PHS 402 Public Health Law
PHS 402 Public Health Law
PHS 402 Public Health Law
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 Essential Characteristics of Public Health Law
3.2 Structure of The Public Health Law
3.3 Public Health Law Process and Improvement
3.4 Role of Legistlature in Implementation of Public Health Law
3.5 Law Reform and Health Interventions
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objective
3.0 Main content
3.1 The Historical Development of Public Health Law; Global Perspective
3.2 Contribution of The Ancient Greece. Plato, Aristotle King John II, Edward III
3.3 Beginning of Public Health Law in America; -Conquering an Epidemic
3.4 Establishment of Public Health Laws to Combat Epidemic Diseases
3.5 Board Enforcement of Sanitary Rules and Regulation
3.6 Role of International Development Law Organization in Public Health Law
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 History of Public Health in Nigeria
3.2 From Public Health Policy to primary Health Care
3.3 From Public Health Policy Public Health Law
3.4 The Parts, Focus and Description of Public Health Law
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 Trends of Law and Public Health Issues
3.2 Legal Authority Appraise of Acts of Public Health
3.3 Distinction Between Old and New Ppublic Health Laws
3.4 Looking at The New Public Health Rules
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 The Framework of Public Health Law and Ottawa Declaration
3.2 The Framework of PHL and Tallinn Charter Decalration on Health Systems
3.3 Rationale for the Establishment of Public Health Law
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.1 Main content
3.1 The Do and Don’t of Public Health Laws
3.2 Continuum Nature of Public Health Law
3.3 Public Health Laws Are Made to Addresses Health Issues
3.4 Territorial and Regional Limit of Public Health Law
3.5 Amendment and Reformed of Public Health Laws
3.6 Public Health Laws and Advancement of Community
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 Origin of Law
3.2 Definition of Law
3.3 Theories of Law
3.4 Definition of Morality
3.5 Difference Between Morality and Law
3.6 Similarities Between Morality and Law
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 Classifications of Law
3.2 Functions of Law
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 Definition of Sources of Law
3.2 Main Sources of Law in Nigeria
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 Cross Cutting in the Sources of Public Health Law
3.2 Nigeria Constitution
3.3 African Charter on Human and Peoples‟ Rights
3.4 Federal Government, States and Local Government legislation
3.5 Town and Country Planning Laws
3.6 The Law of Torts Dealing with Nuisance, Trespass and Negligence
3.7 All Laws Related to Drugs
3.8 Human Rights
3.9 International Law
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 Types of Public Health Laws
3.2 The Principles of Public Health Law
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 Definition of Offence
3.2 Types of Public Health Offences
3.3 List of Offences Under the Lagos State Environmental Sanitation Edict 1998
3.4 Defence To Public Health Offences
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.2 Definition and Types of Human Rights
3.4 Environmental Rights
3.5 Definition of An Offender (An Accused)
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content
3.1 Definition of Enforcement
3.2 Public Health Laws Enforcement Process
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Self Assessed Exerceises
7.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
8.0 Reference/Further Reading
Introduction to Public Health Law, intends to acquaint the students with the tradition of health
laws in Nigeria, a multi-cultural society and the suitability of a federal constitution for public
health practices in Nigeria. It also intends to make students familiar with nature, scope, and
significance of health-related laws that will inform evidence-based delivery of health care
services across the country.
This Course is also designed to introduce you to the Nigerian Legal and Public Health System,
which forms a vital part of the total package for your degree course. The Course is designed to
equip you with a sound foundation of legal knowledge and enable you to cope with the legal
needs of health services in a plural society that is faced with a rapid political, social economic
and cultural development. The course therefore provides an opportunity to be kept abreast of
the expected roles of the Public Health Practitioner in the implementation of the Health
Services in collaboration with other sectors in other to maintain high professional ethics,
integrity and in accordance with laid down policies.
2.0 Justification
Public Health Law does not operate in a vacuum. It has to reflect social values, attitudes and
behavior. Societal values and norms, directly or indirectly, influence public health activities.
Public Health Law also endeavors to mould and control these values, attitudes and appropriate
behavioral changes in achieving health better heath outcome. It attempts either to support the
social system or to change the prevalent social situation or relationship by its formal processes.
Health related Laws also influences other parts of the social system. Public Health Law,
therefore, can be perceived as symbolizing the public affirmation of social facts and norms as
well as means of social control and an instrument of social change.
Course Aims
The aim of this course is to introduce the student to related public health laws with the
background knowledge of how to avoid unprofessional conduct which could lead to breach of
duty that has severe consequence.
Course Objectives
In order to achieve the aims of this course, there are some set of objectives that have been
stated. Each unit of this course has its own objective which is indicated immediately after the
introduction at the beginning of the unit. You should read these objectives before you study
the unit. It is also advisable to refer to them as you study the unit and at the end of your study
of the unit to enable you determine the progress you are making.
However, below are the general objectives of the course. It is important you meet the objectives
as they would enable you achieve the aims of this course. Therefore, at the end of studying the
course you should be able to:
1. Describe the Nigerian Legal and Health System
2. Describe and Explain Historic Development of Public Health Law
3. Define ethics, professional ethics and list some health ethics, etiquettes and code of
4. Explain the concept of morality, law and other legal concepts relating to ethics as
well as the differences and similarities between law and morality.
5. Describe the law-making process in both military and democratic regime
6. Define Public Health Law offences.
7. Explain the process of enforcing public health laws and the enforcement agencies
Each unit contains a Tutor Marked Assignment which you must attempt to answer on your own
and which you will be required at certain point in this course to submit for purposes of
assessment. At the end of the course there will be a final examination. The course should take
you about a total of 16 weeks to complete. Also, stated below is the list of the all things you
need to do in this course and how to allocate your time as you study each unit. The nature of
study of the Open University requires that you spend a lot of time studying alone. You are
therefore advised to spend between 2 3 hours studying each unit, in addition to availing
yourself of the tutorial classes to be facilitated in order to be able to get explanations from
your facilitator and compare notes with your classmates.
What You Will Learn in this Course
This course consists of a course material and course guide. The course guide gives you a brief
of what materials you will be using and how you can work on own with the materials. In
addition, it states general guidelines with regards to the amount of time you are to spend while
studying each unit of the course in order to enable you successfully completes its study on
The course guide helps guide you with respect to your Tutor Marked Assignment which are to
be made available in the assignment file. Also, there would be regular tutorial classes in this
course to be conducted by a facilitator. It is important that you attend these tutorial classes. You
are equally encouraged to form study group with your classmates in order to have thorough
discussions before the tutorial classes. The course is intended to prepare you for the ethical
challenges you are likely to meet in the delivery of public health services at home, community
and in the field of public health practices.
The Course Material
The main components of this course material include:
1. The Course Guide
2. Study Unit
3. Tutor Marked Assignment
4. Reference/Further Readings
5. Presentation Schedule
Each unit is made up of about one to two weeks work and it includes an Introduction,
Objective, the main Content, Conclusion, Summary, Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) and
Reference/Further Reading. The unit helps you to work on your Tutor Marked Assignments
which will enable you determine the progress you are making and also help you achieve the
learning objectives stated in each unit, and the course as a whole.
Presentation Schedule
Your course materials have some important date to ensure early and timely completion and
submission of your TMAs and attendance of tutorial classes. You should endeavour to submit
all your TMAs by the stipulated time and date. You should not lack behind in any of your
There are two aspects to the assessment in this course. The first consist of the Tutor Marked
Assignment and the second is the written examination at the end of the course. The Tutor
Marked Assignment which you will submit to your tutor for marking will count for 30% of
your total course scores, while the final examination you shall write at the end of the course
which shall last for three hours counts for 70% of your total course scores.
You might find it useful to review your TMAs and comments on them before the examination.
This is because the end of course examination covers all aspects of the course. Course
Marking Scheme
Assignment Marks
Assignment 1 – 4 TMAs, 30% of course marks.
End of course examination 70% of overall course marks.
Total 100%
The facilitator will mark and comment on your assignment, keep a close watch on your
progress and in case of any difficulty you might encounter during the course he will provide
you with assistance. You are expected to mail your Tutor Marked Assignment to your
facilitator before the stipulated date (at least two working days are required). These would be
marked and returned to you as soon as possible.
Please do not hesitate to contact your facilitator by telephone or e-mail whenever you need
The following might be circumstances in which you would find assistance necessary, hence
you would have to contact your facilitator if:
You do not understand any part of the study material or the assigned readings.
You have difficulty with the Tutor Marked Assignment
You have a question or problem with an assignment or with the grading of an
You should endeavour to attend the tutorial classes. This is the only chance to have face to
face contact with your course facilitator and to ask questions which are answered instantly.
You can raise any problem encountered in the course of your study.
To gain much benefit from the tutorial classes prepare a list of questions before attending
them. You will learn a lot from participating actively in discussions.
In this chapter unit we shall be considering the stewardship in health systems public
health law concept and the limitations. The stewardship role and instrument for
improving the health of populations through health laws.
At the end of studying this chapter the learner should be able to:
1. Describe the concept of Public Health Law
2. Describe Stewardship in Health Systems For Improved Health Outcoems
3. Understand How Legistlation And Health Laws Improve Health of Populations
4. Understand How Legistlation Improve The Health of Populations
3.3 Relationship Between the Policy, Regulations, Legislation and The Law
Two essential tools that assist governments in protecting their populations from threats
to health are public health law and public health policy. Policy can exist without resort
to law, but where the design of policy for long-term uses and where voluntary
agreement has not proved successful, there may be a need for the heavier hand of the
law in the implementation of health policy. However, the law is not always an
appropriate mechanism for achieving public health objectives. Unquestionably, the rule
can exist without recourse to law. Legislation may provide only legal mechanisms for
implementation of policy. The law or legislation must be on principles, policy objectives
and directions that guarantee effective legal systems. Thus, policy development should
be follow with the formulation of law. Public health law envisages the duties of
individual, people and organizations. Moreover, the responsibilities of the government’s
to provide healthy society. Regulations specify the manner in which public health
officials exercise their authorities and define the jurisdiction of the officers. It also
creates the social conditions in which people can be healthy and establishes the norms
for healthy behaviour. The legislature, administrative agencies and courts serve as
channels for social debates on public health issues that are important within the legal
language of rights, duties and justice.
The unit give an overview of the concepto f public healt law inreltionwith health
systems in Nigeria and how challeges in health care systems can be resolve leaglly
In this unit it was understood that law as a legal tool for improving health of population.
We also read that Stewardship in health systems is the responsibilities of ministry,
agency or department of health, whose principal obligation’s to promote and protect the
health of the populace
In this unit we shall discuss policy, regulation and legislation. Important legal tool and
relationship between health law and public health law
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Meaning of Health Law
2. Define Public Health Law
3. Explain the meaning of Health Law and Public Health Law
4. The Difference Between Health Law, Public Health Law and Medical
3.2 The Difference Between Health Law, Public Health Law and Medical
While building on this definition, public health law is; ―The study of legal duties and
powers of the government to assure the conditions for persons or group of people to be
healthy (e.g., identification, prevention and amelioration of population risks to health).
Also, the restrictions of government power to confine the privacy, liberty, autonomy or
other lawfully secure benefits of persons for protection or promotion of community
Health law refers to a statute, ordinance or code that prescribes sanitary standards and
regulations for the purpose of preserving and promoting community's health.
Public Health Law may also mean the branch of jurisprudence which concerns with the
relationship and application of the common and statutory law on procedures, principles
of hygienic practices, the science of sanitation and public health administration. Public
health law is different from and is not a part of medical jurisprudence, more correctly
known as legal or forensic medicine, which is the science related to the application of
medical facts to right values of medical practice.
In this chapter you studied the concept of Public Health Law as a tool for the Protection
and preservation of health of the population. We also describe the rationale for
stewardship role in health outcome and role of health regulations in achiving national
health objectives. We differentiate between policy, regulation, legislations and Law.
Finally, we discussed the meaning of health law and public health law.
In this lecture, we discussed Public Health Law as a tool for positive health outcome
while the Health law envisioned to provide an enabling environment in which the
promotion of health goes hand in hand with the general principles of equality, justice
and the protection of individual rights. Public health Law is the study of the legal
powers and duties of the government that guarantee healthy conditions of the people
In this chapter unit we shall be considering the interpretation of public health and key
points of the function of public health
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Explain The Meaning of Public Health
2. The key point you need to know about the function of public health
3.2 The key point you need to know about the function of public health:
1. Promotion of health, including tackling health inequalities
2. Quality and clinical standards that is clinical governance
3. Protection of public health and the management of risk (Holland and Stewart,
Public health also includes environmental health and laws because in the prevention of
diseases a healthy environment that is pollutant free is essential. It also entails provision
of adequate nutrition and housings. The remit of public health is quite broad because it
cuts across several fields including health, education, agriculture, environment, land and
housing, water, industry and works. However, quite often public health has been
confused and mixed up with medical practice, especially clinical practice and this tend
to affects its effectiveness in the disease control and prevention. The basic function of
public health is to determine disease pattern among the population, their causes and
ways of preventing and recording deaths births, changes in population and other social
behaviour patterns, assessing health needs and evaluating services to ensure better
health of the society as a whole and not individual personal health care. However, the
profession of public health especially doctors started in England in 1948 (Hunter, 2003)
which is similar to the time the training of Rural Health Superintendents and Sanitary
Inspectors started in Nigeria.
In this chapter our focus was on the meaning of public health in promotion of health,
including tackling health inequalities. Public health address quality and clinical
standards in clinical governance. Public health also includes environmental health and
laws because in the prevention of diseases a healthy environment that is pollutant free is
essential. It also entails provision of adequate nutrition and housings.
In this chapter it very clear that the basic function of public health is to determine
disease pattern among the population, their causes and ways of preventing and recording
deaths births, changes in population and other social behaviour patterns,
1. Honoré, P. A., and T. Schlechte. 2017. State public health agency expenditures:
Categorizing and comparing to performance levels. Journal of Public Health
Management and Practice 13(2):156-162.
2. Saka, M.J 2017.Chapter one in a book titled;- the Nigeria Public Health Law
The chapter unit will discuss the essential characteristics of public health law structure, process
and Implementation. The unit also discussed law reform and intervention.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Essential Different Between Public Health Law, Medicine and Law
2. Describe the Structure of The Public Health Law
3. Describe Public Health Law Process and Improvement
4. Dsicuss Law Reform and Health Interventions
5. Discuss the Role of Legistlature in Implementation of Public Health Law
3.3 Public Health Law Process and Improvement
Public health law (PHL) envisages the tasks of individuals and the roles of government
on healthy society. Thus, public health law serves as a legal framework and foundation
for public health issues. Public health law should ensure that public health institutions
are fully and capable of responding to current and future public health fears.
Unfortunately, the existing public health laws often fail to take determinants of health
into account in carrying out their essential services to achieve the stated goal.
3.4 Role of Legistlature in Implementation of Public Health Law
The legislature should impose responsibilities on health departments to initiate a broad
range of activities relating to surveillance, control of communicable and non-
communicable diseases, environmental sanitation, and prevention of injuries. It is
significant that health officials should maintain flexibility in the used of power to
achieve public health goal.
The law must also place proper limits on powers to protect human dignity and rights.
These can best be accomplished if:
In this chapter our focus was on the meaning of Public Health, Health Law and Public
Health Law. We equally discussed the differences and similarities between Public
Health Law, Medicine and Law. The Structure of Public Health Law and role of
legislatures in implementation of Public Health Law Interventions.
In this chapter it very clear that there are many differences between public health, health
law and public health law. The legislatures roles in public health law interventions
implementation are important for improving health outcomes of the population.
1. Saka M.J. Legislative response to health. In Chapter three of the Nigeria public
health Law 2017. Published in Unilorin.
2. Goodman, R. A., P. L. Kocher, D. J. O’Brien, and F. S. Alexander. 2018. The
structure of law in public health systems and practice
3. Acheson D. Public health in England. The report of the committee of inquiry into
the future development of the public health function. London: HMSO
4. Shapiro RJ. Future cast: how superpowers, populations and globalization will
change the way you live and work. New York, St Martin’s Press, 2018.
5. Saka M.J. Definition and the historical development of public health law. In
Chapter one of the Nigeria Public Health Law. 2017, Vol 1;1-7
In this Chapter we shall be considering the global development of Public Health Law in
other countries
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Describe The Origin of Public Health Law a Global Perspective
2. Discuss the Contribution of The Ancient Greece
3. Describe role of Public Health Law in Conquering an Epidemic
4. Discuss how Public Health Laws help in Combating Epidemic Diseases
5. Explain Enforcement of Sanitary Rules and Regulation
6. Describe the Role of International Development Law Organization in Public
Health Law
3.1 The Historical Origin Development of Public Health Law; Global Perspective
Since the disease is as old humanity, society has realized from its beginnings that
organized efforts by the sovereign power are necessary to cope with plague and
pestilence. Perhaps the initial of the sanitary codes was the ordered by Moses for the
government of ancient Hebrews. This code, as given in Chapters 11 to 16 of the Book of
Leviticus, was transcribed some five centuries before the Christ dates from about 1500
B .C., and is based in part upon the Code of Hammurabi of 4,000 years ago. The ancient
Greeks and the Romans recognized the value of sanitary measures and were "the most
sagacious and extensive legislators in such matters;
3.2 Contribution of The Ancient Greece. Plato (427-847 s.c.). Aristotle (384-322
B.C). King John II, Edward III
Plato (427-847 s.c.). Aristotle (384-322 B.C) stated that no city should exist without
health officers. The positions occupied in ancient Greece by such notable figures as
Epaminondas, Demosthenes, and Plutarch, who wrote a book on rules of health in 494
B.C on the duties of the Roman, which include sanitary supervision of city districts.
Though in medieval Europe, the first sanitary laws were promulgated by King John II of
France in 1350 by 1357, Edward III of England promulgated a royal edict against
pollution of the Thames. In 1348, during an epidemic of plague, Venice appointed a
board of health, which established guidelines for forty days' isolation of infected
persons, thus giving rise to the term "quarantine." In 1374, Venice imposed quarantine
upon maritime commerce, a procedure monitored by other cities, such as Ragusa and
Marseille. In the centuries that followed, sanitary ordinances were adopted from time to
time, but when Queen Victoria climbed the throne of England in 1837, the science of
public health was virtually unrecognized by the parliament. Through the influence of
Edwin Chadwick, a lawyer who was secretary of the Poor Law Commission, physicians
were employed to investigate conditions contributing to ill health. In 1842 Chadwick
published a report on the sanitary situation of the laboring classes, and in 1843 a Royal
Commission was appointed to study the health of large towns and populous districts? As
a result of these activities, a General Board of Health created in England in 1848.
According to Dr William H. Welch, he says, ―for the first time in human history was the
upkeep of the health of the people fully recognized as an important administrative
function of government." This marks the modern public health era dates from the event.
3.6 Role of International Development Law Organization in Public Health Law
On 26 April 2010, the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) hosted an
international professional talk on the provision of a manual to assist countries engaged
in the process of developing, modernizing and improving their public health laws. The
discussion took place at IDLO’s regional office in Cairo, Egypt. Participants made of
twenty-two experts from many countries, such as Australia, Argentina, Brazil, China,
Canada, Columbia, Egypt, Ecuador, Indonesia, South Africa, Suriname, Uganda, and
the United States of America attended the conference. International agencies including
the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR);
WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO); and the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP). The Cairo consultation followed from an initial talk
at IDLO headquarters in Rome, 26-28 April 2009.
In this chapter unit, historic development of public health law extensively discussed.
The role of Greece and role of public health law in combating outbreak of epidemic
In this chapter it very clear that public health law practices differed from one country to
another and also different implementation of public health law occurred in each State of
1. The World Health Report 2003: shaping the future. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 2013 (, accessed 11
April 2019).
2. Saka M.J Historic Development of Public Health Law in The Nigeria Public
Health Law First Edition. Page 11-14
In this chapter unit we shall be considering the development of public health law in
Nigeria with particular preference to different parts, focus and description. The Unit also
discuss the policy issues to development of public health and primary health care.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Describe The Origin of Public Health in Nigeria
2. Explain establishment of Primary health care
3. Describe the development of Public Health Law
4. Discuss different part, focus and Description of Public Health Law
The public health laws are contained in special volumes of the laws of each state. Public
health law is made up of different parts as in the table below.
In Nigeria the history of public health law stemmed from the outbreak of diseases such
as Cholera, Yellow fever, Yaws, Chicken pox and Small-pox in the mid-20th century.
Nigeria had the Public Health Ordinance designated as public health law in 1948, The
first attempt to explain public health law practices In Nigeria is written in a book title
The Nigeria Public Health law by Saka M.J (2017). Finally, description of different
parts, focus and description of what constitute public health law in Nigeria.
In this chapter it very clear that public health law practices differed from one country to
another and also different implementation of public health law occurred in each State of
In this Chapter we shall be considering the trend in the establishments of Public Health
Law with emphasis on conceptualization of public health law.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Describe The Trend of Law and Public Health Issues
2. Discuss the Legal Authority Appraisal of Public Health Law
3. Distinguish Between Old and New Public Health Law
3.4 Looking at The New Public Health Rules
Public health rules that affect independence (such as quarantine, isolation, and directly
observed treatment), confidentiality (such as partner notification and reporting) and
autonomy (such as mandatory testing, immunization or treatment) may undergo more
inspection. The legal systems, before the exercise of compulsory powers more rigorous
procedural, must be available. It may require health officials to adopt a standard of
―significant risk‖ before resorting to compulsion. Also, the major risk point to a direct
threat and safety of other people on an unremovable issue by a modification of practices,
policies or procedures. Consequently, under this normal, treatment in advanse, such as a
judgment to use essential authorities, would only be allowed if the individual posed a
significant risk to the health or safety of others. A substantial risk regarding
communicable diseases determined through an individualized assessment of the mode of
transmission, the probability of transmission, the severity of harm and the duration of
infectiousness. General or overlapping provisions concerning public health duties and
responsibilities sometimes result in confusion about who has what public health powers
and when exercising those powers. This confusion is logical, given the ladder-upon-
layer tactic of law in public health, even the most skillful lawyers will struggle in
providing clear responses to public health executives about the right to act. One major
advantage of reform to public health law would be to offer better clearness on legal
powers and responsibilities.
Public health law conceptually related to the arenas of law and medicine, it is a
distinctive discipline which is subjected to empirical, theoretical and practical
distinction from other disciplines at the nexus of the health and law.
The governments in Nigeria like other countries today have passed a law in response to
specific disease threats such as yellow fever, trypanosomiasis, sexually transmitted
infection and HIV/AIDS, road traffic accident.
Some old laws may fail to allow public health agencies, the choice to administrative
regulation for enactments. One major advantage of reform to public health law would
be to offer better clearness on legal powers and responsibilities
In this Chapter we shall be considering the trend in the establishments of Public Health
Law. We will also discuss the attributes and usefulness of public health Law in
improving population health.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Describe The The Framework of Public Health Law and Ottawa Declaration
2. Describe The Framework of Public Health Law and Tallinn Charter Decalration
on Health Systems
3. Enumerate the Rationale for the Establishment of Public Health Law
3.1 The Framework of Public Health Law and Ottawa Declaration on Health
Public health law provides an opportunity for development of a framework of the
philosophy of public health. The Charter for health promotion was agreed upon in
Ottawa November 1986 at the First International Conference on Health Promotion was a
useful example. It takes a proactive and broad view of health to define the prerequisites
for health as ―peace, shelter, food, income, education, a stable eco-system, social justice,
equity and sustainable resources. There are prerequisites required for improvement in
health which was recognised in Ottawa as the coordinated action of‖ the governments,
non-governmental and voluntary organisations, local authorities, industry, and the
media.‖ It highlights the essential for administrations to build ―healthy public policy‖
and to ―accept their tasks for health‖ through a varied range of policies and initiatives,
including the construction of healthy environments and the strengthening of community
3.2 The Framework of Public Health Law and Tallinn Charter Decalration on
Health Systems
A shared commitment to improving health as well as healthcare system operation
recently captured in 2008. International Conference on health systems for health and
wealth by WHO tagged ―Tallinn Charter‖ which confirmed and articulated the
following principles:
Promote shared values of equity, participation, and solidarity through resource
allocation, health policies for the needs of the vulnerable groups and the poor;
Investment in health systems spread across other sectors that affect health;
Make health systems more responsive to people’s needs, expectations and
preferences while recognizing their rights and responsibilities about their health;
Engage stakeholders development and implementation of policy.
3.3 Rationale for the Establishment of Public Health Law
Appropriate legislation is fundamental to improving public health. At the national level
countries continuously need to review and update health legislature for:
1. protection and promotion of populations health;
2. sustain their health policies and programmes;
3. prevent ill-health resulting from unsafe products and unsafe living conditions;
4. fight new and re-emerging communicable diseases;
5. support the development of health systems; and
6. combat continuing poverty, inequities in health and discrimination.
At the international level:
1. contemporary global health challenges reveal our inter-dependence, and demand
collective consensus and collective action;
2. national and international health laws are mutually supportive, and are vital to
protecting and promoting health; and
3. the importance of health legislation reflected in many national constitutions and
the WHO Constitution.
4.0 CONCLUSION The chapter examined the rationale for the establishments of
public health law. It also discussed various type of declarations on the framework
for public health Laws in Nigeria
The rationed for Public Health Law is not only for the protection and
preservation of health of population. It is a collection of do and don’t. Like other
law it is formulated by law makers at all levels.
In this Chapter we shall be considering the trend in the establishments of Public Health
Law. We will also discuss the attributes and usefulness of public health Law in
improving population health.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Describe the do and don’ts of public health laws
2. Discuss continuum nature of public health law
3. Describe the territorial and regional limit of public health law
4. Describe reformed and advancement of public health laws to the community
3.3 Public Health Laws Are Made to Addresses Health Issues
VI. Public health laws are often the reaction or response of the lawmakers to the
problems and issues confronting health systems in the country. More so Public
health related laws are often passed in response to deal with the issues causing
dilapidating or collapse of the health of the country. Public health laws are often
a picture, or it gives a picture of the issue’s society is trying to solve. It reflects
the stage of the development of civilization.
3.5 Amendment and reformed of Public Health Laws to meet the needs of
the people as changes occur, and society grows
XI. Public Health Law is dynamic in nature and may be amended and reformed to
meet the needs of the people as changes occur, and society grows. Thus, Public
health legislation evolves over time, and it changes. Accordingly, public health
law should get better with time to better secure and achieve the objectives of the
The chapter unit discussed the various attributes of Public health laws ranging from the
don and don’t. the territorial and regional. It also discussed the advancement with
continuum nature.
The rationed for Public Health Law is not only for the protection and preservation of
health of population. It is a collection of do and don’t. Like other law it is formulated by
law makers at all levels.
In this Chapter we shall be considering the trend in the establishments of Public Health
Law. We will also discuss the attributes and usefulness of public health Law in
improving population health.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Explain the different types on usefulness of the Public Health Law
3.1 Introduction
Public Health Law, of whatever form is a necessity for right life or good life in any
realm. However, the functions of public health legislation in the community include:
3.2 Code, Rule and Structure
I. It is a code of conduct.
II. A rule of action to ensure that persons, bodies, and community live orderly,
peaceful and healthy lives
III. It specifies the structure, framework and the order for all health aspects of life
and society, whether it be the structure of government, or private and so forth.
3.3 Right, Framework, Instrument
IV. It is a guarantee of rights, freedoms, and duties.
V. It is a necessary framework to ensure a functional and free society.
VI. It is an instrument of regulating healthy living in the humanity.
VII. Public health law prohibits what is wrong, lawlessness and unlawful conduct.
VIII. It ensures order and peace in health systems. Otherwise, life would be brutish,
nasty and with high premature death.
3.4 Acceptable Conduct or Behavior and Standard
IX. Public Health Laws and regulations prescribing what is acceptable conduct or
behavior for better health outcome, which is standard a person (health workers,
owner of premises) must comply with and prohibiting conduct which is
objectionable can be used to civilize and make society a better living condition
save from health hazards and risks.
3.5 A Tool For Restructure Any Aspect Or Sector Of The Environment
X. Public health law is a tool or an instrument of political, economic and social
change and stability.
XI. Public health law can be used to restructure any aspect or sector of the
environment, to improve, re-organize, upgrade, preserve, protect, establish,
recover, save, pardon and so forth in health-related matters.
3.6 Prohibition of customs and practices
XII. Public health law is used to prohibit what is unhealthy conduct.
XIII. It forbids obnoxious and inhuman customs and practices and reforms society.
XIV. Public health law changes society and society in, turn reforms and advances
public health law in a continuous circle.
3.7 Legal tool for growth
XV. Public health law is a legal tool for the growth and advancement of society.
XVI. Public health law provides the environment that enables individuals,
organisations and society to live, operate and to realise their aims and ambitions
and to reach their fullest potentials.
3.8 Regulating Society
XVII. Public health law is a means of regulating society. It prescribes acceptable
conduct and prohibits unacceptable behaviour.
XVIII. It penalises wrong, criminal or unlawful conduct.
3.9 Establishment of law of Enforcement Agencies
XIX. Public health law creates law enforcement agencies such as NEMA, NAFDAC
etc health institutions (Teaching Hospitals and Federal Medical Centers),
administration of justice system, penal and correctional institutions and facilities.
3.10 Legitimacy, Equality and Justice
XX. Public health law is an instrument of legitimacy. It is used to confer legitimacy
and call what is right legitimate. On the other hand, it is used to call what is
wrong illegitimate.
XXI. A means of achieving social equilibrium, equality, social justice and by extension
peace. Women rights to health, children health rights and prevent discrimination
of the minority by the majority, gender discrimination and other forms of
discrimination and put measures in place that will guarantee equal opportunities
and even development.
In this chapter unit is very explicit on usefulness of public health laws for human growth
and development.
Public Health Laws is used to confer legitimacy and call what is right legitimate. On the
other hand, it is used to call what is wrong illegitimate.
A means of achieving social equilibrium, equality, social justice and by extension peace.
In this unit we shall be considering the origin of the concept of public Health law, some
definitions of law and theories of law.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Define the term law
2. Mention and describe some of the theories of law.
3. Describe the origin of law
4. Define Morality
5. State the different and similarity between morality and law
3.2 Definition of Law
The next issue we shall be discussing in this unit is the definition of law. There are
several definitions of law, this is because it has been difficult to build consensus
among jurists, legal practitioners, legal scholars, social scientists and even among
anthropologists as to the actual meaning of law. As Elegido (2006) rightly notes law
is a very complex phenomenon which can be studied from many different
perspectives. However, this does not mean that there no accepted definition of law.
And on this note we shall examine some definitions which we consider appropriate
for the purpose of this course.
According to Jegede (1981) law is an instrument of social change, instructional
framework employed by man in society either to dictate and promote the required
change in the development of values of the society or to respond to and control changes
dictated by the political and socio-economic facts of life of the society. Law may also be
defined as set of rules that regulate the relationship between members of a given society
a breach of which attracts sanction.
Law can also be defined as major means by which institutions that provide public
service such as health care, education or other social amenities and benefits are
established, regulated, structured and the conduct of their affair monitored. What the
above means is that law is not only meant to regulate the affairs of people in their
relationship with one another, but also the affairs of institutions that provide public
service. This aspect of law appears to have been very much neglected in Nigeria,
because most public institutions are not made to account, their activities are poor or
sometimes totally unregulated. This brings about arbitrariness and acting with
impunity. This is most important if viewed from the public health law perspective,
because most institutions do not obey public health laws which perhaps is one of the
reasons for the high rate of public health diseases. Even organization such
Environmental Sanitation Authorities do not abide by rules regarding the collection
and disposal of refuse. However, from the above you will notice that the intention of
the law is to ensure rules, regulation and a decent society where everything is done
according to rules and not based on might or brute power. As Ogbu (2002) states ―every
human activity is carried on within the framework of the law‖.
3.3 Theories of Law
We shall now consider some of the theories of law. There are several theories of law just
like the definition of law because several scholars and philosophers' have viewed it how
law works from their own personal construct or world view. Some of the major theories
of law include: the natural school, the positivist theory, the utilitarian theory and the
Marxist theory of law among others. We shall now consider each of these theories
briefly in turn.
What you need to know is that the natural law scholars are arguing that law is inherent
in human nature, it existed before man because it was by law God created the universe
as it was law that was used to bring the disorder that existed before creation to order.
They are also arguing that no matter where we find ourselves there are certain things
that are naturally forbidding in all society. For example, to kill somebody, telling lies,
taking another person 's property without their consent. Even until recently marriage
between man and man was regarded as wrong. As we can see in the case of Corbett v.
Corbett (1971) p. 83 at 106 where Ormerod J. Held that a ―a marriage between a man
and a person who had undergone a sex change was a nullity since it could not involve
the natural, biologically determined consequences of marriage‖.
On the whole there are certain things that are wrong and since they are wrong nobody
should do them because they are wrong. People should rather do what is right as doing
wrong will definitely attract punishment from God. As Elegido (2006) rightly points out
―some actions are objectively right and others are objectively wrong. For instance, it is
objectively right to keep promises or to be kind to neighbours and it is objectively
wrong to indulge in gratuitous cruelty towards other human beings. Some of the
scholars associated with the natural school of law theory include: Aristotle, Cicero, St.
Augustine (354 – 430), St. Thomas Aquinas (1225 – 1274), others are Thomas
Hobbes (1588 – 1679), John Locke (1632 – 1704), John Rawls and Sir William
Blackstone (1723 – 1780) who argued that ―natural law is willed by God and
discoverable by reason, positive law deriving its binding force from natural law;
therefore any positive law that conflicts with natural law is a nullity ‖. However, some
scholars disagree with this line of reasoning this led to positivist movement.
According to Bentham who is the father of the utilitarian theory a measure may be
justified by utility which increases the happiness of a few greatly even though it
marginally diminishes that of the many. And what is meant by the principle of utility is
that the principle approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever, according to the
tendency which it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party
whose interest is in question; or, what is the same thing in other words, to promote or to
oppose the happiness.
The point been made here which may appear little complex and difficult to understand
is that every action should be weigh against a number of variables which add pleasure
and pain to members of the society and if adding more pain to a particular person or
group of persons would lead to the greater happiness of the majority of members of that
society then that person or group of persons happiness should be augmented with pain
so that there will be greater happiness for the majority of society. Bentham developed a
list of 14 pleasures, 12 pains and 7 criteria which all actions should be tested against to
determine the happiness and relevant consequences. The seven criteria include:
intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity, purity and extent.
However, just like the earlier two theories the utilitarian theory has come under heavy
criticism. First, because the so-called felicific calculus is impracticable as know nobody
can know all the consequences of his action before they are carried out. Secondly, it
lack morality because we cannot justify inflicting pain on some people in order to let
some enjoy and this is what some scholars argue that the pleasures and pain of different
people are not intra-commensurable. Thirdly, most human desires and satisfaction are
capable of manipulation and finally who is the lamb that Bentham thinks should be
offered for the satisfaction of society in every action. This again appears to have
motivated another school of legal thought called the Marxist theory.
According to Marx in every society there are production forces which include: facilities,
materials, machinery, labour and conditions of production including the technological
knowledge available in that society. In this system there is a relationship between the
force of production and the social class which he categorized into three namely: the
proletarians (who are the labourer or lower member of the society who sell their labour
(skills) in order to earn a living), the capitalists (who are the owners of the means of
production and who hire the labour or make him to sell his labour at a given price) and
the land-owners (who are the law lords who decide what happens in the society). That
while the labourer is made to sell is labour at a fixed price which paid for by the
capitalist, the capitalist is not compel to sell the product produced by the labour at a
fixed rate. He decides how much to sell it and in the process make huge profit which is
never shared with the labourer who was responsible for the process of producing the
product. And in most cases what the labour gets for his labour is never commensurate
with the effort he puts into the production. At the end the capitalists and land owner
make and retain huge profit and further exploit the labour by selling is product to him
(the labourer) at a high price. At every given time in society the law is made to ensure
that this class status is maintained and the labourer is unable to move from the class he
belongs and if attempt is made by the proletarians to bridge the gap, the capitalists and
land owners make laws to either widen it or maintain.
The Marxist theory to say the least is one of the most complex theories of law, because
it tried to combine economic, social and legal concepts together. However, the point
you need to note is that in any given society there are three broad groups of classes and
laws are made to ensure that people in one class continue to remain in their class and to
be exploited by others especially the capitalists and the land owner. Although, this is
common to all societies including developed, developing and less developed societies,
however, these illustrations are more apt when you consider most African society in
particular Nigeria. Where laws are made to ensure that rich get richer and poor get
poorer through the policies that are never targeted at obliterating the various social
class. Thus, the children of the poor continue to attend poor school, have access to poor
health care, while the children of the rich and the ruling class continue to attend better
school, receive better health care and at the end are more healthy and better suitable to
get a good job while the child of poor if he is luck to survive disease and poor
education ends doing menial job. Thus the rich and ruling class children grow into the
rich and ruling class automatically, while the children of the poor struggle to get out of
the proletarian class which is not easy because of the laws that are made to deliberately
make it near impossible for them to break into either of the upper social classes.
From the definitions we have considered so far have you been able to notice some key
issue about morality? Can you see that when discussing morality we are actually
referring to:
What is good and bad
What is right and wrong
What is not prescribed by the sovereignty that is the government
It is based on what the society considers or what their religion or they as
individuals consider reasonable.
Therefore, we can say that morality deals with what one consider as standard
behaviour which makes it vary from one person to another and from one society to
another society.
3.5 Difference Between Morality and Law
The next issue we shall be considering in this unit is the difference between law and
morality; and it is more challenging to make watertight compartmentalisation between
law and moral because they are very co- extensive. As Mandal (2004) notes ―law and
morality have always been at loggerhead with each othe r‖.
From the above you can see that although the two concepts are co-extensive, they are
not co-terminus which means there is some difference between the two of them. There
are quite a number of differences between law and moral, and we shall be discussing a
few of them.
One of the differences between law and morality is that law does not punish every
omission except where there is a legal duty imposed which was not or neglected to be
undertaken. While morality punish every act of omission whether a legal duty exist or
not. What the above means is that the law will not be activated except someone is
under a legal duty to do something and has failed, omitted or refused or neglected to
carry out that duty. For example, there is no legal duty on a Community Health
Practitioner to render health care services to any mental patient he sees on the road.
And so, if he fails to render services to a person whose relation has mental illness on
the street that other cannot complain of professional negligence and succeed in the
law Court because there is no law stating that and no duty is imposed. But in the court
of morality he would be judge as guilty because morally it is proper for him to have
render services to a fellow man having a health challenge.
Another difference between law and morality is that law is a continuously evolving
norm, while morality is constant or fix. What this simply means is that law changes
very often as the society change from time to time based on demand of modernity.
However, morality does not change easily with time it tends to remain constant as it
has been observed in that particular society in the past. For example, the Osu cast
system in Igboland has not changed despite the several laws and court judgments that
have declared it as discriminatory especially section 42 of the 1999 Constitution.
One other difference between law and morality is that law can be legislated but it is
impossible for morality to be legislated. What we are trying to say here is that you make
a law and compel people to obey it through its enforcement. Conversely, you cannot
pass morality into law. As Elegido (2006) illustrates ―it is true that if a law clashes with
many people behave that the law is impotent in influencing the moral ideas of people.
This has been illustrated in Nigeria by the unsuccessful efforts to abolish the Osu cast
system and to control the payment of bride price by means of law‖.
Furthermore, law is coercive by nature while morality is persuasive as people are at
liberty not to obey a particular moral injunction. According Mandal (2004) ―the only
difference between law and morality is that law is coercive and morality is not. Law
is enforced by coercion and its constant application on a society leads to the
internalisation of law in human soul. The point been made here is that one is under
compulsion to obey the law and failure to do so could lead to some consequences. But
there is no compulsion in morality. Nevertheless, there are some unpublished
consequences such as scorn, self-belittling and public odium.
A further difference between law and morality is that morality can easily be enforced,
but law is more difficult to enforce. What this simply means is that members of a
given society can easily see the accepted standard of behaviour held by the society and
abide by it without any use of force. But in law it is always enforced for people to see
it. For instance, in Nigeria as well as in most African society men are seen or
perceived as superior to women and this is held by all as they grow up without any
force applied. Yet the law says there is equality of all sex and there should be no
discrimination on the basis of sex. But it has been difficult to erase the mentality of
men superiority over the years despite the law. From the above discussion you can see
that there is difference between law and morality.
Again law and morality operates within the same framework. As Elegido explains ―law
creates real obligation in the citizen only because it operates within the framework of
morality. For example, morality exposes us to some basic norms which prescribes that
we must do to foster the common good of the community and that in order to do that
effectively we must obey certain rules established by custom or laid down by the
authority. Furthermore, both law and morality have some form of sanction. For instance,
sanctions in law take the form of coercion while in morality the sanction takes the form
of reprobation, repulsion and ostracism.
In this unit you will recall we discussed the origin of the concept of law, the definition
of law and some theories of law. And you will remember we said there are several
arguments about the origin of law, however, we agreed that law is as old as man. We
equally defined law as rules made to regulate peoples relationship in given society
including institutions found in that society. Finally, we consider some theories of law
which included: the natural school, the positivist school, the utilitarian theory and the
Marxist theory. We also mentioned other theories of law. It is hoped that you can
describe the origin of law, define law in your own words and be able to mention some
theories of law. In the unit we also focus on the definition of morality and what is
socially morally accepted standard. We equally discussed the differences and
similarities between law and morality. It is hoped that you should be able to now define
morality and enumerate some difference and similarities between law and morality.
5. 0 S UM M AR Y
In this unit our discussion was focused on the origin of law in which we attempted to
trace the beginning of law which we agreed is from the beginning of creation. We also
defined law and mentioned several theories of law and briefly discussed four of the
theories. Our discussion was also focused on the definition of morality which is referred
to as a code of conduct in matter of right and wrong. We also enumerated the difference
and similarities between law and morality.
In this unit we shall be considering the various classification of law and the functions of
law in a given society.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. State the various classifications of law
2. Describe some classification of law
3. State some functions of law.
The first class of law we shall be discussing is criminal law which can also be called
criminal litigation is that branch of law which deals with what is considered as an
offence, how the violators of such offence are prosecuted and punished. Criminal
proceedings are always at the instance of the state and not the victim of the offence
because the act or omission is considered to be a breach of state laws. In criminal
law the offence or the wrong must be defined and the punishment for breaching it
also written or stated in document often referred to as the criminal code. In Nigeria
in particular by virtue of section 36(12) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria a person cannot be punished or proceeded against in criminal
prosecution if the offence for which is being prosecuted is not defined or written in
law and the punishment stated. This was the position of the Court in the case of Aoko v.
Fagbemi (1963) All NLR 400 where the accused who charged and convicted for
adultery in Southern Nigerian had his conviction quashed on appeal because adultery is
defined as a crime in any written law in South but it is an offence in the North.
―... It does not even seem to be sensible thing to stop a plaintiff from instituting
an action merely because the criminal action in the same matter has not been
Basically civil law tries to regulate the private affairs of people and gives a person who
has been wronged in the process of their private relationship an opportunity to bring an
action to either stop the wrong if it is of a continuing nature, for example, trespass to
land or owing of debt; or claim a remedy or compensation for injuries caused by the
other party. Some ready example and often witness civil litigations include: action for
breach of contract, tortuous act; breach of trust and recovery of property.
The next class of law we shall be discussing is public law which is that branch of law
that deals with the regulation of public institutions such as the educational institutions,
health institutions, utility institutions and their relationship with the members of the
society and with each other. It is intend to ensure that public actors and actions are
carried out judiciously and judicially. That is to say people must exercise the duty of the
office in fairness and in firmness to ensure that their actions do not impinge negatively
on members of the public or other organs of government. Some example of public law
include: Constitutional law, Administrative law, Criminal law, International law,
Human Rights law and Public health laws.
This branch of law provide avenue for individuals or even the government itself to hold
public institutions accountable, monitor, regulate and supervise their activities. In order
to ensure that they not only conform to the framework setting them up but also to ensure
that the general public have satisfactory services.
Conversely, private law is that branch of law which regulate the private relationship
between individuals and organisation which are not public in nature but provide services
to the public. It would be necessary to give some example to make a clearly distinction
here. For example, the telecommunication companies like MTN is a private organisation
though it provides services to the public what regulates its relationship with other
organisation or the individual customer is not public law, but private law. But the
Nigerian Communication Commission which regulates the telecommunication industry
is a public organisation, and what regulates its relationship with individual is largely
public law and to some extent private law especially, where issues of contract are
involved. Some examples of private law include: Commercial law, Property law, family
law including Wills and Probate, Banking and Insurance laws, Intellectual and Industrial
Property law, Law of Tort and Trust and Company law.
Municipal or domestic law are those laws made by a given country which have legal
force only within its jurisdiction and applicable to its citizens wherever they go. They
are laws which have no force once they leave the shores of the country in which they are
legislated or made. For example, the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of
Nigeria only has application within Nigeria and has no application to her closest
neighbours like Benin Republic or Ghana or Togo despite the fact that they all members
of ECOWAS. However, a Nigerian law applies to a Nigerian citizen wherever he goes,
therefore, if a Nigerian citizen commits an act which is known as an offence in Nigeria
in a foreign country where such an act is not an offence. He would be said to have
breach Nigerian laws and Nigeria can apply for his extradition if she already has an
extradition treaty with that particular country. Some example of domestic or municipal
laws in addition to the constitution already mentioned include the Economic and
Financial Crime Commission Act, National Drug Law Act, Trafficking in Children and
Persons Act.
It is necessary for you to also know that there is public and private international law.
While public international seeks to regulate the relationship between states, however, in
recent times its scope has been expanded to be concerned with individuals especially,
with regards to the most serious crimes such as genocide, crime against humanity, war
crimes, piracy and other crimes considered as crime by the international community as a
whole (Dixon, 2007). Conversely, private international law regulates the relationship
between multi and transnational corporations and individual citizens of different
The next class of law we shall consider is the Received English law which refers to
those laws which were introduced in the Nigerian legal system as a result of British
colonial rule. They are largely English laws some of which are still operational in
England, they have form part of our legal system and regulate certain relationship.
These include the Statute of General Application, the Common Law doctrine and the
principle of Equity which is seeks to ensure good conscience, fairness and natural
justice. The aim of the principle of equity is to mitigate the hardship pose by Common
law decision of the Common Law Courts in England which were based on customary
English laws.
Customary law are those laws which are regarded as indigenous to members of a given
community based on their customs and tradition which regulate affairs of the members
since time immemorial. For them to acquire the force of law they must have acquired
long usage, recognised by the people and can be proven as consistently applied over a
long period of time. However, with the advent of English law and enactment of modern
laws most provisions of customary law which offend good conscience or are
incompatible with public policy or inconsistent with natural justice or repugnant is
declared null and void.
See the case of Mojekwu v. Mojekwu (1997) 7 NWLR (pt.512 at 283 Where the Court
of Appeal held that the Nnewi custom which allows a deceased brother who died
intestate without a male child to inherit his estate instead of the biological female
children and the wife was repugnant and against natural justice. However, some
examples of customary include: the Sharia law; and Customary laws that are enforced
by the various Sharia Courts in the North and Customary Courts in the South.
The next branch of law we shall be examining is statute law. These are laws contained
in a legislation which are enacted by the legislature at any level or the recognised law
making body, because some bodies which are not legislative can make laws especially
at the international level where there is no legislative body and among social groups or
association which have constitution which are deemed as laws but not made by a
legislative body. Statute is a major source of law because it defines and contains all the
intent and provisions as well as the limitation of the law. Example of Statute laws
include: the Constitution, Acts of the National Assembly, Laws of a State and Bye-laws
of a Local Government under a democratic setting. Others include: Decrees and Edict of
the Federal Military Government and State Governments during Military rule. Statute
general take effect from the date they are signed into law and rarely have retrospective
effect except the law-making body expressly states so in the law.
3.2 Functions of Law
We shall now consider some of the functions of law. There are several functions law
perform in a given society and the list in inexhaustive; however, we shall enumerate
some that are considered very relevant in this course.
One of the primary functions of law is that is acts as the denominator of all social order.
That is it is foundation of all social relationship and regulation, and anything or action
that is inconsistent with the law is regarded as illegal or unlawful.
Another function of law is that it promotes human health and healthy environment.
This is very important with regards this course because public health law is targeted at
protecting and promoting human health and a healthy environment, but unfortunately
very little attention is paid to this function of law. Hence the high morbidity and
mortality rate in Nigeria. We need to realise that a threat to life is not as dangerous to a
threat to the environment. This is because a threat to life will have no effect on the
environment, but every threat to the environment has the capacity to impair our life or
make it become meaningless. For example, if water is polluted with mercury it can
lead to a lot of death, even air pollution cause death, but threaten one individual with a
knife would not endanger many lives like air or water pollution. Can you therefore, see
why public health law is important? Also law is used to regulate private relationship
and protect the family. This is because nobody can invade the privacy of another.
Furthermore, law is used to protect the basic freedom of individuals. For example,
nobody can be detained unlawfully without committing any offence and in most case
it has to be at instances of a court of competent jurisdiction. Also the law guarantees
us the freedom speech, association, religion and movement. One other function of law
is that it regulates the major organs and institutions of government. For example, the
relationship between the executive and the legislature on the one hand and between the
judiciary is regulated or based on the law. Anything done between them that is not in
conformity with the law is illegal and void ab initio. Law also help keep individuals,
communities, states and nations at peace. This is because the basic function of law is to
ensure peaceful co-existence and security of all. Therefore, any person that breaches the
peace or threatens the security of other people is regarded as a criminal or is said to have
breached law and is accordingly prosecuted and punished. Equally, law is used as an
instrument of promoting political, economic and social change. Like we said earlier
the list of the functions of law is inexhaustive.
In this unit our focus was on the classes of law and the functions of law. It is believed
you have learnt about the various classes of law and the functions of law. You will
recall we classified law into ten categories which include: criminal, civil, private,
public, municipal, international, customary, received English, statutory and case law.
We also listed several functions of law. It is hoped that you can now classify law and
would be able to list some functions of law in a society.
The focus of this unit was on the classification of law and the functions of law. We
have classified law into various categories and also listed some functions of law.
In this unit we shall be discussing the definition of sources of law and the main sources
of law in Nigeria. This is because the sources of law vary from jurisdiction to
jurisdiction that is from one country legal system to another country‟s legal system.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Define what is meant by sources of law
2. Mention at least four sources of law in Nigeria
3. Describe some of the sources of law in Nigeria in his/her own words
The definition of sources of law is as contentious as the definition of law itself because
source of law connotes different thing to different legal scholars, practitioners, activists,
jurist and social as well as legal anthropologists. First, the source of law could denote
the origin of law that is information relating to the existence of law. In a second sense it
could mean where you can find the law which include books, law reports and legislation
including writings of legal scholar. In a third sense it could mean where law derives
their validity or legality from as a rule of law (Cross, 1961). That is what makes the law
have a binding force and makes it to be regarded as rule that must be obeyed a failure of
which attracts sanction or unpleasant consequences. Although, the three senses make
good for a discussion of the sources of law, however, for the purpose of this unit and
this course we shall concern ourselves with the third meaning of the source law. That is
the main area from which a law can acquire its validity in Nigeria.
One of the main sources of laws in Nigeria is English laws. As mentioned ea rlier
above by virtue of Nigeria been a former colony of Britain the laws enacted in
England were made applicable to Nigeria at that time and this became a major source
of law in Nigeria. For example, the Nigerian law of Evidence is largely the same
with England even in some cases the High Court rules of England still apply today in
Nigeria where the current High Court Rules operating in Nigeria do not make
provision for that particular procedure of Court. For instance, in the case of Ibidapo
v. Lufthansa Airlines (1997) 4 NWLR (pt.498 at 124) the Supreme Court of Nigeria
held that from Independence that is 1960 to date all English laws and other
legislation domesticated in Nigeria which have not been expressly repealed by an
Act of Parliament or declared null and void by a Court of competent jurisdiction
remains in force in Nigeria and all courts and tribunal are to give effect to their
provision. This shows that English law still remain a source of law in Nigeria
especially, those laws that have not been repealed or declared a nullity by our courts.
Equally, apart from the enacted English law the doctrine of Common law and principle
of equity still form part of the Nigerian legal system and therefore, sources of law in
Nigeria. However, you need to know that while the Common law doctrine and principle
of equity still applies in Nigeria, the Statute of General Application which are laws
existing in England before 1900 no longer applies in Nigeria from January, 1900. See
the case of Aro v. Lagos Island Local Government Council (2001) 32 WRN 72 where
Onnoghen (JCA as he then was) stated that 1900 is the cut off date for application of the
Statute of General Application.
Common law rules have divergent meaning but generally speaking it is rules based on
custom generally commonly practiced by the people of England at that time and
decisions of the common law court judges and not necessarily based on legislation.
Some of them imposed hardship on the citizens especially, the poor hence the
principle of equity was developed by the Chancery Courts to mitigate the hardship
pose by the Common law courts decisions. Basically, the principle of equity seeks to
ensure natural justice, equality, fairness and good conscience in the interpretation and
application of the law.
Basically, judicial precedent and case law requires that where a Court of superior
jurisdiction especially, the Supreme Court in the case of Nigeria has made judgment
on a particular point of law all the Courts in Nigeria including the Supreme Court
itself should follow and apply that decision in subsequent cases of similar facts until
the Court overrule itself. There is no doubt some difference exist between judicial
precedent and case law. Because the former command the lower courts to follow a
decision of the superior court, while the latter deals with making a decision to fill a
vacuum in law which is also to be followed by the lower courts. We have given some
examples in Unit 2 which include the case of A.G Abia State & 35 Ors v. Attorney-
General of the Federation (2001) where there was dispute as to the boundary of the
littoral States the Supreme Court in that case determine the coastal boundary of the
littoral states. Similarly, in the case of Ameachi v. PDP (2007) the Supreme Court
again laid a new rule of law which states it is political parties that contest election
and not individuals and whosoever that is valid candidate of party takes office if the
party wins the election. Also, that the Independent National Electoral Commission
has no powers to disqualify a candidate except the political party or a Court of
competent jurisdiction.
3.3.4 Customary Law
Customary law are those laws which are regarded as indigenous to members of a
given community based on their customs and tradition which regulate affairs of the
members since time immemorial. For them to acquire the force of law they must
have acquired long usage, recognised by the people and can be proven as
consistently applied over a long period of time. However, with the advent of English
law and enactment of modern laws most provision of customary law which offend
good conscience or incompatible with public policy or inconsistent with natural
justice or repugnant is declared null and void. See the case of Mojekwu v. Mojekwu
(1997) 7 NWLR (pt.512 at 283 Where the Court of Appeal held that the Nnewi
custom which allows a deceased brother who died intestate without a male child to
inherit his estate instead of the biological female children and the wife was repugnant
and against natural justice. However, some examples of customary include: the Sharia
law; and Customary laws that are enforced by the various Sharia Courts in the North and
Customary Courts in the South.
In this unit our focus was on the definition of the sources of law and the sources of law
in Nigeria. It is believed you have learnt about the various definitions of the sources of
law and the various sources of law in Nigeria. You will recall we defined sources of law
in three ways and discussed four major sources and other sources of law in Nigeria. It is
hoped that you can now define the sources of law and would be able to list some sources
of law in Nigeria.
The focus of this unit was on the definition of the sources of law and the sources of law
in Nigeria. We have defined what we mean by source of law and listed and briefly
discussed several sources of law in Nigeria.
In this unit we shall be discussing the definition of sources of law and the main sources
of law in Nigeria. This is because the sources of law vary from jurisdiction to
jurisdiction that is from one country legal system to another country‟s legal system.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Define what is meant by cross cutting in the sources of public health
2. Mention at least four sources of public health law in Nigeria
3. Describe some of the sources of public health law in Nigeria in your own
3.4 Federal Government, States and Local Government legislation
Another source of environmental or public health laws is Federal Government, States
and Local Government legislation dealing with the environment such environmental
protection laws, sanitation laws and industrial laws. They are sources of public health
laws because they prescribe pollution levels that are allowed, defines environmental
offence and processes of prosecution as well as punishment, refuse collection and
disposal procedures among other. And these no doubt have direct consequences on the
health of the citizens.
3.6 The Law of Torts Dealing with Nuisance, Trespass and Negligence
Equally, the law of torts dealing with nuisance, trespass and negligence are sources of
public health laws because nuisance can cause public problems. And nuisance is
actionable both as a private and public wrong. While the Attorney General is
responsible of commencing action against public nuisance, private individuals can also
commence action in case of nuisance, trespass and negligence which result in health
hazards or threaten health.
3.9 International Law
The last source of public health laws we shall be discussing is international law.
International law is a major source of public and environmental law because it provides
a lot of laws and policies that are aimed at protecting the environment and by extension
public health. For example, the S.24 of the Africa Charter, the 1972 Stockholm
Declaration and the 1992 Rio Declaration which is also called Agenda 21 these
declarations provide quite a number of principles and policies. Like the polluter pay
principles, precautionary principle and the sustainable development principle among
others which help to ensure public health.
In this chapter unit our focus was on the main sources of public health law in Nigeria.
other sources of laws can also be sources of public health law in relation to issues of
public health interest in Nigeria. It is hoped that you can now define the sources of law
and would be able to list some sources of law in Nigeria.
The sources of public health laws are cross cutting, which range from constitution of
federal republic of Nigeria. English law, case law and Judicial precedent, customary
law, law of reform and International law.
In this unit we shall be considering the law-making process in Nigeria and the types of
laws made during different types of administration. Nigeria unlike most other countries
has witnessed two systems of government since Independence. These include
democratic governance and military government which unfortunately has lasted longer
in Nigerian history.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
Before considering the law making process in a military regime it would be important
to define what is law making? Law making or law making process is the process by
which a law is made by a legislative body or a body empowered by law to make laws.
What we are simply trying to say is that is law making is how law is processed for it
to be regarded as a law which has a binding force. For a law to be said to be binding it
must be made by a body empowered to make law otherwise it will be declared null
and void ab initio. For example, in the case of A.G Lagos State v. A.G. Federation
where there was a dispute as to whether the Lagos State Government acting through
the Lagos State House of Assembly can create new Local Government without
approval by the National Assembly. The Supreme Court in that case stated that the
Lagos State cannot effectively create Local Governments with the approval of the
National Assembly.
Ordinarily, law making is the function of legislative body duly elected for the purposes
of law making and which is also referred to as parliament, for example, in Nigeria the
legally recognised bodies to make laws are the National Assembly which consist of the
Senate and the House of Representatives, the 36 States Houses of Assembly, the
Legislative Arms of the 774 Local Government
and Area Councils. Thus, in total currently in Nigeria there are 812 bodies that can
make laws at different levels. See section 4 of the 1999 Constitution. However,
because Nigeria has been so unfortunate to have being forcefully ruled by military,
they too have arrogated to themselves the power to make laws during their tenure of
office. And because the military has ruled Nigeria for 26 years of her Independence
the military appears to have made more laws and it is on this note that it is important,
we examine the process of law making during military rule.
The Military ordinarily do not have powers to make laws, but whenever there is a
military takeover of government it always creates a body that would make laws. For
example, during the first military coup of 1966 Decree No. 1 1966 was enacted and it
suspended major provisions of the 1963 Constitution which recognized the Federal and
Regional Parliament, dissolved the Council of Ministers and ousted the jurisdiction of
the courts to question the validity otherwise of Decree or Edict that would be made by
the Federal Military Government or the State Military Governor. It created the Supreme
Military Council (often referred to as SMC) by virtue of section 8 of Decree 1 of 1966
and vested it with the legislative powers of the country to make laws for the federation,
while the State Military Governors were to make laws which are referred to Edicts for
the state.
In 1967 Decrees Nos 16 and 20 were promulgated to include the State Military
Governors in the Supreme Military Council and also empower the Head of State to
include any person he might deem fit into the Council from time to time (Oluyede,
2001). While we can assume to some extent that there was legislative body at the
federal level in form of the Supreme Military Council which is largely a rubber stamp
of the Head of State, because it has no powers to reject any law the Head of State
want to make. The same cannot be said of the State where only one man decide the
law and promulgate it as an Edict. This is why most scholars of law argue that
military government are aberration because the rights of the citizens to participate in
the debate that would lead to the passage of law is completely trampled upon and
suffocated. Nobody can protest the illegality of their law and succeeded. Although, in
the case of Adamolekum v. The Council of University of Ibadan (1968) NMLR 253
the Supreme Court initially acknowledge the ouster powers of Decree No 1 1966 in
the subsequent case of Lakanmi v. A.G. Western State it reversed itself and ruled that
its jurisdiction cannot be ousted, however, this led to the promulgation of Decree No.
28 of 1970 which appears to be the death kernel passed on the judiciary during the
Military. From the above you have seen that the process of law making during
military administration is by fiat, the laws are not debated, the public is not
involved in the process and nobody can question the validity of the laws made by them.
In fact you can go to bed by 5.30am and by the time you wake up by 7.00am news a
new law has be made. Sometimes they also make their laws to take retrospective effect
like Decree No 4 of 1984.
3.2 Types of Laws in Military Regimes
Basically, there are only two types of law during a military regime. This is because the
third level or tier of government which is the Local Government is
almost always non-existent during military rule and whoever that is appointed as the
administrator has no powers to make laws. Although, during the transition
programmes of General Babaginda and Abacha between 1989 and 1998 the Local
Government legislative arms existed, it is doubtful if they were engaged in any real
business of bye-law making. The major laws during military regimes are Decrees
which is a Federal Government law which have binding force through the country and
also superior to the Constitution based on the way the Decree bringing the military to
power is couched. And the Edict which is state government law which only have
application within the state in which they were made. However, in order to check the
powers of the State Military Governors with regards law making the Federal Military
Government under section 3(4) prohibited the States Governors from making laws on
any item that falls within the exclusive legislative list and obtain consent before
making laws on matters within the concurrent legislative list of the suspended 1963
Constitution (Oluyede, 2001).
As earlier mentioned above under the 1999 Constitution the law-making powers of
government is divided between the three tiers of government. That is the Federal
Government, the State Government and the Local Government Councils. The
National Assembly has exclusive powers to make laws on matters contained in the
Exclusive Legislative list, while both the National Assembly and the State Houses of
Assembly have powers to make laws on matters contained in the Concurrent
legislative list. The State Houses of Assembly have exclusive responsibility to make
laws on matters contained in the Residual legislative list which are matters not
included in either the exclusive or the concurrent legislative list; while the Local
Government Legislative Arms have powers to make byelaws. See Second Schedule
Part I & II, 1999 CFRN as amended. Nevertheless, where there is conflict between a
law made by a State House of Assembly and that made by the National Assembly,
the law of the National Assembly prevails over that of the state. See S.4 (5) 1999
CFRN. In addition, the 1999 Constitution provides for a bi-camera legislature at the
federal level that is the Senate and the House of Representatives which constitut es
the National Assembly. For any law made by the National Assembly to be valid, it
must be passed by both chambers and the bill forwarded to the President for his
assent. See S. 47 and S.58. However, if for any reason the President withholds his
assent to a bill, after thirty days the National Assembly can override the President ‟s
assent by passing it into law by a two third majority. See S.58 (3) – (5). Similar
procedure obtains between a State House of Assembly and the Governor; and
between the Local Government Legislative Arm and the Chairman. The only
difference is that at the state and local government level there is a single legislative
chamber. See S.4 (6), S.90 & S.100 (1) – (5). However, the power of legislative veto
appears to be seldom used in Nigeria. Equally, the National Assembly also have
power to domesticate treaties that is any International law signed by the Federal
Government especially, the President for it to become a binding law in Nigeria by
virtue of s.12(1) of the 1999 Constitution. However, it appears the State Houses of
Assembly also have powers to make treaties by virtue of s.12 (3) of the Constitution.
This provision is not only inconsistent but a precursor to legal conflict and
As Nwapi (2011) rightly notes apart from being unclear, section 12(2) is contradictory,
for example if the subject matter of the treaty falls within the Residual legislative list. Is
it been suggested that the legislative powers of the states will be interfered with because
a treaty obligation of the federal government is to be implemented?
Furthermore, it will be important for you to know that before a law is passed by the
either the National Assembly or a State House of Assembly or a Local Government
Legislative Arm it has to pass through three readings on the floor of the particular
legislative body. And subjected to the particular House Committee in the area which the
law is related, the Committee will organize a public hearing where members of the
public who have views either against or in support of the law would make presentation
which are further debated at the Committee level. A Report of the public hearing and the
Committee recommendations are presented on the floor of the House at plenary and
debated by the Committee of the Whole before the law is finally passed and forwarded
to either the President or Governor or Local Government Council Chairman for assent.
In the case of the National Assembly in case there is any difference between the version
of the law passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives a conference
committee has to be constituted comprising of members of both Chambers to harmonise
the difference before it forwarded to the President for assent. From the above
discussion you can see that there is a great difference between the law-making
process during military administration and civilian administration. You can also
observe that during a democracy the citizens participate very actively in the law-
making process and it goes through several stages. But during military administration
the public is never involved and no procedure is followed all that is need is for the
Head of State or State Governor to call the Attorney General to draft a law even in his
bedroom and it becomes a law. A good example would be the Decree annulling the
June 12 election won by Abiola.
Laws are legislative pronouncements of a State House of Assembly and they have only
binding force within the State in which they are made. They cannot be extended to even
the closest State. For example, the Zamfara State Sharia Law of 2000 has no legal effect
in Sokoto State because the Zamfara State House of Assembly cannot make a law that
would be binding on Sokoto State. The Law must be within the remits of the residual list
or concurrent legislative list if the National Assembly is yet to legislate on that item in
the concurrent list. While Bye-Law are laws made by a Local Government Legislative
Arm. They only have legally binding force within the Local Government Area in which
it was made and cannot be applied in another Local Government Area.
In this unit our focus was on the law-making process in Nigeria, the various law making
bodies and the types of law they make. It is believed you have learnt about the definition
of law-making process, the various law making processes in Nigeria, the law making
bodies and the types of laws made by the various law making bodies. It is hoped that
you can now define law making process, describe the various law making processes in
Nigeria, mention the law making bodies in Nigeria and list the various types of laws
made in Nigeria.
The focus of this unit was on the definition of the law-making process, the various law-
making process and bodies, and the various types of laws made in Nigeria. We defined
what we mean by law making process, describe the law- making process during
military and a democracy, and listed the types of law made in Nigeria.
1. Describe the law-making process during military regime in your own words.
2. (a) Describe the law-making process in a democracy
(b). List two law making bodies in a democracy and briefly explain the types
of laws they make.
In the is unit we shall be considering some types of public health laws and principles
which guide the relationship between the individual, organisations and the government
and between the various levels of government with regards to provision of public health
services and environmental protection.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. List and describe some public health and environmental laws
2. List and describe some environmental law principles
Another type of public health law is disease notification and quarantine service law.
This is law prescribes that government at levels including the international community
should notify the general public of the occurrence of certain diseases which are
referred to as the International notifiable diseases. The World Health Organization
International Health Regulations 1969 requires the reporting of some diseases to the
organization in order to help with its global surveillance and advisory role. The
current (1969) regulations are rather limited with a focus on reporting of three main
diseases: cholera, yellow fever and plague. The revised International Health
Regulations 2005 (which to entered into force in June 2007) has broaden the scope to
include other emerging diseases such as Avian Influenza, SARS, Ebola virus, Mad
cow disease among others and is no longer limited to the notification of specific
diseases. Whilst it does identify a number of specific diseases, it also defines a limited
set of criteria to assist in deciding whether an event is notifiable to WHO.
Similarly, persons suffering from such disease are expected to be isolated, while those
who are suspected to have been exposed to the disease and are likely to suffer it are
quarantine to ensure they are not in position to spread the disease to other members of the
public (Wings et al, 2007). Although, the two terms are sometimes used interchangeable,
they mean different things and process. In the case of isolation it entails keeping a patient
known to have a contagious disease separate from other people. While quarantine means
steps that restricts the movement of a well person who may have been exposed to a
contagious disease and may present the risk of transmitting it to other people. It may
involve sealing off a ship, house or an areas thought to harbour the disease (Wings et al,
2007). It is one of the rare instances when a person ‟s freedom of movement or liberty
may be derogated. In fact in some countries like Kenya you must possess a valid yellow
fever vaccination card in order to gain entry. However, the law also requires the various
government to take immediate measures to combat the spread of such diseases and
where unable should seek assistance.
The next type of public and environmental law we shall be examining is the air pollution
law which prohibit the emission into the atmosphere chemical substances that are
injurious to human health and limit the emission of carbon dioxide and greenhouse
gases. These substances do not only have harmful effect on human health but also
deplete the ozone layer which has led to acid rains in the United Kingdom, global
warming, rise in level of sea water, deforestation and desertification which is put at
100,000km2 and 48km each year (Bell and McGillivray, 2008). Air pollution is
regulated by the Factories Act. Cap. 126 LFN, 1990, the Federal Environmental
Protection Agency Act Cap 131 LFN 1990, 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that
Deplete the Ozone Layer, the 1985 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone
Layer and the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change among others.
One other type of public health law is water pollution law which prohibit the dumping
into water any hazardous waste that is capable of causing harm to human and marine
life. Water pollution is one of the most common sources of pollution because
industries, especially petroleum exploring areas like the Nigerian Niger Delta area
often discharge their waste into water or inadvertently cause pollution. Water
pollutant, especially mercury can be very harmful to human when consumed at the
secondary stage from sea foods. The first major incidence of water pollution resulting
from mercury poison was the Minimata Bay pollution disaster in Japan in the year
1959. This resulted in death of domestic animals like cats, fishes and humans based on
the level of pollution and the danger pose by the mercury fishing and other marine life
would resume there until the next 1000 years. This show how dangerous mercury
could be when discharged into water. Water pollution is regulated by several laws
including the Water Workers Act, 1915, the Mineral Act, 1917, Public Health Act,
1917, the Petroleum Act, 1969, Sea Fisheries Act, Cap 401 LFN 1990, the River
Basin Development Authority Act, Cap 396 LFN 1990, Oil in Navigational Water
Act, Cap 339 LFN, 1990, Exclusive Economic Zone Act, Cap 16 LFN 1990, the Law
of the Sea Convention, 1982 and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency Act
among others.
We shall now consider the law relating to drugs trial and vaccination. This is a public
health law which requires that the consent of volunteer must be obtained and the
implication of the drug and vaccine trial be made known to them before the drug or
vaccine trial is conducted. A breach of this law could lead to serious civil litigation that
would result in payment of damages. An example, which is handy here, is the case of
meningitis vaccine trial by Pfizer in Kano which resulted in some death and has become
a subject of protracted litigation between the victims and Pfizer on the one hand and the
Kano State Government and Pfizer on the other hand. Usually drugs and vaccines though
mostly tried on animals are also sometimes tried on humans provided proper procedure
for the trial has been followed.
Noise pollution law is also another type of public health law. Although, in its early
stage it was targeted at factories to ensure that the noise they generate does not cause
hearing problems to their staff. However, this has change noise pollution law is now
wider and covers generation of noise from industries, other commercial outfits,
households, sporting areas, recreational facilities, generating sets, vehicles and even
construction sites. It is regulated by the Factory Decree of 1987, Federal
Environmental Protection Agency Decree of 1992 and the National Environmental
Protection (Pollution Abatement Industries and Facilities Generating Waste
Regulation of 1991 especially section 2 of the regulation is of particular relevance in
this case. It empowers both government agency involved environmental regulation,
individual and communities to monitor and report any noise level that has exceed 30%
decibel. The law also requires industries to have and install pollution control
monitoring and control unit, and where possible outsource these services to ensure
compliance. Another very important public health law is the law that regulates the
manufacture, production, distribution and sale of drugs, food and food products. It
would be necessary to briefly differentiate between food and food product. Foods are
substances that are already in state of consumption, for example, yogurt, beans cake,
bread and margarines. While food products are semi-finished products which need to be
further processed before they can be consumed, for instance, cow milk for the
production of yogurt, flour for bread, beans for beans cake among others. The law
requires that these products must be wholesome and safe for human consumption from
the point of production to the point of retail and consumption. Thus, ordinarily it is an
offence to expose food and food products that human beings would consume on the
street, but unfortunately the law enforcement process is so weak that food are exposed
with flies perching on them even in some cases Environmental Health Officers who are
supposed to enforce the law, buy and eat such product without complain. Also drugs
must be manufactured to ensure compliance with set standards.
The laws regulating food and drugs in Nigeria include the NAFDAC Decree No 15 of
1993 which expanded the 1974 Food and Drugs Decree No 35 and the Standard
Organization of Nigeria (SON) Act, 1971 amended 1984. It is the duty of the agencies set
up by these laws to monitor food, food product and drugs manufacturing, distribution and
sale. Hence in recent past NAFDAC has ban the use of potassium bromate in the
production of bread and withdraw from circulation several fake and counterfeit drugs.
The next principle which you might want to know is the integration principle which
seeks to encourage the integration of environmentally friendly policy in areas of the
society (Bell and McGillivray, 2008). From the above discussion you can see that there
are several types of public health laws and environmental law principles which regulate
peoples conduct regarding the environment and public health issues.
In this unit our focus was on the various types of public health laws and public health
principles. It is believed you have learnt about some public health laws and
environmental health principles. It is hoped that you can now mention and describe some
types of public health law and environmental law principles in Nigeria.
In this unit our focus was on the various types of public health laws and public health
principles. We have mentioned and described several public health laws and
environmental law principles in Nigeria.
In this unit we shall be discussing public health offices and defenses available to an
offender or accused. However, before we examine the two main issues, we shall define
what we mean by the term offence.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Define an offence
2. List and describe some public health offence
3. Mention and explain some defenses available to public health law offender.
The term offence and crime are often used interchangeably, especially in Nigeria
where the criminal code did not clearly define offence. However, according to
Okonkwo and Nash (2003) ―an offence is an act or omission which is rendered
punishable by some legislative enactment‖. Basically, what they are trying to say is
that when a person or group of persons fail to undertake an act which is an omission or
undertake an act which is wrong the omission or wrongful act attracts punishment
based on the law the person or group of persons would be said to have committed an
We can also define an offence as any attempt or act or omission which is wrong in the
eyes of law for which there is a prescribed punishment or sanction. What we are trying
to say here is that if one attempt to carry out a wrongful act or carry out wrongful or
omit to carry out a rightful act that has a punishment or sanction attached to it, the
person would be said to have committed an offence. We added sanction because some
offence may not require punishment. However, for a person to be said to be guilty of an
offence there are two essential elements that must be established or proven by the
prosecutor. First, the physical element of the offence must be established or proven
which is often referred to as the actus reus (guilty or wrong act) and the mental element
or intention which is referred to as the mense rea (guilty mind) these must be
established and both must meet before a crime can be said to have been committed and
for a conviction can be successful (Okonkwo and Nash, 2003). What the above simply
means is that one cannot be said to have committed an offence if his physical action
and intention do not meet and cannot be proven. For instance, let take dumping of
refuse on the street. For a person to be guilty of dumping refuse on the street, it has to
be established that he intended to dump the refuse on the street and he actually did
dump the refuse on the street. But if for example, he was just walking on the street and
something fell of his bag unknown to him. He cannot be said to have committed an
offence because his intention was not to dump the refuse on the street although the
refuse has been dumped. This is necessary so that we know when to say somebody has
breached public health laws or committed public health offence. Equally, it will be
important for you to know that there are basically three types of offence: felony which
is defined by the law creating it and punishable with death or imprisonment of not less
than three years; misdemeanors which are offences punishable with a prison term of
not less than six months and not up to three years; while simple offences are those that
are neither felony nor misdemeanor. Most public health offences are simple and
Just as there are several public health and environmental laws so there are public health
offences but for the purpose of this unit and course, we shall examine a few which we
consider very important and then provide a list of some public health offences listed in
the Lagos State Environmental Sanitation Edict Now Law of 1998. Some common public
health offence includes but not limited to: nuisance, trespass, negligence, poor housing,
overcrowding, sale and distribution of unwholesome food among other which you will
find in the list that would be provided later in this unit based on the Lagos State Law.
3.2.1 Nuisances
One of the commonest and possible the oldest know public health offence is nuisance.
Nuisance can be defined as the presence of any matter whether solid, liquid or gas that is
capable of affecting the enjoyment of a healthy environment and can cause injury or
threat to public health. Nuisance include; poor or lack of sanitary conveniences in a home
or other public place, accumulation of rubbish and other decaying or decomposing
materials (corpse and carcases or foodstuffs), improper disposal of industrial waste,
presence of rodents and their holes, overcrowding, poor ventilation, structural defects to a
building and noise. Noise that amounts to a nuisance can either be continuous or
intermittent, but in either case it must affect the comfort or quality of life of a reasonable
person. It is the statutory duty of the Local Government authority using Environmental
Health and Other Health Officers to inspect and remove all nuisances (Ormandy and
Burridge, 1988).
Furthermore, nuisance could be public or private nuisance. Public nuisance is that which
affect or that is capable of affecting the general public which is actionable at the instance
of the Attorney General of the State. According to The Free Dictionary by Farlex, (2011)
Private nuisance affects an individual more particularly and is actionable in tort by that
individual. A private nuisance is a civil wrong; it is the unreasonable, unwarranted, or
unlawful use of one's property in a manner that substantially interferes with the
enjoyment or use of another individual's property, without an actual Trespass or physical
invasion to the land. In the case of Reads v. Ltons & Co. Limited the English Court
defined private nuisance as any unlawful interference with a person use or enjoyment of
their land or some rights over, or in connection with it. A public nuisance is a criminal
wrong; it is an act or omission that obstructs, damages, or inconveniences the rights of
the community. Conversely, public nuisance was defined in case of Attorney General v,
P.Y.A Quarris as an act which materially affects the reasonable comfort and
conveniences of a life of a class of Her Majesty subjects (people) who come within the
sphere or neighbourhood of its operation (or existence). We shall consider the remedies
available to victim(s) of nuisances when considering the enforcement of public health
laws. Public nuisances appears wider in scope as it covers a wide variety of minor
crimes that threaten the health, morals, safety, comfort, convenience, or welfare of a
community. This makes nuisance both a civil and criminal wrong.
3.2.2 Trespass
Trespass like nuisance constitute a wrong both as civil and criminal wrong.
Trespassing is the act of illegally intruding on another person ‟s property that you do
not have permission to be on. Initially trespass was any wrongful conduct directly
causing injury or loss; in modern law trespass is an unauthorized entry upon land (The
Free Dictionary by Farlex, 2011). It has also extended to non-personal entry on the
land of another. For example, if a tree or a crop in ones compound extends to the air
space or land or some liquid escape from one compound to that of other it is trespass.
Trespass can also include mere resting on the fence or gate of another without his
consent, even government agents could be liable for trespass if they gain entry into
any compound without first obtaining consent to enter.
Furthermore, trespass could either be direct or indirect. It is direct where the trespasser is
actually on the land and it is indirect when it he is not actually on the land but his act of
negligence has caused an object to interfere with land of another just as in the example
given above of the trees, crops and liquid escaping. However, to succeed in trespass it
must be proven that there was direct entry or contact with the land, there was intention
to enter or negligence and there is a link. In terms of public health somebody will be
said to be guilty of trespass if trees in his compound protrude into the compound of
another or liquid or other wastes escape from his compound into the compound of
another thereby affect the enjoyment of their land.
3.2.3 Negligence
Negligence is another public health offence. It is very similar to the two earlier
discussed concepts, especially nuisance because it is actionable both in tort (civil) and
in crime (criminal) law. However, there is not much distinction between negligence in
civil and criminal proceeding, a distinction only arises when the negligence is gross as
it relates to offences that may require the imposition of a sentence of life
imprisonment (Okonkwo and Nash, 2003). Negligence can be defined as any failure
of the accused to exercise reasonable care that has resulted in the injury of another or
has caused or capable of causing threat to the health and safety of another. Negligence
can also be defined as any conduct that falls below the standards of behaviour
established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm.
A person would be said to have acted negligently if he or she has departed from the
conduct expected of a reasonably prudent person acting under similar circumstances
(The Free Dictionary by Farlex, 2011).
It will be important for you to know that in some countries because of the close similarity
and inseparable nature of negligence and nuisance as every act of negligence lead to
nuisance and every nuisance is as a result of negligent act. The law of negligence and
nuisance has been amalgamated, for example, in the United Kingdom they were
amalgamated in 2005 (Buckely, 2011).
The last public health offence we shall discus for the purpose of space as earlier
mentioned is the distribution and sale of unwholesome. It is a public health offence to
distribute and sell food that is not good for human consumption. For example, meat
containing tapeworm, fish killed using chemicals or food containing other contaminants.
This include sale of grains treated with chemical as this can result in public health
diseases and fatality as was the case during the beans poison in 2002 where bean meant
for planting treated with chemical were sold for consumption resulting in a lot of deaths,
especially in the northern part.
Also, it includes proper display of foods, for example, meat, buns, meat-pie, moi- moi
and other already made foods (fast food) must be displayed in a showcase and not
exposed to dust or flies which unfortunately is the case. Most food vendors do not
display their food complying with the law. It is the duty of health officers to ensure
that food for public consumption is wholesome and properly displayed.
Some other very common public health offences include obstructing a health offence
from performing their duties and assaulting them during the performance of their
duties. It is an offence for any person(s) to prevent a public health officer or any
person having relevant authority from either serving a notice or an order or enter a
premise for the purposes of inspection after obtaining relevant consent or authority to
do so.
Equally, it is a public health offence to disobey or ignore a valid notice to abate any
nuisances. Once a notice of abatement has been served on the appropriate person whether
it is a prohibition or statutory abatement notice the occupiers of the premises or the
person(s) responsible for causing the nuisance must abate the nuisance otherwise they
would be guilty of a public health offence (Wolf, White and Stanley, 2002). You still
need to know that both the prohibition and statutory abatement notices can be served
together depending on the prevailing circumstances. For example, where there is
evidence of the likelihood that the nuisance would reoccur or has been reoccurring. See
the case of Peaty v. Field (1971) 1 W.L.R 387. 3.2.6
List of Offences Under the Lagos State Environmental Sanitation Edict 1998
Below is a table showing some public health offence and their penalty under the
Lagos State Environmental Sanitation Edict, 1998.
1. Failure to clean sidewalk N1,000.00 N3,500.00
2. Failure to clean 18‖ from curb into street. N1,000.00 N3,500.00
3. Littering/throwing out N2, 000.00 N5,000.00
4. Sweep out N1,000.00 N3,500.00
5. Improper use of litter (dust) bin N1, 000.00 N2, 000.00
6. Failure to use dust bin N1, 000.00 N2, 000.00
7. Failure to cover dust bin N1, 000.00 N2, 000.00
8. Improper placement of dust bin N1, 000.00 N2, 000.00
9. Loose rubbish N1, 000.00 N2, 000.00
10. Exposure of materials N2, 000.00 N20, 000.00
11. Failure to separate waste N2, 000.00 N20, 000.00
12. Sidewalk obstruction N10, 000.00 N20, 000.00
13. Street obstruction N15, 000.00 N30, 000.00
14. Commercial waste disposal N1, 000.00 N2, 000.00
15. Improper disposal of refuse N1, 000.00 N2, 000.00
16. Illegal dumping of refuse N40, 000.00 N75, 000.00
17. Posting of bills N5,000.00 N10,000.00
18. Removal of City Advertisement N7, 000.00 N12, 000.00
19. Erection of structure on road set back N30, 000.00 N60, 000.00
20. Failure to clean drainages N5, 000.00 N10, 000.00
21. Sewage disposal N5, 000.00 N10, 000.00
22. Failure to cover waste trucks N20, 000.00 N30, 000.00
23. Waste burning N5, 000.00 N10, 000.00
24. Storage of trade waste N50, 000.00 N55, 000.00
25. Silt deposit along road side N25, 000.00 N30, 000.00
26. Direct dealing with N5, 000.00 N10, 000.00
unregistered private refuse
27. Unregistered private refuse N10, 000.00 N50, 000.00
28. Cutting road by corporate N10, 000.00 N100, 000.00
bodies without approval
3.3 Defence To Public Health Offences
The next issue we shall be discussing is defences available to an offender of public
health laws or a person accused of breaching public health or environmental laws. A
defence is a claim by an accused of the existence of certain facts that exonerate him
from criminal liability (Okonkwo and Nash, 2003). What this means is that the person
alleged to have committed an offence can point to the fact that based on certain
prevailing circumstances he is not guilty of the offence. Some the defences available to
a public offender include but limited to the following:
The second defence an offender may raise is inadequate or improper notice. The law
requires that the relevant agency of government enforcing public health or
environmental law make reasonable effort to serve an offender with a notice of
finding or the existence of a nuisance or the likely breach or breaching of public
health law (Wing et al, 2007). Also the notice must be adequate and must be signed
by the proper officer entitled by law to sign it or on his behalf by a proper person
entitled to do that on his behalf. See the case of Plymouth Corporation v. Hurrell
(1968) 1 Q.B. 455. If the notice is not adequate and not properly signed by the
designated officer and in the prescribed mode the notice would be said to invalid and
the offender cannot be guilty of failing to comply with a notice. See the case of
Graddage v. Harigey London Borough Council (1975) 1 W.L.R 241
Equally, the notice must be authentic, if the notice served is not an authentic notice, for
example, not being served in the proper format and on the proper person. Where the
notice is not in the proper format and served on the proper person the notice would be
invalid and the subsequent prosecution declared a nullity. See the case of Harris v.
Hickman (1904) 1 K.B. 563. Because often enforcement officials and agencies issue
informal notices and sometimes serve notices on the wrong people. For example, you
cannot serve notice on a tenant it ought to be served on the landlord or his attorney or
proper representative if the nuisance relates to structural defects. Thus, if the notice is
not in the prescribed form and served on a tenant it cannot pass for a valid. Another
defence an offender can raise is existence of a staying order. A person served with a
notice is allowed by law to appeal for the stay of the notice while he takes step to abate
the nuisance or preparing to be heard. While this situation is in existence no prosecution
can take place. If prosecution commences while the order of stay has been made it
would be a nullity and the offender cannot be convicted (Wing et al, 2007).
Also, an offender can raise the defence of accident. That is the offence complained of
is due to accident. Accident is a defence for most criminal offences under section 24 of
Criminal Code (Okonkwo and Nash, 2003). It simply means that the accused or any
reasonable man could never have anticipated the consequence or that it happened not
through the willful act of the accused it is immaterial whether accidental event resulted
from an unlawful act. See the case of R v. Barimah (1945) 11 W.A.C.A. 49.
Another defence that an offender can raise is that the pollution or the discharge was
made as an emergency in order to avoid danger or risk to life and health (Bell and
McGillivray, 2008). See the case of Express Ltd (t/an Express Dairies Distribution) v.
Environmental Agency (2003) Env. L.R 29 where the driver who had a tyre blowout
and had an accident which led to spilling of milk was not held liable for breach of
public health laws. However, the defendant or the person who did the emergence
pollution or discharge must report immediately to environmental protection agency
otherwise he would be avail of this defence.
Similar, the offender can raise the defence of contributory negligence in that the act of
the plaintiff contributed to the factors that led to pollution. He could also raise the
defence of statutory authority meaning that he had authority to pollute, however, the
pollution must not exceed the limit permitted for him otherwise this defence will fail
where it is established the pollution been complained of has exceeded the limit
From the above discussion you can see that there are several public health offences and
a person accused of committing a public health or environmental health offence has
some defence he can raise in order not to be convicted.
In this unit our focus was on the definition of offence and public health offence, the
various types of public health offences and the defences available to a person accused of
a public health offence. It is believed you have learnt about the definition of offence and
public health offences; you have also learnt about the various types of public health
offences and the possible defence an offender can raise in his defence. It is hoped that
you can now define offence and public health offences in your won word. List and
describe some types of public health offence and defences available to public health
In this unit our focus was on the definition of offence and public health offences, the
various types of public health offence and the defence an offender can avail himself. We
have defined offence and public health offence, mentioned and described several public
health offences and the defence to an offence of public health.
1. Define an offence
2. List and describe some public health offence
3. Mention and explain some defenses available to public health law offender.
In this unit we shall be discussing the definition of rights, we shall also consider the
definition of human rights and some types of human rights. We will equally define an
offender and the rights of an offender.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Define rights
2. Define human rights
3. List some different types of human rights
4. List and describe some environmental rights
5. Define an offender or an accused
6. List and explain some rights of an accused
3.2 Definition of Human Rights
The next definition we shall be considering is the definition of human rights.
According to Kaczorowska (2010) human rights are body of rules guaranteeing certain
rights recognized internationally as inherent in all human beings by virtue of their
humanity. They are universal, inalienable, indivisible, interdependent, and apply
equally to all human beings irrespective of race, sex, religion, nationality and colour.
In the case of Odogu v, Attorney General of the Federation (1999) 6 NWLR (pt.450)
508 the Supreme Court of Nigeria stated that a fundamental right (human rights) is a
right guaranteed in the Constitution to every person by virtue of being a human being.
While Akwara et al (2010) argue that ―it is man‟s existence within society that accords
him the status of human being, which ultimately entitles him to some rights as a
consequence of his humanity.
The point you need to note is that human rights are right entitled to every human
being because he or she is a human being and they are universal meaning they are
the same everywhere and every time, they inalienable meaning they cannot be taken
away and they are independent meaning the rights are related and complementary to
each other. It does not matter whether you are a black man or white man, a woman
or a man a child or an adult a Nigerian or a non-Nigerian.
Although, human rights are traceable to the American and French revolution of 1775
and 1789 respectively, however, the modern concept of human rights is post-World
War II event. In fact it was in a bid to find solutions to continued threat to human life,
peace and international security and avoid the atrocities of the first and second world
wars that led to the establishment of United Nation which Charter was adopted in
1945 to replace the League of Nation established in 1919. The United Nations (UN)
subsequently established the International Law Commission in 1947 to codify
International Customary laws which are common practice among civilized nation into
laws that would be adopted to guide the relationship between nations and regulate
some nations treat its citizens. The led to the codification of the first human rights
document called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which was
adopted in December, 1948. The document was intended to take after the America
Bill of Rights and was to be called International Bill of Rights but because of
disagreement and dissenting views it was made a declaration which ordinarily has no
legal binding force. However, state practices and the twin Covenants adopted after it
in 1966 that is the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and
the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) has
conferred a binding force on it (Kaczorowska, 2010). The UDHR which is the locus
classic of human rights in Article 1 provides as follows: ―All human beings are born
free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and
should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood‖. Article 2 ―everyone is
entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration without distinction of any
kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or
social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made
on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or
territory to which a person belongs, whether it is independent, trust, non-self- governing
or under any other limitation of sovereignty‖. The above has confirmed our earlier
definition of human rights and what they stand for.
Section 36 Right to fair hearing which seeks to ensure that any person alleged to have
committed any offence should be given a fair trial. This is one of the rights of an
environmental health or public health law offender we shall be considering in detail
later in this unit. This right is one of the widest rights in the constitution.
Section 37 Right to private and family which seek to protect the privacy of the
individual including his correspondence and home against unlawful interference and
Section 38 Right to freedom thought, conscience and religion which seeks to
allow people hold different opinion and belief as well as freedom of worship.
Section 39 Right to freedom of expression and the press which seeks to allow people
publicly air their view and prohibit the proscription of the media. However, the
freedom of expression is qualified by libel and other defamatory statements.
Section 40 Right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association which seeks to allow
people meet freely and discuss their common problems, form trade unions and political
Section 41 Right to freedom of movement which seek to allow free movement of people
within the country; and to also move out of the country within the rem it‟s of the law.
Section 42 Right to freedom from discrimination which seek to prohibit all forms of
discrimination against a person.
Section 43 Right to acquire and own immoveable property anywhere in Nigeria.
Section 44 Right to adequate compensation in case of compulsory acquisition of
property which seek to ensure that any person whose property has been taken by
government or any other body is paid adequate compensation.
Section 45 Restrictions on and derogation from fundamental rights which is not a right
per se but seeks to state circumstances under which some rights could be limited.
Section 46 Special jurisdiction of High Court and legal aid this also is not a right per se
but state where a person who feel his right is been or about to be violated should go to
seek redress and assistance.
The above are the fundamental rights of a Nigeria citizen which if breached can be
enforced through the fundamental human rights enforcement procedure.
3.4 Environmental Rights
The next issue we shall be examining in this unit is Environmental rights of an
individual which simply refers to some permanent entitlement of an individual
normally protected by objective rules by virtue of being one of the inhabitants of the
environment (Bell and McGillivray, 2008). These rights could be divided into basic
and general environmental rights. The general rights include: right to pollute or trade
in pollution credits which is right to generate an acceptable of amount of waste or
refuse; right to be heard at an inquiry which entail the right to be given fair trial and to
make complaint against polluters or violators of environmental health laws; right to
bring judicial review action which means ability to ask for a reversal of a government
environmental decision that is capable of causing environmental harm or threat; right of
access to environmental information; right to healthy environment; right to clean air;
right to clean water and right to participate in environmental decision-making.
While the basic rights include: private rights which is based on the principle of tort to
action for breach of a person's environmental right such as action against nuisances,
prevention of trespass or unreasonable interference with one's enjoyment of land. The
second is public law right which is a procedural right that entails the right to participate
in environmental decision-making, access to information, the right to be heard at an
inquiry and the right to bring a judicial review action or undertake private prosecution at
the instance of the State Attorney General. The third is substantive legal right which are
the general basic human rights which we have considered above which are found in
extant human rights legislation like the right to life, property and privacy and right to
respect for one's home.
Again a public health offender has a right to fair hearing and trial. This is very
important because if he is not given fair hearing and trial whatever punishment
imposed could be upturned on appeal. In fact the trial would be void ab initio. Fair
trial entails a lot of issues. First, he must be told the offence he has committed and the
offence must be proven by the prosecution, if this is not done and is he tried, the
punishment given would be quashed on appeal. See s.36 (6) (a) of the 1999
Constitution and the case of Nwachukwu v. The State (1986) 4 S.C. p.378.
Secondly, the offender must be tried in the public except in the case of juvenile who is
to be tried in juvenile court. See s.36 (4) 1999 Constitution. Thirdly, the offender must
be give adequate time and facilities to prepare his defence including the right to a
defence counsel. See s. 36(6) (c) and (d) 1999 Constitution and the case of Udo v. The
State (1988) 3 N.W.L.R (pt. 82) p.316 Also see Awolowo & Ors v. Minister of Interior
Affairs & Ors (1962) L.L.R 177 Equally, the offender must be given the opportunity
to cross-examine witnesses, call witness and a right to an interpreter if he does not
understand the language of the tribunal or the court. See s. 36(6) (d) and (e) 1999
Constitution and the cases of Tulu v. Bauchi Native Authority (1965) N.M.L.R p.343,
also Idirisu v. The State (1967) 1 All N.L.R p. 32 and the case of Ajayi v. Zaria Native
Authority (1964) N.N.L.R 61.
From the above discussion you can see that there are several types of rights. Also
human rights are entitlements and not privileges. Again, there are some special
environmental rights to which individuals are entitled and finally public law offender
has certain rights which must be guaranteed.
In this unit our focus was on the definition of rights and human rights, the various types
of human rights, the definition of an offender and the rights of an offender. It is believed
you have learnt about the definition of rights and human rights, the various types of
human rights, the definition of an offender and the rights of an offender.
It is hoped that you can now define rights and human rights, mention some types of
human rights, define an offender and list some of the rights of an offender.
In this unit our focus was on the definition of rights, human rights, the various types of
human rights, the definition of an offender and the rights of an offender. We have
defined rights and human rights we also enumerated some types of human rights,
defined an offender and briefly discussed some rights of an offender.
1. Define rights
2. Define human rights
3. List some different types of human rights
4. List and describe some environmental rights
5. Define an offender or an accused
6. List and explain some rights of an accused
1. Define the term human rights in your own words.
2. List and briefly describe four types of fundamental human rights in the
Nigeria 1999 Constitution in your own words.
3. (a) What do you understand by the term an offender? (b). List
three rights of an offender you have learnt in this unit.
In this unit we shall be discussing the processes of enforcing public health law. We
shall consider the definition of enforcement, list and briefly discuss the various
processes in involved or that could be followed to enforce the breach of public health
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Define law enforcement
2. List some processes involved in public health laws enforcement
3. Briefly discuss the processes involved in public health laws enforcement.
However, let us define enforcement since that is the focus of this session.
Enforcement is the process of bringing any person who has committed an offence to
attend or answer the charge against him/her before a competent authority or tribunal
or court for the purpose of determining his/her innocence or guilt and to give
appropriate sanction. According to Webste r‟s Online Dictionary enforcement are
federal or state or local legal actions to obtain
compliance with environmental laws, rules, regulations, or agreements and/or obtain
penalties or criminal sanctions for violations. Enforcement procedures may vary,
depending on the requirements of different environmental laws and related
implementing regulations. The point you need to note from the above definitions is
that once we mention enforcement of public health laws, we talking about the
various ways public health rules or regulation are complied with and the sanctions
that could be imposed on an offender if found to have breached a public health
offence. It would also necessary to point out that the process of enforcing public
health laws is slightly different from normal criminal enforcement procedure. While in
normal criminal procedure it entails all those steps that may be required to compel the
accused attendance of the police station or the court and which in most cases begin
with either an arrest or a summons (Osamor, 2004). In public health law the procedure
does not begin with arrest or summons, on the contrary it begins with an inspection,
notice, then a summons and followed by arrest where necessary. We shall now
consider some of these processes in the next session.
3.2 Public Health Laws Enforcement Process
3.2.1 Inspection
The first process in the enforcement of public health laws is inspection. It is the
statutory duty of the Local Government Authority and other Environmental
Protection Agencies to carry out regular inspection of premises, streets and industries
as well as measure the level of either air or water pollution from time to time so as to
determine what action they should take in the performance of their functions under
the relevant law establishing them (Ormandy and Burridge, 1988). Although, from
time to time may appear imprecise and vague, however, it not an excuse not to carry
out regular inspection which is to be determined by the nature or level of prevalence
or likelihood of the presence of nuisances. It is would amount to an abandonment of
duty if the Local Government Council or the relevant environmental protection
agency fails to carry out inspection of their local government area from time to time.
See the case of Mead v. Haringey London Borough Council (1979) 1 W.L.R. 637
The main purpose of inspection is to detect the presence of statutory nuisances and to
take steps to remove them, ascertain repairs, areas of improvement, slum that require
clearing, drainages and gutters that require cleaning, over grown weeds, refuse dump
sites, and general housing conditions to ensure they are safe and fit for human
habitation. However, before an inspection is undertake adequate notice has to be given
to the occupiers of the resident or the industry or locality within which the inspection is
to be carried. This is to both serve the requirement of the law and to avoid action for
trespass. And at the end of the inspection there must be a report stating the major
findings which must be available to Chief Health Officer of the Local Government who
is acting on behalf of the Council to take a decision on the nest steps. An ideal
inspection report must contain the following: the address of the premises or area, the
name(s) of the inspector in case of more than one person but the head of the team must
be the person writing and signing the inspection report, the date of inspection, the name
of the tenant(s) or occupant, the name of the landlord if different from the occupant, the
date of commencement of the present tenancy if it is rented premises, the rent, the
rates, number of persons staying in the household, the official number of persons
permitted for this type of household, a general description of the premises or the area,
detail report about the conditions of the house like bathroom, kitchen, toilet, living
room, heating and cooling systems, bedroom, roof, the floor, ventilation, conditions of
the wall, the paints. This is followed by comments noting the state of things and at the
end the name and signature of the inspector or head of inspection. There could be a re-
inspection report which is usually done if a notice of abatement has been issued and at
the end of the period given the inspector goes back to assess the conditions. In this case
the report would not be as detail as the first. But it must still contain the address, name
of inspector, date of inspection, name of tenant and landlord. Then the body of the
report is preferably divided in a tabular form with the left side headed Details of
inspection (dated 4th November, 2011) and the right-side headed Details of re-inspection
(dated 4th December, 2011). The entries on the left side would indicate the state of
affairs as at the last inspection, while the right side is just to state whether still present or
no longer present. It is the report of the inspection that set the stage for the next line of
action which is almost always the issuance of an abatement notice.
3.2.2 Abatement Notice
The next step in the enforcement of public health laws is the service of an ―Abatement
Notice‖. Once the inspector has submitted his report and the local government are
satisfied that there is existence of statutory nuisance then an abatement notice must be
served on the persons occupying the premises or living within the vicinity asking them
to remove the nuisance (Ormandy and Burridge, 1988). An Abatement notice can be
defined as a notice issued under the authority of the Local Government Council by a
person so authorised to do so informing an occupant of a inspected premises or area of
the existence of some nuisance which needs to be removed, stating details of the
nuisance and the steps required to remove them, and the time within which to remove
the saidnuisance. It is important that the abatement notice contain the necessary details
otherwise it would be invalid. See the case of Whatling v. Rees (1914) 48 L.J.K.B 1122
Also the notice must be served on the appropriate person and depending on the
nature of the nuisance to be abated, but it is usually on the person whose act,
omission or default or sufferance has led to the existence of the nuisance.
However, where such a person cannot be found then the notice is to be served on
the occupier(s) or the owner. In case of nuisances arising from structural defects
the notice is ordinarily to be served on the owner of the premises or his lawful
attorney or agent. That is any person authorised to and/or you collect the rent of
the premises. It is also important you know that a statutory abatement notice can
only serve while the nuisances is still in existence, however, where it has already
occurred and it is likely to occur or has occurred repeatedly in the past then a
prohibition notice would be the best notice to be served. Also, there is no right of
appeal against an abatement or prohibition notice(s).
However, there are several forms an abatement notice may take. It may either be
repair notice or improvement notice or slum clearance notice. Whatever may be the
form of notice it must be given 24 hours before a Health Inspector can exercise the
right of entry. It is necessary to issue the proper notice and have the proper
authorization before a Health Inspector exercises the right of entry. Otherwise, if he is
prevented from entering the premises the occupants would not be guilty of
obstruction, rather he may be guilty of unlawful entry and trespass (Ormandy and
Burridge, 1988). See the case of Stroud v. Bradbury (1952) 2 All E.R 76
In most cases the actions in the Magistrates courts is occasioned by the failure to obey
and abatement notice or fully comply with the content of the abatement notice or where
there is recurrence or the likelihood of recurrence of the nuisance after it has been
abated or that the nuisance is not completely abatedby the offender. However, while the
proceedings for the enforcement of an abatement notice still subsist the Local
Government Council or the relevant enforcement agency could still take other measures
to ensure the abatement and prevention of the recurrence of the conditions that have led
to the existence of the nuisance (Ormandy and Burridge, 1988). Also see the case of
Nottingham City D.C v. Newton (1974) 1 W.L.R 923
Although, there are order public health laws enforcement procedures such as
injunction obtained from the High Court to prevent a polluter from continuing the
action of pollution or takeover a premise or prevent people from entry a particular
building or premises or area because of the existence of nuisance which is of high
public health threat. Or an order to allow the Local Government take over a property
for the purpose of abating nuisance or action for the recovery of expenses incurred for
abating a nuisance. These would be discussed because of the nature of this course
which is primarily introductory.
From the above discussion you can see that there is difference between the public health
laws enforcement procedures and the ordinary criminal law enforcement process. Also,
you can see that there are several processes involved in the enforcement of public health
In this unit our focus was on the definition of enforcement and the various processes of
enforcing public health laws. We have defined enforcement and mentioned as well as
briefly discussed some of the processes of enforcing environmental health or public
health laws.
It is hoped you have learnt the definition of enforcement and would be able to define
enforcement, list and discuss some processes of enforcing public health laws.
In this unit we focused on the definition of enforcement and the processes of enforcing
public health laws. We defined the term enforcement and also mentioned and discussed
some processes of enforcing environmental laws.
5. Wing, K.R, Mariner, W.K, Annas, G.J and Strouse, D.S (2007): Public Health
Law: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
In this unit we shall be discussing the various public health laws or environmental
laws enforcement bodies at the various levels of government.
At the end of studying this unit the learner should be able to:
1. Mention the various public health laws enforcement agencies in the Nigeria.
2. List some environmental health laws enforcement bodies at the federal level
3. List some environmental health laws enforcement bodies at the state level
4. List some of the environmental health enforcement bodies at the local
government level
5. Briefly describe the roles of some public health laws enforcement bodies
6. List and discuss some of the remedies available to a victim of environmental
d. the Federal Military Government on the national environmental policies and
priorities, the conservation of natural resources and sustainable development, and
scientific and technological activities affecting the environment, and natural
e. the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces on the utilization of the
l Percent Ecological Fund for the protection of the environment;
f. promote co-operation in environmental science and conservation technology
with similar bodies in other countries and with international bodies connected
with the protection of the environment and the conservation of natural resources;
g. co-operate with Federal and State Ministries, Local Governments, statutory
bodies and research agencies on matters and facilities relating to the protection of
the environment and the conservation of natural resources; and
h. carry out such other activities as are necessary or expedient for full discharge of
the functions of the Agency under this Decree."
Among other functions that the agency is empowered to perform under the Act.
However, FEPA was merged with the Federal Ministry of Environment in 1999 by the
Obasanjo administration. The next body we shall be considering is the National
Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) was
established because in the wisdom of Government, FEPA and other relevant
Departments in other Ministries were merged to form the Federal Ministry of
Environment in 1999, but without an appropriate enabling law on enforcement issues.
This situation, however, created a vacuum in the effective enforcement of
environmental laws, standards and regulations in the country. To address this
situation, the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement
Agency (NESREA) were established as a parastatal of the Federal Ministry of
Environment, Housing and Urban Development. The NESREA Act was accented to
by Mr. President on 30th July, 2007. By the NESREA Act, the FEPA Act Cap F 10
LFN 2004 has been repealed.
NESREA has responsibility for the protection and development of the environment,
biodiversity conservation and sustainable development of Nigeria's natural resources
in general and environmental technology including coordination, and liaison with,
relevant stakeholders within and outside Nigeria on matters of enforcement of
environmental standards, regulations, rules, laws, policies and guidelines. Some
functions of the Agency, amongst others include to:
enforce compliance with laws, guidelines, policies and standards on
environmental matters;
coordinate and liaise with, stakeholders, within and outside Nigeria on matters of
environmental standards, regulations and enforcement;
enforce compliance with the provisions of international agreements, protocols,
conventions and treaties on the environment including climate change,
biodiversity conservation, desertification, forestry, oil and gas, chemicals,
hazardous wastes, ozone depletion, marine and wild life, pollution, sanitation and
such other environmental agreements as may from time to time come into force;
enforce compliance with policies, standards, legislation and guidelines on water
quality, Environmental Health and Sanitation, including pollution abatement;
enforce compliance with guidelines, and legislation on sustainable management
of the ecosystem, biodiversity conservation and the development of Nigeri a's
natural resources;
enforce compliance with any legislation on sound chemical management, safe
use of pesticides and disposal of spent packages thereof;
enforce compliance with regulations on the importation, exportation, production,
distribution, storage, sale, use, handling and disposal of hazardous chemicals and
waste, other than in the oil and gas sector;
enforce through compliance monitoring, the environmental regulations and
standards on noise, air, land, seas, oceans and other water bodies other than in the
oil and gas sector;
ensure that environmental projects funded by donor organizations and external
support agencies adhere to regulations in environmental safety and protection;
enforce environmental control measures through registration, licensing and
permitting Systems other than in the oil and gas sector;
conduct environmental audit and establish data bank on regulatory and
enforcement mechanisms of environmental standards other than in the oil and
gas sector;
create public awareness and provide environmental education on sustainable
environmental management, promote private sector compliance with
environmental regulations other than in the oil and gas sector and publish
general scientific or other data resulting from the performance of its functions;
carry out such activities as are necessary or expedient for the performance of its
NESREA has several powers including: prohibit processes and use of equipment or
technology that undermine environmental quality; conduct field
follow-up of compliance with set standards and take procedures prescribed by
law against any violator; subject to the provision of the Constitution of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria, 1999, and in collaboration with relevant judicial
authorities establish mobile courts to expeditiously dispense cases of violation of
environmental regulation; the powers to issue environmental regulation and
in exercise of this powers since its inception in 2007. The agency has issued eleven
regulations which include:
1. National Environmental (Pollution Abatement in Mining and Processing of Coal,
Ores and Industrial Minerals) Regulations, 2009
2. National Environmental (Sanitation and Wastes Control) Regulations, 2009
3. National Environmental (Pollution Abatement in Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals,
Soaps and Detergent Manufacturing Industries) Regulations, 2009
5. National Environmental (Pollution Abatement in Food, Beverages and Tobacco
Sector) Regulations, 2009National Environmental (Pollution Abatement in Textiles,
Wearing Apparel, Leather and Footwear Industry) Regulations, 2009
6. The National Environmental (Wetlands, River Banks and Lake Shores
Protection) Regulations, 2009
7. The National Environmental (Watershed, Hilly, Mountainous and Catchment
Areas) Regulations, 2009
8. National Environmental (Ozone Layer Protection) Regulations, 2009
9. National Environmental (Noise Standards and Control) Regulations, 2009
10. National Environmental (Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing)
Regulations, 2009
11. National Environmental (Permitting and Licensing Systems) Regulations, 2009.
The next federal enforcement agency we shall be examining is the National Agency for
Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC). NAFDAC was established by
Decree No. 15 of 1993 as amended is a Parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Health,
with the mandate to regulate and control quality standards for Foods, Drugs, Cosmetics,
Medical Devices, Chemicals, Detergents and packaged water imported, manufactured
locally and distributed in Nigeria. Although, NAFDAC is not strictly an environmental
law enforcement agency, but it enforces public health laws relating to food and drugs
hence it is listed as an enforcement agency. The mandate of NAFDAC in accordance
with the enabling laws, NAFDAC is authorized to:
Regulate and control the importation, exportation, manufacture, advertisement,
distribution, sale and use of regulated products.
Conduct appropriate tests and ensure compliance with standard specifications.
Undertake appropriate investigation of the production premises and raw
materials of regulated products.
Compile standard specifications, regulations, and guidelines for the production,
importation, exportation, sale and distribution of regulated products. Control the
exportation and issue quality certification of regulated products intended for
Establish and maintain relevant laboratories for the performance of its
Ensure that the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are limited to
medical and scientific use only.
Undertake the registration of food, drugs, medical devices, bottled water and
Undertake inspection of imported regulated products.
Pronounce on the quality and safety of regulated products after appropriate
The other federal body involved in environmental laws enforcement is the
Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON). The Standard Organization of Nigeria
(SON) is the sole statutory body that is vested with the responsibility of
standardizing and regulating the quality of all products in Nigeria. It was
established by the General Yakubu Gowon military regime through Act 56 in
1971, it was called the Nigerian Standards Organization (NSO). The Act
establishing the body was amended in 1976 by the military regime of General
Olusegun Obasanjo, in 1984 by the short-lived regime of Major General
Muhammadu Buhari and in 1990 by the regime of General Ibrahim Babangida. In
1990, the amendment of the Act conferred partial autonomy on the SON from the
Ministry of Industry. It now has full autonomy. Just like NAFDAC SON is not a
direct environmental law enforcement agency, but it regulates the standard of
products. The statutory functions of the SON are as follows:
1. To investigate the quality of facilities, materials and products in Nigeria, and
establish a quality assurance system, including certification of factories, products and
2. To ensure reference standards for calibration and verification of measures and
measuring instruments
3. To c o mp il e an i nv en to r y of pr o du ct s re qu ir in g st a nd ar di za ti on
4. To foster interest in the recommendation and maintenance of acceptable standards by
industry and the general public.
5. To develop methods for testing materials, supplies and equipment, including items
purchased for use by State and Federal departments and private establishments
6. To register and regulate standard marks and specifications
7. To undertake preparation and distribution of standard samples
8. To establish and maintain laboratories or other institutions, as may be necessary for
the performance of its functions
9. To advise State and Federal departments of Government on specific problems
relating to standards
10. To sponsor appropriate national and international conferences
11. To undertake research as may be necessary for the performance of its functions
12. To use research facilities, whether public or private, according to terms and
conditions agreed upon between the Organization and the institutions concerned.
The other federal agencies involved in environmental health laws enforcement are the
Courts whose primary duties is to determine whether a public health law has been
breached and mete out relevant punishment. They also determine issues relating to
environmental pollution, civil matters dealing with compensation, damages and
3.3 Public Health Law Enforcement Bodies At The Local Government Level
The Local Governments do not have independent bodies like the federal and state
level which are involved in environmental health enforcement. However, the
Environmental Health Unit of the Local Government Primary Health Care
Department has the responsibility of enforcing environmental health laws at the local
government level. Also, some of the federal and state level bodies have local
government branch offices which complement the role of the Environmental Health
Unit. Some the powers of the Environmental Health Officers or Health Inspectors as
they are referred to in some jurisdiction include but not limited to the following:
1. inspect premises and the community on a regular basis
2. determine the existence of pollution
3. determine the existence of nuisance
4. inspect industries to determine level of compliance with environmental
health standard
5. serve abatement and other notices to ensure the prompt removal of
statutory and other nuisances
6. determine whether any environmental health law is being or has been
7. Prosecute offenders
8. Write report of inspection
9. Inspect meats and other food products meant for human consumption
among other functions.
In this unit our focus was on the bodies responsible for the enforcement of public health
or environmental health laws at the various level of government in Nigeria and the
remedies available to a victim of environmental pollution or harm or threat. We have
listed some of the bodies responsible for environmental health laws enforcement at both
the federal, state and local governments and have also briefly discusses some of their
function. We also listed and discussed some of the remedies available to a victim of
environmental pollution or harm. It is hoped you would now be able to list some
environmental health laws enforcement bodies at the various level of government and
discuss their functions. Also, you can now list and discuss some remedies that are
available to a victim of environmental pollution.
In this unit we focused on the various bodies responsible directly and indirectly for
the enforcement of environmental health law and also the remedies that are available
to a victim of environmental pollution. We listed several bodies responsible for
enforcement of environmental health laws at the federal, state and local government
and also discuss some of their function. We equally listed and discuss the remedies
available to the victims of environmental threat and harm.