Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
R E A D IN G S K IL L S Finding information from more than one source • Identifying language for rephrasing and giving examples
LA N G U A G E FO R W R IT IN G Introductions and conclusions • Rephrasing and giving examples
W R IT IN G S K IL L S Introductions • Developing a thesis statement • Conclusions
Checking your writing (3) • Writing to describe and explain
V O C A B U L A R Y D E V E LO P M E N T Compound nouns • Compound adjectives
2 Survey Texts A and B on page 29. Where could they come from? W ho are
they written for?
3 Scan the texts. W hat do the numbers in the box refer to?
70% 98% 1972 300 billion 25% 32,000 2.7 billion 150
F in d in g in f o r m a t io n fr o m m o r e t h a n o n e s o u r c e
You w ill often have to read tw o or more texts about the same subject.
The information you need w ill depend on the task.
■ Read the first te xt and underline the information you need.
■ Read the second te xt and underline any new or different information
which is relevant.
■ Make notes from the information you have underlined.
1 W hat is desalination?
2 W hat is removed during desalination?
3 Which two methods are used in desalination?
4 Name three countries which use desalination.
5 W hen was desalination first used in China?
6 How have the Chinese made the process of desalination more efficient?
7 W hen was desalination first used in the UAE?
8 Why is there a water shortage in some countries with adequate rainfall?
9 How can water be managed more efficiently?
10 How can the problems of water be solved in the future?
5 Read Text B and underline any information which you could not find in
Text A or which is different.
6 Make notes to answer the questions, using the information you have
underlined in both texts.
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Food chains
7 Look at the diagram of the food chain and W hat is a food chain?
answer the questions. A food chain shows the relationship between organisms which feed on
1 W hat is a food chain? each other. This essay will describe the three types of organisms which
a a type of supermarket form food chains, and explain how each organism acts as a food source
b a line of people handing out food for the next one in the chain.
c a group of plants and animals which The first organism in the food chain cannot feed on other organisms
depend on each other for food and is called a producer because it makes its own food. Green plants
2 W hat is usually a producer in a food chain? are an example of a producer. They use ^____________, that is, the
a a plant process of turning carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds
b an animal using energy from sunlight. These organic compounds are found in
c a person various parts of the plant such as the leaves, fruit, and roots, and are a
source of energy for the organism in the next step in the chain, a
3 W hat is usually a consumer in a food chain?
a a plant
b a hum an or an animal producer
prim ary consumer
c a microrganism
8 Scan the text. Were your answers correct?
9 Check the meanings of the words in the box in
a dictionary. source o f energy
decomposers photosynthesis
herbivores omnivores carnivores
I d e n t if y in g la n g u a g e f o r re p h r a s in g
a n d g iv in g e x a m p le s