Analysis of Fires and Firefighting Operations On Container Vessels 5e3d66a0382a7
Analysis of Fires and Firefighting Operations On Container Vessels 5e3d66a0382a7
Analysis of Fires and Firefighting Operations On Container Vessels 5e3d66a0382a7
Diploma dissertation
Phone: 0170-5582269
I remember walking with my grandfather by the locks of the Kiel Canal in Brunsbüttel as a small
child and marveling at the ships there. Thanks to his many years working as an electrician on the
locks, my grandfather was able to tell me a lot about the ships that passed through. And it was
these early impressions that first awakened my interest in shipping. Having completed a "vacation
internship" at the age of 17 at the shipping company Leonhardt & Blumberg (Hamburg), I decided
to train as a ship's mechanic. A year later, I started training at the Hamburg-based shipping
company Claus-Peter Offen and qualified after 2 ½ years. I then worked for 18 months as a ship's
mechanic on the jack-up vessel THOR, operated by Hochtief Solutions AG, which gave me the
opportunity to gain a wealth of experience in all things nautical.
While studying for my degree in nautical science at the Bremen University of Applied Sciences, I
spent the semester breaks on two different fully cellular container vessels owned by the shipping
company Claus-Peter Offen to further my knowledge as a ship's engineer and prospective nautical
The Verein Hanseatischer Transportversicherer e.V. (VHT) approached me with the idea for this
dissertation. I had previously worked there as a student assistant for over a year. Fire protection
was a topic that immediately aroused my interest, as I had already been thinking about
construction and fire protection in the context of fully cellular container vessels during my early
training. These initial critical considerations were reinforced by my observations of the operations
on a vessel when working as a ship's mechanic. And so I decided to write this dissertation.
I should like to take this opportunity to thank the Verein Hanseatischer Transportversicherer e.V.
for their support in the form of a workplace and the opportunity of gaining further expertise while
working on this dissertation. Furthermore, my thanks go to my examiners, Professor Captain
Thomas Jung and Captain Ute Hannemann, who have supported me throughout.
I hope that this dissertation will make thought-provoking reading for hull and cargo insurers,
shipping companies and freight forwarders and will highlight inadequacies in respect of fire
List of figures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………....IV
List of tables…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….……V
Abbreviations used……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..…….…VII
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Relevance of the topic ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Objective and delineation of the topic .............................................................................................. 1
1.3. Structure of the dissertation ............................................................................................................. 2
2. The global FCC fleet ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1. Makeup of the FCC fleet in 2000..................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Development of the FCC fleet up to 2015 ...................................................................................................... 6
2.3. State of the fleet in 2015 and possible future trends in the FCC fleet ............................................................ 9
3. Fire protection system as per SOLAS ............................................................................................................ 13
3.1. Implementation of the SOLAS regulations on a fully cellular container vessel with a capacity of
5100 TEU 13
3.1.1. Principal dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.2. Fire detection system .................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.3. CO² firefighting system ................................................................................................................ 14
3.1.4. Seawater firefighting systems ......................................................................................................... 15 Pumps .............................................................................................................................................. 15 International shore connection ................................................................................................... 16 Seawater firefighting system on deck ......................................................................................... 16 Seawater firefighting system in the cargo space ......................................................................... 17
3.1.5. Personal fire protection equipment ............................................................................................ 19
3.1.6. Drills and crew training ................................................................................................................ 19
3.2. Critical examination of possible firefighting activities by theoretical simulation of fire events
and firefighting measures ............................................................................................................................. 21
3.2.1 Scenario 1: Fire forward of the deckhouse, on deck ................................................................... 23
3.2.2 Scenario 2: Fire forward of the deckhouse, below deck ............................................................. 25
3.2.3 Scenario 3: Fire aft of the deckhouse, on deck ........................................................................... 28
3.2.4 Scenario 4: Fire aft of the deckhouse, below deck ...................................................................... 30
4. Analysis of losses resulting from fires on ships in the period 2000-2015 ..................................................... 33
4.1. Description of the procedure used ................................................................................................. 33
4.2. Data basis ........................................................................................................................................ 37
4.3. List of incidents ............................................................................................................................... 39
4.4. Analyses........................................................................................................................................... 67
Contents III
List of figures
List of tables
Abbreviations used
AB Able-bodied seaman
CABA Compressed air breathing apparatus
cf compare/see also
CMA CGM Compagnie Maritime d'Affrètement & Compagnie Générale Maritime, French
shipping company
CO2 Carbon dioxide
COSCO China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company, Chinese shipping company
CSCL China Shipping Container Lines, Chinese shipping company
DMAIB Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board
DNV · GL Det Norske Veritas & Germanischer Lloyd, merger of the Norwegian and
German classification societies
dwt Deadweight tonnage
FCC fleet Fully cellular container ship fleet
Feeder Feeder vessel
FEU 40-foot-equivalent unit, standard 40-foot container
FNFW Normausschuss Feuerwehrwesen, German Firefighting and Fire Protection
Standards Committee
FSA Formal Safety Assessment
FSS code International Code for Fire Safety Systems
GDV Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e. V., German
Insurance Association
GL Germanische Lloyd SE, classification society
Handy Handysize, vessel size
HHI Hyundai Heavy Industries Co, Ltd.
Hom TEU Homogeneously loaded 20-foot standard container
IMO International Maritime Organization
ISL Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik, German Institute of Shipping
Economics and Logistics
ITF International Transport Forum
LOA Length overall
m TEU Million 20-foot standard containers
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company, Swiss shipping company
MSC‘ Maritime Safety Committee
Nom TEU Nominal loading capacity for 20-foot standard containers
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OS Ordinary seaman
p. Page
Panamax Vessel size indicating vessels that are just able to pass through the old Panama
Canal locks
Post-Panamax Vessel size indicating vessels that are unable to pass through the old Panama
Canal locks
Reefer Reefer ship, refrigerated cargo vessel
RORO ship Roll-on/roll-off vessel
SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
Sup-P'max Super-post-Panamax, ship size indicating vessels >7000 TEU
TEU 20-foot-equivalent unit, standard 20-foot container
UASC United Arab Shipping Company
UHF Ultra-high frequency, radio frequency
VDR Verband Deutscher Reeder, German Shipowners' Association
Abbreviations used VIII
1. Introduction
The trend toward combining ever greater quantities of cargo on a single vessel, with the
attendant increase in risk for both vessel and cargo, is an issue that is now being investigated by a
wide range of institutions.
The 54th "Deutsche Verkehrsgerichtstag" (German Council of Transport Authorities) was held in
Goslar from the 27th to the 29th of January, 2016. One of the issues discussed in Working Party
VIII was "Mega container ships: Ever larger – but are they safer too?". The findings were: "The
regulations governing mega container ships must take account of the more extensive
requirements in respect of emergency provisions, for instance through fire detection sensors, by
further developing stationary and mobile firefighting equipment on and below deck and by fitting
suitable towing facilities. Initial and ongoing training of all those involved, especially the crew,
must be promoted with the aim of rapidly detecting potential risks and, where possible, avoiding
or minimizing these risks by appropriate actions. In particular in the event of a fire, steps must be
taken to ensure that specialist firefighters are deployed as soon as possible to support the crew.
Emergency berths for damaged vessels must be available together with the necessary equipment
for discharge and recovery. We would encourage the Federal Ministry for Transport and Digital
Infrastructure (BMVI) to bring together the available expertise." (-Deutsche Akademie für
Verkehrswissenschaft- e.V., 2016, p. 8)
Ever larger vessels fitted with the same firefighting facilities and with crews of the same size
increase the risk of a write-off if a fire breaks out.
As a qualified ship's mechanic and while working as a fitter on board international container ships
of all sizes, I was able to gain an impression of the firefighting provisions in the event of a fire. And
I frequently asked myself whether our equipment and the size of the crew would be enough to
fight or control a fire.
Considering the fact that logistics chains are increasingly based on containers and that cargoes are
increasingly being bundled on the main routes, for instance between Europe and Asia and on the
new trans-Pacific route following the opening of the new Panama Canal, it seems that the time
has come to question the safety of the cargo, the crew and ultimately the entire vessel given the
firefighting equipment currently fitted. In the search for answers, I shall in this dissertation be
investigating fires on fully cellular container vessels over recent years.
The objective of this dissertation is to establish a comprehensive overview of fires in the cargo
areas on fully cellular container vessels over the period 2000-2015. Collating all these cases
should make it possible to consider individual cases in greater detail and to apply analytical
methods to the totality of all cases. Listing and analyzing the losses should make it possible to
take a retrospective view. The financial aspect of the loss was not taken into account when
considering the individual cases, as the direct costs of damage and the consequential costs would
constitute sufficient material for a further scientific paper.
Furthermore, the existing firefighting equipment as laid down in SOLAS will be assessed as to its
suitability. To this end, various scenarios involving container fires on a vessel and in which the
crew fight the fire will be simulated. The simulation of fires on a fully cellular container vessel
should illustrate the extent to which the equipment is actually fit for use. This should reveal
potential weaknesses in fixed and mobile firefighting equipment and in respect of the size of the
crew. The aim of this dissertation is to sharpen awareness of the shortcomings of equipment as
laid down in SOLAS.
The overall objective of this dissertation is to be part of a preliminary expert report for a Formal
Safety Assessment (FSA) regarding changes to the SOLAS Convention. In turn, the aim of this FSA
is that the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) should take up this issue.
The first section (Chapter 2) will show the global numbers of fully cellular container vessels. The
first year surveyed is 2000. Charts and tables are used to represent and explain the makeup of the
fleet. The way in which the fleet developed up to 2015 is then explained. This section deals not
only with the overall capacity of the fleet, but also with individual vessels of extraordinary size.
Finally, the year 2015 is considered in comparative terms and the makeup of the fleet is shown.
Additionally, the future development of the fleet is discussed on the basis of orders and recent
The second section (Chapter 3) presents and critically assesses the international regulations of the
SOLAS Convention. Firstly, the required equipment is explained on the basis of a Fire Control and
Safety Plan for an example vessel. This is done using the SOLAS and International Code for Fire
Safety Systems (FSS Code) regulations. In order to critically assess the regulations, four different
cargo fires are simulated. Rules for the simulations are defined beforehand to ensure that they
are comparable.
In the final section, fires in the period 2000-2015 are first listed. The author created a data matrix
to allow the incidents to be compared and the data to be analyzed. Furthermore, Chapter 4
analyzes the data that has been presented from different perspectives and shows the analyses in
the form of charts.
The global FCC fleet 3
Starting from this statement and the chart above, this chapter first presents the development of
the global FCC fleet over the period 2000 – 2015. This will allow readers to gain an impression of
the enormous growth of the fleet's capacity and that of the individual vessels.
This will in turn make it possible for readers to put the safety aspects and fire incidents discussed
in the later chapters in the context of the global FCC fleet. Data has been taken from articles and
charts from the annual and quarterly reports published by Clarkson Research. Data from the
Bremen-based Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) was also analyzed.
The focus is to be twofold: on the makeup of the fleet in the initial year under consideration
(which also necessitates a brief retrospective into the 1990s), and on the rapid growth between
the beginning of the millennium and 2015. An outlook on future trends in the fleet post-2015 will
also be given.
Makeup of the FCC fleet in 2000 4
In terms of TEU, these newly-built vessels make up 46.8 % of the fleet. As a result, the average age
of the fleet fell from 11.4 years to 10.3 years.
At this time, the largest container vessels had a TEU capacity of up to 7000 and belonged to
Maersk Line and P&O/Nedlloyd (cf. Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL), 2000, p.
The period 1994 through 1998 saw extremely high investment in fully cellular container vessels.
This peaked in 1997, when 16 % of the existing fleet was delivered. In 2000, a TEU capacity of
493,000, representing 11 % of the fleet, was on the order books of the shipyards.
And in 2000, a TEU capacity of 216,000 in the form of post-Panamax vessels was also awaiting
delivery, twice as much as in any previous year. In the period between 1999 and the beginning of
the millennium, the focus was on orders for extremely large units (cf. Clarksons Research Studies
a, 2000, p. 16;18;97).
Makeup of the FCC fleet in 2000 5
The table below shows an overview of the FCC fleet in January 2000. The largest units are listed as
post-Panamax vessels and are just below the 7000 TEU mark. On average, these units have a
nominal capacity of 5410 TEU. They have a length overall of up to 324 meters and a beam of up to
42.1 meters. On average, the post-Panamax fleet has an LOA of 290 meters and a beam of 40
meters. On average, around ¼ of the feeder, feedermax, handy and sub-Panamax vessels are
equipped with cranes.
At the end of 2003, more than 80 ships with a capacity in excess of 8000 TEU were on the order
books of Korean shipyards, and a series of vessels with a capacity in excess of 9500 TEU were
ordered. For the first time, a vessel was built in 2005 that was able to carry 18 containers next to
each other on deck. With a potential TEU capacity of 9178, the MSC PAMELA was the first fully
cellular container vessel with a beam of more than 45 meters. The 9500 TEU mark was broken in
2006 by the XIN LOS ANGELES, which has a capacity of 9580 TEU. In the same year, the shipping
world found out that Germanische Lloyd (GL) had joined forces with the Korean shipyard Hyundai
Heavy Industries (HHI) to design a vessel with a capacity of 13,000 TEU. This vessel was designed
in such a way that 21 rows of containers could be stowed side by side on deck and 19 rows could
be stowed side by side below deck (cf. Witthöft, 2013, pp. 117-118).
Figure 05, Size comparison and draft designs from GL and HHI
Source: (Witthöft, 2013, p. 118)
Development of the FCC fleet up to 2015 7
In 2004, London-based shipbroker Braemar predicted the growth to 2007 resulting from a
predicted quarterly increase in the fleet of 60 vessels with a total capacity of around 200,000 TEU.
This would peak in 2006, when a TEU capacity of 400,000 would reach the market.
The chart below shows that the company was proved right.
In April 2005, shipping expert Dirk Visser of the Dutch DynamarBV drew attention to the fact that,
given the fleet size and known orders at the time, there would be some 4530 container vessels of
different sizes with a total capacity of 11.5 million TEU on the seas at the beginning of 2009. This
did not take account of scrapping (cf. Witthöft, 2013, pp. 61-62).
In its 2006 Annual Report, the German Shipowners' Association (VDR) announced that in October
of that year, 1247 vessels with a total TEU capacity of 4.6 million were either being constructed or
Development of the FCC fleet up to 2015 8
had been ordered by German shipowners. Of these, 78 had a cargo capacity greater than 9000
TEU. Spurred on by the EMMA MAERSK, which had a TEU capacity of 12,508 and was already
operational, the shipowners ZIM, MSC and COSCO ordered 17 new vessels, each of which had a
capacity greater than 10,000 TEU. French shipowner CMA CGM alone ordered 8 vessels with a
TEU capacity of 11,400 each. The then widespread trend towards economies of scale, according to
which the transport costs per container would fall as ship sizes grew, encouraged the shipowners
to purchase ever larger units (cf. Witthöft, 2013, p. 147).
Despite criticism and misgivings about ever larger ships and doubts about the actual benefits
delivered by the economies of scale, the VDR annual report for 2007 indicated that by the end of
the second quarter of that year, German shipowners had ordered 17 super-post-Panamax vessels.
These orders represented a TEU capacity of 215,000.
In the third quarter of 2007, orders had seen a more
than threefold increase. The VDR reported that by
the end of the third quarter, vessels had been
ordered with a total TEU capacity of more than 6.4
million . In the chart on the left, the Deliveries line
and the scale on the right show the annual deliveries
and the bar chart and the scale on the left show the
fleet size at the end of the year. According to Dr.
Burkhard Lemper from ISL, the year 2007 was to go
down in the history of container shipping as the year
of the 12,000 TEU vessels, since in the fall, the
Korean shipyards already had 115 orders for this
new class .
Figure 08, Deliveries of vessels with more than 12,000 TEU, 2003-2016
Source: (Clarksons Research a, Herbst 2015, p. 69)
In 2008, the Korean Samsung Heavy Industries shipyard delivered the MSC DANIELA which had a
capacity of 13,500 TEU and was at the time the world's largest fully cellular container vessel. The
MSC DANIELA has a length overall of 366 meters and a beam of 51 meters. The deckhouse and
engine room are split in a twin-island configuration (see Figure 5), which was at the time an
innovation on container vessels.
Following further high order volumes, more
than 90 vessels with a capacity in excess of
12,000 TEU were operating on East/West
routes in 2011. The next generation of mega-
carriers became operational in 2012: With a
TEU capacity of 16,020, the CMA CGM MARCO
POLO set a new record for fully cellular
container vessels. It has a length overall of 396
meters, a beam of 53.6 meters and a draft of
Figure 09, MSC DANIELA during sea trials 16 meters.
Source: (Vesseltracker, 2009)
With the start of construction of the first 18,000 TEU vessel, Danish shipowner Maersk Line set yet
another mark in 2012. 20 vessels of this Triple-E class were ordered for trade between Europe and
Asia. Other trade routes such as the Asia/US west coast cannot be considered due to the
State of the fleet in 2015 and possible future trends in the FCC fleet 9
restrictions of the US ports. As well as the Danes, the Kuwaiti United Arabian Shipping Company
(UASC), MSC, and the China Shipping Container Line (CSCL) have also ordered further 18,000 TEU
vessels (cf. Witthöft, 2013, p. 154). The table shows the growth and scrappage of vessels by class.
The growth in vessels of the 8000-9999 TEU and >10,000+ TEU classes is particularly noticeable.
2.3. State of the fleet in 2015 and possible future trends in the FCC fleet
In September 2015, the capacity of the global FCC
fleet was 19.3 million TEU, which represents an
increase of 7.7 % compared with the previous year.
Total deliveries in 2015 amounted to 1.6 million TEU,
and the fleet numbered 5192 vessels. In the first
eight months of the year, 113 fully cellular container
vessels with a TEU capacity of 1.3 million containers
were ordered. The focus was primarily on very large
vessels and to a certain extent on the feeder market
(cf. Clarksons Research a, Herbst 2015, p. 24). Growth
in container capacity in 2015 was 7 %, which was
above the growth in trade volume. At the end of the
year, the market totaled 21.9 million TEU.
Firstly, it The
Figure 10, is clear
fleet that the proportion
in September 2015 of vessels equipped with cranes has more than halved,
Source: from 24.5 % to 12 %. And another very obvious change is that the capacity of the largest
vessels has increased almost threefold. According to Table 2 (page 4), in 2000 there were vessels
with a TEU capacity of up to 6691. In 2015 there were operational vessels with a TEU capacity of
up to 18,582 TEU. On average, the nominal capacity of a fully cellular container vessel has
increased by 2055 TEU over the past 15 years. As a percentage, this represents an increase of
121.95 %. The average length of the vessels has increased by 21.91 % from 179.8 meters to 219.2
meters. The average beam increased by 5.1 meters, from 25.9 meters to 31 meters, an increase of
19.69 %. In this context, it should be mentioned that the widest container vessels can have a
beam of more than 50 meters.
State of the fleet in 2015 and possible future trends in the FCC fleet 10
At the beginning of September 2015 there were 227 vessels in the FCC fleet with a TEU capacity in
excess of 12,000. These represented a total capacity of 3.3 million TEU. In the first eight months of
2015, this sector grew by 21 % with 34 vessels being delivered. By comparison: Over the same
period, the overall FCC fleet grew by only 5.8 %.
In September 2015, the 12,000+ TEU fleet
represented a 17 % share of the TEU capacity of
the entire fleet. At this time, orders for 12,000+
TEU vessels stood at 128 vessels, representing a
capacity of 2.1 million TEU and 65 % of that of the
existing 12,000+ TEU fleet. Many shipowners had
already ordered a total of 62 vessels with a TEU
capacity in excess of 12,000 over the period
January-August 2015. Of these, 37 vessels had a
capacity greater than 18,000 TEU. Overcapacity is
expected to continue into the future against the
background of a challenging environment on the
Europe-Asia route. An expected slight growth in
trade and a smaller number of vessels delivered in
Figure 11, 12,000+ TEU fleet development
2016 will not change this. The 12,000+ TEU vessels
Source: (Clarksons Research a, Herbst 2015, p. 69) will squeeze the smaller vessels from the primary
routes and possibly become established on the
trans-Pacific routes.
State of the fleet in 2015 and possible future trends in the FCC fleet 11
At the beginning of September 2015, a total of 505 vessels with a capacity of 8000-12,000 TEU
were operating around the globe. Since the beginning of the year, the addition of 46 vessels has
increased capacity by 11 % to a total of 4.5 million TEU. At the beginning of the month, the
shipyards had orders for 110 vessels, with a TEU capacity of one million, representing 22 % of the
capacity of the existing fleet. Over the whole of 2015, around 0.6 million TEU will have been
added to the existing fleet capacity in the 8000-12,000 TEU class.
For 2016, slightly lower growth of 0.5 million TEU
is expected, given that there were 18 vessels on
the order books of the shipyards by September
2015. Growth of 11 % is expected for 2016, even if
more vessels are replaced by 12,000+ TEU vessels
on the Far East / Europe route as a result of the
cascade effect. Vessels with a capacity of 8000-
12,000 TEU will benefit from the opening of the
new Panama locks, since this means that as of the
second quarter of 2016, vessels with a TEU
capacity of up to 12,000 will be able to sail from
Asia to the eastern seaboard of the United States
on the trans-Pacific route.
The segment of the fleet covering vessels with a TEU capacity between 3000 and 8000 numbered
1531 vessels in September 2015 (cf. Clarksons Research a, Herbst 2015, p. 67). This meant that
this class contributed 7.49 million TEU to the total capacity of the global FCC fleet. The narrow
beam of the Panamax vessels makes it possible for them to use the old locks on the Panama
Canal. However, only 19 % of the vessels operate on the trans-Pacific route and use the locks,
whereas 31 % of the vessels operate on north/south routes and 13 % are used on intra-regional
routes. Because there is little interest in building new Panamax vessels and a large number were
scrapped in the period 2012-2014, the capacity of this fleet has fallen by 10 % since 2012. In 2015,
only a small number of Panamax vessels were scrapped.
The post-Panamax fleet, i.e. vessels that cannot pass
through the Canal, grew by 3 % in the first eight months
of the year. At the beginning of September, the
shipyards had orders for 22 post-Panamax vessels with a
TEU capacity of 3000-8000, representing a total of 0.1
million TEU or 3 % of the existing fleet capacity. Orders
for Panamax vessels were insignificant, which is
primarily explained by the new locks on the Panama
Canal .
The fleet of fully cellular container vessels with a capacity of less than 3000 TEU numbered 2929
vessels in September 2015. This class contributed a capacity of 4 million TEU to the global fleet.
Limited investment in new builds and continued scrapping have meant that the fleet has shrunk
by 8 % since September 2011. In 2014, for example, 115 vessels were scrapped, while just 51
were delivered. In 2015, 41 vessels were scrapped and just 36 were delivered.
The current generation of the largest container vessels could reach their limits at a capacity of
22,000 TEU. This would only require relatively minor optimization of the design of the existing
vessels. In essence, the vessels would be constructed in a way similar to Maersk Line's Triple-E
class (cf. OECD, 2015, p. 19). In order to move up to ships with a capacity of 24,000 TEU, they
would have to have an overall length of 456 meters and a beam of 56 meters. Such ships would
have 25 rows of containers stowed next to each other on deck, along with three additional 40'
bays (cf. Lane, A., Moret, C., 2015, p. 42). As early as 2008, Germanische Lloyd, together with the
South Korean STX Corporation, announced that they had developed the plans for a ship with a
capacity of 22,000 TEU. The length of the planned vessel would be 460 meters (cf. Witthöft, 2013,
p. 155) (cf. STX Corporation, 2008, p. 01). In 2014, reports emerged of plans for a 24,000 TEU
vessel by Ocean Shipping Consultants, part of the Dutch consulting company Royal
HaskoningDHV. This would have a length of 430 meters and a beam of 62 meters (cf. World
Maritime News d, 2014).
Table 05, The largest container vessels of our time and in the near future
Source: (OECD, 2015, p. 18)
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 13
This chapter will examine and discuss the regulations laid down in Chapter II of SOLAS.
Chapter II regulates fire protection, fire detection and firefighting equipment. In most cases,
SOLAS regulates fire protection on ships with reference to the International Code for Fire Safety
Systems (FSS Code). This was approved by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) in 2000 and took
effect in July 2002.
This contains the technical requirements in respect of fire protection systems as per SOLAS 74,
Chapter II in standardized form (cf. International Maritime Organization b, 2007, p. iii).
In order to examine the convention, its implementation on a fully cellular container vessel will be
explained. The discussion will then be based on theoretical simulations of fires on this vessel.
3.1. Implementation of the SOLAS regulations on a fully cellular container vessel with a
capacity of 5100 TEU
This dissertation will present the implementation of a fire protection system as per SOLAS on the
basis of an example vessel. The plans for the vessel used here were made available by Bremen
University. The hull number, the IMO number and the name of the vessel were not revealed. The
plan can be found in digital form in the appendices.
The fire protection equipment in the vicinity of the cargo on the example vessel will be
enumerated and explained on the basis of the Fire Control and Safety Plan.
"A fixed fire detection and fire alarm system and a sample extraction smoke detection system
required in this regulation and other regulations in this part shall be of an approved type and
comply with the Fire Safety Systems Code." (cf. International Maritime Organization c, 2009, p.
123) Furthermore, this regulation references the FSS Code, which regulates this type of smoke
detection system in Chapter 10 (cf. International Maritime Organization b, 2007, pp. 25-26).
In systems like this, the air in the hold is constantly pumped out through the same pipes that
would be used to introduce CO2 into the hold. This air is checked for smoke particles by smoke
detectors in the CO2 room. Each of the six holds is monitored by a single smoke detector.
In both the CO2 room and on the bridge, there is a smoke detection panel, that shows the hold in
which smoke has been detected. There is also a fire alarm panel on the bridge, in the engine
control room and in the fire station on the coaming deck in the deckhouse. Furthermore, there
are three manual alarms on deck: in the boatswain's store and on the coaming deck on the port
and starboard sides of the deckhouse. These can be used by the crew or by stevedores when the
vessel is in port in order to raise the alarm in the event of a fire being noticed.
Neither flame detectors nor heat detectors are installed in the holds to detect fires.
On the example vessel, the CO2 is stored in a bottle store in a separate room at the aft of the
vessel on the port side next to the steering gear room.
According to Chapter 5, Paragraph of the FSS Code, the quantity of CO2 available shall be
sufficient to protect at least 30 % of the volume of the largest cargo space (cf. International
Maritime Organization b, 2007, p. 8).
The release of CO2 into the holds is triggered remotely in the fire station on the coaming deck or
directly in the CO2 room. This is to comply with Chapter 5, Paragraph of the FSS Code,
which requires at least two separate stations for releasing carbon dioxide to be present (cf.
International Maritime Organization b, 2007, p. 9). Each hold can be flooded with CO2
independently. Remote controls are available on the bridge and in the fire station to switch off
the hold ventilators on the vessel. The ventilator flaps on the pontoon covers must also be closed
to ensure that the CO2 system is used as efficiently as possible.
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 15
Provided that the pumps are intact, it provides an unlimited supply of fire extinguishing medium
(seawater). The general regulations for this system are laid down in SOLAS Chapter II, Part C,
Regulation 10, Paragraphs 2.1 - 2.1.1:
"Ships shall be provided with fire pumps, fire mains, hydrants and hoses complying with the
applicable requirements of this regulation."
"Materials readily rendered ineffective by heat shall not be used for fire mains and hydrants
unless adequately protected. The pipes and hydrants shall be so placed that the fire hoses may be
easily coupled to them. The arrangement of pipes and hydrants shall be such as to avoid the
possibility of freezing. Suitable drainage provisions shall be provided for fire main piping. Isolation
valves shall be installed for all open deck fire main branches used for purposes other than fire
fighting. In ships where deck cargo may be carried, the positions of the hydrants shall be such that
they are always readily accessible and the pipes shall be arranged as far as practicable to avoid
risk of damage by such cargo." (cf. International Maritime Organization c, 2009, p. 153). Pumps
Immediate availability of water for firefighting is regulated in SOLAS, Chapter II, Part C, Regulation
10, Paragraph "in cargo ships: to the satisfaction of the Administration; and, with a
periodically unattended machinery space or when only one person is required on watch, there
shall be immediate water delivery from the fire main system at a suitable pressure, either by
remote starting of one of the main fire pumps with remote starting from the navigation bridge
and fire control station, if any, or permanent pressurization of the fire main system by one of the
main fire pumps, except that the Administration may waive this requirement for cargo ships of less
than 1,600 gross tonnage if the fire pump starting arrangement in the machinery space is in an
easily accessible position." (cf. International Maritime Organization c, 2009, p. 153).
On the example vessel, there are two main fire pumps, each with a capacity of 350 m³ per hour.
The pumps are located next to each other on the tank top in the forward section of the machine
room and are also used as bilge pumps and general service pumps. The vessel is also equipped
with an emergency fire pump with a capacity of 90 m³ per hour. This pump is located in the
combined bow thruster & emergency fire pump room at the forward part of the vessel. This room
also contains the pump that supplies the sprinkler system in No.2 cargo hold. Each of the four
pumps can be controlled from the bridge and from the fire station. This pump capacity meets the
requirements of SOLAS Chapter II, Part C, Regulation 10, Paragraph
"Each of the required fire pumps [...] shall have a capacity not less than 80% of the total required
capacity divided by the minimum number of required fire pumps but in any case not less than
25m³/h, and each such pump shall in any event be capable of delivering at least the two required
jets of water. These fire pumps shall be capable of supplying the fire main system under the
required conditions. Where more pumps than the minimum of required pumps are installed, such
additional pumps shall have a capacity of at least 25 m³/h and shall be capable of delivering at
least the two jets of water required in paragraph" (cf. International Maritime Organization
c, 2009, p. 156).
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 16
The length of the hoses is regulated by SOLAS Chapter II, Part C, Regulation 10, Paragraph,
according to which all hoses on open decks on ships with a maximum breadth in excess of 30
meters must be a maximum of 25 meters in length (cf. International Maritime Organization c,
2009, p. 157). To allow firefighting crews on deck to utilize the water, there are twelve hose boxes
with handline nozzles on the upper deck. Two further hose boxes are fitted on the forecastle deck.
There are a total of 16 hose boxes in the deckhouse, from the navigation bridge deck down to the
coaming deck, i.e. two per deck. This quantity of hoses complies with SOLAS Chapter II, Part C,
Rule 10, Paragraph
"In cargo ships of 1,000 gross tonnage and upwards, the number of fire hoses to be provided shall
be one for each 30 m length of the ship and one spare, but in no case less than five in all. This
number does not include any hoses required in any engine-room or boiler room. The
Administration may increase the number of hoses required so as to ensure that hoses in sufficient
number are available and accessible at all times, having regard to the type of ship and the nature
of trade in which the ship is employed. Ships carrying dangerous goods in accordance with
regulation 19 shall be provided with three hoses and nozzles, in addition to those required above."
(cf. International Maritime Organization c, 2009, p. 157).
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 17
The distance between the hose boxes on the coaming deck and the closest hose boxes aft on the
upper deck is 17 meters on both the port and starboard sides. Apart from the hose boxes in the
deckhouse, these boxes have the least distance between them.
The greatest distance between two hose boxes is 56 meters between the hose boxes on hatch no.
4 and the hose boxes on the forecastle deck.
It should be noted that, according to the plan, not every hydrant on deck has a hose box in its
immediate vicinity:
The hydrants between hatch no. 2 and hatch no. 3, the hydrants at hatch no. 14 and the hydrants
at the aft mooring station do not have a hose box in their direct vicinity.
Figure 15, Arrangement of the hydrants for protection of the cargo space
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
In addition to the hydrants on deck, there are four hydrants in the passageway on the starboard
side of the platform deck. Each hold has two entrances from the passageway to the lateral
passages, which can also be reached from the access hatches on deck. This does not apply to hold
1, to which there is only one entrance from deck and one entrance from the passageway. The
passageway can be accessed from aft, from the engine room and from forward. This means that it
is also possible to reach the holds from here using jointed lengths of hose.
Hold entrances
Figure 16, Entrances to the hold from the passageway
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
Only no. 2 cargo hold is fitted with a seawater sprinkler system to protect the cargo, particularly
hazardous cargo. This is supplied by the above-mentioned pump in the bow thruster & emergency
fire pump room, and can be started both from the bridge and from the fire station. The plans
available show no further details of the seawater sprinkler system.
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 19
The personal experience on container vessels of the author of this dissertation suggests that the
pipes and nozzles are integrated in the pontoon covers. This means that in the event of a fire, it is
necessary to connect hoses between the hydrants and the pontoon covers.
According to SOLAS Chapter II, Part G, Regulation 19, Paragraph 3.1.3, the sprinkler system must
be capable of delivering at least five liters of water per square meter per minute (cf. International
Maritime Organization c, 2009, p. 185) to comply with the regulations for transporting hazardous
According to the plan, there are two CABAs on board: One is located in the fire station on the
coaming deck and the other in the safety locker on C deck. This meets the international
regulations for cargo ships as laid down in SOLAS Chapter II, Part C, Regulation 10, Paragraph
10.2.1 in combination with Chapter 3, Paragraph 2.1 of the FSS Code (cf. International Maritime
Organization c, 2009, p. 163) (cf. International Maritime Organization b, 2007, p. 3). The two
fireman's outfits are located in the boatswain's store in the forecastle and in the fire station on
the coaming deck. There is an axe in the boatswain's store and on the aft mooring station (fire
The table in the Fire Control and Safety Plan does not list the two additional CABAs required for
classification as per SOLAS II-2, Regulation 19. The classification details in the Fire Control and
Safety Plan show that the example vessel is approved for transporting hazardous goods and is
thus obliged to carry additional protection/fire protection equipment.
Figure 17, Extract from Fire Control and Safety Plan with classification details
Source: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
.1 reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the muster list
required by regulation 8;
.2 starting of a fire pump, using at least the two required jets of water to show that
the system is in proper working order;
.5 checking the operation of watertight doors, fire doors, fire dampers and main
inlets and outlets of ventilation systems in the drill area;
.6 checking the necessary arrangements for subsequent abandoning of the ship.“ (cf.
International Maritime Organization c, 2009, p. 210).
Each member of the crew must take part in a drill with this content at least once a month. SOLAS
Chapter III, Part B, Regulation 19, Paragraph 3.1-3.2 requires that the scope and content of such
emergency drills should be as if there were a real emergency (cf. International Maritime
Organization c, 2009, pp. 211-212).
No information is available on the initial and ongoing training of the crew of the example vessel.
In his 2014 dissertation for Bremen University entitled Brandbekämpfung auf Handelsschiffen -
Potenziale zur Steigerung von Effektivität und Sicherheit durch Ausrüstung und Ausbildung, Dennis
Müller-Lohse discusses initial and ongoing training in respect of fire protection equipment. One of
the conclusions of this dissertation was that only 18.5 % of the vessels surveyed made use of
resources for conducting safety drills in a realistic manner (cf. Müller-Lohse, 2014, p. 94).
A questionnaire was used to collect data on the rapid deployment capabilities of the firefighting
crews. The data showed that only 25 % of the vessels surveyed achieved a time of less than 5
minutes to equip the crews with CABAs. The survey showed that realistic drills using appropriate
resources were only conducted on 7.9 % of the vessels surveyed. Overall, only half the vessels
surveyed included in their drills all the items of drill that the author of the dissertation named in
his questionnaire (cf. Müller-Lohse, 2014, pp. 79-80).
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 21
The Fire Control and Safety Plan gives the size of the crew as 30 persons. For this examination,
this number will be reduced to the more realistic number of 21 persons, namely:
This list was compiled on the basis of a current crew list of a vessel known to the author of this
This crew size and the four CABAs available result in the following assignment of tasks:
There will be one firefighting crew and one support crew. Each crew has two apparatus wearers,
who are actively deployed, and two support crew whose job is to help don the equipment and to
fetch the firefighting material (hoses, nozzles, fire extinguishers, etc.) and spare bottles. Both
crews are supervised by the 3rd Officer.
Together with the 2nd Officer, the Steward's department is responsible for providing first aid to
any injured persons.
Together with the 3rd Engineer, the Boatswain constantly refills the compressed air bottles that
are emptied during use.
Together with an AB as helmsman, the Captain is on the bridge and takes over navigation and
communication with external parties.
The Chief Engineer, the 2nd Engineer and the Electro-technical Officer are in the engine control
room in order to ensure the supply of power and water.
The 1st Officer is the officer in charge and is responsible for muster on deck and coordination of
firefighting activities. This simulation takes no account of the possibility that hazardous goods
have been stowed.
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 22
This division of responsibilities between the crew was chosen by the author on the basis of his
experience on various container vessels of a similar size.
The timing of the scenarios described in this chapter is not defined. This precludes any pros or
cons, for instance in respect of visibility on deck or tiredness on the part of the crew.
Furthermore, any possible influences of weather or rough seas are also ignored. The potential
benefits of rain on a fire on deck, restrictions to movement as a result of rough seas and any
reduction in the reach of handline nozzles due to strong winds are excluded from consideration in
order to provide a neutral initial situation for each scenario.
In all cases, the example vessel is underway, is fully loaded with containers and is not in a position
to call on external assistance. The period simulated is restricted to the time between detection of
the fire and the point at which a firefighting scenario has been established in which the crew has
exhausted all options for fighting the fire. The simulation will not cover any putative success or
otherwise of the measures taken to fight the fire.
In each of the scenarios, the time taken to cover any distances will be shown, thus allowing the
total preparation time until firefighting actually begins to be measured. The speed of a crew
member will be restricted to 8 km/h (2.22 m/s). Running in the narrow passages on board while
wearing the firefighting equipment is dangerous and the firefighters are forbidden to do so. The
speed was chosen on the basis of the sport of Nordic walking, in which the aim is to walk as fast
as possible without breaking into a run. One foot is always in contact with the ground when
walking. In this sport, 8 km/h represents a speed within the top third of the speeds that can be
achieved (cf. ProfiWalk, 2016).
In each of the simulations, the time a CABA will last is restricted to 30 minutes. Under ideal
conditions, a 6-liter bottle will contain 1800 liters of air at 300 bar. Under realistic conditions, this
will be 1650 liters. In the scenarios simulated, the crew's consumption of air is estimated to be
approximately 50 liters per minute while carrying out comparatively strenuous work. This results
in a realistic operational time of 33 minutes (1650 liters / 50 liters/minute = 33 minutes) (cf. Freiwillige
Feuerwehr Semd e.V., n.d.).
In each case, the position of the fire is marked by a red rectangle in both an overall view and a
detailed view. In each scenario, a 40-foot container with unknown contents is on fire. A
considerable amount of smoke is being produced and flames are occasionally observed.
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 23
Figure 18, Side view of the entire vessel with burning container, scenario 1
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
Figure 19, Top view of the entire vessel with burning container, scenario 1
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
The considerable amount of smoke produced causes the officer on watch on the bridge to first
notice the fire. After informing the captain, the officer sounds the general alarm, thus causing the
crew to muster.
10 minutes are needed for the entire crew to report to the muster station after the general alarm
has sounded. After the crew have been informed of the reason for the muster, the firefighting
crew and the support crew are equipped with CABAs. This takes a further 10 minutes.
The officer in charge decides to cool the front and back of the burning container and the
neighboring containers with seawater. Including the distance from B deck to the upper deck, the
distance from the deckhouse to the deployment area is approximately 180 meters. The crews
require 1.5 minutes to cover this distance.
Both crews advance to hatch no. 4. Each connects a 25-meter length of hose (shown in magenta
in Figure 21) to the nearest hydrant and starts cooling the containers. There is no hose box in the
immediate vicinity of the hydrant in front of the location of the fire, and so it is necessary to take
a hose from a different hydrant (shown in blue in Figure 21). A further 5 minutes are needed to
connect and roll out the hoses and for the firefighting crew and support crew to double-check
their personal protection equipment before the command to turn on the water can be given.
Thus, more than 27 minutes have passed since the general alarm was sounded.
The introduction of water directly into the burning container and the neighboring
containers would only be possible at extreme risk to the members of the crews
wearing breathing apparatus and by means of ladders and breaking or cutting tools.
This is therefore not an option.
No further cooling measures in the danger area can be undertaken directly by the
firefighting and support crews because there are no more CABAs available.
Figure 20, Top view of the forward part of the vessel with burning container
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
The possible additional measures on the part of the crew as listed above would require the
constant deployment of at least four persons with breathing apparatus, as they would repeatedly
have to work in the area affected by fumes. The rest of the crew would fetch the required
firefighting resources and would relieve the persons wearing the breathing apparatus after a
maximum of two consecutive periods of active firefighting to allow them to recuperate.
The fire on the CHARLOTTE MAERSK in 2010 provides a good comparison. The fire broke out on
deck. It was only possible for the crew to control the fire until an external firefighting team arrived
the next day. The crew made no attempt to open the containers or to puncture the container
walls. To prevent the fire from spreading to the next bay and to allow the crew to be deployed
more flexibly, handline nozzles were secured with ropes and used as improvised monitors. (cf.
Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board, 2012, pp. 12-19)
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 25
Figure 21, Side view of the forward part of the vessel with burning container
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
Figure 22, Side view of the entire vessel with burning container, scenario 2
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
Figure 23, Top view of the entire vessel with burning container, scenario 2
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
The fire in hold 3 is reported by the smoke detection panel of the combined smoke extraction and
carbon dioxide system on the bridge.
To eliminate the possibility of a false alarm, the duty AB is equipped with a UHF radio and sent to
check the affected hold. The duty AB requires 2 minutes to cover the distance of approximately
150 meters from the bridge to the hold. He uses the UHF radio to report to the bridge that smoke
is billowing from the ventilation outlet flaps. The captain is informed, general alarm is sounded
and the muster procedure is started. It takes 10 minutes to muster and to inform the crew of the
The officer in charge decides to flood the hold with CO2. The bridge deactivates ventilation in all
holds. The ventilation flaps have to be closed by hand. To do this, the firefighting crew and the
support crew are issued with CABAs. A further 10 minutes are needed to issue the equipment.
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 26
The firefighting crew and the support crew approach on both the port and starboard sides and
close all 14 ventilation flaps of hold no. 3. It takes 15 minutes to close the flaps including the time
taken for the crews to cover the distance there and back.
After the ventilation flaps have been closed and a further check has been performed at the
muster station to ensure that all the crew are present, CO2 starts to be introduced to the hold.
Hoses can be laid out on deck to cool the vessel's structure and the pontoon hatch
cover by pumping water over a large area (shown in green in Figures 25 and 26).
A makeshift sprinkler system can be made by opening the ventilation grilles on the
upper deck or by cutting through the ventilation flaps with cutting equipment to
pump water into the hold (shown in magenta and blue in Figures 25 and 26). This
would require a considerable amount of time working in the danger zone. The bilge
pump of the hold would have to be able to pump out the quantity of water
introduced in order to avoid free surface effects.
The cooling measures described would require the use of hoses and handline nozzles from the
entire upper deck, as there is insufficient firefighting equipment in the direct vicinity.
A comparable incident occurred in 2005 on the German container vessel CMS PUNJAB SENATOR.
In this case, nobody entered the hold in order to localize the fire. Instead, a visual inspection was
carried out through the hold access hatch. The measures taken by the crew were restricted to the
introduction of CO2, the introduction of water through a modified ventilation flap and cooling of
the upper deck and the pontoon cover (cf. Bundesstelle für Seeunfalluntersuchung, 2006, pp. 8-
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 27
Figure 25, Side view of platform deck, hold 3 with burning container
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
Figure 26, Top view of upper deck, hold 3 with burning container in hold
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 28
Figure 27, Side view of the entire vessel with burning container, scenario 3
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
The duty navigation officer on the bridge notices smoke at the aft of the vessel. After the master
has been informed, general alarm is sounded from the bridge. The entire crew is mustered on the
port side of B deck and muster is completed after 10 minutes. At the same time, the ventilators
for the holds, the air conditioning and the engine room ventilators are all stopped.
The officer in charge decides that the firefighting crew and the support crew will be equipped
with CABAs and will investigate the fire from the port side. To do this, the vessel is turned into the
wind. The assignment of tasks, and the process of equipping the crew and turning the vessel into
the wind take a further 10 minutes. The distance to the location of the incident is less than 50
meters and can be covered in less than a minute.
Hoses can be taken from the boxes and connected directly at the location of the incident. The
firefighting crew and the support crew each advance to the location of the fire behind the
affected container through a lateral passage with a connected hose and start fighting the fire. A
little more than 20 minutes have passed since the fire was detected by the bridge officers.
As in the first scenario, the container is stowed in a tier that prevents the crew from
puncturing the door or rear wall of the container to pump in water without the use of a
ladder. In this scenario, the use of ladders cannot be considered for reasons of safety
relating to the speed of escape in the event of deflagration or an explosion and the risk of
To at least make it more difficult for the fire to spread to containers stowed further
forward of the fire or to the deckhouse, the crew can fix handline nozzles from the
deckhouse pointing aft (shown in green and blue in Figures 28 and 29).
Additional hoses secured in the lateral passages can make it more difficult for the fire to
spread and protect the structural integrity of the stack of containers (shown in green and
blue in Figure 29).
As in the first scenario, possible additional measures on the part of the crew would require the
constant deployment of at least four persons with breathing apparatus, as they would repeatedly
have to work in the area affected by fumes. Deployment with breathing apparatus is extremely
strenuous and is stressful for the people concerned. The members of the firefighting crew and the
support crew must be relieved after a maximum of two consecutive 30-minute stints. The
additional firefighting equipment for installing the improvised monitors and deploying the hoses
used for cooling is present on every deck of the deckhouse. There is one hose box and one
hydrant on the port and starboard sides on each deck.
Figure 29, Side view of the aft of the vessel with burning container
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 30
A comparable scenario occurred on the EUGEN MAERSK in June 2013, when a container caught
fire in a position at the aft of the vessel that was difficult for the crew to access. The fire broke out
in the aftermost bay above the transom.
According to the crew, it was not possible to use special tools to penetrate the container due to
the intense heat. The crew also reported that the tools were not strong enough to penetrate the
walls of the container.
Furthermore, problems were reported concerning the vertical reach of the handline nozzles,
which was judged to be inadequate for effective use against a fire in the upper tiers (cf. Danish
Maritime Accident Investigation Board b, 2014, p. 10).
Figure 30, Side view of the entire vessel with burning container, scenario 4
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
As in the second scenario, the fire in hold 6 is reported by the smoke detection panel of the
combined smoke extraction and carbon dioxide system on the bridge. Because the hold is
immediately adjacent to the deckhouse, the duty officer can see from the bridge that smoke is
coming from the ventilation flaps. In consultation with the master, the general alarm is sounded
to muster the entire crew.
It takes 10 minutes until the entire crew is present. It takes a further 10 minutes to inform the
crew and equip the firefighting crew and the support crew. All four persons equipped with
breathing apparatus immediately start closing the ventilation flaps on the pontoon hatch covers
and in the lateral passages. In the meantime, the remaining members of the crew prepare hoses
and handline nozzles on the upper deck. The bridge deactivates the hold ventilators, the air
conditioning and the engine room ventilators. The vessel is also turned into the wind.
When the firefighting crew reports heavy smoke in the hold, the officer in charge decides, after
consultation with the bridge, to flood the hold with CO2. A further 10 minutes are needed to close
the 14 ventilation flaps.
After double-checking that everyone is present, CO2 is pumped into the hold to extinguish the
fire. 30 minutes have passed between the time the fire was detected and the time the
extinguishing agent is pumped in.
Hoses on deck can be used to cool the vessel's structure and the pontoon hatch
covers (shown in green in Figures 31 and 32).
Again, a makeshift sprinkler system can be made by opening the ventilation grilles on
the upper deck or by cutting through the ventilation flaps with cutting equipment to
pump water into the hold (shown in magenta and blue in Figures 31 and 32). This
would require a considerable amount of time working in the danger zone. The bilge
pump of the hold would have to be able to pump out the quantity of water
introduced in order to avoid free surface effects.
Again, the crew can fix handline nozzles from the deckhouse pointing aft to protect
the deckhouse and to cool the deck by pumping water over a large area (shown in
green and blue in Figures 31 and 32).
Figure 31, Side view of the aft of the vessel, hold 6 with burning container
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
Fire protection system as per SOLAS 32
Figure 32, Top view of aft of vessel, upper deck, with burning container in hold
Source: Own presentation, source of data: Fire Control and Safety Plan of the example vessel
Analysis of losses resulting from fires on ships in the period 2000-2015 33
The past 15 years was chosen as a suitable period since the size of the global FCC fleet, the sizes
of the vessels themselves and the quantity of containers shipped globally have all shown
significant growth during this time (cf. OECD, 2015, p. 15 ff).
The decision to restrict the analysis to fully cellular container vessels was taken jointly in advance
by the Gesamtverband der deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV), the Verein
Hanseatischer Transportversicherer e.V. (VHT), the examiner from Bremen University, the second
examiner from the VHT, and the author of this dissertation in order to ensure a greater level of
comparability between the individual incidents.
The decision only to consider incidents emanating from the cargo was also taken in advance of
work on the topic by the author and the examiners.
The flag of the country in which the vessel was registered at the time of the incident.
Date of the incident.
Position of vessel:
The position of the vessel when the incident first arose. Here, the regions are given,
rather than the precise geographical position, as it was not possible to identify the precise
position in all cases.
Last port visited and next scheduled port for the vessel at the time of the incident.
Persons who died as a direct result of the incident itself or as a consequence of the
Persons injured as a direct result of the incident itself.
Destroyed/damaged containers:
Number of containers damaged or destroyed by fire, explosion, heat, mechanical forces,
water or activities on the part of the firefighters.
Extent of fire as per DIN EN 14010:
In order to allow the individual cases to be compared, it was decided to classify the fires
in accordance with DIN 14010 of the German Firefighting and Fire Protection Standards
Committee (FNFW) entitled Statements for Fire Statistics (cf. Normenausschuss
Feuerwehrwesen im DIN, 2005) (available in German only). DIN 14010 categorizes the
extent of individual fires by the materials used to fight the fire.
Analysis of losses resulting from fires on ships in the period 2000-2015 35
The terms small fire a, small fire b, medium fire and large fire must be used and the fire
extinguishing equipment used must be declared when marking the scope of the fire in accordance
with DIN 14010.
A small fire a is defined as a fire for which a small extinguishing device was used.
A small fire b is defined as a fire for which a maximum of one C hose was used.
A medium fire is defined as a fire for which two to three C hoses were used simultaneously.
A large fire is defined as a fire for which more than three C hoses were used simultaneously.
DIN 14010 also includes a comparison of the extinguishing devices used to determine the scope of
the fire:
fire flapper
bucket of sand
pump-type fire extinguisher or stirrup pump
fire extinguisher
1 DM sprinkler pipe
1 sprinkler
BM handline nozzle
handline nozzle delivering more than 200 liters/minute
C hose delivering CAFS foam
S4 heavy foam nozzle
M4 medium foam nozzle
light foam generator delivering more than 200 liters/minute
extinguisher with a firefighting agent capacity between 250 kg and 750 kg
Figure 33. Own presentation, source: DIN 14010, 10.2005, pp. 13-14
Analysis of losses resulting from fires on ships in the period 2000-2015 36
This categorization must be supplemented by the firefighting agents which are used in the
event of a fire on board ship. In this dissertation, the use of the carbon dioxide
extinguishing system in the hold will be taken to identify a fire as a "medium-sized fire", as
the existing categorization for a "small fire" only applies to the use of up to 200 kg of
carbon dioxide.
Furthermore, support from firefighting monitors on a tug will identify a fire as a large fire.
Abandonment of the vessel is also taken to identify a fire as a "large fire" in the
framework of DIN 14010 in this dissertation.
The red areas represent the cargo area, the yellow areas the engine and engineering areas
and the green area represents the deckhouse.
Characteristics of fire:
A short description of the fire.
Time required to fight fire:
The period from the time at which the fire started up to the time that it was declared as
extinguished. The time is given in days and hours.
External assistance:
List of the shore-based or water-based measures taken to support the firefighting.
Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped:
Comments on what happened to the vessel after the incident.
Analysis of losses resulting from fires on ships in the period 2000-2015 37
These include, for instance, a Master's thesis from the World Maritime University in Malmö
entitled Application Of HFACS Tool For Analysis Of Investigation Reports Of Accidents Involving
Containerized Dangerous Cargoes (cf. Ren, 2009) from 2009 and a diploma dissertation from
Bremen University entitled Untersuchung von Ladungsbränden auf Containerschiffen
(Investigation of cargo fires on container vessels) (cf. Riecke, 2004) from 2004. Other incidents
were identified as a result of searching through the weekly Casualty Newsletter published by
London-based law firm Roose & Partners. Other sources that were used were statements from
Havariekommando and the archive of the Vereins Hanseatischer Transportversicherer e.V..
This research identified a total of 56 incidents of fires on fully cellular container vessels that fell
within the scope considered in this dissertation.
A report in the Container Ship Update, published by DNV · GL, stated that there were 143 fire
incidents on container vessels in the period 2000-2015, 56 of which were in the cargo area. The
author of this report points to figures in the IHS Fairplay Damage Database. After comparing the
number of incidents listed in the CINS – Cargo Incident Notification System and the incidents
reported in the IHS Fairplay Damage Database, the author suggests that only around 10 % of
explosion and fire incidents on fully cellular container vessels are made public (cf. Jost Bergmann,
01-2016, p. 28).
Using different research methods and different sources, this dissertation arrives at the same
number of incidents using the same criteria for consideration. This allows us to consider the data
basis to be confirmed.
The two charts below provide an overview of the quantity and quality of the collected data. The
first chart shows the level of completeness of all the records: Thus, for example, there are 25
records for which all the data is present and 5 records for which only one value could be found.
The second chart shows that for more than two thirds of the incidents identified, 50% or more of
the required data could be found. During subsequent analysis of the data, however, records with
a completeness level less than 50% will also be used for some analyses, provided that the relevant
data is present.
Analysis of losses resulting from fires on ships in the period 2000-2015 38
Irrespective of whether a record is complete, incomplete or unusable, all the records are
presented in the form of a table.
Year built: IMO number:
TEU capacity: Flag:
Date: 6/9/2000 Position of vessel:
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
Year built: 1988 IMO number: 8714217
TEU capacity: 2797 Flag:
Date: 9/19/2000 Position of vessel:
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
Year built: 1990 IMO number: 9001045
TEU capacity: 2932 Flag:
External assistance: None Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: Vessel continued voyage
Year built: 1988 IMO number: 8714217
TEU capacity: 2797 Flag: Panama
Straits of Malacca, coast
Date: 9/1/2000 Position of vessel:
of Malaysia
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 10
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse below deck
Several containers
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: 48 hours
caught fire in the hold
Year built: 1990 IMO number: 8914001
TEU capacity: 3618 Flag: Japan
Chebucto Head, Nova
Date: 3/22/2001 Position of vessel:
Scotia, Canada
Route: New York -> Halifax Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 15
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse on deck
Activated charcoal
pellets caught fire in
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: 30 hours
container, 4 containers
on fire
Year built: 2002 IMO number: 9232096
TEU capacity: 4389 Flag: Panama
Indian Ocean, 88 NM
Date: 11/11/2002 Position of vessel: south of "Dondra Head",
Sri Lanka
Route: Singapore -> Hamburg Fatalities: 2
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: Approx. 1750 TEU
Forward of the
Extent of fire as per
Large fire Location of fire on board: deckhouse, on deck and
DIN EN 14010:
below deck
Firework products
Characteristics of fire: caught fire, explosions Time required to fight fire: 28 days
on and below deck
Year built: 1998 IMO number: 9163984
TEU capacity: 1150 Flag: Germany
Blount Island,
Date: 1/22/2003 Position of vessel:
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
External assistance: Tug with monitor Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: Vessel salvaged
Year built: IMO number:
TEU capacity: Flag:
Date: 2/18/2003 Position of vessel: Indian Ocean
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
Characteristics of fire: Fire in the cargo area Time required to fight fire:
Year built: 2000 IMO number: 9188154
TEU capacity: 3709 Flag: Panama
Year built: 7/16/1980 IMO number: 7817103
TEU capacity: 766 Flag: Singapore
Date: 10/11/2003 Position of vessel: Off Durban, South Africa
Route: Port Louis -> Durban Fatalities: 1
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: At least one bay
Extent of fire as per Aft of the deckhouse
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: below deck
Explosion of calcium
Characteristics of fire: hypochlorite in hold, Time required to fight fire: 2 days
deckhouse fire
5 tugs, emergency
External assistance: rescue vessel, Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: Vessel salvaged, repaired
firefighting crew
Source: Own presentation, source of data: (Riecke, 2004, S. 59;70 ff), (Hazckeck, 2003), (Ports & Ships - Shipping and
Harbour News out of Africa, 2003), (Independent Online, 2003), (South African Maritime Safety Authority, 2004, p. 24
Year built: IMO number:
TEU capacity: Flag: Panama
Date: 12/12/2003 Position of vessel:
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
External assistance:
Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped:
Year built: 1997 IMO number: 9128099
TEU capacity: 2113 Flag: Marshall Islands
Date: 2/29/2004 Position of vessel: Durban, South Africa
Hong Kong -> Rio de
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 5 Destroyed/damaged containers: 1
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Medium-sized fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse below deck
Thermal reaction in
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: 3 days 15 hours
Assistance from
External assistance: Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: No damage to vessel
onshore firefighters
Route: Fatalities:
Year built: 2004 IMO number: 9262716
TEU capacity: 6492 Flag: Panama
Mediterranean Sea,
Date: 10/19/2004 Position of vessel:
Algerian coast
Suez Canal ->
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
External assistance:
Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped:
Year built: IMO number:
TEU capacity: Flag:
Date: 3/14/2005 Position of vessel:
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
External assistance:
Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped:
Year built: 2003 IMO number: 9264221
TEU capacity: 639 Flag: Panama
Date: 8/7/2005 Position of vessel: Gulf of Thailand
Route: Singapore -> Jakarta Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse below deck
Explosion of containers
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire:
in hold
Discharge of affected
Vessel continued voyage
External assistance: cargo and inspection in Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped:
after inspection
Source: Own presentation, source of data: (Ren, 2009, S. 49 ff), (7seasvessels, 2012), (Lloyd’s Marine Intelligence
Unit, 2005, p. 6)
External assistance: None Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: Vessel continued voyage
Year built: 2001 IMO number: 9219355
TEU capacity: 3108 Flag: Antigua & Barbuda
Date: 7/16/2005 Position of vessel: Damietta, Egypt
Route: Jeddah -> Damietta Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 70
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse on deck
Several containers
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: 5 days
caught fire on deck
Year built: IMO number:
TEU capacity: Flag:
Date: 8/12/2005 Position of vessel:
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
Year built: 2001 IMO number: 9219800
TEU capacity: 9578 Flag: Denmark
Date: 8/13/2005 Position of vessel:
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
Year built: 2005 IMO number: 9246700
TEU capacity: 3091 Flag: Liberia
Date: 12/28/2005 Position of vessel: Red Sea
Route: Singapore -> Genoa Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse below deck
Characteristics of fire: Container fire in hold Time required to fight fire: 8 days
Year built: 1996 IMO number: 9112272
TEU capacity: 5551 Flag: Panama
Gulf of Aden, 60 NM off
Date: 3/21/2006 Position of vessel:
the coast of Yemen
Singapore ->
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 851
Explosion of containers
in hold, fire spread to
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: approx. 14 days
deck cargo and
Up to 5 salvage and
Vessel was repaired in
harbor tugs,
External assistance: Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: China and has returned
1 naval vessel and salvage
teams to service
Year built: 2001 IMO number: 9224491
TEU capacity: 5512 Flag: Liberia
Date: 8/6/2006 Position of vessel: Coast of Malaysia
Singapore ->
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 25
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse below deck
Characteristics of fire: Container fire in hold Time required to fight fire: 10 days
Year built: 1982 IMO number: 8012657
TEU capacity: 1984 Flag: Taiwan
Date: 3/10/2007 Position of vessel: Colombo, Sri Lanka
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
Year built: 2004 IMO number: 9288904
TEU capacity: 5040 Flag: Israel
Date: 6/1/2007 Position of vessel: Pacific
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers: 100
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse below deck
Explosion of calcium
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: Several days
hypochlorite in hold
Container was
External assistance: Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: No damage to vessel
Source: Own presentation, source of data: (Ren, 2009, S. 49 ff), ( Lloyd’s Marine Intelligence Unit c, 2007)
Year built: 2006 IMO number: 9304447
TEU capacity: 9178 Flag: Liberia
Date: 3/9/2008 Position of vessel: Suez Canal, Egypt
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
Year built: 2002 IMO number: 9252230
TEU capacity: 4713 Flag: Antigua and Barbuda
Date: 10/5/2008 Position of vessel: Pacific/Seattle, USA
Route: Hong Kong -> Seattle Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: At least 2
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Medium-sized fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse below deck
Characteristics of fire: Container fire in hold Time required to fight fire: 1 day
Burning containers
were discharged and
External assistance: Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: Vessel continued voyage
extinguished by fire
Table 36, APL PERU
Source: Own presentation, source of data: (Ren, 2009, S. 49 ff), (Milgram, 2008), (Professional Mariner, 2008), (Nall,
2008, p. 65)
Year built: 1994 IMO number: 9057496
TEU capacity: 2780 Flag:
Date: 11/3/2008 Position of vessel:
Canada -> Far East ->
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 16
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse below deck
Characteristics of fire: Container fire in hold Time required to fight fire: 4 hours
Year built: 1997 IMO number: 9126754
TEU capacity: 1445 Flag: Turkey
Date: 12/2/2008 Position of vessel:
Route: Fatalities:
Injuries: Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
Year built: 2006 IMO number: 9321031
TEU capacity: 6350 Flag: Panama
Date: 7/2/2009 Position of vessel: Hong Kong
Mediterranean -> Far
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 1 Destroyed/damaged containers: 263
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse below deck
Container fire in hold,
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: 1 week
bottom layer
4 firefighting vessels, 2
External assistance: floating cranes, Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: Vessel continued voyage
firefighting crew
Source: Own presentation, source of data: (Ren, 2009, S. 49 ff), (Baird Maritime, 2009), (Dolphin Maritime and
Aviation Services, 2009), (OOCL, 2009), (Shipping Online, 2009)
Year built: 2006 IMO number: 9305714
TEU capacity: 9113 Flag: Panama
Date: 7/8/2009 Position of vessel: Suez Canal, Egypt
Suez Canal ->
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010:
Year built: 2001 IMO number: 9245744
TEU capacity: 9612 Flag: Denmark
Straits of Malacca, Port
Date: 7/7/2010 Position of vessel:
Route: Port Klang -> Salalah Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 1 Destroyed/damaged containers: 160
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse on deck
Container fire on deck
Characteristics of fire: in vicinity of hazardous Time required to fight fire: 12 days
1 airtanker,
2 tugs with monitors,
Vessel underway again
External assistance: salvage captain, Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped:
after repairs
firefighting teams from
the Netherlands
Year built: 2001 IMO number: 9225615
TEU capacity: 6732 Flag: Germany
Date: 7/14/2012 Position of vessel: North Atlantic
Year built: 2008 IMO number: 9333022
TEU capacity: 6696 Flag: United Kingdom
Date: 7/17/2012 Position of vessel: Ilyichevsk, Ukraine
Route: Constanța -> Ilyichevsk Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 3
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
- Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse below deck
Explosion of chemicals
No firefighting activities
Characteristics of fire: in containers in the Time required to fight fire:
took place
hold, no fire
Year built: 2009 IMO number: 9450911
TEU capacity: 4380 Flag: Germany
Date: 9/9/2012 Position of vessel: Mumbai Bay
Route: Mumbai -> Colombo Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 7
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse on deck
Containers caught fire
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: 3 days
on deck
1 coastguard vessel,
External assistance: Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: Vessel sent for repair
1 salvage tug
Source: Own presentation, source of data: (Containeroperations Wordpress, 2012), (Maritime Bulletin b, 2012)
Year built: 2008 IMO number: 9321550
TEU capacity: 15550 Flag: Denmark
Date: 6/18/2013 Position of vessel: Gulf of Aden
Tanjung Pelepas ->
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 16
Extent of fire as per Aft of the deckhouse on
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deck
Characteristics of fire: Container fire on deck Time required to fight fire: 5 days
Year built: 2002 IMO number: 9236236
TEU capacity: 1740 Flag: Liberia
Fire extinguished by
tugs, crew did not fight
External assistance: the fire, crew Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: Vessel was scrapped
abandoned ship
Source: Own presentation, source of data: (Blacksea News, 2013), (gCaptain, 2013), (Roose+Partners, 2013), (Verein
Hanseatischer Transportversicherer - Hamburg, 2013)
Year built: 2001 IMO number: 9215311
TEU capacity: 6802 Flag: Netherlands
Year built: 2011 IMO number: 9430363
TEU capacity: 7100 Flag: Liberia
Date: 1/26/2014 Position of vessel: North Sea
South America ->
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 1
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Small fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse on deck
Container fire on upper
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: A few hours
Year built: 2012 IMO number: 9527037
TEU capacity: 8700 Flag: Hong Kong
Indian Ocean, 600 NM
Date: 4/25/2015 Position of vessel:
from Port Louis
Tanjung Pelepas ->
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per Aft of the deckhouse
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: below deck
Fire and explosion in
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: 2 days
Characteristics of fire: Container fire on deck Time required to fight fire: 8 days
Year built: 1999 IMO number: 9187320
TEU capacity: 2011 Flag: Liberia
East China Sea,
Date: 7/11/2015 Position of vessel:
Route: Surabaya -> Ulsan Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 30
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse on deck
2 coastguard vessels
External assistance: with monitors Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped:
1 boarding team
Year built: 2006 IMO number: 9306550
TEU capacity: 8401 Flag: Liberia
Ras Al Khaimah, United
Date: 7/21/2015 Position of vessel:
Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates -
Route: Fatalities: 0
> Mediterranean
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: At least 15
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse on deck
Characteristics of fire: Container fire on deck Time required to fight fire: 3 days
Year built: 2000 IMO number: 9214903
TEU capacity: 8401 Flag: Denmark
Date: 8/26/2015 Position of vessel: Coast of Vietnam
Characteristics of fire: Container fire on deck Time required to fight fire: 4 days 8 hours
Year built: 2012 IMO number: 9525883
TEU capacity: 13296 Flag: Malta
Hamburg, Waltershof
Date: 8/28/2015 Position of vessel:
Route: Rotterdam -> Hamburg Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 1
Extent of fire as per Aft of the deckhouse
Small fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: below deck
Containers caught fire
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: 3.5 hours
in hold
Year built: 2015 IMO number: 9708851
TEU capacity: 18691 Flag: Malta
Date: 9/7/2015 Position of vessel: Cape Finisterre
Port Klang ->
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers:
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse below deck
Characteristics of fire: Container fire in hold Time required to fight fire: 12 hours
External assistance: No external assistance Vessel salvaged / vessel scrapped: Vessel continued voyage
Year built: 2000 IMO number: 9175717
TEU capacity: 1174 Flag: Antigua & Barbuda
Date: 8/30/2015 Position of vessel: South Atlantic
Walvis Bay -> Cape
Route: Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0 Destroyed/damaged containers: 6
Extent of fire as per Forward of the
Large fire Location of fire on board:
DIN EN 14010: deckhouse on deck
Containers caught fire
Characteristics of fire: Time required to fight fire: A few hours
on deck
Year built: 2005 IMO number: 9308405
TEU capacity: 2741 Flag: Marshall Islands
Date: 9/12/2015 Position of vessel: Manila, Philippines
Year built: 2005 IMO number: 9304978
TEU capacity: 2742 Flag: Portugal
Date: 11/23/2015 Position of vessel: Coast of Vietnam
4.4. Analyses
The data collected has been presented in the form of charts to aid clarity. The underlying data
from the incidents was maintained in comparable form and prepared with Microsoft Excel.
Over the period under consideration, the average size of the vessels has approximately doubled,
from 1700 TEU to 3600 TEU. The largest vessels on the market in 2000 had a capacity of 9500
TEU, whereas the largest vessels today are close to the 20,000 TEU mark. (cf. Jost Bergmann, 01-
2016, p. 28)
Analysis of losses resulting from fires on ships in the period 2000-2015 68
Of particular note are the 4 incidents each on vessels under Danish and German flags, as far fewer
vessels are registered under these two flags.
Analysis of losses resulting from fires on ships in the period 2000-2015 69
More than three quarters of the documented incidents occurred in the forward part of the vessel.
More fires occurred in the cargo holds in the forward and aft parts of the vessel than on deck. This
result is similar to that shown in a chart from DNV · GL that also records 13 incidents on deck and
as many as 35 incidents below deck in the period under consideration (cf. Jost Bergmann, 01-
2016, p. 28). According to this survey, the frequency of fires in the cargo area, a more difficult
environment for firefighting, was almost twice as high as on deck in the past 15 years.
delivery date from the Internet Ship Register. The ages range from vessels less than a year old up
to 25-year-old vessels. It is immediately noticeable that 87 % of the vessels under consideration
are less than 12 years old and that only 6 incidents occurred on vessels between 13 and 25 years
Bearing in mind the terms of reference in this dissertation, however, it seems sensible to see the
incident frequency as being independent of the age of the vessel, since the dissertation only
considers fires emanating from the cargo. Containers are to be considered as separate, closed
cargo units that bring their own characteristics on board with them. The concentration of
incidents on newer vessels correlates with the trend over the past years towards building ever
larger vessels, thus increasing the concentration of risk per vessel as a result of carrying more
cargo on board.
The analysis of the data reveals that around 20 % of the incidents involved injuries and/or
fatalities. One third of the casualties died as a result of the incident at sea and two thirds were
The first chart clearly shows the different times needed to fight the fires. This representation is,
however, skewed by three prominent large fires: The HANJIN PENNSYLVANIA at 672 hours, the
Hyundai Fortune at 336 hours and the MSC Flaminia at 2424 hours spent extinguishing the fire
cause the average time required to fight large fires to rise to 10 days. The chart below excludes
these three incidents and shows a less significant rise in the time taken to fight the fires.
Analysis of losses resulting from fires on ships in the period 2000-2015 73
Figure 47, Average time required to fight fires excluding large-scale incidents
Source: Own presentation, source of data: List of incidents
The first chart shows that in 29 incidents that were considered, an average of 170 units were
damaged or destroyed per incident. The three prominent cases of the HANJIN PENNSYLVANIA,
Analysis of losses resulting from fires on ships in the period 2000-2015 74
HYUNDAI FORTUNE and the MSC FLAMINIA considerably increase the average. A second chart
was therefore prepared excluding these cases. This shows that an average of 35 units were
damaged or destroyed per incident, representing a reduction of 80 percent.
5. Conclusion
The topic of this dissertation has aroused interest among many of those the author has talked to.
Press and media coverage of the launching of new mega-class container ships means that it is not
only industry specialists that are aware of the sizes of ships. To a certain extent, even the public at
large are thinking about the problems associated with such ships.
Extensive Internet research revealed many instances of fire on board fully cellular container
vessels. It was far more difficult, and sometimes impossible, to obtain detailed information on the
individual fires.
And the accident investigation authorities of the various flag states were not always helpful, for
instance in the case of vessels registered under Liberian or Panamanian flags.
Overall, it can be said that little is reported about incidents on cargo vessels, or in our case fully
cellular container vessels, in the media familiar to the public at large, whether that be digitally on
the Internet or in the press.
We can nevertheless claim that the objective of this dissertation, namely to provide a
comprehensive overview of fires on container vessels from 2000 up to and including 2015, has
been achieved. Publication of the figures by GL in Containership Update in January 2016 means
that they have also been confirmed independently of the research done in this dissertation.
Collation of the incidents and categorizing them in a uniform framework with 17 different items of
data (vessel name + 16 other items) provided the basis that allowed analysis of the data. This
allows each incident to be researched in greater depth. The data already available allows analysis
of all the incidents. The analysis would be more informative if the records were completed. The
existing data was used to produce eleven informative analyses.
The additional objective, namely to shed a critical light on the existing SOLAS convention by
simulating fire incidents on an example vessel, can also be regarded as having been achieved.
Four scenarios illustrated the options available to the crew on the basis of the fire protection
equipment stipulated in the SOLAS convention. In none of these simulations is it possible for the
crew to create a situation in which it is possible to fight the fire directly. Flooding the holds with
CO2 is not regarded as "fighting the fire directly" in this context.
It can be seen as having been substantiated that the crew in the simulations is only able to create
a situation in which the fire is at least temporarily contained by rapid, well-considered and in
some cases improvised actions. In none of the simulations, however, can we assume that
activities could be undertaken to actually extinguish the fire.
Taking into consideration the huge increase in ship size described in Chapter 2 and the simulation
on an example vessel with a TEU capacity of 5100, a number of conclusions are possible:
Firstly, vessels with almost four times the capacity are currently in regular service. In most cases,
these vessels operate with crews of the same size as the vessel in the simulations.
Furthermore, new SOLAS regulations under which vessels with certain loading heights on deck
have to carry portable monitors and a lance for puncturing the containers only apply to newly
built vessels delivered after 01 January 2016. This means that a vessel with a capacity of around
20,000 TEU and delivered in 2015 carries the same equipment as the vessel in the simulations,
notwithstanding the far greater concentration of value and risk.
This allows us to conclude that while the size and capacity of the ships has grown enormously, this
has not been reflected in terms of the fire protection equipment and the size of the crew. The
findings of this dissertation can convince shipowners, insurers and logistics companies to look at
safety on board fully cellular container vessels from a different perspective.
Appendices 76
The appendices are contained on the accompanying data medium.
o DIN 14010
o OECD International Transport Forum - The Impact of Mega-Ships
Fire and Safety Plan for example vessel:
o Fire and Safety Plan BLACKED Page 1
o Fire and Safety Plan BLACKED Page 2
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Source: Clarkson Research Services Limited (“Clarksons Research”). © Clarksons Research 2018.
All rights in and to Clarksons Research services, information and data (“Information”) are reserved
to and owned by Clarksons Research. Clarksons Research, its group companies and licensors
accept no liability for any errors or omissions in any Information or for any loss or damage
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