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CIVIC EDUCATION Jss1 Note First Term

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JSS1 Alpha Term



- Meaning
- Types i.e universal values
- Level of manifestation and factors that promote
good value
- Importance



4 Honesty
- Meaning
Attribute and Benefits

5 Dishonest :

Meaning and consequences

- (Cooperation ) meaning and attributes
7 - Factors that promote cooperation

8 - National value 3
- Self reliance
9 - Self reliance
- Importance
10 - Process of identifying one’s natural talents

11 - Revision



Value can be the monetary and non-monetary worth of a thing in the ordinary sense.

In civic education value is used to refer to all moral standards and principles that guides
human actions. Being moral i.e. refer to what our society’s belief about what is right or
wrong socially and culturally. Such principles make a citizen important, good and active in
Nation building (progressing peacefully)

The unprincipled person is that person without moral principles e.g. a dishonest person.
Some of the things that value include expensive cars, house, jewelleries and certificates.
We guide and keep them jealously. Also the society esteem valuable persons high on them
have values that the society embraces.

The university accepted types of values include honesty, loyalty, faithfulness, truthfulness,
courage, self-reliance, cooperation and so on.


Values can be manifested in the following ways:

1. By being low abiding citizen: good citizens obey the rules and regulations of where
he lives. He there by encourage some other residents around him.
2. By being oneself in all situation: someone that has good standards can be predicted
as he will always do what is right or tell the truth even if the consequence is not
favourable to him.
3. By respecting other views and values: A valuable person respects other people’s
view even when they are century to his views but would not do what believers is
wrong morally
4. By being loyal to constituted Authority: A valuable person will not act in a way they
will destroy the nations image or other people image as a student he will support
his/her school’s culture

1. what is value?
2. State two importance of value.

WEEK 2 and 3


A value promotes good value system by an individual. It guides his goal setting. A value
system can be improved by:
1. Consistency: This is being used to do the same thing frequently without charging
such a person can be predicted on his beliefs and does not embrace bad value in
the society.
2. Integrity : This describes the qualities of strong moral principles in a person. He will
be opposed to taking bribes, corruption, examination malpracticed and so on.
3. Commitment : It must focusing completely on an activity unity it is accomplished.
Citizen are required to be committed to government’s programme.
4. Fairness : This is threatens people equally according to the rule. It is achieving
favouritism in all its forms.
5. Tolerance : This is the willingness to accept opinions or behaviour of other who may
not likes us it respects. Other cultures, religion and faster peace, co-operation and
progress in the society.


 It helps in goal setting.

 They control our behaviours.
 They make us have positive influence on others.
 They make us happy and fulfilled.
 They help in achieving the goals we have set.

Assignment :

Mention 4 factor that promote good values ?



Honesty is the human quality of being straight forward and truthful in words action. The
society through leaders who value honesty honour people such as a honest person can be
trusted because he will always speak the truth.

According to Wikipedia encyclopaedia honesty is the human quality of community and

acting truthfully.


1. Truthfulness : if a person is ho
2. nest it means been always truthful in any situation and in all his communication. He
will tell the truth even if he is to be punished or hurt. He is straight forward and
3. Godliness: Honesty cannot be divorced from godliness. Honest people fear only God.
It is the fear of God that makes a child report himself to the school authority when he
destroys schools property and nobody knows about it.
4. Loyalty : A honest person is ever loyal to his beliefs and country
5. Reliability: if someone is always telling the truth, not stealing or cheating, he can be
dependable at all times. People can rely on his words and can be a witness in the
court of low.
6. Respect: a honest person respects others since he also wants to be respected.
7. Courage : it is courage that can make someone say the that when others would not
for fear of being punished. We need coverage people in Nigeria.


1) Trust: Honesty makes a man reliable. He is not seen as a liar and as such when
others are been punished he is left unpunished.
2) Honour: Honest people have been honoured in time past by leaders who entrance
honesty. Some have been conferred CFR, OFR, SON and come materially financially.
3) Promotion: many people have been rewarded with promotion for being honest.
Honesty can raise a man from grass to grace and from zero to hero.
4) Popularity: people have become popular for being honest.
5) Confidence : people can easily associate with honest persons particularly in
business. Their business flourish.
6) a result of the confidence customers, business associates have in them.
7) They can be entrusted with responsibilities: whenever there is the need to appoint
people if integrity in position, honest person are given priority privilege to service.

Assignment :

1. Describe honesty.
2. Discuss the Consequences of dishonesty



This is the quality of being untruthful in words and actions while dealing with others or
yourself. It is exhibited in all terms of examination malpractice lying to others particularly
about money, misuse of school, government or organization funds and so on.

1. Lack of competent professionals: professional such as medical doctors, teachers and

lawyers who get their certificate through dubious means will be incompetent
professionals as they might have cheated in examination.
2. Low standard education: the standard of education has been compromised by
incompetent educationists who assure students who would have read well and
prepare well for examination for ‘help’. Such teacher must have gotten has certificate
through dubious means.
3. Hardship: the embezzlement of money meant to provide basic amenities will cause
untold hardship on citizens due to some people’s dishonesty.
4. Frustration and poverty: some people cannot suicide and die prematurely when
defrauded through advance fee fraud also known as ‘419’. Many businesses have
collapsed and owners frustrated and impoverished as result of some people’s
5. Untimely death of innocent citizens: due to the incompetence of half-baked
professionals like the doctors or pharmacist wrong medical prescription has led to
the death of innocent patient.
6. Election of corrupt leaders: electoral malpractice enthrones wrong persons in offices.
Such people will embezzle government treasury and not fulfil his promises to the
7. Dent’s the nation’s image: foreigners assure that all Nigerians are dishonest as they
hear of and see certificate forgery, duping and other retailers activities being
committed by Nigerians. They therefore are not willing to respect business with


1. Explain the meaning of Dishonesty



Co-operation is wanting together to achieve a good. It is the cordial relationship among

people which leads to a peaceful co-existence. It is the opposite of conflict and competition.
It is required in all aspects of the families, schools, officers, industries, churches, mosques.

Cooperation is enhanced when members of a group have approve, rules and regulations
even values for achieving a common goal.
Co-operation is impossible when members do not agree with one another. It is therefore
imperative to learn how to live together with other students, must learn to co-operate with
their teachers, classmate and school mates.


There are three types of cooperation namely:

a. Internal co – operation
b. Bilateral co – operation
c. Multi – lateral co – operation

1. INTERNAL CO-OPERATION: in a community or individuals and groups in a community or

state come together for economic, social and political objectives of the community or state.
Examples of such includes electing leaders into political power. Political association,
cooperative societies social clubs are example of internal cooperate for community
development and achieving specific goals and objectives.

2. BILATERAL COOPERATION: this is usually between two countries to enlarge the

economic, social and political development of the two countries involved.

3. MULTI-LATERAL COOPERATION: this involves several countries coming together to

evolve strategies of solving specific problems. The agreement is binding on the number
states who must be signatories to the agreement. Any member state that default will be
sanctioned e.g. United Nation Organization (UNO), Economic Communities or West Africa
(ECOWAS) e.t.c

The United Nations was established in 1945 to prevent a third world war and foster good
neighborliness amongst members state.


1. UNITY: It is the core of cooperation’s only united people can work together. People
must be are with leaders in order to make progress.
2. SHARING: we must share information, idols, views and opinions of material needed
for accomplishing a task if we are to achieve our collective goals.
3. SUPPORT: a cooperative individual backs, helps and support others by working in
agreement. As citizens we ought to support government programmes of they must
4. TEAM SPIRIT: it is a very important attitude of cooperation. It makes everyone to be
part of the task and see himself as important as others in the achievement of a set
5. CARING: everyone must be cared for so that they can have a sense of belonging. The
leaders must care for the followers and vice versa. Everyone must be kind and helpful
to the others for a successful co-operation.


Identify factors that promote cooperation



A. UNDERSTANDING: a mutual understanding of people in the society will make them work
together for the goal and objectives of the society.

B. GOOD REWARD AND RECOGNITION: If a is a group certain of being rewarded when a

goal is achieved every member will work tirelessly towards the achievement of the goal.
The society must recognise those who work for its progress, hence football teams are
rewarded bountifully, institutions are named after some heros and heroines. Example
include Tafawa Balewa Square, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile – Ife, Muritala Muhammed
Airport. They all have such names to immortalize some leaders who work for the unity and
progress of Nigeria.

C. WELL DEFINED GOALS: the team must have a goal that motivates each member to work
together. The goal must be well stated and well – defined. When the achievement of the
ultimate goal is beneficial to all members, they are propelled to work tirelessly towards,
achieving the goal.

D. CLARITY OF NEED FOR COOPERATION: in Nigeria, people has seen the need for
democracy due to the gains so far


As cooperation is very important in a society, we can not but mention A’s importance which

Achievement of Goals: people are happy when they work together and achieve the goals


Enumerate the benefits of cooperation



Self – reliance is to be financially and economically independent by controlling one’s talent

and skills earn income.

Self – reliance to a nation means controlling and using the National resources of the nation
to achieve sustenable development rather than depending solving on the countries.

A self – reliant person is not a burden to his society rather he is a problem solve. Instead of
looking for jobs, he reduces employment by providing jobs for others joining the band
wagons of people climbing out of the ‘hole’ recession globally.


1. Uses of Initiative: individual with the ability to think of what to do for himself financially
independent is self-reliant. He will not depend on other for employment

2. Use of Talents and skills: being self-reliant includes using what one has to do to get what
one need one must identify one’s skills and talents and control them for profit optimum.

3. Diligence financial independence: requires hard work as you eat only what you work for
this is diligence.

4. Endurance and perseverance: usually at the beginning of a venture or business thing

may not be rosy initially but with time situation will change for better.

Gread industrials nations like China and Britain preserved hardstrops before and today they
are great economically.



1. Self – reliance has benefits to an individual to the family and to the nation.
2. It makes him to be independent if he is self-reliant he needs nobody to set a job.
3. Provides him time for his family: a self-reliant individual has power over the number
of hours he works a day unlike those working for someone else. He has enough time
to interact with his family.
4. Enjoy privacy: he may not disclose any information about his business to anybody.
5. Decision making is easy: he does not need to consult anybody to make decisions on
his business. It makes decision making faster and easier.
6. Enjoy all his profits alone: a self employed person does not need to share his profit
with anyone. He therefore puts in his heat to have more profit.
7. Daily income: a self reliant person does not need to wait for the month to end like a
salary earner before meeting his needs as he makes money almost daily.
8. Ability to plan effectively: planning and formulation of business policies are always
easy. It helps in smooth running of the business.


1. More time for the children: self reliant parents will have enough time for their
children. This help in building a good home.
2. Improving standard of living: it help families increase their income. Therefore they
will have enough to meet the basic needs of life.


1. It reduces the level of unemployment: owners of personal business will employ

other people looking for jobs. This will go a long way in reducing unemployment.
2. Increase in economic growth and development: Self-reliance increase the role of
production in the country thereby increasing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). As
people establish personal business, increase economic activities will lead to economic
growth and development.
3. Increase in government revenue: tax paid or profit made by individuals business and
on the salary of their employee increase government revenue. The more people are
self reliant, the more revenue government generator.
4. Reduces frustration and poverty: joblessness has frustrated many youths like these
that are able to harness their skills will not be frustrated but rather be happy as they
cater for themselves and their families.
5. Reduces social vices: self reliance with diligence makes a person too busy to have
time for social vices like hooligan, armed robbery, prostitution, fraud (419), since
they are gainfully developed.
6. Increase in standard of living: one that has employed other people is indirectly
boosting their standard of living with the salary he pays them. The employee will be
able to pay house rents, eat good food and meet other needs. The employer who is
self reliant earns good income to take care of himself and family meeting the basic
needs conveniently.


Describe the benefits of self-reliance



Talents are natural abilities to do things well. They are natural gifts a person is born with
and are discovered by the owner.

Each person’s talent are unique and enduring. A person’s greatest room for growth is in the
areas of his or her greatest strength (natural talents).

Process of discovering one’s natural talents:

The talents of most people are hidden in plain sight, but so interwoven and can be hard to
detect. However, they leave tracks and can be discovered and developed. Think about
yourself you will know you pass many abilities. Things about it or without effort.

You can identify your talents by the following:

1. Natural Abilities: this is things we can do naturally. One should be able to identify things
one can do with ease for example some are: good of taking care of pets, other have skill to
impact knowledge and others are good money manager.

2. Academic Abilities: one’s performance to various subjects, offered in school can be used
to adjudge one’s talent. Some students are good at vocational subjects and others in

3. By Asking people: one’s talent can be discussed by asking one’s friends, parents, teacher
or other people close to us.

4. By reading books: reading gives knowledge and knowledge destroys ignorance and
empowers one. Therefore, read! By so you can discover your talents and find ways of
developed them.


a. Constant practice: practice tracks perfection, your motor what you do every day.
b. By reading books relating to your skills: this will introduce you to higher skills in
your abilities or talents.


(i) Describe talents

(ii) State three ways of developing one's talent.

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