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DLL Math-5 Q4 W4

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School: Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: 4th QUARTER Week 4


A.Content Standards The learner demonstrates an understanding of area, volume, and temperature.
B.Performance Standards The learner is able to apply knowledge of area, volume, and temperature in mathematical problems and real-life situations..
C.Learning Solves routine and non -routine problems involving volume of a cube and rectangular prism in real -life situations
Competencies/Objectives using appropriate strategies and tools. M5ME -IVe -83
II.CONTENT Solving Routine Problems Involving Volume of a Cube and Solving Non Routine Problems Involving SUMMATIVE TEST
Rectangular Prism in Real-life Situations Using Volume of a Cube and Rectangular Prism
Appropriate Strategies nd Tools
A.References K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 138 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 138 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 138 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 138
1.Teacher’s Guide pages SIM WEEK 3 SIM WEEK 3 SIM WEEK 3 SIM WEEK 3
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages 21st Century Mathletes 5 21st Century Mathletes 5 21st Century MATHletes Coronel, Carmelita C.
page 310-317 page 310-317 pages 310-317 (2010) Mathematics for
a better life. Quezon
Math for Life 5 page 324- Math for Life 5 page 324- City: SD Publications,
331 331 pp. 262-263.
4.Additional materials from
learning resource (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation, flash Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint presentation,
cards pictures pictures pictures,ruler
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Direction: Select the letter Recall previous lesson. Direction: Find the Recall previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson of the correct answer. product of the following.
1. The _______ of a cube
and rectangular prism is The Reyes family dug a
the total number of cubic compost pit which
units inside the prism. measures 5 m long, 2 m
A. area wide, and 3 m deep.
B. dimension What is the volume
C. volume compost pit?
D. perimeter
2. The formula s x s x s is
used to find the volume of
a _______.
A. rectangular prism
B. cube
C. cone
D. square
3. The formula for finding
a rectangular prism’s
volume is _______.
A. π x d
B. 2(l x w x h)
C. π x r2
D. l x w x h
4. Find the volume of the

A. 26 cu.m.
B. 27 cu.m.
C. 28 cu.m.
D. 29 cu.m.
5. What is the volume of
the figure below?

A. 2 cu.m.
B. 4 cu.m.
C. 8 cu.m.
D. 10 cu.m.
B.Presenting Examples/ Show a gift box having a Group the pupils into .A water tank is 90m long
instances of the new lesson rectangular figure four.Give each group a and 60m wide. What is the
set of steps in solving volume of the water in the
problem. tank, if the depth of water
( this can be done in the is 40m?
form of game).
What do you call this

Do you know how to

play it?
C.Discussing new concepts and Example 1: Direction: Read and Example 1: Example 3 An
practicing new skills #1 Myla bought a gift for her understand the problem Olivia has a swimming aquarium is 90
Mother’s birthday and then answer the pool in their house that centimeters long, 45
wrap it in a gift box having questions that follow. measures 10 meters centimeters wide and
a length of 12 long, 5 meters wide and 70 centimeters high. If
centimeters, a width of 7 A box of milk is 9 1 meter high. How much the aquarium is half-
centimeters and a height centimeters long, 6 will she be paying for the full, how many cubic
of 11 centimeters. What is centimeters wide, and 19 water supply of her centimeters of water
the volume of the giftbox? centimeters high. Find its
swimming pool, if the does it hold?
water costs Php 25.50
Follow the four-step plan 1. What is asked?
to solve the problem: ____________________ per cubic meter?
2. What are the given
3. What operation will be
4. What is a mathematical
5. What is the correct

D.Discussing new concepts and Example 2: Directions: Read and Example 2: A garbage pit Direction: Read and
practicing new skills #2 A box in the shape of a understand the problem has a volume of 24 cubic write the answers
cube has an edge of 1.5 then answer the meters. If it is 6 meters below. An aquarium is
decimeters. What is its questions that follow. long and 4 meters wide, 70 centimeters long,
volume? how deep is it? Follow 40 centimeters wide
A cube has an edge of 7 the four-step plan to and 60 centimeters
Follow the four-step plan centimeters. What is the solve the problem: high. If the aquarium is
to solve the problem: volume of the cube? half-full, how many
1. What is asked? cubic centimeters of
____________________ water does it hold?
2. What are the given
facts? 1. What is asked?
____________________ __________________
3. What operation will be __________________
used? __________________
____________________ 2. What operation/s
4. What is the will be used?
mathematical sentence? __________________
____________________ __________________
5. What is the correct 3. What is the hidden
answer?_ question?
4. What is the
5. What is the correct
E.Developing Mastery Direction: Read each item Direction: Read and Directions: Read each Directions: Read and
carefully. Encircle the understand the problem item carefully. Encircle solve.
letter of your answer. then answer the the letter of your answer.
1. A pit is 8 decimeters questions that follow. 1. What is the length of a A shoe box has a
long, 5 decimeters wide rectangular prism with volume of 6 cubic
and 7.2 decimeters deep. A side of a small box in the volume of 100 m3? decimeters. If it is 3
How many cubic meters of the shape of a cube is 9 decimeters long and 1
sand will fill the pit? centimeters long? What decimeter high, how
A. 258 cu. dm. is its volume? wide is it?
B. 288 cu. dm. 1. What is asked? 1. What is asked?
C. 289 cu. dm. ____________________ A. 5 m _________________
D. 299 cu. dm. ____________________ B. 8 m _________________
2. How much space in a _________________ C. 10 m _________________
room will a cabinet occupy 2. What are the given D. 12 m 2. What are the given
if it is 1.9 meters long, 0.6 facts? facts?
meter wide and 2.7 meter ____________________ Carl filled his backyard _________________
high? ____________________ with truck load of garden _________________
A. 3.078 cu. cm. _______ soil that cost him Php 50 3. What operation/s
B. 3.079 cu. cm. 3. What operation will be per cubic meter. How will be used?
C. 3.080 cu. cm. used? much did he spend if the _________________
D. 3.081 cu. cm. ____________________ truck measures 6 m long, _________________
3. A rectangular aquarium ____________________ 3 m wide and 2 m high? 4. What is the
is 30 centimeters long, 24 ___ mathematical
centimeters wide and 16 4. What is the 2. What is the hidden sentence?
centimeters high. mathematical sentence? question? _________________
A. 10 520 cu. cm. ____________________ A. What is the volume of _________________
B. 10 522 cu. cm. ________________ the truck? 5. What is the correct
C. 11 515 cu. cm. 5. What is the correct B. What is the volume of answer?
D. 11 520 cu.cm. answer? the field?
4. A cube shaped gift box C. What is the amount of
has an edge of 1.4 the soil?
decimeters. What is the D. What is the total
volume of the gift box? amount to be paid for the
A. 2.722 cu.dm. soil?
B. 2.733 cu.dm. 3. What are the
C. 2.744 cu.dm. operations to be used?
D. 2.755 cu.dm. A. Addition and
5. Find the space Subtraction
occupied by a refrigerator B. Multiplication and
which measures 7 feet tall, Division
3 feet long and 3 feet C. Multiplication and
wide. Multiplication
A. 61 cu.feet B. 62 cu.feet D. Multiplication and
C. 63 cu.feet D. 64 cu.feet Subtraction
4. What is the volume of
the truck?
A. 32 m3
B. 34 m3
C. 36 m3
D. 40 m3
5. What is the answer to
the problem?
A. Php 1,800
B. Php 1,900
C. Php 2,000
D. Php 2,100
F.Finding Practical application Direction: Fill in the If anyone in your family Direction: Fill in the If you could hardly
of concepts and skills in daily blanks. Select the answer or friends will celebrate blanks. Select the answer finish any difficult task,
living from the word pool. his/her birthday, would from the word pool. would you rather quit
you also give a gift? Why or try harder? Why?
How do you solve word or why not?
1. ____________ the How do you solve non
problem. routine word problem?
a. What is 1. _____________ the
____________? problem.
b. What are the a. What is
____________ facts? _____________?
2. ____________ to solve
the problem. b. What are the
a. What ____________ _____________ facts? 2.
will be used? _____________ to solve
b. Translate to the problem.
____________ sentence. a. What is the
3. ____________ and _____________
write the complete question?
answer b. What _____________
4. ____________ and will be used?
verify if the answer is c. Translate to
correct. _____________
3. _____________ and
write the complete
4. _____________ and
verify if the answer is
G.Making generalization and How to solve a routine problem involving volume of cube Do you find solving non routine problems difficult?
abstraction about the lesson and rectangular prism? Why or why not?
H.Evaluating learning Directions: Read each A swimming pool in Directions: Read and Direction: Read each
item carefully. Encircle the Marikina Sports Center is solve. A swimming pool item carefully.
letter of your answer. 50 m long, 25 m wide measures 12 meters Encircle the letter of
1. What is the volume of a and 1.5 m deep. How long, 7 meters wide and your answer.
jewelry box whose one much water can it hold? 1.2 meters high. How 1. A trailer is 15
side measures 12 cm much will be paid for meters long and 3
long? Guide Questions: water supply of the meters wide. If it can
A. 1726 cu.cm. 1. How can we solve the swimming pool, if the hold a cargo of 180
B. 1727 cu.cm. problem? water costs Php 27.25 cubic meters, What is
C. 1728 cu.cm. 2. What are the relevant per cubic meter? the height of the
D. 1729 cu.cm. facts to solve the trailer?
2. A box of laundry soap is problem? 1. What is asked? A. 4 m B. 5 m
a rectangular prism. Its 3. What strategy/formula 2. What operation/s will C. 6 m D. 7 m
length is 11 cm, width is 6 are we going to use to be used? 2. The volume of a
cm and height is 7 cm. solve the problem? ____________________ rectangular prism is
Find the volume of the 3. What is the hidden 240 cubic
box. question? centimeters. If its
A. 462 cu.cm. ____________________ length is 4 and its
B. 472 cu.cm. 4. What is the height is 6
C. 482 cu.cm. mathematical sentence? centimeters, how wide
D. 492 cu.cm. ____________________ is it?
3. The inside of a freezer 5. What is the correct A. 6 cm B. 8 cm
is 5.4 feet long, 3 feet wide answer? C. 10 cm D. 12 cm
and 6 feet high. What is 3. A cube has a
freezer’s volume? volume of 27 cubic
A. 97.1 cu.feet centimeters. What is
B. 97.2 cu.feet the length of its side?
C. 97.3 cu.feet A. 1 cm B. 3 cm
D. 97.4 cu.feet C. 5 cm D. 7 cm
4. How many cubic meters 4. Garcia Family
of water can a swimming made a fishpond in
pool hold if its length is 14 their backyard
metres, width is 9 metres measuring 6 meters
and depth is 6 metres? long, 4 meters wide
A. 726 cu.m. B. 736 cu.m. and 3 meters deep.
C. 746 cu.m. D. 756 cu.m. They sold the dug soil
5. A box of cookies for Php 65 for each
measures 14 centimeters cubic meter. How
by 4 centimeters by 6 much money did they
centimeters. What is the receive for the sale of
volume of the box? the soil?
A. 336 cu. cm. A. Php 4,650
B. 346 cu. cm. B. Php 4,660
C. 356 cu. cm. C. Php 4,670
D. 366 cu. cm D. Php 4,680
5. A rectangular
aquarium is 28 cm
long, 24 cm wide and
16 cm high. If the
aquarium is filled with
water to a height of 12
cm, what is the
volume of water in the
A. 8,064 cu.cm
B. 8,063 cu.cm
C. 8,062 cu.cm
D. 8,061 cu.cm
I.additional activities for
application or remediation


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