Peace and Development FInals Reviewer
Peace and Development FInals Reviewer
Peace and Development FInals Reviewer
a) Development can either be seen in a
Development (Kaunlaran) “micro” or “macro” perspective.
b) Development is holistic.
- A stage in life where individuals fulfill
c) The various dimensions of development
their physical, social, political, economic,
are intertwined.
moral-spiritual, emotional/psychological,
d) The study of development is
and intellectual needs.
e) Economics is not the “end and all” of
DIMENSIONS OF DEVELOPMENT development, however it plays an
important function in meeting the other
needs of man.
Physical f) When one maximizes his capacity to
fulfill one dimension it might compromise
- Concerns maintenance of health and the others.
physical order within a community. g) The challenge of development
Socio-cultural management is to arrive at a
“rationalization” of development.
- The quality of social relationship or o Rationalization means making the
interaction among individuals/groups most of people's abilities in all
within a society. aspects without causing problems
- It can also be the appreciation of in other areas.
traditional cultural beliefs and practices.
- Practice of proper moral values within a
Intellectual a) Sub-subsistence Level
2. Human Rights
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
• Inherent rights for all, regardless
- Envision cities offering opportunities for of status.
all with access to basic services, energy, • Includes right to life, liberty, and
housing, and transportation. more.
• Entitled to these rights without
Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and
- Promote responsible production and
consumption. Fundamental
2. Stereotype
- Negative opinion based on 2 TYPES OF STEREOTYPES
incomplete knowledge.
1. Individual Stereotype: Attitudes toward
- is an attitude towards a person or
specific people, influenced by factors like
group based on some characteristic
their names or physical appearance.
or physical fact.
2. Group Stereotype: Attitudes based on
whether a person belongs to an in-group
3. Discrimination:
or out-group.
- Negative actions towards a specific
social group, evident in avoidance,
a. Cognitive Component: Set of beliefs
aversion, or violence.
about the group or individual.
b. Affective Component: Feelings
toward the group or individual.
c. Behavioral Component: Actions
directed toward the group or
individual based on the other two