Hodder Education Computing Catalogue 2022 23
Hodder Education Computing Catalogue 2022 23
Hodder Education Computing Catalogue 2022 23
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Welcome to our 2022/23 Contents
KS3 Computing & ICT
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Introducing spreadsheets 4 Formatting, graphs and charts
10 Chapter
Ch t hheading
di Section heading 11
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Student Books and Teacher Resources
9 Student Books Teach the Key Stage 3 Computing curriculum with confidence, using
resources and meaningful assessment produced by expert educators.
9 Digital Teaching and Learning
• Deliver lessons that teach students the underlying principles of
Computer Science, challenging them to think about what they are
learning and how it can be applied, helping them to progress to KS4
and beyond
• Assess students’ work with confidence, using ready-prepared
formative and summative tasks that are mapped to meaningful
Try free for 30 days learning outcomes, progression statements and points in the
Programme of Study
Order free eInspection Copies and free trials
of our digital resources and Boost eBooks on • Feel confident delivering Computing for 11–14 years with a bank of
our website. teaching and learning resources in our new platform, Boost, including
presentations covering all topics, starter activities, coding tutorials,
activity worksheets, and more
Paperbacks: £19.99 each
Compute-IT: Student’s Book 1: 9781471801921
Compute-IT: Student’s Book 2: 9781471801860
Compute-IT: Student’s Book 3: 9781471801815
Boost eBooks: £5 per year each
Compute-IT: Student’s Book 1: 9781398371972
Compute-IT: Student’s Book 2: 9781398372023
Compute-IT: Student’s Book 3: 9781398372078
Boost Teaching and Learning Resources
Compute-IT: Student’s Book 1 Boost: Core, £125 per year (+ VAT),
9781398372009 / Premium, £400 per year (+ VAT), 9781398372016
Compute-IT: Student’s Book 2 Boost: Core, £125 per year (+ VAT),
Browse and order online 9781398372054 / Premium, £400 per year (+ VAT), 9781398372061
Compute-IT: Student’s Book 3 Boost: Core, £150 per year (+ VAT),
Scan the QR code 9781398372108 / Premium, £400 per year (+ VAT), 9781398372115
Visit hoddereducation.co.uk/ComputeIT
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ICT InteraCT for Key Stage 3
Bob Reeves
ICT InteraCT Address the needs of mixed ability groups with this innovative
course delivering everything teachers and students need for
Visit hoddereducation.co.uk/ict-interact
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Curriculum for Wales: Progress in Computing
11–14 YEARS
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11–14 YEARS
⊲ 1 introduction and 2 ⊲ 96 lesson plans ⊲ 96 PowerPoint ⊲ 1 editable curriculum
progression pathway presentations builder, designed to
documents support your teaching
⊲ 65 activity
workbooks –
with Microsoft
and Google
See what our Curriculum for Wales: Progress in Computing for 11–14 years: Boost has to offer
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Cambridge Lower Secondary Computing
8 How to order: Find your local consultant: hoddereducation.co.uk/myconsultant Visit our website
Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in
Creative iMedia
Level 1/Level 2 Trust our highly experienced authors to guide learners through
the redeveloped qualification. This thorough, accessible and OCR-
Cambridge National in endorsed introduction to the Creative iMedia industry will develop
your learners’ understanding of the core examined content and
Creative iMedia boost the skills required to tackle the NEA with confidence.
Learners will gain in-depth knowledge of the examined unit with
9 Student Book clear explanations of every concept and topic, and develop the
skills and understanding for the practical non-examined units, each
9 Digital Teaching and Learning
of which is covered in detail. This book will also boost confidence
when preparing for assessment with plenty of activities and practice
Turn over to
look inside our
questions. Student Book
9 My Revision Notes Paperback: £25
ISBN: 9781398350564
Kevin Wells
Try free for 30 days Our clear and concise approach to revision will help students
Order free eInspection Copies and free trials learn, practise and apply their skills and understanding.
of our digital resources and Boost eBooks on • Consolidate knowledge with clear, concise and relevant content
our website. coverage, based on what examiners are looking for
• Improve technique through our increased exam support, including
exam-style practice questions, expert exam tips and examples of
typical mistakes to avoid
Paperback: £9.99
ISBN: 9781398350601
Browse and order online
Boost eBook: £6 per year
Scan the QR code
ISBN: 9781398349940
Visit hoddereducation.co.uk/creative-imedia-cn
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⊲ Assessment advice provided for each unit ⊲ A range of activities ⊲ Lots of imagery and diagrams,
throughout, including starter to suit every learner
activities to assess knowledge
Cambridge National in Creative iMedia Unit R095 Characters and comics
and understanding
How will I be assessed? You will work through a series of tasks
You will complete an assignment that is set that cover the three Topic areas to plan,
by OCR. This will be completed independently create and review a character and comic. Your
by yourself, without using any additional evidence will then be marked by your teacher
resources or teacher assistance to help you. using the OCR marking criteria, which will then
The assignment will have a scenario or client be externally checked/moderated by OCR to
brief that defines what you will need to create. confirm your achievement. Figure 3 Characters designed to engage a younger audience
Resources for this unit Software: Graphics creation and photo Doodle style characters are used in comic books
Hardware/equipment: Alongside standard editing and video editing applications or as illustrations in fictional books. These
computer hardware, you could use the following are needed, such as Adobe Photoshop, types of characters may have the appearance of
if they were available to you: digital cameras, Illustrator, Fireworks, Serif DrawPlus, being created quickly and simply to illustrate a
scanner, stylus, graphics tablet, modelling PhotoPlus, Affinity, Pixelmator, GIMP. You point. But these characters are carefully thought
materials. will also need software to create your comic out and designed to create this illusion for the
which could be comic specific or more generic reader. This style of character design has been in
software such as Microsoft Publisher, Comic use for a very long time.
Life, Pixton Comic, iStudio.
Photorealistic Figure 4 Characters used to display information using
minimalist character design
In contrast, photorealistic character design is a
Getting started recent addition to the design style of characters. Table 3 Some examples of colour use for character design
Think of a famous character from a children’s O What are the things that make this Photorealistic characters are created using
film, book or television programme. Draw a character unique? computer software and are generally 3D Red Love, anger, passion
sketch of this character. Now think about this O Why do you think the audience engages with character designs. This style is often used for Orange Energy, happiness, warmth
character and answer the following questions. this character? human character design, such as in video games, Yellow Happiness, hope, energy
O What are the main features of this but can be used for other types of characters too.
Green Nature, growth, fresh
character? Blue Calm, sad, nature, cold
Geometric and minimalist/simplification
Purple Royalty, wealth, richness
Geometric and minimalist/simplification styles
are where shapes and silhouettes are combined Black/Grey Mystery, evil, formal
Topic area 1 Plan characters and comics to form characters. Characters created in a
simplified form may, for example, not include The other colour-based convention used
facial features or the finer detail that would in character design is the assignment of
cartoon styling such as bold outlines and
1.1 Character features and strong detail, usually limited fine detail, so that complicate the design and detract from the primary and secondary colours. The hero or
protagonist in a story is generally designed
conventions they are eye catching and friendly. Characters purpose of the characters. An example can be
using mainly primary colours, whereas the
designed for an older audience may vary more seen in Figure 4 on the right. The animal shapes
Features of characters are used as representative icons, the detail of villain or antagonist will usually be designed to
in their appearance, and the style may be more incorporate secondary colours. This is a way of
Characters can be represented in a range of dependent on the character’s purpose. For the design is not the key feature here, that is the
instructions, so the finer details of the icons have subtly indicating the character’s position in a
different styles. When deciding on a style there example, characters used in infographics are story to the reader.
are a number of things to consider, such as often simplified to show the key points of the not been included.
target audience and the purpose of the character. graphic, such as using an image of a penguin to Key terms
show facts about it in the zoo. Characters are Colour
Antagonist One of the main characters in a
Cartoon not only used to display information, as in an Colour is significant for character design. There
story, often the villain.
Characters designed to appeal to a young infographic, but are often used to complement are particular colours which an audience will
target audience often use bold colours and text when delivering information or a story. identity with different genres, emotions and Protagonist One of the main characters in a
character traits. story, often the hero.
12 13
Creative Media Chapter.indd 16 20/01/2022 14:38 Creative Media Chapter.indd 17 20/01/2022 14:38
⊲ Comprehensive and full coverage of every unit ⊲ Key terms highlighted throughout
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Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Creative iMedia: Boost
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Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in IT:
Second Edition
Sonia Stuart
Our clear and concise approach to revision will help students learn,
Try free for 30 days practise and apply their skills and understanding.
Order free eInspection Copies and free trials • Consolidate knowledge with clear, concise and relevant content
of our digital resources and Boost eBooks on coverage, based on what examiners are looking for
our website.
• Improve technique through our increased exam support, including
exam-style practice questions, expert exam tips and examples of
typical mistakes to avoid
Paperback: £9.99
ISBN: 9781398352568
Browse and order online Boost eBook: £6 per year
Scan the QR code ISBN: 9781398350571
Visit hoddereducation.co.uk/IT-cambridgenational
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⊲ Research points throughout for extra learning
8 9
⊲ Lots of activities within ⊲ ‘Test your knowledge’
each unit for group or questions to assess
IT Chapter.indd 10 20/01/2022 14:40 IT Chapter.indd 11 20/01/2022 14:40
individual work understanding
Sample pages from Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in IT: Second Edition
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Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in IT: Boost
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HOW TO Student Workbook
completed as homework or during class time.
Higher How to code in Python: GCSE, iGCSE, National 4/5 and Higher will:
• Provide numerous practice questions and coding problems to
perfect the techniques required for GCSE, iGCSE, N4/5 and
9 Student Workbook Higher success
• Help students become proficient in computational thinking and
problem-solving using Python
Try free for 30 days • Provide easy-to-follow explanations of concepts and terminology
Order a free eInspection Copy on our website. • Feature plenty of opportunities for self-assessment with solutions
to coding problems available online.
This unique book is broken down into three key features:
• Code theory and explanations (worked examples) in a fun and
accessible way
• Computational thinking puzzles for the reader to solve; this will
greatly improve students’ ability to read code and predict its
effect and output when run
• Programming problems where the reader has to write a program
to solve given scenarios
Paperback: £13.99
ISBN: 9781510461826
Browse and order online
Scan the QR code
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AQA GCSE (9–1) Computer Science,
Second Edition
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AQA GCSE (9–1) Computer Science: My Revision Notes
DIGITAL TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES George Rouse, Lorne Pearcey, Gavin Craddock
Ian Paget, Ray Chambers, Stuart Maher Target student success in AQA GCSE Computer
Science (2016 specification) with our proven formula
Boost gives you the tools to create outstanding
for effective, structured revision; key content
lessons that ensure whole-class progression using
coverage is combined with exam-style tasks and
a range of classroom-ready PowerPoints, printable
practical tips to provide a revision guide your
worksheets and quick quizzes – all of which are
students can rely on to review, strengthen and test
updated every year.
Core: £175 per year (+ VAT) My Revision Notes: AQA GCSE Computer Science will
ISBN: 9781398330689 help students:
Premium: £525 per year (+ VAT) • Strengthen subject knowledge and key terms by
ISBN: 9781398330696 working through clear and focused key content
• Test understanding and identify areas for
improvement with ‘check your understanding’
• Plan and manage a successful revision programme
AQA GCSE (9–1) Computer Science: with the ‘exam breakdown’, ‘countdown to the
Exam Question Practice Pack exams’ and ‘now test yourself’ sections
• Check answers to the practice questions against
the answers provided
Improve exam skills, check understanding and • Enhance exam technique through exam-style
familiarise students with the types of questions questions and tips from a leading team of expert
they will face in the AQA GCSE Computer Science authors
exams (2016 specification). This photocopiable pack
of exam-style questions, sample answers and mark Paperback: £10.99
schemes can be used flexibly for mocks, classwork or ISBN: 9781398321151
Boost eBook: £7 per year
Spiral bound: £67 ISBN: 9781398348684
ISBN: 9781510433519
education@hachette.co.uk 01235 827827 REMEMBER your vouchers at the front of this catalogue 17
OCR GCSE (9–1) Computer Science,
Second Edition
Computer Science
Visit hoddereducation.co.uk/ocr-gcse-comp
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OCR GCSE (9–1) Computer My Revision Notes
Science: Boost PAPERBACK
Ian Paget, Stuart Maher, Ray Chambers Enhance your students’ skills and develop their
key content knowledge with our proven formula for
OCR GCSE (9–1) Computer Science: Boost gives you
effective, structured revision. Target success in
the tools to create outstanding lessons that ensure
OCR GCSE Computer Science (2016 specification,
whole-class progression using a range of classroom-
J276) with this revision guide that brings together
ready PowerPoints, printable worksheets and quick
exam-style questions, revision tasks and practical
quizzes – all of which are updated every year.
tips to help students to review, strengthen and test
Core: £175 per year (+ VAT) their knowledge.
ISBN: 9781398330634 My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE Computer Science will
Premium: £525 per year (+ VAT) help students:
ISBN: 9781398330672 • Strengthen subject knowledge and key terms by
working through clear and focused key content
• Test understanding and identify areas for
improvement with ‘check your understanding’
OCR GCSE (9–1) Computer • Plan and manage a successful revision programme
Science: Exam Question Practice with the ‘exam breakdown’, ‘countdown to the
exams’ and ‘now test yourself’ sections
Pack • Check answers to the practice questions against the
PRINT answers provided
Improve exam skills, check understanding and • Enhance exam technique through exam-style
familiarise students with the types of questions they questions and tips
will face in the OCR GCSE Computer Science exams
Paperback: £10.99
(2016 specification, J276). This photocopiable pack
of exam-style questions, sample answers and mark ISBN: 9781398321144
schemes can be used flexibly for mocks, classwork or Boost eBook: £7 per year
homework. ISBN: 9781398348677
Spiral bound: £82
ISBN: 9781510433571
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My Revision Notes for WJEC Eduqas
Computer Science
9 My Revision Notes understanding with advice and summaries from the experts
• Help them achieve their potential – exam tips on computer science
terms and concepts highlighted throughout the book
• Improve their exam skills – a range of exam practice questions and
‘test yourself questions’ with answers at the back of the book
Visit hoddereducation.co.uk/wjec-ict
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CCEA GCSE Digital Technology
This title has been written to help ensure students’ successful
progress through CCEA’s GCSE Digital Technology specification.
9 Student Book Our expert authors provide insight and guidance for the mandatory
9 My Revision Notes Digital Technology unit and each of the Multimedia and Programming
optional units and have incorporated challenging tasks and activities
to test essential knowledge and skills required for the examined and
controlled assessment units.
• Builds students’ Multimedia and Programming skills and capabilities
(depending on their chosen pathway) through clearly focused
content and activities to assess understanding and aid progression
• Provides students with contexts to apply digital technology skills
• Helps students prepare for success in externally examined and
Try free for 30 days controlled assessments
Order free eInspection Copies and Boost Paperback: £26
eBook trials on our website.
ISBN: 9781510414969
Boost eBook: £6.50 per year
ISBN: 9781398358560
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CAMBRIDGE Cambridge IGCSE™ Workbooks
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Cambridge IGCSE™ Information and Study and Revision Guide
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9 Student Book
9 Digital Teaching and Learning
AQA A-level Computer Science
9 Need to Know Book your students with detailed coverage of the specification
that will enrich their understanding of the fundamental
principles of computing, whilst a range of activities help to
develop the programming skills and computational thinking
skills at A-level and beyond.
• Enables students to build a thorough understanding of
the fundamental principles in the AQA AS and A-level
Computer Science specifications, with detailed coverage of
Try free for 30 days programming, algorithms, data structures and representation,
Order free eInspection Copies and free trials systems, databases and networks, uses and consequences
of our digital resources and Boost eBooks on
our website. • Helps to tackle the various demands of the course
confidently, with advice and support for programming
and theoretical assessments and the problem-solving or
investigative project at A-level
• Develops the programming and computational thinking
skills for A-level and beyond – frequent coding and question
practice will help students apply their knowledge of the
principles of computer science, and design, program and
evaluate problem-solving computer systems
Paperback: £36
ISBN: 9781471839511
Browse and order online Boost eBook: £9 per year
Scan the QR code ISBN: 9781398329942
Visit hoddereducation.co.uk/aqa-alevel-comp
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AQA A-level Computer My Revision Notes
Set your students on track to achieve the best grade
Bob Reeves possible with My Revision Notes. Our clear and
AQA A-level Computer Science: Boost gives you concise approach to revision will help students learn,
the tools to create outstanding lessons that ensure practise and apply their skills and understanding.
whole-class progression using a range of classroom- Coverage of key content is combined with practical
ready PowerPoints, printable worksheets and quick study tips and effective revision strategies to create a
quizzes – all of which are updated every year. guide that can be relied on to build both knowledge
• All the support you need for classwork, homework and confidence.
and assessment: Easily adapt our resources to fit
Paperback: £17.99
in with your scheme of work or follow our course
planner that has been broken down into weekly ISBN: 9781398325487
topic areas Boost eBook: £10.50 per year
• Save time with lesson-ready PowerPoints: Each ISBN: 9781398348837
topic area is introduced, exemplified and clearly
explained through our extensive and detailed range
of PowerPoints
AQA AS/A-level Computer Science
Core: £160 per year (+VAT)
ISBN: 9781398329911
Mark Clarkson
Premium: £390 per year (+ VAT)
Strengthen your students’ understanding and
ISBN: 9781398329959
upgrade their confidence and exam skills with our
AQA A-level Computer Science workbooks. Each
Need to Know topic contains short content summaries and practice
PAPERBACK questions, designed to consolidate knowledge and
develop the skills required by the specification,
Stuart Davison followed by exam-style questions.
Covering what your students really need to know for
AQA A-level Computer Science. In just 120 pages this Paperbacks: £5.99 each
revision guide makes revision easy – whether they Workbook 1: 9781510437012
are getting started early or need to do some Workbook 2: 9781510437029
last-minute cramming.
Paperback: £8.99
ISBN: 9781510428560
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Visit hoddereducation.co.uk/ocr-alevel-comp
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OCR A Level Computer My Revision Notes
George Rouse, Jason Pitt, Sean O’Byrne Set your students on track to achieve the best grade
OCR A Level Computer Science: Boost gives you possible with My Revision Notes. Our clear and
the tools to create outstanding lessons that ensure concise approach to revision will help students learn,
whole-class progression using a range of classroom- practise and apply their skills and understanding.
ready PowerPoints, printable worksheets and quick Coverage of key content is combined with practical
quizzes – all of which are updated every year. study tips and effective revision strategies to create a
guide that can be relied on to build both knowledge
• All the support you need for classwork, homework and confidence.
and assessment: Easily adapt our resources to fit
in with your scheme of work or follow our course Paperback: £17.99
planner that has been broken down into weekly ISBN: 9781398325470
topic areas
Boost eBook: £11.50 per year
• Save time with lesson-ready PowerPoints: Each ISBN: 9781398348752
topic area is introduced, exemplified and clearly
explained through our extensive and detailed range
of PowerPoints OCR AS/A-level Computer Science
Core: £160 per year (+ VAT) Workbooks
ISBN: 9781398329966 PAPERBACK
Premium: £390 per year (+ VAT) Sarah Lawrey
ISBN: 9781398329997
Strengthen your students’ understanding and
upgrade their confidence and exam skills with our
OCR A-level Computer Science workbooks. Each
topic contains short content summaries and practice
questions, designed to consolidate knowledge and
develop the skills required by the specification,
followed by exam-style questions.
Paperbacks: £5.99 each
Workbook 1: Computer Systems: 9781510436992
Workbook 2: Algorithms and Programming: 9781510437005
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Essential Maths Skills for AS/A-level
Computer Science
Paperback: £11.99
ISBN: 9781471863578
Visit hoddereducation.co.uk/Computing-Maths
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Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT
• Ensures effective teaching of each specialist pathway offered
within the qualification
• Focuses learning on the skills, knowledge and understanding
demanded from employers and universities
• Provides ideas and exercises for the application of practical
skills and knowledge
Paperback: £29
Try free for 30 days ISBN: 9781471874918
Order free eInspection Copies and Boost
eBook trials on our website. Boost eBook: £7.50 per year
ISBN: 9781398355545
My Revision Notes
Maureen Everett
Enhance your learners’ practical skills and develop their key
content knowledge with our proven formula for effective,
structured revision.
Target success in Cambridge Technicals Level 3 IT with this
revision guide that brings together exam-style questions, revision
tasks and practical tips to help students to review, strengthen and
test their knowledge.
Paperback: £18.99
Browse and order online
ISBN: 9781510442313
Scan the QR code
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Digital Production, Design and
9 Tex
T xtbo
ook through the key principles, concepts and terminology, as well as
providing the inside track into what it takes to kick-start a career
in the Digital world.
• Simplify complex topics with summary tables, diagrams, key
term definitions and a glossary
• Track and strengthen knowledge by using learning outcomes
at the beginning of every unit and ‘Test Yourself’ questions
• Apply knowledge and understanding across 100s of engaging
a and research tasks
Try free for 30 days • Prepare
P for exams and the employer-set project using practice
Order free eInspection Copies and Boost questions
es and project practice exercises
eBook trials on our website. • Gett ready
re for the workplace with industry tips and real-world
bac £34
SBN: 9781398346789
97813 Autumn 2022
ost eB
Bo £11 per year
SBN 9781398346925
78139 Autumn 2022
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⊲ Key terms and definitions ⊲ Images and diagrams throughout, to put ⊲ Links for further research
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highlighted throughout learning into context and suit every learner
Digital Production, Design and Development T Level: Core Content area 8: Security
can also be classed as internal stakeholders. Some If news of a restructure is leaked to employees, it could While every person is capable of making an error,
organisations may have a policy of keeping stakeholders cause panic. Employees may worry that they could lose connection
businesses and organisations should attempt to
informed about sales numbers as this may have their job and may start to look for a different employer. minimise the likelihood of these errors happening.
a financial impact. Some organisations provide a Customers’ and clients’ confidence in the organisation This may be through the use of regular employee
financial bonus to employees or a dividend to investors may decrease and they may look for a different training, high-profile reminders to employees, for
or shareholders based on the previous year’s sales organisation to interact with. This will, obviously, lead New example on splash screens on digital devices, and
numbers. Sales numbers can also be used to determine to a downturn in finances. User/victim New connection ensuring that all policies and procedures are read and
connection application
the goods that are bought and sold by the organisation. understood by all employees.
Protecting privacy and confidentiality
For example, goods that have low sales numbers may
be reduced in price and not stocked again, while goods One method of maximising the privacy and Malicious employees
with high sales numbers will be restocked to continue confidentiality of data is to use access controls, Malicious employees can be another threat to digital
the sale of them to customers. privileges, authorisation and other security procedures systems, data and information. Malicious employees
Man in the
to limit access to the data and information. All middle are also known as Turncloaks. They typically use
Where an organisation sells specific goods, these could important data and information should also be their access details in a malicious and deliberate
be classed as a trade secret. Trade secrets often apply to regularly backed up to a secure location to minimise way to steal information and data for financial or
a patent. the impact of a data breach. This also ensures that any Human threats include:
personal reasons. An individual may become a
data can be reinstated as soon as possible to keep the X human error
Patents are covered in Content area 4, page 81. Turncloak as a result of a social engineering attack.
organisation functioning smoothly. X malicious employees
The IPA also covers software processes in addition to X disguised criminals While many employees take no further action if they
patents for tangible items. This means that if the function The use of data and the impact on organisations and X targeted attack. are disciplined or sacked a Turncloak employee will
stakeholders is covered in Content area 6, page 157. hold a grudge against their employer. This type of
of the organisation is to provide cloud-based services
then the software processes used by the organisation threat is often difficult to trace as they are familiar with
could be covered by the IPA. Security processes and procedures are covered in Conscious decision to No conscious the security procedures of the business as well as any
this content area, page 216. act inappropriately decision to act
Key terms
Test yourself Research
Malicious Negligent Accidental
Stakeholders: anyone with an interest in a business
or organisation. Stakeholders can be individuals, 1 What is meant by privacy? In 2015 a US health insurance company, Anthem,
groups or other organisations, or businesses that suffered a data breach. Social engineering was
2 What are the two different types of stakeholders?
are affected by the organisation’s activity. thought to have provided the access codes to the
3 How do clients interact with an organisation? customer database.
External stakeholders: groups outside an 4 Who should access employee salaries? Motive to harm No motive to harm
organisation, for example shareholders. 5 Describe one possible impact of a restructure Identify the different types of social engineering and
being leaked. describe how each type could have been used to
Internal stakeholders: groups within an gather the required access codes.
organisation, for example owners and employees. V Figure 8.2 Types of human threats
Potential human threats and Figure 8.2 shows the differences between malicious,
vulnerabilities to systems, data and Disguised criminals (social engineering) are covered
Activity negligent and accidental human threats to digital
in Content area 4, page 78.
information systems, data and information.
Using the same online retailer as in the previous
exercise, define the data that could be held about the You have already learned that people are one of Human error Targeted attacks (hackers) are covered in Content
goods that are sold. What would the impact on the the biggest threats to digital systems, data and Human error can lead to an accidental loss of data. This area 4, page 75.
retailer and stakeholders be if the data was breached? information. People/human error were the cause is a loss of the data itself rather than a loss of a copy or
Create a digital communication detailing your of approximately 90 per cent of data breaches in backup version of the data. For example, the loss of a
findings. Present your findings to your group. 2019 according to statistics from the Information hard copy of the data would not result in the loss of the 8.2 Threat mitigation
Commissioner’s Office (ICO) (Cybsafe, 2020). source of that data.
Pending restructuring Research Human error can include: The CIA (confidentiality, integrity,
Many organisations carry out restructuring of X accidentally deleting a file containing the data, or availability) and its application to
departments and employees. This may be because of In 2008 Facebook made public the dates of birth of shredding the final hard copy of a data file security aims
either an increase or a decrease in clients/customers. 80 million users. How did this happen? What are the X saving files and folders to a different location
However, any leak of the news of a pending possible impacts of this breach on Facebook users? X sending emails to the wrong recipients with Security, in particular cyber security, aims to protect
restructuring can have an impact on the organisation attachments containing data digital systems, data and information. Cyber security
and its internal and external stakeholders. X accidentally making changes in documents. attempts to:
6 7
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⊲ Important things to know highlighted clearly
Digital Support Services and Digital Business Services (Core) Core Element 10: Security
same task may be paid different salaries based on the Client details may include individuals, but may Some organisations may have a policy of keeping
10.1 Types of confidential number of years they have worked for the organisation, also include named representatives from different stakeholders informed about sales numbers as this may
company, customer and their experience and other factors such as qualifications organisations or businesses. Client details include have a financial impact. Some organisations provide a
colleague information and training courses attended. It is illegal to pay different anyone who interacts with the organisation and they financial bonus to employees or a dividend to investors
salaries on the basis of gender as this would contravene should not be accessed by employees unless absolutely or shareholders based on the previous year’s sales
the Equality Act. (Protected characteristics are covered necessary. Clients may interact with the organisation numbers and revenues. Sales numbers can also be
Important point in section 6.1.) Data held by HR about salaries will also by using the services provided. For example, a client used to determine the goods that are bought and sold
include National Insurance (NI) number and tax codes. may use the services of an organisation that provides by the organisation. For example, goods that have low
All businesses and organisations will have data and
information that needs to be kept secure, classified cloud-based storage facilities. Many organisations will sales numbers may be reduced in price and not stocked
Many employers provide perks. Workplace perks can
and confidential, which should be covered by the have a client relationship team that looks after clients again while those goods with high sales numbers will
range from retailer discounts to free tea and coffee.
CIA triad. What data and information are stored will so this team will need access to this information. be restocked to continue the sale of them to customers.
Individual employee perks can include extra days holidays
depend on the function of the organisation and will
for long service or discounts on health insurance. Which Customer details usually relate to those who buy goods Profit margins
differ from sector to sector.
employee gets which perk should, as with salaries, only or services. The information held about customers will
The profit margin set on any goods supplied should
be known by the employee and the HR department. typically include personal details such as name and
Confidentiality relates to data, while privacy relates to also be kept confidential. The profit margin is the
contact details but may also include order history.
the individual. In this context an ‘individual’ can be a Employment data and medical information difference between the price paid for the goods and the
If the privacy and confidentiality of client and customer selling price. Where the price of the goods is reduced,
single person, a business or an organisation. Employment data will typically include start date,
details are not maintained, the organisation could the profit margin will also reduce.
qualifications, contact details and emergency contact
The CIA triad is covered in section 10.2. lose clients and customers. People expect that any
details. This data may also include any warnings about Contracts
organisation storing their personal data will keep
Typically, an organisation will store information about: a breach of policy and disciplinary action. Medical
it safe and secure to limit any breaches. A breach of A contract will be in place where goods are bought
Xhuman resources data will be stored as an employer has a duty of care
personal data can impact the organisation and also the from a third party. The contract will usually include
Xcommercially sensitive information to provide, where required, adapted equipment and
people whose data has been leaked. the delivery time, quantity required and the price to be
Xaccess information. reasonable adaptations to enable their staff to carry
paid. These details will be negotiated and should be
out their job role. This is covered under the Equality
It is important that this information is kept Act. Staff may also require time off to attend medical
Activity kept confidential between the two parties. Any breach
confidential. Any breaches relating to the information in this could lead to other companies having a stronger
appointments related to any medical condition. Select an online retailer. Define the data that would
can have a serious impact, leading to the possible negotiating power.
Legislation is covered in Core element 8, section 8.1. be held about the customers. What would the
loss of clients or business. This in turn can lead to a
impact on the retailer and customers be, including Trade secrets and IP
downturn in the health of the organisation which may, the consideration of relevant legislation (see Core
Where an organisation sells specific goods, these could
ultimately, lead to the organisation’s failure. Commercially sensitive information element 8), if there was a data breach leading to
the loss of this data? be classed as a trade secret. Trade secrets often apply to
Human Resources Any business or organisation will store information a patent.
which can be classed as commercially sensitive. This Create a digital communication detailing your
Human Resources (HR) will store and update any data findings. Present your findings to your group. The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act is covered in
means that if the information was leaked, competitors
and information held about everyone who works at a Core element 8, section 8.1.
could use it to gain a commercial advantage.
business or organisation, irrespective of their job role.
The main data and information held includes:
Commercially sensitive information includes: Stakeholders and sales revenue
The Intellectual Property Act (IPA) also covers
Xsales revenue Most organisations have stakeholders. Depending
Xemployee salaries software processes in addition to patents for
Xtrade secrets on the size and type of the organisation these may
Xemployee perks tangible items. This means that if the function of the
Xprofit margins be shareholders – external stakeholders. Employees
Xemployment data organisation is to provide cloud-based services then
Xclient/customer details can also be classed as internal stakeholders.
Xmedical information. the software processes used by the organisation could
Xstakeholder details
The data held by HR is confidential, personal and be covered by the IPA.
should be stored following legislation guidelines
Key terms
Xintellectual property (IP).
related to the storing and processing of data. Activity
Stakeholders: anyone with an interest in a business
Client and customer details
or organisation. Stakeholders can be individuals, Using the same online retailer as in the previous
Employee salaries and perks All organisations interact with people – clients and groups or other organisations, or businesses that exercise, define the data that could be held about
Salaries should only be known by the employee and the customers. Client lists and customer information are are affected by the organisation’s activity. the goods that are sold. What would the impact
HR department. It is important that this information is business-sensitive information that result from these External stakeholders: groups outside an on the retailer and stakeholders be if the data was
kept confidential as different employees carrying out the interactions. organisation, e.g. shareholders. breached?
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