Course Outline MAT 120
Course Outline MAT 120
Course Outline MAT 120
Prerequisites None
Class Time S/T: 08:00 AM- 11:00 AM, Class Room: SAC – 207
Course Credit
Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Howard Anton, Irl Bivens, Stephen Davis,
Text Book 10th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013, ISBN NO. 978-1-11809240-8
Calculus, James Stewart, 7th edition, Cengage learning, 2012, ISBN NO. 978-0-538-
Reference Book
This course is intended to develop practical skills in differential and integral calculus, including their
applications to various technical problems. The basic differential rules will be introduced as well as the
methods of differentiating algebraic and transcendental functions will be developed. The definite integrals
and indefinite integrals, along with its applications in finding the area will be studied.
Course Objectives
1. To classify different types of functions, approximate their limits both numerically and graphically as
well as their continuity at a point or determine the intervals of continuity.
2. To apply the concept of limits and continuity to understand the principles of differentiation and
3. To differentiate all types of functions, including implicit and explicit type using different methods, and
apply differentiation to determine the rate of change, maxima and minima of functions.
4. To integrate different types of functions either by using the integral table or substitution technique
and apply the definite integral to obtain the area under curves.
Course Learning Outcomes
CO-2 Determine the differentiability and C3, C4 Lecture, group Assignment, Class
integrability of functions using the concepts discussion participation,
of limits and continuity. Midterms
CO-3 Differentiate various types of functions C1, C3, P2 Lecture, group Assignment, Class
comprising both the implicit and explicit discussion participation,
types using different methods and apply Midterms
differentiation to determine the rate of
change and maxima and minima of
CO-4 Evaluate the Integrals associated with C1, C3, P2 Lecture, group Assignment, Class
different type of functions either by using discussion Participation, Final
the integral table or substitution technique; Exam
interpret the geometric meaning of integral
and apply this concept to solve geometric
and physical problems, such as finding the
area under curves.
Please Refer to NSU Student Handbook, Sections: “Disciplinary Actions” and “Procedures and
NO makeup for quizzes and NO Formative assessment will be retaken under any circumstances. If a
student misses the Midterm and/or Final exams due to circumstances beyond their control (official valid
documents are required) and is informed beforehand (if possible), reasonable arrangement may be
considered. Please note that the retake exam questions are generally a bit tricky and critical compare to the
regular exam questions. Students may get the opportunity to see/recheck their midterm and Final
exam scripts.
Cell phones are prohibited in exam sessions.