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Leviat - Ancon - AUS Coupler BR 2023

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Australia Edition

Bar Couplers
July 2023 for the Construction Industry
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Reinforcing Bar Couplers
Simplify the design and construction of concrete

Lapped joints are not always an The strength of a mechanical Contents

appropriate means of connecting splice is independent of the
Coupler Selection 6-7
reinforcing bars. The use of laps concrete in which it is located
BT Couplers 8-14
can be time consuming in terms and will retain its strength
BT Transition Couplers 12
of design and installation and despite loss of cover as a result
BT Stainless Couplers 13
can lead to greater congestion of impact damage or seismic
BT Weldable Couplers 14
within the concrete because of event.
BT Headed Anchors 15
the increased amount of rebar The Ancon range of reinforcing
used. bar couplers is the most
MBT Couplers 16-17
MBT Transition Couplers 18-19
Ancon couplers can simplify comprehensive available and
MBT Headed Anchors 20-21
the design and construction of includes parallel threaded and
MBT Electric Wrench 21
reinforced concrete and reduce mechanically bolted couplers.
Other Ancon Products 21
the amount of reinforcement Ancon reinforcing bar couplers
required. are available through major
Lapped joints are dependent rebar stockists and approved
upon the concrete for load distributors.
transfer. For this reason any
degradation in the integrity of the
concrete could significantly affect
the performance of the joint.

4 Tel: 1300 304 320 www.ancon.com.au
Reinforcing Bar Couplers

For many years the use of mechanical couplers to join reinforcing bars has been regarded as a means
of reducing the use of long bars. Engineers and contractors now recognise the benefits of using
couplers to accelerate the speed of construction, increase productivity and simplify design details.

Coupler Selection
The two types of Ancon reinforcing bar
couplers require different fixing methods.
This, together with the quantity to be fixed
and the location, will determine which is the
most appropriate coupler for a particular

Availability of Couplers
Bar Diameter 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 50
BT ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
BT Headed Anchor ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
BT Transition ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
BT Stainless ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
BT Weldable ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
MBT ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
MBT Transition ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
MBT Headed Anchor ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Ancon couplers for 50mm reinforcing bar are manufactured on request.

BT Parallel Threaded Couplers

The BT system is one of the smallest and the most cost-effective coupler systems in our
range, when used on large scale, high coupler volume projects. The ends of the bars are
enlarged and a parallel thread is cut onto the ends to suit the threaded coupler. The coupler is
assembled using a pipe or chain wrench. Calibrated wrenches are not necessary.

MBT Mechanically Bolted Couplers

MBT couplers are suitable where it is not convenient to have the bar ends prepared for the
BT system. The bars are supported within the coupler on two serrated saddles. Bars are
locked in place by a series of special lockshear bolts, the heads of which shear off when the
predetermined tightening torque is reached, providing a visual check of correct installation.

6 Tel: 1300 304 320 www.ancon.com.au

Coupler Range
Range BT BT Headed Anchor MBT
Type Type A Type B Type C BTAA MBTXXC Transition HA
Bar Dia. (mm) 12-50 12-50 12-50 12-50 10-50 10-40 10-40
Bar End Prep Threaded Threaded Threaded Threaded No No No
Bar Rotation Required Yes Limited No N/A No No No
Installation Method Wrench Wrench Wrench or Nut Runner
Minimum Tensile Capacity Full Strength up to 650MPa Full Strength up to 650MPa 550 MPa

Coupler Specification Typical Coupler Application Guide

Ancon Couplers can be specified using The following table provides a guide when
the part numbers which are included in the selecting the most appropriate coupler for
tabulated data in each section of this brochure. specific applications. Recommendations
are based upon typical usage. For further
The following examples show how each type
assistance with coupler suitability and
of connection should be specified when using
specification, please contact us.
20mm bar.
Type of Connection Reference Application BT MBT
BT Type A BT20/A Wall to slab connection ✓
BT Type B BT20/B Wall to pre-cast beam connection ✓
Column construction ✓ ✓
BT Type C BT20/C
Extension / repairs to existing structures ✓
BT Headed Anchor AA20
Closing of access openings ✓ ✓
MBT Series MBT20C
Rebar cage pre-fabrication ✓
MBT Transition Series MBT20/16C Hook bars to pile connection ✓ ✓
MBT Headed Anchor MBTHA20H Fatigue applications ✓* ✓*
Bar end terminations ✓ ✓
CAD drawings of Ancon couplers are available * Project specific testing required. Contact us for further details.
to download from www.ancon.com.au

Reinforcing Bar Couplers

BT Parallel Threaded Couplers

BT couplers produce a full strength joint yet they are among the smallest in the Ancon range, best
suited to large scale projects requiring a high volume of couplers.
The end of each bar to be joined is cut The threaded ends of the bars are protected used in deep pours, the coupler end caps
square and enlarged by cold forging. This by an external plastic sheath. Couplers, which may not prevent the ingress of concrete fines.
increases the core diameter of the bar to are usually supplied attached to the bar, have For these applications, further protection may
ensure that the joint is stronger than the bar. their internal threads protected by an internal be required.
plastic end cap. For certain applications, Couplers for bar diameters 32-40 contain a
especially where the BT Connection is being Guiding Chamfer on one end to assist in the
installation of the heavier bars.
Parallel metric threads are cut onto the
enlarged ends. A nominal allowance of
+50mm per threaded bar end should be
made for cutting square and cold forging.

Bar Diameter 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
External Dia. d 22 28 32 40 45 50 57 62
Coupler Length l 28 40 48 60 66 78 92 98
Type A Thread Length t 14 20 24 30 33 36 42 45
BT Round Locknut ln 12 12 12 15 15 15 20 20
Thread Size M14 M20 M24 M30 M33 M36 M42 M45
Thread Pitch 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.5
Part No. BT coupler BTC12 BTC16 BTC20 BTC24 BTC28 BTC32 BTC36 BTC40
Part No Type A thread BTT12A BTT16A BTT20A BTT24A BTT28A BTT32A BTT36A BTT40A
Part No Type B thread BTT12B BTT16B BTT20B BTT24B BTT28B BTT32B BTT36B BTT40B
Part No Type C1 thread BTT12C1 BTT16C1 BTT20C1 BTT24C1 BTT28C1 BTT32C1 BTT36C1 BTT40C1
Part No Type C2 thread BTT12C2 BTT16C2 BTT20C2 BTT24C2 BTT28C2 BTT32C2 BTT36C2 BTT40C2 BT round locknut
­ otes: All dimensions are approximate and subject to change without notice. Thread length of all couplers equal to 2t. BT coupler for size
50mm reinforcing bar is available on request. BT Hex Locknuts also available on request.

BT Type A t
The BT Type A connection utilises internally l
threaded couplers with a single right hand
thread and is suitable for applications where
the continuation bar can be rotated. The ends
Type A Thread
of the bars are upset and threaded for half the
BT Coupler
length of the coupler (Type A thread).
Type A Thread

BT Type B t
The BT Type B connection uses the same l
coupler as the Type A, but one bar is 2t
threaded for a full coupler length (Type B
thread). It is used for applications where it
is difficult but not impossible to rotate the Type A Thread
continuation bar. BT Coupler
Type B Thread

BT Type C t + ln
The BT Type C connection utilises the same ln
coupler as for the Type A, together with ln
locknuts and longer threads to the bar ends 2t + ln
(Type C1 thread/Type C2 thread). Type C
connections are used where the continuation Type C1 thread
bar cannot be rotated. BT Locknut
BT Coupler
BT Locknut Type C2 Thread

Important Notes: The additional thread lengths beyond the final coupler location on Type B and C connections are non-structural and are to be used for positioning purposes only.
Couplers shown above do not include the Guiding Chamfer.

8 Tel: 1300 304 320 www.ancon.com.au

Two Stage Construction
In two stage construction utilising the Type C
connection, it is essential to form a local
blockout in the face of the first stage
concrete. This will create the space for the
Coupler and Locknut to run onto the thread
of the fixed reinforcing bar. Refer to the
installation guide available on the website for
further details.

Bar End Preparation Facilities

BT threading equipment is located within
our premises. We liaise with rebar suppliers
to achieve scheduled, on-time deliveries.
Couplers are usually supplied
pre-fixed to the threaded bar ends.

Testing & Approvals

Ancon BT connections are manufactured to
a strict quality regime of ISO 9001 and also
complies in all respects to section 13.2.6 of
AS 3600:2018 and AS 5100.5:2017 when
used with reinforcing bar manufactured as
per AS/NZS 4671:2019.
Full destructive tests have been performed
to show compliance with various national
and international requirements. The quality
of the BT Connection is regularly monitored
with internal tests.
For further information please contact us.

Reinforcing Bar Couplers

The BT Type A Connection
1 2 3

Screw the coupler to the rear of the thread Remove the plastic cap from the coupler. Tighten the joint using a wrench on the
on the fixed bar and lock tight. The bar end Position and rotate the continuation bar in continuation bar. After tightening there should
should be central within the coupler. the coupler. be no more than 2-4mm of thread exposed,
depending on the diameter of the rebar.

The BT Type B Connection

1 2 3

Screw the coupler to the rear of the thread Position the continuation bar with the coupler Rotate the coupler from the continuation bar
on the continuation bar. against the end of the first bar. to engage against the rear of the thread on
the opposing bar and lock tight.

Using a wrench, rotate the continuation
bar to lock the two bar ends against each
other within the coupler. After tightening, the
length of exposed thread should be no more
than half of the coupler length plus 2-4mm
depending on the diameter of the rebar.

To ensure structural integrity of the connection, any actions, such as on-site bending, which induce cold working of the
bar in the threaded region are to be strictly avoided. Refer to the Ancon website for a more detailed installation guide.

Refer to the Ancon website for a more detailed installation guide.

10 Tel: 1300 304 320 www.ancon.com.au

BT Type C Connection

1 2 3

Screw the locknut onto the fixed bar with the Screw the second locknut followed by the Position the continuation bar with the coupler
Type C1 thread. coupler to the end of the thread on the against the end of the fixed bar.
continuation bar with the C2 thread.

4 5

Screw the coupler from the continuation Screw the locknut along the continuation
bar onto the fixed bar and lock tight with a bar to abut the coupler and lock tight with a
wrench against the locknut. wrench.

To ensure structural integrity of the connection, any actions, such as on-site bending, which induce cold working of the
bar in the threaded region are to be strictly avoided. Refer to the Ancon website for a more detailed installation guide.

Refer to the Ancon website for a more detailed installation guide.

Reinforcing Bar Couplers

BT Transition Couplers*
BT Transition couplers are designed to connect reinforcing bars of different diameters whilst still
maintaining the full tensile strength of both reinforcing bars, ensuring the failure mode is ductile
failure of the smaller bar.
For Type A transition connections, both bars
utilise standard Type A BT threads with a
special coupler to connect the two bars. t1
Transition connections requiring types B or C
systems use the standard BT thread for the
smaller bar and a modified BT thread for the
larger bar which uses a thread pitch matching
the smaller thread to allow simultaneous
rotation of the coupler on both bars.
Locknuts for Type C connections use the BT Transition Type A
standard locknut for the smaller bar and a
modified locknut with the modified thread
pitch for the larger bar

BT Transition Couplers
Bar Diameter (mm) 12/16 16/20 20/24 24/28 28/32 32/36 36/40
External Diameter (mm) d 28 32 40 45 50 57 62
Larger Type A Thread Length (mm) t1 20 24 30 33 36 42 45
Smaller Type A Thread Length (mm) t2 14 20 24 30 33 36 42
Coupler Length (mm) t1 + t2 34 44 54 63 69 78 87
Thread Form M14/M20 M20/M24 M24/M30 M30/M33 M33/M36 M36/M42 M42/M45
Type A Thread Pitch 2.0/2.5 2.5/3.0 3.0/3.5 3.5 3.5/4.0 4.0/4.5 4.5
Type B & C Thread Pitch 2 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 4 4.5
Other sizes are available on request. All transition couplers are made to order. Lead times and minimum order quantities may apply. Contact us for more details.

BT Transition Type A
The Type A transition connection utilises the t1
same Type A BT threads as the standard t2
system with a special internally threaded
coupler to connect the two different
sized cold-forged and threaded bar ends
Type A Thread
together. Type A connections are used
where the continuation bar can be rotated.
Type A Thread

BT Transition Type B
The Type B connection utilises a longer thread t1
on the smaller bar equal to the length of the t2
coupler. The thread on the larger bar and t1 + t2
the coupler is modified with a pitch matching
the smaller thread. The coupler needs to be
rotated from the smaller diameter rebar onto Type A Thread
the larger. Type B connections are used
where the continuation bar can be rotated for Type B Thread
no more than one revolution.

BT Transition Type C t1 + ln1

The Type C connection utilises the same ln1
coupler and thread pitches as for the Type t2
B, together with two locknuts and longer t1 + t2 + ln2
threads on the bar ends. The coupler needs
to be rotated from the smaller diameter
rebar onto the larger. Type C connections Type C1 Thread

are used where the continuation bar cannot

be rotated. Type C2 thread

Important Note: The additional thread lengths beyond the final coupler location on Type B and C connections are non-structural and are to be used for positioning purposes only.
*BT Transition Couplers are made to order to project specific requirements. Lead times and minimum order quantities may apply. Contact us for further information.

12 Tel: 1300 304 320 www.ancon.com.au

BT Stainless Steel Couplers*
The Ancon range of couplers is predominately designed for the joining of carbon steel bars, however
stainless steel couplers are available for when stainless steel reinforcement is being used. These
couplers are available in either grade 316 or Duplex stainless steel Grade 2205 to match the grades
of rebar available in the market. Stainless steel couplers are suitable for projects of any size where
the strength of the connection is required to match or exceed that of the parent bars, including large
scale, high volume coupler applications.
The end of each bar to be joined is cut The couplers are suitable for splicing BS There are currently no local standards
square and enlarged by cold forging. This 6744 Grade 500 stainless steel reinforcing covering stainless steel reinforcement.
increases the core diameter of the bar to bars and have been thoroughly tested Stainless steel reinforcement is generally
ensure that the joint is stronger than the bar. to demonstrate compliance with static imported from mills in Europe. Available bar
Parallel metric threads are cut into the bar requirements from Eurocode 2 and BS8110. sizes are limited to European standards.
ends. A nominal allowance of +50mm per
threaded bar end should be made for cutting l
square and cold forging. d
Refer to Ancon Stainless Steel Reinforcement
brochure for further information on stainless
steel reinforcement.

Bar Diameter 12 16 20 25 32 40
External Dia. d 22 30 35 42 55 35
Coupler Length l 28 40 48 60 78 98
Type A Thread Length t 14 20 24 30 36 45
Thread Size M14 M20 M24 M30 M36 M45
Thread Pitch 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
BTC12S316/ BTC16S316/ BTC20S316/ BTC24S316/ BTC32S316/ BTC40S316/
Part No. BT SS coupler
BTC12S2205 BTC16S2205 BTC20S2205 BTC24S2205 BTC32S2205 BTC40S2205
Part No Type A thread BTT12A BTT16A BTT20A BTT24A BTT32A BTT40A
Part No Type B thread BTT12B BTT16B BTT20B BTT24B BTT32B BTT40B
Part No Type C1 thread BTT12C1 BTT16C1 BTT20C1 BTT24C1 BTT32C1 BTT40C1
Part No Type C2 thread BTT12C2 BTT16C2 BTT20C2 BTT24C2 BTT32C2 BTT40C2
­Note: All dimensions are approximate and subject to change without notice. BT SS (Grade 316 or 2205) coupler for 50mm reinforcing bar is available on request.

BT Stainless Steel Type A t

The Type A connection utilises an internally l
threaded coupler to join two cold-forged t
and threaded bar ends together. Each
bar end is threaded to half the length of
the coupler. Type A connections are used
where the continuation bar can be rotated.

BT Stainless Steel Type B t

The Type B connection utilises the same l
coupler as for the Type A, the difference 2t
being one bar end is threaded for the full
coupler length. Type B connections are
used where the continuation bar can be
rotated for no more than one revolution.

BT Stainless Steel Type C

The Type C connection utilises the same 0.8t
coupler as for the Type A, together with l
locknuts and longer threads to the bar ends. 0.8t
Type C connections are used where the
continuation bar cannot be rotated.

Important Note: The additional thread lengths beyond the final coupler location on Type B and C connections are non-structural and are to be used for positioning purposes only.
*BT Stainless Steel Couplers are made to order to project specific requirements. Lead times and minimum order quantities may apply. Contact us for further information. 13
Reinforcing Bar Couplers

BT Weldable Couplers*
BT Weldable Couplers provide a convenient means of connecting reinforcing bars to structural steel
plates or sections. One end has the BT thread form; the other end is prepared for welding to the steel.
BT Weldable Couplers are manufactured from either Steel Grade 1045 to ASTM A576 or Steel Installation
Grade C45R to EN10083. The load conditions at the connection must be determined by the BT Weldable Couplers
designer responsible for this structural element, along with the type and size of weld required. 1
Other important considerations are the type of electrode to be used, which must be matched to
the properties of the plate and tube, and to the site conditions under which the welding will be
undertaken. Welders should be qualified for the type of weld required.
Carbon Equivalent Value - The Carbon Equivalent value of these couplers may typically vary
between 0.50 – 0.75, where the carbon equivalent value is given by CEV = C + (Mn)/6 +
(Ni+Cu)/15 +(Cr+Mo+V)/5.

The coupler must first be welded to the


When ready to extend, remove the plastic

end cap and position the continuation bar
into the sleeve.

BT Weldable Couplers
Bar Diameter (mm) 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Coupler Diameter (mm) d 28 33 38 48 52 57 65 72
Coupler Length (mm) l 30 40 48 60 65 72 75 90
Thread Form M14x2.0 M20x2.5 M24x3.0 M30x3.5 M33x3.5 M36x4.0 M42x4.5 M45x.4.5
Part No. BTW12 BTW16 BTW20 BTW24 BTW28 BTW32 BTW36 BTW40
*BT Weldable Couplers are made to order to project specific requirements. Lead times and minimum order
quantities may apply. Contact us for further information.

Rotate the bar into the coupler until tight.

Tighten the continuation bar using a wrench.

14 Tel: 1300 304 320 www.ancon.com.au

BT Headed Anchors
BT Headed Anchors create an anchorage in the concrete, replacing
the need for cogged or hooked bar ends. They can simplify scheduling
and bar placement, and reduce congestion in the concrete.
Designed for use on 12mm to 50mm BT Headed Anchors can be used in
reinforcing bars, BT Headed Anchors are accordance with clause 13.1.4 of
internally threaded with metric threads to suit AS 3600:2018 to reduce the development
the BT coupler system. They create a full length of reinforcing bar. For typical
strength joint, the mode of failure being bar applications, the development length is
break. reduced to 10 times the diameter of the bar*.
Refined calculations can be performed using
the bearing area (Ahead) values provided in
the table below.

Note from AS 3600:2018 Clause 13.1.4

regarding the use of headed reinforcement:
Where the tensile force in a headed bar could give rise to bearing forces directed
towards, or adjacent to, a free concrete surface, failure of the concrete cone between
the head of the bar and the free concrete surface shall be investigated.


Bar Diameter 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
BT Headed Anchor Length (mm) l 14 20 24 30 33 36 42 45
External Dia. (mm) d 38 50 64 76 89 102 114 127
Net Bearing Area (mm2) Ahead 1021 1762 2903 4084 5605 7367 9189 11411
Thread Size M14 x 2.0 M20 x 2.5 M24 x 3.0 M30 x 3.5 M33 x 3.5 M36 x 4.0 M42 x 4.5 M45 x 4.5
Part No. AA12 AA16 AA20 AA24 AA28 AA32 AA36 AA40
Note: AA50 BT Headed Anchors can be manufactured, for details contact us.
*Reduction in development length based on 32MPa concrete and where K1 = K3 = 1.

Reinforcing Bar Couplers

MBT Mechanically Bolted Testing & Approvals

Couplers MBT couplers are manufactured to a strict
The MBT range of couplers quality regime accredited to ISO 9001 and
have been extensively tested in Australia
provides a cost-effective using grade 500N reinforcement bar
method of joining reinforcing manufactured as per AS/NZS 4671:2019.
bars, particularly when the fixed The connections using MBT couplers, in
common 12-20 mm sizes, exceed the tensile
bar is already in place. strength of the reinforcement bar and comply
They are easy to install and achieve failure with requirements of section 13.2.6 of
loads higher than 110% of the characteristic AS 3600:2018 and AS 5100.5:2017.
yield strength of grade 500 reinforcing bar. Connections with sizes 24-40 mm MBT
Neither bar end preparation to form threads, couplers achieve failure loads higher than
nor bar rotation are required. MBT couplers 110% of the characteristic yield strength of
can also be used to join imperial, plain round grade 500N reinforcement bar.
or deformed reinforcing bars.
For further technical information, please
The bar ends are supported within the contact us at technical.au@leviat.com
coupler by two serrated saddles, and as the
lockshear bolts are tightened, the conical
ends embed themselves into the bar. As Lockshear bolt
this happens the serrated saddles bite into Reduced diameter
both the bar and the shell of the coupler. shear plane
The lockshear bolts of couplers up to and
including the MBT20C coupler can be
tightened using a ratchet wrench. For larger
couplers a nut runner is recommended.
Serrated saddle
In all cases heavy duty sockets should be
used. When the pre-determined tightening
torque for the bolts is reached, the heads
shear off leaving the top of the installed bolt Section showing the embedment of the
slightly proud of the coupler. This provides an lockshear bolts and saddles into the bar
instant visual check of correct installation. and the shell of the coupler.

Note: Impact tools must not be used to

tighten lockshear bolts.

MBT Coupler Connection

The MBT Coupler Connection is used to
connect reinforcing bars of the same size.

MBT Couplers Dimensions

Bar Diameter (mm) 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
External Diameter d 33.4 42.2 48.3 54.0 66.7 71.0 75.0 81.0
Total Length l 140 160 204 258 312 312 420 484
Socket Size A/F (ins) /
1 2 /
1 2 /
1 2 /
5 8 /
5 8 /
5 8 /
3 4 3/4

No. of Bolts 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 14
Note: MBT50C couplers can be manufactured. For details contact us .

16 Tel: 1300 304 320 www.ancon.com.au

MBT Coupler Connection
1 2 3

Place the coupler over the end of the bar to Place the other bar end into the coupler until On one half of the coupler, starting from the
half the coupler length +/- 6mm and finger it pushes up against the first bar and finger centre and working outwards, partly tighten
tighten the lockshear bolts onto the bar. tighten the remaining lockshear bolts. Check the lockshear bolts using either a ratchet
Check the alignment and make any necessary alignment and make any adjustments. wrench or a nut runner as appropriate. Do not
adjustments. use impact tools. Repeat again, this time fully
tightening the lockshear bolts until the bolt
heads shear off.
Repeat the above for the other half of the

Reinforcing Bar Couplers

Repair and Remedial Work

For applications involving replacement
of corroded or damaged bars, the
replacement bar is cut approximately
5mm shorter to allow clearance for
insertion between the sound ends of the
original bars. MBT couplers are pushed
fully over both ends of the replacement
bar and temporarily held in position.
The replacement bar is then correctly
positioned and the couplers moved to
a previously marked position on the
existing bars indicating half the length
of the coupler. The lockshear bolts are
tightened to complete the installation.
MBT Transition Series*
The MBT Transition series of
couplers provides an effective
solution for connecting bars d
of different diameters.
Transition couplers have all the benefits
of the MBT Coupler Connection and are
designed to achieve failure loads higher than
110% of the characteristic yield strength of
grade 500 reinforcing bar.
They can be installed without any b
preparation to the bar ends and without
any need to rotate bars. The coupler can MBT Transition Series Dimensions
be rotated to allow access to the bolts for Bar Diameter 20/12 20/16 24/16 24/20 32/20 32/24 40/32
External Diameter d 48.3 48.3 54 54 71 71 81
tightening with either a ratchet wrench or a
External Diameter d2 33.4 48.3 42.2 54 48.3 54 71
nut runner. In all cases heavy duty sockets Total Length l 150 160 155 180 177 231 335
should be used. Transition couplers are non- Individual Lengths a:b 80:70 80:80 75:80 90:90 75:102 102:129 178:157
standard and are made to order. Socket Size A/F (ins) a:b 1/2 : 1/2 1/2 : 1/2 5/8 : 1/2 5/8 : 1/2 5/8 : 1/2 5/8 : 5/8 3/4 : 5/8

No. of Bolts a:b 3:3 3:3 2:3 3:3 2:4 3:4 5:5
Note: Impact tools should not be used to
Part No MBT20/12C MBT20/16C MBT24/16C MBT24/20C MBT32/20C MBT32/24C MBT40/32C
tighten lockshear bolts.
Note: Other sizes available upon request. Contact us for further information.
*MBT Transition Couplers are made to order
to project specific requirements. Lead times
and minimum order quantities may apply.
Contact us for further information.

18 Tel: 1300 304 320 www.ancon.com.au

MBT Transition Couplers
1 2

Place the coupler over the end of the bar to the Place the other bar end into the coupler until
appropriate depth +/- 6mm and finger tighten it pushes up against the first bar and finger
the lockshear bolts onto the bar. Check the tighten the remaining lockshear bolts. Check
alignment and make any necessary adjustments. alignment and make any adjustments.

On one half of the coupler, starting from the centre and working outwards, partly tighten the
lockshear bolts using either a ratchet wrench or a nut runner as appropriate. Do not use impact
tools. Repeat again, this time fully tightening the lockshear bolts until the bolt heads shear off.
Repeat the above for the other half of the coupler

Reinforcing Bar Couplers

MBT Headed Anchors

MBT Headed Anchors are designed to provide dead end embedment
for bars in concrete. This helps to reduce congestion and simplify the
placement of rebars by removing the need for hooked ends.
The Anchor comprises half an MBT coupler Note from AS 3600:2018 Clause 13.1.4
with a plate welded to one end which carries regarding the use of headed reinforcement:
the full tension load of the bar when it is Where the tensile force in a headed bar could
give rise to bearing forces directed towards,
bearing against the concrete. The plates are
or adjacent to, a free concrete surface, failure
supplied with a hole, allowing bars to either of the concrete cone between the head of the
pass through or terminate in the coupler. The bar and the free concrete surface shall be
MBT Headed Anchor also has the added investigated.
advantage of requiring no special bar end
MBT Headed Anchors can be used in t
accordance with clause 13.1.4 of
AS 3600:2018 to reduce the development
length of the reinforcing bar to 6 times d
the bar diameter for all sizes.

Bar Diameter 10 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
External Diameter d 33.4 33.4 42.2 48.3 54.0 66.7 71.0 75.0 81.0
Coupler Length l 55 75 82 104 129 156 156 215 247
Total Length lo 65 85 92 114 139 168 171 230 262
Plate Thickness t 10 10 10 10 10 12 15 15 15
Plate w x h p 70 70 80 90 100 110 130 150 150
Socket Size A/F (ins) 1/
No of Bolts 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7
Approx Weight (kg) 0.64 0.74 1.07 1.58 2.29 4.14 4.72 5.83 8.30
Note: Minimum compressive strength of concrete 25MPa.

20 Tel: 1300 304 320 www.ancon.com.au

Other Ancon Products
Reinforcement Continuity Systems
Reinforcement Continuity Systems are an
increasingly popular means of maintaining
continuity of reinforcement at construction
joints in concrete. The Ancon Keybox system
eliminates the need to drill shuttering and can
simplify formwork design, thereby accelerating
the construction process. It is available in both
standard units and special configurations.
Ancon KSN threaded anchors eliminate the
need for o­n-site bar straightening and are
available for use with 12mm, 16mm and 20mm
diameter reinforcement. The system is also
available with a re-useable rebate former.

Shear Load Connectors

Ancon DSD and ESD Shear Load Connectors
are used to transfer shear across expansion
and contraction joints in concrete. They are
more effective at transferring load and allowing
movement to take place than standard dowels,
and can be used to eliminate double columns
at structural movement joints in buildings.
A ‘Lockable’ dowel is also available for
temporary movement joints in post-tensioned
concrete frames.

Punching Shear Reinforcement

Ancon Shearfix is used within a slab to
provide additional reinforcement from
punching shear around columns. The system
consists of double-headed steel studs welded
to flat rails and is designed to suit the load
conditions and slab depth at each column
using our free calculation software.

Masonry Support Systems

Masonry cladding on concrete or steel frames
is normally supported from stainless steel
Electric Wrench support systems. Ancon MDC Systems create
To facilitate the installation of MBT couplers
a continuous angle to support the outer leaf of
Ancon Electric Wrenches are available for masonry. Ancon Individual Brackets support
purchase or hire. The smooth continuous masonry features such as curves and arches.
action of the wrench prevents the early
shearing of the lockshear bolts and damage Channel and Bolt Fixings
to threads. The wrench is supplied with Leviat offers a wide range of channels and
specially hardened heavy duty sockets. bolts in order to fix stainless steel masonry
Please contact us for details. support, restraints and windposts to structural
frames. Cast-in channels and expansion bolts
are used for fixing to the edges of concrete
floors and beams. A range of stainless steel
set screws and self-drill self-tap screws are
designed to fix to steel frames.

Special Fabrications
© Thiess, Energy Australia

Leviat is an ASSDA accredited specialist

fabricator and has a wealth of experience
Note: Impact tools should not be used to in working with a variety of material grades.
tighten lockshear bolts. In all cases heavy High integrity steel components are supplied
duty sockets should be used. to a wide range of industries including Civil
Engineering, Building, Infrastructure, Water
Treatment, Nuclear and Mining.

Worldwide contacts for Leviat:

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Email: info.au@leviat.com Email: info.de@leviat.com Email: info.pl@leviat.com
Austria India Singapore
Leviat Leviat Leviat
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Tel: +43 - 1 - 259 6770 Thane West, Thane, Tel: +65 - 6266 6802
Email: info.at@leviat.com Maharashtra 400607 Email: info.sg@leviat.com
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Leviat Leviat JAFZA, Jebel Ali, Dubai
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Email: info.fi@leviat.com Email: info.nz@leviat.com
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Leviat Leviat Sheffield, S4 7UR
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Toulouse Tel: +47 - 51 82 34 00
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Philippines 6467 S Falkenburg Rd.
Leviat Riverview, FL 33578
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ADB Avenue Email: info.us@leviat.us
Ortigas Center
Pasig City
Tel: +63 - 2 7957 6381 For countries not listed
Email: info.ph@leviat.com Email: info@leviat.com


Notes regarding this catalogue

© Protected by copyright. The construction applications and details provided in this publication are indicative only. In every case, project
working details should be entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced persons. Whilst every care has been exercised in the preparation
of this publication to ensure that any advice, recommendations or information is accurate, no liability or responsibility of any kind is accepted
by Leviat for inaccuracies or printing errors. Technical and design changes are reserved. With a policy of continuous product development,
Leviat reserves the right to modify product design and specification at any time.
For more information on the following products, please contact:
Masonry, Structural and Concrete Floor Jointing Remedial Masonry
Precast Concrete products: products: products:
Tel: 1300 304 320 Tel: 1800 335 215 Tel: 1300 667 071
Email: info.ancon.au@leviat.com Email: info.connolly.au@leviat.com Email: info.helifix.au@leviat.com
Web: Ancon.com.au Web: Connollykeyjoint.com Web: Helifix.com.au

Email: info.isedio.au@leviat.com
Web: Isedio.com.au

General Enquiries
Tel: 1300 304 320
Email: info.au@leviat.com
Web: Leviat.com

Sales Offices and Production

New South Wales, Sydney New South Wales, Casino Victoria
98 Kurrajong Avenue 10 Irving Drive 9/63-69 Pipe Road
Mount Druitt | Sydney Casino Laverton North | Melbourne
NSW 2770 NSW 2470 VIC 3026

Queensland Western Australia

4/15 Terrace Place 18 Tennant Street
Murarrie | Brisbane Welshpool | Perth
QLD 4172 WA 6106

Imagine. Model. Make. Leviat.com

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