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Automata (2021 2022)

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Subject Code: KCA201

0Roll No: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all Sections. If you require any missing data, then choose suitably.

1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2*10 = 20
Qno Questions CO
(a) Define alphabets and strings. 1
(b) Differentiate between dead state and not reachable states. 1
(c) What is Kleen Closure? 2
(d) What do you mean by ambiguous grammar? 2
(e) What is Useless Production is Context Free Grammar (CFG)? 3
(f) Discuss the rules for Chomsky Normal Form (CNF). 3
(g) What is an Instantaneous description in Push Down Automata (PDA)? 4
(h) What is the problem associated with Finite Automata and how Push 4
Down Automata (PDA) resolved it?
(i) Discuss Universal Turing Machine. 5
(j) What is Halting Problem in Turing Machine. 5

2. Attempt any three of the following: 10*3 = 30
Qno Questions CO
(a) Design the Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) over the input ∑= 1
{0,1} that will accept the following languages.
(i) The set of all strings having length 7. Provided that 2nd digit
from left is 1 and 3rd digit from right is 0.
(ii) Set of all strings containing 111 as sub string.
(b) Write the regular expression for the following (with explanation) 2
having input symbols {0,1}*
(i) The language of all strings containing at least two 0’s.
(ii) The language of all strings which starts and ends with same
(iii) The language of all strings containing 101 or 010 as sub
(iv) The language of all strings containing at most two 1’s.
(c) Define the syntax tree. Productions of a grammar ‘G’ are defined as: 3
S → aB | bA
A → a | aS | bAA
B → b | bS | aBB.
For the string aaabbabbba, (a) the leftmost derivation, (b) the rightmost
derivation. (c) Derivation tree.
(d) How two stack PDA differs from one stack PDA. Explain two stack 4
PDA with suitable example.
(e) Define Post Corresponding Problem (PCP)? Check does PCP with two 5
lists X= (0101, 000111, 001, 10, 01, 00) and Y= (0101000, 11, 1001,
100, 10, 0) have a solution?
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Subject Code: KCA201
0Roll No: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10
Qno Questions CO
(a) Construct the Moore Machines that will count occurrences of substring 1
‘ab’ over the input ∑ = {a, b} and convert into Mealy Machine.
(b) What is need minimization of DFA? Minimize the given DFA 1

4. Attempt any one part of the following: 10 *1 = 10

Qno Questions CO
(a) What is regular Expression? Using Arden’s Theorem, convert the 2
given transition diagram into regular expression.

(b) State Pumping Lemma. Check the strings accepted by Language L = 2

{an bn | n ≥ 0} are regular or not?
5. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10
Qno Questions CO
(a) Define grammar. Construct a grammar G for: 3
(i) Set of odd length palindromes over input {0, 1}.
(ii) L(G) = {w ε {a. b} | w has an equal number of a's and
(b) What is the Chomsky hierarchy of languages? 3
6. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10
Qno Questions CO
(a) Write the formal definition of Push Down Automata (PDA). Construct 4
a PDA that accepts language L = {wcwr such that w ε (a, b) *}.
(b) Differentiate between deterministic and non-deterministic PDA. 4
7. Attempt any one part of the following: 10*1 = 10
Qno Questions CO
(a) What do you mean by Truing Machine? Design a Turing Machine that 5
will accept all string specified the language L = {a nbn, n≥1}.
(b) Write the short note on: 5
(i) Multi-Tape and Multi-Head Turing Machine
(ii) Church-Turing Thesis

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