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Juarez- Avila 1

Benito Juarez- Avila

Ms. Barense


09 January 2023

The Upside of Social Media

Does social media act like a superhero, a villain, or maybe both? Social media plays a

role in our daily lives, and the impact of social media is undeniable. Many argue about the

dangers or risks, not considering the benefits social media brings to our lives. Social media is a

powerful tool that many individuals use daily. Social media is used for entertainment,

information, marketing, communication, and much more. With social media's great power comes

both positive and negative effects. For example, a small business can advertise worldwide while,

at the same time, widespread cyberbullying is enabled. Social media is beneficial to society

because it advances connectivity, supports economic growth, and positively influences mental


In today's fast-changing way we communicate, social media plays a big role in

connecting people. Pew Research Center states “A slightly different question in the 2018 survey

of emerging economies found that around two-thirds or more in each country said people were

more informed thanks to social media, the internet, and smartphones, rather than less” (Pew

Research Center). This highlights the significant contribution of these technologies in increasing

awareness across multiple countries. Seeing that a large portion of people, approximately two-
Juarez- Avila 2

thirds of respondents in each country, believe that modern communication technologies

contribute to increased awareness and knowledge. This highlights the beneficial role of social

media by being able to keep individuals informed about current events across the world. To add

on, social media also gives many people voices in competitive areas such as politics. In the same

study by Pew Research Center, they found out that “Across the 11 countries, a median of 57%

felt that social media increases people’s opportunity to have a meaningful voice in the political

process, with majorities in nine places holding this view” (Pew Research Center). These survey

results reveal that over half of the respondents believed that social media provides a meaningful

voice in the political process. By expanding political participation, social media serves as a

valuable source of connectivity. Ultimately, social media promotes diversity, helping form a

more accepting society. Again, Pew Research Center found out that “In the UK, 46% say social

media has increased Britons’ acceptance of people with diverse backgrounds, 37% say it has not

had much impact and 14% say people are less accepting due to social media” (Pew Research

Center). This indicates that social media can connect individuals from different backgrounds,

making them more accepting. This proves how social media is a positive force in promoting

connectivity and diversity. All things considered, social media significantly advances

connectivity. It increases awareness about current events, provides a meaningful voice in politics,

and promotes diversity. These studies prove how social media contributes positively to society,

affirming its role in communication.

Aside from connectivity, social media plays a role in the economy by positively fueling

economic growth. To start, social media improved online marketing. Zheyu Cui, Associate

Professor of Financial Engineering, states in his study that “Advertising on TikTok is more
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convenient and less costly than other traditional ones, like commercials on TVs or posters. It

saves a reasonable amount of marketing financial investment. To have a successful promotion of

a product or service on TikTok, businesses should focus more on creating and following trendy

videos on TikTok” (Cui). To summarize, advertising on TikTok is not only convenient but also

cheaper, leading to significant savings in investments which positively improve the economy.

This emphasizes the positive impact that social media have on the economy through online

marketing. Consequently, the short video market has reshaped the way users engage with

products online. In the same study by Zheyu Cui, Cui states that “Users who make videos can

earn endorsements and promotion fees for cooperative products or services by sharing short

videos” (Cui) and “TikTok is not only used for entertainment but also users can earn money from

brand promotions. It creates potential career choices for young adults and opens up a new buying

habit for consumers on social media” (Cui). Users creating short videos have the opportunity to

earn endorsements and promotion fees for featuring products or services in their content. This

offers a source of income for content creators and makes content creation a career. TikTok

provides a platform for users to earn money from brand promotions emphasizing the economic

significance of the short video market. Social media can create careers for young adults,

positively influencing economic growth. A new buying habit for consumers on social media

furthers economic activity. Finally, social media creates job opportunities. Zheyu Cui mentions

that “While TikTok supports new and old businesses to expand their market to potential buyers,

it creates new jobs that reduce the unemployment rate. Being one of the world's leading social

networking sites, TikTok needs various manpower and material resources to maintain.

Continuing to increase its number of users, it will continue to recruit talent to manage and
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maintain development in the later stage” (Cui). Social media platforms, like TikTok, positively

impact the economy by creating new job opportunities. As TikTok supports businesses in

expanding their market and reaching buyers, it generates new employment opportunities,

reducing the unemployment rate. Social media creates jobs which promotes economic

development. Social media being able to support businesses and create job opportunities proves

it can positively fuel economic growth. Social media is a tool for economic growth by

revolutionizing marketing practices, advancing the short video market, and actively creating new

jobs. This impact stresses how social media positively fuels the growth of the economy and

influences aspects of the market.

On the other hand, some people argue that social only does harm to people’s well-being.

Although there’s no doubt that it can negatively impact one’s well-being, may be hard to believe,

but social media shares some positive impacts on adolescents’ well-being. For example, it can

promote brain development. In a testimony, Mitch Prinstein shares his study, revealing that “…

results found that high social media users may have promoted brain development in a way that

may make adolescents more inclined to focus on social rewards (e.g., attention from peers) and

altered self-control” (Prinstein). The evidence supporting increased brain development among

high social media users challenges the commonly held concept that social media has only

negative impacts on people's well-being. Social media brings positive impacts through

engagement on social media and promotes brain development. The study states that adolescents'

engagement with social media becomes more motivated to focus on social rewards, such as

attention from peers and altered self-control. Therefore, brain development is enhanced through

social media engagement, disproving the assumption that social media only negatively impacts
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the well-being of users. Social media engagement also plays a role in releasing stress, especially

during the COVID-19 lockdown. In the same testimony, Prinstein shares that “Research also

suggests that during the COVID-19 lockdown from 2020-2021, the use of one-on-one (i.e., direct

messaging) on social media and sharing funny content reduced stress among youth” (Prinstein).

The use of one-on-one direct messaging and sharing funny content on social media reduced

stress among youth, denying that social media engagement is entirely stressful. This shows that

social media has positive impacts on human well-being. Lastly, by providing a virtual space for

individuals to engage, share, and connect, social media enhances online communication.

Prinstein concludes that “Adolescents report high levels of comfort with, and a preference for,

online communication, especially when discussing mental health” (Prinstein). Young adults’ high

levels of comfort and preference for online communication when discussing mental health

indicate that it can serve as a valuable and effective means of encouraging conversations around

mental health. Challenging the assumption that online communication is problematic, this

evidence highlights that social media engagement can also positively impact peoples' well-being.

Summing it up, social media activities can truly have positive impacts on people's well-being

such as increasing brain development, reducing stress through engagements, and the comfort and

preference for online communication. When utilized thoughtfully, social media can contribute

positively to the overall well-being of people, going against the idea that social media entirely

causes harmful effects.

Social media appears as beneficial as it can significantly influence connectivity,

economic growth, and adolescents' well-being. Firstly, it enhances connectivity by keeping

individuals informed about current events, giving them a meaningful voice in politics, and
Juarez- Avila 6

promoting the acceptance of diversity. Secondly, it positively fuels economic growth through

online marketing practices, encouraging the short video market, and creating new job

opportunities. Lastly, contrary to common assumptions, social media activities can have positive

impacts on adolescents' well-being through increased brain development, stress reduction, and

comfortable online communication. Rather than social media being universally negative, it plays

an essential role in how we connect, contribute to economic activities, and experience personal

well-being. However, it’s important to take on a reasonable interpretation when navigating the

factors of social media, acknowledging its potential for positive influences while being mindful

of potential challenges, and understanding the role social media plays in our lives, emphasizing

its capacity for both positive and negative outcomes.

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Work Cited

Cui, Zheyu. “Analysis of the Impact of Social Media on the Economy.” Advances in Economics,

Business and Management Research, Jan. 2021, https://doi.org/10.2991/


Pew Research Center. “How People in Advanced and Emerging Nations See Social Media’s

Impact on Democracy, Society | Pew Research Center.” Pew Research Center, 6 Dec.

2022, www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/12/06/in-advanced-and-emerging-


Prinstein, Mitch. “Protecting Our Children Online.” American Psychological Association, Feb.

2023, www.apaservices.org/advocacy/news/testimony-prinstein-protecting-children-


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