTC slow memory indicating whether the sensor node has
already passed its initialization stage including UWB ranging and CO2 sensor calibration.
The ESP32 is then configured to keep the RTC slow memory powered even during sleep.
At each wake-up, the initialization flag is checked so that ranging and calibration are only
performed once. This avoids re-running these time- and power-consuming stages of the
sensor array operation even though the microcontroller is newly initialized every time it
is woken.
For additional power consumption optimization, the sensor node software is designed
in such a way that, during the sampling stage, the uptime of the units in between sleeps is as
short as possible. Typically, a sensor unit is awake for less than one second per measurement
cycle. However, this is strongly dependent on the WiFi conditions, as establishing the
network connection takes up the largest part of the uptime.
The DWM3000 module is only used during the UWB ranging in the initialization
stage of the sensor unit (compare Figure 3). Afterward, it is permanently powered off and
also remains inactive during deep sleep. The BMP390 sensor is triggered by the ESP32
to perform a single measurement “on demand”. Therefore, it is inactive by default and
only wakes once per measurement cycle to acquire a single sample. The SCD30, on the
other hand, needs multiple samples for its CO2 readings to converge. As such, the response
time constant is inversely proportional to the SCD30’s sampling frequency. Due to this
accumulating measurement principle, the SCD30 cannot be triggered to perform a single
instantaneous measurement. Instead, the sensor samples continuously with the configured
frequency and needs to be polled by the host for a new, converged reading. This has several
implications for the measurement nodes:
1. The SCD30 sensor cannot be powered down during deep sleep. It must remain up
and running so that it can sample the necessary data points to provide a converged
CO2 reading at the next measurement cycle of the node.
2. To avoid having the host stay awake for longer than necessary due to unsuccessful
attempts at polling the SCD30, the sampling frequency of the sensor needs to be
chosen fast enough such that a converged CO2 value is available to be read by the
next time the ESP32 wakes up.
3. At the same time, the sampling frequency of the SCD30 should be set as low as possible
such that the power-consuming sampling process of the SCD30 is not performed
unnecessarily often.
Sensors 2022, 22, 4377 9 of 23
The SCD30 CO2 sensor is the most power-consuming component of the sensor nodes
next to the ESP32 processor since its operation includes driving an infrared light-emitting
diode (LED) as an optical sampling beam. The manufacturer specifies the maximum
current drawn by the sensor to be 75 mA [40]. As elaborated above, the sensor must sample
periodically and cannot be powered down in sleep mode. For an optimum tradeoff between
measurement accuracy and power consumption, the sampling frequency of the SCD30 and
the sleep interval of the sensor units need to be adjusted. A reference sheet for the CO2
sensor relates sampling frequencies and response times [42]. This technical specification
also prescribes a lower and upper bound on the sampling interval of [5 s; 60 s]. Ignoring this
operating limit would result in inaccurate CO2 measurements. Given a desired temporal
resolution of the sensor array of two minutes, an optimized SCD30 sampling interval of
20 s is selected.
Another power-intensive task is the UWB-based ranging. However, it is only per-
formed once at the startup of the sensor array. Thus, its influence on the sensor unit’s
total runtime remains limited—it consumes a small, fixed amount of the battery capacity
available at the sampling stage.
While the effective capacity of the used rechargeable battery packs varies, the sensor
units achieve an average continuous runtime of more than seven days with the chosen
power management. This operating time easily covers typical time scales observed in
indoor climate investigations. If necessary, the runtime of the sensor mesh can be prolonged
by extending the sleep interval or shortened to increase the effective sampling rate.
Due to the high precision of the pressure readings, once calibrated, these values
are more accurate than the UWB lateral ranging values and thus stabilize the spatial
reconstruction algorithm and reduce the number of positional ambiguities.
The following sections discuss the results from a measurement campaign in a large
at-grade seminar room (Section 3.1) and a campaign in an inclined lecture hall (Section 3.2).
Additionally, a discussion on the ventilation time constants is provided in Section 3.3.
Furthermore, the accuracy of the proposed self-localization strategy via combined UWB
ranging and barometric sensing is assessed in Section 3.4.
Both in-field measurement campaigns (Sections 3.1 and 3.2) were conducted over
several hours under real occupancy conditions and include distinct events such as people
entering and leaving the rooms. Evolutionary 3D maps of the complete datasets of both cam-
paigns are available as Videos S1 and S2 in the Supplementary Materials. Accompanying
annotations embedded in the videos highlight significant events. It is highly recommended
to inspect these animations in addition to the static plots provided in this section.
Figure 6. Layout of at-grade seminar room with measurement unit placements annotated. Unoccu-
Figure 6. Layout of at-grade seminar room with measurement unit placements annotated. Unoccu-
pied desks are crossed out.
pied desks are crossed out.
Since the entire room is at-grade, so were the measurement units. As a result, baro-
metric pressure readings must only vary due to atmospheric pressure fluctuations and
coincide after calibration, as can be seen in Figure 7. Note that the barometric pressure
sensor calibration was performed prior to the measurement. The slightly diverging plots
towards the end of the measurement indicate that some BMP390 sensors drifted over the
Sensors 2022, 22, x FOR PEER REVIEW topology reconstruction as all sensor units were placed at the same height. 14 of 23
course of the measurement campaign. However, the drift is minor with the largest abso-
Sensors 2022, 22, 4377 14 of 23
lute discrepancy of 10 Pa. Furthermore, in this case, the inconsistency is irrelevant for the
room topology reconstruction as all sensor units were placed at the same height.
Figure 7. Calibrated barometric pressure readings in at-grade exam room. Sensor unit IDs are color-
When students started entering the room through the back door, the CO2 readings
increased rapidly with a distinct gradient from back to front as visualized in Figure 8. This
conforms with the applied seating strategy: Students were seated in the front first and
rows in7.
7. Calibrated
the back barometric
Calibrated pressure
were readings
occupied later. Noteinthat
readings at-grade
this exam
in at-grade room.
highly SensorSensor
unsteady unit IDs
behavior iscolor-
viewed in the Video S1 supplied in the Supplementary Materials.
When students started entering the room through the back door, the CO2 readings
increased rapidly with a distinct gradient from back to front as visualized in Figure 8. This
conforms with the applied seating strategy: Students were seated in the front first and
rows in the back were occupied later. Note that this highly unsteady behavior is best
viewed in the Video S1 supplied in the Supplementary Materials.
A similar, yet spatially opposite effect was observed when the students left after the
exam. In contrast to the orderly seating procedure prior to the exam, all students were
allowed to exit the room at the same time through the back door after the exam. Naturally,
Figure 8. COback
the single 2 concentration gradient from back to front during seating of students prior to exam in
door presented a bottleneck such that the occupation of the room was
at-grade room.
shifted towards the back as students gathered in front of the exit. Accordingly, the zones
of highest CO2 concentration first shifted towards the back of the room (see Figure 9) with
A similar, yet spatially opposite effect was observed when the students left after the
the gradients pointing from front to the rear middle before the levels slowly dropped to-
exam. In contrast to the orderly seating procedure prior to the exam, all students were
wards the baseline values when the room was completely empty again.
allowed to exit the room at the same time through the back door after the exam. Naturally,
the single back door presented a bottleneck such that the occupation of the room was
shifted towards the back as students gathered in front of the exit. Accordingly, the zones
of highest CO2 concentration first shifted towards the back of the room (see Figure 9) with
the gradients pointing from front to the rear middle before the levels slowly dropped to-
wards the baseline values when the room was completely empty again.
Figure CO
9. CO
Figure 9. 2 concentration
2 concentration gradient
gradient fromfrom
frontfront to as
to back back as students
students left the left the at-grade
at-grade room
room after after
the exam.
the exam.
Again, this effect is best seen in the Video S1, Supplementary Materials. Note that the
same effects during entering and emptying of the room are visible in the relative humidity
readings. A zone in the front of the room featured high CO2 concentrations even after
students had already cleared this area. This was caused by the supervisors gathering in
that particular region after the exam. Figure 9 clearly depicts this in the lower right part
of the plot corresponding to the measurement units 11, 21, and 31 (see Figure 6 for meas-
Sensors 2022, 22, 4377 15 of 23
Figure 10.
Figure 10. Temperature
Temperature evolution
evolution in
in the
the large
3.2. Measurements
Measurements in in an
an Inclined
Inclined Auditorium
The second room investigated with
second room investigated with the
the sensor
sensor network
network isis aa large,
large, inclined
inclined auditorium
at 2
at ETH
witha abase
basearea of of
area 460460
mm and 600600
2 and seats. An An
seats. image of the
image ofroom as seen
the room as from
fronta corner is shown
front corner in Figure
is shown 11. The
in Figure seats
The top in the in
seats back
theare located
back approximately
are located approxi-
m above7 mthe frontthe
above rows.
front rows.
Figure 10. Temperature evolution in the large planar seminar room.
Figure 11. Inclined auditorium at ETH Zurich. Image taken from a front corner. Image used with
Figure 11. Inclined auditorium at ETH Zurich. Image taken from a front corner. Image used with
permission from ETH Zurich.
permission from ETH Zurich.
The measurementwas wasperformed
performedon on2020September
a.m. and
and 2:50
2:50 During
time, twotwo
time, subsequent
subsequent introductory
carried out,
out, both
of which
both usedused
of which the auditorium
the auditorium at approximately
at approximately 50%50%
capacity. NoNo
capacity. detailed
detailedseating plan as
plan in Section
as provided 3.1 is3.1
in Section available since
is available students
since were
students allowed
were toto
allowed join
leaveleave early,
early, and and
move move around/change
around/change seats.
seats. Again,
Again, the measurement
the measurement waswas started
started prior to
prior to the
the first first students
students entering
entering to establish
to establish some some reference
reference datadata points
points ininundisturbed
room conditions.
conditions. WithWith an even
an even distribution
distribution of of
thethe sensorunits,
sensor units,every
second seating
seating row
row and
and approximately every fifth to sixth seat was covered by the measurement system. In
this campaign, two features are of specific interest: First, the sloped topology of the room
in combination with a ventilation system injecting air at the floor level and extracting at the
ceiling should establish forced and natural convective flows directed towards the upper
rear seating rows. Second, the capture of two subsequent events in the same room should
provide insights into the cleanout and ramp-up time constants. The full 3D evolution map
of all sensor readings is visualized in Video S2 available in the Supplementary Materials.
Refer to this animation for the most intuitive presentation of the collected data.
Figure 12 shows the CO2 concentration distribution at 11 a.m. in a bird’s eye view.
Each rectangle represents a seat in the lecture hall and the colored spots mark the locations
of the measurement units. That particular time instance is chosen as it represents an
extreme situation with close to maximum room average and top-level CO2 concentrations,
while the sensor readings were not yet influenced by people leaving the room. One clearly
recognizes the significant concentration gradient from front to back, with critical levels
above 1200 ppm being approached in the rear. As expected, exhaled air is convected up
the topological ramp of the inclined auditorium towards the rear. Clearly, seats in the
front of the lecture hall are much less exposed to potentially virus-loaded air than seats
further in the back. As was the case in the previous measurement campaign, relative
humidity readings closely follow the CO2 concentration evolution. Refer to Video S2 in the
Supplementary Materials for a side-to-side animation of both readings.
above 1200 ppm being approached in the rear. As expected, exhaled air is convected up
the topological ramp of the inclined auditorium towards the rear. Clearly, seats in the
front of the lecture hall are much less exposed to potentially virus-loaded air than seats
further in the back. As was the case in the previous measurement campaign, relative hu-
Sensors 2022, 22, 4377 readings closely follow the CO2 concentration evolution. Refer to Video S2 in the 17 of 23
Supplementary Materials for a side-to-side animation of both readings.
The significantofcontribution
The significant contribution of natural convection
natural convection to theupwards
to the overall overall upwards
directeddirected flow
profile becomes apparent when inspecting the temperature distribution
flow profile becomes apparent when inspecting the temperature distribution in the audi- in the auditorium.
Figure 13 depicts the temperature profile in the auditorium at the end of the first student
torium. Figure 13 depicts the temperature profile in the auditorium at the end of the
18 of 23
event. Clearly, the rear middle region of the lecture hall exhibits the largest temperatures
student event. Clearly, the rear middle region of the lecture hall exhibits the largest tem-
indicating that hot air is predominantly flowing and accumulating towards the back of
peratures indicating that hot air is predominantly flowing and accumulating towards the
the auditorium.
back of the auditorium.
13. Temperature
Figure 13. Temperature distribution
in the in the inclined
inclined auditorium atauditorium
the end of at
thethe endstudent
first of the first student event.
Highest temperatures are observed in the
Highest temperatures are observed in the rear of the room. rear of the room.
Figure 14.
Figure 14. Local
Local and
and average
average CO
CO22 concentrations
concentrations in
in the
the inclined
inclined auditorium.
of occupancy
before and
(H1 : 460 m2 , inclined;
during the cleanout m2 , at-grade)
H2 : 1400 after theareaudience
bothleft (Figure 1
at the
start of occupancy and during the cleanout phase after the audience had left (Figure 15).
O ccu p atio n S tart O ccu p atio n E n d
850 900
H (1) H (1)
1 1
800 H1 (2) 850 H1 (2)
H2 H2
CO2 concentration [ppm]
500 500
450 450
0 10 20 30 40 0
Time [min.] Time [min.]
One recognizes rather significant time constants in the order of several tens of minutes
One recognizes rather significant time constants in the order of several tens
for both transient phases. It is noteworthy that even in the same room (H1 ), the time
minutes for both
constants differtransient phases.
significantly. It isofnoteworthy
In the case that even
H1 (2), as elaborated in feedback
above, the same room (H1),
of the ventilation system was activated, in contrast to cases H1 (1) and H2 , where constant
ventilation was maintained. The ramping up of the ventilation in the former case led to a
reduction of approximately a factor of two in the ventilation turnover times.
Tests in larger rooms and locations have shown that ranging up to distances around
Tests in larger rooms and locations have shown that ranging up to distances around
20 m does not pose a problem for the current implementation with the DWM3000 UWB
m does not pose
modules. a problemit for
Nevertheless, the be
cannot current implementation
excluded with thesettings
that more complicated DWM3000 UWB modu
(e.g., array
Nevertheless, it cannot
patterns without be excluded
line-of-sight that
visibility more
of the complicated
nodes and clutteredsettings (e.g., in
environments array patterns w
may pose some
out line-of-sight as of yet of
visibility unknown
the nodeschallenges (loss of signal,
and cluttered multipath problems,
environments in general)etc.).
may pose so
as of4.yet unknown challenges (loss of signal, multipath problems, etc.).
The paper presents a large IoT sensor array to monitor the variations in the indoor cli-
4. Conclusions
mate of large auditoria with high spatial and temporal resolution. While the development
the sensor
paperarray was driven
presents by the
a large IoTneed for rapid
sensor arrayverification
to monitor of numerical predictions
the variations in the ind
in the management of such rooms under epidemic restrictions, the demonstrated func-
climate of large auditoria with high spatial and temporal resolution. While the deve
tionalities point to a broader field of applications in the general area of indoor air quality
ment of the sensor
assessment array Highly
and control. was driven
the need forasrapid
as well verification
significant of numerical p
spatial gradients
in COin the management
2 concentration, of such
temperature, androoms under
relative epidemic
humidity, restrictions,
are successfully the and
captured demonstra
resolved, as well as visualized readily in 3D evolution maps. Based on scalable
functionalities point to a broader field of applications in the general area of indoor IoT and
quality technology,and
assessment the sensing array
control. is extensible
Highly unsteadyto even largeras
events, sizes.
wellThrough the use ofspatial
as significant
highly integrated COTS components, the cost per node is kept low such that the hardware
investment does not appear to be a limiting factor in this regard.
To overcome operational and management issues imposed by the size of the sensor
network, a simple relay-style calibration method was developed that reduces the operator’s
manual overhead to a minimum. Furthermore, a novel 3D sensor node positional awareness
mechanism is presented that eliminates the need for spatial anchors by combining UWB
ranging and barometric pressure sensing. Finally, special care was taken at the sensor array
conceptualization stage to design the entire system and its software for a maximum level
of robustness and data privacy-awareness.
The insights gained from the proposed sensor network enable identifying seating
positions with high infection risks in lecture halls and optimizing temporal and spatial
room occupation schedules such that they conform with cleanout times and local flow
patterns. Furthermore, the large and high-resolution datasets can serve both as input
for numerical simulations and their subsequent validation at different scales and levels
of complexity.
Sensors 2022, 22, 4377 21 of 23
Future work will focus on the incorporation of additional sensing components such as
particle counters, as well as other gas (VOC) detectors to yield an even more complete air
quality assessment. Furthermore, the extension of the array to a larger number of sensor
nodes is anticipated. Moreover, as more and more datasets are collected, machine learning
techniques may be used to infer IAQ metrics in rooms with, as of yet, untested topologies.
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://, Video S1. SuppInfo_evolution_map_atgrade_auditor
ium.mp4: Evolution of indoor climate in at-grade auditorium during exam, Video S2. SuppInfo_evolu
tion_map_inclined_auditorium.mp4: Evolution of indoor climate in inclined auditorium during
two subsequent student events
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.R. and T.R.; methodology, A.R. and T.R.; node software,
A.R. and T.R.; server software: A.R.; validation, A.R. and T.R.; formal analysis, A.R. and T.R.;
investigation, A.R. and T.R.; resources, A.R. and T.R.; data curation, A.R.; writing—original draft
preparation, A.R. and T.R.; writing—review and editing, A.R. and T.R.; visualization, A.R. and T.R.;
supervision, T.R.; project administration, A.R. and T.R.; funding acquisition, T.R. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the cor-
responding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy reasons since the measurements
were conducted in the presence of students and staff. The full measurement data are visualized in the
Supplementary Videos.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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