BCMA Yearbook 2022
BCMA Yearbook 2022
BCMA Yearbook 2022
Mrs. Fe C. Baclig
Administrative Officer of
Goa Science High School
Venue BCCC Hall
Date May 24, 2022
Chairman of the Board
I would like to sincerely congratulate the
proud and deserving graduates of Bicol for
Christ Mission Academy, Inc. This is a joyful
time to celebrate your achievements and also
appreciate the guidance of your parents and
teachers on your journey. To all the parents of
the graduates, thank you for entrusting your
children to Bicol for Christ Mission Academy,
Inc. Your continued commitment and
dedication to our school were key to your
children’s achievements.
Graduates, you deserve to be congratulated for your hard work and bright
performance. Use this experience as a stepping stone to continue your life-long
journey. To God be the glory!
School Directress
Congratulations to our dear graduates for
completing a significant part of your life’s journey.
The world is tough and demanding place, but I am
confident that you will apply what you learned here
and accomplish everything you seek to do. God has
taken Bicol for Christ Mission Academy, Inc. and
Modeled it into a school that genuinely empowers
students to love and to learn. The graduates of our
school are children of God that He loves endlessly.
Give God the glory, seek Him and He will bless your
Guest Speaker
My sincerest congratulations to the Movers and
Graduates of Bicol for Christ Mission Academy School year
And finally, to those who believed in us and to those who didn’t, we are
standing here today because of you.
My fellow classmates, we’ve finally made it. We’ve been supported, guided
and loved by these people for years; now it's time to make them proud. Here’s to
the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.
To our directress, Mrs. Hannah Lee. To our
board director Rev. Barnabas Lee, To our beloved
principal, Mrs. Mila Peña, to our guest speaker,
BCMA teachers and staffs, parents, fellow students,
good day.
To our principal, thank you for the support, encouragement, and appreciation.
To my family, Thank you, Mama, Papa and Kuya. 4 years na lang, 4 years na lang.
Thank you for not giving up, thank you for your love, effort, and encouragement. I may
not be here on stage today without your encouragement and love for me. Words
cannot express my gratitude. I love you all!
Thank you for the great honor and privilege BCMA. Thank you for the 15 years! I
will be forever grateful and proud that I became a student of BCMA. Shalom!
RIVERO, BRIAN MATTHEW R. I challenge our successors to rise up and take this arduous
Grade 10 Student journey called life. Face it with great courage, unwavering
determination, and with a will that is as immovable as the
mountains. No matter how little you've accomplished, you've made
a difference. Progress is still progress.
This is the day that the Lord has made. We have come to celebrate the
fruits of our trials and challenges as we finally reached the end of the most
challenging yet memorable days of our lives, our high school years.
The graduating class of school year 2021-2022 welcomes our board of
director, Rev. Barnabas Lee, our beloved directress, Mrs. Hannah Lee, to our
principal, Mrs. Mila B. Peña, to our guest of honor Mrs. Fe C. Baclig, to all the
guests, to all the BCMA educators, staffs and especially to our proud parents. The
path that we walked through was never easy; we stumbled, we were pushed
through our limits, and everything almost feels like a never ending battle. Yet, here
we are yielding the success of our journey. Challenges may seem overwhelming
but do remember that life will always test you. In every trial that you will
encounter, you will gain a very important lesson that will help you grow as a strong
individual. Our high school journey may have come to an end, but those
experiences will surely leave marks in our lives.
To our successors, always believe in yourself, in your capabilities. Never
let your self doubt ruin yourself. Everything may seem overwhelming but you have
to trust yourself because everything comes in full circle. You may feel devastated
today but there is a brighter tomorrow awaiting for you. A brighter tomorrow that
will give you relief and courage to face every problem in this lifetime. You are the
captain of your ship, you lead your own path, you control your destiny. You are
held responsible for your actions and decisions. Don't be afraid to take risks and go CARCER,ALLYSSA MILCAH M.
beyond your comfort zone. After all, there are still rooms for improvement. Living
means taking risks and exploring new boundaries. A life without obstacles and
Grade 12 Student
challenges is not living at all. Be bold and face what the world throws at you. Stand
tall and show the world what you are made of. When the world beats you down, find a reason to get back up again. Never give up
on success. Try, try, try and try again. Feed your minds of success, not failure. Every time you fail you come one step closer to
success. Do not back down, do not give up. Believe in yourself, believe in your future, trust the process, seek in faith and you will
find your way. So, I acknowledge all of you who have come this far, may the Lord bless us towards our new journey. Thank You
and To God be the Highest Glory.
To our Chairman of the Board, Rev. Barnabas Lee, to our School Directress,
Ma’am Hannah Lee, to our principal, Ma’am Mila B. Peña, to our guest of honor, school
officials, and staff, teachers, schoolmates, and especially to the proud parents, Good day!
It is such a pleasure and honor to speak in front of you. On this momentous day, we reap
the product of our academic year. Through these past years, I have seen us all discover
and devote ourselves to our passions and grow immensely as a result. But before anything
else, I would like to express my warmest gratitude to the Almighty Father for leading us
into what we are now today and to His best plans for us in the near future, to our loving
family and proud parents, teachers, classmates, and friends. Each of us has had our own
unique experiences as a student, a combination of good times and bad times. With this
chapter closed, I am certain that many of us are anxious about starting the new one. But
we cannot skip through the pages of life to see how long the next chapter is going to be.
As the captain of our ship, we also have our book of life that has not been fully written,
and every day that passes is another page we write in our lives. No matter where we go,
there are challenges ahead of us. Let’s face these uncertainties together with a bold spirit
and a courageous heart.
On behalf of the Grade 11 students, we humbly accept the challenges you have
entrusted us with by going beyond our comfort zone and not being afraid to take an
Micah Angelica F. Luzon enormous risk. Indeed, there is always a reason to try and get back up again. We will be
Grade 11 Student bold enough to dream and brave enough to try. We have come so far, let us tap into who
God has called us to be. Time is our greatest asset, we should see each day as a chance to
grow and as a time to be better to ourselves. And whatever may come in our way, we will always choose not to be stagnant but to
progress. Thank you, and to God be the Highest Glory!
Today is a blissful day! As we gathered here to celebrate an
important event, for we have finished another step, a step that will lead us
closer to success, to our goals, and to our dreams. The chosen
representative of grade 9 students year 2021-2022 welcomes our board of
director, Rev. Barnabas Lee, our directress, Mrs. Hannah Lee, our principal,
Mrs. Mila B. Peña, our guest of honor, all the bcma educators, staffs, guests,
and especially our proud parents. The world is landscape with obstacles, as it
keeps life precarious at best and downright scary at worst. It is as if
everything is out of hand. However , we have the power to stir things up
and surpass every obstacles that gets in our way. All we need is to have
courage to go on when we don't have the strength, and determination to
continue when the summit is till foggy or when the path is cold and misty.
Challenges are what makes life interesting and overcoming them is what
makes life meaningful, according to Joshua J. Marine. I considered loser
those who are afraid to be challenged. For they settled in "what if's" rather
than "why not?". I hereby stand before you, speaking on behalf of the grade
9 students as a representative, and as grade 10 successor. Announcing that a
challenge has been accepted, to continue this peculiar journey filled with
thrilling events. To experience fall in order to learn, to experience break for
us to over come, to be under pressure for us to learn about our capabilities,
and lastly, to rise up and become the better version of ourselves. Giving
glory to the Almighty God and be fitting to hold a power of creating a better JENNELYN P. CAMA
future. Grade 9 Student
To our beloved President and Chairman of the Board, Rev. Barnabas
Lee, to our directress, Ma'am Hannah Lee, our principal, Mrs. Mila Peña,
hardworking teachers and school officials, to our dearest parents, and to my
fellow students, good day! I am honored to speak in front of you and deliver
this speech. Before that, please allow me to thank my mom and dad for all
the support, sacrifices, and love that they unconditionally give. As a child, we
need most of their guidance and discipline. Same goes with the guidance
and teachings that our school gives to each and everyone of us. To be
honest, these past two years has been tough on all of us. With the pandemic
here and all around the world, we have had to adjust our lives to embrace
new learning methods, as physically attending classrooms was not possible.
This pandemic turned our lives to 180° change. But we showed strength
over struggles, compassion over competition, and empathy over apathy. Our
current situation put lots of pressure, not only on us students, but also on
our teachers, our parents and all family members. But, we finally made it,
our kuyas and ates set an example to us that if they can surpass it, we can
also make it through and for this, I would like to express my gratitude to God
Fernandez, Megyn Rose for helping us all, through these tough times. I, personally, am looking
forward to the next school year, wherein, we are most likely to be attending
Grade 5 Student
classroom sessions more than the on-line class. It would be helpful as there will be more interaction between the students and
teachers and more activities to develop our skills In behalf of Grade 5 pupils of BCMA, we are honored to accept the challenge
to continue the legacy of a BCMAean student. One who is ready to answer the call of service, the one who is ready to extend
help, the one who shows compassion, one who is committed to reach a dream. And as we accept the challenge, we also accept
the responsibilities. Finally, fellow fifth graders, as we look forward to our next stage in life at the middle school, let us commit
to use all the knowledge and skills we have gained so far. By doing so we will be successful in all that is set before us. Let us be
committed to be the best we can be and make our teachers, parents, family and friends proud of us. Again, good day everyone
and God bless us all!
Rev. Barnabas Lee Mrs. Hannah Lee
Chairman of the Board School Directress
“ “
Our Mission is to become partners of parents to nurture, discipline, and instruct their
children through the provision of academically-excellent education based on biblical
truths and principles in a Christ-centered environment.
We believed in the uniqueness of every child, his/her ability for positive and use of given
talents as they prepare to become the future leaders of the world.
Pledge of loyalty
In grateful recognition of the opportunities given by the Bicol for Christ Mission
Academy, Inc and the Republic of the Philippines, I (state your name) hereby
pledge to dedicate myself to the continuing search for truth and knowledge; to
strive for the improvement of the common man; to discipline my will so as to
elevate and preserve high moral and spiritual life, all for the service of my
You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and
it shall be well with you.
- Psalm 128:2