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Legislation Aviation

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Group No: 05

Module Code: ME2210

Semester: 3

Aviation Legislation


Index No. Name Marks

200649B A.W.G.T.N.Thilakarathna
200756B T.D.H.De Silva

Date of submission 17/02/2023

Due date of submission 17/02/2023

Advisors’/Instructors’ names, associations and signature

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Mr. Asitha Manage
University of Moratuwa

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................... 1

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2

2 Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 3

3 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 21

4 References ........................................................................................................................ 22

1 Introduction
Personal licensing is a critical aspect of aircraft maintenance as it ensures that the individuals
working on aircraft systems and components have the necessary qualifications and training to
perform their duties safely and effectively. This is particularly important in ensuring the
airworthiness and safety of aircraft. In countries like the United States and Europe, regulatory
bodies such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety
Agency (EASA) have set stringent requirements for personal licensing in aviation
maintenance. These requirements typically include written exams, practical evaluations, and
on-the-job experience, and are designed to ensure that licensed individuals have the necessary
knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform their work. Personal licensing also provides a
means of tracking the qualifications and training of individuals, allowing employers to verify
that their maintenance personnel meet the necessary standards. In Sri Lanka, the Civil
Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka (CAASL) also recognizes the importance of personal
licensing in aviation maintenance and requires licensed personnel to perform maintenance
activities on aircraft registered in the country. By requiring licensed personnel, aircraft
maintenance is performed in a standardized and consistent manner, reducing the risk of error
and improving the overall safety of the aviation industry in Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, the Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka (CAASL) is responsible for
implementing the requirements for personal licensing in aviation maintenance. The CAASL
implements Implementing Standards (IS) 66, which lays down the standards for licensing of
maintenance personnel and the maintenance organization in Sri Lanka. IS-66 covers various
aspects of personal licensing, including education and training, experience, and certification.

Under IS-66, individuals who wish to work in aircraft maintenance must undergo formal
training and education in relevant areas such as aircraft structures, systems, and components.
They must also demonstrate practical skills through practical evaluations and have the
required on-the-job experience to be eligible for licensing. The CAASL also requires
individuals to pass written exams to demonstrate their knowledge of the relevant regulations
and standards.

Once individuals meet the requirements, they are issued a maintenance personnel license by
the CAASL, which allows them to perform maintenance activities on aircraft registered in Sri
Lanka. The CAASL periodically reviews the qualifications and training of licensed personnel
to ensure that they maintain the necessary standards.
2 Discussion
Basic knowledge requirements

The level of knowledge required for Category A, B1, B2, B3, and C Aircraft Maintenance
Licenses is indicated by knowledge levels (1, 2, or 3) for each relevant subject. For Category
C applicants, the basic knowledge level must meet either the requirements for Category B1 or
Category B2. The knowledge level indicators are defined in three levels as follows:

LEVEL 1: A familiarization with the principal elements of the subject.


(a) The applicant should be familiar with the basic elements of the subject.
(b) The applicant should be able to give a simple description of the whole subject,
using common words and examples.
(c) The applicant should be able to use typical terms.

LEVEL 2: A general knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject and an
ability to apply that knowledge.


(a) The applicant should be able to understand the theoretical fundamentals of the
(b) The applicant should be able to give a general description of the subject using,
as appropriate, typical examples.
(c) The applicant should be able to use mathematical formulae in conjunction
with physical laws describing the subject.
(d) The applicant should be able to read and understand sketches, drawings and
schematics describing the subject.
(e) The applicant should be able to apply his knowledge in a practical manner
using detailed procedures.

LEVEL 3: A detailed knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject and a
capacity to combine and apply the separate elements of knowledge in a logical and
comprehensive manner.


(a) The applicant should know the theory of the subject and interrelationships
with other subjects.

(b) The applicant should be able to give a detailed description of the subject using
theoretical fundamentals and specific examples.
(c) The applicant should understand and be able to use mathematical formulae
related to the subject.
(d) The applicant should be able to read, understand and prepare sketches, simple
drawings and schematics describing the subject.
(e) The applicant should be able to apply his knowledge in a practical manner
using manufacturer's instructions.
(f) The applicant should be able to interpret results from various sources and
measurements and apply corrective action where appropriate.

The modules and knowledge levels applicable to a candidate who will be participating
for AML examination in B 1.1 category conducted by CAASL as per the IS 66.

❖ B1.1 Category is for maintenance of Aeroplanes Turbine

Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

1.1 Arithmetic 2
Arithmetical terms and signs, methods of multiplication and
division, fractions and decimals, factors and multiples, weights,
measures and conversion factors, ratio and proportion, averages and
percentages, areas and volumes, squares, cubes, square and cube

1.2 Algebra

a) Evaluating simple algebraic expressions, addition, subtraction, 2

multiplication and division, use of brackets, simple algebraic fractions;

b) Linear equations and their solutions; Indices and powers, negative 1

and fractional indices; Binary and other applicable numbering systems;
Simultaneous equations and second degree equations with one unknown

1.3 Geometry

a) Simple geometrical constructions; 1

b) Graphical representation; nature and uses of graphs, graphs of 2


c) Simple trigonometry; trigonometrical relationships, use of tables and 2

rectangular and polar co-ordinates

Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

2.1 Matter 1
Nature of matter: the chemical elements, structure of atoms, molecules;
Chemical compounds. States: solid, liquid, and gaseous; Changes
between state
2.2 Mechanics

2.2.1 Statics 2
Forces, moments and couples, representation as vectors; Centre of
gravity; Elements of theory of stress, strain and elasticity: tension,
compression, shear and torsion; Nature and properties of solid, fluid and
gas; Pressure and buoyancy in liquids (barometers).
2.2.2 Kinetics 2
Linear movement: uniform motion in a straight line, motion under
constant acceleration (motion under gravity); Rotational movement:
uniform circular motion (centrifugal/centripetal forces); Periodic
motion: pendular movement; Simple theory of vibration, harmonics and
resonance; Velocity ratio, mechanical advantage and efficiency.
2.2.3 Dynamics 2
a) Mass Force, inertia, work, power, energy (potential, kinetic and total
energy), heat, efficiency;
b) Momentum, conservation of momentum; Impulse; Gyroscopic 2
principles; Friction: nature and effects, coefficient of friction (rolling
2.2.4 Fluid dynamics

a) Specific gravity and density; 2

b) Viscosity, fluid resistance, effects of streamlining; Effects of 2

compressibility on fluids; Static, dynamic and total pressure: Bernoulli's
Theorem, venturi.
2.3 Thermodynamics

a) Temperature: thermometers and temperature scales: Celsius, 2

Fahrenheit and Kelvin; Heat definition
b) Heat capacity, specific heat; Heat transfer: convection, radiation, and 2
conduction; Volumetric expansion; First and second law of
thermodynamics; Gases: ideal gases laws; specific heat at constant
volume and constant pressure, work done by expanding gas; Isothermal,
adiabatic expansion and compression, engine cycles, constant volume
and constant pressure, refrigerators and heat pumps; Latent heats of
fusion and evaporation, thermal energy, heat of combustion.
2.4 Optics (Light) 2
Nature of light; speed of light; Laws of reflection and refraction:
reflection at plane surfaces, reflection by spherical mirrors, refraction,
lenses; Fibre optics
2.5 Wave Motion and Sound 2
Wave motion: mechanical waves, sinusoidal wave motion, interference
phenomena, standing waves; Sound: speed of sound, production of
sound, intensity, pitch and quality, Doppler effect.


Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

3.1 Electron Theory 1

3.2 Static Electricity and Conduction 2

3.3 Electrical Terminology 2

3.4 Generation of Electricity 1

Production of electricity by the following methods: light, heat, friction,
pressure, chemical action, magnetism and motion.
3.5 DC Sources of Electricity 2

3.6 DC Circuits 2

3.7 Resistance / Resistor 2

a) Resistance and affecting factors; Specific resistance; Resistor colour
code, values and tolerances, preferred values, wattage ratings; Resistors
in series and parallel; Calculation of total resistance using series, parallel
and series parallel combinations; Operation and use of potentiometers
and rheostats; Operation of Wheatstone Bridge.

b) Positive and negative temperature coefficient conductance. 1
Fixed resistors, stability, tolerance and limitations, methods of
construction; Variable resistors, thermistors, voltage dependent resistors;
Construction of potentiometers and rheostats; Construction of
Wheatstone Bridge;
3.8 Power 2
3.9 Capacitance / Capacitor 2

3.10 Magnetism 2
a) Theory of magnetism; Properties of a magnet; Action of a magnet
suspended in the Earth's magnetic field; Magnetisation and
demagnetisation; Magnetic shielding; Various types of magnetic
material; Electromagnets construction and principles of operation; Hand
clasp rules to determine: magnetic field around current carrying
b) Magnetomotive force, field strength, magnetic flux density, 2
permeability, hysteresis loop, retentivity, coercive force reluctance,
saturation point, eddy currents; Precautions for care and storage of
3.11 Inductance / Inductor 2

3.12 DC Motor / Generator Theory 2

3.13 AC Theory 2

3.14 Resistive (R), Capacitive (C) and Inductive (L) Circuits 2

3.15 Transformers 2

3.16 Filters 1
Operation, application and uses of the following filters: low pass, high
pass, band pass, band stop.
3.17 AC Generators 2

3.18 AC Motors 2

Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

4.1 Semiconductors

4.1.1 Diodes

a) Diode symbols; 2
Diode characteristics and properties; Diodes in series and parallel; Main
characteristics and use of silicon controlled rectifiers (thyristors), light
emitting diode, photo conductive diode, varistor, rectifier diodes;
Functional testing of diodes.
4.1.2 Transistors 1
a) Transistor symbols; Component description and orientation;
Transistor characteristics and properties
4.1.3 Integrated Circuits 1
a) Description and operation of logic circuits and linear circuits /
operational amplifiers
4.2 Printed Circuit Boards 1
Description and use of printed circuit boards
4.3 Servomechanisms 1
a) Understanding of the following terms: Open and closed loop systems,
feedback, follow up, analogue transducers; Principles of operation and
use of the following synchro system components /features: resolvers,
differential, control and torque, transformers, inductance and
capacitance transmitters.


Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

5.1 Electronic Instrument Systems 2

Typical systems arrangements and cockpit layout of electronic
instrument systems.
5.2 Numbering Systems 1

5.3 Data Conversion 1

5.4 Data Buses 2

5.5 Logic Circuits 2
a) Identification of common logic gate symbols, tables and equivalent
circuits; Applications used for aircraft systems, schematic diagrams.
5.6 Basic Computer Structure 2
a) Computer terminology (including bit, byte, software, hardware, CPU,
IC, and various memory devices such as RAM, ROM, PROM);
Computer technology (as applied in aircraft systems).
5.10 Fibre Optics 1

5.11 Electronic Displays 2

5.12 Electrostatic Sensitive Devices 2

5.13 Software Management Control 2

5.14 Electromagnetic Environment 2

5.15 Typical Electronic / Digital Aircraft Systems 2

a) For B1 and B2 only: ACARS- ARINC Communication and

Addressing and Reporting System EICAS- Engine Indication and Crew
Alerting System FBW- Fly by Wire FMS - Flight Management System
IRS- Inertial Reference System

b) For B1, B2 and B3 only: ECAM- Electronic Centralised Aircraft

Monitoring EFIS - Electronic Flight Instrument System GPS- Global
Positioning System TCAS- Traffic Alert Collision Avoidance System
Integrated Modular Avionics Cabin Systems Information Systems


Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

6.1 Aircraft Materials – Ferrous

a) Characteristics, properties and identification of common alloy steels 2

used in aircraft; Heat treatment and application of alloy steels;
b) Testing of ferrous materials for hardness, tensile strength, fatigue 1
strength and impact resistance.
6.2 Aircraft Materials-Non-Ferrous

a) Characteristics, properties and identification of common non-ferrous 2

materials used in aircraft; Heat treatment and application of non-ferrous
b) Testing of non-ferrous material for hardness, tensile strength, fatigue 1
strength and impact resistance
6.3 Aircraft Materials-Composite and Non-Metallic

6.3.1 Composite and non metallic other than wood and fabric 2
a) Characteristics, properties and identification of common composite
and nonmetallic materials, other than wood, used in aircraft; Sealant and
bonding agents
b) The detection of defects/deterioration in composite and non metallic 2
material. Repair of composite and non metallic material.
6.3.2 Wooden structures Construction methods of wooden airframe 2

6.3.3 Fabric covering Characteristics, properties and types of fabrics 2

used in aeroplanes; Inspections methods for fabric; Types of defects in
fabric; Repair of fabric covering
6.4 Corrosion

a) Chemical fundamentals; Formation by, galvanic action process, 1

b) Types of corrosion and their identification; Causes of corrosion; 3
Material types, susceptibility to corrosion.
6.5 Fasteners

6.5.1 Screw threads Screw nomenclature; 2

6.5.2 Bolts, studs and screws 2

6.5.3 Locking devices 2

6.5.4 Aircraft rivets 2

Types of solid and blind rivets: specifications and identification, heat
6.6 Pipes and Unions

a) Identification of, and types of rigid and flexible pipes and their 2
connectors used in aircraft;
b) Standard unions for aircraft hydraulic, fuel, oil, pneumatic and air 2
system pipes.
6.7 Springs 2
6.8 Bearings 2

6.9 Transmissions 2

6.10 Control Cables 2

6.11 Electrical Cables and Connectors 2


Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

7.1 Safety Precautions-Aircraft and Workshop 3

7.2 Workshop Practices 3

7.3 Tools 3

7.4 Avionic General Test Equipment 2

Operation, function and use of avionic general test equipment.
7.5 Engineering Drawings, Diagrams and Standards 2

7.6 Fits and Clearances 2

7.7 Electrical Wiring Interconnection System (EWIS) 3

7.8 Riveting 2

7.9 Pipes and Hoses 2

7.10 Springs 2

7.11 Bearings 2

7.12 Transmissions 2

7.13 Control Cables 2

7.14 Material handling

7.14.1 Sheet Metal Marking out and calculation of bend allowance; 2

7.14.2 Composite and non metallic Bonding practices; Environmental 2

conditions Inspection methods
7.15 Welding, Brazing, Soldering and Bonding

a) Soldering methods; inspection of soldered joints. 2

c) Welding and brazing methods; Inspection of welded and brazed 2

joints; Bonding methods and inspection of bonded joints.
7.16 Aircraft Weight and Balance

a) Centre of Gravity / Balance limits calculation: use of relevant 2

b) Preparation of aircraft for weighing; Aircraft weighing; 2

7.17 Aircraft Handling and Storage 2

7.18 Disassembly, Inspection, Repair and Assembly Techniques

a) Types of defects and visual inspection techniques. Corrosion removal, 3

assessment and reprotection.
b) General repair methods, Structural Repair Manual; Ageing, fatigue 2
and corrosion control programmes;
c) Non-destructive inspection techniques including, penetrant, 2
radiographic, eddy current, ultrasonic and boroscope methods
d) Disassembly and re-assembly techniques 2

e) Trouble shooting techniques 2

7.19 Abnormal Events

a) Inspections following lightning strikes and HIRF penetration. 2

b) Inspections following abnormal events such as heavy landings and 2

flight through turbulence
7.20 Maintenance Procedures 2
Maintenance planning; Modification procedures; Stores procedures;
Certification/release procedures; Interface with aircraft operation;
Maintenance Inspection/QualityControl/Quality Assurance; Additional
maintenance procedures. Control of life limited components

Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

8.1 Physics of the Atmosphere 2

International Standard Atmosphere (ISA), application to aerodynamics
8.2 Aerodynamics 2

8.3 Theory of Flight 2

8.4 Flight Stability and Dynamics 2

Longitudinal, lateral and directional stability (active and passive).


Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

9.1 General 2
The need to take human factors into account; Incidents attributable to
human factors / human error; "Murphy's" law
9.2 Human Performance and Limitations 2
Vision; Hearing; Information processing; Attention and perception;
Memory; Claustrophobia and physical access.
9.3 Social Psychology 1
Responsibility: individual and group; Motivation and de-motivation;
Peer pressure; 'Culture' issues; Team working; Management,supervision
and leadership.
9.4 Factors Affecting Performance 2
Fitness / health; Stress: domestic and work related; Time pressure and
deadlines; Workload: overload and underload; Sleep and fatigue,
shiftwork; Alcohol, medication, drug abuse.
9.5 Physical Environment 1
Noise and fumes; Illumination; Climate and temperature; Motion and
vibration; Working environment.
9.6 Tasks 1
Physical work; Repetitive tasks; Visual inspection; Complex systems.
9.7 Communication 2
Within and between teams; Work logging and recording; Keeping up to
date, currency; Dissemination of information
9.9 Hazards in the Workplace 2

Recognising and avoiding hazards; Dealing with emergencies.
9.8 Human Error 2
Error models and theories;Types of error in maintenance tasks;
Implications of errors (i.e accidents) Avoiding and managing errors.


Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

10.1 Regulatory Framework 1

10.2 Certifying Staff – Maintenance 2

Detailed understanding of IS-66.
10.3 Approved Maintenance Organisations 2
Detailed understanding of IS-145 and IS-Part M Subpart F.
10.4 Air operations 1

10.5 Certification of aircraft, parts and appliances

a) General 1
General understanding of IS-21 and EASA certification specifications
CS-23, 25, 27, 29.
b) Documents 2
Certificate of Airworthiness; Certificate of Registration; Noise
Certificate; Weight Schedule; Radio Station Licence and Approval.
10.6 Continuing airworthiness 2
Detailed understanding of IS-21 provisions related to continuing
airworthiness. Detailed understanding of IS-Part M.
10.7 Other Applicable Requirements

a) Maintenance Programmes, Maintenance checks and inspections. 2

Airworthiness Directives; Service Bulletins, manufacturers service
information; Modifications and repairs; Maintenance documentation:
maintenance manuals, structural repair manual, illustrated parts
catalogue, etc.;
Only for A to B2 licences: Master Minimum Equipment Lists, Minimum
Equipment List, Dispatch Deviation Lists;
b) Continuing airworthiness; Minimum equipment requirements- Test 1
flights; Only for B1 and B2 licences: ETOPS, maintenance and dispatch
requirements; All Weather Operations, Category 2/3 operations.

Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

11.1 Theory of Flight

11.1.1 Aeroplane Aerodynamics and Flight Controls 2

11.1.2 High Speed Flight 2

11.2 Airframe Structures- General Concepts

a) Airworthiness requirements for structural strength; Structural 2

classification, primary, secondary and tertiary; Fail safe, safe life,
damage tolerance concepts; Zonal and station identification systems;
Stress, strain, bending, compression, shear, torsion, tension, hoop stress,
fatigue Drains and ventilation provisions; System installation provisions;
Lightning strike protection provision. Aircraft bonding
b) Construction methods of: stressed skin fuselage, formers, stringers, 2
longerons, bulkheads, frames, doublers, struts, ties, beams, floor
structures, reinforcement, methods of skinning, anti-corrosive
protection, wing, empennage and engine attachments; Structure
assembly techniques: riveting, bolting, bonding; Methods of surface
protection, such as chromating, anodising, painting; Surface cleaning.
Airframe symmetry: methods of alignment and symmetry checks.
11.3 Airframe Structures – Aeroplanes

11.3.1 Fuselage (ATA 52 / 53 / 56) 2

Construction and pressurisation sealing; Wing, stabiliser, pylon and
undercarriage attachments; Seat installation and cargo loading system;
Doors and emergency exits: construction, mechanisms, operation and
safety devices; Windows and windscreen construction and mechanisms
11.3.2 Wings (ATA 57) 2
Construction; Fuel storage; Landing gear, pylon, control surface and
high lift/drag attachments
11.3.3 Stabilisers (ATA 55) 2
Construction; Control surface attachment.
11.3.4 Flight Control Surfaces (ATA 55/57) 2
Construction and attachment; Balancing – mass and aerodynamic.
11.3.5 Nacelles/Pylons (ATA 54) 2
- Construction; - Firewalls; - Engine mounts.
11.4 Air Conditioning and Cabin Pressurisation (ATA 21)

11.4.1 Air supply 2
Sources of air supply including engine bleed, APU and ground cart;
11.4.2 Air Conditioning 3
Air conditioning systems; Air cycle and vapour cycle machines;
Distribution systems; Flow, temperature and humidity control system
11.4.3 Pressurisation 3
Pressurisation systems; Control and indication including control and
safety valves; Cabin pressure controllers
11.4.4 Safety and warning devices 3
Protection and warning device
11.5 Instruments/Avionic Systems

11.5.1 Instrument Systems (ATA 31) 2

11.5.2 Avionic Systems 1

Fundamentals of system lay-outs and operation of: - Auto Flight (ATA
22); - Communications (A TA 23); - Navigation Systems (ATA 34)
11.6 Electrical Power (ATA 24) 3

11.7 Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25)

a) Emergency equipment requirements; Seats, harnesses and belts. 2

b) Cabin lay-out; Equipment lay-out; Cabin Furnishing Installation; 1

Cabin entertainment equipment; Galley installation; Cargo handling and
retention equipment; Airstairs.
11.8 Fire Protection (ATA 26)

(a)Fire and smoke detection and warning systems; Fire extinguishing 3

systems; System tests.
(b)Portable fire extinguisher 1

11.9 Flight Controls(ATA 27) 3

Primary controls: aileron, elevator, rudder, spoiler; Trim control; Active
load control; High lift devices; Lift dump, speed brakes; System
operation: manual, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, fly-by-wire;
Artificial feel, Yaw damper, Mach trim, rudder limiter, gust locks
systems; Balancing and rigging; Stall protection/warning system
11.10 Fuel Systems (ATA 28) 3
System lay-out; Fuel tanks; Supply systems; Dumping, venting and
draining; Cross-feed and transfer; Indications and warnings; Refuelling
and defueling; Longitudinal balance fuel systems.
11.11 Hydraulic Power (ATA 29) 3
System lay-out; Hydraulic fluids; Hydraulic reservoirs and
accumulators; Pressure generation: electric, mechanical, pneumatic;
Emergency pressure generation; Filters; Pressure Control; Power
distribution; Indication and warning systems; Interface with other
11.12 Ice and Rain Protection (ATA 30) 3
Ice formation, classification and detection; Anti-icing systems:
electrical, hot air and chemical; De-icing systems: electrical, hot air,
pneumatic and chemical; Rain repellent; Probe and drain heating. Wiper
11.13 Landing Gear (ATA 32) 3
Construction, shock absorbing; Extension and retraction systems:
normal and emergency; Indications and warning; Wheels, brakes,
antiskid and autobraking; Tyres; Steering; Air-ground sensing.
11.14 Lights (ATA 33) 3
External: navigation, anti-collision, landing, taxiing, ice; Internal: cabin,
cockpit, cargo; Emergency.
11.15 Oxygen (ATA 35) 3
System lay-out: cockpit, cabin; Sources, storage, charging and
distribution; Supply regulation; Indications and warnings;
11.16 Pneumatic/Vacuum (ATA 36) 3
System lay-out: cockpit, cabin Sources, storage, charging and
distribution; Supply regulation; Indications and warnings; Interfaces
with other systems
11.17 Water/Waste (ATA 38) 3
Water system lay-out, supply, distribution, servicing and draining; Toilet
system lay-out, flushing and servicing; Corrosion aspects.
11.18 On Board Maintenance Systems (ATA 45) 2
Central maintenance computers; Data loading system; Electronic library
system; Printing; Structure monitoring (damage tolerance monitoring).
11.19 Integrated Modular Avionics (ATA 42) 2
Functions that may be typically integrated in the Integrated Modular
Avionic (IMA) modules are, among others: Bleed Management, Air
Pressure Control, Air Ventilation and Control, Avionics and Cockpit
Ventilation Control, Temperature Control, Air Traffic Communication,
Avionics Communication Router, Electrical Load Management, Circuit
Breaker Monitoring, Electrical System BITE, Fuel Management,
Braking Control, Steering Control, Landing Gear Extension and
Retraction, Tyre Pressure Indication, Oleo Pressure Indication, Brake
Temperature Monitoring, etc. Core System; Network Components;
11.20 Cabin Systems (ATA 44) 2

11.21 Information Systems (ATA 46) 2

Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

15.1 Fundamentals 2
Potential energy, kinetic energy, Newton’s laws of motion, Brayton
cycle; The relationship between force, work, power, energy, velocity,
acceleration; Constructional arrangement and operation of turbojet,
turbofan, turboshaft, turboprop.
15.2 Engine Performance 2

15.3 Inlet 2
Compressor inlet ducts Effects of various inlet configurations; Ice
15.4 Compressors 2

15.5 Combustion Section 2

Construction features and principles of operation
15.6 Turbine Section 2
Operation and characteristics of different turbine blade types; Blade to
disk attachment; Nozzle guide vanes; Causes and effects of turbine blade
stress and creep.
15.7 Exhaust 2
Constructional features and principles of operation; Convergent,
divergent and variable area nozzles; Engine noise reduction. Thrust
15.8 Bearings and Seals 2
Constructional features and principles of operation
15.9 Lubricants and Fuels 2
Properties and specifications; Fuel additives; Safety precautions.
15.10 Lubrication Systems 2
System operation/lay-out and components.
15.11 Fuel Systems 2
Operation of engine control and fuel metering systems including
electronic engine control (FADEC); Systems lay-out and components.
15.12 Air Systems 2

15.13 Starting and Ignition Systems 2

15.14 Engine Indication Systems 2

15.15 Power Augmentation Systems 1

Operation and applications; Water injection, water methanol;

Afterburner systems.
15.16 Turbo-prop Engines 2

15.17 Turbo-shaft engines 2

Arrangements, drive systems, reduction gearing, couplings, control
15.18 Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) 2
Purpose, operation, protective systems.
15.19 Power plant Installation 2

15.20 Fire Protection Systems 2

Operation of detection and extinguishing systems
15.21 Engine Monitoring and Ground Operation 3

15.22 Engine Storage and Preservation 2

Preservation and depreservation for the engine and accessories/systems.


Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

16.1 Fundamentals 2

16.2 Engine Performance 2

16.3 Engine Construction 2

16.4 Engine Fuel Systems

16.4.1 Carburettors 2
Types, construction, and principles of operation; Icing and heating;
16.4.2 Fuel injection systems 2
Types, construction, and principles of operation.
16.4.3 Electronic engine control 2
Operation of engine control and fuel metering systems including
electronic engine control (FADEC); Systems lay-out and components.
16.5 Starting and Ignition Systems 2

16.6 Induction, Exhaust and Cooling Systems 2

16.7 Supercharging/Turbocharging 2

16.8 Lubricants and Fuels 2

Properties and specifications; Fuel additives; Safety precautions.
16.9 Lubrication Systems 2
System operation/lay-out and components.
16.10 Engine Indication Systems 2
Engine speed; Cylinder head temperature; Coolant temperature; Oil
pressure and temperature. Exhaust Gas Temperature; Fuel pressure and
flow; Manifold pressure.
16.11 Power plant Installation 2

16.12 Engine Monitoring and Ground Operation 3

16.13 Engine Storage and Preservation 2

Preservation and depreservation for the engine and accessories/systems.


Knowledge Level
for B1.1 Category

17.1 Fundamentals 2
Blade element theory; High/low blade angle , reverse angle, angle of
attack, rotational speed; Propeller slip ; Aerodynamic, centrifugal, and
thrust forces; Torque; Relative airflow on blade angle of attack;
Vibration and resonance.
17.2Propeller Construction 2

17.3 Propeller Pitch Control 2

17.4 Propeller Synchronising 2

Synchronising and synchrophasing equipment
17.5 Propeller Ice Protection 2
Fluid and electrical de-icing equipment.
17.6 Propeller Maintenance 3

17.7 Propeller Storage and Preservation 2

Propeller preservation and depreservation

3 Conclusions
In conclusion, personal licensing is a critical component of aircraft maintenance in Sri Lanka
as it helps to ensure that individuals working on aircraft systems and components are
qualified, trained, and capable of performing their duties safely and effectively. The
implementation of Implementing Standards (IS) 66 by the Civil Aviation Authority of Sri
Lanka (CAASL) is essential in ensuring that the licensing requirements are met and that
maintenance personnel have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform their
work. Personal licensing also provides a means of tracking the qualifications and training of
individuals, which is critical in ensuring that the maintenance workforce remains up-to-date
and capable of meeting the evolving needs of the aviation industry. By requiring licensed
personnel, aircraft maintenance is performed in a standardized and consistent manner,
reducing the risk of error, and improving the overall safety of the aviation industry in Sri
Lanka. Overall, personal licensing is a crucial aspect of aviation maintenance and plays a
vital role in ensuring the airworthiness and safety of aircraft in Sri Lanka.

4 References
“Implementing Standards,” www.caa.lk. https://www.caa.lk/en/regulations-
on-personnel-licensing (accessed Feb. 06, 2023).

“Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka
Implementing Standards Title: Personnel Licensing Requirements -Aircraft
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