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3、水平静载试验标准:ASTM D3966 D3966M-07 (Reapproved 2013) Standard Test Methods for Deep Foundations Under Lateral Load

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Designation: D3966/D3966M − 07 (Reapproved 2013)´1

Standard Test Methods for

Deep Foundations Under Lateral Load1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D3966/D3966M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

ε1 NOTE—Designation was editorially corrected to match units information in June 2013.

1. Scope 1.5 A qualified geotechnical engineer should interpret the

1.1 The test methods described in this standard measure the test results obtained from the procedures of these test methods
lateral deflection of a vertical or inclined deep foundation when so as to predict the actual performance and adequacy of piles
subjected to lateral loading. These methods apply to all deep used in the constructed foundation. See Appendix X1 for
foundations, referred to herein as “pile(s),” that function in a comments regarding some of the factors influencing the
manner similar to driven piles or cast in place piles, regardless interpretation of test results.
of their method of installation, and may be used for testing 1.6 A qualified engineer shall design and approve all load-
single piles or pile groups. The test results may not represent ing apparatus, loaded members, support frames, and test
the long-term performance of a deep foundation. procedures. The text of these test methods references notes and
1.2 These test methods provide minimum requirements for footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and
testing deep foundations under lateral load. Plans, footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be
specifications, provisions, or combinations thereof prepared by considered as requirements of the test methods. These test
a qualified engineer may provide additional requirements and methods also include illustrations and appendices intended
procedures as needed to satisfy the objectives of a particular only for explanatory or advisory use.
test program. The engineer in responsible charge of the
1.7 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units
foundation design, referred to herein as the engineer, shall
approve any deviations, deletions, or additions to the require- are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in
ments of these test methods. each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining
1.3 These test methods allow the following test procedures: values from the two systems may result in non-conformance
Procedure Test Section with the standard.
A Standard Loading 8.1.2
B Excess Loading (Optional) 8.1.3 1.8 The gravitational system of inch-pound units is used
C Cyclic Loading (Optional) 8.1.4
D Surge Loading (Optional) 8.1.5
when dealing with inch-pound units. In this system, the pound
E Reverse Loading (Optional) 8.1.6 [lbf] represents a unit of force [weight], while the unit for mass
F Reciprocal Loading (Optional) 8.1.7 is slugs. The rationalized slug unit is not given, unless dynamic
G Specified Lateral Movement (Optional) 8.1.8
H Combined Loading (Optional) 8.1.9
[F=ma] calculations are involved.
1.4 Apparatus and procedures herein designated “optional” 1.9 All observed and calculated values shall conform to the
may produce different test results and may be used only when guidelines for significant digits and rounding established in
approved by the engineer. The word “shall” indicates a Practice D6026.
mandatory provision, and the word “should” indicates a
1.10 The method used to specify how data are collected,
recommended or advisory provision. Imperative sentences
indicate mandatory provisions. calculated, or recorded in these test methods is not directly
related to the accuracy to which the data can be applied in
design or other uses, or both. How one applies the results
obtained using this standard is beyond its scope.
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil
and Rock and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.11 on Deep 1.11 ASTM International takes no position respecting the
Foundations. validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any
Current edition approved July 1, 2013. Published July 2013. Originally approved
in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as D3966 – 07. DOI: 10.1520/ item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are
D3966_D3966M-07R13E01. expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such

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D3966/D3966M − 07 (2013)´1
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are or rock well below the ground surface, such as a steel pipe pile
entirely their own responsibility. or concrete drilled shaft.
1.12 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.2.3 driven pile, n—a deep foundation unit made of pre-
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the formed material with a predetermined shape and size and
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- typically installed by impact hammering, vibrating, or pushing.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 3.2.4 failure load, n—for the purpose of terminating a
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. lateral load test, the test load at which continuing, progressive
movement occurs, or as specified by the engineer.
2. Referenced Documents
3.2.5 wireline, n—a steel wire mounted with a constant
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 tension force between two supports and used as a reference line
A36/A36M Specification for Carbon Structural Steel to read a scale indicating movement of the test pile.
A240/A240M Specification for Chromium and Chromium-
Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure 4. Significance and Use
Vessels and for General Applications
4.1 Field tests provide the most reliable relationship be-
A572/A572M Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy
tween the lateral load applied to a deep foundation and the
Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steel
resulting lateral movement. Test results may also provide
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
information used to assess the distribution of lateral resistance
along the pile shaft and the long-term load-deflection behavior.
D1143 Test Method for Piles Under Static Axial Compres-
A foundation designer may evaluate the test results to deter-
sive Load (Withdrawn 2005)3
mine if, after applying an appropriate factor of safety, the pile
D3689 Test Methods for Deep Foundations Under Static
or pile group has an ultimate lateral capacity and a deflection
Axial Tensile Load
at service load satisfactory to satisfy specific foundation
D3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies
requirements. When performed as part of a multiple-pile test
Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as
program, the designer may also use the results to assess the
Used in Engineering Design and Construction
viability of different piling types and the variability of the test
D5882 Test Method for Low Strain Impact Integrity Testing
of Deep Foundations
D6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechnical 4.2 The analysis of lateral test results obtained using proper
Data instrumentation helps the foundation designer characterize the
D6760 Test Method for Integrity Testing of Concrete Deep variation of pile-soil interaction properties, such as the coeffi-
Foundations by Ultrasonic Crosshole Testing cient of horizontal subgrade reaction, to estimate bending
2.2 American Society of Mechanical Engineer Standards:4 stresses and lateral deflection over the length of the pile for use
ASME B30.1 Jacks in the structural design of the pile.
ASME B40.100 Pressure Gauges and Gauge Attachments 4.3 If feasible, without exceeding the safe structural load on
ASME B46.1 Surface Texture the pile(s) or pile cap, the maximum load applied should reach
ASME B89.1.10.M Dial Indicators (For Linear Measure- a failure load from which the engineer may determine the
ments) ultimate lateral load capacity of the pile(s). Tests that achieve
a failure load may help the designer improve the efficiency of
3. Terminology the foundation by reducing the piling length, quantity, or size.
3.1 Definitions—For common definitions of terms used in 4.4 If deemed impractical to apply lateral test loads to an
this standard, see Terminology D653. inclined pile, the engineer may elect to use lateral test results
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: from a nearby vertical pile to evaluate the lateral capacity of
3.2.1 cast in-place pile, n—a deep foundation unit made of the inclined pile.
NOTE 1—The quality of the result produced by this test method is
cement grout or concrete and constructed in its final location,
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the
for example, drilled shafts, bored piles, caissons, auger cast suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the
piles, pressure-injected footings, etc. criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent
3.2.2 deep foundation, n—a relatively slender structural and objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this test method
are cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself
element that transmits some or all of the load it supports to soil assure reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice
D3740 provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.

For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or 5. Test Foundation Preparation
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on 5.1 Excavate or fill the test area to the final grade elevation
the ASTM website. within a radius of 6 m [20 ft] from the test pile or group using
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on the same material and backfilling methods as for production
piles. Cut off or build up the test pile(s) as necessary to permit
Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME
International Headquarters, Three Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http:// construction of the load-application apparatus, placement of
www.asme.org. the necessary testing and instrumentation equipment, and

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D3966/D3966M − 07 (2013)´1
observation of the instrumentation. Remove any damaged or 6.1.1 The apparatus for applying tensile loads to a test pile
unsound material from the pile top as necessary to properly or pile group shall conform to one of the methods described in
install the apparatus for measuring movement, for applying 6.3-6.6. Unless otherwise specified, construct the test apparatus
load, and for measuring load. so that the resultant loads are applied horizontally, at approxi-
5.2 For tests of single piles, install solid steel test plate(s) at mately pile cut-off elevation, and in line with the central
least 50 mm [2 in.] thick against the side of the pile at the vertical axis of the pile or pile group so as to minimize
point(s) of load application and perpendicular to the line of the eccentric loading and avoid a vertical load component.
load action. The test plate shall have side dimensions not more NOTE 3—For lateral tests on inclined pile frames or pile groups
than, and not less than one half of, the diameter or side involving inclined piles, consider applying the lateral test loads at the
dimension of the test pile(s). The test plate(s) shall span across actual or theoretical point of intersection of the longitudinal axis of the
and between any unbraced flanges on the test pile. piles in the frame or group.
5.3 For tests on pile groups, cap the pile group with 6.1.2 Struts and Blocking—Struts shall be of steel and of
steel-reinforced concrete or a steel load frame designed and sufficient size and stiffness to transmit the applied test loads
constructed to safely sustain and equally distribute the antici- without bending or buckling. Blocking used between reaction
pated loads. The connection between the piles and the cap shall piles or between the hydraulic jack and the reaction system
simulate in-service conditions. Pile caps shall be cast above shall be of sufficient size and strength to prevent crushing or
grade unless otherwise specified and may be formed on the other distortion under the applied test loads.
ground surface. 6.1.3 Reaction piles, if used, shall be of sufficient number
5.4 For each loading point on a pile cap, provide a solid and installed so as to safely provide adequate reaction capacity
steel test plate oriented perpendicular to the axis of the pile without excessive movement. When using two or more reac-
group with a minimum thickness of 50 mm [2 in.], as needed tion piles at each end of the test beam(s), cap or block them as
to safely apply load to the pile cap. Center a single test plate on needed to develop the reaction load. Locate reaction piles so
the centroid of the pile group. Locate multiple test plates that resultant test beam load supported by them acts at the
symmetrically about the centroid of the pile group. center of the reaction pile group. Cribbing or deadmen, if used
as a reaction, shall be of sufficient plan dimensions and weight
5.5 To minimize stress concentrations due to minor irregu-
to transfer the reaction loads to the soil without excessive
larities of the pile surface, set test plates bearing on precast or
lateral movement that would prevent maintaining the applied
cast-in-place concrete piles in a thin layer of quick-setting,
non-shrink grout, less than 6 mm [0.25 in.] thick and having a
compressive strength greater than the test pile at the time of the 6.1.4 Provide a clear distance between the test pile(s) and
test. Set test plates designed to bear on a concrete pile cap in a the reaction piles or cribbing of at least five times the
thin layer of quick-setting, non-shrink grout, less than 6 mm maximum diameter of the largest test or reaction pile(s), but
[0.25 in.] thick and having a compressive strength greater than not less than 2.5 m [8 ft]. The engineer may increase or
the pile cap at the time of the test. For tests on steel piles, or a decrease this minimum clear distance based on factors such as
steel load frame, weld the test plates to the pile or load frame. the type and depth of reaction, soil conditions, and magnitude
For test piles without a flat side of adequate width to mount the of loads so that reaction forces do not significantly effect the
test plate, cap the head of the pile to provide a bearing surface test results.
for the test plate or set the test plate in high-strength grout. In NOTE 4—Excessive vibrations during reaction pile installation in non
all cases, provide full bearing for the test plate against the cohesive soils may affect test results. Reaction piles that penetrate deeper
projected area of the pile. than the test pile may affect test results. Install the anchor piles nearest the
test pile first to help reduce installation effects.
5.6 Elimination of Pile Cap Friction (Optional)—Provide a
clear space beneath the pile cap as specified by the engineer. 6.1.5 Each jack shall include a lubricated hemispherical
This option isolates the lateral response of the piles from that bearing or similar device to minimize lateral loading of the pile
of the pile cap. or pile group. The hemispherical bearing(s) should include a
5.7 Passive Soil Pressure Against Pile Cap (Optional)— locking mechanism for safe handling and setup.
Develop passive soil pressure against the pile cap by construct- 6.1.6 Provide bearing stiffeners as needed between the
ing the pile cap below the ground surface and backfilling with flanges of test and reaction beams.
compacted fill on the side opposite the point of load 6.1.7 Provide steel bearing plates to spread the load to and
application, or by constructing the pile cap above the ground between the jack(s), load cell(s), hemispherical bearing(s), test
surface against an embankment. If specified, place compacted beam(s), reaction beam(s), and reaction pile(s). Unless other-
against the sides of the pile cap to the extent practicable. wise specified by the engineer, the size of the bearing plates
NOTE 2—Deep foundations sometimes include hidden defects that may shall be not less than the outer perimeter of the jack(s), load
go unnoticed prior to static testing. Low strain integrity tests as described cell(s), or hemispherical bearing(s), nor less than the total
in Test Method D5882 and ultrasonic crosshole integrity tests as described
width of the test beam(s), reaction beam(s), reaction piles so as
in Test Method D6760 may provide a useful pre-test evaluation of the test
foundation. to provide full bearing and distribution of the load. Bearing
plates supporting the jack(s), test beam(s), or reaction beams
6. Apparatus for Applying and Measuring Loads on timber or concrete cribbing shall have an area adequate for
6.1 General: safe bearing on the cribbing.

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D3966/D3966M − 07 (2013)´1
6.1.8 Unless otherwise specified, where using steel bearing action shall be calibrated in both the push and pull modes.
plates, provide a total plate thickness adequate to spread the Furnish the calibration report(s) prior to performing a test,
bearing load between the outer perimeters of loaded surfaces at which shall include the ambient temperature and calibrations
a maximum angle of 45 degrees to the loaded axis. For center performed for multiple ram strokes up to the maximum stroke
hole jacks and center hole load cells, also provide steel plates of the jack.
adequate to spread the load from their inner diameter to the 6.2.4 If the lateral load is applied by pulling, the apparatus
their central axis at a maximum angle of 45 degrees, or per used to produce the pulling force shall be capable of applying
manufacturer recommendations. a steady constant force over the required load testing range.
6.1.9 Align all struts, blocking, bearing plates, jacks, load The dynamometer(s), or other in-line load indicating device(s),
cells, hemispherical bearings, and testing apparatus to mini- shall be calibrated to an accuracy within 10 % of the applied
mize eccentric loading, and, where necessary, restrain them load.
from shifting as test loads are applied so as not to affect the test 6.2.5 Each complete jacking and pressure measurement
results and to prevent instability. Test members and apparatus system, including the hydraulic pump, should be calibrated as
shall have flat, parallel bearing surfaces. Design and construct a unit when practicable. The hydraulic jack(s) shall be cali-
the support reactions to prevent instability and to limit unde- brated over the complete range of ram travel for increasing and
sired rotations or lateral displacements. decreasing applied loads. If two or more jacks are to be used to
6.1.10 Unless otherwise specified by the engineer, design apply the test load, they shall be of the same make, model, and
and construct the apparatus for applying and measuring loads, size, connected to a common manifold and pressure gauge, and
including all struts and structural members, of steel with operated by a single hydraulic pump. The calibrated jacking
sufficient size, strength, and stiffness to safely prevent exces- system(s) shall have accuracy within 5 % of the maximum
sive deflection and instability up to 125 % of the maximum applied load. When not feasible to calibrate a jacking system as
anticipated test load. a unit, calibrate the jack, pressure gauges, and pressure
6.1.11 Inspect all tension rods, lines, rope, cable, and their transducers separately, and each of these components shall
connections used for pull tests to insure good, serviceable have accuracy within 2 % of the applied load.
condition. Unless otherwise specified by the engineer, design 6.2.6 Pressure gauges shall have minimum graduations less
and construct these tension members with sufficient strength to than or equal to 1 % of the maximum applied load and shall
safely resist a load at least 50 % greater than the maximum conform to ASME B40.100 with an accuracy grade 1A having
anticipated test load. Tension members with a cross-sectional a permissible error 61 % of the span. Pressure transducers
area reduced by corrosion or damage, or with material prop- shall have a minimum resolution less than or equal to 1 % of
erties compromised by fatigue, bending, or excessive heat, may the maximum applied load and shall conform to ASME
rupture suddenly under load. Do not use brittle materials for B40.100 with an accuracy grade 1A having a permissible error
tension connections. 61 % of the span. When used for control of the test, pressure
6.1.12 A qualified engineer shall design and approve all transducers shall include a real-time display.
loading apparatus, loaded members, support frames, and load- 6.2.7 If the maximum test load will exceed 900 kN [100
ing procedures. tons], place a properly constructed load cell or equivalent
6.2 Hydraulic Jacks, Gauges, Transducers, and Load Cells: device in series with each hydraulic jack or pulling apparatus.
6.2.1 The hydraulic jack(s) and their operation shall con- Unless otherwise specified the load cell(s) shall have a cali-
form to ASME B30.1 and shall have a nominal load capacity bration to at least the maximum anticipated jack load per-
exceeding the maximum anticipated jack load by at least 20 %. formed within the six months prior to each test or series of
The jack, pump, and any hoses, pipes, fittings, gauges, or tests. The calibrated load cell(s) or equivalent device(s) shall
transducers used to pressurize it shall be rated to a safe pressure have accuracy within 1 % of the applied load, including an
corresponding to the nominal jack capacity. eccentric loading of up to 1 % applied at an eccentric distance
of 25 mm [1 in.]. After calibration, load cells shall not be
6.2.2 The hydraulic jack ram(s) shall have a travel greater
subjected to impact loads. A load cell is recommended, but not
than the sum of the anticipated maximum axial movement of
required, for lesser load. If not practicable to use a load cell
the pile plus the deflection of the test beam and the elongation
when required, include embedded strain gauges located in
of the tension connection, but not less than 15 % of the average
close proximity to the jack to confirm the applied load.
pile diameter or width. Use a single high capacity jack when
possible. When using a multiple jack system, provide jacks of 6.2.8 Do not leave the hydraulic jack pump unattended at
the same make, model, and capacity, and supply the jack any time during the test. An automatic regulator is recom-
pressure through a common manifold with a master pressure mended to help hold the load constant as pile movement
gauge. Fit the manifold and each jack with a pressure gauge to occurs. Automated jacking systems shall include a clearly
detect malfunctions and imbalances. marked mechanical override to safely reduce hydraulic pres-
sure in an emergency.
6.2.3 Unless otherwise specified, the hydraulic jack(s), pres-
sure gauge(s), and pressure transducer(s) shall have a calibra- 6.3 Load Applied by Hydraulic Jack(s) Acting Against a
tion to at least the maximum anticipated jack load, over their Reaction System (Fig. 1):
complete range of piston travel for increasing and decreasing 6.3.1 General—Apply the test loads to the pile or pile group
applied loads and performed within the six months prior to using one or more hydraulic cylinders and a suitable reaction
each test or series of tests. Hydraulic jacks used in double- system according to 6.3.2, 6.3.3, 6.3.4, or 6.3.5. The reaction

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D3966/D3966M − 07 (2013)´1

FIG. 1 Typical Set-ups for Applying Lateral Load with Conventional Hydraulic Jack

system may be any convenient distance from the test pile or and struts or blocking at the same level and equidistant from a
pile group and shall provide a resistance greater than the line parallel to the lines of load application and passing through
anticipated maximum lateral test load. Set the hydraulic the center of the test group. Support the jack(s), bearing
cylinder(s) (with load cell(s) if used) against the test plate(s) at plate(s), strut(s), and blocking on cribbing if necessary for
the point(s) of load application in a horizontal position and on stability.
the line(s) of load application. Place a steel strut(s) or suitable 6.3.2 Reaction Piles (Fig. 1a)—Install two or more reaction
blocking between the base(s) of the cylinder(s) and the reaction piles vertically or on an incline (or a combination of vertical
system with steel bearing plates between the strut(s) or
and incline) so as to provide the necessary reactive capacity for
blocking and the cylinder(s) and between the strut(s) and the
the maximum anticipated lateral test loads. Cap the reaction
reaction system. If a steel strut(s) is used, place it horizontally
piles with reinforced concrete, steel, or timber, or brace
and on the line(s) of load application and brace the strut(s) to
ensure it does not shift during load application. If two between the piles, or fasten the tops of the piles together so as
hydraulic jacks are used, place the jacks, load cells (if used),

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D3966/D3966M − 07 (2013)´1
to develop the lateral resistance of the entire group. Install any ment the reaction to the maximum lateral load to be applied to
inclined reaction piles in a direction away from the test pile or the test pile or group.
group (see Fig. 1a). 6.5.3 Pulling Load Applied by Hydraulic Jack Acting
6.3.3 Deadman (Fig. 1b)—Where soil or site conditions are against a Reaction System (Fig. 3)—Apply the lateral tensile
suitable, install a deadman consisting of cribbing, timber load to the test pile or pile group using any suitable hydraulic
panels, sheeting, or similar construction bearing against an cylinder such as conventional type, push-pull type, or center-
embankment or the sides of an excavation so as to provide the hole type. Center the conventional hydraulic cylinder (and load
necessary reactive capacity to the maximum anticipated lateral cell if used) on the line of load application with its base bearing
test loads. against a suitable reaction system and its piston acting against
6.3.4 Weighted Platforms (Fig. 1c)—Construct a platform of a suitable yoke attached by means of two parallel tension
any suitable material such as timber, concrete, or steel, and members to the test pile or pile group (see Fig. 3a). Where
load the platform with sufficient weights to provide the required to adequately transmit the jacking load, install steel
necessary resistance to the maximum anticipated lateral test bearing plates. If a double-acting hydraulic jack is used (Fig.
loads to be applied. Provide a suitable bearing surface on the 3b), place the jack cylinder on the line of load application
edge of the platform against which the reactive lateral load will connecting the cylinder’s casing to the anchorage system and
be applied. the jack piston to a suitable strut or steel rod adequately
6.3.5 Other Reaction Systems (Optional)—Use any other secured to the test pile or pile group. The steel strut or rod may
specified suitable reaction system such as an existing structure. be supported at intermediate points provided such supports do
6.4 Load Applied by Hydraulic Jack(s) Acting Between Two not restrain the strut or rod from moving in the direction of load
Test Piles or Test Pile Groups (Fig. 2)—Test the lateral capacity application. If a center-hole jack is used (Fig. 3c), center the
of two single piles or two similar pile groups simultaneously by jack cylinder (and load cell if used) along the line of load
applying either a compressive or tensile force between the pile application with its base bearing against a suitable reaction and
or pile groups with a hydraulic jack(s). Test piles or test groups with its piston acting against a suitable clamp or nut attached
may be any convenient distance apart. If necessary, insert a to a steel rod or cable fastened securely to the test pile or group.
steel strut(s) between the hydraulic jack(s) and one of the test Provide a hole through the reaction system for the tension
piles or groups. Remove all temporary blocking and cribbing member. If necessary to transmit the jacking forces, insert a
underneath plates, strut(s), and cylinder(s) (and load cell(s) if steel bearing plate between the reaction and the jack base.
used), after the first load increment has been applied and do not 6.5.4 Pulling Load Applied by Other Power Source Acting
brace any strut(s). against an Anchorage System (Fig. 4)—Apply the lateral
tensile load with a winch or other suitable device. Insert a
6.5 Load Applied by Pulling (Optional):
dynamometer or other load indicating device in the pulling line
6.5.1 General—Apply the lateral load by pulling test pile or
between the power source and the test pile or group (see Fig.
group using a suitable power source such as a hydraulic jack,
4a). If a multiple part line is used, insert the dynamometer or
turnbuckle or winch connected to the test pile or group with a
equivalent device in the line connecting the pulling blocks with
suitable tension member such as a wire rope or a steel rod and
either the test pile (or group) or the anchorage system. (See Fig.
connected to an adequate reaction system or anchorage. Se-
curely fasten the tension member to the test pile or pile cap so
that the line of load application passes through the vertical 6.6 Fixed-Head Test (Optional):
central axis of the test pile or group. If two tension members 6.6.1 Individual Pile (Fig. 5)—Install the test pile so that it
are used, fasten them to the test pile or pile cap at points extends a sufficient distance above the adjacent ground surface
equidistant from a line parallel to the lines of load application to accommodate the steel frames but not less than 2 m [6.5 ft].
and passing through the vertical central axis of the test pile or Firmly attach by clamping, welding, or some other means, a
group. right angle (approximately 30–60–90) frame to each side of
6.5.2 Anchorage System—Maintain a clear distance of not that portion of the pile extending above ground surface. Design
less than 6 m [20 ft] or 20 pile diameters between the test pile and construct the frame so as to prevent the top of the pile from
or group and the reaction or anchorage system complying with rotating under the maximum lateral load to be applied. Support
6.3, or as otherwise specified by the engineer. Furnish an the ends of the frames on steel rollers acting between steel
anchorage system sufficient to resist without significant move- bearing plates with the bottom bearing plate supported on a

FIG. 2 Typical Arrangement for Testing Two Piles Simultaneously

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FIG. 3 Typical Arrangements for Applying Pulling Loads with Hydraulic Jack (Top Views)

FIG. 4 Typical Arrangements for Applying Lateral Loads with Power Source such as Winch (Top Views)

pile(s) or cribbing with sufficient bearing capacity to prevent bearing plate shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the
any significant vertical deflections of the ends of the frame. ends of the frames and the steel rollers including the maximum
Maintain a clear distance of not less than 3 m [10 ft] between anticipated lateral travel. Steel rollers shall be solid and shall
the test pile and support for the ends of the frames. The steel be of sufficient number and diameter (but not less than 50 mm

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D3966/D3966M − 07 (2013)´1

FIG. 5 Example of Fixed-Head Test Set-up for Lateral Test on Individual Pile

[2 in.] in diameter) so as to permit free horizontal movement of of the pile cap under lateral load, support the end of the cap
the frames under the anticipated downward pressures resulting opposite that of the point of load application on one or more
from the maximum lateral test load to be applied. bearing piles with steel plates and rollers in accordance with
NOTE 5—For practical purposes for a 3-m [10-ft] spacing between the 6.6.1 between the bottom of the cap and the top of the bearing
test pile and frame support, it can be assumed that the vertical reaction at pile(s).
the ends of the frames is equal to the lateral load being applied to the test
pile at the ground surface. 6.7 Combined Lateral and Axial Loading (Optional):
6.6.2 Pile Group (Fig. 6)—Install the test piles with pile tops 6.7.1 General—Test the pile or pile group under a combi-
a sufficient distance above the point of load application to nation of lateral loading and axial compressive or tensile
provide fixity when the test group is capped. Cap the test group loading as specified. Apply the lateral load using method 6.3 or
with an adequately designed and constructed reinforced con- 6.4. Employ suitable methods and construction to ensure that
crete or steel grillage cap with sufficient embedment of the the pile or pile group is not significantly restrained from lateral
piles in the cap to provide fixity and with the side of the cap movement by the axial load.
opposite the point of load application extended a sufficient
distance to provide for the support pile(s). To prevent rotation

FIG. 6 Example of Fixed-Head Test Set-up for Lateral Test on Pile Group

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6.7.2 Compressive Load (Fig. 7)—Apply the specified axial heat-cured epoxy, and (4) a minimum 6.4-mm [1⁄4-in.] thick
compressive load in accordance with Test Method D1143. plate of Specification A240/A240M Type 304 stainless steel
Place an anti-friction device in accordance with, having a minimum surface roughness of 4 as defined and, or as otherwise specified between the compressive measured by ASME B46.1. The area of contact between the
loading jack and the test plate on top of the test pile or pile tetrafluoroethylene polymer and the stainless steel plate shall
group. be sufficient to maintain a unit pressure of less than 14 MPa Plate and Roller Assembly (Fig. 8a)—The plate and [2000 psi] under the compressive loads to be applied. The area
roller assembly shall be designed to support the maximum of the stainless steel plate shall be sufficient to maintain full
applied compressive load without crushing or flattening of surface contact with the tetrafluoroethylene polymer as the test
rollers and without indention or distortion of plates, and to pile or group deflects laterally. The stainless steel plate shall be
provide minimal restraint to the lateral movement of the test formed with lips on opposite sides to engage the edges of the
pile or group as the lateral test loads are applied. Fig. 8a test plate under the lateral load. During the lateral test, the lips
illustrates a typical assembly having a compressive load limit shall be oriented in the direction of the applied lateral load. The
of 890 kN [100 tons]. The two plates shall be of Specification use of a plate assembly having an equivalent sliding friction
A572/A572M steel or equal with a minimum yield strength of shall be permitted. The use of two steel plates with a layer of
290 MPa [42 000 psi] and shall have a minimum thickness of grease in between shall not be permitted.
75 mm [3 in.]. The plates shall have sufficient lateral dimen- NOTE 6—Combined lateral and axial compressive loading is recom-
sions to accommodate the length of rollers required for the mended to simulate in-service conditions. Precautions should be taken to
compressive loads and for the anticipated travel of the rollers avoid a vertical component resulting from the applied lateral load or a
as the test pile or group moves laterally under load. The lateral component from the applied axial load.
contacting surfaces of the steel plates shall have a minimum NOTE 7—An apparatus for applying an axial tensile load to the test pile
in combination with a lateral test load is difficult to construct without
surface roughness of 63 as defined and measured by restraining the test pile from moving laterally under the lateral test loads.
ASME B46.1. The rollers shall be of sufficient number and If it is required that a pile be tested under combined axial tensile and
length to accommodate the compressive loads and shall be of lateral loading, the use of a suitable crane equipped with a line load
Specification A572/A572M steel Grade 45 or equal (minimum indicator is suggested for applying the uplift or tensile loads. Some type
yield strength 310 MPa [45 000 psi]) with a minimum diameter of universal acting device should be used in the tension member
connecting the test pile with the crane hook. That in combination with the
of 75 6 0.03 mm [3 6 0.001 in.]. The rollers shall have a crane falls should minimize restraint against lateral movement of the test
minimum surface roughness of 63 as defined and measured by pile under lateral loads.
ASME B46.1. The plates shall be set level and the rollers shall
be placed perpendicular to the direction of lateral load appli- 7. Apparatus for Measuring Movement
cation with adequate spacing to prevent binding as lateral 7.1 General:
movement occurs. 7.1.1 Reference beams and wirelines shall be supported Antifriction Plate Assembly (Fig. 8b)—The antifric- independent of the loading system, with supports firmly
tion plate assembly shall be designed and constructed as embedded in the ground at a clear distance from the test pile of
illustrated in Fig. 8b and shall consist of the following at least five times the diameter of the test pile(s) but not less
elements: (1) a minimum 25-mm (1-in.) thick steel plate, (2) a than 2.5 m [8 ft], and at a clear distance from any anchor piles
minimum 3.4 mm (10-gauge) steel plate tack welded to the of at least five times the diameter of the anchor pile(s) but not
25-mm [1-in.] thick plate, (3) a minimum 2.4-mm [3⁄32-in.] less than 2.5 m [8 ft]. Reference supports shall also be located
sheet of virgin tetrafluoroethylene polymer with reinforcing as far as practicable from any struts or supports but not less
aggregates prebonded to the 3.4-mm [10-gauge] plate by a than a clear distance of 2.5 m [8 ft].

FIG. 7 Typical Example of Set-up For Combined Lateral and Axial Compressive Load

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FIG. 8 Typical Anti-friction Devices for Combined Load Test

7.1.2 Reference beams shall have adequate strength, minimum graduations of 1 mm [0.01 ft] or less, with similar
stiffness, and cross bracing to support the test instrumentation accuracy, and shall be read to the nearest 0.1 mm [0.001 ft].
and minimize vibrations that may degrade measurement of the 7.1.4 Dial indicators and electronic displacement indicators
pile movement. One end of each beam shall be free to move shall be in good working condition and shall have a full range
laterally as the beam length changes with temperature varia- calibration within three years prior to each test or series of
tions. Supports for reference beams and wirelines shall be tests. Furnish calibration reports prior to performing a test,
isolated from moving water and wave action. Provide a tarp or including the ambient air temperature during calibration.
shelter to prevent direct sunlight and precipitation from affect- 7.1.5 Clearly identify each displacement indicator, scale,
ing the measuring and reference systems. and reference point used during the test with a reference
7.1.3 Dial and electronic displacement indicators shall con- number or letter.
form to ASME B89.1.10.M and should generally have a travel 7.1.6 Indicators, scales, or reference points attached to the
of 100 mm [4 in.], but shall have a minimum travel of at least test pile, pile cap, reference beam, or other references shall be
75 mm [3 in.]. Provide greater travel, longer stems, or sufficient firmly affixed to prevent movement relative to the test pile or
calibrated blocks to allow for greater movement if anticipated. pile cap during the test. Unless otherwise approved by the
Electronic indicators shall have a real-time display of the engineer, verify that reference beam and wireline supports do
movement available during the test. Provide a smooth bearing not move during the test as provided in 7.6.
surface for the indicator stem perpendicular to the direction of
7.2 Pile Top Lateral Movements:
stem travel, such as a small, lubricated, glass plate glued in
7.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, all lateral load tests shall
place. Except as required in 7.4, indicators shall have minimum
include apparatus for measuring the lateral movement of the
graduations of 0.25 mm [0.01 in.] or less, with similar
test pile top, or piles within a group, or the pile group cap. This
accuracy. Scales used to measure pile movements shall have a
apparatus as described herein shall include a primary measure-
length no less than 150 mm [6 in.], minimum graduations of
ment system and at least one redundant, secondary system.
0.5 mm [0.02 in.] or less, with similar accuracy, and shall be
read to the nearest 0.1 mm [0.005 in.]. Survey rods shall have NOTE 8—When possible use displacement indicators as the primary

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system to obtain the most precise measurements. Use the redundant Take readings of lateral movement on the target scale using a
system(s) to check top movement data and provide continuity when the surveyor’s transit referenced to the fixed backsight or foresight.
measuring system is disturbed or reset for additional movement.
7.2.5 Other Types of Measurement Systems (Optional)—The
7.2.2 Displacement Indicators (Fig. 1)—Orient the refer- engineer may specify another type of measurement system
ence beam(s) perpendicular to the line of load application, satisfying the basic requirements of 7.2.
placing the beam supports as far as feasible from the test pile,
7.3 Rotational Movement (Optional) (Fig. 10)—Measure
anchor piles, deadmen, or cribbing. Mount the displacement
the rotation of the head of the test pile using a steel extension
indicator(s) on the reference beams to bear on the pile top
member firmly attached to, or embedded in, and in axial
along the line of load application of the test pile, or pile cap,
alignment with the test pile, and extending a minimum of 0.6
with stems parallel to the line of load application. Alternatively,
m [2 ft]. Mount the displacement indicator(s) on a reference
mount two indicators on axisymmetric points equidistant from
beam with the gauge stem(s) parallel to the line of load
the center of the test pile, or pile cap, with the stems parallel to
application and bearing against the side of the extension
the line of load application to bear on the reference beam(s).
member near its top (Fig. 10a). Measure the rotation of a pile
When locating reference beam(s) on the side of the test pile, or
cap by either (1) readings on reference points located on top of
pile cap, opposite a compressive load, or on the same side as
and at opposite ends of the pile cap in the line with the load
tensile load application, allow sufficient clearance between the
application and obtained with either displacement indicators
test pile or pile cap and the reference beam for the anticipated
mounted on an independent reference system, or a surveyor’s
lateral movement of the pile or pile group.
level to read either a target rod or vertical scales with reference
7.2.3 Wireline, Mirror, and Scale (Fig. 9)—Orient a wireline
to a fixed bench mark; or (2) a displacement indicator with its
perpendicular to the line of load application placing the
stem parallel to the line of load application and bearing against
wireline supports as far as feasible from the test pile(s), anchor
the side of the pile or pile cap, or a suitable extension thereto,
pile(s), deadmen, or cribbing. The wireline shall include a
and mounted on a reference beam a minimum of 0.6 m [2 ft]
weight or spring to maintain a constant tension force in the
vertically above the displacement indicator used to measure the
wire, so that, when plucked or tapped, the wireline will return
lateral pile top movement (Fig. 10b). For fixed-head tests on
to its original position. Use clean, uncoated steel wire with a
individual piles, use the apparatus for measuring rotation of
diameter of 0.25 mm [0.01 in.] or less for the wirelines. Each
free-head tests except that the upper displacement indicator
wireline shall pass across, and remain clear of, a scale mounted
may bear against the pile or measure the vertical movements at
on the test pile or pile cap parallel to the line of load
the ends of the steel frames using either a displacement
application. Mount the scale on a mirror affixed to the test pile
indicator or a surveyor’s level with a target rod or vertical scale
or pile cap and use the wireline as a reference line to read the
(Fig. 10c).
scale. Use the mirror to eliminate parallax error in the scale
reading by lining up the wire and its image in the mirror. Align 7.4 Vertical Movement (Optional)—Measure the vertical
the wire not more than 13 mm [0.5 in.] from the face of the movements of the test pile(s) or pile group in accordance with
scale. When locating a wireline on the side of the test pile, or Test Method D1143 except that only one measuring system
pile cap, opposite a compressive load, or on the same side as shall be required. For a test on an individual pile a single
tensile load application, allow sufficient clearance between the reference point on the pile is sufficient. For a test on a pile cap,
test pile or pile cap and the wireline for the anticipated lateral take readings on two reference points on opposite sides of the
movement of the pile or pile cap. pile cap and in line with the applied load.
7.2.4 Surveyor’s Transit and Scale—Mount a scale parallel 7.5 Side Movement (Optional)—Measure the movement of
to the line of load application on the side or top of the test pile the test pile(s) or pile group in a direction perpendicular to the
or pile cap and readable from the side. Establish outside of the line of load application using either a dial gauge mounted on a
immediate test area a permanent transit station and a permanent reference beam with the gauge stem bearing against the side of
backsight or foresight reference point on a line perpendicular to the pile or pile cap or a scale mounted horizontally on the pile
the line of load application and passing through the target scale. or pile cap perpendicular to the line of load application and

FIG. 9 Typical Wire-Scale Arrangements to Measure Lateral Deflections (Top Views)

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FIG. 10 Typical Arrangements for Measuring Pile Head Rotation

read with an engineer’s transit set up at a fixed position with For transit readings, establish permanent transit stations and
the line of sight referenced to a fixed foresight or backsight. fixed backsights or foresights outside of the immediate test
NOTE 9—The measurement of vertical and side movements of the test area.
pile under lateral loading may reveal eccentric loading or an abnormal
behavior of the test pile. Such measurements are recommended if the
7.6.2 Vertical Movement (Optional)—Measure vertical
precise response of the test pile to the lateral test load is required. movements of the reference beam(s) and reaction system using
a surveyor’s level reading and a target rod or vertical scale
7.6 Movement of Testing Apparatus:
located at strategic reference points along the line of load
7.6.1 Lateral Movements—Measure the movements along application. Reference level readings to a fixed benchmark
the line of load application of the reference beam(s) and located outside of the test area.
reaction system using either a surveyor’s transit reading target
scales attached to the reference beam(s) and the reaction 7.7 Axial Deflections (Optional)—Install in or on the test
system at strategic locations along the line of load application pile(s) to the depth(s) specified, tubing or ducts suitable to
or displacement indicators suitably mounted and referenced. accommodate the types of inclinometer specified to be used.

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NOTE 10—Except for very short stiff piles, inclinometer measurements 8.1.2 Procedure A: Standard Loading—Unless failure oc-
are generally not warranted for the full length of the pile. Generally such curs first, apply and remove a total test load equal to 200 % of
measurements can be limited to the upper third or half of the pile length.
the proposed lateral design load of the pile or pile group as
The project specifications should clearly indicate the contractor’s respon-
sibility for providing this instrumentation system as appropriate including follows:
materials, installation, equipment, and use. Standard Loading Schedule
Percent of Load Duration,
7.8 Strain Measurements (Optional)—Measure the strain of Design Load min
the test pile(s) during loading at locations specified by the 0 —
25 10
engineer to help evaluate the distribution of load transfer from 50 10
the pile to the surrounding soil. Measure pile strain directly 75 15
using strain gauges installed along the length of the pile axis. 100 20
125 20
Install the gauge in pairs to measure axial strain, with the 150 20
gauges in each pair located at the same depth, symmetrically 170 20
180 20
opposite each other, equidistant from and parallel to the pile 190 20
axis, and in line with the applied load. Measure and record the 200 60
distance from the pile top to the gauges to the nearest 10 mm 150 10
100 10
[0.5 in.]. The gauge type and installation shall be as specified 50 10
by the engineer and shall include temperature compensation as 0 —
recommended by the gauge manufacturer. Where feasible, NOTE 12—Consideration should be given to limiting the lateral test load
measurement programs involving strain gauges should include to that which would produce a maximum specified lateral movement,
calibration of the fully instrumented pile and a complete established for safety and load stability reasons.
history of gauge readings starting before their installation in the 8.1.3 Procedure B: Excess Loading (Optional)—After ap-
pile. plying and removing the standard test load in accordance with
NOTE 11—To interpret strain measurements and estimate pile stresses, 8.1.2 (and 8.1.4 for standard loading if applicable), apply and
the engineer will require a depth profile describing the variation of pile remove the additional specified test loads in accordance with
constituents and their strength, cross sectional area, and stiffness. Stiffness
the following table:
properties may vary with the applied stress, especially for grout or
concrete. Obtain this information from installation records and separate Excess Loading Schedule
material property tests as needed. (following 8.1.2 loading)
Percent of Load Duration,
Design Load min
8. Test Procedures 0 10
50 10
8.1 Loading: 100 10
150 10
8.1.1 General: 200 10 Apply test loads following one of the procedures 210 15
220 15
described below for each test method, or as modified by the 230 15
engineer. If feasible, the maximum applied load should reach a 240 15
failure that reflects the ultimate axial static tensile load capacity 250 15
etc. to maximum load etc. at 15 min
of the pile(s). Do not exceed the safe structural capacity of the specified in 10 % increments intervals
pile or pile group, or the loading apparatus. Do not leave a max 30
loaded pile unattended. 75 max 10
50 max 10 To avoid excessive creep and possible structural 25 max 10
failure of cast-in-place concrete piles, delay load testing after 0 —

concrete placement to permit the fresh concrete to gain 8.1.4 Procedure C: Cyclic Loading (Optional)—Apply and
adequate strength and stiffness. Use test cylinders or cores of remove the test load in accordance with the following table:
the pile concrete to determine the appropriate wait time, Cyclic Loading Schedules
recognizing that the test cylinders will generally cure more Standard Loading
Percent of Load Percent of Load
quickly than concrete in the pile. Design Load Duration Design Load Duration When temporarily dewatering a test site with piles min min
0 — 75 10
installed in granular soils, maintain the groundwater level as 25 10 0 10
near to the ground surface as possible and record the ground- 50 10 50 10
water surface elevation during the test. Correct the axial pile 25 10 100 10
0 10 150 10
capacity for the difference in groundwater level as judged 50 10 170 20
appropriate, but generally only when the difference exceeds 1.5 75 15 180 20
m [5 ft]. 100 20 190 20

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Cyclic Loading Schedules Surge Loading ScheduleA

Standard Loading with Standard Loading
Percent of Load Percent of Load Percent of Load Duration,
Design Load Duration Design Load Duration Design Load min
min min 0 —
50 10 200 60 50 10
0 10 150 10 100 10
50 10 100 10 150 10
100 10 50 10 170 20
125 20 0 — 180 20
150 20 — — 190 20
200 60
Cyclic Loading Schedules
100 10
Excess LoadingA
0 10
Percent of Load Percent of Load
200 —
Design Load Duration Design Load Duration
0 —
min min
200 —
Follow standard 100 10
150 10
cyclic loading 0 10
100 10
schedule to 200 % 50 10
50 10
200 60 100 10
0 —
100 10 150 10
0 10 200 10
50 10 250 10 Schedule shown for two surges each at three load levels. If additional surges are
100 10 260 15 specified or at other load levels follow the same loading and holding pattern.
150 10 270 15
200 10 280 15 Surge Loading After Standard Load—After applying
210 15 290 15 and removing loads in accordance with 8.1.2, reapply the load
220 15 300 30
230 15 225 10
to each specified load level and for the specified number of
240 15 150 10 loading cycles, allowing sufficient time at each zero and peak
250 15 75 10 load level for taking and recording the required load-movement
200 10 0 —
Schedule for 300 % maximum load. For loading in excess of 300 %, hold 300 %
8.1.6 Procedure E: Reverse Loading (Optional)—Reverse
load for 15 min, follow loading and holding time pattern for additional loading and loading involves the application of lateral test loads in either
hold maximum load for 30 min. the push mode followed by the pull mode or vice versa. Test
the pile or pile group in accordance with the loading schedule
8.1.5 Procedure D: Surge Loading (Optional):
in 8.1.2-8.1.5 as specified first in one direction and then in the General—Surge loading involves the application of opposite direction.
any specified number of multiple loading cycles at any 8.1.7 Procedure F: Reciprocal Loading (Optional)—Apply
specified load level. Surge loading may be applied in conjunc- and remove each specified lateral load level first in one
tion with standard loading or after the completion of standard direction and then in the opposite direction for the number of
loading. Apply surge loads at a uniform rate by continuous specified cycles. Hold each peak and zero load until load-
activation of the hydraulic jack (or other power source) and deflection readings can be taken.
remove the surge load at a uniform rate by continuous release
of the power source. NOTE 13—Suitable apparatus is required to permit reversing the loads.
Double-acting hydraulic cylinders are available in various sizes that can Surge Loading with Standard Loading—Apply and be activated by hand-operated, electric-powered, or air-hydraulic-powered
remove the test load in accordance with the following table: pumps. Fig. 11 illustrates various possible setups for applying reverse and
Surge Loading ScheduleA reciprocal loading. Reciprocal loads can be applied with a suitable
with Standard Loading powered crank and connecting rod system combined with a device to
Percent of Load Duration, measure the applied loads.
Design Load min
0 — 8.1.8 Procedure G: Specified Lateral Movement
25 10 (Optional)—Apply the lateral test loads in accordance with
50 10
8.1.2-8.1.5 as specified until the gross lateral movement of the
75 15
100 20 test pile or group is as specified and then remove the test load
50 10 in four equal decrements allowing 10 min between decrements.
0 10
100 —
8.1.9 Procedure H: Combined Loading (Optional)—When
0 — the pile or pile group is tested under combined loading, in
100 — accordance with 6.7, apply the specified axial load before
0 —
50 10
applying the lateral loads and hold the axial load constant
75 10 during the application of the lateral loads in accordance with
100 10 8.1.2-8.1.5, or as specified.
125 20
150 20 8.2 Recording Test Readings:
75 10 8.2.1 General:
0 10
150 — For the required time intervals described below for
0 — each test method, record the time, applied load, and movement
150 — readings (displacement, and if measured, axial deflection and

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FIG. 11 Typical Reverse Lateral Loading Set-ups

strain) for each properly identified gauge, scale, or reference proposed design load, at the maximum test load, and after the
point taken as nearly simultaneously as practicable. The removal of all load. Intermediate readings for each load
engineer may specify different reading intervals from those increment are recommended to provide additional quality
given below as needed to satisfy the objectives of a particular assurance and detect potential failure of the load reaction
test pile program. Obtain additional test readings as specified system.
by the engineer, or as convenient for testing purposes, that is, When using inclinometers to obtain axial deflection
when using a datalogger to record readings at a constant time measurements as in 7.7, record the axial deflection just before
interval. Clearly record and explain any field adjustments made starting the test and, as a minimum, at the end of each loading
to instrumentation or recorded data. increment during the test. Verify the stability of the reference beams and load When using embedded strain gauges to obtain incre-
reaction system (including reaction piles) using a surveyor’s mental strain measurements as in 7.8, record strain readings
level or transit and target rod or scales to determine movement. just before starting the test and, as a minimum, during the test
Record readings taken before applying any test load, at the whenever recording readings of time, load, and movement. The

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engineer may also require readings taken before and after the 9.1.8 All test members, reaction frames, and test apparatus
pile installation to obtain a complete strain history and inves- shall be adequately supported at all times.
tigate residual stress behavior. 9.1.9 Only authorized personnel shall be permitted within
8.2.2 Procedure A, B, C, E, F, G, and H: Standard Mea- the immediate test area, and only as necessary to monitor test
surement Intervals—Record test readings immediately before equipment. As best as possible, locate pumps, load cell
and after the application of each load increment and the readouts, dataloggers, and test monitoring equipment at a safe
removal of each load decrement. Record additional test read- distance away from jacks, loaded members (tension or
ings at 5-min intervals between load increments and load compression), and their supports and connections.
decrements. While the total test load is applied, record test
readings at not less than 15-min intervals. Record test readings 10. Report
15 min and 30 min after the total load have been removed. If 10.1 The report of the load test shall include the following
pile failure occurs, record test readings immediately before information as required by the engineer and as appropriate to
removing the first load decrement. the pile type, test apparatus, and test method:
8.2.3 Procedure D: Surge Loading—For initial application 10.1.1 General:
of test loads, for holding periods, for initial removal of the load Project identification and location,
and after removal of all loads, record the test readings in Test site location,
accordance with 8.2.2. For the surge loading, record test Owner, structural engineer, geotechnical engineer,
readings at the start and end of each load application. pile contractor, boring contractor,
8.2.4 Rotational Movements—When measuring rotational Nearest test boring(s) or sounding(s), and their
movements, record these test readings of immediately before location with reference to test location,
and after the application of each load increment and the In situ and laboratory soil test results, and
removal of each load decrement. Also record readings 30 min Horizontal and vertical control datum.
after removing the final test load. 10.1.2 Pile Installation Equipment:
8.2.5 Vertical or Side Movements—When measuring verti- Make, model, type and size of hammer,
cal or side movements, record these test readings before any Weight of hammer and ram,
test load is applied, at the proposed design load, at the Stroke or ram,
maximum applied load, and after all loads have been removed. Rated energy of hammer,
Intermediate readings for each load increment are recom- Rated capacity of boiler or compressor,
mended to provide additional quality assurance. Type and dimensions of capblock and pile cushion, Weight and dimensions of drive cap and follower,
9. Safety Requirements Size of predrilling or jetting equipment,
9.1 All operations in connection with pile load testing shall Weight of clamp, follower, adaptor, and oscillator
be carried out in such a manner so as to minimize, avoid, or for vibratory driver,
eliminate the exposure of people to hazard. The following Type, size, length, and weight of mandrel,
safety rules are in addition to general safety requirements Type, size, and length of auger,
applicable to construction operations: Type and size of grout pump,
9.1.1 Keep all test and adjacent work areas, walkways, Type, size, wall thickness, and length of drive
platforms, etc. clear of scrap, debris, small tools, and accumu- casing,
lations of snow, ice, mud, grease, oil, or other slippery Detailed description of drilling equipment and
substances. techniques, and
9.1.2 Provide timbers, blocking, and cribbing materials Size, type, length, and installation or extraction
made of quality material and in good serviceable condition method of casings, or both.
with flat surfaces and without rounded edges. 10.1.3 Test and Anchor Pile Details:
9.1.3 Hydraulic jacks shall be equipped with hemispherical Identification and location of test and anchor piles,
bearing plates or shall be in complete and firm contact with the Design load of test pile or pile group,
bearing surfaces and shall be aligned so as to avoid eccentric Type and dimensions of test and anchor piles,
loading. Test pile material including basic specifications,
9.1.4 Loads shall not be hoisted, swung, or suspended over Pile quality including knots, splits, checks and
anyone and shall be controlled by tag lines. shakes, and straightness of piles, preservative treatment and
9.1.5 The test apparatus shall be designed and approved by conditioning process used for timber test piles including
a qualified engineer and installed to transmit the required loads inspection certificates,
with an adequate factor of safety. Wall thickness of pipe test pile,
9.1.6 All jacks, bearing plates, test beam(s), or frame Weight per foot of H test pile,
members shall be firmly fixed into place or adequately blocked Description of test pile tip reinforcement or
to prevent slippage under load and upon release of load. protection,
9.1.7 All reaction components shall be stable and balanced. Description of banding–timber piles,
During testing, monitor movements of the reaction system to Description of special coatings used,
detect impending unstable conditions. Test pile (mandrel) weight as driven,

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Mar 8 04:23:23 EDT 2015
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(Shanghai Jiaotong University) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D3966/D3966M − 07 (2013)´1 Date precast test piles made, Date and type of test, Details of concrete design, grout mix design, or Temperature and weather conditions during tests,
both. Number of piles in group test, Concrete or grout (or both) placement techniques Brief description of load application apparatus,
and records, including jack capacity, Concrete or grout (or both) sample strengths and Location of point of load application with reference
date of strength test, to top of pile or pile cap, and to ground surface, Description of internal reinforcement used in test Description of instrumentation used to measure
pile (size, length, number longitudinal bars, arrangement, pile movement including location of indicators, scales, and
spiral, or tie steel), other reference points with respect to pile top, Condition of precast piles including spalled areas, Description of special instrumentation such as
cracks, top surface, and straightness of piles, inclinometers or strain gauges including location of such with Effective prestress, reference to pile top, Degree of inclination for each pile, Axial load—type, amount, how applied, Length of test pile during driving, Special testing procedures used, Final pile top and bottom elevations, and ground Tabulation of all time, load, and movement
elevation referenced to a datum, readings, Embedded length-test and anchor piles, Tabulation of inclinometer readings, declination Tested length of test pile, and versus depth, Final elevation of top of test pile referenced to Identification and location sketch of all indicators,
fixed datum. scales, and reference points,
10.1.4 Test and Anchor Pile Installation: Description and explanation of adjustments made Date installed, to instrumentation or field data, or both, Volume of concrete or grout placed in pile, Notation of any unusual occurrences during Grout pressure used, testing, Description of pre-excavation or jetting (depth, Test jack and other required calibration reports,
size, pressure, duration), Groundwater level, and Operating pressure for double-acting and differen- Suitable photographs showing the test instrumen-
tial type hammers, tation and set-up. Throttle setting—diesel hammer (at final driving),
11. Precision and Bias Fuel type—diesel hammer, Horsepower delivered and frequency of vibratory 11.1 Precision—Test data on precision is not presented due
driver during final 3 m [10 ft] of pile penetration, to the nature of this test method. It is either not feasible or too Description of special installation procedures used costly at this time to have ten or more agencies participate in
such as piles cased off, an in situ testing program at a given site. Each test pile is Type and location of pile splices, unique due to the variable nature of the ground in which it is Driving or drilling records, embedded. Furthermore, retesting a particular pile commonly Final penetration resistance (blows per centimetre results in different data from the initial testing due to plastic
[blows per inch]), movement of the ground in which the pile is embedded. Rate of pile penetration in m/s [ft/s] for last 3 m 11.1.1 The Subcommittee D18.11 is seeking any data from
[10 ft], vibratory driving, the users of this test method that might be used to make a When cap block replaced (indicate on log), limited statement on precision. When pile cushion replaced (indicate on log), 11.2 Bias—There is no accepted reference value for this test Cause and duration of interruptions in pile method, therefore, bias cannot be determined.
installation, and Notation of any unusual occurrences during in- 12. Keywords
stallation. 12.1 field testing; jack; lateral static pile capacity; load cell;
10.1.5 Pile Testing: loading procedure; reference beam

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D3966/D3966M − 07 (2013)´1

(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Possible interaction of lateral loads from test pile(s) X1.6 Affect on long-term pile performance of factors such
with lateral loads transferred to the soil from reaction piles or as creep, environmental effects on pile material, negative
cribbing obtaining part or all of their support in soil at levels friction loads, swelling soils, and strength losses.
above the tip level of the test pile.
X1.7 Type of structure to be supported, including sensitivity
X1.2 Changes in pore water pressure in the soil caused by of structure to movement and relation between live and dead
pile driving, construction fill, and other construction operations
which may influence the test results for frictional support in
relatively impervious soils such as clay and silt. X1.8 Special testing procedures which may be required for
X1.3 Differences between conditions at time of testing and the application of certain acceptance criteria or methods of
after final construction such as changes in grade or groundwa- interpretation.
ter level.
X1.9 Requirement that non tested pile(s) have essentially
X1.4 Loss or gain of test pile soil resistance due to changes identical conditions to those for tested pile(s) including, but not
in the soil stress distribution around the test pile(s) such as limited to, subsurface conditions, pile type, length, size and
excavation, scour, fill, etc. stiffness, and pile installation methods and equipment so that
X1.5 Possible differences in the performance of a pile in a application or extrapolation of the test results to such other
group or of a pile group from that of a single isolated pile. piles is valid.

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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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