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What is Hermeneutical Phenomenology?

renowned philosophers and social scientists who

Hermeneutical phenomenology is a qualitative have contributed to hermeneutical
research method that allows researchers to study phenomenology, such as Martin Heidegger, Hans-
how experiences, traditions, and culture shape Georg Gadamer, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty.
ordinary and everyday practices. POLITICAL
Hermeneutical phenomenology in the social Hermeneutical phenomenology is a philosophical
sciences is a qualitative research approach that and methodological framework that focuses on
focuses on understanding and interpreting human interpreting human experiences within their
experiences within their cultural and contextual context. While not inherently political, it has
contexts. It places a strong emphasis on the role of political implications and applications.
interpretation, dialogue, and reflection in 1. Influences of Ideology: Examining how political
uncovering the essence of these experiences while ideologies shape the interpretation of events and
acknowledging the researcher's own subjectivity phenomena.
Phenomenology- The study of human experiences 2. Critical Analysis: Deconstructing political
as they are live and the meanings individuals discourse and narratives to uncover biases and
attribute to those experiences. power dynamics.
Hermeneutics-The theory and practice of 3. Understanding Subjectivity: Recognizing the
interpretation, emphasizing understanding and importance of subjective experiences in politics,
interpretation of text or experiences. particularly related to identity and inequality.
Interpretation- The process of making sense of
4. Contextual Analysis: Considering the broader
individuals' subjective perspectives and meanings
societal context in which political decisions and
they ascribe to their experiences.
events occur. 5. Ethical Reflection: Reflecting on
Bracketing- The suspension of preconceived the ethical implications of political actions and
notions and biases to approach data with an open policies. 6. Dialogue and Communication:
mind. Promoting constructive dialogue and
The principle understanding among diverse political
Hermeneutical phenomenology in social sciences perspectives.
involves understanding and interpreting human 7. Empowerment and Advocacy: Using
experiences and meanings in a holistic and hermeneutical phenomenology to empower
contextual manner. It emphasizes the importance marginalized voices and advocate for social and
of subjective interpretations and the role of political change.
language and culture in shaping our understanding ECONOMIC
of the world. explore the works of influential
The economic dimension of hermeneutical
philosophers and social scientists who have
phenomenology in social sciences involves using
contributed to the development of Hermeneutical
qualitative and interpretive methods to understand
phenomenology, such as Martin Heidegger, Hans-
how individuals perceive and experience economic
Georg Gadamer, and Alfred Schütz.
phenomena within their social and cultural
Socio Cultural contexts. This approach emphasizes the
Hermeneutical phenomenology explores the socio- interpretation of subjective meanings, contextual
cultural aspects of interpreting and understanding understanding, and reflexivity among researchers,
human experiences. It involves analyzing the ways aiming to uncover the underlying structures and
in which individuals and communities make essences of economic experiences. It provides
meaning of the world around them, taking into valuable insights into the subjective aspects of
account their cultural, social, and historical economic decision-making and behavior.
contexts. To delve deeper into this fascinating THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM
topic, you might consider exploring the works of BASIC CONCEPTS
The basic concept of the human environment system -Sociocultural factors encompass cultural practices,
in social science is the interconnected relationship norms, and beliefs that influence how societies interact
between humans and their environment, where human with the environment. Studying these can help identify
actions and behaviors impact the environment, which in behaviors that promote or harm environmental
turn affects human well-being and societies. It sustainability.
recognizes that humans are deeply interconnected with • Traditional Ecological Knowledge(TEK)
the environment, and both influence each other.
- Indigenous and local communities often possess
1. Interdependence: Highlighting the interconnection valuable knowledge about their environment.
and mutual reliance between human societies and their Incorporating TEK into environmental research can
environment. enhance our understanding of ecosystems and
2. Environmental Impact: Addressing the consequences sustainable resource management.
of human actions on the environment, including POLITICAL
pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change.
Politics plays a pivotal role in shaping the interactions
3. Adaptation: Referring to the ability of both humans between human societies and the natural environment.
and the environment to adjust and respond to changes, It influences the development of policies, the
whether they are natural or caused by human activities. governance of natural resources, international
4. Resource Management: Involves strategies and cooperation on environmental issues, and the
practices for responsibly managing natural resources to resolution of environmental conflicts. Political decisions
meet human needs while considering sustainability. and actions have a profound and lasting impact on the
PRINCIPLE state of the human environment system and its
The principle of the human environment system in
social science is understanding how humans and their IN THE PHILIPPINES, HERE ARE SOME OF THE
environment interact and affect each other. It involves POLITICAL DEPARTMENTS THAT HELP THE HUMAN
studying how human actions, behaviors, and decisions ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM :
impact the natural environment and how the •Department of Environment and Natural Resources
environment, in turn influences human societies. This (DENR)
principle focuses on the complex relationship between •Department of Social Welfare and Development
humans and their surroundings and emphasizes the (DSWD)
need to consider both human and environmental
factors when studying and addressing societal issues. •Department of Health (DOH)

HUMAN AFFECTS ENVIRONMENT AND VICE VERSA •National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)

SOCIO-CULTURAL •Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

•The importance of socio-cultural factors in the human- •Local Government Units (LGUs)
environment system in social science lies in their ability •Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
to shape behavior, influence resource management, ECONOMICS
address environmental justice, drive environmental
The economy is a pivotal component of the human
activism, inform policy development, and enhance
environment system. It influences resource use,
community resilience, thereby playing a pivotal role in
environmental impacts, innovation, and societal well-
achieving sustainable and equitable environmental
Here are some ways in which the economy can
•Socio-cultural factors in the human-environment
contribute positively to the environment, drawing
system refer to the influence of cultural beliefs, values,
from social science perspectives:
and traditions on how people interact with and impact
their environment, shaping behaviors, resource •GREEN TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATION
management, and environmental practices. Economic systems can drive innovation in green
Here’s how socio-cultural aspect s can contribute to technologies, such as renewable energy, energy-ecient
the study and management of this complex system: transportation, and sustainable agriculture.
• Cultural Practices and Beliefs •ENVIRONMENTAL REGULARION
Government intervention in the economy can include
environmental regulations and policies that encourage
businesses to adopt sustainable practices

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