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B.Sc. Engineering Jrd Year 1st Term Examination, 2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CSE 3101.
Theory of Computation
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
iijFigures in the right margin indicate full marks.


(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A).

computa�·ion? 3
· 1. a) What is Prove 1 + 4 + 7 + · · · + (3n - 2) = n( n - l) for n > 0 using principle of (10)
- 2
mathematical induction.
b) What is Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)? Give the DFA accepting the languages over (13)
the alphabet {O, 1} that have the set of all strings whose 101h symbol from the right end is 1.
c) If Lis accepted by a Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA) with e-transition then show (07)
that Lis accepted by an NFA without E> transition.
d) How will you test the membership of a string in NF A? Explain with an example. (05)

2. a) Design a NFA that accepts the languageL={we{a,b}:wcontainsthesubstringaa}. Also (12)

show the states NF A will be in during the processing of valid input.
b) Convert the following NFA to its equivalent DFA. (11)
0 1

c) Write regular expression/definition for the following languages: (12)

(i) The set of all strings of O's and 1 's such that no prefix has two more O's than 1 's, not
two more l's than O's.
(ii) The set of all strings of O's and l's whose no. of O's is sivisible by 5 and no. of l's is
(iii) The set of all strings of O's and l's whose 10 h symbol from the right end is 1.

(iv) The set of all strings of O's and l's such that every pair of adjacent O's appears before
any pair of adjacent 1 's. ,;

. 3. a) Prove that "If L = L(A) for some DFA A, then there is an Regular Expression R such that L = (10)
b) Define e -closure. Compute e -closure of each state and find its equivalent DF A. ( 12)
a b c

c) Construct a regular expression corresponding to the state diagram given in the following (13)

Page: 1 o/2
4. a) What are the disadvantages of unambiguous parse tree? Give an example. (06)
b) Design a Context Free Grammar (CFG) for the language {Ax ere' Ix= yor y -:t:. z, where (09)
c) What is ambiguous and unambiguous grammar? Consider the following grammar: (12)
E � aE JaEbE I e
Is it ambiguous? If yes, give an equivalent unambiguous grammar.
d) Calculate the left linear and right linear grammar of the regular expression 0(10)*. (08)

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) Define the acceptance of a Push Down Automata (PDA) by empty stack. Is it true that the (07)
language accepted· by a PDA by empty stack or by that of final state are different languages?
b) Design PDA to accept the language: L = {ambm Im� O}. (08)
c) Prove the following theorem: ( 11)
"Let L be L(PF) for some PDA PF= (Q, I, I', oF, qo, zo, F) then there is a PDA PN such that L
= N(PN)·"
d) Use the Context Free Language (CFL) pumping lemma to show each of these languages not (09)
to be context free:
(i� {Oil} IJ = i2}, (ii) {anbncn In� l}.

6. a) Explain how a Turing Machine can be regarded as a computing device to compute integer (08)
b) Design a.Turing Machine to implement '.'multiplication". Simulate the action for 001000. (14)
c) What are the differences between single-tape and multi-tape Turing Machine? (07)
d) Explain the multi tape Turing Machine mode. Is it more powerful that the basic Turing (06)
Machine? Justify your answer.

7. a) Consider the following grammar (25)

S -> aAa I bBb I E
(i) Are there any useless symbols? Eliminate them if so.".
(ii) Eliminate 8 - productiors,
(iii) Eliminate unit productions.
(iv) Put the grammar into Chomosky Normal Form (CNF).
b) Show that "If a language L and its complement I are both recursively enumerable, then both (10)
languages are recursive."

8. a) Explain the halting problem of Turing Machine. (06)

b) What is unrestricted grammar? Prove that CFLs are closed under (i) Homonorphism and (10)
(ii) Reversal.
c) State the Pumping lemma for CFL's. Convert the following grammar to a PDA that accepts (11)
the same language by empty stack.
A� aS I bS I a
d) What is Deterministic PDA (DPDA)? Why does the transition function for DPDA's only (08)
work for 1 alphabet symbol and 1 stack symbol?

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B.Sc. Engineering 3rd Year 1st Term Examination, 2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CSE 3103
Peripherals and Interfacing
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) Define Periphe{als .and Interfacing. Why is Interfacing necessaryr·-- -- (08)
b) What is bus arbitration problem? Briefly explain bus arbitration resolver schemes. (10)
c) What are the facts those causes 1/0 interfacing much severe? (07)
d) Draw the flowchart of data transfer in DMA mode. (10)

2. a) Briefly explain line reversal technique for keyboard interfacing. Also explain how· this (08)
method overcomes the limitations of row-scanning technique.
b) In VO subsystems, how are I/0 handled by microprocessor and 8089 I/0 processor. Describe (13)
with general command and data flow. .
c) What is in-circuit emulator? How does the ICE li.elp in· software development even before (08)
the hardware is ready?
d) What is address space? Which feature of an MPU determines the size of its address space? (06)

3. a) Distinguish between memory-mapped VO and I/Olinapped I/0. (07)

b) What is fully decoded addressing scheme? Design a fully decoded address decoder circuit (13)
for interfacing 4k bytes of RAM using 61] 6'ar:.d 4k bytes· of EPROM using 2716.
c) Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous mode of data transfer. Mention the (08)
situation for asynchronous mode of data transfer.
d) List the important features of USB. What arc the basic functions of USB devices? (07)

4. a) Define Microprocessor Development Systems. Briefly describe four types of parallel 1/0 (12)
methods. · ·
b) What is a multiprocessing system? Describe the synchronization process between 8086 and · (11)
its coprocessor. · ..
c) What are closely coupled- configurations? How is interprocessor communication through (12)
.shared memory occurred? Briefly describe. ·

· (Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) Define process·c�ritrol system. What are the major operations of a process control system? (08)
b) What are the important characteristics of a transducer? Explain the principle of operation of ( 12)
2VDT and discuss how it can be used to measure pressure.
c) Discuss the limitations of electromechanical relay. How can the limitations be overcome? (07) ·
d) Show the necessary hardware design to control the speed of a de motor. (08)

6. a) Write down some properties 'of an Op-Amp. How can Op-Amp be used as comparator, (12)
sununing amplifier and inverter? Explain with proper diagram.
b) Mention some applications of ADC and DAC. Design a g· bit ADC and discuss the (12)
operational principles using a flowchart,
c) Design a microprocessor based system to control the temperature and LED display to show (11)
current temperature.

7. a) Describe I/0 system of 8086 using proper illustration. (06)

b) What is optocoupler? Describe· slotted and reflective optocoupler in brief (08)
c) Write short notes on stand-alone, real-time, networked and mobile embedded system. (12)
d) What are the applications of DC motor, servo motor and' stepper motor in embedded system? (09)

Page: 1 of2
8. a) What is Programmable Interval Timer (PIT)? Write down some uses of PIT. (06)
b) Design a traffic controlling system of a typical busy cross road and write a program to switch ( 12)
ON and OFF the traffic lights in a proper sequence.
c) Draw the control word format of 8255 for 1/0 mode. (05)
d) Design an interface circuit using the 8255A where the chip is selected when A15 is high. In (12)
this design:
i) Identify the port addresses.
ii) Identify the mode O control word to configure port A and port Cu input ports and port
B and port CL as output ports.
iii) Write a program to read the DIP switches and display the reading from port A at port
Band from port Cu at port CL.

-Page: 2 of2
. B.Sc. Engineering 3rd Yerr. lst Term Examination, 2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering ·
· CSE 3109
. Database Systems
TIME: 3 hours FULL.MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. ·a) Define mapping cardinality. Describe the mapping cardinality with respect to a binary (08) ·
relationship. ·
· b) Consider the following concepts in E-R model: (16)
M:M relationship, total and partial participation, weak and strong· entity set,'
ternary relationship.
i) Define the above concepts. How· are they represented m E-R i:nodel? Draw the
. representation.
ii) Represent the logical model into a pl:ysical rnodel..
c) Suppose you are given the following information for a simple database .for Bangladesh (11)
Premier League (BPL).
The BPL has many teams. Each team has a name, city, coach, captain and set of
players. Each player belongs to only one team. Each player has a name, position, skill
· level and injury record. A captain is also a player. A game is played· between two
teams (referred as Teaml and Team2) and has a date and a score .
. Construct a clean and concise E-R diagram for the BPL database. Show the cardinalities.
Hence draw the physical schema.

2. · a) What are the purposes to place an index in a database? Mention the metrics that are used to (07)
evaluate an index.
· b) Give a brief classification of index structures? What is the difference between hashing and (12)
c) Why do you need multilevel indexing? Briefly describe a typical B+ tree node. (10)
d) Suppose a key value is 9 bytes, pointer is 7 bytes and page size is 512 bytes. How many key (06)
values you can enter in a leaf and non leaf node of a B�� tree? •

3. a) What are the differences between integrity constraints and domain constraint? .· (05) . ·
b) Define trigger. Write a trigger in SQL to carry out the following action: on delete of an (11)
account, for each owner of the account, check if the OWIJ.er has any remaining accounts, and
if he does not, delete him from the depositor relation. · ·
c) What are the forms. of authorization on parts of a database? · (07)
d) Define functional dependency. How can you explain functional dependency as a (12)
generalization of superkey?

. 4. ·a)· Define attribute closure. What-are the applications of attribute closure? . (05)
b) Define BCNF and 3NF. When do you l?refer 3NF over BCNF. Consider the following (15)
BOOK(title, author ,name, author_designation, type, price, publisher)
Following functional dependencies exist:
title -+ publisher, type
type -+ price
author_name -+ author_designation
Apply normalization until you cannot decompose the relation further.
c). Explain structured, semi-structured and unstructured data with example. (08)
d): What is DTD? How can you specify an element in DTD? .(07)

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(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) What do you mean by data abstraction in database system? Explain the levels of data (11)
abstraction in database.
b) Differentiate between physical and logical data independence. (08)
c) Define data model. Explain the basic structure of a relational model. (08)
· d) Mentions the name of the aggregation functions. How are they handled in relational algebra? (08)

6. a) Consider the following table: (27)

RESVLT(roll, subl,.sub2, sub's, gpl, gp2, gp3, COPA)
The task of the above table is to calculate the result of the students from roll number '1 to 5'.
Now create a trigger (before insertion) for the above table to insert the following:
i) Take the number of the subjects sub 1, sub2 and sub3 from the user and insert into the
· table.
ii) Pass the. number of the subject subl from (6)(a)(i) as a parameter of a PL/SQL function
named 'CAL_GPA()' and return GPA value of the subject and insert into gpl. Do this
step for sub2 and gp2, sub3 and gp3. To create the PLISQL function 'CAL_GPA()' use
the following condition:
Subiect Number sub GPA
80� 4
60-79 3
� <� 2
iii) First create a PL/SQL function named 'CGPA_CAL()' that takes the GPA from .
(6)(a)(ii) .and return the COPA · ( gpl+g�l+gpJ) of the students and then insert into the
'CGPA' column.
b) What is PL/SQL function and procedure? Consider a relation TABULATION having (08)
attributes student_JD and marks. Write a SQL statement to find the student_ID having
second highest marks.

7. a) Let R = (A, B) and S = (A, C) and let r(R) and s(S) be relations. Using the special constant (08)
null define the following using tuple-relational-calculus expressions:
(i) r t><J s (ii) r cxr: s (iii) r :1Xl s (iv) r ::r><c s ·
b) Since every conflict-serializable schedule is view serializable, why do we emphasize conflict (09)
serializability rather than view serializability? Explain with example.
c) What do you mean by cascading roll-back? How does 2-phase locking avoid cascading roll- (07)
back? Explain. · ".
d) Discuss the working principle of a lock manager in concurrency control scheme. (11)

· 8. a) Define the lock modes of a multiple granularity scheme. Show the compatibility matrix for (08)
all lock modes of a multiple granularity scheme. "'
b) What is deadlock? Discuss some strategies to prevent deadlock. (09)
c) Explain the working principle of a query processor. ( 11)
d) Mention the measures needed in determining query cost of a query and then explain the (07)
query cost of a nested loop join operation.

Page: 2 o/2
B.Sc. Engineering 3rd Year 1st Tenn Examination, 2017
Department of Computer Science an d Engineering
CSE 3i19
.. ..
Software Engineering and Information Systems
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) What do you. mean by model? Discuss, how this model helps analyst to visualize (12)
relationships in the system under study.
b) Draw the diagram of the structure of an organization. (JO)
c) What are the elements of a system? Describe shortly about them. (13)

2. a) Describe, why a project is terminated? (11)

b) What l!o you mean by prototyping? Graphically explain it (11)
c) What are the questions raised/generated in feasibility study? And discuss about the result of (13'}
' .
� study.

3. a) Explain about the academic and personal qualification of a good analyst. (12)
b) Discuss about the reasons why it is difficult to determine user requirements. (11)
c) What do you mean by information gathering? And write the phases during information · ( 12)

4. a) What are the properties of structured analysis? (10)

b\; What ,·,--,. the "t"'-'·Y'
1�. .:,,p• ..
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... ·}·�l ... 'l. ,,r?.
cr.. ... .1"'-. ... ;J1'"c>VH'/C
....... 1. .......
<>svste.r �(1''
1,J..t ... 1··�-1.-t,.1.\..f!,,.,��1.'-'.1.1.. ..... �l
D"'. ,·1 l imolementation?
.. "-l.,�
··1:· "'J.J., (l 0)
c) Describe about tb;;- criteria for �y:.r:;:;iH �.e:; .. ;i.\,:- (JO)
,:-\:�,.:-," · ·1�� [FV,; nf·11· '1)'\7 ,l�,··, desicr:
J -""' \ ....'-'
l' E:;:V"".l.. ., , .1.,._. ""'-"' '-'-'"'·' '•-'··:;:-/-• (05)

(Answer A11,
· n_r,.
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quesnons .r.
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section • .... •
in Script b

5. a) What is software engineering? What are the differences between software engineering and
computer science? •.'...
. ..

b) What are the qualities of a good software? (04)

c) Differentiate between class variable and instance variable. (06)
<l) Briefly d;scuss tile following terms with example: (09)
i) Dynamic binding
i,) Java documentation
iii) Fm client
e) Why do we use abstract classes and methods? Explain with an example. (08)

6. a) What are �l�e purposes of

<<hook>> and <<sJ,Jt>> methods in a framework? Explain with (08)
b) Write down the activities of a server and a 'client, ( 10)
c) Differeutiate between user stories GXJO. use cases. (07)
d) What i.r; object diagram? Draw an object diagram from the following UML diagram. (05)

I._. Employee J
1 ,:, \\\:i'ks for
! j 1-:orr::)an,,
' . .1

e) What are the categorles of responsibility thr.t are allocated to a class? (05)

Page: J. of 2
7. a) What are the reasons for using design pattern? Why is it hard to develop a design pattern? (06) .
b) Suppose, we have a class named 'Core Weather Information' arid weather update is (15)
maintained .in this class. Four other applications always look for new weather update from
that core class as like the following figure. These applications show weather updates to the
Core Weather Information


Application 1 Application 2
Application 3 r Aoolication 4

Now assume that you are going to build this system. Which design pattern should be used for
the system? And why? State context, problem, forces and solution (Draw UML diagram and
write pseudo code for solution). ·
c) Differentiate betweenusability and utility. - · (05)
d) Briefly discuss the following diagrams with example. (09)
i) Sequence diagram
ii) Activity diagram

8. a) What is type use coupling? Explain it with 'List' interface of Java Collection framework. (08)
b) What is flow graph for glass-box testing? Explain with simple example. (06)
c) Define equivalence classes. Explain with examples. (06)
d) Briefly discuss the following software process models: (10)
i) Waterfall model
ii) Spiral model
e) What is PERT chart? Give an example with diagram, (05) .

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B.Sc. Engineering 3rd Year 1st Term Examination, 2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
ECE 3115
Dam Communication
. TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) Briefly explain the simplified data communication model with necessary diagram. (1 O)
b) What is meant by spectrum and bandwidth? Why digital transmission is preferred over analog (15)
c) What do you mean by frequency domain concepts? By using frequency domain concept (10)
prove that rectangular pulse consist of infinite number of frequencies.

2. a) Explain different transmission impairments on digital data. (06)

b) What are the functions of core and cladding in optical fiber? Classify optical fiber based on (11)
light propagation principles.
c) Write down the characteristics of satellite point to point link. (08)
d) · Given a channel with an intended capacity of 30 Mbps, the bandwidth of the channel is 4 (10)
MHz. Assuming white thermal noise, what signal power is required to achieve the capacity at

3. a) What is antenna? Explain the role of an antenna for signal transmission and reception. (09) ·
b) Consider a parabolic reflective antenna with a diameter of 2 m operating at 15 GHz, what is (08)
the effective area and the antenna gain?
c) Briefly explain the DM technique. Compare the performance of DM system with PCM (09)
system. How can the problems of UM be avoided?
d) What is spread spectrum? Draw the block diagram of frequency-hopping spread spectrum (09)

4. a) Briefly explain the QAM technique. Also compare its performance with QPSK. (08)
b) Briefly explain asynchronous and synchronous data transmission ..with their frame format. (07)
c) Explain the ASK, FSK and PSK using necessary diagrams. ' (06)
d) What is meant by coherent and non-coherent detection? Sketch the waveforms for the binary (14)
sequence 10110000011 using the following methods:
(i) Differential Manchester, (ii) Bipolar-Atvll, (iii) B8ZS and (iv) HDB3.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)
5. a) What is OSI? Write down the name of layers of OSI model, (08)
b) What is data link control protocol? Describe stop and wait flow control with necessary (10)
c) What abilities a receiving device should have to decide and interpret any bit pattern correctly? (10)
d) Write down the advantages of digital time sequence diagram. (07)

6. a) What is piggy backing? Write down the advantages of sliding window flow control compared (10)
to stop and wait flow control system.
b) Write down the contingencies those Go-back-N technique takes into account. ·(13)
c) Give brief description of different types of stations, link configurations and data transfer (12)
modes used in HDLC.

7. a) What is HDLC? Write down the significance of address field of HDLC in operation. (I 0)
b) What is bit stuffing. A transmitter needs to transmit the following information bit using (10)
HDLC. Write down the actual bit pattern that will be sent 1101111110011111001.
c) Briefly explain ADSL and HDSL. (07)

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d) Why synchronous TDM is called synchronous? Is link control necessary in TDM system? (08)

8. a) What is multiplexing? Draw the block diagram of FDM system and TDM system. c10)
b). What are the comparisons between circuit switching andpacket switching? Explain the effect (10)
of packet size on transmission frame. . ·
c) Describe the levels on which functionality of X.25 is specified. (07)
d) Write down the advantages of frame relay_over.X.25. (08)

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