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BUET PHY 121 Merged TF - 2010-11 to 2021-22

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L-1/T-1/EEE Date: 14/01/2021


B. Sc. Engineering Examinations January 2020
Sub: PHY 121 (Waves & Oscillation, Optics and Thermal Physics)
Full Marks: 180 Time: 2 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks. Symbols have their usual meaning.
There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE

1. (a) Draw the construction for the Lloyd’s single mirror. Discuss the similarities and
dissimilarities in principle of Lloyd’s single mirror as compared with that of the Young’s
double slit experiment. Also explain why the extra path difference /2 occurs in reflection of
light from the surface of the denser medium? [16]
(b) The angle of minimum deviation for a thin prism is approximated as 𝛿 = (𝜇 − 1)𝛼, where µ
is refractive index of the prism material and α is the prism angle. The deviations produced by
the blue, red and mean yellow rays of light are δb, δr and δ, respectively. Deduce and show that
the dispersive power of the material of the prism is independent of the prism angle. [14]
2. (a) Mention some applications of interference and diffraction of light in daily life. Explain the
phenomenon of Fraunhofer Diffraction due a circular aperture. [22]
(b) Find the wavelength of light that has its third minimum at an angle of 48.6 when it falls on
a single slit of width 3.00 μm. [8]
3. (a) Derive the equation for the resolving power of a grating and hence show that resolving
power is directly proportional to (i) the order of the spectrum ‘n’ and (ii) the total number of
lines on the grating ‘N’. [22]
(b) Calculate the minimum number of lines in a grating which will just resolve the sodium lines
in the 2nd order spectrum. The wavelengths are 589 nm and 589.6 nm. [8]
4. (a) Explain how latent heat of vaporization helps in cooking the food faster in a pressure cooker.
(b) The vapor pressure of dichloromethane was measured as a function of temperature and the
following results were obtained:
Temperature (K) 200 220 240 260 280 300
Pressure (Torr) 0.8 4.5 21 71 197 391
(i) Draw a Clausius-Clapeyron plot. Lebel the axes appropriately. Fit the data to a straight
(ii) Write down the equation for the Clausius-Clapeyron plot.
(iii) Determine the latent heat of vaporization of dichloromethane. [22]

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE

5. (a) A graphical representation of the Maxwell distribution function is shown in figure 1 at 100
K, 200 K, and 300 K for H2 gas molecules.
(i) What is meant by the peak and area of these curves?
(ii) Explain why the shape of the curve changes with temperature? [10]

Figure 1

(b) The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function (𝑓) calculated as a function of speed (𝑣) for
an oxygen gas molecule and the following results were obtained:
𝑣 (𝑚/𝑠) 50 200 300 400 500 650 100
𝑓 × 10−3 (𝑠/𝑚) 0.122 1.54 2.51 2.85 2.51 1.40 0.082
(i) Plot a graph with 𝑓 as ordinate 𝑣 as abscissa.
(ii) From this graph, estimate the most probable speed of the oxygen gas molecule. [20]
6. (a) A heat engine consists of 1 mole gas is taken through the rectangular reversible cycle, as
shown in the figure 2. 𝑄1 heat is absorbed in process 𝑏𝑐 at 𝑇1 and 𝑄2 heat is rejected in process
𝑑𝑎 at temperature 𝑇2 . Find the work done in each process of the cycle. [20]
Figure 2
(b) An ideal gas in a sealed container is taken through the process shown in the PV diagram
(figure 3). The initial volume (𝑉𝑖 ) and pressure (𝑃𝑖 ) of the gas are 0.125 𝑚3 and 35000 𝑃𝑎,
respectively. The final volume (𝑉𝑓 ) and pressure (𝑃𝑓 ) of the gas are 0.375 𝑚3 and 80000 𝑃𝑎,
respectively. What is the work done on the gas during the process shown in the figure 3? [10]

Figure 3
7. (a) In presence of dissipative forces how the equation of free-vibration is modified? Write down
the solution of a damped harmonic motion and hence explain the under damped condition
mathematically? [20]
(b) A harmonic oscillator of quality factor 12 is subjected to a sinusoidal applied force of
frequency one and half times the natural frequency of the oscillator. If the damping be small,
obtain the amplitude of the forced oscillation in terms of its maximum amplitude. [10]

8. (a) Find out an expression for the growth of intensity of sound in a room in the case of
reverberation. [20]
(b) For clear audibility of speech or music in an auditorium, what types of measure should be
taken? [10]
L-IIT -I/EEE Date: 25/0512022


L-IIT -I B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2020-2021
Sub: PHY 121 (Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Thermal Physics)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Assume reasonable values for missing data, if any. Symbols carry their usual meanings.
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) What are Lissajous' figures? On what factors does it depend? Two vibrations at right
angles to each other are described by the equations, x = IOsin(5m) and y = IOsin(l Om). Draw

the Lissajous figure corresponding to the resulting motion. (8)

(b) Find the expressions for the average potential energy and average kinetic energy of a
simple harmonic motion when the average is taken with respect to position over one cycle

and hence show that the average kinetic energy will be twice of the average potential energy. (20)
(c) A particle of mass 200 g is oscillating in a field of potential U = 5x2 + 50 erg/g. Find the

frequency of oscillation. (7)

2. (a) Define damped oscillations. Which type of damping motion should be set in door closer?

Justify your answer. (8)

(b) Write down the differential equation of a damped oscillator. Solve it to obtain an

expression for the displacement in the case of damped oscillatory motion. (20)
(c) In a damped oscillator, let m = 250 g, k = 85 N/m and b = 0.070 kg/so In how many
periods of oscillation will be mechanical energy of the oscillator drop to one-half of its initial

value? Where the symbols have their usual meaning? (7)

3. (a) What are phase velocity and group velocity? Find the relation between them. When does

the group velocity become equal to the phase velocity? (8)

(b) Show that in the case of a stationary wave, no energy is transferred across any section of

the medium. (20)

(c) A wave expressed by Yl = Asin(wI - kx) is sent down in a string. Upon reflection, it

become Y2 = - sin( wi + kx). Show that the resultant of these two waves on the string can be
written as a combination of a standing and a progressive wave. (7)

4. (a) What are the common defects in the images produced by a single lens? Draw
schematically spherical aberration produced by a single imperfect lens. Also draw the case if

the image is formed by an ideal lens. (10)

Contd P/2

PHY 121
Contd ... Q.no.4
(b) Explain how the wavelength of light can be determine with the help of Newton's rings

experiment. Why the central spot due to reflected light is dark? (15)
(c) In a Newton's rings experiment, the radius of curvature R of the lens is 5.0 m and the lens
diameter is 20 mm. (i) How many bright rings are produced (A = 589 nm)? (ii) How many

bright rings would be produced if the arrangement were immersed in water (n = 1.33)? (10)
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) What is diffraction grating? Write down grating equation by mentioning each term. (10)
(b) Show that the smallest detail that can be resolved by an optical instrument is about the

same size of the wavelength of light being used. (15)

(c) Find the separation of two points on the Moon's surface that can just be resolved by the
200 in. (= 5.1 m) telescope at Mount Palomar, assuming that this separation is determined by
diffraction effects. The distance from the Earth to the Moon is 3.8 x 105 km. Assume a

wavelength of 550 nm for the light. (10)

6. (a) What is polarization of light? Why light waves can be polarized, however not sound

waves? (10)
(b) Write down the working principle of a Nicol prism. How Nicol prism can be used as a

polarizer as well as an analyzer oflight. (15)

(c) Explain optical activity with a neat schematic diagram. What are the important

applications of optically active a materials? (10)

7. (a) Derive an expression for the difference of the specific heat capacities for Van der Waals

gas, given that the specific internal energy for the gas is II = cvT - a + liD' where the

symbols have their usual meaning. (10)

(b) Using first law of thermodynamics, derive the general energy equation for steady flow

system and simplify when applied to a steam nozzle. (15)

(c) At the inlet to a certain nozzle the enthalpy of fluid passing is 2800 kJlkg. and the velocity
is 50 mls. At the discharge end the enthalpy is 2600 kJlkg. The nozzle is horizontal and there

is negligible heat loss from it. Find the velocity at exit of the nozzle. (10)

8. (a) What are the physical significance of entropy? Explain why entropy of the Universe is

always increasing. (10)

Contd P13

PHY 121

(b) The specific heat capacities of a gas vary with temperature according to the following

linear relations; Cp = a + kT and Cv = b + kT

where, a, b, and k are constants and T is temperature in K. Derive expressions for change in
entropy in terms of (i) temperature, (ii) pressure and temperature and (iii) pressure, volume

and temperature. (15)

(c) The specific heat capacities of a gas vary linearly with absolute temperature according to

the following relations: (10)

cp = (0.85 + 0.00025T)kJ.kg.K and

Cv = (0.56 + 0.00025T)kJ / kg,K

If the entropy of the gas at 1 bar pressure and 273 K is zero, find the entropy of the gas at
25 bar and 750 K temperature.
_0 -':

L-IIT-l/EEE Date: 09/04/2023

L-I/T-I B, Sc, Engineering Examinations 2021-2022

Sub: PHY 121 (Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Thermal Physics)
Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks,

There are FOUR questions in this section, Answer any THREE questions.

I. (a) What is effective mass of a spring in the spring mass system. Explain graphically how
to determine the effective mass of the spring in the spring mass system. (8)
(b) If a spring of mass m be clamped vertically at a point and loaded with a mass mo at the
other end, then find out the expression for effective mass of the spring mass system. (20)
(c) A block of mass m moving horizontally at speed v collides with a spring of non-linear
restoring force, F = -k,x - k2X3 on a frictionless surface, where the symbols have their
usual meanings. Find the maximum compression, x, of the spring. (7)

2. (a) What is forced vibrations? How does the amplitude of forced vibrations depend on
natural frequency of an oscillator? (8)
(b) Establish the different equation of forced vibrations for an oscillator. Solve this
equation and hence discuss the resonance and sharpness of resonance. (20)
(c) A harmonic oscillator of quality factor 20 is subjected to a sinusoidal applied force of
frequency two times the natural frequency of the oscillator. If the damping be small,
obtain the amplitude of the forced oscillation in terms of its maximum amplitude. (7)

3. (a) What are the reverberation and reverberation time? (8)

(b) Derive the Sabine's reverberation formula to express the rise and falls of sound in an
auditorium. (20)
(c) The volume of an auditorium is 1200 m . The area of wall, floor and ceiling are 240,
160 and 130 cm , respectively. The average absorption coefficient of wall, ceiling and
floor are 0.03, 0.80, and 0.06, respectively. Calculate the average sound absorption
coefficient and the reverberation time. (7)

4. (a) What is diffraction of light? Discuss the Fraunhofer diffraction due to a single slit. (8)
(b) Derive an expression for the intensity distribution function due to the Fraunhofer type
of diffraction produced by a narrow slit. Show that the intensity of the second secondary
maximum is roughly 1.6% of that of the principal maximum. (20)
(c) In Fraunhofer diffraction pattern due to a narrow slit, a screen is placed 2 m away from
the lens to obtain the pattern. lf the slit width is 0.2 mm and the first minimum lie 5 mm
on either side of the central maximum, find the wavelength oflight. (7)

Contd P/2

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.
Symbols have their usual meanings.

5. (a) What is Fresnel's biprism? Explain the formation of coherent sources in the case of
biprism. (10)
(b) Briefly discuss the effect of introducing a transparent thin film in the path of one of the
interference beams in a biprism experiment. Deduce an expression for the displacement of the
fringes. Show how this method is used for finding the thickness of a thin transparent film. (18)
(c) In a biprism experiment, the eyepiece is placed at a distance of 1.2 m from the source.
The distance between the virtual sources was found to be 7.5 x 10-4 m. Find the
wavelength of light, if the eyepiece is to be moved transversely through a distance of 1.9
cm for 20 fringes. (7)

6. (a) Explain the defect curvature of the field and how can it be minimized for a system of
lenses. (10)
(b) Derive the condition of achromatism for two thin lenses placed in contact. Discuss the
validity of the condition for the choice of the type and material of the lenses. Draw an
objective lens which is free from both the chromatic and spherical aberration. (18)
(c) The dispersive powers for crown and flint glasses are in the ratio of 1:2. Calculate the
focal lengths of the lenses made of crown and flint glasses which form an achromatic
combination offocallength 20 cm when placed in contact. (7)

7. (a) From kinetic theory of glass, find an expression for pressure exerted by a gas in terms
of density and mean square velocity of the gas. (12)
(b) Define degrees of freedom of a gas. Show that for a gas possessing n degrees of

freedom y = I + 3., where symbols have their usual meaning. (7)

(c) Apply the first law of thermodynamics to deduce Mayer's relation. (12)
(d) A Carnot engine has an efficiency of22.0%. It operates between reservoirs differing in
temperature by 75.0 K. Calculate the temperature of the lower-temperature and higher-
temperature reservoir? (4)

8. (a) Define the thermodynamic potentials. From them derive Maxwell's four fundamental
thermodynamic relations. (18)

(b) Show that for a Van der Waals' gas, C p - C V = R(I +~),
where symbols have

their usual meaning. (10)

(c) Explain how a reversible cyclic process can be represented by a cascade of Carnot cycles. (7)

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