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Acoustics and Illumination

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Roll No. 9EAAARop Tlotal No. of Pages R

B.Arch V- aem. (Maln and Back) Examinstion, January-2023

"Architecture (AR)
AR3A:Acoustics and illuminatioA
AR, ID, BC Maximum Marks 80
Time: 3 Hours
Min. PAssing Marks : 26
lastruclons to Candidates: niso ipy
n AMehmpt anyfve quesitös, seléethe one oustioh from'eabh ànitEAllqúestions
caYry eguàl marksSoheiätic atagarms'tlst be shovn wherevet necessary.
A) data you feel mlsstng siùitabiy b asstinen and stated clearty. Units. of
quantities usedlcaleutated mtust bé stated clearly
OM GBOfollowing sippoHtng imàtsHaltsipemitevdangesaminationMenionèd
in form No.205)
Briefly explain how sound wáve gets reflected, refracted,diffused, diffacted and
transmitted? Use sketchèsif necëssáry. (16)
KK Ahall of size 20x10x6m has aeverberationtime of twó seconds. Ifthe optimum
revèrberation time is1 sec.Giveyour suggestionto achieve the optimumlevel.(l6)
ts How c£n- we reduce the effetsof external noise on intertäl:spaes through
architectural design andplanning? (16)
X What are nois bariers? Explainthe various types andsub-types.of
noise barriers
with examples and sketches. (16)
Explain the acoustical con[iderations for open layout offices. Di_cuss some ofthÃ
çommon sound absorbing acoustic. materials used. (16)
3 What' are the site planting and landscape consideratiöns that may be taken to
reduce theimpacof extem-l noi_e? 16)

TE5023/2023 (1) TContd.

UNIT -rvgrÄA P: a visi
What is light? Déscribe the ofultraviolet light, infra lightand
light. Describe the behaviorcharacteristics oT
Explain the following lawso
Inverse square-law sofumination:
C i

's.what are
Tuminaires? How
general characteristics
UNIT - y.
basict types ofluminaires are chosen?
ofarchitecturall ilevèl of300Jux<orn workin pl
io:aAn office 10mx5mrequires.anillumination
A6sPrOposed to use 40,watt fittings having. aarated. output of 2440-]un
the ghtËng sçheme. s 2t Tim
SDiscu_stheypes, af energyefficient
three types ofluminaires ighting fting availableinmacke
used inbuilding for:
Explain nstr
Internal lighting system.
External lighting system. .
Total No of Pages: 2
B. Arch. VII Sem. (Main/Back) Exam., Nov. Dec. - 2017
Architecture (AR)
7AR3A Acoustics & Illumination
Time:3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
Min. Passing Marks: 26
Instructions to Candidates:
Attempt any five questions, selecting one question from each unit. All questions
carry equal marks. Schematic diagrams must be shown wherever necessary. Any
data you feel missing suitably be assumed and stated clearly.
Units of quantities used/calculated must be stated clearly.
Use of following supporting material is permitted during examination.
(Mentioned in form No. 205)

Q.1 Differentiates the following terms used in environmental acoustics:
(a) Sound Insulation and Sound Absorption 41
[b) Frequency and Pitch [41
(e) Free Field and Reverberant Field
(d) Echo and Flutter Echo
Q.1 What do you understand by the term reverberation? What is the
significance of
reverberation time (RT) in designing spaces for speech and music? What are the
factors on which RT depends and how can it be controlled?
Q.2 Explain how the following can control noise pollution with the help of neat
a) Orientation of building (4]
b ) Thin wall barriers
(c) Masking of noise [4]
(d Modifying landform [41
[7E5023] Page 1 of 2

OR (4+4+4+4=16]
Q.2 Explain the following (any four)
(a) Flanking of sound
(b) Articulation index
floating floor construction
(c) Sound inculcation by providing
(d) Any four types of insulating materials
(e) Physiological impact of noise pollution
What are sound reinforcement systems, their amplification and distribution in a drama
Q.3 [16)
theatre? Support with neat sketches.
found in auditorium? Show them in
Q.3 What are the most common acoustical defects
sketches and suggest remedial measures to overcome these defects. [16]
reaching the work
Q4 Define luminous flux. List the factors on which the luminous flux
plane depends. What is cocfficient of utilization? [161
Q.4 Explain the following laws of illumination:
(a) Inverse square law [8)
(b) Cosine law [8]
Q.5 (a) What are the different types of ighting systems?
(b) A room 100'x 50' is lighted by 18 lamps, each of 500 W having efficiency
lumens/W. The coefficient of utilization = 0.6. Find the illumination on
floor. [8
Q.5 (a) What are the architectural lighting elements?
(b) A drawing board of effective area 620 sqft, is lighted by a number of 40
lamps, cach of 11 lumens/Watt. The illumination required on the board is 8 flu
Only 60% of the light emitted by the lamps used for the board. Find the numt
of lamps required.

Page 2 of 2 (34
TE5023 lofnAR20 Total No., of Pages : 3
Roll No.
B.Arch. VII- Semester(Main &Back) Examination, Nov. -2019
7AR3AAcoustics &Illumination
(Common With AR, ID and BC)
Cime : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80
Min. Passing Marks : 26
nstructions to Candidates:
Atempt any five questions, selecting one question from each unit. All Questions
carry equal marks. (Schematic diagrams must be shown wherever necessary.
Any data youfeel missing suitably be assumed and stated clearly). Units of quanities
used / calculated must be stated clearly.

1. A) Write short notes on:
a) Threshold of hearing &Threshold of pain.
b) Human ear and hearing
c) Properties & characteristics of sound
d) Inverse square of law for sound. [4x3=12|
B) A sound has a pressure of 4.5x102 Pa when measured under certain
conditions. Calculate the sound pressure level of this sound. Threshold of
hearing pressure =20x 10 pa value of log 2250 is 3.3522.
e 1. A) Write short notes on:
a) Decibel scale &decibel addition.
ty Agoustics &its relation to art &science.
t Reverberation &Reverberation time. [4x3=12|

7E5023 /2019 (1) (Contd.

following surface
I 500 m' hasthe
volume of
with a Hz.
LAlecture hall coefficientat500
absorption ABSORPTION Co
arcasand 0.02
Walls plaster on brick 300m²
Fioors, plastic tiles 300m² ofthisi
personhalisl 04wh
battens frequencyof 300
Ceiling, plasterboard on for
Reverberation timeAbsorptioncoefficient one
Calculate the
persons Ai
it is occupied by 100 4


2. Write _lort notes on

Types of noise & its effects.
Transmission of noise
eYoise criteria curve
dy Environmental methods to control Noise. (4x4=16]
(OR) Find the
blockwall construction is 40 dB. sound
2. a) The Tl of a heavy concrete
Transmission coefficient for this wall.
Note log =x then b= a* [8)
of 0dB. Find the sound 1ransmission
O) An open casement window has a TI.
coefficient for this opening.
Note = log =x then b=a' [8

4 3 What are the common faults in an Auditorium of poor Acoustics design? What
measures would you recommend to improve Acoustics of such an Auditorium.[16)
3. Write short notes on
a Selection ofAcoustics materials.
b) Principles of sound insulation
c) Sound Reinforcement system.
d) Masking of Noise. (4x4=16]

7E5023 (2

4. Write short notes on

o Measurement oflighting
bY Inverse square law of illumination & cosine law.
c Methods ofLighting
d) Types of luminaire. (4x4=16)
4. Define the characteristics of electric lamps in detail available in market. [16]
5. Write short notes on:
aY Functional & aesthetic uses of
) Artificial lighting in
c) Artificial lighting in
library space.
sd) Artificial lighting in
Landscape. [4x4=16]
5. a) A lamp acts as a point source with a Mean
fixed 2 m above the centre of a circular table whichintensity
of 1500 cd. It is
has a radius of 1.5 m.
Calculate the illuminance provided at the edge of the table, ignoring
light. reflected
b) A factory space measuring 40mx12x4 requires a service illuminance of 500
lux on the workbenches which are set 1 mnt. above the floor. The
fluorescent lamps 6Sw tubular
chosen have a luminous efficacy of 80 Im/w. They are to be
mounted on the ceiling in luminaires which have a
output ratio) of 50%. The room DLOR (Downward light
walls; Light loss factor is 0.7, reflectances are 0.5 for ceiling and 0.3 for
utilization factor is 0.7. Use lumen method of
design to calculate number of lamps
required. [8]

7E5023 (3)

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