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EEE 307 - Term Question

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lIEEE Date: 20/07/2011

L-3/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2009-2010
Sub: EEE 307 (Electrical Properties of Materials)
Full Marks : 210 Time : 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.


There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Define 'Lattice' and 'Basis'. Draw reduced sphere representation of FCC, BCC and
HCP crystal structure. Define 'Atomic Packing Factor'. (15)
(b) Consider the FCC unit cell of the copper crystal. (20)
(i) How many atoms are there per unit cell?
(ii) If R is the radius of the Cu atom, show that the lattice parameter a is given by

a = R2.fi.
(iii) Calculate the atomic packing factor (APF).
\' (iv) If the lattice parameter a is given as 0.362 nrn, calculate the planar concentration
for (111) plane.

2. (a) State and discuss 'Fourier's law' of heat conduction. How is the Ohm's law of
electrical conduction is related to the 'Fourier's law' of heat conduction in metals? (12)
(b) Discuss 'Matthiessen's rule'. Define 'Temperature coefficient of Resistivity' (TCR). (13)
(c) Consider a 40 W, 120 V incandescent light bulb. The Tungsten filament is 0.381 m
long and has a diameter of 33 /lm. Its resistivity at room temperature is 5.51 x 10-8 Q-m.
Given that the resistivity of the tungsten filament varies at Tl.2 (T = temperature),
estimate the temperature of the bulb at steady state condition when it is operated at the
rated voltage. Consider that the room temperature is 3000 K. (10)

3. (a) What is photoelectric effect? Discuss the results from the photoelectric experiments
and its interpretations given by Einstein. (20)
(b) In the photoelectric experiment, green light, with a wavelength of 522 nrn, is the
longest wavelength radiation that can cause the photoemission of electrons from a clean
sodium surface. (15)
(i) What is the work function of sodium, in electron-volts?
(ii) If UV radiation of wave length 250 nrn is incident to the sodium surface, what
will be the kinetic energy of photo emitted electrons in electron-volts?
(iii) Consider that the UV light of wavelength 250 nrn has an intensity of 20 mW
cm-2• If the emitted electrons are collected by applying a positive bias to the opposite
electrode, what will be the photoelectric current density?
Contd P12


EEE 307

4. (a) Using Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) method explain why hydrogen

can form molecule (H2) but helium can not. (12)

(b) By solving schrodinger's equation for an infinite potential well, derive the expression
for wave functions and show it graphically. (15)
(c) Discuss Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. (8)

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Derive Clausivs-Mossotti equation. (18)

(b) Classify magnetic materials. Briefly discuss the main characteristics of each type. (17)

6. (a) What is piezoelectricity? Write three applications of piezoelectric materials. (10)

(b) For a crystal structure show that effective mass (15)

m* = 1 2 ; where the symbols have their usual meanings.

1 d E
hi' de
(c) If E = 1 x 10-36 k2+ 1.2 x 10-18 k+ 0.002, find the value ofm*. (10)

7. (a) What is super conductivity? Briefly describe the characteristics of Type I and Type II
superconductors. (17)
(b) Show that in an infinite potential well the density of states per unit volume at a
particular energy level is proportional to square root of that energy. (18)

8. (a) What is dielectric of loss? Discuss the effect of frequency on dielectric loss. Find the
expression of loss per unit volume. (18)
(b) Water has a static relative dielectric constant of 80. Individual molecule has a
permanent dipole of 6 x 10-30 Coul-m with a relaxation time of lax 10-9S. Calculate the
dielectric loss per unit volume with an electric field of 1 kV fcm at 3 GHz. (17)
L-3/T-l/EEE Date: 29/09/2013
L-3/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2011-2012
Sub: EEE 307 (Electrical Properties of Materials)
Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
__ ._ •• _. __ ._. ••• M_H ••

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) The average intensity of sunlight on earth's surface is about 1 kW/m2• Assuming that
all the photons have an 800 nm wavelength, calculate the number of photons arriving on
earth's surface per unit time per unit area. What is the magnitude of electric field in the

(b) An electron of kinetic energy 12.2 eV collides with a hydrogen atom in a gas
discharge tube: Find the energy level to which the electron in the hydrogen atom gets
excited. (5)
(c) Diamond, Silicon and Germanium are covalent solids with the same crystal structure.
Their relative permittivities are 5.8, 11.9 and 16, respectively. Explain why the relative
permittivity increases from diamond to germanium? (6)
(d) Why the typical relaxation peaks are broader in the dielectric constant versus
frequency curve? (6)
(e) Briefly explain the mechanism by which microwave oven heats food. (5)
(f) Why the resistivity due to impurity scattering in metals is independent of temperature? (5)

2. (a) The density of copper is 8.96 g/cm and its atomic mass is 63.56 g/mol. If the mean
free time is 0.02 ps and the mean speed of conduction electron is 1.5 x 106 mis, then
estimate the drift mobility of electron and the conductivity of copper. What is the
frequency and amplitude of atomic vibration at T = 300 K? (10)
(b) Why the thermal conductivity of diamond is very high whereas that of polymer is
very low? (5)
(c) The thermal conductivity of mica is 0.75 W/mIK. Consider an insulating disk of miCa
with a thickness of 0.1 rom and a diameter of 10 rom. What is the thermal resistance of
the disk? What is the temperature drop across the disk, if the heat flow through it is
~m 00
(d) -Draw the necessary diagram and prove that the Hall coefficient for ambipolar
conduction depends on both the drift mobility ratio and the concentrations of holes and.
electrons~ (14)

522 '
Contd P/2

3. (a) Consider a one-dimensional potential function given by,

Vo - ex) <x <0

V(x)= 0 , o<x<a
"Vo x> a

Assume an electron is coming from - ex) with an energy E > Vo• Write the wave solutions

that apply in each region and derive the expression for the transmission coefficient. (16)
(b) The maximum wavelength for which an electromagnetic wave can. eject electrons
from a platinum surface is 196 om. When radiation with a wavelength of 141 om shines

on the surface, what is the maximum speed of the ejected electrons? (7)
(c) The solution to Schrodinger's wave equation for a particular situation is given by

'If x = -.e

Determine the probability of finding the particle between the limits 0 ~ x ~ ao (7)
(d) Consider an electron in a potential cube at energy level E234. Is the energy level

degenerate? Which other energy levels have the same energy as this one? (5)

4. (a) Derive the expression of orientational polarizability under ac field condition. (12)
(b) What is "dielectric resonance"? (6)
(c) Consider a polycarbonate capacitor at 50°C and 1 kHz. Its real and .imaginary
dielectric constants are 2.47 and 0.003, respectively. Calculate the power dissipation per

unit capacitance if the voltage across the capacitor is 1V. (7)

(d) What is pyroelectricity? How the pressure fluctuations are compensated in a

. pyroelectric radiation detector? (10)

There are FOUR questions in this Section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Explain briefly LCAO method. Determine and sketch different molecular orbitals

when five hydrogen atoms (labeled A, B, C, D and E) are brought together. . (7)

(b) Derive a quantum mechanical expression for conductivity in metals. From this, obtain

the conductivity expression as derived from Drude's Model. (12)

(c) Explain the followings in terms of quantum mechanics: (6)

(i) Why Magnesium (Mg) has lower conductivity than that of Copper (Cu)?
(ii) Why Nickel (Ni) is a poorer conductor than copper (Cu)?
(iii) Why conductivity in metals is only weakly temperature dependent?

Contd P/3

EEE 307
Contd ... Q. NO.5
(d) Dysprosium (Dy, atomic number 66) has a density of8.54 g cm- and atomic. mass of

162.50 g mol-I. (10)

(i) What is the spin magnetic moment in the isolated atom in terms of number of Bohr
(ii) If the saturation magnetization ofDy near absolute zero is 2.4 MAIn-I, what is the
effective number of spins per atom in the ferromagnetic state?
(iii) How does this compare with the number of spins in the isolated atom?
(iv) What is the order of magnitude for the exchange interaction in eV per atom in Dy

if the Curie temperature is 85 K?

6. (a) Discuss different types of crystal defects with necessary diagrams and hence explain

the line "There is no such thing as a perfect crystal". (20)

(b) Niobium (Nb) has the BCC crystal with a lattice paramete~ a = 0.3294 nm. Find the
planar concentrations as the number of atoms per nm of the (100), (110) and (Ill)

planes. Which plane has the most concentration of atoms per unit area? (9)
(c) Define the following terms (6)
(i) Bravais lattice (ii) Primitive unit cell (iii) Closed-packed crystal structure

7. (a) Explain the origin of ferromagnetism using exchange interaction. (15)

(b) Explain paramagnetism and ferrimagnetism. (10)
(c) Differentiate between superconductor and perfect conductor. (5)
(d) Aluminum (AI) has a density of 2.70 gcm-3 and an atomic mass of 27. Calculate the
Fermi energy at absolute zero. Compare your result with experimental value of 11.8 eV.

Draw appropriate conclusion.[Given: E FO

= ( 8m )(3n)%
-; ] (5)

8. (a) From the knowledge of band theory of solids explain why Magnesium behaves like a
metal inspite of having filled 3s band. Also explain why Carbon behav~s like a

semiconductor instead of behaving like a metal. (5)

(b) Discuss the properties of Fermi-Dirac function. Also state the limitations of Fermi-

Dirac distribution. (12)

(c) State two equivalent statements of Bloch theorem. What important conclusions can be

made concerning the allowed values of 'k' from Bloch theorem? (8)
(d) (i) Considering one-dimensional motion of electrons derive an expression for
effective mass.

(ii) What are the underlying assumptions in Kronig-Penney Model? (10)

L-3/T -l/EEE Date : 24/05/2014
L-3/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2012-2013

Sub: EEE 307 (Electrical Properties of Materials)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

.';; SECTION - A
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.,.,

1. (a) Explain the origin of complexity in relative permittivity. Also derive the expression
forIoss tangent. (15)
(b) Draw the equivalent circuit of a Debye dielectric and explain the origin of the

individual components. Briefly explain the Cole-Cole plot in terms of De bye equations. (20)

2. (a) Consider a 1.0 nF polyester capacitor that has a polymer (PET) film thickness of 1.0
~m. Calculate the equivalent circuit of this capacitor at 50°C and at 150°C. Use the data
from Fig. for Q. No. 2(a). (20)

~ ,.) fI, I
I PET:H f= 1 Li-l/
2 s-j
€' ') 'l'1\l'l8
r -" '"
/!'-'. ""'" ...:' ..

. .
. ~ n (IIJI :;

~,6 I
E, ,j
2.5 nrHH)l
n 5~i I 00 I 5U' 20<) 2,.)fl

If lJ'peratlUe ( lie)

(b) Show that dipolar polarization is given by: (15)

_ 1
a.d ---
3 kT
[Symbols have their usual meaning]

3. ,(a) What is the maximum super current that can be passed through 2 mm diameter lead
wire at 5 k? [For Pb, Tc = 7.18 k,Ho = 6.5 x 10-4 Aim]. Also write a brief description of

giant magneto-resistance. (8+8)

(b) Explain Meissner effect. In this relation, also explain the physical distinctions
between type-I and type-II superconductors. Write a brief note on the three parameters

defining the limits of superconductivity. . (5+ 10+4)

Contd P/2
=2= r

5 5
4. (a) Samples of Bi ('Xm = -16.6 x 10- ) and Al (Xm = 2.3 x 10- ) are subjected to an

applied magnetic fieltl of 1.0 T in +x~direction. Calculate M and ~M in each sample

[Symbols have their usual meaning]. Which is paramagnetic and which is diamagnetic? - (10)
(b) An isolated water molecule has a permanent dipole Po of 6.1 x 10- C.m. Under dc-

conditions, <le of the water plolecule is 4 x 10-40 C.m. What is E r of steam at pressures arid

temperatures of (l atm, 100°C) and (10 atm, 400°C), respectively? (Use P = (NINA) RT,

where R = 8.314 J.moCt,k-I and NA = 6.023 x 1023 mol-I, and the symbols have their

usual meaning. (18)

(c) What is a metamaterial as opposed to a natural material? Briefly mention a few

important applications for meta-materials. (7)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Symbolshavetheir usual meanings.

5. (a) Define density of states. Derive an expression of three dimensional (3D) density of states. (15)
(b) The solution to Schrodinger's equation for a particular situation is given by (10)

'P(x) = ~ Xo .e -'xo
Determine the probability of finding the particle between the limit of 0 $ x $ 3.0/4.
(c) A one-dimensional infinite potential well with a width of 12 A contains an electron. If
the electron drops from the second energy level . to the first, what is the wave
length of a
photon that might be emitted? (10)

6. (a) Draw the following- (10)

(i) (2 2 0) and
(ii) [1 1 0]
(b) Find the Miller indices of the plane shown in Figure for Q. 6(b). (5)

- - ,- ---
-- - --

Contd P/3

Contd ..• Q. No.6

2 1
(c) The electron drift mobility in.silver has been measured to be 56 cm V-I 8- at 27°C.
l 3
The atomic mass and density of Ag are given as 107.87 g moe and 10.5 g cm- ,
respectively. Assuming that each Ag Atom contributes one conduction electron, (20)
(i) Calculate the ;esistivity of Ag at 27°C.

(ii) Calculate the thermal conductivity of Ag at 27°C.

7. (a) Discuss the origin of energy bands in crystal with Kronig-Penney model. (20)
(b) A proton att~mpts to penetrate a rectangular potential barrier of height lOMe V and

thickness 10-14 m. The particle has a total energy of3 MeV. Calculate the probability that

the particle will penetrate the potential barrier. (15)

(Mass of proton mp = 1.67 x 10- kg)

8. (a) What is parabolic band approximation? (10)

(b) A photoelectric experiment indicates that violet light of wavelength 420 nm is the
longest wavelength radiation that can cause photoemission of electrons from a particular

photocathode. (10)
(i) What is the work function in eV?
(ii) If a UV radiation of wavelength 300 nm is incident upon the photocathode, what
wil~ be the maximum kinetic energy of the photoemittedelectrons?

(c) The E-K relationship of a material is given by - (15)


E = Eo - EI cos a. (K- Ko),

where Ko is the value of K at the minimu-.n energy (Eo). Determine the effective mass of

the particle at K = Ko in terms of the equation parameters.

L-3iT-J/RRE Date: 2K106/2015
L-3tr-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 20[3-2014

Sub: EEE 307 (Electrical Properties of Materials)

Fllil Marh: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate I'll]]marks.

There arC FOUR questions in this section. Answer any TllREE.

I. (al What do you mean by negative index malenal? Briefly describe how one can altam
such a material. (10)
(b) What is Birkhausen dIed? Explain why the hysteresis loop i5 not a reversible loop. (6+6)
(c) Explain, 10 detail, the differences and similarities of soft and hard magnetic materials,
Mention "mne oflhcir applications. (13)

2. (a) Show that the data for the magnetic susceptJhihly of nickel given helow i~ ~()nSlstent

with the Curie-Weiss Law l XIII = T ~T ,where Xm is meganetic susceptibility, C is


Curie constant, To is Curie temperature]' Evaluate the Cutic constant and tcmperature (e,
Tel. i\l~o find thc effective number of Bohr magnetons per atom, [Atomic wI. = 58.7,
den~lty ~ ggSO k-'
g.m I, (20)
I '[' Cc) 500 600 700 800 900

IXmC,IO) 38.4 19.5 15 10.6 9.73

(h) Explam the BCS thcory for superconductivity, \Vhy do you think r00111temperature
superconducti"ity is so hard to attain. (8)
(~) If a i~ the interatomic distance, Ii is the moch wall thickness, E., is the exchange
encrgy, K is magneto-crystalline energy, then the potential energy per unit area of a

Bl,,~h wall i~ gIVen by: -

rr-Eex + Kii (Symbols have their usual meaning). Show thJt,

mmlmum energy occurs at 1i'=Jn~::x. Also show that, at Ii Ii',

= the e~change and

anisotropy energy contributions are equal. (7)

3. (a) Provc Clausius-Mossotti equatioll, Mention a few Jpp1ieations or thIS equation. (1 0+3)
(b) From the definition of coupling coefficient for a piem-e1ectric quart? <.-rystal,~how

that: k2 = 1-~ (Symbols have their usual meamngs). Now consider a quartz and PZT
ceramic filter working at f, = 1 MHz. Calculate their bandwidth. Consi<1enng tIle filter to
be of disc shape and oscillation, propagate radially, calculate their diameters. rU~e:

v = .);{", (oo ~ n~_, Y = 80 Ora (quartz), 70 OPa (PZT); p ~ 2.65 gm/e.e (quartz),

7,7 gm/e.c (PZT)]. (4+18)

COlltd .... P/2


EEE 307
4. (a) Briefly explain, how do you reduce losses in dielectric mirrors, What is the physICal
expl anation for the cxistcncc ofrelaxation pcaks in a dielectric media? (6+6)
~c ,
(b) Calculate <0, lor solid argon «84 k) (density = 1.8 gm/c.c, lX.e= 1.7 " 10 F.m,
atomic weight = 39,95]. Explain thc 7% difference in calculated values of Er that rc~u1t~
when one u~cs thc ~implc relationship as opposed to the Clausius-Mossotti equation. (15)
(cl In tcrms of capacitance per unit volume compari80n8, ~omment on (i) ele~trolyti~
capacitors can achieve large C '"01; and (ii) ceramics have 8uh,tantial volume ell'iciency
compared to polymers. (4+4)

There are FOUR qlleS110n~in thi~ seetion. Answer any THREE.
S)1TIhol.~have their u~ual meanings.

5, (a) G,ven thc latticc paramctcr of silicon a = 0.543 run, calculate the atomic conccntration
and dens]ty of SI. [Atomic ma~s ofSi = 28.09 gmlmol]. (10)
(b) Niobium (NS) has the BCC erystal strueture with a lattiee parameter a = 0,3294 nm.
Find the planar concentrations of the (11 0) and (111) planes. (10)
(e) Two possible conduction bands are 8hown in Figure for Q. 5(e). State which band .•.•.
result in hcavier electron effective mass and why. (15)

O. (a) Thc resistivity of Aluminum (AI) at 25"C is 2,72 x 10-~ Q-m, The thermal coell'icicnt
(lrre~hti~ity of Al at WC is 4.29 " 10-3 K-t. Al has a valency of 3, a density of 2.70
gm/e.c and an atomic mass of27. (25)
(i) Calculate the resistivity and thennal coefficient of resistivity at -4WC.
(ii) E~timate thc mean frce time for the conduction electrons at 25"C and hence find
their drift mobility,

(iii) If the mean 8peed or the conduetlOn eleetron~ is 1.5 x 1d' m/see, calculate the

mean free path.

(iv) \Vhat is the percentage change in the power loss due to Joule heating ofthc Al
wire when the temperalnrc drops from 25°C to --40"C?
[Assume, constant current level]
(v) What is the thermal conductivity of Al at 25°C?
Contd Pi3


EEE 307
Contd ... Q. No.6

(b) Determine the total number of energy states in bulk GaAs between EeG and Eco + kT
at T = 300 K where Eoo is the energy at the bottom of the band. [Density of states
effective mass of electron is 0.067 Illc]. (10)

7, (a) Consider a free electron bound in a two dimensional infinite potential well defined by
V=O; O<x<a, O<y<b
V=a; e1sev.rhere
Determine the expression fllr th~ alh)wed electmn energies and ,is wavelulKtlons. (20)
(h) The average intensity of sunlight on Earth's surface in about 1 kW/m . The maximum

illtensity is Jt 800 nm wavelenglh. Assuming that all the photons ha\'e an 800 nm

wavelength, (15)
0) Calculate the photon flux.
(il) What is the magnitude of electric field in the sunlight?
(iii) Suppose that a soiar cell device can convert each photon into an electron, whieh
ean then give rise to external current. What is the maximum current that can be
,upplied per LIm!area ofthi~ solar edl?

8. (0.)Whut I, Fenni-Dirae ~!atisties? How docs it differ from Boltzmann statistie~'! ('0)
(b) Dca". the r(Jl1OlVing~: (10)

(i) (0 2 3) (ii) [I 10]

(e) For a wide rectangulur barrier (o:a» I), the tunneling probability can be expressed as

-2ua 2 2m{Vo-E) 16E(Vo-E)

To e , where 0: = 2 ' To = 2 . (15)
h V,

v 0 = height of the burrier and E = meident energy.

a = Barrier width

Show that the maximum value ofT 0 is 4 and llnd the correspondmg incident energy.
L-3/T-1IEEE Date: 3010112016
L-3/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2014-2015

Sub: EEE 307 (Electrical Properties of Materials)

Full Marks : 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Answer sequentially.

1. (a) Discuss the characteristics of typical capacitor dielectric materials. Also explain their
usefulness in power circuits. (15)
(b) Lead zircon ate titanate has a k-value of 0.72. Recommend some potential applications
for this material. (8)
(c) Explain, in detail, the various mechanisms of dielectric breakdown in solids, liquids
and gases. Give some specific examples. (12)

28 3
2. (a) A long narrow rod has an atomic density of 5 x 10 m- . Each atom has a
polarizability of 10-40 F.m . Find the internal electric field (E1oJ when an axial field (E)

of 1.0 Vim is applied. (14)

(b) Among the following materials, explain which are what type of material and why;
and mention their potential applications: (10)
(i) PET, (ii) bird poop, (iii) chocolate, (iv) SF6
(c) Introduce the Langevin function and explain its use in the derivation of orientational
polarizability. Show the complete derivation. (11)

3. (a) Explain the terms DNG, SNG and ENZ metamaterials. Discuss their potential
applications in engineering sectors. (12)
(b) Magnetic susceptibility (Xm) values for water and bismath are -0.91 x lO-sand -16.6 x
10- , respectively. Explain why water shows diamagnetic properties despite having a low Xm
than bismath. Suggest some applications of diamagnetic property in water based materials. (10)
(c) Show that, in an iron core toroidal coil the hysteresis power loss per m3 is given by

kfB~ [Symbols have their usual meanings]. Explain how the area enclosed within a B-H
curve corresponds to energy dissipation. (13)

4. (a) Why type-II superconductors show promises for high-temperature super conductivity? (7)
(b) Explain the physical origin of Debye Loss peak. Derive the equivalent circuit of a
Debye dielectric. (5+7)
(c) Consider a CsBr crystal (a = 4.3 A). The Ue corresponding to Cs + and Br- ions are
3.35 x 10-40 and 4.5 x 10-40 F.m 2
, respectively. Mean u, per ion pair is 5.8 x 10-40 F.m 2.

Find the low frequency and optical frequency dielectric constant. (16)
Contd P/2

EEE 307
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
All the symbols have their usual meanings.

5. (a) What is allotropy? What are the different allotropes of Iron and Carbon? Mention
their crystalline structures. (15)
(b) For a NaCI crystal: (20)
(i) Sketch the atom in a (100) plane.
(ii) The effective radius ofNa is 1.0 A and that of CI is 1.8 A. Detennine the lattice
(iii) Calculate the volume density ofNa and Cl atoms.
(iv) Calculate the mass density ofNaCl.

6. (a) The density if gold is 19300 kg/m and its atomic mass is 196.67 g/mol. Assuming
each Au atom donates one conduction electron, calculate the drift mobility of the
electrons in gold at 22°C. The resistivity of pure Au at 273 K is 22.8 nO. m. The TCR for

Au is _1_ K-1. What is the mean free path. of the conduction electrons if their mean
speed is 1.4 x 10 m/s? (20)
(b) For a pure metal derive the Hall coefficient for electron conduction. (15)

7. (a) The work function of a clean cesium surface is 1.9 eV. Answer the followings:
(i) What is the longest wavelength of radiation which can result in photoemission?
(ii) Ifblue radiation of wavelength 450 nm is incident onto the Cs photocathode, what
will be the kinetic energy of the photo emitted electrons in eV? What should be
voltage required on the opposite electrode to extinguish the external photo current? (15)
(b) Consider a step potential function, having a "height" Yo. A particle with energy E >
Vo is incident from the +x direction travelling in the -x direction. Answer the followings: (20)
(i) Write the wave solutions for each region.
(ii) Derive expressions for the transmission and reflection coefficients.

8. (a) The Fermi energy level for a particular material at T = 300 K is 6.25 eV. The electron
in this material follow the Fermi-Dirac distribution function. Answer the followings: (10)
(i) Find the probability of an energy level at 6.5 eV being occupied by an electron.
(ii) Calculate the temperature at which there is a 1 percent probability that a stable 0.3 eV
below the Fermi level will be empty of an electron.
(b) Show that for a free electron, the first derivative of energy with respect to wave
number is proportional to the velocity of the electron. Also show that the second
derivative of energy with respect to wave number is inversely proportional to the mass of
the electron. (10)
(c) Given that the width of an energy band is typically ~ 10 eV, calculate the followings
in per cm and per eV units. (IS)
(i) The density of states at the center of the band.
(ii) The number of states per unit volume within a small energy range kT about the center.
(iii) The density of states at kT above the bottom ofth,e band.

L-3/T-1IEEE Date: 14/0112017
L-3/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2015-2016

Sub: EEE 307 (Electrical Properties of Materials)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) What are the basic differences between polar and non-polar solids? Elaborate on the
material properties that emerge from these differences. (12)
(b) Describe the differences between ferroelectric and pyroelectric crystals. (12)
(c) How does dielectric constant affect refractive indices in optoelectronic materials? Explain
in terms of Bragg's law. (11)

2. (a) Derive the Debye equations. (20)

(b) Using the Debye equations, find the expression for loss tangent (tan8). Show that (15)

tan us: I Erdc - Eroo

= --;:::======
max 2~Erdc' Eroo

What is the value of't at the maximum oftan8? (symbols have their usual meanings).

3. (a) Some metals show a residual resistivity at ultra-low temperatures. Explain why.
Identify the technological challenges related to liquifying gases which led to the
discovery of H. Onnes. (7+8)
(b) Explain the formation of Copper pair in BCS theory of superconductors. (10)
(c) What material properties are responsible for the Geim's frog to levitate? Can you
identify some other real-life phenomena related to this property? (10) .

4. (a) When an applied magnetic field (B) is present, this field produces a torque on the
magnetic dipole of orbiting electrons. As such, the magnetic dipole precesses around B,

at a frequency called Larmor frequency ~J.

(roL = 2m
If the magnetic moment of an

electron in the ground state of hydrogen atom is 1.0 Bohr magneton, calculate the
induced magnetic moment in a field of 1 weber/m? Compare the two values. (Explain

your reasoning for any required educated guesses). (13)

(b) Explain, with proper figures, the origin of giant magneto resistance III certain
materials. (10)
(c) What do you mean by effective-medium ~ypothesis. Why "double-negative" materials
are so special? Give some real-life examples. (6+..6)

Contd P/2
EEE 307
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) With neat sketch, briefly discuss three major crystal defects. Also explain the effects
of these defects in optical and electrical properties of materials. (20)
(b) Why do we need to find crystal direction and plane? Consider an imaginary crystal
(X) having Simple Cubic (SC) structure with radius of atom 0.12 nm. (15)
(i) Find the relation between radius of atom and lattice constant.
(ii) Find APF.
(iii) Draw and find the planar concentration of (11 0) plane.

6. (a) What is the significance of Hall coefficient RH? Briefly discuss how a hall effect
current sensor works. (10)
(b) Briefly explain Nordheim's rule and its application. (10)
(c) Given that the mean speed of conduction electrons in copper is 1.5 x 106 ms -I and the
frequency of vibration of the copper atoms at room temperature is about 4 x 1012 S-I,

estimate the drift mobility of electrons and the conductivity of copper. The density d of
copper is 8.96 g cm- and the atomic mass is 63.56 gmoCl. (15)

7. (a) With neat sketch, find the expression for electron wavefunction and energy, trapped in
an infinite potential well, with respect to well width. From these expression, show that
energy of the confined electron is quantized. Also comment on the effect of changing
well in the energy levels, E and ~E. (20)
(b) Briefly explain the significance of de-Broglie relationship and Heisenberg's
Uncertainty principle. (10)
(c) Write down Schrodinger equation for different regions shown in Fig. for Q. 7(c) and
draw the approximate wavefunction for electron energy E < Vo and E > Vo. (5)
- ---~- ~_. __ ._~--~- ~---~~--_._-----


o abc x
~. ~Q.'1-CC) J

8. (a) What is electron effective mass? How can we get electron effective mass from
electronic band structure? How do we measure electron effective mass? (10)
(b)Write short notes explaining the significance and application of following: (25)
(i) Fermi Energy and Fermi level
(ii) Bloch wave
(iii) Fermi-Dirac Statistics (Also discuss temperature dependence)
(iv) Density of states
(v) Band gap
(vi) Brillouin Zone

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